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07x04 - God Child" / "Curtain Call

Posted: 05/05/23 08:09
by bunniefuu


- Good morning, Mr. Roarke.
- Good morning, Lawrence.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


LAWRENCE: Mr. Mickey Masterson.

Now, there's a gentleman
who needs no introduction.

Yes, his comedy show
was rated number one

for many, many years.

LAWRENCE: I can't say I've
seen much of him lately, however.

ROARKE: In the entertainment
business, Lawrence,

one rarely stays
on top indefinitely.

LAWRENCE: Sad, but true.

And now he plans
to officially retire.

Mr. Masterson's fantasy is to
do one last show and go out,

as they say, with a bang.

Sounds simple enough.

Ah, but you see, this
show is to reunite him

with two former colleagues

who meant the
most to his career.

LAWRENCE: I seem to
detect a slight problem.

ROARKE: Quite possibly.

They are two people

who haven't laid
eyes on him in years.

Each for a very special reason.

determined looking child.

Surely she's not
here for a fantasy.

ROARKE: Well, that's precisely
what she's here for, Lawrence.

At her tender age? Really, sir.

Unfortunately, tragedy
doesn't respect age,

tender or otherwise. You
see, Miss Laurie Shannon

lost both her
parents in an accident

just two months ago.

LAWRENCE: Poor child.

What are we going
to do about it, sir?

- Grant her fantasy, of course.
- Which is?

To find God and
ask Him face-to-face

how He could do such a thing.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


ROARKE: Well, Laurie, is
your bungalow comfortable?

Anything you want or need?

LAURIE: It's very
nice, Mr. Roarke.

Thank you.

LAURIE: But all I
want is my fantasy.


To find God.

Are you sure you'd recognize
Him if you were to meet Him?

LAURIE: I hope so.

And anyway, you
did tell my guardians

I could have my fantasy.


Yes, I did.

So I think I already
know who He is.

Why did you k*ll my
mother and father?

No, I'm not what you're
searching for, Laurie.

But look at you. You're
all dressed in white,

and you have a sort of
shining all around you.

And you make people's
fantasies come true.

I am very fortunate

that I can sometimes bring
happiness to others, yes.

But what you're looking
for, Laurie, is different.

He is everywhere and nowhere.

And very, very
difficult to find.

You'll have to keep looking.

It won't be this easy,
you understand.

You'll find what
you seek, though,

when and where
you least expect it.

But I promise you this...

you'll know when
you do find Him.

Then I guess I
better get started.

MICKEY: Outrageous.


That means he
loves it, Lawrence.

Oh? Oh.

May I freshen your
drink, Mr. Masterson?

Oh, thank you very, very much.

The climate does
make you thirsty.

But keep it virgin, I'm
not too big on the sauce

-when I'm working. -Yes, sir.

Mr. Roarke, it seems
like I'm always working.

I'm not ashamed to say it.

Audiences cannot
get enough of me.

Of course, Vegas is
no picnic, mind you,

but it's not anything like
the crazy pace of television.

That's why I finally turned
my back on television.

No, sir, Vegas.

Oh, boy, I love Vegas.

How they love me in Vegas.

What a night. What
a night. [CHUCKLES]

As I look into your faces,

and some of your
faces need looking into...

I feel great, I really do.

You know I love
Las Vegas because...

Yeah, how they love me.

Isn't it difficult to retire
from such admiration?

Oh, maybe, but I say

a man should quit
when he's on top.

- That's what I believe.
- Your drink, sir.

-Virgin. -Thank you very much.

Martha and Walter
arrived, didn't they?

Oh, to be sure.

Bringing Miss Holly
and Mr. Dunlap

to Fantasy Island
wasn't difficult.

However, I can in no way
make decisions for them.

There remains a possibility

they may not wish
to do the show.

No chance.

Oh, I admit they may
not enjoy the idea at first.

But when that curtain goes up,

they'll be right
there beside me.

We were a team
you just couldn't beat.

