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06x08 - The Kleptomaniac" / "Thank God, I'm a Country Girl

Posted: 05/04/23 06:42
by bunniefuu


The plane. The plane.


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.


Smiles, everyone.



TATTOO: Boss, who's that man?

name is Mr. Fred Simpson.

TATTOO: He looks
kind of nervous.

MR. ROARKE: Perhaps,
because he's suffering

from a very
distressing affliction.

You see, Tattoo,

Mr. Simpson is a kleptomaniac.

A crook?

Boss, are you sure you
locked up the safe in the office?

Perhaps, I should explain
something to you, Tattoo.

With Mr. Simpson as
with all kleptomaniacs,

the urge is to
steal is not because

of personal desire
or monetary rewards.

It's simply an
obsession with them,

a psychological
disorder, really.

What's his fantasy?

fantasy is to be free forever

of this compulsion to steal,

which I suspect will
require a great deal

of ingenuity on our
part to accomplish.

TATTOO: The pretty
lady with Mr. Simpson?

MR. ROARKE: No, no, Tattoo,

the young lady
is Emily Carlisle.

She's a courier

from a very high-priced
New York jewelry company.

She's come to Fantasy
Island to make a delivery.

She was on the
plane with a thief?

I thought I just explained
that to you, Tattoo.

TATTOO: Boss, that's
Loretta, the waitress

who sling hash at
the lodge restaurant?

That's right, Tattoo.
However, for the next two days,

you will refer to her as
Mrs. Loretta Wentworth,

of Wentworth mansion.

But, boss, that's crazy.

Yesterday, she served
me a hillbilly hamburger

with onions.

MR. ROARKE: Nevertheless,
today, she is Mrs. Wentworth,

an elegant lady of
wealth and social position.

TATTOO: I get it, boss.

Her fantasy is to be the
opposite of a hash slinger.

MR. ROARKE: Her fantasy, Tattoo,

is to be the fine
lady of social status

she believes her daughter
Lorraine wants her to be.

But, boss, her daughter
will know the truth about her.

No, no, Tattoo.

You see, Mrs.
Wentworth and her child

haven't seen each other

since the little girl was
given up for adoption

when only nine months old.


My dear guests,

I am Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


MR. SIMPSON: It's just so
embarrassing, Mr. Roarke.

Even my best friends
don't want me around.

TATTOO: You mean you
steal from your friends?

I can't help it.

Naturally, when I
realize what I've done,

I return the stuff.

If it's valuable, I
give them cash too,

double the amount of
whatever I stole is worth.

But my friends are getting
little tired of my habit

and so am I.

Now, tell me, Mr. Simpson,

just what happens

when this urge to
steal overcomes you?

Well, first of all,

I only steal things
that are shiny.


Yeah, if I see something shiny,

then I freeze up for a second

and then this boing sound
goes around in my head.

Boing sound?

Next thing I know I've
stolen something again.

I've tried everything,
Mr. Roarke. Nothing works.

You've got to help me.

Well, I can't guarantee you

that I can cure
you, Mr. Simpson.

But I will do
everything in my power

to help you cure yourself, huh?

- That's all I'm asking.
- Very well.

In the meantime,

I will assign Tattoo
to stay with you

and shall we say...

keep him out of trouble.


Oh, and, Mr. Simpson,

my pen, if you please.

I couldn't help myself.

Thank you. Have a nice day.


Am I really gonna fool anybody

in this fancy get
up, Mr. Roarke?

Well, you look absolutely
charming, Mrs. Wentworth,

doesn't she, Tattoo?

Yes, boss, and the dog too.

Well, to tell you the truth,

I prefer animals that
walk on their own legs.

Ah, but for the impression
that you wish to create,

I assure you the lap
dog is most appropriate,

which is what you
meant, isn't it, Tattoo?

- Sure, boss, sure.
- I thought so.

Well, I just hope

I haven't bitten off
more than I can chew.

Why do you say that?

Well, I want more than
anything in this world

for Lorraine to be proud
of me when she sees me.

And you know yourself, I'm
just a plain old country girl.

You may be a country
girl, Mrs. Wentworth,

but you are also a lady

who gave up her dream

to become a professional
country singer years ago.

Instead, you worked
hard your entire life

to give your daughter
every social advantage

and a fine education.

And I'm proud I did too.

She's worth every
blue plate special

and every tray of
beer I've served.

My daughter is a
beautiful young lady now.

But I thought you said
that you didn't see her.

Oh, Joe and Nancy Ogden,

the couple that adopted Lorraine

sends me a picture
of her every year.

