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Sid Is Dead (2023)

Posted: 05/04/23 08:35
by bunniefuu
( barks )

( beeping )

( beeping continues )

Sid: This is a story

of life and death.

Specifically, one life

and one death.

( beeping intensifies,

flatlining )

More specifically, mine.

My name is Sid Sandagger,

and I have figured out

the key

to a long and happy life.

It's quite simple.

Don't mess with the system.

Think about it.

Every awful thing

that happens to someone

in their life,

it can be chalked up

to them ripping at the fabric

of the social continuum.

So don't.

There's a natural order

to things in life,

and it is not

to be reckoned with.

And nowhere

is that more important

than the one environment

more strict,

more brutal, and more savage

than all of the rest--

high school.

Luckily, I've developed

three simple rules

to ensure survival.

Rule number one?

Shut up.

Most people

don't get beaten up

for what they don't say.

Rule number two,

don't stand out.

This applies to everything,

from what you wear,

to who your friends are,

to what extra-curriculars

you're a part of.

I have mastered

the art of the nondescript


For example, I'm comptroller

for the Eastland High

student council,


for the school play...

You make me alive manager

for the hockey team...

Hey, yo. Incoming!

...and starter for

the Eastland e-sports team.

E-sports, need I say more?

Midnight tonight, boys.

You excited, Cunningham?

I hacked into

my parents' internet account

to upgrade our speed.

- Sweet.

- Also, I think my parents

are getting divorced.

And finally, the third

and most important rule.

Don't f*ck with Chuck.

Chuck Brawnte,

him and his stupid friends

have a few thousand

subscribers to their

YouTube channel,

which, believe it or not,

people actually

give a shit about.

- Whoo! f*ck you, window!

- ( siren chirps )

But the real reason everybody

knows who Chuck Brawnte is...

- Are you boys okay over here?

- p*ssy b*tch! because

he is super violent.

- Come on. Let's go,

let's go, let's go.

- Here's the big one.

Chuck got kicked out

of his old school

for beating a freshmen

nearly to death.

The kid is still in a coma.

Now I'm not a lawyer,

but allow me to present

these three facts.

One, Chuck got off

with a few hours

of community service.

Two, Chuck's dad

is super rich

because he owns

all the Mercedes dealerships

in upstate New York.

And three, the judge

hearing Chuck's case

now drives a top of the line

Mercedes Benz.

- ( horn honks )

- Get the picture?

( sighs )


Well, there you have it,

Sid Sandagger's

Guide to Life.

( music playing )

But I could care less

What's on your mind

You say something nice

You say something right

And people start

losing their mind

Thursdays on my mind

We were driving

through red lights

We were flying

But I could care less

what's on your mind

- I'm putting Todd

at your parents' table.

- Oh, he gives my dad anxiety.

And your dad's a Republican,

and you're marrying a woman,

- so already kinda anxious.

- Fair point.

- Hey!

- Hey.

- How was school?

- ( grunts )

To me that said,

"f*ck off, Moms,

but I love you."

- No.

- If he was half-Korean,

this would not be happening.

Sid: School was great.

I woke up, I went to class,

and then I came home.

It was perfectly predictable,

which is

perfectly acceptable.

As long as

I stick to my rules,

much like

my internet search history,

high school will be a filthy,

nasty, amoral blip

on my radar

that someday will

never have even happened.

- ( beeping )

- Life is about

embracing routine.

- Oh.

- Eat, sleep, play.

It's gonna be a good night.

That is, of course,

except when a new edition

of w*r Monger comes out.

It's a sacred night.

And on this night,

you don't eat,

you don't sleep,

and you sit at your altar

for hours on end

just praying to stay alive.

( alarm beeping )

It's pure heaven.

( bell rings )

Then the semen travels

through the vas deferens,

out the urethra,

and hopefully into the vag*na

of someone you're

not just using for sex

and that you're willing

to stick around

and raise the baby with.

Or into an anus.

Any questions?

Oh, my God, dude.

Sex Ed is such bullshit.

Like, I don't understand

why we spend

so much time on condoms.

What is there to know?

You open the shit up,

you stick your junk in it,

and you go to town on somebody.


My best friend Jim Vega.

Jim cares about two things,

getting laid

and being popular,

and so far

he's achieved neither.

Do they seriously

think dudes are, like,

sticking their balls

in it or something?

You'd be surprised.

What do you want

them to teach?

- Like, I don't know.

- Heads up!

Why don't they teach us

how to f*ck awesome?

'Cause it's Sex Ed.

It's not sex class.

Yeah, but what's the difference?

And unlike trigonometry,

this would be, like, practical,

applicable knowledge.

Just talk to

the school board

about it, man.

- Wait, you-- you think so?

- Yeah, why not?

You go to the school board

and you say,

"Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like my teachers

- to teach me

how to f*ck awesome."

- I'm serious.

Like, how do you

find the clitoris during

over the pants sex stuff?

Can you not say f*cking

"clitoris" in the hallway?

You see, this is exactly

what I'm talking about.

Everyone is so horny that

yelling "clit" in the hall

is like yelling fire

in a theater.

Yeah, and you don't yell fire

in a f*cking theater.


the clitoris is at the top

of the labia minora.

That sophomore

with the cleft lip?

No, that's Lydia Mindlin.

Yo, Rafi! What's up, man?

- How you doing?

How was that test?

- Who are you?

All right.

Rafi's the best.

- You really shouldn't do that.

- Why? Rafi's my homie.

Rafi's not your f*cking homie.

He just tolerates you

because you let him

cheat off you once.

You're just jealous

'cause I'm popular.

- You're not f*cking popular,

- Okay.

- And that's a blessing.

- Oh, come on.

Don't start with your whole

"don't mess with the system"


- You're just afraid

to live a little.

- I live.

What do you call

an all-nighter

playing World Of--

Whoa-ly shit. Tiff Mann.

( laughs )

I don't think I've talked

to Tiff Mann since our

figure skating recital

when I was eight years old.

( crowd groans )

I've been in love with her

the entire time since,

but it's clear

that she didn't exactly

see me as boyfriend material.

I've told you,

no sleepovers at boys' houses.

But, Mom, it's just Sid's.

Come to think of it,

neither did her mom.

Oh, that's fine.

Even more f*cked up

than that,

Tiff Mann is dating Chuck.

- Yo.

- ( laughs )

Chuck: Wanna go to

the parking lot right now?

- How was class?

- Sucks.

Mr. Ramirez can literally

lick my butthole.

Suck a d*ck, Chuck.

- ( whistle blows )

- All right, class, let's go!

- Two laps around the field!

- Oh, my God.

Dude, do you think

Juliana Ulrich would be down

for a finger in the butt?


Good speed! Keep it up!

I really don't think

girls are as into that

as you think they are.

Are you kidding me?

It's a second G-spot.

And I'm usually pretty good

at telling who would be down.

I'm like the Finger

In The Butt Whisperer.

You know who probably sticks

a bunch of fingers in butts?

- Teacher: Two more laps!

- Chuck. Chuck is the man.

Did you see his latest video?

He totally wrecked

Su-Ming Lee's car

with a pogo stick.

- Chuck's a f*cking monster.

- Jim, Jim! Hey.

You haven't told me

what color tie you're

wearing to homecoming.

That's 'cause

I'm not going with you, Luna.


Meet Luna Peralta.

Luna and Jim have

known each other since

they were in diapers,

and have hated each other

just as long.