Oh, I remember well.

In fact, it does seem a
shame that you ever broke up

in the first place.

Well, it was the, um...

the pressure I
was talking about.

Martha and Walter understood

how it was, you
know what I mean?

But even if they're
holding a little grudge

because I stayed on
top and they didn't...

don't worry, I'll
square it with them.

Mr. Roarke, don't you
worry about a thing.

It's gonna be great.

Absolutely outrageous.


MAN: This is my place. Get out!

Are you... Are you God?

Yes, I am.

This place doesn't
look much like heaven,

all these cactuses and
sharp pointed things.

I made it that way to keep
funny-faced people like you out.

- Now get.
- I came to ask you a question.

People don't ask God questions.

Didn't your folks teach
you anything at all?

They taught me lots of things,

but you k*lled them
in that accident.

That's what I've come to
ask you. Why did you do it?

Uh, I...

I don't allow that
kind of question.

Well, I'm not leaving
until you answer it.

Look, kid, what you're
asking isn't easy to answer.

- Not even for me.
- If you're God...

- you know why you did it.
- Well, sure I do.

But it takes a lot of thinking
on my part to answer

so that you will
understand what I'm saying.

-You know what I mean? -No.

I do things differently
than ordinary mortals

like you for different reasons.


Well, I'll tell you what.

You go away and you
come back this afternoon

and by that time

I'll have figured out
how to explain it to you.

-Okay? -I don't know why

you can't explain it to me now.

Blast it, kid, will you
stop arguing with God?

Now, get out of here
before I change my mind.

Okay, but you better be here.

You've got a colossal nerve
inviting me to your bungalow

to ask me to do a show with you.

You hate me that much?

Every time I think about
what happened between us...

it hurts.


you ever think about
the good times at all?

Now and then.

Well, I do too. A lot.

Come on, sweet pea, I
didn't know until right now...

how badly I've missed you.

I bet.

Tell me one reason why
I should do your show.


I don't need your money.

I am doing just fine.

I have my other
work. I sell things.

- You mean, like commercials?
- Yeah, commercials.

People come up to me,
want to talk about the old days,

ask for my autograph.

Talk about all the
shows I've starred in.

Wouldn't you just love to try

our brand-new,
tasty, yummy spread?

It's... It's a treat.

I... I promise.

So nobody can say
I'm not appreciated.

Will you just listen, please?

I know how bad I
hurt you, sweet pea,

but maybe what you don't
know is that I hurt me, too.

There were things
that I could have said

to make it easier for you,
but I didn't know the words.

Didn't know them.

And I guess I still don't.

Anyway, Martha...

I need you.

I'm talking about one last show
and about how deeply grateful

I'd be if you would
do it with me.

Damn you.

Of course, I'll do
your lousy show.

Sweet Pea.

LAURIE: Mr. Roarke, Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Roarke, I've been
looking all over for you.

Well, Laurie, I
was getting worried.

I was just about to send
out a search party for you.

I think I found Him.

-Maybe. -You mean...

God, of course.

He's not exactly
what I expected.

- Sort of scruffy, you know.
- Ah, scruffy, you say?

Yeah. And He said He'd answer
my question this afternoon.

Oh, did he? Excellent.

Well, there is no reason
you shouldn't enjoy yourself

-in the meantime. -I guess not.

ROARKE: So why don't you go
to the house and tell Lawrence

I said to give you
anything you want, huh?

All right. Thank you.

-Mr. Roarke. -Mr. Adam Cobb.

I rather expected
a visit from you.

I'll bet you did the way
you messed up my fantasy,

letting that little kid
violate my privacy.

Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Cobb.

I was to be left strictly
alone for the whole weekend.

But Laurie is only a child.
Surely the few moments

of your time she
took can't possibly...

It's not just the time...
Things got involved.

I had to stall her off
but she's coming back

to pester me again.

Well, the role you
so humbly undertook

does have a certain
universal attraction, doesn't it?