-[PHONE RINGS] -Excuse me.

But your daughter

has never seen a
photograph of you

even though you sent
her money all these years,

supported her?

Well, she accidentally
found out a few months ago

that she was adopted

and she kind of wanted to see

what her real mama looked
like before she got married.

-I see. -Excuse me, boss.

The steamship is here
and your daughter Lorraine

is gonna be here soon.

Oh, she mustn't see me yet.

That will spoil everything.

Go meet them,
Tattoo, will you, please?

No problem.


Well, it seems to me,

that with us planning
a fancy wedding

here on Fantasy Island

the least Mr. Roarke can do
is to be here when we arrive.

Don't worry, Mrs. Ogden,
everything is under control.

Nancy had a rough trip over
on the steamer. [CHUCKLES]

Motion sickness, you know.

I'm sorry.

Most likely all that

rich food and
champagne day and night.

I was just making sure

you had a good time, my dear.

It was a wonderful.
Thank you, Nancy and Joe.

It was like a beautiful
four-day party.


Hey, give me
a little credit too.

All that dancing and
all that romancing.

Oh, Earl, you know
how wonderful you are.


When do I get to see
my mother, Tattoo?

Lor... Mrs.
Wentworth is preparing

a wonderful reception
in your honor tomorrow.

- Oh, that's wonderful, isn't it?
- Great.

In the meantime,

my driver will drive
you to your bungalow

and then you can
do some sightseeing.

I've got to go
now. See you soon.

Excuse me.

I have got business
to take care of.

But don't move from here.



Is this what you
call not moving?

If you'll excuse me, I
have to powder my nose.


My dress. My broach.

My God, somebody
has stolen my broach.

It's gone. Somebody stole it!

-I've got it. Here it is. -Oh!

You, you stole my broach.

Don't touch me, you pervert.

Don't touch me.

just sit there. Help me.

This is terrible.


I've been lost in smaller
places than this, Mr. Roarke.

I'm delighted you're pleased.

Scared to death is what I am.

Do you think I'm gonna
be able to pull this thing off,

you know, pretending
I'm something I'm not?

With the help of some
close friends, Ms. Wentworth.

I am myself will act
as your butler, madam.

Oh, boy.

Yes. And may I
present your associates.

Ms. Doris Lee,
your personal maid.

Mr. Otis McAlister,

butler's assistant and chef.

And Mr. Buford Joe Skogins,

chauffeur and general factotum.


[STUTTERING] Handyman.

LORETTA: Oh, boy, thank you.

- We're in with you all the way.

Mr. Roarke, I hope you
know what you're doing

'cause I don't know

if I'm gonna have
enough money left over

after bringing Lorraine and
all of them over on the boat

to pay you for all this.

I've never heard you
perform. Mrs. Wentworth,

I'll consider myself amply paid

if you sing something
for me now, will you?

I'd love to Mr. Roarke.
But I didn't bring a...

Thanks, Mr. Roarke.

I guess maybe this
song will set it off for me.


♪ I was born to be country ♪

♪ But my little
girl Doesn’t see ♪

♪ She wants me to
be Somebody else ♪

♪ But I just want to be me ♪

♪ Everybody's got a dream ♪

♪ But most dreams
Don't come true ♪

♪ They all dream
The same old way ♪

♪ I must've dreamed
Something new ♪

♪ My little girl
Just can't see ♪

♪ That I've found my fairyland ♪

♪ All those wishes
On all those stars ♪

♪ Can't change who I am ♪


Thank you.


I hate to drop a weasel
in a chicken yard,

but we're all due back at
work for the next shift and...

Oh, I'm gonna go with you.

The party ain't till tomorrow
and frankly, Mr. Roarke,

I could really use the money.

I understand.

Let's get out of these clothes

and get to work.


Hey, look at all
this pulchritude.

Yeah, and pretty
girls too. [CHUCKLES]

Thank you.

Is this the office?

Yes, I'm Emily Carlisle.

I was wondering when
Mrs. Vanderclef is due in.

No, it's just that

I'm carrying something
very valuable in my purse

that I'm supposed
to deliver to her.

She wants to wear it

to Prince Rudolph's
coronation ball

when she returns to Europe.

Can't you at least
give me an idea

when you're expecting her?


Then I just think I'll
drop it off with Mr. Roarke

for safekeeping
until she gets here.



Look, I've got to check
the dinner menu for tonight.

I want you to stay here
and don't get in trouble.

