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07x18 - Mermaid and the Matchmaker" / "The Obsolete Man

Posted: 05/05/23 08:22
by bunniefuu

morning, Mr. Roarke.

ROARKE: Good morning, Lawrence.


Hello, Roarke.

Hello, Naya.

Are you surprised to see me?

Oh, yes, Naya, very surprised.

What brings you
back to Fantasy Island

after all these years?

I'm , years old, Roarke.

I'm tired of being immortal.

I'm tired of falling
in love with sailors,

I'm tired of luring
them to their deaths.

I'm bored, Roarke!

And my fantasy is to end it all.

I want out.

ROARKE: Oh, Naya,
Naya, I can't possibly

grant you such a fantasy.

NAYA: You have to. You're
the only one who knows

- how to end immortality.

Roarke... Please...

Help me die.

Naya, the answer is no.

How dare you refuse the
wish of the most royal princess

of the seven seas and
daughter of Neptune!

You'll regret this, Roarke,

I promise you.

Fantasy Island will
never be the same

when I'm through with it.

I don't believe it. Huh.

Smiles, everyone! Smiles!


LAWRENCE: Mitchell Robinson.

He's every bit the
efficient banker,

but why does he
look so furtive, sir?

Because until recently,
Mr. Robinson was quite happy

and secure in his job.

Now, suddenly, he
finds himself facing

a very early retirement.

-Retirement? -Yes.

he's such a young man.

ROARKE: I know.

LAWRENCE: What possible reason

could his employer have

for wanting him to retire?

Progress, Lawrence. Progress.

You see, Mr. Robinson
may soon be replaced

by a computer.

Since his work gives purpose
and meaning to his life,

the threatened loss of his job

has made him feel obsolete.

ROARKE: His fantasy is to
feel a purpose in life once more.

To feel a whole man again.

My dear guest, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island!

WOMAN: The XB can
perform many banking functions.

So let me show you
just a few of them.

It will receive and
credit deposits.

Well, take a good look,
Laura, that's the competition.

Cold, calculating, heartless.

It is quite imposing.

I don't blame Mr. Robinson
for being intimidated.

Ms. Hunt is determined
to sell the computer

to these members of
the banking community.

Including Mr. Clifton Forbes,
who owns the company

that Mr. Robinson works for.

HUNT: Now, over here, we
have a portion of the computer...

Excuse me... Which we
will unveil tomorrow night.

This module can perform
even more sophisticated tasks.

Uh, with Mr. Roarke's

I have arranged for the XP

to handle all of
the banking needs

of his guests this weekend.

And tomorrow night, with
the help of Mr. Robinson,

I would like to demonstrate
how the XP computer

can perform all the
same functions he does

as assistant loan manager
at Pinnacle Savings.

Don't worry, Mitch, no
machine could ever replace you.

Better take another
look at Mr. Forbes.

HUNT: The XP excels
as no human loan manager...

I think I've already
been replaced.

Mitch? Mitch?


Mitch, look, I know this
was a bit of a surprise,

but why not cooperate?

That's like asking
the condemned man

to dig his own grave.

You could work
with the computer.

You have more information
about Pinnacle's clients

than we could ever compile.

Suppose I don't want to?

Why fight progress?
Why not join it?

There could be a place
for a man of your talents.

As a matter of fact, why
don't we discuss your future

at Pinnacle over dinner tonight?

My bungalow?

Aw, thanks, but no thanks.

You know what they
say. Three's a crowd.


You, me, and the computer.

ROARKE: You seem unusually
preoccupied today, Lawrence.

No doubt just overworked, sir.

I seem to be
suffering from a mild...

Hallucinatory symptom.

You, Lawrence?

NAYA: Roarke, darling.

I came to see if you've
changed your mind

about my fantasy.

As you can see, I've learned
to trade my beautiful tail

for these awkward legs
you mortals insist on wearing.

Yes, apparently you've
learned a great deal

about magic, Naya.

But still very little
about unselfishness

or good manners.

Now, Roarke, I promised myself

to be above common anger.

No matter how justified.

LAWRENCE: Excuse me, sir.

Yes, Lawrence?

If you don't
mind, sir, I'll be off

to re-plan the dinner menu.

I'm changing the entree.

I had planned on...


Fish! Fish!

Now, Naya, now, no.

Father Neptune, your
royal daughter asks

that you teach a lesson to
he who has just insulted her.

