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07x08 - Random Choices" / "My Mommy, the Swinger

Posted: 05/05/23 08:12
by bunniefuu

Good morning, Mr. Roarke.

Good morning, Lawrence.

Smiles, everyone.


LAWRENCE: Sir, that man.

Something about him reminds me

of the man in your
Picasso painting.

MR. ROARKE: That's
because Mr. Nikros Carabatos

is that man.

- Carabatos the shipping tycoon?
- Yes.

I am impressed.

But what would a man worth
billions want with a fantasy?

Surely not more billions.

MR. ROARKE: As a matter of
fact, quite the opposite is true.

Are you saying he wants
to give his money away?

If certain conditions
can be met, yes.

Mr. Carabatos' fantasy
is to find those people

who desperately need help

so that he can use his
vast wealth and influence

to change their
lives for the better.

LAWRENCE: Ah, now, sir,
that's something I like to see.

A typical happy family.

Really? Look again.

Oh, I see what you mean.

There seems to be
something missing,

like a husband and father.

Unfortunately, Lawrence,
the single-parent family

is most typical
in today's society.

Mrs. Ashley is divorced

and has the sole responsibility

of caring for her daughter
Jane and her son Michael.

LAWRENCE: I'll bet she has
her hands full with those two.


For the first time
since they were born,

the welfare of her children

is not foremost in
Mrs. Ashley's mind.

Her fantasy is to become
what she has never been before.

And what is that, sir?

A swinger.

A swinger?

A swinger.

Well, sir, I suppose
that won't tax

your awesome capabilities.

No. No, it won't.

Not if Mrs. Ashley is
prepared to sacrifice

her most precious
possession, her children.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Garbage, Roarke. Garbage.

You may consider Pablo's
portrait to be great art,

but I think it is
world-class garbage.

I am sorry I donated
it to your collection.

Look at the joke he is having.

He makes me look
like a skirt-chasing letch.

Now, come, come
now, Mr. Carabatos.

Since you are famous
for the women you pursue

and feared for your
business tactics,

would you have
a great artist lie?

If I may, sir.

In my opinion, that portrait
is a remarkably fine example

of Picasso's late cubist period.

Lawrence talks about cubism.

I am talking about
Pablo laughing at me

from beyond the grave,

but as it turns out,

I will have the last laugh.

My doctors tell me I will be
meeting up with Pablo again

very soon.


And whether it's
in heaven or in hell,

when I do, I'm going
to punch that little joker

right in his Spanish nose.

Does this mean your
doctors have given up hope?

Well, you know how doctors are.

They never make the
death sentence definitive.

They tell you things

such as "Don't make
any plans for next year."


Is that all they give you?

There may be less
unless I observe my diet.

I have cut down to
six sh*ts of ouzo a day.

It seems to me, sir, that
if you wish to help others

by giving away your money,

wouldn't donating it to charity
be less taxing on your health?

I am already supporting

all the worthy and
phony charities around.

No, just signing
checks won't cut it.

I... I want to be involved,

but I must remain in the
background, understood?

Then, you still insist on
keeping your identity a secret?

I'm not opposed to hogging
all the credit I can get,

but the name of Carabatos

might make it difficult to wade
through the fakes and frauds

in order to discover someone
who is truly deserving of help.


Which brings us to your request
for a talented young candidate

for the job of...
How did you put it?

Of being your frontman
in this enterprise, huh?

Have you found one?

Yes, I believe I have.

And when you meet him,

I think you're
in for a surprise.

I'll take you to
him in exactly...


minutes, all right?



I think you understand
my problem, Mr. Roarke.

Well I'll certainly
try, Mrs. Ashley.

The closest I've come
to a man in the last year

is standing in the checkout
line at the supermarket.

Mr. Roarke, think about it.

I mean, you have no
idea how difficult it is

to raise kids with
absolutely no help.

Um, I think I know
what you mean,

but what exactly do you
expect to happen this weekend?

Mr. Roarke...

I would just love
to have two days

to do nothing but
savor the heady aroma

of aftershave lotion.

I want to be surrounded by men.

I want to have a relationship,
at least in the physical sense.

Ah, yes.

Well, that's simple enough.