Now stay put. I'll be a minute.

-Okay? -Okay.

Why don't you watch
what you're doing?

-Did you see that? -Yeah.

The thing is, nobody else did.

Come on.

I may go to the
coronation ball myself.

That dumb guy.

My bag... It's gone!

Somebody stole my bag.

Oh, no.

EMILY: I've got to find it.

If I don't, I'll lose my job.

I might even go to prison.

Stay here.

You know, Loretta,

you should have
taken the day off.

Tomorrow is so
important for you.

I'd split the tips with you.

Oh, thanks, Doris,

but to stay in that
big country club

with the house
for myself, no way.

Girl, with a house like
that wouldn't have to be

by herself very long.
You know what I mean?

[GASPS] Ouch. Darn. Darn it.

Oh, honey,

go put something
on that right now

and I'll take care
of your table.

Thank you.

Come on, Earl.

It's an ordinary cup of coffee.

It's not gonna
permanently injure you.

Besides, I think this
place is kind of quaint.

EARL: I had plans to a drive
off around the island with...

with a little champagne
on the beach,

swim in the warm surf and...

And I know all the rest.

Can I help it if
you're irresistible

which is more than I
can say about this... joint?

Well, my instincts say

that their coffee
is out of this world.


Oh, Miss.


No, thank you.

Just two coffees
with cream and sugar.

that's my little girl.

- Not bad for a hash slinger.

Earl, you are a snob.

Is that why I love you?

Probably. [CHUCKLES]

-Probably. -Yeah.

Are you all right, Loretta?

You look like you've
seen a ghost or something.

Shh, I have.

That's her.

Don't look.

Now, look.

Over at the table
by the door, the girl.


- That's her, huh?
- LORETTA: That's her.


She's some kind of pretty.

Who's her?

That's Lorraine, my daughter.

That must be her fiancé.

-Don't look. -Ow!

- I think I busted something.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

That's all right.

But we can't let
them get a good look

at any of us or they'll
recognize us tomorrow.

What are we gonna do?

You go warn Doris and Otis.

God, ain't she pretty?

Loretta would
tell me all about it.

All the plans are set.

She told me to come
back and talk to you two.

[LAUGHS] Don't look.

-Thank you. -Mmm-hmm.


That little girl of
mine is not gonna

marry that wondering-hand Romeo.

I don't care what kind of
fancy pedigree he's got.

Cover for me, honey.

I've got something
real important to do.

Did anyone see a
man carrying a purse?




Boy, am I in trouble now.


[GROANING] Wait a minute. Wait.



TATTOO: Boss! Boss!

You mean you stole the purse.

Then someone stole it from you?

Even Ripley wouldn't
believe this one.

Well, as I mentioned to Tattoo,

the lady from whom
you stole the purse

is a courier.

The necklace inside the purse

was worth... $ , .

$ , ?

Do you know what that
means, Mr. Simpson?

It gets worse.

MR. ROARKE: Oh, indeed, it does.

It means that Ms.
Carlisle's employer

has ordered an immediate
investigation of the theft.

Pending its results,

he had her placed in jail.

However, in light
of your confession,

Ms. Carlisle can now be released

and the real thief
will take her place.

-You. -Me?

But, Mr. Roarke,

I saw the guy who
really stole the necklace.

You did?

Well, kind of.

I was upside down.

What he's trying to say
is he only saw his shoes.

His shoes?

Yeah. I got a hell of
a good look at them.

Well, I regret to say
this, Mr. Simpson,

but I'll have to notify
the island police.

Don't worry. I'll
get you out on bail.

I'm sorry, Tattoo.

But since you've admitted
being with Mr. Simpson at the time

the purse and the
necklace inside was stolen,

that makes you an accomplice.

Oh, I do hate to
see you go to jail too.

But... my hands are tied.

Boss, do I really
have to go to jail?

Well, how would you handle
it if you were in my place?

Well, I... You know...

You see what I mean?


Look, I just wanna say

I'm really sorry
about this, Tattoo.



LORETTA: All I'm asking you is

will you please
postpone the wedding,

just give my daughter
a little more time

to get to know this
Earl What's-His-Name

a little better.
And she'll catch on

to what kind of a
bum he really is.

What he really
is, is a young man

who is heir to the
Brookfield oil fortune.

This is the thanks
we get for seeing that

Lorraine meets
the right young man.

This Earl is not the
right young man.

He's a leg grabbing,
skirt chaser.

He'd make my
daughter' life miserable.

Believe me. I know the type.

I can imagine.

