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02x06 - Are You Really This Stupid?

Posted: 05/06/23 04:01
by bunniefuu
It's a pretty big storm.

Yes, it's getting worse.

They appear on days…

like today.

What do you mean?

During summer around these parts,
they appear.

What will appear?

That's why!

We're going to blast our way
out of here tomorrow!

You scared me!

So where are we going?

Remember we said
we'd go hang out together?

And so, I reserved one of
the Soma's vacation houses,

so we're all going on
a summer getaway tomorrow!

What, tomorrow? Vacation house?
A summer getaway?

He planned without asking people again.

-A secretary getaway, is it?
-Sir, the tea's ready.

-I sure could use one.
-Sir, your schedule.

And he's off in his own fantasy.

Tohru, you don't have work, right?
This is our chance to go play!

Oh, but I don't know
if someone like me should…

It's okay! I invited Haru, Hari, Aya,
Ritsu, Kisa, Hiro, and Kagura too!

That's basically everyone.
You invited my brother too?

Why must we go on a summer getaway
with that stupid girl?

He's already in high school.

-What's he getting all excited for?

I want to go!

Let's go.

See? So you should come, Tohru!


If you want to go, Tohru, you should go.

Okay! I would love to go!

We've got to catch stag beetles
and Hercules beetles!

-We've got to do fireworks too!


Sounds fun. I might go too.

Really? Yes, you should come!

You don't have work?


That makes me not believe you
and it pisses me off, so stop.

My work aside,
don't you all have homework?

Don't worry about me. I'm mostly done.

I'm almost done too!

Sorry. I'm terribly sorry!

I only cause trouble for you.

You're not causing trouble.

Tohru, you can do it! Keep going!

Okay! I'll do my best so that
I can join everyone at the vacation house!

For the stag beetles!

For the fireworks!

It'd be better to just go a different day
rather than tomorrow.

Oh, where's Kyo?

He's resting in his room.

Then I'll go tell Kyo about tomorrow!

Work hard, Tohru!


Now, time to roll up my sleeves
and get this homework done!


Hey, Kyo. You sick?

I'm tired.

I don't have the energy to talk to you.

Get out.

Got it.

We're going to the vacation house
tomorrow, so get packed!

You don't get it!

Wait, tomorrow? To the vacation house?


Don't "Yes" me!

Kyo hit me!

But you'll come, right?
You won't say no, right?


Stop bugging me.

Tohru will be sad if you don't come.

We'll play together! We'll swim together!

I said to stop bugging me!

I never said I wouldn't go.

Jeez. I'm so tired.

You've gotten nicer.



Oh, yes. I'm going to catch stag beetles!
Hercules beetles too!

You're being serious?

Oh, I see.

I think I finally understand.

I'm glad.
You should be able to finish now.

Thank you so much.

That hat…


Is that yours?

Oh, you mean this?

Yes. It's not something
I expect you to have.

A boy who helped me
when I got lost as a little girl

left this behind.

I don't know who he was
or where he came from.

I don't even remember what he looked like.

Why did you keep it?

It's so worn out.

Because it's a precious memory.

I was so happy that he helped me.

Even if you've forgotten…

-Kyo's coming on our summer getaway too!

Is he?

Stag beetles!


-Hercules beetles!
-Hercules beetles!

Because it's a precious memory.

It cleared up!

Shigure, you can't come after all?

Well, I'll go
after finishing up some work.

Now, Yuki and Kyo.

What is it?

No teasing Tohru while I'm not there!

It's safer without you!

Let's go.

We'll be going now!

Okay. Be careful.

Come out.

It's been a long time, Rin.

Anyway, come in.

Hey, Rin? You still have your shoes on.

I'm sure you know why I'm here.

Gure, don't you already know

what I'm thinking and what I want?

I wonder.

I'm not sure I can meet your expectations.

Answer me.

Answer me, Gure.

Do I seem like such a simple man?


Are you an idiot?

Or is this foolishness
part of your scheme?

Now, what shall I do with you?

It's summer!

Blue sky and blue sea!


-Come on, let's go in!
-Tohru, let's go.


They're excited.

Kyo, you're not going in?

No way.

Tohru, look. This shell's pretty.

The stupid girl has already taken Kisa!

I was so sure Mr. Soma would be here.

Why were you so sure?

So he could get a look
at Honda in her tight swimsuit.

-Don't say it like that!
-Don't say it like that!

I'm just saying what any youth would…

-You've strayed far from youthfulness!
-That hurts.


Hiro! You're not going to swim?

Oh, please!

We just arrived and you're all excited
like children. What a moron.

-Party pooper.
-Party pooper!

Shut up! I'm fatigued from our long trip!

Hey, look!

Tohru's amazing!
She's so good at swimming!


Yes, she's pretty amazing.

Honda's a better swimmer than I thought.

-She did that in one breath, though.


If you're going to
actually swim in the ocean,

learn how to breathe while you swim.

Were you watching? I can swim, right?

You looked like you were
swimming for your life.

Oh, when did Kyo get there?

I'll show you my swimming again.

You don't have to! Didn't I warn you
that you'd get swept away?

Momiji! Teach her how
to breathe while swimming!

What this, all of a sudden?

This is fun!

Oh, sorry. Kyo, you came in the water.

Go on.

-Tohru looks like she's having fun.

Kyo ended up going into the water too.

