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01x09 - Yuki Was My First Love

Posted: 05/05/23 12:01
by bunniefuu
Hey, look at him!

He's so hot!

You're right. He looks like somebody
who goes clubbing a lot.

Let's go talk to him.
Maybe he'll take us out!

Winter break is now over
and the third term has started.

As for me, I'm having
a good life at the Soma's as usual.

-Sorry for the--
-Bring it on, girly boy!

We'll take this outside!

We're already outside, you stupid cat.


Hi, Honda. How's it going?

Let me help you.

Sorry, I bought too much.
It might be really heavy.

It's fine.

Why don't you help her too,
you stupid cat?

Stop calling me "stupid"!

-Here, I can carry all of them.
-Not the eggs.

Soma and Kyo still don't get along
with each other.

On the first sunrise of the New Year

I made a wish for them to get along.


Why am I being forced to
hang out with you right now?

You didn't have to come.

Right back at you!

You're really starting
to get on my nerves.

-Then make me shut up!
-Please, guys, no!

Kyo! Are you okay?!

That should quiet you down.


The bathroom's free. Go use it, Yuki.

I'm going to skip bathing today.

You're not going to take a bath today?
That's gross!

I want to hang him from the roof.

I feel a little sick.

Oh no, that's terrible!

You are slightly hot to the touch.

The beginning of a cold
is the time to take care of yourself.

Take some medicine and go to bed.

You should take a day off school

I'll be fine. It's no big deal.

But tomorrow we train
for long-distance runs.

In this cold weather?
You youngsters have it tough these days.

This old man is impressed.

Did you say… long-distance runs?

Long-distance running…

-A marathon…

I have a bad feeling…

Running with other people…

Meaning it's a competition!

-I knew it.
-All right!

-You look really cold, Kyo.
-Let's see who's faster!

-But Soma is sick, so…

Food, sleep and a bath will set him right.

Kyo, your eyes are turning
a different color…

Don't you run away! This is a challenge!

But in all seriousness…

We tend to transform
when our bodies are weakened.

So don't strain yourself.


I'm worried.

I wish Kyo could stay put and rest,
but I know that it will make him upset.

I hope everything's fine tomorrow.

Make sure to stretch,
or you'll hurt yourself.

They're so nice.

-So skinny and fair-skinned.

Yuki's bare legs!


You didn't eat much this morning.
How are you feeling?

Don't worry.

I think I'm fine. Besides…

He wouldn't get off my back
if I took the day off.

Speaking of, where's Uotani and the rest?

Uo is ditching classes today.

Hana is here, though.

Honda, what are you doing
being so friendly with Yuki?

The girls' training is starting now!

Let's hurry up and get going!


Okay, let's start with the girls!

Tohru, what's the matter?


-Okay, if you say so.
-Something's here!

Hana, let's do our best,
so we can fill in for Uo, too!

You're right.

I'm not good at running,
but I'll do my best.

On your marks!

Ready, set…


Hana, what's wrong?

I'm sorry, Tohru…

I can't run any more.

I have no choice but to walk.

That's the only way.


Walk, crawl, whatever it is,
just get started already.

Guys, you're next!

Are you all ready?

On your marks!

Ready, set…

I'm going to win! I'm going to beat Yuki!

Shut up…

I'm going to win!

They're going so fast…

This isn't sprinting…

I'm going to win!

I wonder if Soma is doing okay.

Is that…

Oh no!

Old man, are you all right?!


So sorry! I assumed you were an old man
because of your beautiful silver hair!


Have you heard of the Somas?

The Somas?

Are you from the Soma family?

I am. Do you know of us?

Oh yes!

Nice to meet you. My name is Honda.

-I can hear them both.

You better give me all you got!

Seriously, just shut up.

What are you doing?

-Got him.

Are you okay?!

Is that you, Honda?

What's wrong with you, you idiot!

This was the only way to stop you.


This stunt is very dangerous.

Unless you're Kyo,
you'll end up with a serious injury.

Don't try it on anyone.

Not on me either!

So now you're here?

We've had so many visitors.

What about your school?

I went out on Sunday
and ended up in a unfamiliar city.

Before I knew it,
three days had passed.

What a mystery.

Just admit that you got lost.

Oh… We should go somewhere else first.

You're right.

Honda, his name is Hatsuharu Soma.

A year younger than us
in the third year of junior high.

Haru, this is Tohru Honda.

Ah, so this is her.

Nice to meet you.

The pleasure is mine!

Hatsuharu is so polite.

He looks more mature than
a third-year in junior high.

So, what are you here for?

To fight.


You ditched my company on New Year's.

So I came to you.

Let's go.

Hold on a second.

I'm in the middle of an important battle.

But it took me three days to get here.

That's your fault for getting lost!

That's irrelevant.

-We can do it when I get home.

-This might not end well.


-You should do what Haru says.
-No means no!

Just go home.

Too late.

Quit your whining already.

A real man would take any challenge,
wouldn't he, little kitty?

And die!

Please don't die!


The dark Haru has awaken.

Dark Haru?

Haru is a quiet guy, but if he snaps,
there's no stopping him.

-We call him "the dark Haru."
-Come at me, kitty!

-Okay, so… kind of like Kagura?
-I said no!

Actually… he's worse than Kagura.

You think you can just be a spectator?

I'm going to take you with me today.

And do what?

-Stand up, Kyo!
-I already am!

You should go ahead.
This is going to take a while.


Kyo, when did you become such a wuss?

You really are the worst
when you turn dark.

That's enough.

Stop wasting my time like this,
or I'll take the girl with me, too.

Huh? Why?

I'm going to do all kinds
of unspeakable things to her!

What the hell are you talking about?!

I used to hold your hand to the bathroom
because you'd get lost going there…

Have you already forgotten?

