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Fall Into Winter (2023)

Posted: 05/04/23 18:53
by bunniefuu
Oh, Jake, finally.

Oh, Eileen, hello.

I thought you were my brother.

Is Jake making you do

all the work again?

Oh, no.

Jake has been banned from

the kitchen since junior high

when he almost burned it down

making gumdrops.

He enjoys the operational side,

you can't over boil numbers.

No, you can't.

I'll have my usual.

Okay, three mint melt-aways.

Oh! And here

is a salted coconut caramel

buttercream for you to try.

Ooh, you are a dear.

You're gonna like that.


Oh, I also need to pre-order

two boxes of toffee

for my grandson.

Okay, two boxes, you got it.

When does Megan get home?

Oh, I was hoping for Winterfest,

but she's studying in Luxembourg

this semester,

so probably not till summer.

What a smart world traveller

you've raised.

She didn't get it from me,

I am such a home body.

See you next week.

Oh, don't forget your chocolate.

Oh, thanks.

You're late.

Sorry, Ma'am.

- Come on.

- Sorry.

I know, I know, I'm late

getting these to you,

but I was talking to Ophelia...

Oh, it's okay.

I'm just glad you're here.

I mean we have so much to do

before Winterfest and I...

Jake, are you alright?

Oh, great, yeah but um...

But what?

Hey, uh... you free

for dinner tonight?

Should I be worried?

No, not really.

That's not reassuring.

How about 7:30?

Kerrie, Jake, hello, hello.

- How is everything?

- Hi.

Oh, it is delicious as usual.

- Thank you, Adam.

- You outdid yourself

- with the crab cakes.

- I'm glad you like it.

I still need to come by

and place my candy order

for Winterfest.

Is Alexandra working this week?

I believe she is.


- Enjoy your meals.

- Thank you.

So not that I don't enjoy

being treated to dinner

by my big brother,

but can you please tell me

what's going on right now?

Okay, so...

Ophelia got offered

her dream job

teaching English literature

in London.

She's beyond ecstatic,

I couldn't be happier for her.

Jake, that's fantastic.

You are such a supportive husband.

It's too bad Ophelia couldn't be

with us tonight to celebrate.

And how perfect that London

is less than a 30-minute

drive from here.

Not London, Ohio.

London, England.

Silchester University.

She accepted a job in England?

One of their professors

left unexpectedly,

and so Ophelia flew out early

this morning.

She really wanted

to tell you herself,

but there wasn't any time.

Okay, well...

What about the store?

I can't run it alone.

Especially with Winterfest

coming up.

There aren't enough hours

in the day

for me to do everything myself.

That's what I wanted

to talk to you about.

I've been thinking about

long-term solutions,

and I think the best one

might be for me to sell

my half of the business.

I'm sorry, I know how you feel

about change

and this is a lot of news

all at once,

but in a major

stroke of luck for both of us,

there's an interested buyer

who we both already know.


Brooks McLead.

Wait, what?

He's a financial genius

and extremely successful entrepreneur.

It's a gift that he wants

to buy into our family shop.

No. Not happening.

Why not?

Because I remember

what he was like in high school,

that's why not.

Kerrie, that was

a long time ago.

Look, I'm gonna be in the UK

for the next five years and...

Five years?

Gosh, Jake, I'm... I'm really

gonna miss you.

So come with us.

We'd love to have you.

I mean you've lived

your entire life in Bedford.

We could sell the shop.

Every memory I have

of Mom and Dad

and Nanny and Pop

centre around the shop.

Mom and Nanny taught me how

to pour the candy moulds.

You painted the sign

outside with Pop.

It's our family legacy.

It's our history.

This is my home, Jake.

Listen, I know that Brooks

wasn't your favourite person

back then.

That's an understatement.

But he's incredibly

competent, smart, trustworthy,

and his businesses always

double or triple their profits.

I just want you to have a nice

nest egg to retire on one day.

I can't believe I'm going

to say this but...

Okay, you can sell your half

of the store to Brooks McLead.

You won't regret this.

How are you settling in?

Ah, better than the last place.

Why can't your next venture

be in Hawaii or Florida, yeah?

You can move us there.

Brooks, what ever happened

to that job

in Silicon Valley? Check.

Turned it down.

After everything that happened

in New York I thought, yeah,

just... I just wanted

to have a quieter life.

The uh, Bay Area retirement

community they...

they had ocean views.

And they offer surfing excursions.

There's just no comparison.

Sorry, Dad.

Listen, you know you can always

move in with me if you'd like.

You don't have to live here.

Oh, does your house

have luxurious amenities,

decedent dining,

daily activities,

an organized

social events calendar?

That's a really good point,

I should move in here instead.

Why, to cramp my style?

I don't think so.

That's it, check.

You know I'm just hoping

that one day

you'll just settle

down permanently.

Look, I'm not gonna be around

forever to take care of you.

Tried it, Dad, didn't work.

Sierra wasn't

the right one for you.

You could've let me

know that earlier.

Would've saved me

a lot of grief.

You wouldn't have listened,

you're too stubborn.

You always try to learn it

the hard way.

Thanks, Dad.


I'm, I'm...

- Rematch?

- No, no, I got to go.

I gotta go sign papers

with the lawyer and Jake.

Rain check?


I love you, Dad.

I love you too, Son.

I can't believe Jake and Ophelia

are moving to England.

Oh, I know and the timing

couldn't be worst

with Winterfest coming up.

I haven't even told Megan,

I don't want her to worry.

I just want her to enjoy

her semester abroad.

You're such a good mom.

Thanks, and thank you

for coming on board full-time.

I mean, we are going to be

working 'round the clock

to get all this done.

I am happy to help.

One of our biggest events

of the year,

and we already have

more orders than last year.

Ugh, and less than two weeks

to fill them.

And I will gladly pay you

double over time.

That's very generous.

So, when does your new

business partner start?

Oh, they're signing

the paperwork right now.

I'm so glad this worked out.

I'm really excited to be

a part of it,

perfect timing too.

So you're sure you're not

gonna miss the city?

Nope, I'm through with it there.

Really looking for a change

in scenery now.

- Ah, yeah.

- So now this is taken care of,

you wanna go out and get

a bite and drink, celebrate?

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, it's gotta be quick,

I need to get back

for the movers.

Oh, you're coming tonight?

- Yeah, of course.

- Yeah.

That reminds me, I still need

to place my candy order.

For you or your customers?

For my customers, of course.

Unless I eat them all first.

Which is what usually happens.

Can't say I blame you.

I'm surprised Brooks

isn't here yet.

You invited him tonight?

Uh, no, no, you can just

forward any of my mail

to my new address in Ohio.


Yeah, I hope I made the right

decision, too.


- Hey! Hey, man.

- Brooks, I'm glad

- you could make it.

- Thanks for having me.

I got you something.

I think I'm gonna

appreciate this

more than I know.

I heard they only drink

the tea over there, matey.

Oh, hey,

you remember my sister, Kerrie?

