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01x15 - I Wouldn't Say That

Posted: 05/05/23 12:07
by bunniefuu
It's so beautiful and grand!

Is this lake that big of a deal to you?

Yes, I've never seen one
in real life before!

I hope we won't encounter Jason!


Jason is a type of bear.

I thought you'd know.

-Of course I know what it is!
-He's lying.

Is it a type of foreign bear?

Hello, everyone!

Right now, we're visiting
the Somas' vacation home.

What makes me even happier
is that Mr. Hatori is also with us!



I… um…

Never mind… Sorry.


Something is wrong with Yuki and Kyo.

Ever since last night
when we went to Mother's grave.


I'm home!

Welcome back, Shigure.

Hey, do you guys want to go
spend a night somewhere?

It's Golden Week from tomorrow, right?

We should go somewhere.

What are you talking about? Are you drunk?

I will never let alcohol
get the best of me.

You always act drunk, though.

Come on, guys.

We can go to one of the Somas'
vacation homes.

Right, Tohru?

But I was treated to one vacation already.

Well, I didn't get to go that time.

And I wish I could have.

I was sad I couldn't.

-Then let's go!
-Don't manipulate her!

So it's on. You guy will come too, right?

You wouldn't possibly let me
and Tohru go alone, would you?

Well, great!

Let's go on a drive, then!

I'm glad Haa-san is
a safety-conscious driver!

And so this is how
we ended up coming here.

These two have been in such low spirits.

I'm very worried about them.

Shigure, so what's the reason for you
to want to do this all of a sudden?

What's your agenda?

I'm offended that you think I have one.

I genuinely just wanted
to go on a trip with everyone.

Why don't you go on a walk around the lake
with Tohru, instead of picking on me?

What's wrong, guys?
You two are acting rather down.

I'm okay going alone.

We need someone to bring more enthusiasm.

I know, let's get Aya out here!

We'll k*ll you if you do.

They should've just gone
in the first place.

Those two have been
acting down since yesterday.

I'm guessing the reason why
you wanted all of us to go on a trip is…

because you're…


…harassing your editor.

Micchan, come back to the office!

He's probably just messing with you again.

So just don't k*ll yourself on us, okay?

I'm not harassing her.

It's just a fun joke!

I feel sorry for her.

This is so awkward! Unbearably awkward!

I wish they would at least argue.

It wasn't like this
when we went to visit the grave.

So why?

Obviously, they must be mad at me!

I must've done something
when we were at the graveyard.


I'm so sorry!

I can be really unaware
and insensitive sometimes.

Please let me know
if I did anything to offend you.

I'll be careful next time.

So… um…


I want you to be your usual selves.

Honda, hold on…

What's wrong? Why all of a--


Are you okay?!

Dammit! What the hell?

Are these… pawprints?

-Is it him?!

It's a bear.

Oh no, we're in trouble! We're in danger!
Both of you, hurry and--


-When do you plan on finishing it?!
-Calm down, it'll be fine.

The draft is already finished.
I was just messing with you.

-Uh-huh, sure. Okay, bye.
-You better not be lying!

See? I called my editor and let her know.


Now it's not fun anymore!

I'm not having fun either.

Oh, that won't be true.
You won't be bored here.

I brought all my favorite books.

Relax and enjoy reading for once.

I know you love reading as much as I do.

I see…

Since Kana just got married,

perhaps he's trying to cheer me up.



It's been a while
since I had the time to read a book.

I wonder how Tohru and the guys are doing.

I'm sure they're fine
as long as she's with them.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

Are you hurt?

No. I'm so sorry!

You should be more careful.

I know…

Be more careful, huh?

But you're the one who fell first.

You're in your room all the time!
Don't act like you know everything!

Better than being useless
despite training in the mountains!

Shut the hell up! You have no idea
what it's like in the mountains!

You won't last even a few days!
I hope this'll be a good lesson!

I think you need a lesson
in common knowledge.

Jason is not a bear.
He's a character in a horror movie.