Luna does not hold back.

You think I wanna go with you?

Here's a list

of inanimate objects

I would rather take to

Homecoming than you, okay?

Bleach, a bottle of urine,

and rusty nails literally

stuck in my hands.

- Glad we're on the same page.

- My crazy parents only

want me to go with you

'cause they know I'm not

gonna come back pregnant.

Great. Not happening.

Leave me alone. I have herpes.

You wish you had herpes.

That would have to mean

someone touched

- your skinny

little micro-penis.

- It's not skinny.

If anything, girth is my asset

and length is my weakness.

- Okay.

- So f*ck off.

Buddy, nothing is your asset,

and being a fuckwad

is your weakness.

Later, shrimp d*ck.

- She is so mean.

- I know.

- Teacher: Sandagger, Vega!

- I love it.

( music playing )

( indistinct chatter )

- Oh, come on, babe.

- Hey! Hold it.

- What's up?

- Oh.

- Oh. You look awful.

- I'm just tired.

- We got an email.

A parent-y email.

- Yes.

Uh, "Please ensure

proper Homecoming attire,"

blah blah blah.

Were you planning on

wearing a very short skirt

to this dance?

Why is this the first time

we're hearing about

this Homecoming?

- 'Cause I'm not going.

- Why not?

Homecoming is a very big deal.

You get all dressed up,

and you wait for some schnook

to pick you up,

and you dance at arm's length,

and then you have

a fleeting sexual encounter.

- And then you realize

that you're a lesbian.

- Yes.

Have you thought

about that, Sid?

You might be a lesbian

and not even know it.

- You do like Brandy Carlile.

- And going to Maine.

- Mm, the signs are all there.

- Come on.

- Why aren't you going?

- ( grunts )

That was a pretty

compelling argument.

Come on.

Think about it.

You don't want to

graduate high school

without any memories.

Actually, I have no problem

leaving high school

without any memories.

I can't imagine

any experience good enough

to risk the possibility

of a bad one.

It's like why I don't have

my driver's license.

And what's so bad about this?

A 72-hour w*r Monger marathon

is pretty awesome and safe.

( burps )

Game on, baby.

Okay, well, maybe 72 hours

isn't entirely safe.

According to Google,

there are seven specific

signs of sleep deprivation

that all lead

to complete madness.

Heads up, Tiny Tim.

Ow. Stupid hemorrhoid.

Look alive, fuckface.

Oh, God. Dude, slow down.

What happened to

no carbs till college?

Symptom number one,

you eat a lot.

- I'm fricking starving.

- Oh, pop quiz.

Okay, so you're

driving home from a party

and you can't drive.

What do you take?

Uber or Lyft?

Symptom number two,

you're indecisive.

- I don't know.

- Lyft, 'cause their drivers

are super hot.

Plus, Uber is for fascists.

Symptom number three,

you forget things.

- What are we talking about?

- I'm open, I'm open!

Symptom number four?

Delayed motor skills.

- Come on, come on.

- Go, go, go, go, go!

Symptom number five,

your pain receptors are...

- Heads up!

- ...diminished.

- ( whistle blows )

- Sorry!

Symptom number six,

your senses get all weird.

- ( distorted chatter )

- And the final symptom

of sleep deprivation

leading to complete madness,

you lose your filter.

Suck a d*ck, Chuck.

What did you just say?

- Come on.

- What the f*ck did you

just say to me?

Um, I said, uh,

I said suck--

suck her lick, Chuck.

I want you guys

to enjoy kissing each other,

'cause, you know, like,

we're not gonna be

young forever.

Uh, I didn't say

that second part,

but I thought it.

Uh, what I said, uh...

- I said, "Suck a d*ck."

- ( crowd groaning )

Suck a d*ck,

you pogo stick-riding douchebag.

You think everyone's

afraid of you? Why?

Because you look like

one of those punching bags

shaped like a torso?

( bones crack )

Jimenez, my good man.

I'm not his man.

I don't even know

who the hell he is.

- We ride.

- You remember three rules

to getting through

high school alive?

Shut up, don't stand out,

don't f*ck with Chuck?

Well, this is what happens

when you break all three

of those rules

in the exact same moment.

- ( grunts )

- ( bell ringing )


Tell me another joke.

Tell me another f*cking joke.

Huh? Was it worth it?

- I really f*cking hope

it was worth it.

- Break it up!

- I'm gonna k*ll you, kid.

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you.

- Ow!

- Oh! Oh, oh!

- I am going to end your

g*dd*mn miserable life.

- Come here, kid. Come here.

- The next time I see you,

you are f*cking dead.

- Get the f*ck off me!

- Are you okay?


...f*ck off me. God damn it!

( toilet flushing )

This is f*cking fantastic.

I've never seen

something like this.

I mean, terrible--

oh, dude, you're up.

This is a fascinating

porn collection.

How long have I been out?

Dude, you've been out for,

like, seven hours. Here.

The nurse said

that you were gonna sleep

for a really long time.

- What about Chuck?

- So Luna texted me.

I don't even know how

she got through to me

because I blocked her number,

but she said that Chuck

is only gonna be suspended

for 2 1/2 weeks.

- That's it?

- Plus anger management


I have two weeks to live.

2 1/2 weeks actually.

So, what? Today's--

Today's Wednesday,

so he's suspended

until the 25th.

Aw, damn it.

That's the day of

the Homecoming dance.

It's not like you need

another reason not to go.

You all right? Sid?

Dude, what are

you thinking about?

- Sid: Death.

- I'm gonna k*ll you.

I broke my rules,

I f*cked with the system,

and this is what I deserve.

Chuck is gonna k*ll me,

and who's gonna stop him?

Not the police,

not the school,

not the courts.

- No one ever has.

- ( knocking on door )

Sid, you still awake?

Jim told me you two

called out sick from work.

You feeling okay?


Oh, I get it. Boundaries.

( bell ringing )

( indistinct chatter )

Sid: This can't be it.

This can't be how it ends.

I've gotta find out

where Chuck is

and explain what happened.

He'll understand.

Well, obviously this would

work a little bit better

if I had a banana

that wasn't quite so ripe.

But I can't find

the demo banana,

so I just took this

out of my lunch.

Dude, did you hear?

Chuck's parents sent him

to some anger management class

during his suspension

in, like, Switzerland?

It turns out the Swiss

are masters

of not giving a f*ck.

It sounds dope, and rich,

and you can ski there.

- Maybe he'll forgive you.

- And inside the condom...

Mm, no, you're probably right.

- He's probably gonna

m*rder you. Sorry, dawg.

- All right, question.

What is the only 100% effective

method of contraception?

- Butt stuff.

- No, that's not it.

- Double condoms.

- No.

- Dry humping.

- Abstinence.

It's written--

it's literally on

the board behind me.

Now, Candace is your

student abstinence leader,

so she's agreed

to share her experience

or, well, lack thereof.

So, as you guys know,

I have taken

the abstinence pledge.

I'm in Sex Ed,

and I'm gonna die a virgin.

What are they gonna write

on my tombstone?

"Here lies Sid Sandagger.

He shrugged."

What's wrong with me?

Was this really my life?

I can't die like this.

Is this why my moms

want me to make memories?

In case some psycho

with a YouTube channel

pounds me to death

on the dance floor

at Homecoming

to a Taylor Swift ballad?

I'm sick of it!

And this abstinence queen

going on

and on and on and on

- and on and--

- f*ck that.