Your new business partner.



- Long time.

- Long time.

It's nice to see

you again, Bean.

Can I talk to you outside?

- Yeah, sure.

- Excuse us.

Sure, yeah, see you soon.

I've changed my mind

about the partnership.

All he did was walk in the door.

He called me Bean!

Well, I mean you did fail

miserably at your attempt

to create jalapeo hot sauce

jelly bean.

Oh, come on, you know that was

my experimental candy phase.

I know, I think I still

have a hole

in the roof of my mouth from it.

That man made my life

miserable in high school.

It'll be better all around

if I take a home equity loan

and I do everything myself.

That man uprooted his life

to move here to help us.

But if you really want me to,

I'll ask him

to nullify the contract

and I'll refund him the payment.

What about that little cottage

you were thinking about buying?

Don't worry about that.

There are other places

Ophelia and I can rent.


I didn't want you to be

finically strapped

by taking out a loan.

That's why I thought Brooks

was the perfect solution

for both of us.

But we'll figure

something else out.

Okay, okay.

I might be overreacting.

It's probably just the shock

of seeing him again.

But you're right, high school

was a long time ago.

I'll give it a try,

but if it doesn't work out...

Then you can take out

that home equity loan

and you can buy him out.

If it doesn't work, I will.

It's a good thing you're moving

so far away.

You will thank me

for this one day.

Mm. Don't count on it.

Come on, let's go back in

and enjoy this wonderful

going away party

that you organized for me.


I can't believe Brooks McLead

is my business partner.

Have you heard from Jake?

Oh, yeah, he arrived safely

and he's getting settled

into their new place.

So far they love Silchester.

Oh, good.

So how do you know Brooks again?

High school. He and Jake

were two years ahead of me.

Oh, you were all friends.

I wouldn't say that.

Brooks was always at our house,

but he just teased me relentlessly.

He was always picking on me.

I couldn't stand to be

in the same room with him.

Oh. A bully?

Oh, no, nothing like that.

You know he was just...

popular and athletic, handsome.

You know, that type.

I swear I was the only girl

in school

that didn't treat him

like royalty.

- No wonder he liked you.

- What?


Though there was that time...


Oh, nothing.

It's such a long time ago,

it's meaningless now.

- Okay.

- It was his senior year

and he was hanging out

at our house waiting for Jake.

Eating everything

in the kitchen, I might add.

And he happened to mention

that he didn't have a date

for the Winter

Snow Ball dance...

What happened?

Well, he said that he would

have a better time

going with me than any

of the other girls in school.

Okay, maybe I didn't dislike him

as much as I thought

I did back then.

I thought he meant what he said.

I thought I was his date.

The night of the dance,

he never showed up.

Come to find out he took

Erin Smythe,

captain of

the cheerleaders instead.

Oh, no.

Did he have any idea that

he thought he'd asked you?

Probably not.

I don't know, I avoided

talking to him after that.

And then he moved

after graduation.

I'm sorry. It must've

been devastating

to your sweet little

teenage heart.

Yeah, well, it was at the time.

Now I just hope he remains

a silent partner that stays...


Or not.

Oh, hi!

Good morning.

Alright, ready to get started.

Jake used to bring me here

all the time.

It's like my favourite place.

Your parents were always

so nice to me.

Um... what are you doing?

Um... I just thought

I would promote

some of the higher-priced

products by putting them

in the customers' eye line,

if that's okay?

I'm not interested

in manipulating my customers

into buying anything

they don't want.

I think you mean our customers,

and I'm not interested

in manipulating them either.

But they can't buy

what they can't see.

You know the average shopper

makes three

unplanned or impulse purchases

on four out of every ten

store visits.

Oh, let me guess,

you're upping the odds?


Um... so do...

do you think we could move

the cash register

over to the candy counter?

What do you know

about candy making?

Absolutely nothing.

Although candy is my favourite

food group.

Oh, this was a bad idea.

- What's that?

- Oh, I said, "I have an idea."

Uh, we need to get

a raffle prize for Winterfest.

Yeah, all the vendors

donate something,

and then the money raised

goes to the local

schools' arts programs.

I can do that.

I can take care of that.

Great, thank you.

Oh, hello, young man,

what is your name?

- James.

- James, are you here alone?

No, my Mom's shopping next door.

- Well, how can I help you?

- Um...

I want to get one for my Mom,

one for Nana, and one for Lily.

Well, aren't you a sweetheart?

Is Lily your sister?

No, she's my girlfriend.

She's a girl

and she's my best friend.

Okay, I see you have

your piggy bank.



20, 30, 40...

- 60?

- Yeah.

Do I have enough?

You have the exact right amount.

Here you go, my friend.

And this is a little

something extra for you.

You got everything?

Hang on, let me get

the door for you.

Alright, you go straight

to your mom, okay?

Thanks, bye.

Bye, honey.

What a cutie pie.

Very cute, very cute.

So just out of curiosity,

how much free product

do you give away every month?

I don't know.

I've never counted.


- Is that a problem?

- Uh... I hope not.

Brooks, you remember Alexandra

from Jake's going away party?

Oh, yeah, of course.

Hello, hello.

- How are you?

- Hi, busy.

- Good.

- Winterfest is ten days away.

Yeah, so glad

it's still a tradition.

I have some very fun memories

from Winterfest.

Oh, it gets bigger every year.

Used to a couple of hours

after the student dance,

now, it's a full day and evening

event for the entire community.


Ooh, excuse me.

Hi, honey.


Um, does she clock out

to take personal calls?

Alexandra helps take care

of her five-year-old niece

so she can take a personal call

whenever she needs to,

for however long she needs

to without punching a clock.

Okay, just getting to know

your modus operandi.

We are a family owned

and operated business.

Our MO is we treat

everyone like family.

Good, good to know.

Listen, are you free

to get together for lunch?

Discuss our business plan.

Oh, I... I can't,

I'm really busy.

What about dinner?

I mean, you have to eat

at some point in the day,

don't you?

Uh... okay, dinner.

- A quick dinner.

- Quick dinner.

Great, I'll make a reservation.

Uh, your choice,

anywhere you like.

- Adam's Eatery is fine.

- Okay.

- Say five P.M.?

- Five is fine.


Hey, hey!

Hey, sorry I'm late.

I got caught on a call

for another...

different business venture.

Yeah, I understand that

happens and it's not a problem,

but anytime you're going

to be 15 minutes late,

a text would be appreciated.

You're right, you're right.

That was really rude of me

not to text you. I apologize.

Thank you.

I don't know if you remember,

but this used to be Margolitas.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez retired.

Oh, oh, that's too bad.

I liked this place, they had

the best chips and salsa.

- Yeah, you're right, they did.

- Yeah.

Adam took over

several years ago.

He is really the best

chef in town.

- Oh, oh, uh...

- No, no, sorry.

- I'm sorry.

- I got it.

- Sorry.

- Sorry.

- Okay, thanks. Oh.

- It's no worry.

Oh! I, uh... I got it.



