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Caillou: The Silver Knight (2022)

Posted: 05/04/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
I'm just a kid who's four

Each day I grow some more

I like exploring

I'm Caillou

So many things to do

Each day is something new

I'll share them with you

I'm Caillou

My world is turning

Changing each day

With Mommy and Daddy

I'm finding my way

Growing up is so much fun

Each day I learn a ton

Come let me show you

I'm Caillou


I'm Caillou


That's me!



Ya! Go, horsie!


Caillou. Maybe you could hold

your horses until after lunch?

Whoa, horsie!

Sorry, Daddy.

I'm just so excited

to play Knights and Dragons

with Sarah today.

We're going to have swords

and shields

and maybe a castle

and find the dragon...

It's going to be so much fun!

Y'know, a good knight

needs a good meal.

You're right, Daddy!

Zoom zoom.

Pizza fly!

Oh, it's Sarah's mom.

Hi, Luclan!

Hi, Sarah!

Hi. Is Caillou there?

Oh yeah.

He's right here.

Hi, Sarah, are you

coming over soon?

Don't forget the shields!

I don't think I can come

over today, Caillou.

I have a cold.

That's okay, we have lots

of tissues at my house!

I don't think I'll be able

to come to your house today.


But what about

Knights and Dragons?

It's not Sarah's fault

she's isn't feeling well.

Maybe you could tell her

you hope she feels better?

Oh, right.

I hope you feel

better soon, Sarah.

Maybe then you can come over?


See you when I'm feeling better.

Bye, Sarah.

I really wanted to play

Knights and Dragons

with Sarah today.

She has the best shields,

and we take turns

being the Knight and the Squire.

- Squire?

- It's like a knight's helper.

Maybe we could ask Leo,

or Clementine, instead?

Oh! Good idea, Mommy!

Okay. I just asked

their parents

to see if they can

come over today.

How long does it usually take?

Well, it depends...

Did they answer yet?

Not yet...

What about now?

Not yet.

Oh, it's so hard to wait!

Oh, is that them? Is that them?

Is it?!

Oh, uh...

Leo is at his

grandparents' house,

and Clementine has gymnastics.


I'm very sorry, Caillou.

Would you like to play outside

with Rosie and me?

Um, no thank you.

I just wanted to play Knights

and Dragons today.


Well, we'll be in the yard

if you change your mind.

Where are you going, Caillou?

I'm going to play

in my room... I guess.

Beep beep...

Watch out...

The truck is backing up.


You know, just because Sarah

isn't coming over,

doesn't mean you can't play

Knights and Dragons.

But she was supposed

to bring the shields.

What if you make

your own shield?


Sarah's the one who knows

how to make a shield.

Oh. I know!

I can call and ask her!

Okay, Sarah, we have

everything we need!

Tape, scissors, and something

to make the shield.

We're using this pizza box.

Cool! The pizza is the perfect

shape for a shield!

I bet you can cut

around the pizza!

Let's do it!

Daddy, can you please

use the scissors?

Sarah will tell you

if you're doing it right.

You got it, buddy.

I didn't know shields

could be round, Sarah.

Shields come

in lots of shapes!

Circles, ovals, even squares.

How's this look, you two?

That looks great!

Good job, Daddy!

Next, you need

to make the handles.

We can use these pieces

of cardboard as the handles!

But how do we get them to stick?

You use the tape!

Oh, right.

All done!

What do you think?

It looks great, Caillou!

Thanks for all your help!

That's what squires are for.

I hope you feel better

soon, Sarah.

I will.

I just need

to get some rest now.

Bye, Caillou.


Now I can play Knights

and Dragons!

But I still don't have

anyone to play with.

Mommy and Rosie

are still outside.


I guess I could go see

what they're doing.

Giddyup, horsie!



Mommy, oh, Mommy?


Mommy, what are you doing?


I've been found!

Caillou found.

What are you playing?

Hide and seek.

Oops. Sorry.

That's okay, Caillou.

Would you like to play with us?

Do you want to play Knights

and Dragons with me?

I'll be the knight,

and Rosie can be...

No, Rosie hide now!

Oh no!

