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06x11 - The Songwriter" / "Queen of the Soaps

Posted: 05/04/23 06:43
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.


Smiles, everyone! Smiles!


TATTOO: Boss, is that man
running for office or what?

MR. ROARKE: Uh, no,
Tattoo. As a matter of fact,

he's a professional piano player
from Tucumcari, New Mexico.

Oh, I get it. He
wants to be Liberace.

Hardly, Tattoo. No,
Mr. Dan O'Dwyer

wants to go back
to New York City

in the year
when his grandfather

was one of the many
songwriters who had studios

on th Street, better
known as Tin Pan Alley.

- TATTOO: What's his fantasy?
- ROARKE: Mr. O'Dwyer's fantasy

is to find his grandfather's
unpublished songs,

bring them back with him
now, and publish them.

If... If indeed his grandfather
actually wrote them.

that's Andrea Skyler.

You cannot let her stay here.

Soon she will be breaking
hearts and breaking marriages.

Eh, Tattoo, Tattoo, that's
Ms. Gina Edwards, the actress.

Andrea Skyler is just
the character she plays

- in the soap opera.
- I know, boss.

Who is she with?

ROARKE: Mr. Jeff
Harrison, her husband.

The director of the soap opera
in which Ms. Edwards stars.

When the rest of the
cast and crew arrives,

they will be filming outdoor
sequences for their show.

Ms. Edwards is also here
because she has a fantasy.

successful lady like her?

She's a very
frightened lady, Tattoo.

You see, she believes
that the evil character

she portrays has
literally come to life.

You might say her fantasy
is to be rid of the fear that...

she's losing her mind.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


DAN: This song fragment
was one of several I found

in a trunk in my grandmother's
attic after she d*ed.

Maybe he only wrote short songs.


Or maybe he didn't
write them at all.

Eh, these news clippings
are about plagiarism suits

filed against your
grandfather, Mr. Jeremy Todd.

Eh, sour grapes, Mr. Roarke.

Even his friend, George M. Cohan
said Grandfather was a genius.

A lot of people were just
plain old jealous of him.

Perhaps. Oh, I see
he was about your age

when he left his wife and
two children in Wisconsin

to go to Broadway
where his Irish charm

quickly established him
as quite a ladies man, huh?


Yes. Also Mr. O'Dwyer,

you may become very fond of him.

And I remind you
that Mr. Jeremy Todd

was k*lled in action
in World w*r I.

I can handle it, Mr. Roarke.

Very well. Whatever
happens, you cannot let him

or anyone else know
who you really are

nor can you warn him
about his impending death.

If you do, your fantasy
will end immediately.

I don't see a problem.

All right.

Then, Mr. O'Dwyer,

think of those days long ago.


New York City, .

Imagine th
Street, Tin Pan Alley.

It's a beautiful
sun-spangled day in April.

Inside every store front shop,

songwriters sat at their pianos

trying to sell their musical
wares to the passersby.

And now, Mr. O'Dwyer,
you are part of that scene.

I think you'll find
your grandfather,

Mr. Jeremy Todd there.

♪ I wonder Who's
kissing her now ♪

♪ I wonder Who's
teaching her how ♪

♪ Wonder who's
looking Into her eyes ♪

♪ Breathing sighs... ♪

Mr. Roarke was right.

It's my grandfather's studio.

I'm really here.

-Excuse me, kid. -Yeah.

I can see that
you're new to the city.

Todd's the name, Jeremy
Todd of Todd & Cudahy,

songwriters extraordinaire.

Jeremy Todd, the composer?

Ah, I can see you've
heard of me, huh?


Well, today's
your lucky day, kid.

I can see that you're
interested in music.

Why don't you just, uh,
step inside here with me.

That's it.

-Come right in. -Yeah.

TATTOO: Oh, good, boss,
my favorite soap opera.

MAN: It should never
have happened, Andrea.

It will never happen
again. I swear it.