- Sorry.

- No, that's okay.

- Is it broken?

- No, all good.

- Should we go in?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

- You were right,

- that was delicious.

- Oh, I usually am... right.

I'll be sure to keep

that in mind.

Okay, I went through

the shop's entire history.

Oh, you're thorough.

Mm-hmm, before I buy any

business I do all the research.

Oh, your great-grandparents,

they have a very

impressive history.

Well, they did bring

their candy making secrets

over from Europe.

Oh, here's a list of things

that I think we should

consider implementing.

The business is not necessarily

in trouble,

but I think we can

be doing a lot better.

Change name to Murphy

and McLead Candy and Gift shop?

No, no. Absolutely not.

Wait, you're right,

that's a bad idea.

I think it's certainly

important to preserve

the original brand name,

not necessarily

change it right now.

You're right.

Create an employee handbook?

We only have one

full-time employee.

Well, for now but...

what if we expand or franchise?

I think it's really important

to have everything in writing.

That way there aren't a lot

of miscommunications.

You're very by the book,

aren't you?

I'm a businessman.

That's what I know.

Candy, good.

Candy makes people happy.

That was my great-grandparents'

mission and it's mine too.

That's what I know.

And I admire that, I really do.

And my purpose is

to create more profit.

That's for all of our sakes.

How is everything here?

- Oh, fabulous, thank you.

- Good.

The roasted sirloin rivals

anything I've ever had

in New York City.

I'll gladly take

that compliment.

Good to see you,

give Alexandra my best.

I will.

Well, thank you for dinner.

As much as I would like

to stick around

and discuss marketing strategies

and new signage,

I need to get back

to my candy moulds.

- Oh.

- Because without them,

we won't have a business.

Let me get the check.

Oh, no, no, I got it.

It's fine.

Oh, thank you.

It's a business expense,

so it's a right off.


- Hey.

- Hey, morning.

You're here early.

As Ben Franklin says,

"Early to bed, early to rise,

makes a man healthy,

wealthy and wise."

Oh, and where does that leave

the artist who finds

their creativity at night?

That's a really good point.

Speaking of creativity,

I want you to look

at our new website.

What was wrong

with our old website?

No, nothing, I just...

just wanted to run

a few ideas by you.

Where's the picture

of my great-grandparents?

It's right here, I moved it

to the history page.

You changed the logo?

No, no, no.

Those are just options.

- Wow.

- I thought you could see them

maybe in case you liked

any of them.

You don't waste any time.

No. Wasted time,

wasted profit.

Did Ben Franklin say that too?

No, that was me.

You know, I've always

been partial to:

don't fix what isn't broken.

No, you'd be amazed

what a great website

and a strong social media

presence does for a business.

We need to expand our reach.

Brooks, I don't have

time for any of this.

That's... that's what

I'm here for.


- Okay, anything else?

- I thought we could offer

free Wi-Fi service

and then maybe after Winterfest,

we could open

a coffee bar in here

so people could come

and hang out.

Wait, actually that's not

a bad idea.

And a hot chocolate bar.

Yeah, I've been...

I've been working with this new

drink called a hot cocoa b*mb.

I'm not sure we have

enough space in here.

We might have to

knock down a few walls,

expand a little bit.

Maybe find a new premises?

No, I'm not knocking down

walls or moving.

Of course after we expand,

we're gonna have to outsource

the chocolate and candy making

to a factory.

- What?

- But this will always be

our flagship store,

so if we invest in it,

it's gonna be fine.

This font is driving me crazy.

Fine, you work on the font,

I'm gonna open the shop.

You're emailing Megan?

Yes, I'm filling her in

on what's happening around here.

How Brooks wants to change

the name of the shop,

change the logo,

knock the walls down and expand.

Do you know he wants to find

a factory to make the candy?

Yeah, he's uh...

very enthusiastic.

And presumptuous

and as arrogant as ever.

You know I told Jake

I'd give this a try,

but it just isn't working.

Well, isn't it too late now?

Well, we'll see about that.

So you own half of Murphy's

Candies and Gifts?


Okay, just to make sure

I'm clear,

you want to buy out

this new partner

- you told me about?

- That's my plan.

And what do you have

as collateral on a loan?

I don't have much savings,

but I do have my family home.

My parents put it in my name

before they passed.

I'm sorry for your loss.

And the house is fully paid off?

Yes. I wanted to enquire

about a home equity loan.

I always recommend

a home equity loan

or using your house

as collateral.

Well, you have a solid

credit rating, no debt.

Let me see what I can do

for you, and hopefully,

he won't be your partner

much longer.

I'm really sorry,

but your ex-husband

didn't sign a quit claim.

You're gonna have to get him

to sign a notarized one

to clear the title.

Oh, no, I thought

he signed that.

Well, that's gonna

take some time.

According to my daughter,

he's in some remote part

of Mexico working

for the next six months.

Oh, no, that means

I'm stuck with that obnoxious,

controlling egoist

for a business partner.


Okay, this is it.


You cheating, kid?

What do you mean,

it's putting, how could I cheat?

Hey, where's my chocolate?

You own half of the best candy

store in town, don't you?

Sorry. Yeah, I forgot.

Next time.

What, what's the matter?

Something wrong?

Ah, it's...

it's not going as smoothly

as I expected.

Well, unlike you,

most people resist change.

Yeah but all...

all I'm trying to do

is turn a bigger

profit for the store.

That helps everybody, right?

And everything I suggest,

everything upsets her.

Huh, it's a dilemma.

Oh! Did you see that?!

- Nice shot, Dad.

- It's like your mother

always used to say, you know,

"There's a...

There's a lid for every pot."

What's that got

to do with anything?

Well, she always used to say,

"In the end, it's the people,

not the things that matter."

Yeah, and what do you say?

Well, I say...

that maybe you should

look at the situation

from your new partner's

point of view

instead of just your own.

Okay, from Kerrie's perspective.

Yeah, I mean,

this is a lot of change

for someone who's had

no change their whole life.


Alright, that can't be easy.


Here you go, have a great day.


Oh, sorry.

- Don't say it.

- Say what?

That you might've been right

about moving the register.

Oh, no, I didn't say a word.

Yeah, well you didn't have to.

I can see it all over your face.

I can't help it if you're

a highly perceptive woman.

I got you something.


- Here.

- That's for me?

Yeah, you said we needed it.

- What?

- It's the prize for the raffle.

It's a jelly bean jar, Bean.

Yeah, great, I see that.


- You like it?

- I... It's perfect.


Listen, I got this,

um, display case.

I think it's gonna fit perfectly,

I just have to put it together.

Jelly beans, that's funny.

Oh, yeah.

Real funny.


Oh, dear.

I better go help him

before he ruins the whole shop.

Uh, take it easy on him.

He means well.

Fiddle sticks.

- Is everything okay?

- Oh, yeah. It's fine.

You know, I didn't realize

you and my brother

kept in touch all these years.

He never mentioned anything.

