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02x19 - In Concert

Posted: 05/05/23 10:12
by bunniefuu
- (Rock music plays)
- all right.

That was the pretenders.
That's an imported item.

There'll be a stateside
album due out soon,

And the tune was
called "the wait."

But the wait is over for you, babies,
'cause the doctor is taking calls

On the big krp giveaway contest.

The two final pair
of tickets are yours

For that big concert tonight if you
can complete this sentence correctly.

Are you ready? Caller
number one, disco is...

- Man: fun.
- Wrong.

Caller number two, disco is...

- Woman: uh, heaven?
- You people are way off.

- Caller number three,
you're on.
- Man: disco is hell?

You've got it, my man.

And what is your name, sir?

Wayne klugee. Why?

Well, wayne, you just won

- Two free tickets to
that big show tonight.
- Uh-huh.

You can pick up those tickets
anytime before 4:00 this afternoon

From our lovely
receptionist, jennifer, okay?

Oh, boy! Where
do I pick them up?

You have to come down to
the station to get them, wayne.

Just look it up in the phone
book, okay? Krp time is 9:43,

And everybody in town is getting
ready for that big concert tonight at 8:00.

In the meantime, we've
got to keep rockin', babies,

So let's dip into the doctor's
bag and see who's in there.

- Bye.
- ('50S rock plays)

- How's your morning, johnny?
- Weird, as usual.

- Oh, I got another winner.
- Name?

- Klugee.
- Got it.

- Yeah. Uh, bailey...
- Yep?

Uh, I know

You probably think
that a personable,

Hip deejay like myself has a
date for the show tonight.

- Yes?
- Let's not beat
around the bush, okay?

I'm sorry, but I'm already
going with somebody else.

You could've beaten around
the bush a little longer.

Who's the guy?

Oh, he's a manic-depressive
divinity student

Who has a serious
drinking problem.

Sounds like father fun.


He is.

What is "father fun"
supposed to mean?

Nothing, bailey.
It's just a joke.

Seriously, johnny, he's a very
generous, heavily sedated man

Who happens to
like to help others.

Besides, you could've
asked me last week.

Well, last week, I
was heavily sedated.

I don't know, les.

What do women want?


♪ Baby, if you've
ever wondered ♪

♪ Wondered whatever
became of me ♪

♪ I'm livin' on the
air in cincinnati ♪

♪ Cincinnati, wkrp ♪

♪ Got kind of tired of
packin' and unpackin' ♪

♪ Town to town, up
and down the dial ♪

♪ Maybe you and me
were never meant to be ♪

♪ Just maybe think
of me once in a while ♪

♪ I'm at wkrp in cincinnati ♪

- Your hot tea with lemon.
- Oh, wonderful.

Oh. And here. I want
you to put this on.

- I beg your pardon?
- Put this mask on.

- What's that?
- This is my european aqua pack.

Good lord, jennifer,
what's that supposed to do?

Well, it surrounds the eyes

With comforting, warm water,

Alleviating clogged
nasal passages,

Tired and puffy eyes, hangovers,
and other head discomforts.

- Ah. All that?
- Uh-huh. Now, here we go.

Ah. Oh! Oh! Oh!

- Oh, my word!
- How's that?

Oh! Ooh, that's warm.

Oh, and I can see too.


And just to help you to
forget about mr. Dreary winter,

I brought you this
wonderful travel magazine

With color pictures
of hawaii, pago pago,

And tahiti, my
personal favorite.

Oh, you're just a gift
from heaven, jennifer.

My pleasure. Now, you
just keep this pack on.

- I will, I promise. Promise, yeah.
- Okay.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Bye.
- Bye.

You wanted to see me, kemosabe?

Cut it, travis. I'm not well.

Should I ask about the mask?

- No.
- Okay.

Travis, driving into work
today, I listened to krp.


Because I felt
like it, that's why.

And, andy, this doesn't
sound like my station.

Doesn't reflect my tastes.

I don't like the music,

And I'm not sure
I understand it.

Come on. We've been down
this road many times before.

Now, what's really the problem?

Carmen's conned
me into taking my son

To that rock concert tonight.

I don't want to go. I
think that's why I got sick.

Wait a minute. You and little arthur
are gonna go to this rock concert?


I think that's terrific.

No, I can't believe it. Really?