That's neither here nor there.

It was her idea. She
sort of forced it on me.

Oh, I understand.

And you certainly
do have the right

to your privacy, of course.

After all, in time Laurie
will get over her tragic loss.

And she does have the
benefits of her family fortune

to assure her future happiness.

Family fortune?
Uh... Family fortune?

Yes, poor little rich girl.

The only heir to all
that responsibility.


-Yeah, poor little kid. -[SIGHS]

But don't worry,
Mr. Cobb, I'll see to it

she doesn't bother you again.

Mr. Roarke, we can't be selfish

about this poor little girl.

-Yes. -I'll think up an answer

to her question,
don't you worry.

I'll be waiting
right there for her.

You just stay out of it, okay?

If that's the way you want
it, Mr. Cobb, of course.


[SIGHS] Of course.

ROARKE: How did your
meeting go with Miss Holly?

Oh, fine. Great.

She absolutely
jumped at the chance.

Had to beat her
off me with a stick.

[LAUGHS] How wonderful.

I must admit I did
have certain doubts.

I knew all along

there was nothing
to worry about.

Well, I hope things go as well
with your friend, Mr. Dunlap.


I didn't... Even
know he was here.

-Oh? -You mean Walter?

Don't worry. Why
should he be different?

I'll get him in the show.

Watch this.



No, Irving... Of
course it's Mickey.

- Hey.
- Hey, Walter, you old tiger,

you look terrific.

It's been a while, huh.


- You know what I'm thinking of?
- Huh?

- , the scene we did. -Yeah.

You're the Sergeant
and you say...

I said, "Stand at
attention, Soldier."

And I said, "I am
at attention, sir.

It's my uniform that's at ease."


You look great.

- Really, you look in the pink.
- Yeah, you do, too.

I mean, not a day older.

Ten years older maybe...

- But not a day.
- But not a day.

Still doing shtick, huh?

You know, you look
ready for opening night.

Oh, that's 'cause I keep busy.

As a matter of fact, this
is the first time in years

that I have taken
time off to play a little.

-Time off from what, pal? -Work.

Of course, it's not
the real big time.

But I love it.

I don't know how
to tell you this, but...

I'm doing one last show
Saturday and then I'm hanging it up.

You know, I'd love for
you to do the show with me,

the last one for the road.

How about it?

Gee, I don't know, Mickey.

- Martha's agreed to be in it.
- She did?

When's rehearsal?

: p.m.

Fantasy Island theater.

You got a deal. You got a deal.


Outrageous. Outrageous!

See you, baby.

Piece of cake.

Some guys just beg for
the sky to fall in on them,

right, Mr. Roarke?

- You mean Mr. Masterson?
- You got it.

I'm gonna bury that bum.

Give me a double bourbon.

Well, Miss Laurie,
what's it going to be?

The amusement park with
all sorts of exciting rides.

Or, if you prefer,
there's horseback riding,

there's swimming,
there's boating.

-Oh, look. -LAWRENCE: How about

the ice cream
parlor? Forty flavors.

Or the game room with
all those Pac people.

I knew I could depend
on you, Lawrence.

What, sir?

For finding the perfect
entertainment for Laurie.

-A puppy, of course. -Puppy?

- Oh, that puppy.

ROARKE: Ah, a child's
special gift, Lawrence,

to love God's creations
above all of man's inventions.

LAWRENCE: With all of
Fantasy Island at her feet,

her idea of fun is to
have something to love.

ROARKE: And to have
something love her.

MICKEY: Strut,
strut... Oh, person.

Wait a minute.
This is ridiculous.

-We need Walter. -Of course.

Where's Walter?

He's here, that's
where. [CHUCKLES]

Walter, baby, you're late.

Yeah, Walter's
always late, remember?

Are you ready to work or not?

Say the word, oh, master.

All right, get up
here on the stage.

Here's what we're gonna

We'll open up with
the stand-up routine

in front of the curtain.