Oh, you know it will.

After all, you don't
want your wife

to find out about us, do you?

She's still weak from
the operation, Andrea.

If she finds out about
this, it could k*ll her.

Then be here tonight

at : .

Rick will be giving a lecture.

Wasn't destroying my
father enough for you?

I guess I'm just
never satisfied.

Kiss me,

just once,

then you can go.

I think we've seen
enough, Tattoo.


Yes, boss.

That's enough.

But it's not finished yet.


Just what do you mean

when you say that Andrea
has come to life, Ms. Edwards?

When the character
of Andrea was created,

she was an instant hit.

The more cruel, the
more hateful she was,

the more the audience liked it.

I was spending
more time being her

than being myself.

And now it's as if she's
taken on a life of her own.

It's as if there are
two people inside me.

You are afraid that, um,
some day her personality

will take over
entirely. Is that it?

She talks to me.

She says that some night
I'm going to go to sleep

and that's going
to be the end of me

because the person
who wakes up will be her.

I'm so scared, Mr. Roarke.

And your husband?

I haven't told him.

You haven't?

Andrea has been making
me act so crazy lately

he knows that
something is wrong,

which makes things
very tense between us.


I love him more than
anything, Mr. Roarke.

Try not to worry, Mrs. Edwards.

I'll find a solution
to your problem.

I promise.

- Will you excuse me, Mr. Roarke.
- Oh, by all means.

Oh, and thank you, Mr. Roarke.




♪ Said the chimpee To the monk ♪


♪ Said the monkey To the chimp ♪

♪ All night long
They chatted away ♪

♪ All day long They're
happy and gay ♪

♪ Swinging and singing
In the h*nky-tonky way ♪


♪ Means monk I love but you ♪


♪ Hey monkey tonk means
chimp I love you too ♪

♪ And the big baboon
One night in June ♪

♪ He married them
And very soon ♪

♪ They went up on their... ♪
[SCATTING] ♪ Honeymoon ♪

Well, look, if you don't like
that one, we've got plenty more.

Oh, no, it was really good,

but you see, I'm
not here to buy.

I'm a piano player myself.
I'm looking for a job.

I've got a song I
want you to hear.


Wait a minute. That's
my song. I wrote that.

- You did?
- You're damn right I did.

You're damn right he did.

That's great. I mean, I
just want to make sure

I'm talking to the real
Jeremy Todd, not some phony.

Well, I'm the Todd who
wrote that tune all right.



anyway, I like your
style, and you're hired.

But you didn't play that tune
quite right. Here, scoot over

-and I'll show you. -Yeah.

Now, you don't
flat the third note.

And you play it with
just a little more feel.


♪ Though April showers ♪

♪ May come your way ♪

♪ May bring the flowers ♪

♪ That bloom in May ♪

BOTH: ♪ So when it's raining ♪

♪ Have no regrets ♪

♪ Because it isn't raining ♪

♪ Rain, you know
It's raining violets ♪

♪ And where you see clouds ♪

♪ Up on the hills ♪

♪ You soon will see crowds ♪

♪ Of daffodils ♪

♪ So keep on looking
For a blue bird ♪

♪ And listening for his song ♪

♪ Whenever April showers ♪

♪ Come along ♪

Now, is that a song?

It's a wonderful song.

Dan, my boy, this lovely little
lady here is Ms. Carol Bowen.

Best song belter
in Tin Pan Alley.

Why, thank you.

Darling, say hello
to Mr. Dan O'Dwyer.

From now on he'll be
tickling the ivories for you.

Well, I'm very pleased
to meet you, Mr. O'Dwyer.

The pleasure is mine, Ms. Bowen.


what more can a girl ask
for on a bright spring day

then to be surrounded by
three handsome bachelors?


Oh, are you married,
Mr. O'Dwyer?

Not me.

Well, I know Mr. Cudahy's
just broken off his engagement.