You're gonna go
to a rock concert?

Just settle down, travis.

Maybe if this station hadn't been
promoting that rock concert,

My kid wouldn't
have heard about it,

And I wouldn't be
taking him tonight.

This station shouldn't promote
any more rock concerts.

We're not promoting
this concert,

We're giving away free
tickets for publicity.

How do you think you got
your tickets for tonight?

How is it gonna look,
travis... A grown man like me

At a rock concert?

What I'm saying to you, travis, is
that I just don't want to look bad.

I feel out of it, travis.

I remember the younger
days, when people used to

Get dressed up to go
out and hear a live band,

Like tommy dorsey,
duke ellington.

Come on, now. The music might be
different, but the spirit's the same.

You're going to listen to a live
band, and you're going to have fun.

Well, I hope little
arthur has fun,

Because he can be a
miserable little wretch.

Oh, I know.

I know that he's
gonna have a good time.

He'd better have a good time.

Mr. Carlson, before I
leave, I owe it to myself

To ask one more
time... Why the mask?

It's a european aqua pack.

Thank you.

(Johnny humming)

- Morning, g*ng.
- Hi, herb.

- Going to the big
concert tonight?
- Are you kidding?

And pollute my brains
with dr*gs, loud music,

And a lot of carefree
sex in the aisles?

No way.

Get in the game, herb.

You do not know what
you are talking about.

I happen to be in
the game, bailey...

The selling game.

Four tickets, 28 smacks.

Some people call it scalping;

I call it "smart-a-rino."

- Genius, herb.
- Yeah?

Yeah. They only going
for 50 apiece on the street.

Hmm-hmm. Could've made, uh,

200 Fast ones, herb.

Yeah, I knew that. I was
just testing you guys.


Well, bailey, I think
you've had enough

Time to change your mind, huh?

Sorry, johnny.

A manic-depressive divinity
student with a drinking problem?

Give me a break,
bailey. I drink.

He asked first.

Why don't you ask les to go?

- Nessman?
- Uh-huh.

It's fairly bizarre.

You know, you could ask carlson.

Oh, come on, travis.
I know my limits.

Come on, it's his first concert.

I want him to go with a seasoned
pro. You'd be doing me a favor.

Why not you?

Unlike you, I made myself
a date weeks in advance.

With whom, may I ask?

Let's just say
she's from belgium,

And I am pretty pleased.

Well, here goes some pride.


Les, are you in there?

- You know I am, john.
- Well, les...

Uh, are you free tonight?

In the larger sense,
are any of us free?

I don't know, les.

I just wondered if you
wanted to go to the concert

With a freewheeling,
hip deejay like myself.

You mean you, john?

Well, yes, les.

- Well, I'm very
flattered, john...
- Well, good.

And pleasantly shocked,

But I don't think so.

Come on, les. We'd
have fun. Somehow.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- (Chuckling)
- yeah. Come on.

- What do you say?
- Well, it is true, john,

That every once in a blue
moon, I like to veer off

Into something
loose and uninhibited.

- Well, great. Why don't we get together...
- But not tonight.

I don't get you, nessman.

Just don't push it, john. I'm
busy, all right? Excuse me.

I'm sorry. I just thought
you might enjoy it.

Well, I do appreciate
the offer, john.

It means a great deal to me.

Well, i-i didn't mean to
complicate your life, les.

I just wanted you to be happy.

I am sorry, john.

I'll make it up to you somehow.

You know, I feel like
les and I just broke up.

It's all right, john.

I'll go with you.

Oh, thanks, herb.

It just doesn't feel right
so soon after losing les.

I understand.

- Hi, kids.
- Morning, venus.

- Hey, that's
a nice jacket, venus.
- Hey, thanks. B.q.

What early worm
brings the blackbird in?

Well, according to andy,

Venus has been invited to be the
guest deejay to the concert tonight.

- No kidding?
- A few years ago, I knew
some guys in the band,

- So...
- Herb: so,

He's being picked
up in a yellow limo

By ladies wearing
tight satin jeans

And sporting gold
ankle bracelets.

The lord is kind, john.

Who are you going with, man?

So far, jennifer, bailey and les

Have totally, without
restraint, just rejected me.

Why don't I ride in
that limo with you, huh?

Oh, I couldn't put you
through that, john.