And then, pow! A big
song and dance number

for the finish of the
act. You understand?

Let's, uh, let's line up.

Could you just
back up just a little?

I'm gonna count off. I want
to see if you remember.

I'll count off. You
know, It's four in a bar

Five, six, seven,
eight. [HUMMING]




You used to say I
was upstaging you.

It drove you up the wall.
Here, look at this one.

Hup. Hup!

Look familiar, huh? [LAUGHS]

You want to tell me
what this is all about?

Sure, pal. Sure.

It's about loyalty...


professional respect.

None of which you
know a damn thing about.

What are you trying to say?

First you dump Martha,
then you dump me.

All out of your greedy
need to hog the spotlight.

That's not true.

Well, I guess you know where
you ended up without us, huh?

In the dumper, that's where.

And that's where you are now.

Do you think I don't
read the papers?

Walter, maybe you shouldn't.

I wouldn't set foot on
the stage with this creep

after what he did to me
and my life and yours.

See this little lady, pal?

She worshipped you. You!

And there I was so
much in love with her, I...

I could

live for days on
a look, a smile.

- Walter, you never said a word.
- Well I'm saying it now.

Let me tell you something,

I would have settled
for one percent

of what she felt for you
and you just threw her away.

I had no idea you felt that way.

What do you say, Martha?

Are you going to stop
being used as a doormat

by this... This...


How 'bout it, Martha?

I'm... I'm sorry, Mickey, I...

I wish I didn't believe
it, but Walter's right.


Good luck on your
big show, old buddy.

You got the spotlight
all to yourself.

Just like you love it.

[LAUGHS] So, little
girl, you came back.

Of course. You told me to.


You don't think much
of this place, do you?

LAURIE: It's weird.

ADAM: Well, it suited
my mood when I created it.

I may leave it for Roarke to
show people when I move on.

You know, I wouldn't
mind hanging around Earth

for a year or two

if I found somebody I liked
good enough to stay with.

You could stay with me.

You wouldn't kid God, would you?

Not if you answer my question
and it makes me understand.

You mean about the
accident and your parents?

Well, I've been thinking a
lot about that, like I promised.

And, um...

I'll figure a way to
explain it to you but...

But what?

Well, human beings
don't understand

death very well, because
they're not supposed to.

Now I'd like to do you a
favor, but it's breaking the rules,

so it may take me a year...

or, uh, two for me to
figure out how to do it.

Mr. Roarke said my
fantasy would come true.

So I sort of believed you
when you said you were God.

He said I wasn't?

No, but you don't act like God.

And you don't look like any
painting I ever saw of Him.

Well, of course not. No
artist ever made it to heaven

to see what I look like.

And who says that
God can't look like

everybody else
anyway? He... I mean,

I made man according
to His own image,

like the Good Book says.

-Remember? -I remember.

But you have to
prove you're really God.

Come on, kid, there's
no way to do that.

Yes, there is. Disappear.

- ADAM: What?
- I saw it in a movie once.

If you're really God, you
can disappear to prove it.

So disappear.

Maybe I don't feel like it.

Who are you to tell
God what do anyway?

You won't disappear
because you can't.

You're not God.
You're not God at all.

Mr. Masterson?

Oh, hello, Mr. Roarke.

Hello. How is the
show coming along?

I'm just mulling over my act.

I'm glad you're going
ahead with your plans

despite your
little difficulties.

Oh, you, uh, you
heard what happened?

I make it my business to know

what happens on Fantasy
Island, Mr. Masterson.

Of course.

Well, it's going to
be the best show

I can manage to do.

A very admirable
attitude indeed.

Let me level with
you, Mr. Roarke...

I'm scared.

I'm scared of going up
on that stage all alone

because my career's been
going downhill for years.

And I was really good.


You were the very
best, Mr. Masterson.

Thank you.

You see, I figured with
Martha and Walter with me

like old times,

things would come
back together for all of us.

But they both believe
certain things about me

that are just not so.

And I never had the
guts to tell 'em the truth.