All you need is a
qualified nursemaid

to keep the children
out of your way

while you pursue your, um...

Your fantasy.

That's about it.

Well, Lawrence has
an excellent rapport

with the members of
the younger generation,

and I know he'd
be more than happy

to entertain Jane and
Michael during the weekend.

Oh, that's great.
When do I start?

Oh, as soon as you want.

Meet me at the swimming
pool, and your fantasy will begin.

That's fine.


Charming. Delightful.

I knew you would approve.

Okay, Roarke, I'm a dying man.

Dying for that little lady
over there at the moment,

so don't waste any
more of my time.

Where is this paragon
you have found for me?

If you can tear your eyes
away from that little lady,

it's the young man with
her, Mr. Edward Random.

I believe you knew his father.

Conrad Random's son?

Come on, Roarke, I ruined
his old man in a business deal.

The kid hates me for it.

You expect me to
offer him this job?

You wanted someone
who is intelligent,

has breeding, and can be
a fighter for a good cause,

and I believe Mr. Random
qualifies in every particular.

Eh, Lawrence?

Touching on just the highlights.

Mr. Edward Random
achieved very high marks

before being forced to
drop out of Yale University

in his third year.

He then joined the Marine Corps,

served for three years,

then signed on as
an ordinary seaman

with a Dutch shipping company,

rose to the rank
of first engineer,

then was thrown overboard

after a dispute with the captain
over a woman named Lola.

Sounds promising.


Good to see you again.

I compliment you on
your charming companion.

Very pretty girl.

Roarke, get this
bum away from me.

Just listen to the boy.
Takes after his old man.

Both losers.

Mr. Random, if you don't mind.

I'd like to discuss
your overdue hotel bill.

Oh, yes.

Could we talk about that later?

No, Mr. Random.
Now if you don't mind.

Will you excuse us?

Well, my dear,

have you ever been
to Monte Carlo?

Um, yes, I was
there twice. It's lovely.

I wish I'd been there with you.


MR. ROARKE: Permission
to come aboard, Captain?

-Granted. -Thank you.

Mr. Mel Gordon, this
is Mr. Edward Random,

the young man I
was telling you about.

Oh, let me get this
straight, Mr. Roarke.

You want me to pay off
my piddling hotel bill...

Your grossly overdue
piddling hotel bill, Mr. Random.

Yes, but you want
me to pay it off

by getting this boat back in
shape so it can sail again?

Why? What is so
important about this wreck?

What is so important

is that a lot of people
on the outer islands

depend on this ship, Mister.

And this is Mr. Gordon's
daughter Angie.

Mr. Edward Random.

Well, Mr. Roarke,
you can tell Eddie

that people are depending
on us for their food

and their mail and
their medical supplies,

and if the Swift isn't
sailing again soon,

those people are gonna
be in a lot of trouble.

I think you've said it all
rather eloquently, Miss Gordon.

And now that you've been
given your reasons, Mr. Random,

I'll leave you to your work.

Will you excuse me?

Why don't you go with
Roarke? We don't need you.

Dad, no!

Mr. Roarke says that Eddie's
an expert with marine engines.

He stays.

MEL: Well, you do
whatever you want to.

I'm not gonna
have any part of it.


Hey, Eddie, I'm really sorry.

My mother d*ed about
three months ago,

and, well, Dad hasn't
been the same since.

That's heavy, huh?


All right, mates,

I've got something to say.

Now, this island
is so beautiful,

it doesn't really matter
who you see it with, does it?

Why not?

We're gonna see it with you

just like you promised, right?

Well, uh...

There's been a
slight complication.

What's a compilation?

"Complication," Jane.

It means like when we can't go
to the zoo because it's raining.

It never rains here.

I know...

But, well...

You see, I, I've got
something personal to do.

You could do it
with Uncle Ralph.

No. That's not
when I mean, Jane.

Besides, Uncle
Ralph is my brother.

So what?

So, she doesn't mean men
with big, comfortable laps.

She means men with
perfect tans and white teeth

and broad shoulders
and heavy chests.

A grownup. A big man.

-A big man? -Yeah.

In a manner of speaking,
that just about covers it.

We'll help you find
a man, Mommy.