- Sure, you could.
- Oh, no. Limos are
not your style.

Come on. Let me ride with
you. I'll sit in the front, okay?

John, there are some things
a man has to face alone.

This is definitely one of them.

Excuse me. Can I have
your attention, please?

I just want you all to know
that you're excused early today

So you can go to
this thing tonight.

Travis here tells me that we've
got general admission seating,

So you're gonna have to get
there early to get a good seat.

Well, that's it.

Get back to work.

Who was that masked man?

I don't know how you do it, though,
jennifer. I mean, what's the secret?

Is it exercise or diet or what?

- Do what?
- Well, you know,

Pecan breakfast cake

And butterscotch
almond explosions

And... You just never
gain any weight.

It's simple. I don't like fat,

So it just leaves me alone.

What are you doing out here?

Well, just hanging
out, copping some candy.

I told you, no more
riffraff in the lobby.

That's a new rule.

Mr. Carlson, johnny doesn't have
anyone to go to the concert with.

Okay, fever, you can go with me.

You're really going?

- Yeah, with little arthur.
- Little arthur?

Yeah. You can tag
along if you'd like.

Well, count me in.

Life continues to be a mystery.

- Mr. Carlson?
- Yeah?

Two things. First of all,

Here are your tickets
to the concert tonight.

I'll put them right in
there. And don't forget

To pick up little
arthur at karate class.

- (Whistles) karate class.
- Now, do you remember
your way to the coliseum?

Yes, ma'am.

- Oh, johnny?
- Mm-hmm?

We're gonna have to hurry
along, pick up little arthur,

Grab a couple burgers, and get there
in plenty of time to see the orchestra.


- Johnny...
- Hello.

Huh? Oh. Am I gonna
have a good time?

- Well, of course you are.
- Ah.

- Good. Are you going?
- Don't be ridiculous.

Well, I guess I'm ready, then.

- I don't think I am, art.
- Hmm?

I don't know what this thing
is you're wearing on your head.

- It's a hat, john. Anybody could tell...
- No.

I'm talking about this

Disco bondage headgear.


Gee, I forgot all
about that sucker,

It felt so darn good.

All right, how's that?

Great. Just great.

Now it looks like I'm
going to see the who

In the company of a narc.

I don't know, man. I
just can't believe it.

I mean, 11 kids lose
their lives... For what?

Well, what do you
expect at these things?

What the hell does that mean, man?
Have you ever been to a concert?

No, sir. But you're
gonna get this

When you got a lot of teenagers

Crowded together and worked
up by a lot of loud rock music.

This happened before
the concert started, herb.

It just seems so unreal.

- I still don't believe it.
- I gave away tickets
for the thing.

Good morning.

Oh, man, do I feel
terrific today.

Jennifer, you did it again.

Cold of mine... (Popping
noises) right out of my head.

- And right into mine.
- I'm sorry about that, venus.

You know, I've got a
confession to make.

I went to that rock concert
tonight thinking I was gonna hate it,

And I ended up having
the best time. (Whistles)

- Mr. Carlson...
- Not now, jennifer. I'm on a rock.

A roll. Whatever
it is, I'm on it.

What's everybody got
such a long face for?

- You didn't listen to our
station this morning, did you?
- No.

Mr. Carlson, I don't know
how to tell you this...

11 Kids lost their lives
last night at that concert.

What are you talking about,
travis? Is this some kind of bad joke?

No, sir. I wish it were.

- Well, I was there. I didn't see anything.
- None of us did.

It happened before the
concert started, mr. Carlson.

There was this large
crowd outside the coliseum,

And they'd been waiting
there for hours and hours.

It was very cold.

Somebody inside decided to
open some doors... (Whooshing sound)

There was some reserved seating.

But mostly general admission.
That's what they call "festival seating."

- That's what
they call a stampede.
- And that's what happened.

The who didn't even know what
had come down until after the show.

Excuse me. I... I
don't feel so good.

I only thought this
kind of stuff happened

At south american soccer games.

It just seems this type of thing
has been a long time in coming.

I was at a concert
once in, uh, atlanta.

General admission seating. Of
course, everybody got there early

So they could get down in
front, close to the stage,

And... When the band
was late in starting,

Everybody started
pushing forward.

Some of the kids were almost
crushed against the stage.

It's that damned general
admission seating.