Don't delude yourself.

Listen. This world is pitch-black.

You're going to live along
this pitch-black path

without potential or hope,

so don't think that you'll ever be saved.

Is your head spinning from the heat?

Are your emotions spinning?


Yuki and Haru, you should come in!

Oh, okay!

And Hiro too.

Shut up, puny rabbit!

I'm fine. I was just lost in thought.
It's a bad habit.

I can't let Honda worry needlessly.

That's the right attitude.


What? You're back already?

I wasn't planning on swimming
to begin with.

Let's race. A race.

Stop, idiot! Let go!

-You trying to k*ll me?
-The water's pretty cold.

You'll get used to it in no time!

The swimsuit looks nice on you. It's cute.

-Oh… well, thank you very much!
-Tohru's always cute.

Thanks to you all
who picked it out as a gift for me!


You want to race?

Kyo will get fired up if you're in.

No, I won't! I'm not that dumb!

Maybe I will.

I'm not going to lose!

I'll win! I'll be the winner!

I wasn't trying.

Well, please don't overexert yourselves.

They should just swim like normal people.
How childish.

Yuki, you were amazing! You came in first!

Where's the stupid cat?

He was so shocked from losing to you
that he went back first.

To go sulk in bed.


Kisa, you're in my room.


What's that?

It's the planner I took before.

Stupid girl.


Isn't this yours?

Mom, why are you over there?

You dropped it.

Thank you very much!

I'm so glad.

Why do you only carry
a photo of your mom anyway?

You don't carry around
a photo of your dad?

Most of the time, for whatever reason,
you're always going on about your mom.

That's all you ever talk about.

You have a serious mother complex.
That's all there is to you?

Well, that's…

Well… that's…

-Hey! Hurry up!

Oh, okay! Coming right now!

What's her problem?

Hiro. That wasn't very nice to say.

What? What about it?

It wasn't a big deal.

She seemed fine with it anyway.

How do you know she was fine?

It's not like you know
what she's holding deep in her heart.

You've never felt it.

You can't just say that it's no big deal…

You can't just assume that you're right!

How would I know…
I don't know what she's feeling!

Hiro, why did you come?

Did you come to trouble her?


-I think I'm getting kind of hungry!
-Why did it turn out like this?

-Even though I came to make you happy.
-Kisa, what's the matter?

It's nothing.

This sucks.

I take it out on her when I get annoyed.

Just like how I have hidden feelings
that I'm holding deep in my heart…

I see…

she must have them too.

Things deep in her heart,
that no one else can feel.

Did Kisa and Hiro get into a fight?

They were quiet during dinner.


It's a waste of time for a third wheel
to get involved in a lovers' quarrel.

It's best to leave them be.

I can't tell if you're being nice
or if you don't care.

What? Kisa?

Are you okay?
I didn't know you were there.

I'm really sorry!

I'm sorry too.

What I said earlier…

wasn't very nice, either.

So, I'm sorry.

Me too.

I'm sorry too.


Why do you only carry
a photo of your mom anyway?


It's okay.

It's okay.

We're always…


Hiro, we found stag beetles!

They're amazing!

They really are!

She seems more cheerful than usual
this morning.

Hiro! Look!
It's a magnificent stag beetle.

That's nice.


Did you pour something here?

It's sugar water. Kyo taught me about it!


Oh, Kyo! Morning!

Jogging so early in the morning?

You're all already at it
early in the morning too.

There were no Hercules beetles!

Didn't think there would be.

Kyo! It's a stag beetle!

Idiot, that's a rhinoceros beetle.

What? Momiji, can I see your encyclopedia?


That hurts!

Why'd you hit me?

Did you do something to Tohru again?

What do you mean?

What evidence do you hold
that makes you suspect me?

I don't know what happened,
but she seems down.

Kyo, this is a rhinoceros beetle.

I know.

I'm heading to
the vacation house tomorrow,

so I won't be visiting for a while.

Be careful not to fall ill, Akito.

I'm ill right now.

This is stupid. I hate summer.

It's just too hot and unpleasant.

I have a headache. Hatori… Get Hatori.

Hatori's a busy man
with his own matters to take care of.

I feel bad for him that
you summon him so often.

What's that supposed to mean?
Why do I have to care about him?

He lives for my sake.

He can expend himself for my sake.

Well, what can I say?


And what's with the summer getaway?

The idiots and ugly girl are all excited.
It's so aggravating.

They're getting cocky
and have deluded themselves.

Why don't I teach them all a lesson?


What are you smiling about?

You have a problem with it?

A problem?

I've never thought that for a second.

Rather, Akito, why don't you come
to the vacation house too?

If you want to teach them a lesson.

He suddenly came down with a fever.
It really was the heat.

Yuki! Hang in there!

Don't worry, it's just a low-grade fever.
Calm down.

Yuki, can I go take a bath?

Go ahead. You don't need my permission.

I thought you'd be lonely.

Just go!

Honda, take care of Yuki.

Okay! Leave him to me!


I have something to tell you.

One day, I'll have something
I'll need to tell you.

Don't delude yourself.

That's not true.

I can think this now that
it's not all pitch-black.

I can believe now that
I wasn't deluding myself.

When the time comes,
I'd be happy if you'd listen.


I need to open…


…the shut lid.

Open the lid?

"Let's Start
the Watermelon Splitting Contest!"