And Jeremy could never marry.

Well, not without breaking
every heart in the follies,

the frolics, and the scandals.
Isn't that right, darling?

Yes, of course, my dear.

But, uh, enough of
such dreary talk, huh?

Dan, my boy,

I think it's about time
that we introduced you

to a little bit of the old
sod right here in New York,

-Gallaghers. -Oh.

Lead on, Mr. Todd.


JEFF: Quiet. Roll it.

Speed. Slater.


Look, the South Seas are
everything I said they'd be.

It's warm, it's
lush, it's romantic.

Promise me you'll try
it. Please, just this once.

Well, you know me,
Rick. I'll try anything once.

All right. Keep rolling.
Don't cut, please.

Uh, Gina, please?

Would you try to get in
this? I mean, this is for real.

This is Andrea
talking. Spice it up.

Nice and sexy.

ANDREA: See, even
Jeff loves Andrea.

Let's pick it up from
there. Give it to him.


Please honey, just
this once, please.

You know me, Rick.

I'll try anything once.

Let's use these seven days.

Let's put the fire
back in our marriage.

- Todd, hi.
- Sorry to interrupt, Uncle Rick.

But Dean Harwoods
wants you to call him

- as soon as possible.
- All right. I'll talk with him.

I'll see you up in the room.


Oh, don't look so nervous.
He doesn't suspect a thing.

Did you get the g*n?

Oh, yes, God help me I did.

Good. Good boy.

Fine. Very nice.
Let's print. Cut.

All right. We'll do the
ladies close-ups next.

Gina, I said it was a cut.


Jeff, was my energy
level a little high?

Fine. Fine. You were fine.

You were perfect.

Perfect. Perfect.

Everyone was perfect.

Hello, I'm perfect.

-How are you? [LAUGHS] -Perfect.

You know what I get
for my perfect work?


-I get k*lled. -Oh.

I get scene .

Scene is a b*llet
through the heart.


I don't even get the chance
to hang around the hospital

and linger. Just boom, all gone.

Hey, hey. Whoa!
Where are you going?

We have some
unfinished business.

We do?

We sure do.

-That kiss. -What?

Don't be ridiculous.
I was in character.

[LAUGHS] Three minutes
after the take ended?

No, I don't think so.

You want me. I know it.

Nobody is that good an actress.

- Stop it.
- ANDREA: He's right, Gina.

I do want him.

And before too long,
I'm going to have him.

Time is running out, sweetheart.



CAROL: So, Mr. O'Dwyer,
what do you think?

First, call me Dan.

And I think the
Gallaghers is adequate.

And you're the most
attractive woman I've ever seen.

Hmm. You've got a touch

of the Blarney
yourself, don't you, Dan?

No Blarney, Carol. I'm
very attracted to you.

I just hope you're not
too involved with Jeremy.

Why shouldn't I be, Mr. O'Dwyer?

What I meant was

I hope you give me a chance too.


I'm not that involved...


Thanks, Joe.

She's here in person,
Jeremy, me lad.

The Ziegfeld thrush
herself, Ms. Lillie Burton.

Opportunity wasted
is opportunity lost.

is our lucky day.

If Lillie likes this song,
it's a guaranteed hit.

Come along you lovely creature

and sing like you
have never sung before.

What are you talking about?

JEREMY: I want you to
sing the song I wrote for you.

Jeremy, you said I could sing that
for the first time at the Hippodrome.

Yes, I know. But
this is very important.

-Excuse me, friend. -Jeremy.

Now, look, please trust me.

And sing to bring tears to
the eyes of angels, please.


♪ Cuddle up a little closer ♪

♪ Lovey mine ♪

♪ Cuddle up and be my little ♪

♪ Clinging vine ♪

♪ Like to feel your
cheeks So rosy ♪

♪ Like to make you comfy cozy ♪

♪ Cuz I love from
head To toesy ♪

♪ Lovey mine ♪

♪ Cuddle up a little closer ♪

♪ Lovey mine ♪

♪ Cuddle up and be my little ♪

♪ Clinging vine ♪

That was lovely.