- I'm sorry.

- Candace, please continue.

I'm sorry that

I've wasted so much time

in this dumb class.

Excuse me. Sid Sandagger!

Candace, I'm sorry for

interrupting you, but come on.

Be honest with yourself.

Aren't you tired of lying?

Have you ever dealt

with unhealthy, unclean urges

or impure thoughts?

- At this very moment.

- ( snickering )

Do you know what I think about

on a daily basis?

It would traumatize you.

And then I search it

on the internet,

and it exists

and there's porn for it.

That means I'm not alone.

You're probably horny

all the time, too!

- Actually--

- It's okay, Candace!

You can admit to flicking it

every now and again.

- No one's gonna crucify you.

- Dude, I don't know

what you're doing,

- but please keep going.

- I'm horny.

You are horny!

Everyone in this room is horny!

Like, what's the big deal?

It takes a slight breeze,

and I am hard as a rock!

All right, Sandagger,

lock it up.

Come on, Dr. Capanna.

This is Sex Ed,

for crying out loud.

How can you just stand there

and let this girl

make us all feel badly

for having completely normal

sexual appetites?

- How do you sleep at night?

- Yeah, I don't.

I have really bad apnea.

- It's not because of this.

- Why?

Why do we all have to pretend

that we don't

want to f*ck each other

six ways to the weekend?

We should embrace it!

For crying out loud,

I can see Dave Guggenheim's

boner from here.

And you know what?

I love your boner, Dave.

- Because Dave's boner

is in all of us.

- Yeah.

- We are all Dave's boner!

- Yeah.

And I'm not gonna sit here

and let you make everyone

in this room feel bad

- for having completely normal

sexual appetites.

- Yeah!

My name is Sidney Sandagger,

and I once put a Sharpie

inside of my own butthole.

- I humped a melon.

- Okay, Guggenheim!

I cut a hole in it,

and I microwaved it,

and then I humped it.

Hell yeah, man.

That is disgusting.

Okay, don't encourage him.

That's a UTI waiting to happen.

I get off to porn

of guys doing it

with other guys.

- Sit down!

- I use my electric toothbrush

as a vibrator.

My boyfriend and I

are into macrophilia.

I have a reoccurring sex dream

about Elizabeth Warren.

I have vertical balls!

- Oh.

- ( murmuring )


instead of a left one

and a right one,

I have an upstairs

and a downstairs.

It's like two-thirds

a snowman.

It goes pickle, potato,

potato, cinnamon doughnut.

- That is so hot.

- ( bell ringing )

Okay, all right, all right.

Warner, Sandagger,

Guggenheim, okay.

Oh, God damn it.

- No one's taking home condoms.

- Sid, Sid.

( overlapping chatter )

Sid, dude!

Dude, what the hell was that?

- I don't know.

- Dude, that was brilliant!

- Come on! Say something!

- I don't know, man.

Dude, that was

f*cking incredible!

Like, f*ck every

other revolutionary

that's come before you.

- Like, you are the Messiah.

You are Jesus returning.

- ( phone chimes )

Candace should've

f*cking recognized that.

Like, you are

the king-f*cking-penis.

Your schlong definitely

grew three inches from that.

Whatever it is that

made it click for you,

- that's what we gotta

tell everyone about.

- What?

Oh, my God. Sid, we're gonna

get so much p*ssy from this.

I was so inspired.

I feel liberated!

- Like, this is how...

- ( music playing )

( indistinct chatter )

- Sid: Who is this?

- Jim: Hugh Hefner would be

so proud of you,

may his soul rest

in f*cking peace.

Like, he would be so happy.

I'm going home

and I'm trying that...

- ( music continues )

- ( phone chimes )

- vag*na juice.

- Sid: What's next?

- That's f*cking brilliant!

- How the hell should I know?

It's so DIY, and, like...

- I've never really

thought about it before.

- ( doorbell rings )

I mean, I don't think

I want to deliver pizzas

with Jim

for the rest of my life,

but I'm a senior

in high school.

I don't even know

what I wanna wear tomorrow.

What if I die, Jim?

What if I die?

What are you talk--

Chuck isn't gonna k*ll you.

Dude, he beat a kid

nearly to death,

and he's been beating

people ever since.

It's not like he's

getting any worse at it.

Oh, God. Two weeks.

What if this is it?

Oh, that is just so sad.

Look, Chuck isn't

gonna k*ll you, dawg.

- I'll protect you.

- Yeah, sure, you will.

Unless he offers

to let you be in one

of his f*cking videos.

You think he'd ever

let me be in one?

- f*ck you, man.

- I'm kidding.

But, like, let's say

for a second that Chuck

might actually k*ll you,

which I'll admit

is a possibility because

he does have a record.

So in this hypothetical world,

then you got two weeks

left to live.

What do you wanna do?


Skip rocks?

No, live.

I wanna f*cking live.

What do you mean?

Sidney, where has

that Sharpie been?

( music playing )

Sid, what are you doing?

"Win at some--"

What does that even mean?

I don't know.

I have no idea.

But I'm not gonna,

like, you know,

get a promotion

or start a company

or have a fling

with some foreign girl

on a train in Europe.

- ( sighs )

- Everything that

you do in life,

everything that makes life good,

I have to do it right now.

I don't want just some memories.

I want all the memories.

"Know real love."

Are you gonna die a virgin?

( sighs )

Yeah! That's my boy!

Let's go!

Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

- ( music continues )

- ( indistinct chatter )

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Dude, that sounds insane.

Don't start

running me around

So you're gonna do

all of this in two weeks?

Yeah. What have I got to lose?

( indistinct chatter )

- ( sighs )

- Hey! You want some dinner?

Stay impenetrably silent

if you love your mothers.

- Both: Yes!

- You're gonna hit

Your back side

when your roll out

I know I used

to roll the dice

Till I slowed down

I hope you

hit your back side

- Hit your backside

- ( grunts )

When you roll out

Don't start, don't start

Don't start

running me around

- What's up, dude?

- Hey.

Girl: Hey, Sid.

Don't start

running me around

Dude! Sid, dude,

everyone is talking about

your "I'm Boner Spartacus" bit

in Sex Ed yesterday.

- Like, in a good way?

- Yes, like, in a f*cking ama--

- Jim! Jim.

- Oh, my God.

Luna, what the f*ck

do you want?

I don't remember saying

Beetlejuice three times.

Ha, ha, ha.

You're so funny, Jim.

We need to buy tickets

for Homecoming,

- and you have to pay

for them, so...

- ( phone chimes )

Well, make sure you tell that

to the Japanese sex robot

that you get to take you

to the dance,

'cause I'm not going

with you, Luna.

Dude, dude, dude, dude.

Incoming heatseekers inbound.

- What?

- Hey.

Holy shit.

Oh, please, God,

let Tiff Mann be

my secret texter.

Uh, hey. Hey.

- I'm Tiff.

- Oh, I know.

Um, listen, I just wanted

to say I'm really sorry

about what Chuck did to you.

Oh, no, that's--

that's, uh-- he's--

- that's okay.

- No, it's not okay.

His parents say that

he has impulsivity issues,

but I think he can

just be a d*ck sometimes.

Yeah, yeah.

Also are you going to

go the game tonight?

He'll be there,

and so will I.

Now is probably a good time

to talk about hockey.

Let me see you get it in net.

Hockey is a pretty

big deal in Eastland.