I warn you, Naya...

- NAYA: Now!

It seems I've been
struck by a wave, sir.

Um, no doubt an isolated
thunder shower, Lawrence.

Now, why don't you put
that minnow in the pond

and change into
some dry clothes?

Yes, sir.

What does one do with
a , -year-old child?

Give her her fantasy, Roarke.

And she will first
give you ecstasy

beyond imagination.


I'm sorry, Naya.

When I kissed you,
you felt nothing?

Oh, I felt a great deal.

I felt a deep green
sea closing about me,

and the cold
tentacles of seaweed

pulling me down
into dark, icy depths.

If you were the gentleman
you pretend to be, Roarke,

you'd forget about my past!

Naya, Naya, why don't
you go back to the sea.

Go back to your own
realm and be content.

Content? You mean
bored, bored, bored!

You refuse my fantasy again?

Then that does it.

Now you're really in for it!

ROBINSON: Where's Mr. Roarke?

Wait a minute, sir.

Just one minute, sir.

It's all right,
Lawrence. It's all right.

Something troubling
you, Mr. Robinson?

I came here to get
away from that, that thing

that's trying to take over
my job, and now it's here.

-The computer is here! -Yes.

But you haven't
been replaced yet.

And your stay on Fantasy
Island has just begun.

Mr. Roarke, if I lose
my job, I may not be able

to afford to stay
on Fantasy Island.

And now it looks like
I'm gonna have to cozy up

to that machine
and Charlene Hunt

in order to keep it.

A man's life adds up to more

than the sum of the
tasks he performs.

But I really like my work,
and I've helped people, too.

Yes, and you have a loyal
and very able assistant

in Ms. Martin.

Why don't you, as they say,

put your head together
with hers, Mr. Robinson,

at once?

Why didn't I think of that?


Put our heads together.


Whoa, I think you need
protection here, beautiful.

Don't be ridiculous.

Beautiful? Are you
attracted to me?

Well, let's put it this
way, if you had a hoop,

I'd jump through it,
you know what I mean?

Hoop? I have no
time for stupid games.

I am Naya, princess
of the seven seas.

Yeah, well, I'm Sam, your
alternative to the average jock.

I like your style, princess.

Good. Then it's settled.

You and I will become lovers.

Well, your place or mine?

Mine, of course.

-Oh. -I'm sorry.

I've been around
a while, you know,

but I have never met a
woman like you before.

(CHUCKLES) Of course not,
or you wouldn't still be here.

Oh? Is that a
promise or a thr*at?

Kiss me.

Are you ready for love?

Yes, princess of the seven seas.

Then follow me into
the waters of paradise.

Follow me, my love.



Laura, we gotta do something
about Charlene Hunt.

She has big plans, and
I want to be prepared

for whatever curve
she throws me.

Yeah, like - - .

Oh, I can handle a
pass from Charlene Hunt.

It's the computer
that worries me.

That's why I need your help.

I'm all yours.

Oh, I knew I could count on you.

- You've always been so...
- Steadfast.

-And loyal. -And dull.

Laura, you're special to me.

Working with you,
being with your every day,

well, it's been terrific.

Really, Mitch?

'Cause I feel the same way.

For a long time now,
working for you has been

more than just a job to me.

That's 'cause we're so
good together, you and me.

And maybe...

Maybe together we can just
b*at this thing, what do you think?



Let's go to it.

There is no way I can thank
you enough, Mr. McCall,

for saving a man's
life on my island.

I just happened to be closest

when the guy went
under, Mr. Roarke.

Ah, you're too modest.

What puzzles me is,

what happened to the beautiful
lady, I mean, one minute

she was there, the next
minute she was gone.

I was afraid she drowned.

Oh, I feel there is small
chance of that, Mr. McCall.

A very small chance.

I'm sure the lady will turn up.

Well, I appreciate your
nice words Mr. Roarke,

but I'm leaving today, so...

Uh... Your fantasy,
if I recall correctly,

was to go back to the
sea and dive once more.

Yeah... I've spent
most of my life

on the sea or under it.

Diving professionally off ships,

like Costeau's.

I had an accident, nearly
d*ed from a case of the bends.

And to deep dive again
would mean your death.

That's it.

I know you can't perform
the kind of miracle I need,

Mr. Roarke.

No wonder you stalled me off.

Delay your departure
one more day,

Mr. McCall, and
don't give up hope.