Yeah, I thought about him

through the years,

but we actually connected

on a high school class's

social media page.

Oh, I'm surprised you left

an exciting city like New York.

Well, I had my reasons,

you know.

I don't know if you

remember this, but my dad,

he was in the Air Force.

Oh, right, I did know that.

Well, 'cause of his job

we'd move all the time

and I uh...

just kind of got used to that.

I don't think I've ever lived

anywhere longer than two years.

You know, so I guess

it was just...

it was time for me

to make a change.

That must be hard on your

friendships or relationships.

Yeah, I guess so.

But you know, I get restless.

I just get that

restless feeling.

I want to move, you know?


No, actually I don't know.

I'm not a big fan of change.

I've lived in the same house

in the same town

and had the same job, well,

apart from babysitting,

my whole life.

What about college?

Uh, well,

the university's regional campus

was 30 miles away,

so I lived at home.

Unlike my daughter,

who went as far

away as possible.

You must have missed her,

I'm sure.

Very much.

But she is following her dreams

and I'm really proud of her.

That's uh... that's amazing.

Yeah, she tells me

about her adventures.

But I like it here in Bedford.

I'm content.

Are you content

or are you happy?

Well, aren't they

the same thing?

Well, no, not really.

Okay, isn't there anything

you've ever wanted to do,

that's not in this little town?

Well, I have always

wanted to go to Europe.

My great-grandparents,

they're from a small village

in Belgium.

It's actually where they learned

their candy making secrets.

You should go.

Just book a ticket.

Make a reservation and go!

You make it sound so easy.

I mean, between school

and taking care of my parents,

and raising Megan, and then

taking over at the shop,

there was just

never enough time.

But I'm sure

I'll get there one day.

I hope you do.

Well, I guess I'd better

get back to the kitchen.

Yes, I'm her aunt.

Does she have a temperature?

No? Okay, good.

I'm on my way.

Is everything okay?

No, that was the school nurse.

Paige isn't feeling well.

I have to go pick her up

and take her home.

Take your time,

I hope she feels better.

Alright, thanks.

Oh, hi.


- Where's the fire?

- Oh, she had to get her niece.

Oh, okay... um... listen.

Can we meet for lunch?

My treat.

Oh, I would love that,

but with Winterfest

five days away, I am so busy.

No, that's exactly

what we need to discuss.

But um... you know what?

If you're busy,

I'll go get sandwiches

and I'll bring them back here

and we can eat here.

Yeah but... That's okay.

I... I could probably use

some fresh air.

Just give me 20 minutes

to finish this.

Great. I'll meet you

in the square?

- Yes, sure.

- Great.

May I have one?

Oh, are you gonna personally

cover the cost for that?

You know I'm good for it.

Uh... okay.

Wow... that's amazing.

That's even better

than I remembered it.

I had gourmet chocolate

all over the world

- that doesn't compare to that.

- Well, that means a lot.

- Thank you.

- Our price point's way too low.

Oh, here we go.

No, you're way

under valuing the product.

Okay, look, I really

appreciate the compliment,

but there are a lot of

hard-working people in this town

trying to make ends meet,

and they shouldn't have

to budget to treat themselves

to some candy.

Oh, okay, point taken.


- I'll see you in the square.

- Yeah.

Mmm! So good!


Wha... Hi.

Erin Smythe.

We went to high school together.

That's right.

Hi, how are you?

Nice to see you.

Um... so what...

What have you been doing?

Where are you living now?

What's your work?

Tell me everything.

Well, my parents still have

a place here

and I have a satellite office

in Cincinnati.

I am... an executive

head hunter.

- That's impressive.

- What's impressive

is your career.

I've been watching it

over the years.

- I've been very fortunate.

- Mmm.

What surprised me was

the candy shop, though.

That's such a huge departure

from your usual ventures.

It is, but it's nice

to be back here in Bedford.


- Hi.

- Hey.

I don't mean to interrupt,

we can talk later.

No, Kerrie, do you

remember Erin Smythe?

That's still the last

name you go by?

Yes, yes.

I've never married.

Oh, yeah, I sure do.

Erin, how are you?

Good, thanks for asking.

This is Kerrie,

Jake's little sister,

my new business partner.

Oh, Jake, I adored him.

He was the best.

He still is.

- I'll tell him you said hello.

- Please do.

So you got to come by

the shop sometime.

She makes the most unbelievable

chocolate and candies.

Sounds delicious,

but I don't eat sugar.

Alright, well, I don't want

to keep you two

from your business,

so we should catch up

more later.

I'd love that.

That'd be great.


Uh... Italian or turkey?

Oh, Italian.

- Hey.

- Oh, thank you.

So I have been going through

the financials

for the past five years.

And I think with

a few changes uh...

We can double

last year's numbers.

This is the amount

of free product

that was given away last year.

What? I thought that

was a charitable tax write-off.

Charity is a wonderful thing,

but um... I think

that number's way too high.

There are a lot of deserving

people, Brooks.

There's first responders,

teachers, the elderly

at the senior village.

You are a bleeding heart,

Kerrie Murphy.

Yes, it bleeds candy.

Brooks, not everything

is about the bottom line.

Well, unfortunately

when you're running a business

and you're trying to be

in the black, it is.

If that's all you care about,

why did you buy into

a small family owned business?

We are a far cry from

a Fortune 500 company.

No, I see great potential.

Why did you buy Jake out?

'Cause Willy Wonka's

my favourite movie.

I've always wanted

to own a candy factory.

I'm sorry we don't have

a chocolate river

for you to fall in.

Or Oompa Loompas.

That'd be great, wouldn't it?

It'd really help you out.

That's important, by the way,

a strong work-life balance.

To the bottom line.

Well, if you're exhausted

and burnt out,

you're of no use to me.

No, but seriously.

You do, you work all the time,

you're really devoted

to the shop.

You need some down time.

Why don't you take

a vacation or a staycation?

It has been a while

since I've had any time off.

I didn't even take a honeymoon.

Free time, I don't know

what I'd do with myself.

Take a trip to Europe?

Alone? No.

How long has it been

since you were divorced?

I mean... sorry,

that's a personal question.

It's okay, um...

I got married relatively young

and the marriage

lasted about four years.

I naively thought that love

could conquer

all our differences.

But he's a good dad to Megan

and that's all that matters.

What about you?

Oh, never...

never married, no kids.


But I am known

to all my friends' children

as Fun Uncle Brooks.

I was voted life of the party

in high school.

- Do you remember that?

- Oh, right.

So that's the real reason

you wanted to buy into

the candy store.

- You wanted to keep your title.

- Well, yeah, of course.

You're seeing right

through me right now.

How is Paige feeling?

Oh, it's just a tummy ache,

she's back to a hundred percent.

Oh, good, I'm glad.

Have you heard from Megan,

how's she doing?

Oh, she is having

the time of her life

visiting a different country

every weekend.

- Oh.

- You want some more hot cocoa?

Oh, well, I'm good, thanks.

Oh! I found this,

this morning.

I have been dying to show you.