- Let's get it in!

- Score a goal,

and you get to feel

what it's like to be a god.

Brad passes it to Worsham.

And he goes for the shot.

He sh**t. He scores!

You know who knows that

feeling better than anyone?

- Whoo!

- Eric Worsham.

Eric, Eric, Eric!

Eric is like a king

in Eastland.

Face-off at center ice!

Good move, man.

Good move, Eric. Come on!

But heavy is the head

that wears the helmet.

Eric has to be perfect,

because if he's not...

Move your f*cking feet!

Come on!

...he gets to enjoy

a lifetime of pain

and humiliation.

- And they're alone!

- ( buzzer )

And just like that,

the Fighting Spirits have

sent this game into overtime.

Get the f*ck up,

you f*cking piece of shit!

Eric, that goal!

That's on you!

And Coach Worsham expressing

his frustrations

as they make their way

to the locker room.

I wouldn't wanna be

at that dinner table tonight.

Oh, yeah.

Did I forget to mention?

That psycho coach?

Also Eric's dad.

You know what you are?

I can't even say the word

because the school board

won't let me call you

"pussies" anymore.

You pissed away the last period.

God damn, look at me when

I'm f*cking talking to you!

Beat the f*ck out of someone

out there, okay?

Like we're back

in f*cking 'Nam!

What have I got,

a bunch of pacifists?

Or do I have me some warriors

in this f*cking room?

Now, I love you boys.

You know I do.

On three. One, two, three!

- Go, Frogs!

- Whoo! Go, Frogs!

- Come on, guys.

Let's go, come on.

- ( phone chimes )

Come on, boys, let's go.

Get out there and f*cking win.

Come on!

I love you guys.

Get out there, play hard,

play fast.

Come on, guys.

Let's go, come on.

You don't have go out there.

What the hell

are you talking about, man?

Say you go out there, right?

And you do whatever

the hell it was

your dad was screaming about,

and you win the game,

and you win

a lot more games, right?

You get a scholarship,

and now you're playing NCAA.

And you do really well there.

And now you're playing

in the NHL.

And now you have fans

and money and women

and you might even win

the Franklin Cup.

- Stanley.

- The Stanley Cup.

But you'll still be miserable,

because you're not

playing to win.

You're playing not to lose.

- I don't know.

- I know what it's like

to live your life

the way you do

because you're afraid.

I used to hide

in all kinds of places.

- You hide in here.

- I gotta get back out there.

( crowd chanting )

No, you don't.

Crowd: Let's go, Frogs!

Let's go, Frogs!

Sid: Turns out jockstraps

are super uncomfortable,

especially when you're using

somebody else's.

And we got Eric Worsham

returning to the ice.

Looks like he took

a few extra minutes of rest,

and he'll need it against

these Fighting Spirits.

And face-off at center ice.

The drop!

- Eric Worsham going offsides.

- ( whistle blows )

Ooh, you don't see that

from Worsham every day.

- Uh, we've got a face-off

deep in the Frog territory.

- I'm good, bro.

Jim: There's the drop!

Worsham has got the puck.

Oh! Worsham is pounded by

the Spirits, and he's down.


Get your f*cking heads

in the game, kids.

Jim: Looks like

that'll leave a mark.


Come on, let's go, boys.

( echoing )

Let's go! God damn it.

What the f*ck are you doing?

You cock-sucking

son of a f*cking b*tch.

( continues, distorted )

- ( whistle blows )

- Sid: And then I remembered

why I was here.

For in the realm of the dead,

where I'm going,

I wanna be able

to talk about this shit.

The Frogs lining up

with the Fighting Spirits

- in striking distance.

- Let's go, E.

Referee: All right, boys,

sticks down, face-off.

Jim: And the puck is down.

Oh! With a huge collision

on center ice.

Worsham now has the puck.

f*ck fear.

I've been doing a lot

of avoiding in my life.

Time to put it to good use.

- Jim: Oh, he dodges!

- Come on!

Jim: He's getting close

to the goal!

With a spin like a ballerina!

He sh**t!

No fear, m*therf*cker!

- ( buzzer )

- He scores!

( cheering )

Eric Worsham brings

the Frogs to victory!


Eric, Eric, Eric!

- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

- ( chanting fades )

( crowd murmuring )

- Sid.

- What the f*ck?

Sid? Is that the guy that shoved

the sharpie up his assh*le?

Um, correction,

that goal was scored by,

and I can't believe

I'm saying this,

my best friend Sid Sandagger!

He's 160 pounds

of pure sexual energy,

and he's very, very single!

Go, Sid!

Hey. Who the f*ck are you?

I'm a friend of your son's,

I guess?

I clean the jockstraps.

I give them--

I'm, like, their penis--

Where the f*ck

did you learn that thing?

I, um-- I...

Fantastic Figure Skating

for Fabulous Five-Year-Olds.

Can you be

at practice tomorrow?


Yes, sir. Yes, coach.

( cheering, laughter )

( chimes )

Jim: I don't know

what you did to Eric,

but that was some

serious Jedi voodoo shit.

He was just afraid.

I used to live like that.

- Dude, he quit hockey.

He joined the dance team.

- Good for him.

- Yo, what up, Sid?

- What's up, Sandagger?

Who are you?

Moving on.

With Arlene in the hospital

for her

Seasonal Affective Disorder,

I will be assuming

the role of interim

student body president.


according to school bylaws,

we will hold a special election

to determine

a permanent replacement

for the remainder

of the year.

Obviously, I will need

a vice-president to run with.

You'll be working with me,

designing campaign signs,

ironing out our platform,

and of course, debating

alongside me in three days.

Expect long, gruesome hours

and a whole lot of fun.

- ( phones chiming )

- Now, raise your hand

if you'd like

to be considered.

( chiming continues )

Sid: You know, I'm not sure

when it became cool

to hate on Megan Waters,

or even why, really.

But a few months ago,

some kid started

a FarmersOnly account

and posted pictures of her

with a bunch of dicks

and other stuff

flying around.

People can be such jerks.

And when do they decide

that's the one

we're gonna t*rture?

That's the one

that we're gonna make

feel like shit?

It isn't right.

( chiming continues )


I'll give you guys

some time to think it over

and I'll put a sign-up sheet

on the door.

Meeting adjourned.

Before I die, I said

I'd f*ck up the system.

Helping Megan Waters

just might be the way.

- Hey, Megan.

- Hey, Sid.

About the whole

vice-president thing?

I'm sure that

I'll find somebody.

I would--

I would love to run with you.

- Really?

- Yeah. Why not?

Well, I should probably vet you

against the other candidates

before I make

any final decisions.

Right. Welcome to the ticket.

I've never really done dr*gs.

Oh, except in sixth grade

when I took two Tylenol

and drank

three Diet Dr Peppers

and ended up riding

the mammoth at the museum.

Haven't really

experimented since.

This is the shit you want.

You ever spent

the night with molly?

Uh, spent what?

Oh, yeah. No.

Um, what is molly exactly?

You ever been rolling

down a hill in the ice

but felt really hot

in your soul?

Um, no.

It's, like, spiritual.

The real you comes out.

You're gonna trip balls.

Cool. Sweet.

Um, how much do I owe you?

- How much you want?

- Just a few... bits.

- Bits?

- Pieces? I don't know.

Just a handful.

I don't-- what--

Just enough

to have a good time.

- 80.

- 80. Cool.