Where could Rosie be?

I'm sorry, Caillou,

Rosie and I were already

playing hide and seek.

Everyone having fun?

I don't know.

Mommy and Rosie are playing

hide and seek.

Maybe there's a way to play

Knights and Dragons inside.


How do I do this?

Today's really not going

as planned, is it, Caillou?

No. I want to play

Knights and Dragons,

but without Sarah,

I don't know how.

You know, this reminds me

of a story about someone else

whose day wasn't going

as planned.

He was also a knight.

Oh! I love knights!

You do?

I never knew that!

But our story isn't about

just any knight.

It's about The Silver Knight.

He was wise and strong and he

had a good eye... for dragons.


Would you like

to hear the story?

- Yes, please!

- Okay.

Well, our story begins

with a royal family...

There was the queen,

who loved to knit.

And the king and princess,

who loved to play checkers,

just like everyone else

in the kingdom.

- Huh?

- King me!

I'm already the king!


Oh! A very cold king!

Have you finished knitting

my woolly hat yet, my queen?

No, I'm afraid I'm running

out of wool, my king.

We simply do not have enough

sheep to provide it.

Oh. We would, if it weren't

for that d-d-d...

Huh? Dragon!

I can't look...

The dragon has taken

our last sheep!

Oh. Summon our son!

Call... the Silver Knight!

Your Majesty.

Oh, you know you can call me

Your Royal Momness.

As you wish,

Your Royal Momness.

Silver Knight, the dragon has

made off with our last sheep,

which means I won't be able

to finish knitting

your father's warm hat.

I don't like being cold!

Silver Knight, I don't suppose

you could find that dragon,

and return all of our sheep

to the kingdom?

You are in luck.

It just so happens that finding

dragons is our specialty!

Our specialty?

But you're alone.

No, I have my squire.

Squire, if you please...

Uh, squire?

Oh, right.

I forgot, she's home sick.

Princess help!

Yes, your sister, father

and I could all help you.

Thank you, but no.

This quest is for people who

are experienced with dragons.

It's far too dangerous

for the Royal Family.

But uh... Sir Knight,

how will you stop the dragon

with no s...

I believe what the king

is trying to say is:

how will you stop the dragon

without your squire?

Leave that to me, Your Royal

Mom and Dadness.

I will save the sheep!

By myself!


The princess

gave the knight her cat doll.

As a good luck charm.

Thank you, fair princess.


And the knight set off

to find the dragon...

all on his own.


I have an idea!

What's that, Caillou?

If the Silver Knight

can do it, then so can I.

I'm going to go play Knights

and Dragons, by myself!

Huh. I guess you could...

Oops! Almost forgot these.


Sorry, Gilbert,

but I'm on a quest.

Now that I have a sword

and a shield,

all that I need is

to find the dragon.

Let's see, where could you be?

Maybe you're over... here!

No dragons.


I bet you're back... here!

Huh. No dragons here either.

I've got you now, dragon!



Maybe the dragon is in the hall.

Show yourself, dragon!


Are you all right, Caillou?

Yeah. I was hoping

you were a dragon, though.

A dragon?


Sarah was supposed to come over

to play Knights and Dragons,

but she's sick so she has

to stay home and rest.

Oh, yeah, that's too bad.

I'm trying to play by myself,

but... Knights and Dragons

isn't as fun without her.

Well, I can't stay long, but

do you want me to play with you?

Uh... That's okay, Grandma.

I was supposed

to play with Sarah.

Hmm. I know how you feel.

When Grandpa's not around,

the only game I can play

is solitaire.

What's solitaire?

Oh, uh, it's a card game

you play by yourself.

You can play by yourself?

Like the Silver Knight?

Oh. I guess so.

Here you go, Mom.

Thank you, dear.

Goodbye, Caillou.

Oh, hey, how about you and Dad

come over for dinner tonight?

Oh. We'd love that!

I hope you find a way

to play Knights and Dragons.


How goes the quest, Sir Caillou?

Daddy! Grandma's just like

the Silver Knight.

She plays cards by herself

when Grandpa's not around.

So... how come I can't do it?

You know, the Silver Knight

struggled at first too.