Perhaps, now you will.

Perhaps, what really matters
is that you make peace

with the past before you
leave it behind for good.

You know?

Laurie, you're not
thinking of leaving now?

Surely you can wait
until the regular flight

leaves tomorrow, can't you?

What's the use? I'm
not gonna find God.

Really, sir,

that old reprobate passing
himself off as the deity?

- Insufferable.
- Perhaps, Lawrence.

Now, why don't you
take Miss Laurie's bag

to the plane dock?

Uh, you still insist on leaving?

I told you what
you were looking for

was very difficult
to find. Remember?

I also said you'd find it when
and where you least expect it.

But all I found was a old phony.

Sit down, Laurie, sit down.

Try to understand.

All that lies behind us

and all that lies ahead
of us in this life is nothing

compared to what
lies within us now.

-Like what? -Like love,

understanding, forgiveness.

You mean forgive and
understand that old man?

That old man, Mr. Adam Cobb,

a long time ago was a
very famous circus clown.

Did you know that? Oh, yes.

And many, many years ago
he also had a beautiful wife

and a daughter
just about your age.

I don't want to hear
about him. He lied to me.

Yes, he did.

All these years, he's
lied to a lot of people.

But most of all to himself.

- How can he do that?
- Let me explain.

There was a fire in
the big tent one night...

and his wife was
burned to death.

After that, Mr. Adam Cobb's
life became a series of lies.

First, that he couldn't
raise a daughter alone.

So he had her adopted.

Then that life wasn't
worth living anymore,

so he tried to drink himself
to death. And he's still trying.

And finally, that he
was beyond loving

or being loved ever again.

I'm sorry all that
happened, Mr. Roarke.

It must be terrible
to feel like he does.

Yes. Terrible. Terrible.

- He does need help, doesn't he?
- Indeed.

From someone who
can understand...

and, uh... forgive...



All right, I'll try.

But it won't be easy.

Uh, hello, kid.

Where are you going?

Well, I got this big job offer.

They need a supervisor
for the next Skylab and...

Do you know every
time you tell a lie,

-your eye twitches? -What?

- It twitches.
- Why don't you get lost?

I guess because I'm not
afraid of you anymore.

That doesn't mean
you can pester me.

- It's doing it again.
- Never mind my blasted eye.

Look, uh...

about what I told you before.
I didn't mean that I was...

exactly God.

Well, I've been
thinking about that.

And what I think now is...

maybe God isn't just
one person after all.

Maybe God is a little
bit in every person.

-Even you. -Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, well, that's what I
meant when I said, "Not exactly."


LAURIE: You're
really something else.


ADAM: Wow.

Now, aren't you
glad you didn't leave?

I guess I am.

This view may be the
closest thing to heaven

I ever get.

Not if you don't want it to be.

What do you know?
You're just a kid.


That's the trouble
with being young.

No one ever thinks
what you say is important.

Oh, forget I said that.

Get right down to it,

maybe the only thing worse
than being young like you is...

- being old like me.
- How old are you, Mr. Cobb?

Well, I'm old enough that
nobody alive remembers me

as a kid your age.

Not even me, Laurie.

You see, a man forgets.

Only a woman
remembers things like that.


Bourbon, soda. Well, well, well.

The great Mickey. And
drinking! It's not even dark yet.

Oh, how you used to
lecture us sinners about that.

There's nothing
in it, Walter. Virgin.

Hey, you gonna wow
'em up there tonight

all by your lonesome, huh?

Listen, I'd hang around
and watch the show,

but I haven't got the heart
to watch you suffer that way.

Here's your drink, sir.

Yeah, your drink.

Walter mustn't go even
ten minutes without his drink.

- What the hell are you saying?
- Why do you think I fired you?

Because you were jealous
of every laugh I ever got.

Are you that far gone?

It never sunk in

that you couldn't
remember half the routines?

Your own doctor
came to me and said

that if you tried
keeping up this pace,

in your condition,
you'd k*ll yourself.

