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02x05 - Wait for Me, Tororo Soba!

Posted: 05/06/23 04:01
by bunniefuu
It happened over ten days ago.

I saw you at the convenience store…

late that night.

Oh, excuse me.

It's okay. You should use a basket,
though, so you can see.

A basket?

Oh, I could have used one of those?

Thank for your kind suggestion.

Oh, no. Now I've done it.

Oh, no! How terrible.

Oh, I'm such a…

Seriously? Someone who does
the exact same thing as Tohru exists?

I don't really understand, but…

Oh, sorry. That was funny.

-You really should use a basket.
-You showed me such a joyous laugh.

It was so comforting.

I wanted to watch you forever.

You don't have to become an adult,

but be someone who takes responsibility
for their words and actions.

I guess that's actually harder. Well…

that ends my lecture.

Make the most out of your break.

Everyone, it's finally come!

It's summer break!

I'm going to play hard!
Eat, sleep, and work!

To hell with studying!

You seem happy it's break.

I could tear a car apart right now.

Oh, yes!


Arisa. Will you calm yourself?

Although I understand
your excitement at summer break.

Seeing you like that
took it down a notch, actually.

Oh, Hanajima. Remedial class dates
are posted in the hallway.

Those are unnecessary for me.
I didn't receive one failing grade.

-You said what?
-You said what?

No one would want to take remedial classes
in this classroom with no AC.

Yes. It was onerous last year.

-That's your reason?
-That's your reason?

If that's how it is,

then couldn't you pass
your exams every time?

Yes, if you always try as hard
as you did this time…

I've contemplated that myself,

but I have absolutely no motivation.

-I see now!
-I see now!

And so, we are as free as
the birds in the sky.

Now, what shall we do this afternoon?

Sorry, I already scheduled work shifts.

You did?

The café in the afternoon
and convenience store tonight.

It's the best time to make money.

I planned to find a second job
this summer too,

but I didn't have time to search.

Don't be crazy! You're already
doing chores in that huge house

and taking care of those three huge men!

And you want to take on another job?
You'll die of overwork, I say!

Absolutely not!

No, but they're the ones
taking care of me.

Absolutely not.

Oh, by the way, you said that
you met someone similar to Tohru.

Which job did you meet him at?

The convenience store.

I keep telling you, he's not like Tohru.

His clumsiness just reminds me of Tohru.

Oh, my. Is he that scatterbrained?

Clumsy? Scatterbrained?

Anyway, I haven't seen him again since.

It might be nice to see him again, though…

Nonetheless, the start of summer break
is so exciting, don't you think?

You're like a child, seriously.

The actual child here
shouldn't call other people childish.

What? What about me is childish?

Oh, Honda. Should we get
dinner ingredients on the way home?

Don't ignore me!

Don't pick a fight and run off, damn rat!

You getting into every fight possible
is what's so childish about you,

stupid cat.

Oh, well… What shall we have for dinner?

Ginger pork.


I want to eat ginger pork.


What are you doing?

-Nice and cool.
-I see, it's nice and cool?

Well, you spacing out getting soaked
by sprinklers looks freaking weird.

Got you!

Getting soaked is the best on a hot day!

You annoying rabbit!



Ginger pork to help beat the summer heat.

Yes. Okay.

Damn rabbit!

We're all going to play together
to celebrate our first day of break.

This way!

But Momiji, we're in a department store.

I'm not telling until we get there!
Hurry up, you guys!

I just want to go home.

Where is your youthful energy?

Not like you have any!

You know what?
A girl in my class said it's really fun,

so I thought we should all go together!

Is it a fun place? I can't wait!


Here! This is it!

Wow, it looks like so much fun!

-This… has got to be…
-…has got to be…

So exciting! Let's go!

Hold your horses, kid!

Why don't we ask everybody
if they want to enter first?

Like Honda.

She's speechless.

That means no. Let's go home.

What, Tohru, you can't? You're scared?

No! Well, if you ask if I'm scared,
I would have to say I am!

But they say that if you clear your mind,
even fire won't feel hot!

I can't keep avoiding it!

Actually, it's fine to avoid it.

I'm going to enter and show you I can!
Go me!

Please allow me to enter!


I'm impressed she can scream so much
from this fake-looking stuff.

Why are you so scared?

I wonder why?

On the other hand,

there's this weirdo
who's just laughing his way through.

However, laughing may be a good method.

Laughter can blow the fear away!

Why are you trying so hard?

Just turn around and get outside already!

How frightening.

You're scarier.

Well, I have no other choice!
I'll walk with my eyes shut!


-I knew it.


Honda, you should keep your eyes open.

But, it's a little better this way.

There's no point
if you're scared of the sounds!

I'm fine!


Which… Which way do I go?

She can't keep doing this. She's going to…

hit something vital and die.

-Hold my hand.
-Hold my hand.

Why did you say the same thing I did?
Stop copying me!

Why would I copy an idiot?
I might catch your idiocy and vulgarity.

I'm not an idiot or vulgar!
You're such a pain…

Hold my hand as you walk, Tohru.

Don't ignore a girl while you fight.
It's a no-no!

Shut up, brat! Hurry and go!

He's right, though.

Honda, are you okay?

Yes… I'll make it.

If you're that scared,
why don't you make up stories for them?

Make up stories?

Like, take that one. He looks scary,

but he's actually a good, sympathetic
young man who loves animals and cooking.

On Sundays,
he actively does volunteer work.

He's the number one guy to marry in town,
but his only flaw is that he cries easily.

Oh, really?

Is that how it is?

But he has a sorrowful past.

His mother abandoned him
when he was ten years old.


