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01x13 - How Have You Been, My Brother?

Posted: 05/05/23 12:05
by bunniefuu
What'll be there in May?

Let's see…

Carrots, turnips…

garlic chives.

-Also, strawberries.
-Brilliant, how exciting!

Sure is.

-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.

It's April already,
but it's more than a little chilly.

Honda, you should head back early.

We're almost done, anyway.

What? But--

I'm a little peckish, too.

All right, you've talked me into it.

I'll head home and cook something.

Thank you.

It's been a few days now
since Akito appeared.

But Yuki seems to be cheerful as usual.

What a relief.

What could that be?

Clothes on the ground,
in a place like this?

It's as if someone stripped off
right here…

It could be the Zodiac--


Honda, what's wrong?

There's something under my clothes!

Damn, but I'm starving!

Tohru will be back soon, won't she?

It's fine, I'll just whip something up.

Be patient, Kyo.

Let's grab a bite for now
and wait till she gets back.


Don't bully me just because you're bored!

Now, now! One shouldn't waste food
in such a fashion, my dear!

Oh, looks like she's ba--

Let's skin this thing
and grill it whole, right now.


It's Aya! What brings you here
all of sudden?

Well, I--

-Let's skin him immediately--
-Wait, wait.

Calm down, Yuki.

Ayame Soma.

The Snake, as you can see.

He's very sensitive to the cold.

If he gets chilly,
sometimes he ends up like this.

Must be tough in winter.

I'm from the same generation as Aya,
and so is Hatori.

We were together all through school.

You could call our trio
"the true three musketeers"!

Wow, really? I see!

What does he mean,
"the true three musketeers"?

I just remember Hatori suffering…

Hey, Yuki. What were you so angry about?

Something too disgusting to say.

Surely not.

He's your own brother.


My dears, let me explain that myself!

My body caught an awful chill

and I sought some warmth.

I sensed the warmth of human skin nearby
and naturally clung on.

That's simply my instinct.

Ladies and gentlemen!

And you, my dear little brother,
I hope you've been well.

It's an adult Yuki!

What do you mean, "clung on"?
Be grateful I don't call the cops on you!

What the hell did he do to you?

Me? Actually, no--

So you're really here too, Lucky-o.

I told you to quit calling me that!

-Well, Lucky-o has--
-Quit it, I said!

-First time since New Year, Gure.
-Good to see you!

You didn't fool around with anyone
while I was away, did you?

How could I do such a thing?

You're the only one for me, Aya.

-All right!
-What's right?

Certainly seems like he has
quite a different personality to Yuki.

Oh, and this is Tohru Honda.

You came to meet her, right?

Yes, indeed!

Forgive my poor manners.

I am Yuki's elder brother, Ayame.

Yes, it's an honor.

I think I see.

You're this "princess," aren't you?

A lone flower blooming
in a house full of sordid men.

A princess held prisoner!

We're not exactly keeping her prisoner.

I will thank you
not to make fun of her, brother.

How rude!

I'm paying her the utmost of respect.

Now then, Princess. Bring us some tea!

-And see to our lunch, quickly--
-You call that respect?!

Aya, that's how you'd treat a maid…

Oh, is it?

-Well, see to lunch slowly, then.
-That's not what I meant!

My, how finicky you are!

I get it.


Let us dine elsewhere!

Don't fret! It's my treat!

No point getting mad at me.


Please, choose whatever you like.

-I'll have some dumplings.
-Is that a woman?

It's a man, no?

Don't you worry about Yuki and the others.

They aren't children.
They'll sort themselves out.

But they're letting me stay at their--

Don't you think about refusing my treat.

What, no! That would be absurd--

Very well.


-Two dumpling sets.
-Coming up!

I'm going along with this!

I was surprised, though.

Yuki never mentioned
that he had an elder brother.

I wouldn't expect Yuki to say anything.

As you saw, we're not on good terms.

Perhaps it's more correct to say
we're not at all friendly.

There are ten years between us,

and, as an infant,
Yuki often had to be isolated.

He fell ill so easily.

And so, barely aware
that I had a little brother,

I was simply left to do my own thing.

Is he disappointed?

Then, one day I realized that a deep gulf
had formed between us two brothers.

That's how it was.

Now, I hear Yuki met Akito at school.

As did you, right?

I'm not at liberty to say more, but Akito
is a very frightful figure for Yuki.

He suffers from that
far more than the other Zodiacs.

I was worried he'd be down and gloomy,

so I came to see how he's doing.

Even more so than I came to see you.

He actually seems to be
doing quite well.

Frankly, it's a bit of an anticlimax.