- Look, look, look.

- Oh! Looks like a year book.

- Yes, it is!

- Let's see!

Look. This is me.

Right here, my sophomore year.

You are adorable.


where does the time go?

Let me see if I can

find my brother.

- Oh, there he is.

- Oh, look at Jake.

What was his senior quote?

Oh, uh, "Life is like

a box of candies,

you get what you get

and you don't get upset."

That is fitting. Mm-hmm.

Oh, and here is Brooks.

- Oh! He was handsome.

- Mmm...

And looked super confident

even back then.

Hm, confident, arrogant,

whatever you want to call it.

"Life belongs to the living

and he who lives must be

prepared for changes."

That's pretty deep quote

for a teenager.


And the polar opposite to your

outlook on change.

Yeah, I guess that's true.

Thank you.

Here's an order form.

Order form for you?

Order form for you.

Oh, Adam. Order form?


- Do you have a pen?

- Oh, yep.


Thank you.

- What do you recommend?

- Oh, I mean,

everything here is delicious.

That's the problem.

Here's a better question,

what's your favourite?

Oh, um... peppermint bark.

Peppermint bark, it is.

Wow, you guys

are busier than ever.

Yeah, we are, it's gonna be

crazy until after Winterfest.

Uh... I actually

wanted to ask if I could...

I guess I'll catch you later.

- Yes, please.

- Yeah.

I'll be back with more forms.


Thank you.

Hi, I'll have three

mint melt-aways,

three of your new salted coconut

caramel buttercreams, please.


Here you go.

Kerrie always gives me a sample.


- Don't tell anyone.

- It'll be our little secret.

Oh, you need someone

sweet in your life.

Well, no, I have my dad.

Although I wouldn't

call him sweet.

The word I'd use

is "cantankerous".

Well, keep your eye open.

You never know.

Thank you.

Oh my goodness,

you weren't kidding.

It's the busiest time of year,

it's like a madhouse out there.

We're out of vanilla buttercreams.

No, we're not, I made a batch

earlier this morning.

- I'll go get them.

- You are unbelievable.

You're just figuring that out?

Teenage boys are not known

for their wisdom.

Oh, yeah,

what's your excuse now?

It's unbelievable

how good these are.

Some day you have to teach me

your magical

candy-making secrets.

Well, I'm making chocolate

snow flakes tonight,

you're welcome to stick around

and help if you want.

- Really?

- Sure.

I wouldn't be in the way?

And if you are,

I'll kick you out.

I believe you would.

Yeah, I'd love that.

I'll bring coffee.

Oh, make it a hot cider

and you're on.

Aye, aye, Bean.

Oh, thank you.

- Don't give me that look.

- Hmm...

Oh, hi, Erin, how are you?

You will never guess who

I just got off the phone with.

A global top ten company

and they are looking

for a new COO.

I immediately thought of you.

Global top ten.

Wow, that's incredible.

As you know,

these positions rarely open up,

they are highly coveted

and very prestigious.

Not to mention the bonuses

and the benefits.

Now, their main office

is in California,

but they would be open

to you working

from the Cincinnati office.

I told them all about you,

they're very impressed.

Wow, wow.

They want to meet you.

I... listen, I...

I know this is

a once in a lifetime offer

and I'm very flattered but...

Listen, you don't need

to decide this minute.

Take some time, alright?


Listen, I've got another call,

I will fill you in on the rest

of the details later.

How does over

a late dinner sound?

Okay... okay sure but...

Great, can't wait.

Okay, ready for my first lesson.


This is a cacao bean

from South America.


Our family's been doing business

with the same cocoa farm

for generations.

Oh, it's not like a coffee bean

but with a little alchemy,

it'll turn into...

Liquid gold.


And there's a reason

they say chocolate

is the food of the gods.

Um... pick a mould.

Okay, any mould?

Any mould.

Uh... oh!

I'll do that, winter tulips.

Oh, you're a romantic.

Who knew?

I think people

are beginning to suspect.

Okay, this is your chocolate,

it's the right temperature.

- Okay.

- It's pretty simple.

You're gonna take it and you're

gonna pour it into this mould.

You're an artist

and chocolate is your medium.

I think it is a good

combination of art and science.

You know, I never get

to do anything creative

in my line of work.

It's all spread sheets

and numbers.

- Hmm...

- This is fun.

Well, if you think this is fun

wait till we make

butterscotch candy pillows.

Have you ever thought

about teaching a class?

Actually, I... I would like

to teach a class.

In fact, Jake and I

talked about that,

and then we never

organized anything.

Really? I'll be happy to set

that up for you if you want.

- Really?

- No problem.


- Oh! Um...

- Oh.

That's okay. That's okay.

We're just gonna do this.

All you have to do

is dip that...

and it'll fill all the moulds.


Oh, Erin!

Hi, how are you?

- Hi.

- Come in.


You didn't text me back

about what time you wanted

to have that late dinner.

Oh, um... I...

Sorry, my phone was off

and we were just

in the middle of...

Kerrie's teaching how

to make and pour

chocolate moulds.

Yeah, I find that's a useful

skill for a candy shop owner.

Of course.

Oh, who knew you of all people

would've turned out

to be Willy Wonka?

That's actually just

what we were saying.

Well, you should get going.

No, but the lesson with...

Oh, no, it's fine.

We can do it another time,

go have fun.

- Oh, I...

- Come on.

She doesn't mind.

Alright, I'm gonna go

get my coat.

Do you want some candy?

Oh, no, you don't eat sugar.


What was I thinking?

I practically

kicked him out the door.

Sounds like someone's

catching feelings.

What is that,

like catching a cold?

Girl, it means you like him.


No, no, no.

I mean I will admit

the business partnership

is working out

better than I expected, but no.

I do not need any

romantic entanglements

to complicate my life.

I like my life

just the way it is.

Change isn't always a bad thing.

Like you said, the new

partnership is working out,

maybe a new relationship

will too.

Even if... no.

Anyway, he's dating Erin.

That's the cheerleader

he took to the dance over me.

- You're kidding?

- But it's okay,

if he's happy,

I'm happy for him.

I see the way you two

look at each other.

I wouldn't write him

off just yet.


You forgot your scarf,

I wouldn't want

your neck to get cold.

Oh, that was so thoughtful

of you, thank you.


Ah. Looks like someone else

is catching feelings.

Oh! He's just being friendly.

He's a very conscientious restaurateur.

I don't know about that.

If I left my scarf,

I'm pretty sure it would end up

in the lost and found bin.

Oh, come on,

Winterfest is just two

days away, we got a lot to do.



I'm gonna finish the last

batch of peanut brittle.

How was your date?

Oh, I really wouldn't

call it a date,

just a couple of friends

getting together,

having pizza and catching up.

Erin's an executive head hunter.

I would like to think that

I've left that world behind.

Oh, well, good for her

and good for you.


She's a good person

and a good friend,

but not what I'm looking for.

What are you looking for?

It's funny I was thinking...

thinking about this

the other day.