Ah, thanks, Jane,

but I want you guys to
have a wonderful time

on this vacation,

and I don't want you
to waste one minute

worrying about me.

So, guess what.



Do you remember
that nice man Lawrence

who met the plane
with Mr. Roarke?

Well, he's gonna
be taking care of you.

Isn't that great?

Sure. Terrific.

Oh, I knew you'd understand.

Well, look, I've got to
go meet Mr. Roarke.

Now, I want you guys to
wait right here for Lawrence.

He'll be here to pick
you up in just a minute.

What about my Ripic?

Your what?

My space wizard, Ripic.

Remember? You
said I could have one

if I didn't throw
up on the plane.


I'll pick one up
at the gift shop.


All right, you guys,
I'll see you later.

Have fun.

That's an order, mates.


You're wasting
your time, you know.

Even if you get
the engine fixed,

I ain't never gonna
take her to sea again.

Not that I care that
much old man, but why?

Because she's a m*rder*r.

She k*lled my wife.


Don't you ever knock?

The engine in this
tub is sh*t, Angie.

You're gonna have to
replace practically every part,

and that means coming
up with close to $ ,

or you can forget it.

Can't you see I'm
trying to take a bath?

- Of course I can see that.
- Well?

-Well, what? -Well...

You want me to scrub your back.

No, I don't want you
to scrub my back.

Give me the washcloth.
Where's the washcloth?

-Eddie! -What?

- Give me my...
- You want me to use the sponge?

- I'll use the sponge.
- No! No sponge!

I want to you to
get out of here!

- Then, why didn't you say so?
- I just did.

But you don't mean it.

You really think you're
something special, don't you?

That didn't take long
for to you find out.

- Huh? Huh? Huh?
- Oh, give me that.



Anybody here?


Just one minute.

Don't go away.

What can I do for you?

Oh, I got a truckload of
diesel parts waiting for you.

Risers, fuel pumps,
pistons, you name it.

Sign here.

What... What are
you talking about?

ANGIE: We didn't
order any parts.

It's already been paid for by
Random Services Incorporated.

All you got to do is sign.

Random Services? That's you.

Eddie, did you have
something to do with this?

Random Services was the
company my father owned

until years ago,
when he was forced out

and it was bought by a
man named Carabatos.

Well, thanks a lot.

-Thank you. -Thanks a lot.

Oh, Mr. Roarke,

it's been so long I...
I'd almost forgotten

what it was like to just
watch the movement.


Did you arrange all
of this just for me?

Let's call it a most
convenient coincidence.

No, actually, most
the men are here

to play in the Martin
Avery Tennis Exhibition.

Martin Avery, sure.

He's the tennis pro who owns
a line of sportswear, right?

Indeed. Do you know him?

Not exactly.

My agency almost landed
his account a couple years ago.

Oh, I see.

Well, Mrs. Ashley, you
have the next hours

to make up for all
those wasted years.

As they say, good hunting.

Thanks, Mr. Roarke.

Well, I better be going.

-Oh! Oh! -Ooh!

Oh, I'm sorry. Are you hurt?

Well, if I am, I love it.

I feel so stupid.

Well, you don't
feel stupid to me.


Eddie, the way we slipped
past that guard at the door,

we weren't invited.

We crashed this party.

That's right.

Wait here.

Eddie, how good of you to come.

I believe you
already know the lady.

Oh, Connie,

second best this time
is definitely a bummer.

At least I don't have
to pay for my own drink.

-Later? -Of course.

If you're going to
work for me, Eddie,

you must never be
impolite to my ladies.

It is unseemly.

Work for you?

Is that what this thing
with the boat is all about?

Well, it's a kind of a
test for you to show me

that you can get off your butt
and be someone I can depend on,

someone who
finishes what he starts.

You show me you can do that
and improve your manners, eh,

and I may offer you
the job of a lifetime.

Well, whatever it is Carabatos,
you can stick it in your ear.

Hell's is the matter
with you, Eddie?

Stop acting like a punk.

You know, you're dumb
just like your father.

He wouldn't listen to me either

when I told him he was running
his company into the ground.

So, I pushed him out,

or he would have taken all
his partners down with him.

I don't know, I think maybe
Roarke picked the wrong man.