I thought I'd have the chance
to play the big brother.

Do you… regret it?

Creating such a gulf…

It's strange, but…

as you get older,

you find yourself understanding things
you couldn't see as a child.

I should've caught on earlier.

Should've approached him then…

and told him that.

Things become clear.

Perhaps it’s more guilt than regret.

Trying to undo what one did
as an unaware child.

Maybe that’s why
adults can seem so high-handed.

But, as my mother once said,

"You only understand how a parent feels
once you become a parent yourself."

But still, the most important thing
to remember…

and to never forget…

is the child that you were.

The first time you did a flip in gym class

or the first day
someone got really mad at you…

If you make sure you never forget
how you felt as a child,

you'll always be able to understand
one another, even as adults or parents.

And if you find that's not feasible,
the next best thing is to meet halfway.

Anyway, that's the more enjoyable way
to think about it.

Wait, hang on! What did I mean to say?

From now on,
you and Yuki can try to meet halfway!

-I'm sorry.
-No, don't worry.

What a woman of wise words.

Yes, she is! My mother's one in a million!

I was actually talking about you…

I think now I know
how Yuki's doing so well.

And so it's up to us now.

I'll make an effort.

Here you go.

Our food's here!

-Come, let's eat.
-With pleasure!

Same to you, too.

Be a good friend to Yuki.

Just then, I saw Ayame…

Hello, I'm home!

Honda, are you okay?

Yes. Did you get something to eat?

More importantly,
did my brother bother you at all?

No, he bought me some dumplings.


Yuki, do you not like your brother?

Oh, I just wanted to ask! I'm sorry.

Rather than not liking him…

I just find him difficult.

I never really understand
what he's thinking.

You should overcome that difficulty!

Now's our time to meet halfway!

Little brother!

You see, he transformed
as soon as we left the restaurant,

and apparently he'll die
if he gets too cold, so…

'Cause I'm a snake!

You're no brother of mine!


Yuki, you never change!

Welcome back, you two!

But, Yuki…

And then…

I saw Ayame smile
with the love of an elder brother.

I'm still sleeping.

I'll k*ll you!

Look, I didn't have a choice!

Yuki locked his bedroom door,
so I couldn't get in.

Then why didn't you go
and sleep in Shigure's room?

Yes, Gure…
Would you let me sleep at yours?

Not in front of the kids, dear.

Quit it!

-When will you get out of here?
-Just ignore it…

Don't fret!

I'll sleep in Tohru's room tonight.

Go home!

Honestly, so far it seems this gulf
between Yuki and Ayame is only growing…


So Aya's here.

I haven't seem him since New Year either.

He lives elsewhere, you see.

Oh, really?

Maybe I'll drop by to say hi…

On second thought, I shouldn't interfere
with the brotherly bonding.


How's Yuki doing? Does he seem happy?

Look, there he is.

Oh, Yuki. Is he unwell?

What? Well…

Right, I see.

Is it all right to just leave
his shop like that, though?

Aya's the boss there.

Oh, does Ayame run a shop?

He sells wedding dresses and other stuff.

Like nurse and maid outfits.

He runs a clothes shop, then?

Aya said that his business has to do
with the romantic in men.

We're back!

-How diligent!
-He's still here?

You've come straight home after school.
You're that keen to talk with me again?

Honestly, I'd hoped
to be alone with Tohru once more.

That's what we were worried about!

What's this you're looking at?

Some old high school photo albums.

Look, there's Tori!

-Full of beans, right?

And even back then
you wore your hair long!

Indeed. I was breaking the rules, though.

Yuki, you take a look too.

-A chance to know your brother better.

You're so stubborn.
Well, that can't be helped.

I've no choice now but to tell you how
I got to keep my outrageously long hair.

What? Why?!

-It all began soon after school started…
-He just wants to talk!

I'll allow the color,
but the length is unacceptable.

Have it cut before tomorrow.

-But, Principal…
-End of discussion!

Rules are there to be kept.

But I come from a royal family.

I've kept it a secret until now,
but I actually belong to another land.

What are you--

And why must members of this royal family
wear their hair long, you ask?

Let us begin with the revelation
that was revealed unto the great Lilyrose,

our first ruler, early in his reign.

Blue light bathed the forehead of Kandlar
as he cried out, “Maldoomni!”

Fervent compassion filled Lilyrose,
even as great liberty suffused his spirit.

And from his head sprouted
long locks of fine hair,

like so many branches of lithe willows.

And Lord Kaspal…
He lay in his chamber, in a slumber,

but his was the sleep of a spring flower
before its budding.