Not quite yet.

Please excuse me.


How did you know
I'd be here, Roarke?

Oh, it wasn't too difficult.

This happens to be our
only unoccupied bungalow.

Are you angry?

That you tried to drown
one of my guests?

Angry? No.

No, why should I be angry?

I wasn't really going to
let him drown, Roarke.

That was to teach you a lesson.

I'd have saved him
myself if that silly mortal

hadn't interfered.

Of course.

What are you going to do?

Face reality, I suppose.

Face up to the fact
that your regal powers

are simply beyond
my ability to control.

After all, you are Naya,

daughter of Neptune,

princess of the salty realm.

That is true.

And so I've decided
to help you after all.

You mean...

You're going to
give me my fantasy?

I promise to help you to
the utmost of my ability.

Oh, Roarke, I knew
you'd see it my way.

And I... And I promise,

no more tricks on your guests.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Um, you agree, of course,

that my decision is irrevocable.

Of course.

Imagine... No more boredom,

no more sailors, no nothing.

Just... The end of Naya.


Something wrong?

Do I have time to
go down to the sea

to say farewell before...

You know, before it happens?

I believe I can spare
you enough time for that.


Thank you, Roarke.

I think.

Until later, Naya.

Until later.


For tonight's demonstration,

I'll need Mr. Robinson's help

or, at least, his cooperation.

Ladies and
gentlemen, I'll show you

how to cut expenses
and increase efficiency.

Well, if you deliver on
that, you've got my vote.

Thank you.

Now, I have here
some loan applications.

Let's start with
Mr. O.B. Rockhold,

who wants $ ,

to expand his
cabinet-making business.

I have a copy, Ms. Martin,

and I have already processed it,

uh, without any
errors, I might add.

Oh, well, then you
won't mind the XP

double-checking it.

Not at all.

I can assure you,
Ms. Martin and I have

processed this thoroughly,
and, well, I happen

to know Mr. Rockhold,
he's a fine gentlemen.

We've done business in the past.

It seems our Mr. Robinson
has the queen in check.

Not so fast.

Ms. Hunt has yet
to make her move.

Ah, the XP has rejected

the application
which you approved.

On what basis?

On the basis of the data.

Six months ago,
Mr. Rockhold missed

a series of house payments

and was almost
foreclosed. It's all here.

His daughter
underwent an operation,

and... Well,

he extended credit to a
friend who was in trouble.

This credit history

makes him a bad
risk, and the XP ...

The tables have turned.

Now our friend,
Mr. Robinson, is in check.

And in trouble.

I can assure you
that Mr. Rockhold is

a dependable, reliable,
hard-working man.

Mr. Forbes,

banking is a business
of dollars and cents,

and that's all the
computer cares about.

And, furthermore,
ladies and gentlemen,

it won't ask for raises or
demand more vacation time

or bring its personal
problems to the office.


Very good.

I'm afraid that's
check and mate.

If that's what you want...

Yes, I mean... Mr. Roarke!

Excuse me.

Mr. McCall, you've become
quite a hero on the island.

Yes, your daring
rescue is on every lip, sir,

particularly female lips.

Oh, speaking of females,

that's why I wanted to
speak to you, Mr. Roarke.

Did you ever find out who
that fantastic woman is?

The one who was with
the man I pulled out.

Fantastic is the word.

Oh, you mean Naya, yes.

She's an old...

Old acquaintance of mine.

I know this may
sound stupid, but...

There's something
very special about her.

I can't seem to get
her out of my mind.

Do you think you could
arrange for me to meet her?

Oh, you wouldn't
want to do that, sir.

-Why not? -Because she's a...

She has a very bad temper

among her other
negative qualities.

I'm sure Mr. McCall appreciates

your sincere concern for
his happiness, Lawrence,

but I am also sure
you have other duties

to attend to... Now.

Yes, sir. Good day, sir.

As you have already discerned,

Naya is a female

of unusual and
striking personality.

-(CRASH) -Ah!

As a matter of fact,
I happen to know

that Naya is, at
this very moment,

strolling along the
beach which you will find

if you follow that
pathway over there.

I think you'll find
she loves the sea

as much as you do.

In any case, I'm sure
a man of your character

will have no difficulty
introducing himself.

I think I can handle that.
Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

You're very welcome.



Let me go!


I'm Duke McCall.

Oh, yes.

The man who rescues
mortals in distress.