Okay, so it's a bear from a horror movie.
What's the big deal?

You're such an idiot.

I'll k*ll you!

Today will really be the day!

I'm tired of hearing you say that.

Look at you with your allies…
Why don't you fight me fair and square?!

Considering your current form,
you definitely have advantage over me.

You two are arguing!


I'm sorry for laughing at you.
That was rude of me, huh?

But I'm just relieved.

It seems that you two
are back to normal now.

I couldn't help laughing with relief.

I'm being weird, huh?



You were saying something before you fell.

I'm not mad at you or anything like that.

If I looked like that to you, then…


I was just feeling a little sick…

But I'm okay now.

Sorry for making you worry.

I'm fine too.

I'm not mad at you for anything.

I was…

I was also just having an issue…

-With your head?
-Hell no!

Anyway, I'm glad it was
just a little cold.

I mean, it's definitely not okay,

but you two seem okay with each other, so…

With each other?

Nothing's changed between us.

I still hate him just the same.

What did you say?!

Right back at you.

I'll hate you forever!
I hate you so much I could die!

That's great. The feeling is mutual.

I feel much better.

I love seeing them like this.

I know it's weird for me to feel better
when they're fighting,

but it makes me feel much happier.

Let's head back for today.

We can go to the lake tomorrow.


Is it good?

You're creeping me out.

Are you ready, Honda?

Yes, absolutely!

Headed out to the lake?
Don't fall in, okay, Kyo?

I won't!

But it could happen to Honda…

Mr. Hatori, we're heading out--

-Oh, is he asleep?

I didn't know he sleeps.

Any human being needs sleep, Kyo.

I know that.

I mean, he doesn't look like the type
to fall asleep in front of people.


You're right. It is pretty rare.

It's been hard for him lately.


Just so he won't catch a cold…

You're so sweet!

You're good wife material.

-Oh no, I'm not!

I'd say your attentiveness is top notch!

I shall praise you!

Why the silence, everyone?

What are you doing here?!

What's wrong with you?!
Where did you even come in from?

Through the door, of course.

You're stupid as usual.

What-- You idiot!

-Ayame, hello--

Stay back. He's dangerous.

Guys, I realize that my presence
is a bit of a surprise for you,

but calm down a little.

I'm here because someone tipped me off.

Tipped you off?

Hey, it wasn't me!

Don't worry, Gure!

Even if the world turns its back on you,
I'm always on your side!

Je t'aime… Mon amour… Bon voyage!

Aya! You are my biggest support!


So what are you here for?

Hey, calm down now.

Surely even you know the famous saying:

"People exist by supporting each other!"

So what about it?

I just love that statement.

Is that all you wanted to say?

I can't stand being around you.
You exhaust me.

If you have no business being here, leave.

Excuse me! I have a reason to be here.


Let's work on strengthening our kinship.

I'll sink you to the bottom of the lake.

Oh, that's great!

We, brothers, will always be together!

-You're going alone!

Didn't I tell you to stop being difficult?

Well, hello, Tori.

Mr. Hatori, you're awake.

How could I sleep with all this noise?

Sorry for waking you up.

I would've tried to be more quiet
if I knew you were sleeping!

You're so loud…

So, why are you here?

Oh, when I visited the head house,

your -year-old housekeeper told me
everyone was at the vacation home,

so I came out here to join you guys!

It was a rather comfortable ride in a car.

This guy…

Of course he wouldn't lie to Hatori…

Yuki, Kyo, weren't you guys headed out
to the lake with Tohru?

Is that so? Hurry up and go, then!

I don't know what's holding you up,

but you need to be more smooth
if you're accompanying a woman.

You're what's holding us up!

Well then! Excuse us now.
We're headed out to the lake!

I would've thought you'd go with them
to the lake.

Please, I'm not that evil, Gure.

The three of us can hang out together
for the first time in ages.

The night is long.

Be ready to be up all night.


What a pleasure.

Tonight, we'll dream of the same thing.