What I really needed
was somebody to help me

help people in trouble,
like the Gordons.

You see, Roarke had this idea

that you might work
out as my assistant,

that I would set you up to live

in the style you
would be living in

if your father still
had his company,

a millionaire playboy
who acted as my frontman.

My boy, you would go all
over the world like a king,

and when you had to,

you would take on a
cover so you could get close

to the people who
need our help, huh?

Am I wrong?

The job of a lifetime?

You know, my dad would
have loved this moment

if he was alive.

The answer's the same.

Stick it.

It went well with Mr. Random?

A disaster.

You seem quite pleased about it.

He reminds me slightly of
myself when I was his age...

Hotheaded but gutsy.

I think he's a viable candidate.

Then, the problem
remains, doesn't it?

I mean, how to convince
him to take the job.

That's your problem.
He's your choice.


There, Jane.

You think you can handle that?

No problem.

Something wrong with
your sundae, Michael?

Lawrence, why is it so
important all of a sudden

for my mom to
start meeting guys?

Well, you see, Michael,

there comes a time
in a woman's life

when she needs the company of...

Of another person.

What do you think we are?

Yes, that's not
quite what I meant.

You see, it, uh...

Let me put it to you this way.



You see, sometimes
a woman needs a man

with his special ability
to care for her needs.

- MICHAEL: I take care of my mom.
- Of course you do. Absolutely.

But sometimes grownups
like to do things together.

Grownup things.

(THINKING) A big man.

MICHAEL: She's gonna find a
guy and go on a date with him,

and Jane and I are
gonna have a baby brother.

You'll pardon me, Michael,

but I think I can
absolutely guarantee you

that is one thing your
mother does not want.

(SNIFFLES) It doesn't matter.

She doesn't want us anymore.



Hello, mister.

Why, hello.

And who are you?

Jane Ashley.

Would you like to come
with me to find my mommy?

Why, you poor lost little lady.

Of course. Come on.

Hey, it tickles.

Marina operator.

Yes, patch me through
to the Falcon please.

Call letters - - - ,
Charlie, X-ray, Lima.

Thank you.

Look how it sparkles.

It's like there's a million
explosions going on inside.

Are you talking about the ring,

or is that a review
of last night?


I was talking about the ring.

Looks like a pretty
expensive rock

for a fellow who can't
afford to pay his hotel bill.


It's the last thing of any value
my dad gave me before he d*ed.



Phil. It's Eddie.

Yeah, um, listen.

It doesn't look like this
job here is gonna work out.

That's affirmative. Okay.

If you're still sailing
at : , I'll be there.

Right. Bye.

Suddenly I hate this
Carabatos as much as you do,

and I've never even met him.

Oh, Eddie, why does he have
to come between us like this.

He doesn't have to, babe.

You can come with me.

The Falcon's a
big charter yacht.

I know they can
use another hand.

Guatemala doesn't exactly
sound like my cup of tea.

Guatemala is
just the first stop.

After that, we ship
out to the South Pacific,

Tahiti, Bora Bora.

It's a fun world
out there, Angie.

Don't you want
to see some of it?

I'd love to.

I've dreamt about
doing that all my life,

but some of us have
responsibilities, Eddie.

We can't just pick
up and take off

whenever we want
to the way you do.

Those people out
on the outer islands,

I've known them
since I was five.

I grew up with them.

Now they're running
out of supplies,

and they don't even
know we're not coming.

The Swift isn't the
only boat around.

There's lots of others
that can haul cargo.

The Swift is shallow draft,

and it can get in and
out over the reefs.

The others won't risk
damaging their keels.

Look, even if I did
stick around to fix her,

it wouldn't make any difference.

- Mel refuses to sail her.
- He told you that?

He said he blames her for
the death of your mother.

I mean, come on. He
called it a m*rder*r.

Oh, Eddie.

You got understand
where he's coming from.

When we made that
last trip to the north island,

mother wasn't feeling very well.

When we were there, she
just kept getting worse, so...

We started back...

And halfway back...

The engines on the Swift quit.

The sea was dead calm.

So, we drifted
for about two days

before the Coast
Guard finally found us.

By that time, my
mother was dead.

So, he blames the boat.

Well, that's ridiculous.

He could just as
easily blame the sea.