Jeremy Todd, at your service.

It's an honor to
meet you, Ms. Burton.

Who wrote that
song? It's charming.

Well, uh, I did.

As a matter of fact, Ms.
Lillie, I... I wrote it for you.

I like it. In fact I love it.

I must have it for my appearance

tomorrow night at
the Hippodrome.

You mean you want to sing
my song at the Hippodrome?

- I don't know what to say.
- LILLIE: Oh, say yes.

And send a copy over
tomorrow morning for rehearsal.

Good day, Mr. Todd.

Good day.


It took me long,
didn't it? We did it.

- Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?
- Oh, Dan,

he gave her the
song he wrote for me.


- Where's Carol? I have to explain.
- Explain what?

That you're a two-timing Romeo
who'd sell his soul for a $ . profit?

So what if you're breaking
some little girl's heart?



Over here, Gina.

You didn't really think
I'd let you sleep, did you?

Go away. You don't exist.

Of course, I exist.
You created me.

You did an outstanding job.

But that's because I
was a labor of love.

Love? I hate you.

I'm everything you always
wanted to be, but can't.

Because you're so afraid
of what people might think.

Afraid of what your
parents might think,

or your husband, or
your friends, or God.

But I don't have any of
those people to answer to.

That's why I'm so strong.

You can't get rid of me

because deep inside

you adore me.

Go away, please.

Oh, stop whimpering, Gina.

I need to think.

[SIGHING] Once I have
you out of the way for good,

how will I possibly
make it with Brad

with that husband
of yours around?

Solution. k*ll your husband.



And just what are you
doing here, Mr. O'Dwyer?

You're stealing my song.

I wouldn't steal the
sweat off your brow.

You've copied down
everything I've ever written.

First of all, my fine
Mr. O'Dwyer, you're fired.

Second of all, I'm going
to break your thieving neck.

Oh, well, you're welcome
to try, Mr. Todd. Come on.

- Carol, darling, I tried to...
- Don't you Carol-darling me,

you Benedict Arnold.

You don't have
to fire me. I quit.

-But, Carol... -Mr. O'Dwyer,

I would be pleased if
you would escort me

- from these premises.
- With pleasure, Ms. Bowen.

And if this ape
tries to interfere,

I'll chase him up
the nearest tree.

Carol, you don't realize,
this man is a thief.

Oh, I doubt it, Mr. Todd.

If he were, he'd still
be working for you.

RICHARD: All things considered,

I would think you could
put in a good word for me.

Richard, I'm sorry. You're
written out of the show.

It's out of my hands.

You look tired.

I am. I couldn't
sleep last night.

I'm sorry to hear that.

You have a very
tough day ahead of you.

You are coming back to work?

Jeff, I can't. I simply can't.

Yes, you can.
You'll be there, Gina.

We run any further behind...

I'll sh**t something
else until three o'clock.

You be on the set at : .
You be there ready for work.

If you're not, I
call the producers

and I'm quite sure they
will call the attorneys.


-Tattoo. -Yes, boss.

Did you hear the good news?

Would it concern

where you were all day
yesterday by any chance?

No, I'm going to
be in a soap opera.

And furthermore,
I've got two lines.

Two lines?

Yes. And they're going
to sh**t my scene next.

Is that all right, boss? Is it?

You have a great deal
to do around here, Tattoo.

But nothing that
can't wait another day.

Oh, boss, thank you.
Thank you very much.

Thank you, boss.


Ms. Edwards,

- is everything all right?
- Get away from me.

You promised me
you would help me.

She's going to k*ll Jeff.

Is she?

Well, I don't intend to
stand by and let that happen.

I'm leaving this
island right way.

Ms. Edwards, that
would be a tragic mistake.