How do you not get tired of this?

Wow, what splendid scenery!

I wonder if he's staying overnight.

He's your brother. Do something about him.

I would if I could.

You never take responsibility
for anything.

Right back at you!

You're completely dependent on Shigure.

That's none of your business!

Don't act like you know anything!

I would rather not!

But I can't help it
when you're around me all the time.

Then why don't you go somewhere else?

Sure I will!

Why would I want to hang out
at the lake with you, anyway?

Well, being here with you
causes nothing but pain for me!

This place sucks!

Don't misunderstand, Honda!

I don't like being here with him.
It's not about you!


Never mind… it's fine.

As long as you know.

Isn't it beautiful?

How about we go take a walk
around the lake?


This is for you.

What is it?

Pictures from Kana's wedding.

It's up to you to look at them or not.

Did you attend the wedding?

No, I got them from Mayu.

Mayu? Did you see her recently?

Right, the woman who said
you're like "water ripples"

and broke up with you
after a month of dating.

Ah, Mayuko. Kana's best friend
who broke up with Shigure after a month.

I mean… I was pretty young back then.

Anyway… Haa-san, you didn't go
to the wedding either.

Is it because you didn't want to see her?

I'm worried she may have a flashback.

I only put the spell on her once,

so the memory may come back, if jolted.

-That wouldn't be ideal.
-Is that so?

Remembering could help you two
get back together.

Steal her from her husband?
Like in movies?

That's rather dramatic.

Kana and I are over.

We'll never get back together.

Being with me
will make her feel lonely again.

Not anymore.

We can't go back to the time
when we were both ignorant.

The feeling of being
indebted will never go away.

It'll only keep spreading like a stain

and exhaust Kana's heart.

And she'll be ever stressed.

I still have feelings for her,
but I don't want her by my side.

And I don't want to see her.

All I can do now is pray.

Pray for her happiness.

I'm still not convinced.

I can only speak from your side,

so I know that my opinion is biased.

But I'm not convinced!

It's not fair at all.

Kana gets to forget everything
and focus on her happiness.

And you get to bear the burden alone.

I don't like how you got left behind
by yourself.

Oh yeah?

I don't think that's true.

You're too nice.

It is your best trait,
but still, you're too nice!

That's why you're always
dealing with problems.

That's true. Everyone always expects you
to take responsibility.

They shouldn't be the ones
to point this out…

I don't want you two to get back together.

But let me just say one thing.

Tori, I want…

I want you to be…

Two thousand times as happy as Kana is!

-Two thousand?
-Why two thousand?

One thousand isn't enough!

I wish you'd show
your tough side to Yuki too.


You think so?


Well, anyway…

I hope you'll find someone
who won't be lonely with you.

A woman who will make you happy.

That's just what a poet like you'd say.

I'm a novelist, though.

Someone new…

That's asking too much.

We're all cursed, after all.

Come to think of it…

At least I had my time with Kana,
short though it was.

That may just be good enough for me.

Perhaps that's all I need.

They're back.

Now, all I can do is look after them.

So that they don't make the same mistake.

So they can keep smiling.

Hey, welcome back! Yuki…

and the rest!

Who are you referring to?!

-Anyway, Yuki…

Earlier, Tori gave me a piece of advice.

I'm going to work on our relationship
by being tougher!

That's what's best for me!

What's best is if you just give up.

By being tougher? Like how?


Yuki is my younger brother,
and I'm his elder brother.

Based on that truth,
I hereby declare that…


I am your elder brother!

Therefore, you must obey me!

Go k*ll yourself!

Seems that Ayame just doesn't get it.

You're right, he doesn't.

Neither do you, though.

There's a lot more ahead for you.


Hey, you should respect your teacher.

Call me Great Teacher Mayuko instead.

Yes, O Great Teacher Mayuko.
Working on a weekend?

Yeah, it really sucks.

-Did you have your club practice?

See you later, O Great Teacher Mayuko!

Okay, take care.

You're going to meet that special someone.