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07x05 - Roarke's Sacrifice" / "The Butler's Affair

Posted: 05/05/23 08:10
by bunniefuu

Good morning, Mr. Roarke.

Good morning, Lawrence.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


MR. ROARKE: Well, Lawrence,
there's your friend, Mr. Baldwin

and his employer,
Mrs. Leslie Darnell.

You do have the
fantasy straight?

Mrs. Darnell, a widow,

wants to spend the
weekend with her butler

as if they were
two ordinary people

in an ordinary relationship

that could develop into what she
has dreamed about for some time.

A romance.

Mrs. Darnell, ordinary?

Oh, I do hope I
haven't made a mistake.

The only mistake will
be on Mrs. Darnell's part.

How's that, sir?

Her mistake would be in
raising her expectations so high

that she loses sight of the
real man she wants to know.

LAWRENCE: That lady, sir.

I remember her.

She was a great
dancer some years ago.

MR. ROARKE: Miss Julie Mars.

Some say the most talented
dancer of the modern era.

As I recall, she
mysteriously retired

at the very height
of her career.

She uses a cane.

MR. ROARKE: Her retirement
was forced, Lawrence.

An automobile accident.

What a dreadful tragedy, sir.

Yes, she was injured right
here on Fantasy Island.

And her fantasy is
to dance once more.

LAWRENCE: Her fantasy
must be difficult for you to arrange

under the circumstances, sir.

More than you know, Lawrence.

You see, I was
responsible for her accident.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

(CHUCKLING) Mr. Roarke,

I'm as excited as a
debutante! Oh, dear!

MR. ROARKE: Well, it
becomes you, Mrs. Darnell.

LAWRENCE: Debutante balls

were such a lovely
old-fashioned tradition.

Where I come from

everything is old-fashioned
and full of tradition.

Which is why you are here.

Mmm, yes.


Well, Lawrence, trust
you to think of everything.

I try, sir, I do try.

You know, Mr. Roarke,

not once in all the years
we've been together

has Baldwin ever let it show.

Let what show, Madame?

Well, that he feels what I feel.

it be, Mrs. Darnell,

that your curiosity
about the man

behind the cool,
professional exterior

has led you to read
something into the relationship

that doesn't really exist?

Oh, no.

No, Mr. Roarke, it's real.

For both of us. I've felt it.

the delay, Madame.

I've seen to it the maid
finished your unpacking.

I've sent the gown you selected
for tonight's reception to be pressed.

And I've confirmed your
luncheon reservations.

Thank you, Baldwin.

Now, please sit down.

Very good, Mad...

Uh, did you say sit down?

It's quite all right,
I assure you.

Please join us, won't you?

LAWRENCE: Yes, do.

Baldwin, I... I don't want
you to be my butler anymore.

Oh, for the time being anyway.

I'd always thought my
services were satisfactory.

Oh, they are.

As far as they went, I...

That's really not what
I meant to say, I...

Oh, dear.

Lawrence, help
me with this, please.

Well, Baldwin, dear fellow,

Mrs. Darnell's fantasy is for
you two to spend the weekend,

shall we say...


But not as employer
and employee,

but as man and woman.

Is this a joke?


Oh, dear, I...

This is embarrassing, I...

Baldwin, all...

All these years together, I...

I always felt that there was
something very special...

Something personal
between us, I...

Surely I couldn't
have been mistaken.

It would be just for this
weekend, Mr. Baldwin.

Two short days to test this
feeling Mrs. Darnell describes.

You haven't denied
this special contact

between you and Mrs. Darnell,

so what do you have to lose?

I'm not sure yet, sir.

In any case, it's
a beautiful day,

Fantasy Island
is yours to enjoy,

so why not take your charming
companion to lunch? Hmm?

is anything wrong?

Sir, I said is anything wrong?

I'm quite all right,
Lawrence, thank you.

Miss Mars is meeting me here.

Yes, sir.

Of course, I know nothing about

the accident involving
Miss Mars, but...

if there's anything I can do
for you now, anything at all...

I appreciate your concern,
Lawrence, but, um...

Don't trouble your
head over my problem.

As a matter of fact, sir,

I was practicing a bit of
advice I've often heard you give.

When considering
yourself, use your head.

When considering others,

use your heart.

