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01x21 - I Never Back Down from a Wave Fight

Posted: 05/05/23 12:12
by bunniefuu
You are welcome…

to the manor of toxic waves.

I give you a warm welcome.

Hey, Motoko!

It's too early in the morning
to be yelling!

Get ready, will you?
You're going to be late!


-Look over there!

Hanajima and Kinoshita are talking!


Are they friends now?

I highly doubt that.

She doesn't like their type.

Hey, Hanajima!


Were you watching?

What's wrong? What's their problem?

They're doing a feature on waves
for the next school newsletter.

So they wanted to come by
and interview me after school.

-How would that feature be any good?
-Not sure.

All I could sense emanating from them
were bad waves.

Did you agree to the interview?

Yes, of course.

I never say no to bad waves.

Now that's what I'm talking about!

This shady business sounds interesting.
Can I come by too?

Yes, of course.

How about you, Tohru?

No, I'm sorry but I have work today.

And afterwards Kisa and Hiro
are coming over.

Well, that's all right, then.

Let's go to the classroom.

Man, I'm getting excited.



Yuki is positively twinkling today,
I mean, more so than usual.

Is it the dignity of a man about to become
the next student council president?


No, no, it's not.

It's because he's a prince.

The twinkling is part of his nature.

Senior Motoko!

Commencing the infiltration
of the psychic girl's lair.

Job well done, Minami!

Did the freak suspect anything?

She did not.

She agreed to our proposal.

Continuing as planned, then.

Prince Yuki's first-year
Mio Yamagishi!


Second-year representative,
Minami Kinoshita!


Third-year representative,
Motoko Minagawa. That's me!

Our powers combined,
we can make this happen!

The extermination of Tohru Honda!

Just so!

Prince Yuki…

It's a fan club for Yuki Soma established
by the students of Kaibara High School.

The better part of our female studentship
are members of the club.

Their mission is to love and protect
His Highness.

In other words…

"Bitch, you can't have him if I can't!"

The club rules are rigid and absolute,

and even non-members have to comply.

Break the rules at your own peril,
they warn you.

She is unforgivable.

After our frivolous
senior competition graduated,

I thought we could finally get the club
to mean business.

Tohru Honda has broken the rules
of the club innumerable times.

What gives her the right
to laugh with Yuki

and walk home with him?!

On top of that, she is
on very friendly terms with his relatives!

Tohru Honda… She's a witch!

Our beautiful Yuki has fallen
to this witch's wiles!

What if he should fall in love with her?!

Don't even joke about that!

We must protect him from that witch!

You're absolutely right, Minami!

However, the witch…

she is guarded by a powerful Satan.

The Satan who wields
the power of toxic waves.

Yes, those waves were
definitely and extremely toxic.

Oh my God, I feel something weird!

I was sick for a week.
I heard voices in my head.

And I heard… them…
partying next to my bed.

Them who?

I shudder to imagine
what you went through!

Arisa Uotani is a punk,
but she's still human.

It means there are ways
to stand up to her.

But in Hanajima's case…

She's not human!

She's a creature
from the nether dimension!

Yes, you're absolutely right.

That said, before we go witch-hunting
we must confront the Satan.

More's the reason to make sure
the infiltration plan meets with success.

We must find the Satan's weakness and rid
the world of her toxic waves for good!

At the end of the day, all of this
is to protect Yuki's pure heart.

We can do this, girls!
In the name of Prince Yuki!

Just so!

Yes, Prince Yuki! Go, go!

We're going that way.

We didn't know you took the train.

Girls! Don't be afraid!

Be strong! Muster your strength
to face the Satan without fear!

Yes, but…

I wonder what her house is like.

I mean, my imagination paints me this.

An old mid-century manor
amidst ancient burial grounds

where the air is always foggy
for some reason.

The walls are covered with poison ivy.

The rooms are full of magic circles
and q*eer statues.

What if we arrive
in the middle of a ritual?

What should we do
if it turns out to be true?

We'll just run as fast as we can!

We're here.

We're here.

What? That was quick.

It's a normal house!

Mio, you scared us!

Entering the battleground now!

-Let's go.

Hello, excuse us…

Your house is pretty big.

I'll get some tea.

My room is upstairs,
at the end of the hallway.

One more thing…

I must warn you not to say your real names
while you're here.


Her room looks pretty normal too.
So far so good!

The interior is dark, though.

Senior Motoko, I don't want to drink
the tea that the psychic girl makes.

Minami and Mio, have faith!
Be strong and drink the tea!

Most importantly, we have a task to do
while the Satan is distracted.

Just so!

Look for any clues as to her weakness!

It's all black…

What is her weakness?

It's all black…

What is her weakness?

Is she into shoujo manga?

I would never have guessed…

It's not weakness enough.

Oh, and I read this series too.

We need her personal effects.
A diary, a photo album, her poems…


That would be so embarrassing!


Yes, we'll use anything against her,
even her underwear!

Anything is…


-Thanks for wait--

There was someone inside the closet!

Oh, was it Megumi?


He's my younger brother.

I saw his shoes,

so I knew he was already home, but…

Her younger brother?
We didn't know she had a brother!