Yeah, but maybe you
don't hear too good.

Earl is a rich, young man.

And he's promised to
take care of all of us.

Now, it comes out.

Your little bird's
leaving its nest.

That cuts off my
money supply, don't it?

All you care about is a
bigger and a better meal ticket.


We've never given a thought

to our own future. [CHUCKLING]

Oh, quit whining, Joe.

We've got a right to
think of ourselves a little.

After all, we adopted Lorraine.

We brought her up,

and we don't need
any suggestions

from any outsiders now.

The good Lord made me her mother

and there's nothing
anybody can do about it.

All I want is what's
best for Lorraine.

What's best for her

is what we think
is best for her.

And that's Earl
Brookfield the III.

And I'm not gonna
let that happen.

We only agreed to this farce
because Lorraine wanted it.

Well, you open your mouth

to spoil our chances and
me tell you something.

I'll ruin this whole rich
lady charade of yours.

And I'll tell Lorraine

what a phony you
really are, sweetheart.

Now, get out of
here and let us alone,

Mrs. Wentworth.

I just can't help myself.

Well, what do you mean
you can't help yourself?

He's a sicky.

Well, what Tattoo means
is I'm a kleptomaniac.

Oh, well, I'm sorry.

But do you know

that I'll probably lose
my job because of you?

Look, Ms. Carlisle, I didn't
mean to get you in trouble.

We're gonna get your
necklace back for you

just as soon as
we get out of here.

[SCOFFS] In years, I
probably won't even care.

No, no, the bails bondsman.
He's on his way over here now.

We got a clue.

A clue?

His shoes.


Yeah, the guy that grabbed
me and took the necklace away,

I got a look at his shoes.

Now, all I have to do

is find out who was
wearing those shoes.

Oh, Fred, you
mean you really think

we might get the necklace back?

-Well... -Oh, Fred.




Madam Wentworth
will be with you shortly.

I've never been so
nervous in my life.

Relax, sweetheart. And
one thing I'll say for her.

Your mother has
taste, a lot of class,

and money, lots of it.

Yeah, hasn't she?

Excellent. Excellent.

You all look absolutely perfect.

I'm the best short order cook

south of the
Mason-Dixon, Mr. Roarke.

But I'm lost in the swamp

when it comes to
this uptown grub.

All has been prepared
for you, McAlister.

Just light the fires
under the pots.

And don't burn
anything. Now, you two,

just carry the hors d'oeuvres
trays from the kitchen

and pass them around.

Don't worry. I'll keep
an eye on things.

Better keep an eye
on me too, Mr. Roarke.

I feel like Mrs.
Esther's pet horse.

You are stunning, Mrs.
Wentworth, stunning.

Your daughter should
be very proud of you.

Now, go in and meet her.

Mr. Skogins.

You're beautiful.



Next to the day you were born,

this is the happiest
day of my life.

MR. SIMPSON: If I find
the shoes, I can find the guy.


This is the life, huh, Vic?

I think the only thing to do
is hit the restaurants again.

- Is it okay with you, friend?
- Hold it.

There they are.

That's it?

That's it.

Now, the question is

who's gonna be the one
who finds out who fits in them?


[GASPS] Let's go.

We've got to get dressed.
We might have a problem.

Do you know who he is?

Yes, he's Mr. Razik.

He's staying at
the Lilac Bungalow

with the other man.

Oh, that's probably where
they're keeping the necklace.

What do we do now?

I don't know. I
better ask the boss.

Don't leave him
out of your sight

for one minute.


You should be very
happy, Mrs. Wentworth.

I would be if it wasn't for
that snake in the grass.

Huh? Which snake is that?

Earl Brookfield the III.


Well, it's not the biggest
yacht in the world.

But it's... It's about foot.

My daddy always told me

when you buys something,
make sure it's big.

He can't keep his
eyes or hands off

of anything that's
got a skirt on.

I'm not gonna let my daughter
marry into that kind of trouble.

Now, assuming what
you're saying is true,

what can you do about it?

I've been thinking about that.

Just give me a few minutes

and then bring her
out on the porch. Okay?

Of course, if you are certain
you know what you are doing.

Charming party, Mrs. Wentworth.

Oh, Loretta, please.

Loretta, of course.

To our charming, gracious
and beautiful hostess.

LORETTA: We haven't
had too much of a chance

to get acquainted,
have we, Earl?

No, but that can always
be, shall we say, remedied.

Just what kind of remedy
do you have in mind?

Oh, I was thinking
about lesson number one,

the Brookfield technique of

instant and rewarding romance.