I understand we
share a common love.

What could that
possibly be, Duke McCall?

The sea.

What do you know of the sea?

I've been a deep-sea
diver all my life.

I've spent more time under the
water than I have on the land.

I've explored the drowned
cities of the Caribbean,

set depth records in
the Mindanao Trench...

Swam with the
manatees off Florida.

I've done it all.

Have you seen the
canyons of the Atlantic floor?

I helped map them.

And the swirling waters
of the Dardanelles?

Naya, when I was
young and reckless,

-I swam them. -So did I.

All these places, I too
have been many times.

You must be one
heck of a swimmer.

Oh, the very best, of course.

You know, there...
There aren't many of us

that know the magic world
under those waves out there.

Which may be all for the good.

Because, to come to that moment

when you know you'll...

Never see it again,

that moment seems
so very, very special.

You know that feeling?

Hey, I... I'm sorry
to be such a downer.

Kiss me, Duke McCall.

No! I won't have it again.

Anyway, it's too late.


Naya, come back.

I... I don't get it, Mr. Roarke,

trying to destroy the computer?

Why would Laura
pull a stunt like that?

-Good sh*t. -Thank you.

How well do you know Ms. Martin?

Oh, we've worked closely
for the past three years,

and you get to know a
person working side by side,

day after day.

So you're more
than just coworkers.

I guess you can
say we're friends,

yes, if that's what
you're getting at.

You are surprised
by her behavior

because you know her to be...

A conscientious,
trustworthy employee

who would never commit
such an irrational act

to merely save her own job.


But what if she acted
not to protect herself...

But out of respect and loyalty

for someone she
cares deeply about?

Someone who himself

is threatened by that computer.

Are you saying
she did it for me?

Out of love for you, yes.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

I've got some
business to attend to.

Some very personal business.

Yes, sir.

How dare you undo my magic?

I need those disgusting
things you call legs,

and I refuse to be
wheeled about like an infant.

When you promise to
stop soaking Lawrence

with your petulant waves,

then I may consider
restoring your legs.

That's not fair.


You know I have
only a few hours left,

perhaps only a few minutes.

And then Naya...

Princess of the seven seas,

will be no more.

You'll be sorry you made
her last moments so unhappy.

Oh, bravo, Naya, bravo.

Oh, what an actress
you would have made.

I command you obey my orders.

Give me legs.

Enjoy yourself, Mr. Smith.

Hmm... You see, I
can still cause you

plenty of trouble.

Where are you taking me?

Oh, I thought you
might enjoy one last look

at the beauty of Fantasy Island.

As an invalid? Oh, Roarke.


-Get me out of here. -Why?

-Ahh, Mr. McCall. -Mr. Roarke.

Naya. What happened?

-Well, you see... -Well, I...

I twisted my ankle.


It must be more
serious than that.

I... I mean, the wheelchair.

Well, it's...

It's a sprain,

but I was feeling
a little faint,

and Mr. Roarke insisted.

Yes, that much
is certainly correct.

Well, I'm sure you won't mind

taking over as
chauffeur for a while.

I do have other things to do.

I'd be delighted.

No! Mr. Roarke?

Naya, I'm sorry
about your ankle,

but why did you walk
out on me, on us?

I don't want to talk about it.

All right.

Would you stop wheeling me about

in this infant buggy?

Naya, just...

Just what is it you want?

You, Duke McCall.

You're a strange,
wonderful, unique lady.

No. Duke, it's no good.

I can't explain.

Please just take me
back to my bungalow,


MITCH: We have to talk.

There's nothing to say.

I can't explain
why I did what I did.

Well, I'm not asking you to.

I really should go and pack.

I have to leave and
go back to reality

and face the music.

We'll face it together.

There's no reason for
you to get involved, Mitch.

I think there is.

Every reason in the world.

Oh, Mitch.

I'm sorry I made
such a mess of things.

No, no, no, I'm
the one that's sorry.

Sorry for all the
time I've wasted

we could have spent together,

and I don't mean
in a bank vault.

I was so into my work I...

I didn't have time
for what I was feeling.

But I do now.

I'm glad, but there's...

There's no way
to undo what I did.

You did get in a few
good whacks, didn't you?

When I think of you banging away

at Charlene Hunt's
pride and joy...

Yeah, but I don't think Veracorp

or Charlene Hunt
found it very amusing.

Well, you... You just
let me worry about that.