Megumi, come out here and say hello.


Just come out here all the way!

They're not Tohru and Arisa.

Are these your new friends?

No. They're complete strangers
that happen to go to my school,

and we happen to be of the same gender.

So passive aggressive!

You two look so much alike!

I don't think we do.

-They look so much alike!
-They're nearly identical!

So… Megumi, right?

Can you also

control waves like your sister?

I don't know how to do that.


The only thing I can do

is put curses and hexes on people.

I'm good at countering a countercurse.

I'm kind of proud of it.

He's weird, isn't he?

-Just like you!
-Just like you!

Just like you!

A curse, huh?
Like… what kind of curs--

Your name.

I can put any curse on anyone
as long as I have their name.

Speaking of, I haven't gotten
any of your names yet.

Anyway! Let's not overstay our welcome.

Let's finish our business
and get out of here as soon as possible!

-But your names…
-Yes, I agree!

Let's get our questions out
and get the hell out of here!

I want to go home right now!

We can't! Remember the reason why
we're here in the first place!

Let's just get the key points!

-Yes, we must!

We can't leave empty-handed.
Even… even if we get cursed!

Hi, do you have a weakness?

Too straight to the point, you stupid!

I do.

You do?! What is it?

I see what you're doing.

You have a problem with Tohru and
Yuki Soma being friendly with each other.

So you want to get rid of Tohru.

But you know
you have to get rid of me first.

Are you… scared?

You want to know my weakness?

That's a rather immature approach.

You should be ashamed!
You used your waves to read our minds!

I did not.

It's pretty obvious.

You're lying!


There's no point.

She knows now,
so let's stop b*ating around the bush.

You're right, we're not fond of the witch…
I mean, Tohru Honda.

Won't you talk to her for us?

Tell her to stay away from Yuki?

That's for Yuki and Tohru to decide.

Actions driven by jealousy are unsightly.

We're not jealous!
Tohru just makes us angry!

Yeah! Who does she think she is, anyway?
What does she know about Yuki?

She's so annoying!

And that's what people call jealousy.

Then what do you know about Tohru?

I feel bad for Tohru
being insulted like this.

And all for a nobody like Yuki?

A "nobody"?
D-Did you just call him a nobody?!

Did you two hear what she said just now?!

Yes, loud and clear!

That's for insulting Tohru.

But you're insulting Yuki… and us!

You're doing that thing with your eyes
when you insult someone!

That's how my eyes always look.


We really care about Yuki. We love him!

And what Tohru Honda does
really grates our feelings.

Walking around all smug
like she's Yuki's special someone!

Just because you love him

doesn't give you the right
to say anything you want.

If you think you have the right
to do anything you want,

then you should really
rethink your values.

Your unidirectional, imposed love…

It could end up becoming a burden
to that person, or hurting them.

You should keep that in mind.

Never forget to respect and be considerate
of the other person's feelings.


He'll end up hating you.




Ari and Mogeta make
another trek for the day.

Did I mess up?


When did you look up their names?

It was easy.

Senior Motoko…

They were calling each other
by their names while you were away.

…the psychic girl makes.

Minami and Mio, be strong!
Be strong and drink the tea!

I was actually a little bit jealous.

And Kisa and Hiro
are coming over after that.

It made me sad that Tohru is spending
so much time with the Somas.


"Be considerate
of the other person's feelings."

You're right.

I shouldn't be selfish
just because I'm sad.

I shouldn't become like those girls.

They're setting a bad example.




I ran into her at the station.


Where are Kinoshita and the girls?

It's been a while.

Tohru and Arisa.

-Oh, hello!

It really has been a while, Megumi!

She rescheduled her shift for later.

She was worried about you.

They all left.

Oh? Was everything okay?

Yeah, everything's okay.

Man, they left already?

Caring about someone…

can be hard sometimes,

and it can even make me feel alone.


It also brings so much joy.

After all, I've always had
a weakness for…


Tohru has work after this.
Do you want to walk with her, Megumi?

-I do.
-Let's all go together!

I'm in a nerve-racking situation
hanging out with older women.

You really don't act like
you're a middle school student.

What's happening?! I can't move.

You guys! What are you trying to do?

Hey, can you hear me?! Answer my question!

Excuse me? Hello?!

Are you even listening?!

What? What are you-- What are you doing?!

Hey, stop that right now! I said stop!

Guys, stop this right now! Hey!

Stop! Stop this!

Stop this, please!

Please! Please stop!


Hey, Motoko!

What's wrong with you,
screaming like that in the morning?!

Hurry up and get ready!
You're going to be late!

What happened yesterday was terrible.


I woke up from a nightmare this morning.

Kinoshita, you too?!

Me too!

Could we actually have been…

Cur… curs--





Yesterday was a shameful experience.

However, we, Prince Yuki,
will not give in to your guys!

As you wish.

By the way,

the curse takes three days to unveil.


Did you really put a curse on us?

I wonder…

You'll find out in three days.

Let's get going now.

You Satan!

You are Satanic inside and out!

I'm sorry for calling you a nobody.


I suppose it's not easy being you, either.