What unspeakable things
are you talking about anyway?

Regardless, the girl has nothing to do
with this!

This isn't about her! But…

This is pissing me off!

You little rascal!


Now that's what I'm talking about!

Whatever, assh*le!
I'm going to make you regret this!

Honda, you should go.
This is really going to take some time.


Hey, Hanajima.

At least try a little…


Come on, give me a little scratch!

I know all your moves!

This is becoming like an action movie.


We should stay out of this.

Just let them do what they want.

I don't want to get dragged into things
any more than necessary.



Kyo seems very strong.

Kyo would be stronger
if he's against Haru.

They both practice martial arts
from a young age.

You enjoyed it too, right?

I wonder…

I don't remember.

Soma? Soma?!

What's wrong, Soma?

-Soma! Soma!
-Yuki, are you having an episode?

You have a bad fever.

Let's call the head family immediately.

Not the head family!


We're going to have to hold off
on this battle.


Let's go see Doctor.

We could take the cab…

But I don't want to risk Yuki
transforming on the way.

Let me come along too!

I'll help with anything!

That's fine. I can use some help
from a cute girl like you.


If I'm going to hold a girl in my arms,
she better be a cute one.

Wait, w-what--

How inappropriate…

This would be easier for Yuki too.

Hold on to my neck
so I don't transform back.

I got this.


I can say this out loud.

Here is royal flush.

Are you serious?

How did you end up with
such a good hand?

Leave if you're not going to run!

And that's why you guys
came back like that?

It's not funny.

You must have turned
many heads like that!

It was a lot of work shooing kids away!

-It's a cow!

He's sleeping well.
His episode was light this time.

He's got a fever, but he'll be okay.

I'm glad.

Thanks a lot, Tohru.

You should go back to school now.

No, I'm going to be here with him.

School is important, but not as much as
taking care of a sick person.

Besides… a cold can be a serious matter.

We should never underestimate it.

Mother would agree.

Okay then.

I'll go get everyone's stuff from school.

Please, you don't have to.

Don't you worry.

Can you let Haa-san know?

What? Why do I have to?

I'll do it.

Where's the phone?

Put some clothes on, you fool!

I'm going now!

Look after Yuki for me.

Understood! Thank you very much.

Shigure is such a thoughtful person!

High school girls…

Young high school girls in the flesh!

Sure, thanks.

What did Hatori say?

He yelled at me for some reason.

What a mystery.

You did disappear for three days.

So, what now?

You want to continue our battle
now that Yuki has been taken care of?


I don't care anymore.
You are strong, as expected.

I need more training.

What's wrong with you?!

You put me through all that,
and now you're done?

When did you even revert
to your normal self?


Are you no longer the dark one?


You're like a completely different person.

How's Yuki?

Sleeping. I'm going to go get some ice.

-Don't go take advantage of him.
-I won't, idiot!

I like to win fair and square.

I'm not pleased.

I'm going back to school.

Do Yuki and Kyo
beat each other up every day?

No, but they do argue every day.

Sounds like they're finally getting along.

Getting along?

The tension between them
was worse before.

No one could get close.

They seem better now, though.

Maybe it's because you're here.


No, I don't have
that much influence over them!

I can't say for sure, since it's not as if
I've been here watching you guys.

But at least things seem to be
changing in a positive way.

Especially Yuki.

Yuki was my first love.

I love Kyo too…

But Yuki has a special place in my heart.


I hated him when we were kids, though.

Oh? Why was that?

Because he's a rat.

Have you heard of an old tale?

Where the rat uses the ox
to cheat and be the first in line.

I believed in that story and hated him.

I was told that the ox deserved it
because he's stupid and dumb.

The adults made fun of me for it.

It felt as if I was being told
that I'm stupid and dumb.

To cope with it, I blamed the rat.

I was always irritated
and had anger issues as a kid.

My dark persona
also emerged during that time.

My parents didn't know what to do.

I started learning martial arts
to vent my anger.

But it didn't help with the stress.

Training was fun…

But I still got made fun of.

And one day… I met Yuki.

We hadn't actually spoken
to each other until then.

I snapped.
And I vented my feelings at him.

I hate you so much!

It's your fault that I get made fun of!

It's all because of you, dirty cheater!

I get called stupid and dumb
because of you!

Is that… Is that true?

Are you really… stupid?

I'm not.

No, I'm not.

It's not true.




I'm not stupid.



Since then, I became less angry.

Something had been bottled up inside me.

Yuki let me release it.

He helped me free my soul.

I was shocked

because it turned out
Yuki wasn't who I thought he was.

Then I realized that I was also
labeling him as a cheating rat.

I'm glad I met Yuki that day.

Otherwise, I would've continued
to hate him to this day.

Which would've made me a real fool.

That's a great story.

Speaking of surprises…

The way Yuki was smiling
when he was standing next to you…

He never smiled like that
when he lived at the head house.

That's why I thought you're the one
who is providing that peace for him.

No, like I said, I'm not capable of
doing anything like that.

Is that so? Let's see, then.

Would that really work?

Is that you, Honda?

Oh, are you awake now?

Wait, I was--

Please, stay put.

How did I get back here?

Hatsuharu transformed into an ox.


I made sure that she understood
how much I love you.

Why would you talk about that now?

What if she takes it seriously?

But I am serious.

It was a very touching story.


You don't have to--


I don't think I can do this.

You should call him by his first name.

He would love that.

And that's how the crazy
long-distance training ended.

-Three of a kind!
-Here's a full house!

As for me…

Five of a kind!

I lose again!

-She's too good.
-I want a rematch!

On that same night,
everyone ended up catching a cold.

Playing poker outside
in this cold weather would do it.

Apparently, everyone in this family
wants me to die of exhaustion.