Thank you for
reminding me, Lawrence.

Thank you.

One of the last times I saw you

was right here in
this very theater,

right after my last performance.

And you were
running out that door.


I've always blamed
myself for not stopping you.

Oh, Julie, why did
you take the car?

Where were you going that night?

To that special place
that you took me once

when you told me that you
could never leave the island,

not even for our love.

Oh, Julie, I'm so
sorry it happened.

I was devastated,

and you wouldn't let me
see you after the accident.

We didn't tell you that.

I didn't want to hear
you say "I'm sorry."

I wanted to hear
you say, "I love you."

Oh, I always loved you.

I still do.

And I love you too.

What happened
was a long time ago.

But you're still here.

And the only thing
that's changed is that

I walk with this cane.

And don't believe
in miracles anymore.

I can give you
your fantasy, Julie.

To dance?

To dance the way
I used to dance?


Oh, darling, please.


You must understand, you can
tell no one else about your fantasy.

And it will last only for these
two days of the film festival.

Oh, I don't care.

Then stand here.

Now don't move.

Don't move.



Now, dance, Julie.

-I can't. -You can.

You can.

Give me the cane.

Dance, Julie.



Oh, Julie, Julie,

what a joy to see
you happy again.




Yes, Madame?

Sit down.

Stop calling me Madame.

My name is Leslie, remember?

It's going to take practice.


Well, uh...

that is what we're here for...


You have to be patient.

I have been patient...

for over years.

Oh, Marshall.

You didn't have a clue to
the way I felt all these years?

I only knew how I felt.

Well, you certainly
never gave me your clue.

Then I've learned to be
a very good actor, Leslie.

So have I.

And I don't want to have
to pretend ever again.

No, thanks, dear. It clashes.

(WOMAN) Oh, no,
darling, not with my hat.

I was so afraid
this might be tacky.

But it's absolutely beautiful.

Wait a minute.

you mind if we left?

Leslie, darling!


Uh... Well... Uh...

Well, Rachel, Audrey!

Imagine bumping into the two of

Listen, I can't stay and talk,
but we'll get together later.


That man she's trying to hide...

I'd swear that was Baldwin.

Her butler?

Leslie having lunch
with her butler?

Why would she do that?

Now isn't that an
interesting question.


Oh, Miss Mars
is over there, sir.

Ah, thank you,
Lawrence, I see her.

It'll mean Broadway
again, Julie.

A hit show and all the
wonderful hoopla that goes with it.

Are you making me
an offer, Edmond?


Dance this weekend.

If you've got even half of
what you had, we've got a deal.

Are you tempting my
favorite lady, Mr. Roan?

Nothing you wouldn't
approve of, Mr. Roarke.

I'm sure of that.

Would you excuse us?

Oh, of course.

Think about it, Julie.

Let me know if
you'll consider it.

You heard what he said?

Yes, Julie, I heard
what he said.

But he doesn't
know what we know.

And you can't tell him

or your fantasy will
end at that very moment.


Why can't you make
my cure permanent?

Please don't ask me that.

Oh, now listen to me.

You chose to stay
on this island once,

rather than to live a life
with me somewhere else,

even though you told
me that you loved me.

I did love you.

I do love you.

Well, then, why?


I can't leave.

I don't exist anywhere
else but on Fantasy Island,

not in the way you know me.

Don't try to understand it.

Just believe that it's
beyond even my powers.

Those powers.

Those powers to make
fantasies come true...

They are for other
people, Julie, not for myself.

And the very fact of our love
makes what you ask impossible.

I don't believe that.

You could find a
way, but you won't.

You sent me away before,
with a leg that wouldn't get well

and a heart that wouldn't heal.

And now you'll do it again
for the same selfish reasons,

whatever they are.


If I may say so, sir,

your reception for VIP
guests is a splendid idea.

Thank you, Lawrence,
but I remind you

all Fantasy Island guests
are VIPs, as you call them.

Of course, sir.

Oh, dear.

MR. ROARKE: A problem, Lawrence?

Two, sir.

And more of a disaster.

They're old friends of mine...

And Baldwin's.

But it's not just them
I'm worried about.

It's their employers.

Oh, I see.

All of them, I gather, know
Mrs. Darnell and Baldwin.