I believe the only reason

you've been able to
keep Andrea at bay so far

is because of your
love for your husband.

If you deny that love
now by running away

- or even thinking about it...
- I've had it

with your theories, Mr. Roarke.

Good bye. Thanks anyway.

CAROL: Dan, I don't
know anything about you,

who you are, where you're from?

I'm from a small town out west,

-and... -Hmm.

I'm not much of anybody, really.

Let's talk about you.

Oh, I'm not much
of anybody either.


Carol, darling, I'm not going to
let Jeremy Todd get away with this.

-Dan? -I'll be back.

I'm going to get
you back your song.


ANDREA: Hello, Gina.

Put the suitcase
down, sweetheart.

Where you're going,
you won't need it.

You won't need anything.

Stay away from me.

Thanks for not
listening to Mr. Roarke.

You've made it so
much easier for me.

No, I won't let you hurt Jeff.

Good bye, Gina.

I want to talk to you.

You're going to give
Carol back her song.

I'm afraid I can't
do that, Danny boy.

Then you're gonna
have to fight me.

That was a dirty
trick you handed Carol

and you've got a b*ating
coming. Put 'em up.

My God, O'Dwyer, I believe we just
might make an Irishman out of you yet.

But if you calm down,
I'll tell you about Carol,

the song, and a
few other things.

I like your concern for Carol.

I'm rather fond
of that girl myself.

Well, aren't you forgetting
two or three little things,

like your wife and
kids back in Wisconsin?

- How do you know about them?
- Never mind. I know.

I don't know who you are, kid.
But if you know about my family,

then you should also know
that I haven't forgotten them.

Ninety-eight cents of every
dollar I make goes home to them.

Everything I do is for them.
And you can take that to the bank.

Oh, yeah? What about the
way you come on to Carol?

[SNICKERS] Oh, kid, this
"coming on" as you call it,

it's the only way to
make it on the big stem.

Along the alley you
have to shine and rattle

flatter the ladies, dazzle
them. Get them interested in you

so you then can get them
interested in your songs.

Ah! Sounds like
more Blarney to me.

And it still doesn't explain
what you did to Carol.

Listen, kid,

the songs Lillie Burton
sings are instant hits.

Now, that's money in
the bank back home,

shoes for my kids,
nice things for my wife.

For seven years she
worked to support us

so I could be out here
pedaling my songs.

So I figure I owe her.
You know what I mean?

The only question is,

why should I care enough
about what you think

to be telling you all this?

Maybe it's because we're...

-both Irish. -[BOTH CHUCKLING]

Yeah, maybe.

Or maybe it's because I just
want somebody to understand

before I go marching
off and get sh*t at...

if it ever happens.

DAN: We'll fight all right.

Oh, my God, how could I forget?

And the date.

Today is the day it happens.

Mr. Roarke was right. A
little Blarney of my own

could make things
work out for all of us.

What... Who's... Are
you cracking up, kid?

Oh, not yet.

But you hang onto
your hat, Jeremy, my lad,

while I do a little,
"come on" of my own.

LILLIE: How dare you
tell me I can't sing tonight.

- DAN: It's the w*r, Ms. Burton.
- Oh, what's the w*r

got to do with it? It's
not our w*r anyway.

Oh, lovely lady, I
wish that were true.

Madam, I speak for the
president of the United States.

And it's his wish
that you board a train

for Washington D.C. at once
and sing at a patriotic rally

to be held at the White House.
Believe me. We are at w*r.

-Boy! -Extra. Extra.

America declares
w*r. Read all about it.

DAN: Right there. Right there.

-Thank you. -Thank you.

Extra. Extra. w*r declared.

Oh! We are at w*r.

Please, madam, the
President is waiting.

Driver, what are you
waiting for? Train station.


ANDREA: My turn now, Gina.

Little harder being an actor
than you thought, huh, Tattoo?

Oh, yes, release, union
agreement, tax form.