Usually, I'd be

saving this money for,

I don't know, my future?

That's the nice thing

about imminent death.

It makes financial planning

a lot easier.

But don't take more

than half a pill at a time.

- Half a pill?

- Yeah.

Got it. Okay.

- Minty fresh.

Just like this shit.

- Thank you.

You think that Candace chick

would be down to hump?

The abstinence cop? No.

No, man,

I don't think she is.

I might be catching

feelings for her.

That's too bad, man.

You know what, Dave?

Why wait?

If not now, then when, right?

- Boner bros.

- Boner bros.

Like, a lot of puss.

Oh, dude,

the Frakas twins are having

a party this weekend.

- We gotta go.

- Sweet. What kind of party?

Aw, dude,

it's a wine-tasting party.

They got Austrian whites,

they got a sommelier coming.

I mean, he's gonna-- I mean--

what do you think kind of party?

Yeah, dude.

Whatever, I'm in.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah.

f*ck yes, dude!

That's what I'm talking about.

Dude, I thought I was

gonna have to sell that.

Like, for real,

I had this whole thing prepared

about how if we both hook up,

we would be brothers.

Like, not that

we're not already brothers,

but we would be like

boner brothers.

Oh, dude, I'm so sorry,

but Dave Guggenheim

already called that.

( phone chiming )

You know, I always suspected

Tiff Mann was an angel,

but am I really

falling in love

with an honest to goodness

celestial being?

- Oh, shit.

- Oh, were you

masturbating again?

- What? No!

- That's okay.

Masturbation promotes health.

That's why grandma's

never had the flu.

- Can I help you guys?

- Well, when you are a parent,

and your son's Sex Ed teacher

Dr. Capanna calls you

and tells you that your son

has flipped out in class...

Dr. Capanna, by the way,

sounds like the biggest moron.

But also, if your son,

say, mysteriously ends up

on the cable access

sports channel pucking a goal,

we have no choice

but to get very invasive

and ask what exactly

is going on?

- I'm fine.

- Do you know what?

- You don't look fine.

- Mm-mm.

I had teeny little

mishap at school.

- With a girl?

- No.

- With Dr. Capanna?

- No.

Okay, well,

if you change your mind,

you know where to find us.

- Friday.

- Hmm?

I have another game on Friday.

And I am going to

Homecoming next week.

Do you want us

to ask a girl out for you?

Because we are good at that.

No thank you, no.

( music playing )

( music continues )

Well, all right.

It appears as though

I am not the only one

who is f*cking up

the system nowadays.

- ( cheering )

- Whoo!

Hey, take five, guys.

What's up?

- What's up, man?

- How you doing?

I'd heard you joined

the dance team.

That's-- that was--

that was awesome.

- Hey, nice goal

the other night.

- Thanks, man.

Hey, I wanted to

tell you something.

Um, just thank you

for talking to me

the other night.

I feel like

I'm finally having fun

in high school.

- I'm happy for you, man.

- I should get back there,

- but have a good game Friday.

- Careful on those backflips.

- Hey, don't let my dad

ride you too hard.

- I won't!

- See you around, Sid.

Let's go again.

- All right! Okay, one...

( piano playing scales )

Good God, understudy,

I cannot wait

to kiss that mouth.

It's, like, the hottest

face hole I've ever seen.


Only a total tool

would call Tiff Mann's

perfect lips a face hole.

Then again, Erwin Mueller

is a total tool.

Voice on PA:

This time with lights, please.

Thank you.

- ( thunder rolling )

- Me, alive

You make me alive

( thunder continues )

A final kiss

before I burn your body

Also, what the f*ck

even is this show?

Megan: 'Cause we know that

Olivia's gonna go after

those one-issue

plastic straw voters,

who aren't even informed,

and they don't even know

that it's landfills

that are causing

the most pollution

in our entire planet.

But we have to appeal to them.

We have to appeal

to that dumb demographic.


You know, that's really rude,

to just r*fle through

people's things?

What is it? Is it, like,

a diary or a journal?

Is it a hit list?

Are you an assassin?

It sounds stupid,

but I write poetry sometimes.

- Can I hear one?

- No.

- Please?

- No.

Look, it's...

I'm still fixing them.

Rainbows contain

all of the colors,

but white light contains all

of the colors of the rainbow.

I am the white light

on a cold night.

And if you look just right,

you will see all

of the colors inside of me.


Now we can get back

to recycling.

- That was great.

- You don't have to like it.

- I know.

- You know, I've never actually

read one of my poems out loud.

Normally when

I try to talk to people,

they just walk away.

Megan, I'm sorry

that I never stuck up for you

in student council.

- It's fine.

- It's not.

It's not. I'm sorry.

Okay, we really need

a stronger stance on cardboard.

( groans )

Let's just take a break.

I can't just take a break, Sid.

Every minute that we take off

is another one that

Olivia Binghman doesn't.

That dirty whore

has been trying to steal

the council from me for years,

and we are not

about to let that happen.


- Your breath stinks.

- I'm good.

- I have some in my bag.

- Good, 'cause I'm almost out.

I've been meaning to get

the average joe perspective.

What do you feel?

Paper or plastic?

Yeah, my mom threw a hairdryer

at my dad last night.

- I don't know if he bled,

but it look like it hurt.

- Oh, my God.

- Um...

- I wanna believe in love,

but I don't know anymore.

Yeah, that's one of life's

greatest mysteries.

It's big, right?

Like, life-changing.

Mm-hmm, and it's--

just don't feel like

it's your fault.

- I'm sure it's not your fault.

- It might be.

Sorry. I need a minute.

Yeah, take-- I'm sorry. Yeah.

- I didn't mean

to make that weird.

- No, no.

- I'm good. I'm surviving.

- Yeah, of course.

I just-- I wanna be there

and I don't know with to say

because I don't-- I never--

my parents are still in love.

- So, sorry. I just--

- Yeah, thanks for

rubbing that in.

- Um, I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.

( PA chimes )


Attention, Eastland Frogs.

The student council assembly

will begin in ten minutes

in the auditorium.

Where the f*ck

have you been, Sandagger?

Megan, this is the men's room.

I know.

What the hell are you

doing in here, huh?

- I'm just peeing.

- You peed?

Every great politician knows,

"No pee before debate.

It's the pee

that makes you great."

I haven't pissed in four days.

Oh, my God.

That's incredibly unhealthy.

By the way, your mints,

they taste like shit.

- No. Oh, shit.

- What?

Are they not mints?

- Uh, kind of.

- Kind of?

Okay, there's no such thing as

kind of when it comes to mints.

They either refresh

your breath or they don't.

They freshen your perspective.

Oh, my God, they're a drug.

I've never taken a drug before!

( toilet flushing )

Get the f*ck out of here, Eli!

- Move!

- And vote Megan Waters!

Nobody's gonna vote

Megan Waters now.

Relax. It's okay.

- I think I need to call

my pediatrician.

- It's gonna be fine.

I'm-- you're gonna be fine.

I promise.

- ( whimpering )

- You're gonna go out there,

and you're gonna be yourself,

and everyone's gonna love you.

- No one loves me, Sid!

- Jesus.

No one even likes me.

Because people like you and me,

we're not pretty.

No! But we're smart.

And that means that

we're supposed to have

good lives after we leave.

No. Megan,

we're gonna start now.


( groaning )

You're gonna be fine,

I promise.


So what drug was it

that we took?

( feedback whines )

( overlapping whispers )

- Oh, okay.