I... I think...

I was thinking I'd like a...

like a best friend.

You know somebody

who challenges me,

but also, you know,

who has my back.

Who's genuine, but you know,

genuinely cares about me,

you know?

I agree.

That is the least

of what you deserve.



What, uh...

What do you mean?

Well, I'm just saying um...

that you deserve someone

who sees that underneath

that often bossy,

take charge, sometimes socially

tone deaf, successful

suit exterior,

is a really decent guy.

Thank you.

That's nice, thank you.

You're welcome.

Oh, hi, welcome to Murphy's.

- Hi!

- What can I get for you?

I'm off to the senior pavilion.

- Need any help?

- Oh, no.

I shouldn't be that long.


Also, Brooks will be

by after lunch.

Okay, sounds good.

I've got everything

covered here.

I can see that, that is amazing.

- Thanks.

- You're so talented.

See you later.


will look like nice on your door

until next spring, at least.

This is for my

new friend, Eileen.


Isn't tomorrow

the big Winterfest?

Yeah, yeah it is.

Oh, that reminds me.

I brought you

your favourite candy.

- Rocky Road fudge?

- What?

Since when that's

your favourite?

I got you toffee.


Well... I'm just testing.

Toffee is my favourite.

Come on.


Hey, how's that all coming along

with your new business partner?

Great, she's feisty.

She's like a momma bear

with a cub

when it comes to her shop.

She really speaks her mind.

- Oh.

- But she's also passionate

about her craft, so...

But then when she lets

her guard down,

she's... she's sweet.

Pardon the pun.

But she's fun, she's funny.

Sounds like a perfect

match for you.

No, not like that, Dad.

Just because you've been

burned once

doesn't mean you have

to give it up altogether.

Dad, we're business partners,

that's it.

Look, it seems to me, Son,

that if you share the same

values and goals and outlooks

and you know how to comprise,

well, you've got most

of the ingredients

to have a successful relationship.

I had a big offer,

the kind you don't refuse,

come across my desk.


Uh... well,

I'm thinking it over.

I told them I needed some time.

Although I'd be lying

if I said I wasn't tempted.

But also I don't really miss that...

shark and piranha filled world.

And I made a commitment

to Jake and Kerrie, so...

The only important question

is are you happy here?

Yeah, I am.

That's all that matters.


Kerrie, hi.

What are you doing here?

- What are you doing here?

- Ah... oh.

This is my dad, Joel.

Everybody calls me Papa Joel.

Well, it is very nice

to meet you, Papa Joel.

I see where Brooks gets

his sparkling eyes.

And his sweet tooth.

Well, it sure is nice

meeting you.

I've heard a lot about you.

Oh no, if you've heard it

from him,

it's probably not true.

Oh, I like her.

Well, he doesn't say that

about very many people.

Well, I'm honoured.

Um... what are you doing here?

Are you, uh... you're making

deliveries for Winterfest?

Uh... well, you know,

you would probably consider this

a bimonthly tax deductible,

charitable donation,

but I like to call it,

"Never showing up empty-handed

when you're visiting friends."

Oh, Martha!

That is a beautiful wreath.

I have your favourite candy,

you're gonna love this.


Oh, making these winter wreaths

just wears me out,

I'm gonna take a nap.

Oh, yeah, Dad,

it's real strenuous.

And uh... I think...

that you should just

go over there

and help that pretty

business partner of yours.

- That's real subtle, Dad.

- I'll see you later, alright?

Alright, enjoy, you guys.

- Hey.

- Hi.

Do you need any help?

Sure, um... would you mind

giving this to Jack?

He's over there.

He has allergies,

so I make this special for him.


Nothing, just...

You continue to surprise me.

Oh, well, I could say

the same about you.

Thank you for helping me.

Oh and for not lecturing me

about all the product

I'm giving away.

I would never do that.

I mean, look how happy you're

making everybody here, it's...

Okay who are you

and what have you done

with my business partner?

That's true,

I have spent my whole life

being obsessed

with the bottom line,

but I think now

I'm realizing that...

I don't know,

there's more to life.

Well, I suppose

without a profit,

there wouldn't be any

product to give away, so...

So you're saying

that we make a good team?


Hey, listen,

when you're done with this,

there's something I want

to show you, okay?

Okay, yeah.

Yeah, I found this place when

I was out walking with my dad.

Oh, it's really nice.

Um... how come your dad

lives here and not with you?

Or is that too personal?

No, no, not at all.

Uh... he says it's because

he doesn't like my cooking.

He's just very independent

and he also has

a very active social life.

I think it comes from years

of living

on a military base

surrounded by people.

Oh, that makes sense.

I bet Papa Joel is popular

with the ladies too.

Well, he has friends but uh...

he says that my mom

was the love of his life,

his soulmate, and the only one

that's truly in his heart.

- That's beautiful.

- Yeah.

I always wanted to have

that kind of devotion

to someone but...

But you never live

in one place long enough?

Okay, I accept that.

But now I've answered

all your questions.

Come here, I got some...

Why did you shun me

so much in high school?

I didn't shun you in...



This is gonna sound

really childish now,

but you picked on me

all the time, relentlessly.

Well, yeah, of course,

you're my best friend's

very cute off limits

little sister.

Of course I picked on you.

That... that was my job.

You were also very arrogant.


Yeah, I accept that.

I think I was a new kid

in a new school

every other year since the time

I was five years old

so I just, I learned

to go in strong.

Otherwise I'd be eaten alive.

Kids are vicious,

especially in high school.

So it was a facade, was it?

Yeah, more than you know.

Listen, I want to apologize.

I didn't mean to pick on you.

I never meant that meanly.

I'm very sorry.

And I want to ask you if there's

anything else that I did

during that time,

because I would like

to apologize for that too.


When I was a sophomore

and you were a senior...

I was under the impression

that you invited me

to be your date

to the Winter Snow Ball dance.


I bought a dress,

I did my hair and makeup and...

I waited all night.

You never showed.

What I... I'm so sorry, Kerrie,

I never knew that

I gave you that impression.

If I had known,

I never would've of...

I know.

- I'm sorry, Bean.

- Oh, that's another thing.

I detested that nickname.

Because of you in high school,

I was called every variation

a person could think of.

Uh... Stinky Bean,

Bossy Bean, Jelly Bean.

Ugh, the list went on and on.


Listen, I would like you

to consider forgiving me,

and I would like to ask you

if this could be

a fresh start for us.

What do you say?

Okay, fresh start.

You never did tell me

why you moved back.

Here? Oh I just...

Yeah, fond memories of Bedford,

and then I wanted

to get out of the city

and Jake called right

at the right time, so...

And also...


It's nothing.

It's okay.

We should get going.

Lots to do before

the big day tomorrow.

Okay, alright, let's go to it.

- Okay.

- Fresh start.

Yes, fresh start.

Oh, I remember when you and Jake

planned the senior prank,

and you bubble wrapped

the hallways.

I plead the fifth.