This concert is
just about my last.

It's not the
concerts themselves.

Look, I'm gonna go
down to snooky's bar.

- (Snaps fingers)
- anybody else?

- Yeah, I'm in.
- John, can I go
along with you?


I know I sound like a jerk after
what happened last night, but...

Look, travis, I'll be here bright
and early tomorrow, okay?

- Ain't no way I'm gonna
miss my shift, man.
- Thank you, guys.

I heard there was going to be a
candlelight memorial service tonight

About 7:00 at fountain point.

That's "square," les.

"Fountain square."

Yeah, fountain
square. Thank you, john.

And, uh, I thought I'd go down,

And if any of you were interested,
we could meet here about 6:00.

- Why don't we make it
snooky's, though.
- Sounds good to me.

Venus, I want you to mention the
memorial service on your show today.

Matter of fact, we should
mention this all day long.

See you later.

Right now, I'm a little
worried about mr. Carlson.

Hard telling what's
going through his mind.

This time tomorrow,
we might be programming

Supermarket music.

You all right, bailey? You're
almost a little too quiet.

I'm fine. Thank you, andy.

I was just checking.

(Door opens, shuts)


I know how upset you
must be about all this.

You probably don't
want to hear this, but, uh,

We are newsmen...

I mean, uh, news persons...

And we've got a story to
cover here, a very important one.

I don't know, les. I, um...

I feel so angry and
sad and confused

That i, uh... I don't think that
I could handle this story.

Well, I need you, bailey.

You were at the
concert, and I wasn't.

Look, if we work on
this thing together,

We can handle it better than any
other station, local or national.

I don't know.

- Sure, we can.
- You think so?

- Yes.
- Oh, I don't know.

- We can, bailey.
- Yeah?

Yeah. Look, it'll be just like

Holmes and watson

Or, uh... No, I mean
woodward and "bernsteen."


Uh, bernstein and
barbara walters.

That'd be a pair.

Here's your coat. Come on.



What do you say?

I... Say, let's kick butt

And get that story,
okay, nessman?

Okay, quarters.

(Soft piano music plays)

The light of day now fades,

And the evening curtain
falls over the sky.

People are gathering over at
fountain square with candlelight

In remembrance of
friends lost in the night.

Be there, okay?

And now here's a
little mellow softness

From brother bill
evans, something entitled

"Remembering the rain."

Ooh. Sorry.

No problem.

Guess this is a day
for being sorry.

From our window there,
you can see fountain square.

It's already lit
up with candles.

You going?

Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna meet everybody
over at snooky's.

Oh, venus, I feel so ashamed.

We publicized that concert,

Gave away tickets.


I was there when it happened,

Enjoying myself.

We all were.

You know what really gets me?

You can't do anything about it.

It's too late to do anything.

And then you keep
asking yourself why.

Why something happens like this.

I don't know, but we've
got to do something about it

To see that it
doesn't happen again.

There are a lot of kids out there
waiting to see concerts... Your kid.

Oh, yeah. I've been
thinking about that all day.

How's your cold.


Hey, uh, do you want to try

The european aqua mask?

Just what does this
thing do, anyway?

It'll fix a cold or...

(Clears throat) give it
away, one or the other.

Want to try it?

Whoa! (Chuckles)

Feels weird. But good.

Well, do you like it?

A black man in a
mask in public...

I don't know about that.

Think I'll use it at home.

You know another amazing
thing about all of this, venus?


Yesterday morning,
when I went into my office,

I'd never been to
a rock concert.

Didn't like the music.

I didn't know any of the groups.

(Sighs) uninvolved.

But now that's changed.

One question:

Are you gonna change
us back to elevator music?

We're a rock and roll station,
venus, and we're gonna stay that way.

Good. I'm glad to hear that.

Yeah, so was andy.

Well, i...

I guess I'd better get over there.
Everybody'd be waiting on me.

- Do me a favor.
- Hmm?

Take this for me
over there, will you?

Yeah, you bet I will.

You know, venus, there's
been a lot of talk about, uh,

Setting up a commission to
look into what happened here.


It's not gonna be just
talk. This town's gonna do it.

Ah, this is a good town, venus.

We're responsible people here.

I know.

Good night.

(Piano music plays)

Good night.

(Rock music plays)

(Man singing, indistinct)