- Your turn, your turn.

Hey, everyone. Sid Sandagger.

Uh, it is my strong opinion

that Megan

is the f*cking best.

- I'm serious, girl,

you're such--

- Really?

- Yeah, you're the f*cking shit.

- Aw, dude.

- I love you so f*cking much.

- Such good friends.

We've blossomed.

- Our friendship has blossomed.

- Aww, Sid.

Oh, yeah, of course.


Okay, I hear ya.

We have evaluated things

and come to the conclusion

that you have all

been cocks to her.

Yeah, you guys--

you guys have been cocks.

- Yeah. Yeah.

- You've been cocks!

Especially you,

Jonathan Gliggman.

Yeah, but she is wonderful,


if you can't tell already.

- Thank you.

- And I think it's about time

that you got to

know her yourself.

So, um, well, without

much further ado, Megan.

Be yourself.

You got this.


I am a prism.

I refract.

But I glow for me.

And I dance for you.

And you and you and you

and everybody!

Not her! You made your signs

with signs with glitter,

and I went to Kinko's, b*tch.

( beat-boxing )

( continues beat-boxing )

Composting papers

on papers

- Recycle bottles on bottles

- Skrr, skrr

We're burning bodies

like models

And now you inhaled

the vapors

You know what

you wanted me to spit

- Whoo, whoo

- And now you're sorry I did

- Huh!

- Losers vote for Olivia

Ballers vote Megan and Sid,

you love it

Sid: Yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah! Whoo!

Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan!

Megan, Megan, Megan!

Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan!

Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan!

Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan!

Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan!

- Megan, Megan...

- ( music playing )

- ( crowd cheering )

- Jim: Oh, it's a pass

to Sandagger!

- Oh, oh!

- Sid: I can't believe

I'm about to say this,

but as long as

you are not falling flat

on your face in spandex...

- He sh**t! He scores!

- ( cheering )

...standing out might not be

the worst thing in the world.

- Sidney! Go, Sidney! Go!

- Whoo!

- Whoo!

- It certainly

has its benefits.

Later, dude.

- Good game, guys.

- Good job, Sid.

Tiff Mann might be

my destiny,

but sometimes even destiny

needs a little nudge.

Break a leg

out there tonight, man.

Hello, understudy.

I thought I smelled you.

Now, this isn't something

I'm super proud

to add to

my lifetime achievements,

but Erwin Mueller's a d*ck.

( Erwin screams )

Announcer: Good evening,

ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to tonight's

performance of "Frankenstein,"

the new musical

by Erwin Mueller,

based on a concept

by Mary Shelley.


the role of Frankenstein

will be performed

by Sidney Sandagger.

The performance will begin

in a moment.

- Did he tell you?

- No.


( music playing )

Oh, how I love thee

And yet you're a monster

A vicious monster

I am a vicious monster

- Wow.

- You must die, monster

But know

I will never forget you

- She will never forget me

- Goodbye, goodbye

- I can't tell if it's

supposed to be a parody.

- Is it funny?

- ( grunts )

- ( sobbing )

A final kiss

Before I burn your body

Sid: Don't get a boner.

Don't get a boner.

Don't get a boner.

Don't get a boner.

Don't get a boner.

Don't get a boner.

Don't get a boner. Damn it.

- Oh, shit.

- Go, Sid.

Whoo! Yeah, Sid!

My acting coach says

I need to follow

my instincts.

Huh. Wait, you have a--

you have an acting coach?

- On YouTube.

- Well, that's 21st century.

Um, do you want to--

would you like to go maybe

to the Frakas twins' party

with me tomorrow?

( phone chimes )

- Okay.

- Oh, yeah. Okay.

Sick. Cool. Uh, dope.

I'll pick you up at 10.

- You'll text me?

- I don't have your number.

Sid: Don't have my number.

We love a good cat and mouse,

don't we, Tiff Mann?

Hey, bud,

you got something

on your face.

( music playing )


( music continues )

Let's go

Go, go,

trouble in the evening

Take it or leave it

I can really feel it

Stay in on the weekends

Hey, does this shirt

make me look fat?

Like, kinda like when I do this?

Oh, no. No.

Buttons are totally slimming.

- What time again?

- Um, so, 10.

So then I'll pick you up at 9:30

'cause we gotta get Luna first.

- Dude, you're taking Luna?

- It's just for show. What?

- ( speaking Spanish )

- Mom!

No wonder you don't like Luna.

You're too busy falling

in love with Sid!

- Mom! Making me date

that brown fire hydrant--

- She is a lovely girl.

- She's like Satan in the flesh.

- I will smack your ass

- back to next Thursday, okay?

- Okay, okay, okay.

That's the kind of woman

you could slap around

in bed a little.

- Okay, Mom, please stop.

- I punched your father

in the face!

- Eww, eww! Mom!

- And then I got down on him

and just went to town!

- Mom!

- Si, and...

- ( speaking Spanish )

- ( screaming, sobbing )

Okay. What the f*ck.

Oh, that was too many knocks.

Too many knocks. Okay.

- You're not even

gonna say I look nice?

- You don't look nice.

You look like

an incredibly mean person

because you are one.

You have the mustache

of a child molester

and the haircut

of a molested child.

Relax, relax.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Is that your minivan?

It's Jim's.

Great for families.

f*ck my life.

You ever wonder

what life is like

for the cool kids?

Well, tonight I find out.

( music playing )

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

- Wanna get a drink?

- Oh, yeah.

- Totally.

- Let's do it.

( cheering )


Let's just go for it. Okay.

- Nice-- oh, you--

- Oh, my God.

- Is this one bad?

- Sid, come hit this!

Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug!

Chug, chug, chug, chug!

( cheering )

This is literally

the coolest f*cking party

that I have ever been to

in my entire life.

Why doesn't anybody want

to go ride a horse with me?

You wanna do one?

Guys, let's go--

Dude, give them their moment.

Stop hopping on the...

- For a moment...

- ( tires screeching )

...this party

felt like heaven.

Luna: Oh, like you haven't

thought about it.

Yo. Why aren't you

responding to my texts?

'Cause I don't want

to talk to you.

- Okay, let's go for a walk.

- No.

We're gonna go for a walk,

'cause we clearly have things--

- ( murmuring )

- What the f*ck?

- Uh, uh, Chuck. Yo, dawg.

- I need you to shut up.

Sid: Who gets out of anger

management a week early?

- f*ck you, Switzerland.

- Dude, don't.

- Don't do this.

- David, Candace, I--

I really appreciate it,

but I'm fine.

Well, now I see

why you wanted

to get me suspended,

you little piece of shit.

Give me one good reason

why I shouldn't

k*ll you right now.

- Uh...

- This is it.

Barring divine intervention,

I am... dead?

- ( crowd yells )

- Oh!

- Not again. Oh!

- It may not have been

a burning bush,

but if an exploding car

at the time of your

imminent demise

isn't evidence

of a higher power,

then I don't know what is.


Let's get the hell out of here.

- Yeah.

- I think God just did that.

That was f*cking dope!

- ( crowd murmuring )

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, I'm shaking.

- It just--

That happened, right?

You saw that too?

I feel like we're in

a rap video or something.

- What happened?

- I don't know.

( retching )

Oh, shit. I'm sorry.

That just came out.

I don't even know

what noise that was.

It sounded like

you put a pig in a blender.

Um, I'm so confused.