All these to say two lines.


there, you see that?

You see this g*n?

This is the g*n.

This very g*n

is going to end three years
of very unappreciated travail

on this program.

It's kind of like fate.

Never sign less than
a five-year contract.

Hi. Hi, cutie.

Hello, Brad.

Oh, Brad, I am so
sorry I was rude earlier.

Gina, great dress.
Ready for work, I see.

That's nice. I knew
you'd come through.

thanks to you, darling.

I'll be ready for
you just as soon

as I finish this other sequence.

You know, I'd
very much like to...

pick up where we
left off yesterday.

Badly enough to do to my husband

what you do to
Andrea's in the scene

we're about to sh**t?

You talking about k*lling him?


And walking away scot-free.



-Dan, it's no use. -Why not?

Lillie Burton's never missed
a performance in her life.

Look. Believe me, she's
going to miss this one.

-[SCOFFS] -But, Carol,

you can't run away just
because you feel disappointed.

You've got a beautiful voice,
and you're going to make it.

But you've got to be
willing to take a chance.

I've got a gut feeling
this is your night,

if you let it be.

It's crazy.

- But all right. Let's go.

Let's go.

JEFF: All right. Let's
go to the next sequence.

Martha, let's set up over here.

I want the camera and the boom,

everything back on
that side of the tree.

Okay, let's move over
behind the bushes.


JEFF: All right, next sequence.
Where's the wardrobe?

ROARKE: Hello, Ms. Edwards.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to startle you.

It's amazing what a little
make up will do, huh?

I look like a totally
different person,

-right? -Yes.

You've taken over,

haven't you, Andrea?

Gina, fight her.

You love your husband
and your husband loves you.

Use that love to
fight her, Gina.

Mr. Roarke is right.

Jeff and I love each other.

I am going to fight you.


I'm ready for you.

-Good. -Gina...

look this is, um, tearing
me apart, everything.

I don't quite understand.
All I know is that

I have to find some way

of making things
right between us.

I don't know for a fact
that you're seeing Brad.

All I know is that something
is eating at you inside

and it's destroying
you. And I stand by,

and there's apparently
nothing that I can do about it.

It's driving me crazy.

-Let go of me! -No.


Not until at least I
can tell you that I...

I love you.

JEFF: All right, uh...

let's go very low lighting here.

John, wherever you can...

Oh, boss, you
missed my big scene.

Oh, I'm sorry, Tattoo. But
I'm sure it went very well.

Oh, it went great.

I walk up to Andrea and I say,

"Here comes your taxi."

I said it with a lot of feeling.

But I thought you had two lines.

Oh, yes, but the show
was running too long

so they had to shorten my part.

I see.

What are they doing now?

The director is
blocking the scene.

Ah, I see.

You'll start... you'll be
seated here facing out.

-All right. -Okay?

- Brad, do you have the g*n?
- Yeah, here.

Fine. You start here, just come
right alongside the prop, okay?

And you'll cross behind him,
stopping about right here, okay?

Here's your first stop.

Then you'll hit him
with the first two lines,

then slowly cross. Very slowly.

Okay, Brad, when
you're approximately...

GINA: You're not
nearly as strong

as you think you are.

JEFF: this position here.

That's when you take
the g*n out, show it to him.

Naturally, you're
going to jump up

and, uh, back away slowly.

GINA: Nobody's ever loved you.

Nobody ever will.

All right. I want you to
come around the table here

as you do... That's
where you do the pleading.

- Don't sh**t. Don't sh**t.
- All right,

when he is in
about this position,

that's the perfect
place to point it

right at him and fire.

GINA: You're losing
control, Andrea.

Without love you're weak,
Andrea, you're nothing.

You mean like this?



There was a real b*llet in that.


Boss, I don't think
show business

is going to be
my life after all.

Don't be discouraged,
Tattoo. What happened here

is not the nature
of show business.

It's human nature itself.
Sometimes bad, but...

more often very good.