He could blame God.

I know that.

I don't care if he's
right or if he's wrong.

Or if he's just being
emotional, I don't care.

Right now he hurts,
and he needs me.

I can't leave him.
Don't you see that?


Maybe once when we
get the Swift sailing again,

things will get back to normal.

I don't know.


Already got the parts.

It's only gonna take
you a couple of days.

What do you say you try it, huh?

Do that for me.

MAN: You know, Elaine,

you haven't told me
too much about yourself.

What's to tell?

Here we are, and so
far it's been wonderful.

Yes, it has, hasn't it?

You know, you're, you're
nice. You're very nice.

Now, I want to know... I
want to know all about you.

Like what?

Well, like what
kind of work you do,

what sort of things
you think about...


What do you do
besides dance all night.

You see, you're, uh,
you're kind of aggressive.

I, uh, I like a woman like that.

Oh, good.

We lost Jane!


What do you mean
you've lost Jane?

- Who are these people?
- I'm sorry, madam.

One minute she was there,
the next minute she was...

Mommy, I found you a big man.

-Mommy? -JANE: Is he big enough?

Oh, hey, uh, I'm sorry.

Look, I, I know this
is all very confusing.

She said she was lost.

-What's going on? -Very little.

Now, Mr. Hancock,
if you'll allow me

to show you back
to your bungalow.

We can't help you
enough for all your help.

Are you sure that's her mother?

Oh, yes.

Mrs. Ashley, I shall return
for Michael and Jane.

That should give you time

to straighten
everything out as it were.

- Look, I'm...
- Didn't you like Mr. Hancock?

Oh, yes, Jane,
dear, I, I liked him.

Well, I guess I'd
better be going.

Thanks for the drink, Elaine.

And good luck with Mr. Hancock.

(SIGHS) Thanks a lot, guys.

I hope you're
satisfied, both of you.

You've ruined everything!

EDDIE: Hey, wait a minute,
guys. What's going on?

- ANGIE: Hey, stop.
- Hey, who told you to do this?

Eddie, can't you do
something to stop them?

Where's your foreman?
This doesn't go.

Eddie, you keep finding more
and more beautiful girls for me.

Boy, you're really
terrific, you know that?

Aren't you going
to introduce me?

If this is an example
of the humanitarianism

you've been telling me about,

I'll take Attila the Hun.

Eddie, my boy, don't confuse
my desire to help someone

with my need to do
business with you.

After all, this is just a
sample of my power.

What is that supposed to mean?

- He giveth and he taketh away?
- Don't blaspheme.

You want to be a
hero for the girl? Okay.

But not with my money
unless you work for me.

It doesn't make any
difference to you, does it?

Forcing some mogul to
sell you a fleet of tankers

or trying to squeeze a guy
like me into your back pocket.

No matter what you want,

you always muscle
your way through.

Just using a little leverage.

After all, it's for a
good cause, isn't it?

For once I agree
with you, Carabatos.

It is for a good cause,
and for that reason,

I'm gonna stay
and fix this boat.

But I'm gonna it
without your help.

I'm gonna do it on my own.

How's a kid who's broke like you

going to pay for
all these parts?

This ring is gonna pay for it.

MRS. ASHLEY: I had no idea

they were all gonna come
busting in on us like that.


I thought we were being invaded
by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

-Well... -Mmm?

I hope you'll let me
make it up to you.

Oh, I insist upon it.

Only, next time it'll
be in my bungalow.

WAITER: Call for you, Mr. Avery.

Oh, thank you.


Yeah. What's up?

Oh, wonderful.

No, no, no, no, don't
worry about that.

No, I've already found
the person I want.


How'd you like to work for me?


Well, Avery Enterprises.

My marketing
director just resigned.

Oh, sure...

You're Martin Avery.

I didn't realize...

Yeah, I didn't think so.

You see, after
our little fiasco,

I took the liberty

of checking you
out with Mr. Roarke,

and, well, I, I know your work.

Are you serious?

Serious enough to offer you
twice what you're getting now.

You interested?

When do I start?

You just did.

Um, one more thing.

Name it.

Uh, the hours are kind of crazy,

and the, and the
travel is extensive.