Enter the witches right on cue.

Mesdames Andrews and Wilkins

who both enjoy a reputation
for malicious gossip

that is exceeded only by the
wealth of their respective husbands.

They sound very ominous indeed.

The very word, sir.

The only thing they'd enjoy more

than blighting the
fragile blossom of love,

would be to plow
up the entire garden.

Well, as the one in charge
of this fantasy, Lawrence,

I suggest you keep a very
close eye on the situation.

And I wish you luck.

(GASPS) There they are, Audrey.

AUDREY: It is Baldwin.


And just when I thought the weekend
was going to be a colossal bore.

Lovers! They're lovers!

Probably have been for years.

Oh, Audrey.

You're jealous.

I didn't think the two of us
coming to this reception together

was such a good idea at first,

but I've changed my mind.

I'm changing my mind
about a lot of things.

I couldn't be happier.

Come on, she's not going
to get away from us this time.


How nice.

Aren't you going to introduce
us to this gorgeous man?

Baldwin, it's you!

Leslie, shall we
bother explaining?



Marshall, we don't
have anything to explain.

Oh, of course not, dear.

We are your friends.

Besides, we don't
blame you a bit.

No, of course not.

This island is the perfect
setting for an indiscretion.

Excuse me, Mesdames,

but the only people
being indiscreet here

-are the two of you. -Oh!

Or to put it more
bluntly, go to hell.



I've been looking for you.

What is it, Julie?

I was dancing,

and an old man with a
cane was watching me.

I remembered that
I was crippled too.

Listen to me.

There may be a way to
grant you what you ask.

-To be healed? -Yes.

If I find a way...

it will require a...

a sacrifice.

Nothing worthwhile
is without a price.

What sacrifice
wouldn't be worth it?

It means that much to you?

It means everything to me.

I love you.

And I love you, Julie.

More than you know.

Until later, huh?


-Hello. -Hello.

I missed you.

I'm... I'm sorry
about my friends.


What happened doesn't matter.

It does matter.

Only if we let it.

I'm afraid it's not our choice.

You can't let some stupid
idiots spoil what we have.

Don't you see?

We already had a relationship
that worked very well.

No cruelty, no hurting you.

Still being together every day.


You call that together?

Every time you were near me
I couldn't say what I wanted to.

- I couldn't touch you.
- I've made up my mind.


Will you excuse me, Madame.

Oh, good morning, Madame.

It's not going to
work, Marshall.

I've been awake all night
thinking about yesterday

and how we were together.

I'm not going to let
you throw it away.

I said it all last night.

I'm sorry.

Aren't you the least bit curious
about all you've been missing?

You do put up a pretty
convincing argument.

You must know I love you.

I love you too, Leslie.

JULIE: Then it's really true!

I won't be crippled again!

I can't believe it.

My dreams are coming true.

It's all because of you.

Oh, I'm so happy I could burst.

It's going to be just
like it was again.


Nothing can ever be...

Exactly like it was before.

Oh yes, it can.

'Cause I'm on my feet.

And best of all,
I've got my man.

Now don't you give me that look.

I'm whole again.

And this time, I won't
take no for an answer.


Thank you.

You look marvelous.

Oh, I feel marvelous.

And all because of you.

It's taken all these
years together

for us finally to be together.

Suddenly I'm not sure about
things I've always been sure about.

Confusion of the best
kind, don't you think?

I do.

WOMAN: Baldwin! Is that you?

Oh, excuse me, Mrs. Darnell.


Leslie, this is
Carol and McShane.

They work for Mrs.
Andrews and Mrs. Wilkins.

-How do you do? -How do you do?

Please, won't you join us?

Thank you, but I
don't think that's wise.

It wouldn't look right if
our employers came along.

You know, the hired
help sitting with...

As a matter of fact
we were just leaving.

Excuse us.

So nice to see you're
moving up in the world.



We can't stop them.

Your friends or mine.

It'll always be the same.

They'll never let us be just us.

Darling, I don't give a
damn about our friends.

You will, my dear.

Sooner or later, you will.



May I say that you're
absolutely gorgeous, Julie Mars.

You may, and thank you.

- And maybe I'm in love, Edmond.
- Well, if that's what does it,

I recommend it to every
woman in the world.