No, Mitch.

There's no reason
to get involved,

and it won't look
good to Mr. Forbes.

Hey, you wouldn't be

in this mess if
it weren't for me,

so I'm going to
get you out of it.

NAYA: Don't you see
what Roarke has done?

Making me fall in
love at a time like this

is his revenge

just because I played a
little trick or two on him.

Oh, I'm positive he wouldn't
do a thing like that, Madam.

Unless, of course, you say so.

I do say so.

Roarke knows how
badly I want to end it all.

And he's mocking me.

Do you know that I've picked
fights with k*ller whales?

I swam head-on
into the Love Boat

just to end my immortality.

And nothing worked.

I can imagine you
being very difficult

to defeat, Madam.

I thought, of all people,

Roarke will be sympathetic,
Roarke will understand.

Does all this imply
that Duke McCall

is the object of your passion?

Of course, that's
what I'm saying.

To make me fall in
love at a time like this,

the day I'm entering
my mortality, is like...

Snatching a wonderful feast

from the mouth of an
innocent baby shark.

Are you saying you want to
change your fantasy, Naya?

Oh, there you are, sir.

Ms. Naya was just
confiding her dilemma to me,

one which I will always
treasure, Madam,

and one which I know

you will be delighted
to solve for her, sir.

I must be about my duties.

Well, Naya.

Is it possible to
change my fantasy?

Oh, anything's possible.

I could make this
love affair last.

I really could, Roarke.

He is a mortal, Naya.

But the love I feel for
Duke McCall is different.

I swear it.

You know the
rules as well as I do.

But it would be so...

-Wonderful. -For how long?

For your maximum
limit, which was what?


Is that the fate you
want for Mr. McCall?


I truly am in love
this time, Roarke.


It's better.

Better I should die
than Duke McCall.


CHARLENE: Mitch, what a
pleasant surprise, come in.

I came here to talk to you
about that offer you made me.

My help in exchange for

some kind of secure
position at the bank

once it's fully automated.

The offer still stands.


Because I'm here
to take you up on it.

Oh, Mitch.

Well, shall we
consummate the deal?

Maybe we'd better
talk about the terms.

Why waste time
talking? It's simple.

You have something
the machine doesn't.

You've got your years
of experience dealing

face to face with
Pinnacle customers.

Right, and in return

for my feeding all I
know into the computer,

you drop all the charges
against Ms. Martin.


She was never part of the deal.

She is now.

I like your style.

Credit history, of
course, is important

in determining whether
or not to make a loan,

but past difficulties

should not
automatically rule out

every applicant.

Are you... You
getting it all, Laura?


But aren't we just
helping Charlene

tighten the noose
around your neck?

Trust me...


But most important of
all... Are the intangibles.

Those little things you
notice about a man or woman

who comes to a
bank needing a loan.


It seems to be having a problem.

Good, now...

There are more important
things than just dollars and cents.

Body language is
extremely important.



The way he looks you in the eye

or, in your case,
the camera lens.

You have to get a gut
feeling about a guy's integrity.


I don't think it
understands "gut feeling".

That's tough.

It's going to be making
decisions affecting

millions of people's lives.

It's got to learn about people.

What's really important
is an applicant's

grit and gumption.


That extra something
you need to go the distance

even though the odds
on paper are against you.

Well, that completes the
computer reprogramming.

Mr. Roarke, are you telling me

that Naya is actually a mermaid?

I am telling you precisely that,

Mr. McCall.

Do you believe me?

I was diving alone

in the Galapagos
one time, Mr. Roarke.

At feet, I heard this
strange, eerie singing,

sweet and unearthly.

Full of unspoken promise.

Do you believe me?

Yes, I do.

Another time I was
diving a wreck off of

Channel Islands in California.

As I swam toward
an open hatchway, I...

Well, for an instant,
just an instant,

I saw a woman's face
framed there, smiling at me.

Then it was gone.

What are you telling
me, Mr. McCall?

That I believe.

My life's prepared
me to believe.

This explains so
much about Naya.

The things she said
she did in the sea.

Things no mortal
woman could have done.

That strange allure.

You know that,

for a mortal man
to love a mermaid,

that strange feminine
essence of the sea...

Means to die.

Then the old legends are true.

Yes, but Naya truly
loves you, Mr. McCall.

She has chosen to
end her immortality.

Yes, to die herself rather
than bring that fate to you.