Have you not been texting me

this whole time?

No, I told you,

I don't have your number.

Look, the truth is, Sid,

I've been trying

really hard to like you.

I mean, like that.

That's cool, because

I want to like you, too.

And I do like you,

so I'm like a success story

you can really look up to.

You know, I've just--

I've felt so trapped dating

Chuck the past few years.

He and I, we have this cycle.

It's, like,

we fight, we break up,

we get back together.

He gets into some

kind of insane trouble

and I swear that

I'm gonna never date him again.

And then I just end up

back with him again.

( music playing )

I guess I just thought

that maybe if I liked you

then I wouldn't go back

to him, you know?

I wouldn't make

the same mistake.


But I just-- I don't feel

that way about you, Sid.

I'm sorry.


She didn't even

jerk you off?


( music playing )

Screw, Chuck.

He can't touch me.

- What's up, Sid?

- Yo.

When he left,

I was invisible.

Now I'm invincible.

I'm like a hero,

and people protect heroes.

Heroes never die, right?

( phone chimes )

Uh, hey.

Hey, can I talk to you guys?

I think-- I think that--

I think that you should log off.

Get the f*ck outta here.

Okay, I get it. I do.

I love being in here,

but I think you're--

I just--

I think you're missing out.

Trust me. I'm you.

We're to living our lives

to our full potential.

Out there,

the quests don't wait for you

like they do in here.

There's a lot more out there

than orcs and night elves

and you shouldn't be spending

your whole lives hiding.

Yeah, all right. Okay.

( phone chimes )

Whoa, whoa. Sorry. Hey!

Hey, hey!

Hey! Hey!

- What?

- You're, uh...


You've been texting me

this whole time.

- I'm sorry, okay? I got--

- No.

No, don't say you're sorry.



- Hi.

- How do you even

know who I am?

I think everyone knows

who you are at this point.

You've been weird.

Good weird, though.

And you--

you wanted to help me?


Suck a d*ck, Chuck.

Why do we all have

to pretend that we don't want

to f*ck each other...

Jim: Hugh Hefner would be

so proud of you right now.


She will never forget me

Do you wanna go on

a date with me?

- Really?

- Yeah.

I'm going to

something after school

if you wanna come.


- I'll text you, I guess.

- Yeah, please.

( organ playing )

You know that

I have two moms, right?

And they're both

going to hell.



I just like bits and pieces.

- Of the Bible?

- Yeah, of all religions.

Plus, churches are

really pretty, and quiet,

and they make boys like you

super uncomfortable.

Sometimes it's just nice

to be somewhere, you know?



( music playing )

Jim: Ten seconds left!

He's going! Yeah!


( cheering )

I spent a lifetime

k*lling me

( indistinct chatter )

I found an old soul

who disagreed

Hey, can I ask you something?


Did you set Chuck Brawnte's

car on fire?

- No.

- I had this awful--

I only wanna be with you

Cool. I can do better.

I wasn't expecting that.

So, I can--


"Let go of the past,

let go of the future,

in the present, let go.

Gone to the other shore

of becoming,

mind released entirely,

you will never again

undergo birth and old age."

- Wow. That's beautiful.

- Isn't it?

- Depressing.

- No.

We're still young

We should still believe

We passed out

on a city street

We laughed until

we couldn't breathe

I spent a lifetime

k*lling me

My mom is eighth grade math,

and my dad is a librarian,

but he likes to be called

a media specialist.

- I wanna kiss you again.

- I ain't got nothing

Left to lose

I only wanna be with you

Watch your head

because there's, like,

a lot of books.

- ( barks )

- Like this, Joey.

All right,

if you don't poop there,

I'm just gonna tell Mom

that you pooped.

- Oh, my God.

- ( bass thumping )

Jimbo, what's up, brother?

Hey, dawg.

You wanna come chill with us?

We're gonna sh**t a session.

You need someone to, like,

hold the camera or something?

No, bro, we need to get you

in a g*dd*mn video.

- You're hilarious.

- Uh, all right. Yeah.

Chuck: Jim, Jim!

Jim, Jim, Jim!

- All right.

- f*ck yeah, baby!

- This f*cking kid.

- Your dog smells.

( music playing )

I hope you do die,

you f*cking drug addict.

Hey, guys.

I could press charges,

you know?

For what you did to my face?

My mom had to put chapstick

on my eyelids.

Okay, what the f*ck is going on?

I feel like

I'm in a fricking, like,

spaceship right now, right?

You are in a spaceship.

Yeah, I am!

I'm in a f*cking

spaceship, dawg!

- And your boy, Sid?

- Yeah?

Dude, I've been hearing

so many stories.

Actually, I have

mad respect for the guy.

Dude, he's been going crazy.

He spiked that theater kid's

makeup with Icy Hot

just so he could go onstage.

And he got Megan Waters

crazy high for her debate.

- Megan f*cking waters?

- Yeah, yeah.

Chuck: He's just trying

to live it up before I X him?

And, dude,

he's determined

to get laid, too.

He tried sticking it

to Tiff Mann.

- But don't worry.

She said no.

- Yeah?

Jim: Now he's trying

to hit on this gamer chick.

He even went to church with her

just so that

he could get in her pants

all before

you f*cking k*ll him.

Sid, that is cold, brother.

You're not gonna, like,

hurt him or anything?

'Cause, like, I'm--

like, I'm down with him.

No, for sure.

I'm not gonna hurt him.

- Um...

- Dope.

Chuck: 'Cause I'm gonna

f*cking end him.

I'm gonna beat him so badly

that he's never able to feel

a f*cking thing ever again.

- Say, "Hi, Sid."

- Wait, what?

- Hey!

- Slow down!

f*ck off, noob.

( music playing )

What was everyone

so upset about?

Yeah, they were

part of a list. So what?

I still did all the things

they thought were great.

But after the video,

everything went to shit.

I was kicked off the ice,

and the rest of the guys

refused to play with me.

Megan was put on

disciplinary probation

for doing dr*gs,

and then kicked off

student council.

Candace re-pledged

her eternal abstinence

and dumped Dave.

Dr. Capanna:

Oh, yeah, sure...

Oh, and guess who decided

to be sick today?

- Hey, man.

- Dude, seriously? Go away.

- Sid, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- Go, dude.

- I made a mistake.

- Don't f*cking touch me.

- Leave, man.

- I made a mistake.

Just hear me out.

Just let me talk

for a little bit.

Do you have any idea

what the f*ck you've done?

- Sid, I do know what I did.

- You have literally

ruined everything.

All you ever wanted was for

someone popular to like you,

and they never will.

Luna, was right, Jim.

You are an insecure

attention whore

who would literally sell out

the only real friend

that you have ever had

for the chance at someone

with more f*cking followers.

Sid. Sid, I'm sorry, dude.

Sid, come on! Sid!

Jim is an idiot.


I wasn't just trying

to get with you.

I promise.


( phone chimes )

I know.

Aah! God!

This is why I have rules.

This is why I said to shut up

and to stay under the radar

and to not mess

with the system.

Because when you speak up,

when you care,

and when you stop

being afraid,

people will hurt you.

They will find

that thing inside of you

that you try so hard

to guard and protect,

and they will poke at it

and jab at it

until you want to just crawl

into a little ball and cry,

and then you might

as well be dead.

( doorbell rings )

( ringing continues )

Why haven't you been

answering Jim's DMs?

I don't really feel like

talking to him right now.