You are going to accept
that offer of mine, aren't you?

If you like the way I dance.

Oh, the way you walked in
here just now, the way you move.

I don't need to see
you dance, Julie.

I know how fantastic you'll be.

You're sweet.

Now I've got things to do.

All I was waiting for
was your go-ahead.

I'll get a copy of the book to
you, write up an agreement,

and alert Broadway

her greatest star
is coming home.


Why, Lawrence, you're
the picture of industry.

Oh, very kind I'm
sure, Miss Julie.

But I'm afraid I've
botched things up.

Inadvertently I seated
the Russian representative

at today's festival screening

next to the one from China.

I'm sure they'll both survive.

Yes, but will I?

Mr. Roarke specifically directed
me to prevent such a confrontation.

Well, I'll ask him to
let you off this time.

Thank you.

But as they say,
there are no free rides.

One must always pay
the piper, you know.

What does that mean exactly?

It's only an old
saying, Miss Julie.

Something about...

For every step
the reveler takes,

for every joyous skip he
makes, the piper must be paid.

Oh, well.

Perhaps I've discovered a
new approach to diplomacy.

Excuse me.


if I find a way...

it will require a sacrifice.

Nothing worthwhile
is without a price.

MR. ROARKE: But just this
morning you said all was well.

Baldwin is a very stubborn man.


- Mr. Roarke.
- LAWRENCE: Right on cue, Madame.

Excuse me for
barging in like this,

but I really must speak to you.

Certainly, Mrs. Darnell.

-Please have a seat. -Thank you.

What can I do for you?

It's Marshall.

He insists we stop the
fantasy, Lawrence, I...

Mr. Roarke,

when it's just the two of us

it's as I knew it would be.


But... Well, he's convinced

that I'm being hurt by
other people's bad manners.

MR. ROARKE: Ah, Mr. Baldwin.

No, no! Let me guess.

You are here to talk
about Mrs. Darnell.

Yes, I am.

What are you doing here?

She came to talk to
Mr. Roarke about you.

I'm sorry about this
whole mess, Leslie.

Darling, it's not your fault.


So perhaps you would
like to talk things over.

Now why don't you
use my lanai? Hmm?

Thank you.

Well, Lawrence, I have
other things to attend to.

But as you often say, carry on.

Lawrence, this thing between
Baldwin and Mrs. Darnell

has gone on long enough.

You've got to do something.

I'm afraid it's
none of my affair.

And I'm sure it's none of yours.

It is so our affair.

Once people forget their place,

the whole world is
going to fall apart.

Look, we don't
care what they do,

as long as they
don't do it in public.

McShane, out!

I'm sorry.

About everything and everybody.

EDMOND: Hi, Julie.

-Mr. Roarke. -Mr. Roan.

I'm sure Julie's told you she's
going to do my Broadway show.

She mentioned it, yes.

I haven't been able to
talk about anything else.

With your permission,
Mr. Roarke,

I'd love to send out the
word, "Julie Mars returns."

Oh, I'm sorry, the announcement
will have to wait until tonight,

after Julie dances.

Darling, why? You said...

You know something,
Mr. Roarke, I think you're right.

It'll be a much more
exciting announcement

after everyone has
seen Julie dance again.

quite a showman.

We'll talk later, Julie.

That man, the
one with the cane...

I can't go back to that.

The self-pity...

The absolute despair of
knowing I can never dance again.

I can't.

Oh, Julie, Julie.

The sacrifice, what is it?

You told me there
would be a price to pay.

What is it?

You once questioned
my love for you, Julie.

When this sacrifice is met,

there will be no need
to ever question it again.

For luck.

Wear it tonight when I dance.


For good luck.

Of course.

Oh, I have a
million things to do.

I'll see you tonight, love.

By the way, Lawrence,

the next time you want
to arrange a fantasy

for one of your friends,

may I suggest you consider
something a little less...


Mr. Roarke, we
want to talk to you.

Oh, ladies, I can see
you have a problem.

Please have a seat, won't you?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It's about a very
delicate subject.

It's about Leslie
Darnell and her butler.


Uh, maybe...

Maybe he should leave?

Oh, no, no, I don't think so.

then I'll just say it.

Leslie and her butler
are having a blatant affair

and you must put an end to it.

-Must I? -Yes.