Would you like to hear

more of the story?

Yes, please!

The Silver Knight walked along

a country road,

on his way to find the dragon

and the sheep.

He continued walking.

But it was a cold day.

Hot cocoa, Squire.

If you please.

Oh, right...


the Silver Knight's

trusty Squire carried

hot cocoa to drink.

But not today.

Today, he was by himself.

He hoped he could do the quest

without his squire.


Hello, villager.

Everything all right?

Oh, Silver Knight!

Thank goodness you're here.

Would you please help me

straighten this fencepost?

A knight is always of service.

Oh, hush now, Brian.

Can't you see we have a guest?!

That's a nice sheep

you have there.

I call him Brian.

I used to have many more sheep,

but they've disappeared.

That's why I'm fixing the fence.

There you are.

All done!

What do you think?

Oh. Thank you, Sir Knight.

You're very strong.

Please, I have some

hot cocoa to warm you up.

Mmm... Marshmallows.

I'm afraid fixing your fence

won't help keep your sheep.

The dragon is taking them.

The dragon?

Oh, my goodness.

But fear not, because I am

on a quest to find the dragon

and return all the sheep

to the kingdom.


The dragon, look out!

Oh dear, the dragon's

taken Brian, too.

Then I alone will return

him with the others.


Surely you're not going

on this quest by yourself.

Uh... Where is your Squire?

Oh. Uh... She couldn't

make it, today.

Well, just wait right here.

Now where did I put it?

Nope. That's not it.

Oh. Sorry, kitty.

Ah... here it is!

From my questing days.

Perhaps it will be

of some use later on.

Thank you, kind villager.

And don't worry.

I've had lots of practice

finding dragons during

my knight training.

I can do this all on my own.

Good luck, Silver Knight.

So, with

a borrowed shield,

the Silver Knight

resumed his quest.


that gives me a great idea!

Be right back!


I'm back!

Whoa, that's a lot

of toys, Sir Caillou.

Rexy is going to be

the dragon taking the sheep.

Dinosaurs are like

dragons, right?

Huh, I guess they are!

Great! I'm going to practice

like the Silver Knight.

Then, I'll be good enough

to play by myself!

All right. Have fun!

Okay, Rexy, you pretend

to be the dragon.

Just sit right... there.

Good. And try to look,

um, "dragon-y".




Don't worry sheep,

I'll rescue you from the dragon!

Got you!

You'll be safe over here.

Stay back, dragon!

Never fear, Sir Caillou is here.

There you go!

Now you're all safe!

That was great practice!

I feel like a better

knight already.

Okay, Rexy, what knight skills

should I practice next?


Hey, you saved all

the sheep, Sir Caillou!

Yeah, I saved them,

but it was pretty easy.

Was it easy for

the Silver Knight?

Do you want to find out?

Yeah. I do.

Well, the Silver Knight,

continued walking on the path

in search of the sheep,

and the dragon.

And soon, over the hill, he saw

what he was looking for.

The dragon?!

Almost. The dragon's castle.


The Silver Knight

looked up at the castle,

and saw that the castle door

was closed.

Well, I could always

be polite.


Dragon? Anyone home?

Squire! A boost, if you please.


The Silver Knight

forgot, again,

that his squire wasn't there.

But, like most good knights,

he loved a challenge.

He needed something

to get him over the wall.

And then, he had an idea...

Squire, hand me that...

Oh, right.

I'll do it myself.

What you should know

is that the Silver Knight,

like all good knights,

was a very good runner.

But the Silver Knight's log

wasn't tall enough

to get over the wall.


how did the Silver Knight

solve his problem?

Well, the first thing is:

he didn't give up.

Knights never give up!

Then I won't give up either!

Um, was there a second thing?

We'll see.

The Silver Knight,

the wisest knight in the realm,

knew he needed a plan to get

into the castle.

And how else to make a plan

than to make... a model!

Using the model of the castle,

the Silver Knight tried to

think of a way to get inside.


He couldn't climb,

like a spider.


And he certainly

couldn't fly, like a dragon.

But what the Silver Knight

didn't realize...

Wait, don't tell me!