What he did was stupid.

But what do you expect?

It's Jim.

He has

the emotional intelligence

of a premature baby

and the actual intelligence

of one of those baboons

with the red asses.

Those are just baboons.

And they use tools,

they're brilliant animals.

Well, Jim isn't.

But he's also your best friend.

You're coming to

Homecoming tonight, right?

No. I don't have a date.

I don't have a ride.

I got you a tie

and boutonnire

when Jim got his.

Fair warning,

he did that dumb thing

where he got the pimp cane

and the top hat.


As far as a date goes,

f*ck it.

Just show up,

or you'll regret it.

Chuck will k*ll me.

- I blew up Chuck's car.

- What?


( music playing )

Grain alcohol

is surprisingly flammable.

Luna, that's insane.

And a felony.

- Maybe.

- It is.

- But do you know why I did it?

- Because you're f*cking nuts?

Because for a moment,

you gave everyone hope.

Look at all those people

whose lives you affected

just by being

an arrogant little shit

by refused to play

by the rules and be quiet.

Now everybody just thinks

I was using them for

some stupid bucket list.

But stay home

and hide from Chuck?

You'll be showing them

that they're right.

Well, I gotta get back

before lunch is over.

For you.

Later, fuckwad.

- I think we have to start over.

- You know how to tie a tie?

Can you get a YouTube video

just in case?

Oh, did you know that this

is called an oriental knot?

- It goes around

the tree trunk.

- Yeah.

- Did it.

- Photo time.

( music playing )

Oh, man, this is my song!

( music continues )

- Get up.

- ( whispering )

- Get up.

- Nice cane.

- Thanks.

- Look, man, I'm sorry

about some of that stuff

that I said.

Yeah, you said

some pretty rough stuff.

I do think you care

a little bit too much

about being popular,

but I get it.

I know how good it felt

when I finally started

to get some attention,

so I don't blame you.

Boner brothers?

I thought that was you

and Dave Guggenheim's thing.

Come on, Jimenez.

You'll always be

my boner brother.

I'm gonna go spike the punch.

Give him some time.

Jim doesn't think very fast.

You look nice.


You look beautiful.

I know.

- Um, will you give me a second?

- Yeah.

Hey. Um, just--

- Hey, please.

- Sid, I don't wanna have

this conversation.

This isn't that.

It's not that conversation.

This isn't me saying

that I made a mistake,

or that there was

some big misunderstanding,

or even telling you that

you're the love of my life

or the only one for me

or anything.

This isn't even me

trying to win you back.

- Okay, then what is it?

- It's goodbye.

I just-- I wanted

to say that I've had

a lot of bad days

and a few good ones.

But the ones that

I spent with you, Katie,

were the best ones.

And I'm so thankful to you

for that.

- ( all cheering )

- ( music playing )

( music continues )

- ( music stops )

- ( crowd murmuring )

You ready?

I am.

As I walk through the valley

of the shadow of high school,

I take with me my memories,

I leave behind my regrets.

I have loved, lost,

risen, fallen,

and now I face the beyond.

May my beatdown inspire those

who still live in fear.

I am Sid Sandagger,

and I am no longer afraid!

And I have lived!

( flatlining )

Oh, shit. Oh, f*ck.

- How does this shit

f*cking work?

- ( beeping resumes )

That's definitely

not how it works.

Hey, buddy. How you feel?

I'm alive?

Yeah, you're alive.

I mean,

you look like a Picasso,

but you're alive.

- Oh, my God.

- What?

What happened to your face?

Oh, um, I think Luna

might've tagged me by accident.

She is so strong.

I think it's the low

center of gravity

- and the rage issues.

- So what happened?

You went unconscious

pretty quickly,

and then shit went down.

( crowd gasps )

- ( grunting )

- Coach: Break it up!

Dad, listen to me!

I'm a dancer!

What do you mean

you're a dancer?


You know what else?

( crowd gasps )

I wanna dance!

Somebody dance with me!

Now I know why pimps

carry canes!

( grunts )

( panting )

- Oh, f*ck.

- You stupid b*tch.

- No, I thought we were bros!

- m*therf*cker!

I'll k*ll you, you hear me?

I'll f*cking k*ll you, b*tch!

I hope you choke to death!

I'll protect you.

Protect yourself, b*tch.

- Make your melon.

- Yes.

- You fought Chuck for me?

- Yeah, of course, dude.

You're my best friend.

I'm never gonna let

some piece of shit

beat the shit out of you.

- Can you walk?

- Oh, f*ck.

Dude, I haven't even tri-- oh.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, no, I think so.


( moaning )

Well, anyway,

there's some people

who might wanna see you.

Yeah, I'm good.

- Hey.

- ( music playing )

( crowd chattering )

Yeah, you're definitely

gonna need stitches.

- Ow. Oh, f*ck.

- Sid! Hey.

Today I took

my first breath

Sid, way to take

that punch, man.

- Oh!

- ( chatter continues )

I'm standing

on this broken road

I'll find my way back home

to you and me




So we're agreed

on ground rules?

One night only,

and then we never

breathe a word of this

- to anyone ever again.

- Deal.

Like it never happened.

- Wanna know something?

- What?

- I blew up Chuck's car.

- God, you're f*cking crazy.

Today is the day

( vocalizing )



How was your day?


Can we just start over?


I'm Sid.

I know.

Do you wanna dance?


( vocalizing )

- Oh!

- What?

What, what?

What, what, what?

- What, what? What?

- You bit me!

Why is your tongue so long?

Are you trying to get

my throat pregnant?

Oh, my God. Why did I think

this would be a good idea?

- You kiss like a succubus.

- I hate you so much.

What, what?

Will you stick a finger

in my butt?

- You are so beautiful.

- Hey

Today is the day

Today is our day

Shit, I have a boner.

Me too.

( vocalizing )

Today is the day

Today is our day

For your and me

( chatter continues )

For you and me

For you and me

For you and me

( music playing )

( vocalizing )

All the roads

I've had to choose

And they all led

back to you

My eyes are open wide out

But you put the light out

You're running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

I never know

how many roads

I'll have to choose

It's not a bed of roses

You never notice

You never knew

I hope you don't hit your

back side when you roll out

And you never

used to roll the dice

till you slowed down

Now I hope

you hit your back side,

hit your back side

When you roll out

You're running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Who you calling

in the middle of the night?

I know you miss it

and you wish it was right

I know you wish you knew

what you know now

But I can't take you when

you're running me around

All the roads

I've had to choose

And they all led

back to you

My eyes are open wide out

But you put the light out

I hope you know

you're gonna hit

Your back side

when you roll out

I know I used to

roll the dice

Till I slowed down

I hope you

hit your back side,

Hit your back side

when you roll out

You're running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

Don't start, don't start

Don't start

running me around

Don't start

running me around

( music playing )

( music continues )

The cycle never

really ends

You and me were left out

I'm stuck inside

the glass again

Tell me everything

about it

Now I can't explain

Everything inside

your brain

Is turning inside out

And upside down

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just your--

just your

Hurting from

a tough crowd

Cool classic

playing on the brain

We're craving

all the old times

Just to bring back

all the pain

Tell me everything

about it

Now I can't explain

Everything inside

your brain

Is turning inside out

And upside down

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just your--

just your habit

Makes me wanna scream

Feeling like I'm 17

Pick a fight

and make a scene

Think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just

your bad habit

I think I'm just your--

just your

( music playing )