Here's your booze.

That's where you should
have poured it, on the outside.

Mr. Cobb, maybe
like you said before

you wouldn't mind hanging
around a year or two...

if you found somebody
you liked enough.

Oh, I think you can
forget I said that, too.


I'd like it if you
stayed with me.

I live with my aunt
in a house so big

I don't even know how
many rooms there are.


Hey, you said you wouldn't
kid God, remember?

I'm not kidding.

All right, I'll...

I'll think about it.

Come on, let's go.

ROARKE: I'm not exactly sure

why you're so
perturbed, Mr. Cobb.

ADAM: Mr. Roarke,

she really wants me to
come and live with her.

ROARKE: Well, I should
think that would make you feel

quite good.

ADAM: Most of my life,
I've lived by hook or by crook.

Mostly crook, if
you get what I mean.

If I ever had a conscience, I
sunk it under a whole ocean

of self-pity a long
time ago, and now...

ROARKE: And now,
Miss Laurie Shannon has,

shall we say, rescued
you from that ocean?

That's about the size of it.

She's made me think about
things that I haven't thought about

for a long, long time.

I'm gonna see her tonight, and
she's gonna want an answer.

I'm afraid it's a decision
you'll have to make

for yourself, Mr. Cobb.

Could she really pull it off,
make it stick with her guardians

- and all that?
- With my recommendation,

it's possible, yes. Mm-hmm.

I want to do the
right thing for once.

Oh, I think you will, Mr. Cobb.

I'm sure you will.



Walter, what are you doing here?

Uh, I was... I was
looking for you.


Well, I was lonesome
for a friendly face,

- old familiar surroundings.
- I know what you mean.

So many memories
come back. You know?

Yeah. A lot of mine
I wish I could forget.


I wish it had been
you. I... I really do.

Funny how we fall
for the wrong people.

Yeah, life plays its
little jokes, doesn't it?


- Let's get out of here.
- Let's go.


Hey, what's that?

Oh, that's pretty.
Let's check it out.

MARTHA: Oh, it's Mr. Roarke.
What are you doing here?

Oh, sometimes,
I find it relaxing

to sit at a piano and play
and think about things.

And remember.

Yeah, we know about that.


Things like how sad it is
that you and Mr. Masterson,

with such a rich past together,

can part with no
memories to cherish.

Tough. That's the way she goes.

I wish there was
a different way.

But there isn't.

It's sad...

to have had such
a rich life together...

and not one to remember.

What a waste.


Try to remember
when life was so tender

that no one wept

♪ Except the willow ♪

♪ Try to remember
When life was so tender ♪

♪ That dreams were
kept Beside your pillow ♪

♪ Try to remember
When life was so tender ♪

♪ That love was an
ember About to billow ♪

♪ Try to remember
And if you remember ♪

♪ Then follow ♪

♪ Deep in December
It's nice to remember ♪

♪ Although you know
The snow will follow ♪

♪ Deep in December
It's nice to remember ♪

♪ Without a hurt
The heart is hollow ♪

♪ Deep in December
It's nice to remember ♪

♪ The fire of September
That made us mellow ♪

♪ Deep in December Our
hearts should remember ♪

♪ And follow ♪



Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very
much, ladies, and...

Would you do me a favor?
Would you please put up

all the lights in the room.

Thank you. And will you
take off the spotlight, please?


I think most of you do know
this is Mickey Masterson's

- farewell performance.

Although I...

imagine many of you
thought that I already did that

- when my TV show was cancelled.

Those were the most
wonderful years of my life.

It was a time...

I'm mostly proud of.


Not all.

There were two people
just as responsible

as me for making those
great moments count.

Sometimes, I...

I don't know how
to say this but...

I didn't do right by them.


Two people
especially who I hoped

would be with me tonight...

their names are Martha
Holly and Walter Dunlap.

Although, they didn't know it...

they were my family.

And I loved them both.

And I still love them.