Caillou, where are you going?

I have to get these pillows.

- Pillows?

- For my castle!

If I build my own castle,

I can figure out how to find

the dragon too!

That would help, right?

Well, um, it's worth a try!


Do you want my help?

No, thanks.

I can do it by myself.


I just need something

for the top.


Excuse me, Gilbert!

I need this for my castle.


Look, Daddy!

Wow, that looks great,

Sir Caillou.

Good job.





Oh no! My sword!


It's okay, Gilbert.

You didn't know.


I can't play alone, and now,

I don't even have a sword.

You know, buddy,

the Silver Knight

felt pretty bad when he couldn't

find a way into the castle.

What did he do?

Wanna find out?


Now, where were we?

Oh, yes...

The Silver Knight was

still trying to find a way in,

but it was getting hard

not to give up.

Then he heard something.

All right, dragon.

It's just you and me!


It was the king

and queen and princess.

Silver Knight!

We've come to watch you defeat

the dragon and save the sheep.

Sir Knight,

where are the sheep?

I'm sorry, Your Majesty.

I can't get into the castle

and I've failed my quest

to get the sheep back.

Here you are, princess.

I don't deserve this anymore.

Your Majesties,

I will understand if you take

my knighthood away.

Cat fly!

Cat fly! Of course!

What a great idea!

Wha... what is it?

I can use a see-saw

to fly over the wall

and into the castle.

It seems rather small,

doesn't it?

No, Your Majesty.

I will build a much bigger

see-saw than this.

But I'm afraid it will take me

a long time without

the help of my squire.

Princess help?

Yes, and we can help, too!

Right, dear?

A king can't be a squire.

It will get your

woolly hat made faster.

King squire it is.

The Silver Knight

was happy

because he would need

all the help he could get,

and who better to help him

than his family.





- Ha-ha! Very good!

- Wonderful!

They made

a giant see-saw!

Yes, but more importantly,

they all worked together

to make a giant see-saw.

Oh. That's the second thing

he did!

He got his whole family

to help him!

- That's right.

- But he still hasn't gotten

the sheep back.

I was getting there!

The Silver Knight looked

at the see-saw,

proud of what they had

made together.

A hard job well done,

Sir Knight.

Thank you, but I couldn't have

done it without everyone's help.

S... so, what do you...

What he's trying to say is...

what do you call

this amazing invention?

I call it the Cat... apault.

Yay! Cat.

Oh... Great name!

I love it!

With this Catapault,

I can fly over the castle wall

and finally ask that dragon

about those missing sheep.

Aren't you coming with me?


Of course!

The Catapault was your idea,

and a great idea is the mark

of a great squire.

- Whoa!

- Whoa!



I know!


Yay! Mommy, I fly!

I know, dearheart, be safe.


Ready, my king?

Ready, my qu... queen.

Huh! Ha!

The knight and princess

squire flew through the sky.

A flying knight!

Okay, okay.

Settle down now

so I can tell you

what happened next.

Okay. What happened next?

Well, the Silver Knight

and the princess

were flying through the air

all right.

But the flying wasn't

the hard part.

It was the landing.

Oh... I didn't think of that!

The Silver Knight

and the princess squire

were falling fast.


Don't worry, princess,

it will be a soft landing.


We found the sheep!


Now, where is that...


Stay behind me.

I'll protect you.

The Silver Knight

and the princess squire

- prepared to approach the...

- The dragon?

Is it the dragon?!


Ah. Storytelling

is thirsty work.

So was it the dragon?!

It was.

A dragon with eyes

like green emeralds

and massive claws and sharp,

yellow teeth.

Wait a minute.

What is it doing?

Dragon play.

It's trying to play

checkers... with sheep?!

Wait! Hold on.

Do dragons even know

how to play checkers?

This dragon does.

The Silver Knight

put away his sword

and started to talk

to the dragon.

Greetings, dragon!

I am the Silver Knight

and this is the princess.


Sheep don't play checkers

very well, do they?

You look like

you might be lonely

and need someone to play with.

We play.

I was thinking

the exact same thing.

You know, everybody

in our kingdom

loves to play checkers.