You're pretty much of a
mystery to everyone, you know,

that is as much a mystery as
a woman can be. [CHUCKLES]

Earl, you're a nice young
man, but what about Lorraine?

You're getting married.

She's everything you'd
want your daughter to be.

She's dear, sweet, innocent

but very, very immature.

-Quit. -LORRAINE: Earl.

You, you...

And you...

I don't ever wanna see
either one of you again, ever.

Sure, we think we know

who stole the necklace.

What we don't have is proof.

Then there's only
one logical solution.

You've got to steal the
necklace back for me.

What, I have
never stole anything

on purpose in my
life. I'm afraid to.

[SCOFFS] Then I'll just
have to get it back myself.

Now, those two men
are in the restaurant.

I saw them go in.

I'll just take my chances
that they stay in there

while I'll search
their bungalow.

Wait a minute.
I'm going with you.

Oh, you don't have to do that.

Look. I got you into
this. Remember?


look, I've never
gone out on a limb

for anyone in my life.

I'm always been too
busy, trying to get ahead,

trying to run my business.

Well, now is my chance.

I wanna be your limb.

I'm... starting to have this
real special feeling for you.

You are?



I've been looking
for you, Lorraine.

I don't think you
got the message.

I don't want anything
to do with you.

I know.

And I'll go.

But first, honey, I
want you to listen.

Why should I?

Because you deserve
to know the truth.

That's why.

I saw that, didn't I?


You saw a mother trying
to save her only daughter

from a life of pain.

I had to show you
what kind of a man

you were gonna marry.

You see, honey,

I've seen a lot of Earl
Brookfield the III's.

Your father was one of them,

without the money or the name.

I made a mistake.

And before you were
born, he was long gone

chasing after some other woman.

And... where we
lived is mining country

and there were
times we didn't have...

food for the table or
roof over our head.

And I did the best
thing I thought for you.

I gave you up for adoption.

And that's been
the saddest mistake

I ever made in my life.

That's all very
touching, Mother.

But times aren't nearly so
bad for you now, are they?

Oh, you mean these
fine clothes and jewels

and big uptown country house?

This is Fantasy Island, baby.

Mr. Roarke set all
this up. Ask him.

I only get to wear this
finery for the weekend.

[SCOFFS] What are you saying?

I made a mistake.

But I gave up my
chance of being somebody

and all the years it takes
to be a country singer.

Instead I slung hash

and served beer in
every h*nky-tonk bar

from Houston,
Texas, to Tallahassee.

And I sent you the money,

so you would have nice clothes,

a good education
and a real shot at life.

Are you saying that
you sent the money

and supported me?

All these years, it was you?

Joe and Nancy deserve
a lot of credit, honey.

But I served a lifetime of beers

and sent the money to you.

I have a trunk load of
canceled checks to prove it.

Joe and Nancy never
mentioned your help ever.

I may never
forgive them for that.

But they were there every day,

changed my diapers,
they wiped my nose.

They raised me.

You understand what I'm saying?

More than you'll
ever know, baby.

More than you'll ever know.

Thank you for
telling me the truth.

MR. SIMPSON: I know the
necklace has got to be in here.

It wasn't in the living room,

so it's got to be in
here somewhere.

I'll check these drawers.

Oh, where is it?

Oh, Emily.

Oh, Freddie,

you did it.

We found it.


That's what you think. You
found nothing but trouble.

EMILY: Uh-oh.

You take care of that one, Fred.

I'll get this one.


That will teach you
to steal from me.

Get out of here.


Go on! Get out.

Come here a minute.


The window.



EMILY: But wait.


Come on, Emily. Run.

I am. I am running
as fast as I can.



Come on out of there.

I want that
necklace, sweetheart.

Please don't hurt us.

We'll do anything you say.


Oh, it worked.

It worked.

Oh, we got the necklace,
and we got two of them.

We even got my g*n back.

A g*n? He was
pointing a g*n at you?

Oh, my g*n, Fred,

the one they stole
along with the necklace.

Hey, it's okay.

It's never loaded. See.



-Never loaded, huh? -Oh, Fred.


I wanna thank you, Mr. Roarke,

before I go back to work.

I guess I messed things
up good and proper, didn't I?

Placing the happiness
of your daughter

ahead of your own

is hardly messing things
up, Mrs. Wentworth.

We are very proud
of you, Loretta.

I mean, Mrs. Wentworth.

Loretta will do,
Tattoo. Thank you both.

Thank you both.