His heart leapt, and he jolted awake
and cried out,


In our language,
the word "Campanile" means--

Now, I see I'm late for a meeting--

But I have yet to tell you
all about Kandlar…

It's fine! Keep your long hair!

And that's how I received permission.

-Wow, you come from a royal family?!
-It's obviously a lie, dumbass!

Sure brings back memories.


Well, here's something
even less believable!

Aya was President of the Student Council.

That's amazing!

Frankly, Aya was quite popular.

He was always a looker,

but it was his unprecedented behavior
that made him a people magnet.

Let's move, no messing about.

School rules and events
became more relaxed in his days, too.

He had a gift for leading people.

Personally, I thought Tori
would be better suited to being President.

It was a position of great responsbility.

Remember what happened on that field trip?

I'll never forget that.

So, what happened?

This is it!

Yuki's showing an interest in Ayame!
What an opportunity!

Here's a chance to bridge that gulf!

Some of the students on that trip
wanted more out of it

and they went to a "pleasure district."

Oh, spare me your disapproval.

It's not beyond any healthy male
to visit there once in a while.

It's not like we're regulars.

I tired of those games long ago.

How could he say such a thing
so nonchalantly?

Unlucky for those students,
a staff teacher caught them

and tried to get them expelled.

I objected, of course,
as Council President.

We held a meeting with the students,

their parents, teachers,
and the Principal.

Going to a pleasure district
while not of legal age.

It's certainly not commendable behavior.

{\an }No society can stand firm
unless the rule of law is respected.

But you condemn sexual desire
in and of itself as something wrong.

And that I cannot abide.

You might ask me why.

I believe sexuality
to be a vital part of us.

It is the emotion that connects
all of mankind since the dawn of time.


-Indeed, where's the shame in that?
-And he's serious for once…

So his usual goofiness is only an act?

Today's rules of age
crushed these young men's passions…

so let us reach out and help them!

From now on,
let them direct their desires…

my way!

As President,

it is only natural for me to be the object
of our students' affections.

And since it's between us men,
dear parents, you needn't worry.

So! Come forth
and be your most passionate!

And if you need an explanation
from top to bottom…

then I'll be at the bottom!

You idiot!

Such a glorious tale.

What a load of garbage!

How rude!

Thanks to me, everyone avoided expulsion.


Well, Hatori did clean up afterwards.

Well, Yuki? Has this helped you
in understanding your brother?

Get the hell out.

The gulf, the gulf!

Even that wasn't enough?

Let me tell you
about the Chairman's statue--

No need. Get out.

-Or indeed, about that summer--
-Get out!

-The gulf is deepening!
-Stop it, get out!

Shigure, do something!

Why? Isn't it entertaining?

Yes, the height of entertainment!

It's painful to me!

But he doesn't exactly listen
to what I tell him.

The only person he'll listen to is--

The door was unlocked,
so I let myself in.

-Look at that!

Tori! Why the sudden visit?

Hatsuharu told me to take you home.

How about calling it a day
and going home, Ayame?

Well then, bye-bye!

Yuki, sadly it's been too hectic
for us to speak at ease.

But don't fret.

I'll be back soon, little brother.

It's your own fault it was so hectic!

Right, Tori. Let's be off.

-Until next time, Gure.
-Yep! I'll come visit you too.

Farewell, ladies and gents.

Excuse us.

What was that about?

Aya's always only ever listened to Hatori.

Really? I wonder why.


Hatori has qualities that elude Aya.

He says he admires that in Hatori
and cherishes their friendship.

He told me this in earnest, long ago.

Well, I suppose he has love for him.

To put it simply.

You mean Hatori
ended up becoming his minder.

You could say that.

I'd like to apologize
for causing you trouble.

If that's how you feel,
then think a little before acting.

I do think.

I just can't seem to connect with Yuki.

Yuki isn't stupid.

But he's still a kid,

and there are things
he's not ready to let go yet.

No need to hurry.

Tohru's a little similar to you.

Pouring energy into others…

It's a trait I'm awfully…

drawn to, I suppose.

How do you always say
what I want to hear?

I'm no match for you, Tori.

Ayame is so nice and fun!

He's a total wreck.

-What? No, he's--

I have to say I like his easy frankness…

and the way he'd so sincerely admire
others who have qualities he doesn't.

You'll do it. You'll meet halfway.


What is it?

Well, I wanted to…

thank you…

for your concern about me.

That's the more enjoyable way
to think about it.

By the way!

I forgot to ask what kind of shop
would sell nurse and maid outfits!

What are you on about?
You mean, for special roleplay?