You can come by the palace

and play any time you want.

Would you like that?

- Sheep?

- Oh, right.

Dragon, since these sheep

aren't great playmates,

can we please have them back?

Our daddy is awfully cold

without his woolly hat.

Do... do you think it will

be much longer?

I'm royally c-c-cold.

I'm sure it won't be.



Come along, Brian.


Now we have enough wool

for the whole kingdom.


- Yes!

- Huzzah!

I royally proclaim: woolly

hats for everyone!

But what of the dragon?


It's all right.

The dragon only took the sheep

because it didn't have anyone

to play checkers with.

We play! Dragon play!

Oh. Why... of course!

All are welcome in our

kingdom's family.

Even d-d-d-dragons?

Even dragons.


Sir Silver Knight.

You did it.

Actually, we did it.

I couldn't have done it

without your help.

And especially without

the princess as my squire.

Well, if that be the case,

then I shall make her

a knight as well!

Now, if I only had a s-sword...

Your Majesty!

Oh. Heavy.

You must be very strong.

Please kneel, my dear.

In the name of the crown,

I royally proclaim thee

a royal princess knight.

We began today with zero sheep

and one brave knight.

And we end today with

one, two, three, four, five...

Well, lots of sheep,

two brave knights,

and one friendly dragon!

I royally proclaim...

a family game of checkers!

- Hurray!

- Yes!

Let's go!

Ha-ha! Well played.

Oh. Wonderful move!

And they lived happily

and warmly, ever after.


What a great story, Daddy!

Thanks, buddy!

So, what do you think

the knight learned in the story?

I think he learned that

even though he didn't have

his squire, he wasn't all alone,

because he had his family.

Hmm... Oh! That gives me

a great idea!

Rosie! Hey, Rosie!

Rosie! Mommy!

Can I play with you?

Yes! Caillou play!

I have an idea.

Why don't we play

Hide and Seek Dragons!

That's a wonderful

idea, Caillou.

Thanks! But first,

I have to make Rosie

an official knight

of the kingdom.

Please kneel down, Rosie.

I royally proclaim you

Rosie the Knight!


And here's your sword!


Mommy, Daddy knights?

Oh no, Rosie the Knight.

Daddy and Mommy

can't be knights.


Because they're

the king and queen!


Okay, it's time to seek

that dragon...

as a family.

When you're off

on an epic quest

Exploring the kingdom

by yourself

Sometimes you'll encounter

a challenge

And wish that your squire

was there to help

Maybe someone's

been there all along

Just open your eyes and see

If there's a problem

you'll solve it together

Whatever it may be

If there's a dragon to face

a tower to climb

Don't forget your family

is by your side

As you ride into the unknown

you don't have to go alone

You don't have to go alone

So ask your sister

to be your squire

Mom and Dad can be

the king and queen

Climbing the mountains

braving dark dungeons

And finding new places

that you've never been

Maybe someone's

been there all along

And you didn't know

how much fun they could be

If there's a problem

you'll solve it together

Because you're family

If there's a dragon to face

a tower to climb

Don't forget your family

is by your side

A quiet game

or a wild adventure

It's all more fun

when you do it together

As you ride into the unknown

you don't have to go alone

You don't have to go alone

They'll be with you

going down that road

You don't have to go alone

There he is... the dragon.

Gilbert dragon!

Shh... The dragon is napping!

Oh! Shh.

So now that we've found

the dragon,

what else would you

like to do as a family?


Hello! We're here!

Gam'ma! Gam'pa!

Hi, Grandma!

Hi, Grandpa!

How did Knights

and Dragons go, Caillou?


I made Rosie a knight,

and Mommy and Daddy

are the queen and king.

Oh. What a great idea!

And Gilbert is the dragon.

- Uh-huh!

- But he's sleeping.

What are you playing now?

We were just trying to decide.

Well, I brought a game.

It may not have dragons,

but it does have kings.


I love checkers!

Yay! Checkers!

Umm... what's checkers?

Don't worry Rosie,

we'll teach you!

Ah-ha! King me!

Daddy, quiet,

you'll wake the dragon!

Shh... King me.