Uh, Mrs. Wentworth...

there is one more thing.

Oh, I almost forgot.

The money for
the fantasy, right?

-Wrong. -Quite wrong indeed.

No, I am talking about
your future, Mrs. Wentworth.

Your lifelong dream to
be a country singing star.

That part of my future is
in the past. You know that.

Perhaps, not, Mrs. Wentworth,

perhaps not.

If you'll change
into the costume

you'll find in the
next room over there,

Tattoo and I will be
ready to escort you

in about ten minutes.

-Escort me? -Yes.

-Where? -Into the future,

Mrs. Wentworth.

Into the future.


Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to a very special event.

For tonight is the very first
professional appearance

of a very special artist

and I want to especially
thank Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ogden

and their lovely
daughter Lorraine

for accepting my
invitation to attend.

The lady you are about
to hear sing up to tonight

has totally devoted her
career to her other talents,

such as, unselfishness,

and love.

Tonight, she begins
her new career.

Now, ladies and
gentlemen, if you will,

please welcome Ms.
Loretta Wentworth.


Sit down, Nancy.

LORETTA: Thank you,
Mr. Roarke, and thank you, friends.

One time in my life,

I tried to be
something that I wasn't

and I was a real flop.

And I'd like to say tonight

that I'm just me.

So, what you see
is what you get.

I'd like to say thank
God I'm a country girl.




♪ Well, life in the country
Is kinda laid back ♪

♪ Ain't nothing This
country girl can't hack ♪

♪ Early to rise
Early in the sack ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Well, a simple kinda
life Never did me no harm ♪

♪ Raisin' a family
Workin' on the farm ♪

♪ My days are spent
With a country charm ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Well, I got fine man
And I got an old fiddle ♪

♪ When the sun comes up
We got cakes on the griddle ♪

♪ Life ain't nothin' But
a funny funny riddle ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ When the work's all
done And the sun sets low ♪

♪ I'll pull out my fiddle
And I rise up my bow ♪

♪ The kids are asleep
So I keep it kinda low ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ I'd play "Sally Goodin"
All day if I could ♪

♪ But the Lord and my man
Wouldn't think it's so good ♪

♪ So I fiddle when I can
And I work when I should ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Well, I got fine man
And I got an old fiddle ♪

♪ When the sun comes up
We got cakes on the griddle ♪

♪ Life ain't nothin' But
a funny funny riddle ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪


♪ Well, life on the
farm Is kinda laid back ♪

♪ Ain't nothing This
country girl can't hack ♪

♪ Early to rise
Early in the sack ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Well, a simple kinda
life Never did me no harm ♪

♪ Raisin' a family
Workin' on the farm ♪

♪ My days are filled
With a country charm ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Well, I got fine man
And got an old fiddle ♪

♪ When the sun comes up
We got cakes on the griddle ♪

♪ Life ain't nothin' But
a funny funny riddle ♪

♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Life ain't nothin' But
a funny funny riddle ♪


♪ Thank God I'm a country girl ♪



Oh, Mother, I love you.

I love you too, baby.


Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

You did what I thought
nobody could ever do.

Does that mean you're cured?

Why, Tattoo, Mr. Simpson helped

put two dangerous
criminals behind bars.

If he was strong
enough to do that,

I'm sure he's strong enough
to kick his former habit.

Especially since he has

a new habit to
worry about now. Me.

Congratulations, Mr. Simpson.

- Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye, Ms. Carlisle.

So long, Tattoo.


here's your watch, Tattoo.


Well, it probably just
fell off your wrist...

or something.

Boss, where's
Loretta? She's late.

How many times

have I recommended
the practice of patience

to build up your
character, Tattoo?


Ah, there she is now.


Hey! What do you
think, Mr. Roarke?

MR. ROARKE: Exactly the
right touch, Mrs. Wentworth.

May your bus be a magic carpet

for a new wonderful career
for both you and your daughter.

And you... just gonna
put it on the plane?

We're gonna put it

on the big steamer
instead, Tattoo.

I don't know what kind of
booking agent I'm gonna be

but I'm gonna find out.

MR. ROARKE: You'll do just fine.

With Lorraine, and Otis,
and Doris, and Bufford,

how can we miss?

We're heading to the Deep South,

and we're gonna hit every
joint from Dallas to Baton Rouge.

Look out, Nashville.

Yeah, watch out, Nashville.

- Here we come.

-Bye-bye. Thank you. -Thank you.

- Goodbye, Mrs. Wentworth.
- Thank you for everything.