On a night when cold rain poured down,

she gently lay
a hand-knitted sweater upon him.

Gentle hands and a gentle voice.

Tears welling up in her eyes.

That was the last memory
he had of his mother.

The next morning, his mother was gone.

He was left with his alcoholic father,
a huge debt,

and that hand-knitted sweater.

However, he believed in
his mother's tears that night,

and would never bear a grudge against her.

And so, he diligently worked
to repay the debt for his father.

Embracing the sweater,

the fragrance of which
reminded him of his mother,

he dreamed of the day that
he would see her again.

His mother is here to see him today.


What are you all doing?

His mother had her own reasons
for leaving him,

but she told him how much
she regretted doing so.

Now let us have her explain why she left.

A moving reunion.

Don't break stuff!

I'm so glad!

Me too!

All's well that ends well.

Like hell it is! Count to ten
and think over your actions!

I can't believe this.

I hope you know I'm going to
make your parents pay for the damage.

What's with these attractive faces?
Are they models?

Wait right here.


We'll pay for it,
but please don't separate them again!


Please! Those two are…

Those two are mother and child
who were separated!

I told you,
don't take Haru's stupid story seriously!

-A long time ago…
-The old man's going to laugh at you!

…when he was still a kid,
his mom left him…

It's been a while since
I've heard such a moving story.

Idiots! This town is full of idiots!

I'm going on break.


It's so hot! Where did the rest of them
go hang out in this heat…

No way. I actually…


I actually…

got to see him again!

You're… from the convenience store?

Yes. What a coincidence.
Who would've thought?

You okay? You're pretty out of breath.

I'm fine. I saw you
and didn't want to lose you,

so I sprinted after you.

Insane, right? Man, it's hot.

Are you hungry?

I haven't eaten lunch yet…

Crap, I'll get hangry if I don't eat soon.

I haven't eaten yet either.
Want to eat together? It's on me.

You serious?

I'm serious. As a thank you
for your help at the convenience store.

All right! Wait for me, tororo soba!

-Free food, yay!
-You don't want something fancier?

I'm into tororo soba recently.

You better think of
what you want to eat too.


Here's your tororo soba.

Say, what's your name?

My name? I'm Kureno.

I'm Uotani. Arisa Uotani.

Were you walking around there
because you had business in the area?

No, I was just wandering around
with no destination in mind.

Here's your chicken nanban.


It's been a while
since I've had time off from work.

But I didn't have anything else to do,
so I took a walk to pass the time.

Are you working again today?

Oh, yes. At the café.
I work there and at the convenience store.

I'm . You're in high school?

A junior.

Amazing for someone so young.

No, not at all.

He's nine years older. Is this even legal?

You are compared to me, who just went
to a convenience store for the first time.

Kind of pathetic, right?
I didn't even know my way around there.

Who are you? Are you actually
a foreign king or something?

Of course not.

How could a man at nowadays
never buy anything at a convenience store?

It's unnecessary for me.

It was truly a special circumstance that
I went to the convenience store that day.

I don't usually do things
that are unnecessary.

I live and work as I'm ordered to do.


That's why I don't know
what to do with myself

when I'm given a day off like today.

You're happy living as you are?

I'm happy. I'm comfortable and content.

More so than anyone else, I imagine.

Then show me a happier smile.

I thought so earlier,
and the first time I met him.

That he wears

such a lonely smile sometimes.

Well, excuse me for being unnecessary!

We met during
that unnecessary time, though!

We met at the convenience store.
Now we're eating together.


-A lovers' quarrel? Cheating?
-I wanted to see you again…

-Messy divorce?
-…way more than…

way more than…

way more than I thought!

So I was happy!

Thanks for the meal! I'm off!

It pisses me off.

I don't know why, but it pisses me off!

Sorry it was unnecessary time!

Sorry to make you pay for my lunch!

Sorry I couldn't make you smile for real.

Arisa! Wait!

On a first-name basis already? Damn you!

Oh, but…

Don't follow me! Don't talk to me!

I'm freaking pissed right now!

Please, calm down. Will you?

-Don't cry.
-I'm not crying!

Sorry, I wasn't thinking
and I phrased things wrong.

I was really happy too…
that you talked to me again.

You worked up a sweat chasing after me
and you talked to me.

I wanted to see you again too.
Ever since then…

I've been thinking about you.

You have?

-Are you embarrassed?
-Shut up!

You are.

He can smile normally.

This is… as if he said "I like you."

So do you like him too, Arisa?

I have no idea. He's so mysterious,
and he doesn't make any sense sometimes.

Why did he leave without a word?

Did I stink of tororo or something?

Oh, maybe…

he has a wife and kids.

Oh, man.
Whole thing was bull if that's the case.

Whatever. I won't see him again anyway
if he doesn't come to me.

I'll just see what happens.

Are you lonely?

I'm all right.

Hanajima! If Tohru gets a boyfriend,

we're definitely going to
interfere with their first date.

Of course.

Ginger pork.

Yay, I'll make myself at home.

Me too! Some meat for me too!

There's enough for seconds.

So, where did you all go today?

A haunted house!

Tohru! Weren't you scared?

It was very moving!

Yes, it was!

You were moved? By the haunted house?

-We're exhausted.
-We're exhausted.

I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Really? Sounds like
an unusual haunted house.

No matter. Glad you're all having
a fun summer break already.

Yes! This might be the first time
I've had so much fun and excitement

at the beginning of summer break!

If I could watch you smile,

I would want to be by your side forever.

If I could touch those lips…

Welcome home, Kureno.

You didn't make any mischief
while you were out, did you?

Don't worry, Akito.

I'll most likely never even
get to see her again.

"Are You Really This Stupid?"