Now, I suggest,

why not put the children in
a, in a good boarding school,

or maybe with a
relative they can live with.

Is that gonna be a problem?

Oh, no.

No, they're great kids.

Buddy, I'm not a pawn
broker. I'm in marine supplies.

Take this ring
somewhere and sell it.

- Come back with the cash.
- Look it.

It was my father's,
and I want it back.

As soon as the
Swift is sailing again

and the Gordons take in
enough money to cover my loan,

I'll redeem it and
pay you % interest.


Okay, it's a deal. You got it.

Here's your receipt.

Thank you, and I'll
be back for that ring.

Good luck.

-EDDIE: Mr. Roarke. -Stop here.


See this?

A paid receipt. You
know what it's for?

paid us your hotel bill.

Very honorable and surprising.

I'll call and have your
luggage released.

It's for diesel
parts for the Swift.

And Carabatos had
nothing to do with it.

I've beaten him.

Oh, and don't worry
about the hotel bill.

It may go against my grain,

but I'll take care
of that one too.

Seems to me that young man

may be overreaching
himself a bit

if he thinks he can best a
man like Nikros Carabatos.

Too bad it's turned out to
be a contest between them

when the real winner should
be the people on the island

who desperately
need their supplies.

Yes, sir.

And I'm afraid they won't
be receiving any supplies

unless Mr. Gordon's
problem can be resolved first.

Shall we go?


I haven't grabbed
for a long time.

Elaine, you have no
idea how much I want you.

-Oh, I think I do. -(CHUCKLES)

I think this calls

for a champagne
celebration in my bungalow.

Oh, uh, Martin,

there's something
I have to do first.

The children, right?

Oh, I'm a little worried.

I've never left them
alone for so long.

Well, they're not alone.
They're with Lawrence.

I know, but... I'd
better check on them.


Now, you have been
considering my suggestion, right?

Now, it wouldn't be fair
to expect them to adjust

to all the new
demands on your time.

I know what you say is true,

but, ah, they're so young.

Darling, it will only
be for a little while

until you become established.

Believe me.

They're gonna be much happier

in a more stable
environment with their peers.

You're right.


I am right, okay?

Now, you go do your thing,

and I'll wait for you
in my bungalow.

Be back in a minute.



All right, hit it!


Come on, hit the switch.


That's good. Save it.

Whoo-hoo! Ah, it works.

- Hey, Eddie, it's all good.
- All right.

You're okay to shove
off anytime you want.

ANGIE: (CHUCKLES) This is great!

You know what we
need for the radio now?

- EDDIE: Radio parts. Let's go.
- Come on. Let's go do it.

Mr. Gordon.

If you throw that
torch onto the boat,

it will go down, of course,

but that will certainly
not bring back your wife.


Mr. Gordon...

Please put it down.


If her engine hadn't
have quit on me that day,

Mary would still be alive.

That damn boat k*lled her.

It's time to be honest
with yourself, Mr. Gordon,

and stop hiding from
reality by blaming this boat.

You knew your wife was dying

even before you
left for the islands.

That's not true.

Mary wanted to go.

She didn't want
to be left behind.

She made me take her.



Because she also knew
she was going to die,

and she wanted to
spend her last hours

with the man she loved.

There was nothing
you or any doctor

could have done to
save her, Mr. Gordon.

But there are people on
the islands you can save.

People your wife loved.

People who are waiting for you.


Oh, daddy.

Everything's gonna
be all right, Angie.

Everything's gonna be all right.

ANGIE: Come on.

I love you.

It's gonna be okay.


Well, Eddie, you passed
your first test modestly,

but you're going to have
to improve your technique

in the future.

I want this operation
to have style and class.

I'm going to teach
you the meaning

of those two words, my boy.

I don't know how to
get this through to you,

but I'm not your boy.

I did this on my own
with my own money.

Meaning that you paid for it

with this expensive-looking
piece of glass, huh?

I bought the real diamond
from your dad years ago

for a lot more than it was worth

when he was broke
and needed help.

Regardless of what you think,

your father and I
understood each other.

You won't leave me
anything, will you?

Eddie, if seeing me lying dead
is some kind of victory for you,

you're going to have it
sooner than you imagine.

So, waste my money,
but don't waste my time.