If you care about the reputation
of your precious Fantasy Island.

Is that a threat, Mrs. Andrews?

- Take it any way you like.
- I see.

Would it interest you to
know that all of my guests...

um, all of my guests...

are carefully screened

before arriving on my
precious Fantasy Island?

This has nothing to do with us.

It's about Leslie Darnell
and her disgusting affair.

Oh, I quite understand.

But what you may
not understand is

that when someone declares w*r,

both sides are forced to use
all the weapons they're able to,

shall we say, discover.

I seem to recall
something about you

and a certain gentleman
in Chicago, was it?

Not too long ago.

Shame on you.

And I believe you, Mrs. Wilkins,

have developed a
very warm relationship

- with your dance instructor.
- Ah.


-Mr. Roarke. -Yes?

I trust that everything that
has been said here today

will be held in your confidence.

Of course.

Goodbye, ladies.

Sir, you are
utterly magnificent.

Thank you, Lawrence.

Oh, Marshall, please marry me.

It would solve all our problems.

Leslie, I love you.

You know that.

But it's impossible.

Not that again.

Do we really care what
other people say about us?

Oh, maybe we could handle that.

-But... -Oh, don't.

Please don't say "but."


When two people love each
other, nothing is impossible.

We'll live happily ever after
in my rooms over the garage.


Don't you see? We
can live anywhere.

Switzerland, the Riviera,
the darkest regions of Africa.

I don't care,

just so long as we're together.

And how am I supposed
to make us a living?

I'm a butler.

You could learn something
else if you really wanted to.

There, you see?

I was trained by my father,

who was trained by his father

in an honorable profession
which I happen to like very much.

I understand.

I really do.


We'll work it out.

We'd be on our way to the
Justice of the Peace right now

if I could figure out
a way to marry you

and keep one
shred of self-respect.


self-respect is wonderful.

It's just poor company
at : in the morning.

You're right,
but it's all I have.

But more than that,

I care about your happiness.

You really think I'll be happy if
we go back to the way it was?

I think we have to find out.

I know it won't be easy.

You're right.

It won't be easy.

I can promise you that.

As a matter of fact,

I'm going to make it
just about impossible.


LESLIE: Ohhh...

now, ladies and gentlemen,

Mr. Roarke presents the
return of Miss Julie Mars!





You are magnificent, Julie.

Well, if I am,
I'm your creation.

Oh, darling, what
is the sacrifice?

AUDIENCE: Julie! Julie!


Dance, Julie.

Dance for as long as you wish.




This is the sacrifice, Julie.

To make your cure permanent...

I must renounce my love for you.

And I must take away from you

any memory of your ever
having loved me in return.




Ladies and gentlemen, may
I have your attention, please.

I have an exciting
announcement concerning Julie.

I'm happy to tell you
that Miss Julie Mars

will be starring in my new
Broadway show next season.


Goodbye, Julie.

Mr. Roarke.

Well, my fantasy was more
than satisfactory, Lawrence,

even though it wasn't
quite what I expected.

Beg pardon, Madame, but
Baldwin acts as though...

Yes, as though
nothing has changed.

And yet we know that
the smallest ripple sent out

into the sea of life finally
reaches the farthest shore,

don't we, Mrs. Darnell?

Yes, Mr. Roarke.

But in our case, it's
more than a ripple.

It's a tidal wave.

And I'm going to do
everything in my power

to keep that storm raging.

Then may I wish you both a
turbulent but happy voyage.

thank you, Mr. Roarke.

You're very welcome.

- And thank you, Lawrence.
- Madame.

Well, Miss Mars, Mr. Roan,

from all reports, the film
festival was quite a success.

Bringing Julie back to the stage

was really the big
event of this festival.

By the way, I'll send you
tickets for the opening night.

Thank you, thank you very
much, Mr. Roan, thank you.

Thanks again for everything.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.

-Goodbye, Miss Mars. -Lawrence.

Something wrong, Lawrence?

I'm quite astonished
by Miss Mars' behavior.


She acts as though you were
just casual acquaintances.

Hers was a very special
fantasy, Lawrence.

To make it a reality,

she in effect had to drink
from the waters of Lethe.

You mean, forget the past?

Only a part, Lawrence.

Only a very small part.