Although I will say,

whoever thought of that,

absolute genius.

Oh, it was funny.

I also remember a very sweet

sophomore gift

to the entire senior class,

their own personalized

box of candy.

Yes, well you almost

didn't get one.

My parents made me include you.

This is kind of embarrassing,

I never had a...

I don't know how

a cocoa b*mb works.

Oh, well, I'll show you.

Take this,

you put it right in there,

and then you add some hot milk.

Watch this.

See that? And then

it explodes

and there are all

the marshmallows!

- Oh, that's cool!

- Yeah, try it.

Oh, thank you.

It's amazing.

You made all those?

That's incredible.

Oh, it's not that hard,

I can teach you.

Well, that is the last one.

I think we're all set

for tomorrow.

Okay, well I have

some financials to do so...

I'll lock up,

you guys can take off.

Okay. Oh, well don't

work too late,

we have a big day tomorrow.

Yes, ma'am.

I'll go get my coat

and my things.

I haven't seen you smile

like this in, I don't know when.

Yeah, after my divorce,

I just focused

on raising Megan

and running the shop.

I didn't want another

failed relationship.

Maybe you didn't fail,

maybe the marriage failed you.


I'm happy for you.

Everyone deserves

a second chance.

Especially when

it comes to love.

Jake, what time is it there?

And what are you eating?

I was hungry for

a midnight snack.

It's almost one A.M.

I couldn't sleep.

Beans on toast.

Funny with the beans.

So, you all set

for Winterfest tomorrow?

Yes, the candy is all made

and Brooks is gonna

meet me early

and help me set up the booth.

Yeah, he mentioned that to me

when I spoke to him earlier.

Oh, you talked to him?

Don't worry,

he's gonna turn down

Erin's business proposal.

Wait, what business proposal?

I thought he told you.

Uh, apparently not.

Do you care to fill me in?

Jake, I'm waiting.

There you go, happy Winterfest.

You know, I'm feeling

a little thirsty.

Would you like a hot cider?

- Mm, I'd love one.

- Okay, I'll be right back.

Hey. Uh, there you go.

What's going on with Kerrie?

- What do you mean?

- I mean, is she okay?

Oh, she's probably

just stressed.

This is the biggest day

of the year for the shop.

Right, right. Where'd she go?

To get us a couple

of hot ciders.

Oh, do you want one?

No, thanks, one's plenty for me.

Oh right, okay.


Two ciders, please.



Busy day, huh?

Oh, yeah, very busy.

You're okay, right?

You're not upset

with me or anything?

No, I just have to get back

to the booth.

Uh... can we talk later? Great.

Hey, you.

Oh, hey, Erin. Hi.

I had a really fun time

the other night.

It was fun,

connecting with old friends.

- Yeah.

- Not that you're old.

That's not what I meant.

I do, I do,

I know what you mean.

Not to sound clich,

but it's true,

you know, what they say,

old friends are the best.

Absolutely, yeah.

So, not to pressure you,

but I need to know.

Here you go.

What's going on with you two?

Nothing, what do you mean?

Yesterday was all fireworks.

Today, it's like the ice age.

Oh, hi, Eileen, how are you?

I have your order.

I am fantastic and enjoying

this wonderful festival.

- How are you?

- Oh, great.

Winterfest is the best

time of year.

Are you alright, dear?

Yeah, it's just been

a tumultuous month

and once again,

things aren't certain.

Nothing in life ever is,

but I do believe

that what's meant to be

will always find a way.

The client is really

interested in meeting you.

And between you and me,

you are a shoo-in

for the COO position.

It would be a huge step up

in the corporate world.

But I need to know either way.

Listen, I can't tell you

how much I appreciate

this offer.

But uh... even though I might

regret this in the future,

I'm gonna turn down

the opportunity.

I'm very committed

to this little shop.

I understand.

Alright, well you know

where to find me

if you change your mind.


Sorry, little something

in my throat.

One second, I have your order.



Oh my goodness!

You're supposed to be in Europe,

what are you doing here?

I got your email and I wanted

to come surprise you.

Uncle Jake helped me

with the ticket.

Oh, that was so nice of him.

I have to fly back

on Monday but...

It doesn't matter,

I'm so happy you're here.

Oh, um...

Megan, this is Brooks,

my business partner.

Brooks, this is my daughter, Megan.

Hello, hello, I've heard

so much about you.

Yeah, same here.

I've missed this.

I haven't been home

for Winterfest in years.

Well, that is the nice thing

about traditions.

You can always

come back to them.

But I do worry about you,

especially with Uncle Jake

and Ophelia and me so far away.

I'll be fine,

I'll figure it out.

Aren't you the one

always telling me

communication is the most

important thing

in any relationship?


things are a little

more complicated

with good ol' Brooks.

Only if you let it be.

When did you get so smart?

I get it from my mom.

Um, I see a couple of friends

I want to say hi to.

Oh, okay. Oh!

And here's our raffle ticket.

Let me know if we win anything.

- You got it.

- Alright, love you.

Love you.

Hi. I hope

I didn't interrupt.

No, she just wanted

to say hi to some friends.

Um... I'm told that

it's a tradition

here at Winterfest

for partners to dance.

Would you dance with me?

If you don't tell me

what the problem is,

I don't know how to fix it.

I just had my whole life

turned upside down,

so if you

and the pretty head hunter

are gonna leave me in a lurch,

I'd rather know

sooner than later.

I knew it.

No, wait, wait, wait.

Let me explain.

You asked why I bought Jake out,

and I just didn't

tell you everything.

When I was in New York,

I was engaged.

And the relationship

wasn't perfect,

but I was dedicated to it,

until I discovered

that the woman that I was with,

she wasn't the woman

that she said she was at all.

It was just...

It was utterly humiliating

to know that the person

I trusted most in the world,

she... she betrayed me,

in more ways than one.

And then the fallout

professionally and personally,

it just...

Brooks, I'm so sorry,

I had no idea.

So that's why you left New York.

I just started revaluating

my life,

my career choices, everything.

And I decided that I wanted

to make a clean break

from that world.

And that's... that's right

when your brother called me.

What about this new business

opportunity with Erin?

I said no.

I don't want to go back

into that world.

Are you sure

this is what you want?


That chapter in my life

is closed.

It's finished.

And I'm very excited

to be writing this new

chapter with you, together.


Oh, Adam, hi.

I didn't see you earlier.

Oh, let me find your order.

I finally managed

to escape the restaurant.

Ah, no, it's for you.

As are these.

They're beautiful.

My favourites, how'd you know?

I was hoping we could have

dinner this week?

It'd be nice letting

someone else cook for once.

I'd like that a lot.

Well, I've got to get back

to the eatery.

I'm not complaining

about being busy but...

I understand.

Thanks again for these.

You're welcome.

Hi, sorry.


I... I, um...

I think we should probably

get back to the booth.


How's it going?

Oh, good, better than ever.

We thought you could

use a break.

Oh, thanks.

Oh, do we have more

chocolate peanut butter fudge?