With your youth and my
power, we can make history!

Think it over.

What can I do, Mr. Roarke?

A lot worse, I
assure you, Eddie.

As they say, if you can't
fight them, join them.

Well, I guess someone's
got to keep an eye on him.

Hey, Carabatos, wait up!


LAWRENCE: And again, Simba.

(ROARING) Good. Good. Once more.

Through and down.
There we go. (LAUGHS)

JANE: Mom, we're tigers
jumping through the hoop.

LAWRENCE: Yeah, we're just
having a bit of a romp before bedtime.

Oh, thank you, Lawrence.

Well, how about a hug?



Don't you have a
hug for your old mom?

Still want to be our mom?

Of course I want to be your mom.

Even if I...

Even if what?

You'll never guess
what happened.

I have got a great new job,

and I'm gonna be
making lots of money.

The only thing is you'll
probably have to stay

with your uncle
Ralph for just a while.

Where will you be?

Well, I'll be working.

Part of the job
is I'll be traveling

to a lot of different cities,

- and so I...
- Who will take care of you?

Well, I'll, I'll get by.

Oh, it won't be easy because
you've really spoiled me,

but... I'll manage.

- We'll all manage.

Oh, Mike.

It's only gonna be for a while.

I don't want to stay
with Uncle Ralph.


I am still the mother here,
and I make the decisions.

Now, this is a... A
great opportunity for me,

and I'm not gonna
let it pass me by.

Look... I know what's best.

MARTIN: Welcome
back, my darling.


- What took you so long?
- Oh, don't talk, please.

-Just hold me. -(CHUCKLES)

What's the matter?

Oh, all of a sudden,
I feel so lonely.

You told the children, right?

(SIGHS) It was the...

It was the toughest
thing I've ever had to do.

Yes, darling, but... You'll
all get used to the idea.

I mean, the hard part
is behind you now.

I wish I could believe that.

I forgot to give
them their presents.

You can give them their presents

for breakfast, my darling.

No. They deserve them now.

And they deserve me now too.

Oh, Martin...

I want someone to love me.

I want someone
to love all of me,

and that includes my children.

I see.


That's life, I guess.

That's too bad because...

I think we could have
been quite a good team.

Oh, well, I didn't hire
you for your looks anyway,

so the job is still yours.

I guess we'll just have to wait

for Jane and
Michael to, to grow up,

and that's gonna take
some time, ain't it?


I'm really sorry.

No, you're not.

But that's all right.

I understand.

Thanks, Martin.

sure you won't change your mind

and come along, my dear?

That's very, very
tempting, Mr. Carabatos,

but for now I must
stay with my father.

-Bless you. -Thank you.

Will I see you soon?

-Real soon, Angie. -Good.

BOTH: Bye.

Listen, if you want
me to work for you,

you're gonna have to stay away
from my women, understand?

It's one thing to drive
a hard bargain, Eddie,

but when you add
impossible conditions...

LAWRENCE: Well, Mr. Carabatos,

your fantasy to
help other people

is starting out
very well indeed.

Yes, and I think the credit
for this good beginning

must go to
Mr. Roarke and to you.

Thank you both very much.

And you, Mr. Random,

I trust having Mr. Carabatos'
vast wealth at your disposal

isn't going to put too much
of a crimp in your style?

Well, I'll give it a year or so

until I make enough
money of my own.

When I do, I'll
use it to bury you.


I'd like to see you try, my boy.

MICHAEL: Hi, Lawrence.

LAWRENCE: Michael.

JANE: Good-bye, Lawrence.

We'll miss you, but we're sure
glad to have our mom back.

There is no substitute for
the real thing is there, huh?


- Good-bye, Mr. Roarke.
- Good-bye. sweetheart.


Well, Mrs. Ashley,

how did it feel to be a swinger?

I guess I'll never really know.

However, if the real
thing should come along...


Oh, thanks, Mr. Roarke.

You're very
welcome, Mrs. Ashley.

-Lawrence. -Good-bye, ma'am.

Well, she didn't exactly
get her fantasy after all,

did she, sir?

No, Lawrence,
but she did receive

something much more important,

the knowledge that a
woman's search for fulfillment

often leads her to
her own doorstep.