Thank you.

God, thank you.

Gina, for what?

For loving me.



- big moment is coming up, pal.
- Yeah.

Tell me something, kid.

How come you
copied all my songs?

Cause you're a scattered
brain nincompoop

who would lose them if I didn't.

They're worth saving
and getting published.

You are learning a
bit of the Blarney, kid.

- And I hope you're right.
- I'm right.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Ms. Lillie Burton will
not sing for us tonight.


She's supposed to sing my song.

What happened to
the luck of the Irish?

Just wait you guys. Come on.

In Ms. Burton's place

Ms. Carol Bowen.


Ladies and gentlemen,
the song I intended to sing

is a beautiful composition
by Mr. Jeremy Todd.

But instead, as our country

marches off to w*r, let
it be to the stirring music

of another one of America's
favorite composers,

Mr. George M. Cohan.


- How did you pull this off, kid?
- Nothing you wouldn't have done,

if you would've thought of it.

[DRUMS b*ating]


♪ Over there, over there ♪

♪ Send the word, send
the word Over there ♪

♪ That the Yanks are coming
The Yanks are coming ♪

♪ The drums
rum-tumming Everywhere ♪

♪ So prepare Say a prayer ♪

♪ Send the word, send
the word Over there ♪

♪ We'll be over
We're coming over ♪

♪ And we won't come back
Till it's over, over there ♪


♪ I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy ♪

♪ A Yankee Doodle, do or die ♪

♪ A real live nephew
Of my uncle Sam's ♪

♪ Born on the Fourth of July ♪

[SIGHS] I just wish I
had a little more time

to get to know you better.

What do you mean?

Cudahy and I got a
little carried away today,

and we went down and enlisted.

Yeah, we did.


♪ You're a grand old flag
You're a high-flying flag ♪

♪ And forever at
peace May you wave ♪

♪ You're the emblem
of The land I love ♪

♪ The home of the
free And the brave ♪

I was going to wait
until after the show, but...

I might as well ask you now.

See that my family gets that,

-will you? -Sure.

The address is right there.

And once we settle
this little squabble,

I'm going to go back
home and get a regular job.

You look me up, you hear?

I'll do that.

[SIGHS] I don't know
what it is about you, kid.

Listen if you get
around to enlisting,

try the th New York.

With a name like O'Dwyer,
you'll be a sergeant in no time.

See you in the trenches.

See you.

♪ Every heart beats true
Under red, white, and blue ♪

♪ Where there's
never A boast or brag ♪

♪ But should old
acquaintance Be forgot ♪

♪ Keep your eye On
that grand old flag ♪



Time to go, Mr. O'Dwyer.

DAN: So long, you
damned Irishman.

Well, Mr. O'Dwyer,

I understand you already
made arrangements

to publish your
grandfather's songs, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Everything turned out
except for falling in love.

- You mean Ms. Carol Bowen?
- Very pretty.

How would you know that, Tattoo?

Oh, well, Mr. O'Dwyer, you see,

Ms. Bowen was granted
a very unusual fantasy

of a whole week on Tin Pan
Alley to prepare her to sing

George M. Cohan's songs on
the stage of the Hippodrome.

And she did.

You see, her fantasy
was a secret, too.

Thanks, Mr. Roarke.
I'll take over from here.

Are you sure he's not
a wee bit Irish himself?


Mr. Roarke, Gina finally told me

why she really
wanted to come here.

Thank you for helping her.
Thank you for helping us.

Are you sure Andrea
is gone for good?

I think the reason she
came to life like that

was because I was just
working way too hard.

From now on,
there's just going to be

one bread winner in this family.

Maybe because, uh...

Whose career is
going to be forfeited?

BOTH: Mine.



-Goodbye. You're very
welcome -Thank you. Bye.

Tattoo, are you preparing
for your next role?

Yes, boss, but only if
I can be the producer

so they don't cut my lines.