She told you this?

She did.

And now I have a
question for you, Mr. McCall.

Is your love strong enough?

Are you willing to
do the same for her?

Die yourself...

To save her life?

Ladies and gentlemen, could
I have your attention please,

Ladies and gentlemen?

Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen,

it's a very great
pleasure indeed

for me to introduce
you to the machine

that is going to
revolutionize banking.

I give you Veracorp's a*t*matic
loan processing module.

evening, ladies and gentlemen.


This machine can accept
a written loan application

and immediately
compute the bottom line.

The bottom line.

Perhaps we
could put it to a test

with this loan application.

-Nothing I'd like better. -Good.

All right.

This module will now
demonstrate its ability

to accept or reject
a loan application.

COMPUTER: Thank you.

Enter number, please.


State transaction.

Loan application.


-(BEEPING) -Accepted.

Rejected. Error.

Does not compute.

Does not compute?
You have to compute.

- What's going on here?
- Intangible.

Need more data. Loan accepted.

Do something,
somebody, do something.

-Processing... -(BEEPING SLOWS)

Overload, overload...


Accepted, accepted...



Please, please,
control yourselves.

LAWRENCE: It's only money.

- That is mine.
- Madam, control yourself.

Let go or I'll punch
your lights out!

Sir, I'm astounded.

Money makes animals out
of perfectly normal people.

Of course, I had
intended to turn this in

at the first opportunity, sir.

I would never doubt
that, Lawrence,

not for a moment.

Mr. Roarke, what
could have happened?

Well, I'm afraid your computer

has suffered a
nervous breakdown.

The simple fact
is, you're asking

this machine to
do the impossible.

What is this?

A conspiracy to make me
and the XP look bad?

Quite frankly, Ms. Hunt,

I did ask Mr. Forbes
to help me in conducting

a little experiment.

What kind of experiment?

ROARKE: Machine versus man.

Earlier I had Mr. Robinson
look at that loan application,

and you approved it, correct?

MITCH: Yes, um...

That still doesn't
prove a thing,

Mr. Roarke.

Just because Mitch
okayed this loan

doesn't mean the module is wrong

about George Carruthers
being a bad risk.

Except for one thing, Ms. Hunt.

We changed the name
on the loan application

for this experiment.

It so happens that
it's my loan application,

the very same one
that I filled out years ago

to get the money
to start my business.

You mean... You mean

George Carruthers is
really you, Mr. Forbes?

That's right.

Oh, darling!

I knew you could
b*at that machine.

ROARKE: So you see, Ms. Hunt,

if Mr. Forbes had to rely

on the XP for his loan,

there may never have been

a Pinnacle Savings and Loan

to whom you could sell it.

Well, so much for all the work

I've put into this
great, big nothing.

Not so. I still intend
to buy this for my bank.

-You do? -Of course.

It's a marvelous tool, and
it's also a great time saver.

Mitch? How about
you and I finding

a quiet place and discuss

your brilliant future
with the bank?

Would you care to
join us, Ms. Hunt?

Thank you.

So how will my ending happen?

You will enter the water here,

swim out to sea, Naya,

and then...

At least it'll happen out there.

How can I ever thank you for...

Arranging things?

A last favor for an old friend.

How could I refuse?

We've had some good
times, haven't we, Roarke?

I see we're on time, sir.

Perfect, Lawrence.

Goodbye, Duke.

Have you made your
decision, Mr. McCall?

Yes, I have.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.


Mr. McCall...

Sir, do something.

I have, Lawrence, I have.

No, my love. Go back.

No, Naya, whatever happens
happens to us together.

I suppose she'll spend
the next years

spawning little merbabies.


And for both our
sakes, Lawrence,

let's hope they all
take after their father.

Amen, sir. Amen.

This weekend was
everything you said it would be.

And more.

Then you feel like a
useful human being again,

- Mr. Robinson?
- Oh, more than that,

Mr. Roarke... I feel loved.

- Thank you.
- You're very welcome.

- Goodbye, Mr. Robinson.
- Lawrence.

-Ms. Martin. -Sir.

Love is indeed wonderful, sir.

Oh, yes.

But it's so hard to find
that special someone.

I think I may have the solution.

-Yes, sir? -A foolproof way

to find your perfect mate.

- I'm all ears.
- A computer dating service.

Come to think of it,
looking is half the fun.

Make that possibly all the fun.