- We're all out.

- Yes, I made a batch

this morning,

but it's back at the shop.

I'll get it.

I'll be right back.

Thank you.

You two looked pretty cozy

out there on the dance floor.

Oh, it's a Winterfest tradition,

business partners have to dance

at least once dance together.


These are some nice flowers,

where'd they come from?


David, give these

to your grandmother,

they are her favourite, thanks.

- Kerrie.

- Oh, Tim.

- Do you have a minute?

- Sure.

I've been meaning to call you.

I did a little digging

and the paperwork was signed,

it was just filed incorrectly.

So, your loan has been

approved, congratulations.

Now you can buy out

your obnoxious,

controlling, egoist

of a business partner.

You're free.


I acted impulsively

because I was upset

about something.

I'm sorry, Tim, but I'm not

gonna need that loan.

Things with my new

business partner

are better than I could've

ever dreamed.

Again, I'm sorry

for the inconvenience.

Oh, no worries.

I'm glad to hear it.

Hey, why don't you come by

the booth

for some peanut butter

chocolate fudge, on the house?

I'll gladly take you up on that.

Hey, Erin, it's Brooks, um...

Hey, I had a bit

of a change of heart.

Um, I'm wondering

if you could go ahead

and set up that

interview for me.

Uh... call me back,

let me know, thank you.

Mom, you won!


I never win anything.

Well, you did this time.

Open it.


Are you kidding?


It's meant to be.

Mom, a couple of my friends

are getting together

- at Izzy's house. Do you mind...

- Oh, go have a good time, okay.

- Thank you.

- Love you.

Love you too.

See you, Alexandra.

See you.

Uh, did Brooks say when

he would be coming back?

He did, he just said

he had some calls to return.

Hi, I got you a coffee.

- Oh, thanks.

- Hey, have you seen Brooks?

I looked for him after

Winterfest last night,

and he hasn't returned

my messages. It's not like him.

Yeah, I haven't seen him

since he dropped off

the fudge at the booth.

You know what?

I'm starting to worry.

Maybe he just lost his phone.

Yeah, well whatever,

I hope he's okay.

Oh, still no response.

What's so urgent that

you had to interrupt bingo?

I was winning.

You remember that big offer

I told you about?

What, the one

you can't turn down?

Yeah, that's the one.

And the main campus

is in California,

so get your surfboard ready.

Oh, I... I thought things

were going pretty well.

You and Kerrie seemed to be

hitting it off, am I wrong?

Uh, no, no, I was.

What? I thought you wanted

to move to the Golden state.

Well, I kind of like living

in the Buckeye state.

Come on, what happened?

I don't know, Dad.

Just uh... wrong about

a woman again.

Anyway, listen,

if you want to stay here,

there's offices in Cincinnati

that I can work out of.

I'll make sure everything's

taken care of,

whatever you want.

No, no, I go where you go.

I've had a great life.

Your happiness,

that's what matters to me.

Okay, thanks.

I love you, Dad.

You don't look very happy.

Matter of fact,

you look downright miserable.

- You wanna talk about it?

- No, no, not really, no.

You got to remember

that Kerrie isn't Sierra.

I gotta go to Cincinnati,

sign these papers.

I'll be back in a few hours.

Let me know,

I'll be ready to go.

- Jake, hey.

- So, how was Winterfest?

We nearly doubled

what we made last year.

I told you Brooks

was a financial genius.

And how are things

going with him?

Good, great,

we sorted out the job thing,

and now everything's perfect.

I had a feeling

you two would hit it off.

Yeah, I just don't know

where he is right now.

Any sign of Brooks?

No, he's never

been this late before.

Okay, that's it.

Something is not right.

Where are you going?

Well, I'll tell you

where I'm going.

I am going to break out

of my fortress

and get some answers,

no matter what they might be.

- That's where I'm going.

- Yes, girl.

Papa Joel.

Kerrie, what a nice surprise,

what brings you here?

Oh, I thought everyone

might need a break

from all that candy.

Is Brooks here?

Um, no, sorry.

Papa Joel, do you have a minute?

For you?

Absolutely, sit down.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm gonna miss

these snowy winter days.

Oh, well, not to worry,

you still have a few more

months of snowy weather.

Not where I'm moving.

You're moving?

Yeah, didn't Brooks

mention anything to you?

No, he did not.

Well, I don't think

it's my place to...

He's in Cincinnati

at a business meeting,

and if all goes well,

we'll be relocating

to California.

And by the sounds of it,

pretty soon too.

I don't understand.

Look, I don't know

what happened between you two.

But there's one thing I do know.

When you get to my age,

well, you won't regret

the chances you took for love.

Only the ones

you let pass you by.

Do you know when he'll be back?

Late afternoon.

Thank you.

Oh, and...

Please don't tell him we talked.

Oh, I won't.


I want you to know...

I'm rooting for you.

Me too.

The only thing that's missing

from this is your signature.

Now if you don't like

the California campus,

you can always come back to

Cincinnati and work from here.

No, no, my dad's stoked

for the sun and surf.

I don't blame him.

You're lucky to have him.

I am.

I worked so hard my whole life.

I sacrificed nearly everything

to be successful.

I think you and I

are two of a kind.

These are from a client,

have one.

Thank you.

What should I do with this,

regift it?

It's starting to grow on me.

Oh, excuse me.

Murphy Candy and Gifts.


How did you find me?

Papa Joel.

Oh, yeah, should've guessed.

- Can we talk?

- No, I don't think so.

I'm so sorry that this

didn't work out,

but I will sign

any papers that you have.

Brooks, what are you

talking about?

I'm talking about

the loan documents.

Unfortunately for you,

I overheard you

talking to the bank manager.

So please don't worry.

I'm not gonna cause

any problems.

Brooks, is that

what you thought?

That I would confront you

about leaving me in the lurch

and I'd go behind your back

and get a secret loan

to buy you out of the business?

I told Tim

I don't want the loan.

I had him cancel it.

Yeah, yes, at first,

I did want it, but...

that was before

I got to know you.

I had the contract in my hand...

and I couldn't sign it.

- You didn't sign it?

- No.

Why not?

It's because this restlessness

that has driven me my whole life

from place to place...

is not here anymore.

It's gone.

Since I met you.

I guess I'm changing.

Well, life is for

the living, but...

he who is living must be

prepared for changes.

Is that my high school

yearbook quote?

What about you,

why didn't you take the loan?

What changed your mind?

Well, I might have

fallen in love with you.

You might have?

I have fallen in love with you.

And it's wonderful

and terrifying,

because you know how

I feel about change.

But I had to come and find you

and tell you,

and honestly, if you don't

feel the same way it's...

- I like it.

- Me too.

I got something for you.


It's a surprise.

Two tickets to Belgium?

That's right. We're gonna go

back to the very little village

that your great-grandparents

learned to make candy,

and then we're gonna see

Jake and Ophelia,

and of course, we'll see Megan.

I love you, Brooks McLead.

I love you too, Bean.