- WALTER: Hold it, hold it.
- MARTHA: Just a minute.


Martha, you're not going
to take all this sweet talk

- lying down, are you?
- No way, Walter.

Now listen, don't
try to cut us out, pal.

We're one big
happy family again.

-Hey. -MARTHA: Hey!



We fooled you, huh?

-What a surprise. -Yeah.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may
remember how we open our act.

Well, here we are
again. One more time.

Let's do it.


ALL: ♪ Oh we ain't
got A barrel of money ♪

♪ Maybe we're ragged And funny ♪

♪ But we'll travel
along Singin' a song ♪

♪ Side by side ♪


When's the last time
you had a milkshake?

[GASPS] Is that what this is?

It's good for you.

God forbid. Whoever He is.

Have you thought
about what I said earlier

about living with me?

Yes, I have.

But there's a few things
I'd like to say first, okay?

You asked me a very important
question this morning, Laurie,

about the accident
and your folks.

I'd like to try and answer it.

All right.

Despite people like me,

people messing
up their own lives

and other people's too...

I think God knows
what He's doing.

But every once in a while,
He needs good people

like your mom and dad to
help Him out with all the work

He's got to do up
there in heaven.

So He takes them away?

It's all He can do.

He knows it's tough
on kids like you.

But He also knows that
you're strong enough

to keep going

and do all the good you can
to help Him out here on Earth.

- Still doesn't seem fair.
- I know.

I think He knows it too.

And He hopes you'll understand.

And know...

that someday you'll be
with your folks again...

in the good place.

I think I like your
answer, Mr. Cobb.

-Good. -Thank you.

Now, you know something?

I haven't danced in years.

How about it, Miss Laurie?


♪ Funny little Funny
little funny face ♪

♪ Sweetest little dearest
Little fluff and lace ♪

♪ You brought a
new love A true love ♪

♪ That turned my life around ♪

♪ You brought a real
hope A precious new hope ♪

♪ To a tired old clown ♪

♪ What is your power
This magic hour ♪

♪ A soft embrace ♪

♪ That makes me
tower A giant flower ♪

♪ Above the human race ♪

♪ Funny little Funny
little funny face ♪

♪ Sweetest little dearest
Little honey face ♪

♪ Hold me forever and ever
In your heart's embrace ♪

♪ I love you honey ♪

Goodbye, my funny
little funny face.

Thanks for the offer, kid.

But we've both got
important things to do.

So long.

Okay, Martha.

Walter. [CHUCKLES]

We were just saying how
we almost hate to leave.

I, for one, hate to see you go.

Shall we make that two?

I would imagine with
such rave reviews,

we can look forward to
your revival on television.

We haven't even
thought about that.

I don't even care.

I'm just happy
we're friends again.

Yes, we are.

And I can't thank you
enough, Mr. Roarke.

Well, the compliment
is returned.

You've given us much pleasure.

Thank you.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye, sir.

-Good to see ya. -Goodbye.

- Do you think they will, sir?
- Will what?

Get their show together again.

Oh, that's relatively
unimportant, Lawrence.

They found what they
really came for, each other.


Well, Laurie, I see you
and your newfound friend

have developed what I'm sure
will be a lasting relationship.

He's great... In fact,
he's almost perfect.

Almost, Miss Laurie?

I checked his pedigree
myself. He is faultless.

Not when it comes to dribbles.


Is Mr. Cobb going
to be all right?

Oh, definitely all right, yes.

He's going to start a new life

and try to find his
long-lost daughter.

You gave him the
help he needed, Laurie.

I'm glad.

But just in case, Mr. Roarke,
if you happen to see...

you know who...

tell Him hello for
me and thanks.

With pleasure.

Maybe I didn't get to meet
Him, but I still got my fantasy.

Mr. Cobb told me
everything I wanted to know.

I'm so glad, Laurie.

Bye, Mr. Roarke.

- Lawrence.
- Goodbye, Miss Laurie.
