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01x15 - A New Family Member

Posted: 05/07/23 06:37
by bunniefuu
Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you


Its teeth are in him?! This is it!

Explode, you pig!


The b*mb ended up in the river?

The minister threw it?!

Sorry about this!

I'll let you out later, so just stay put.

That geezer actually managed that?! No...

Who the hell is that?

Why is it someone else? Did I mess up?!

Damn it!

We've got the plate number.

You're not getting away in that car.

Your plan is finished.

Miss Anya!

Miss Anya!

Did she head back toward
the first pet shop?

I can't let her be found
by the t*rrorists again!

I must catch up to her!


How dare you do that to Miss Anya?!

You won't get away this time!

Now people are falling from the sky?!

Move, you bitch!

Oh, hello. Is this the police?

I found one of the t*rrorists

after he got into an accident in
an alley behind Northtown Park.

Would you kindly come fetch him?

Oh, no. I'm the housewife
that called earlier.

I'll be going now.

Miss Anya! Miss Anya!

Despite everything that happened,
looks like our work here is done.

Man, today sucked.

Thankfully, none of this
caused a huge commotion.

The Eastern government should be working on
erasing all signs that this ever happened.

Are we going to hand these dogs over?

That's not our concern.

For now, we'll keep them at this
shop and report to the higher-ups.

We have plenty of things
we need to look into.

Well, I'll be going now.

I need to get back to my
family as quickly as I can.

Good work.

What are you two doing here?

I thought you went to the adoption event.

I came back because you were
taking too long in the potty.

I was worried about Miss Anya,
so I ran after her.

And... who is this dog?


So since all that happened, we didn't
exactly have time to look for a pet.

To think that these two got dragged
into the incident, as well.

I'm sorry all this happened
while I was in the bathroom.

No, no!

Your stomachache must have stemmed
from the breakfast I made this morning!

I'm so sorry!

And you...

How many times must I tell you not to
run off alone because it's dangerous?!

I'm sowwy!

So you're not hurt?


Mister Dog protected me!

So he must be another one of the
test subjects from Project Apple.

If that's the case, I can't let him run free.

I thank you for saving my daughter.

Pardon me.

We're from the State Security Service.

We're investigating the incident that
occurred in City Center earlier.

May we ask you a few questions?

I see.

Then it's safe to say that this dog was also
one of the dogs trained by the t*rrorists.

We'll take him in.

Thank you very much.

Also, this incident will not
be revealed to the public,

given the relationship between
the East and the West,

so I ask that you stay silent about this.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Now that things have settled down,
why don't we go back to searching for a puppy?

You're right. Okay, Anya—


Anya wants Mister Dog!

What are you—

Anya wants to take care of Mister Dog!

No, that dog belonged to the bad gu—

But he saved Anya!

But you're the one who
said you wanted a small dog!

But Anya wants Mister Dog now!
It's okay that Mister Dog is big!

Stop being difficult!

If you don't let me have Mister Dog,
I'll go bad and stop going to school!


What are you talking about?!

Why are you bringing up school now?!

Miss Anya, it's okay! It's okay, Miss Anya!



All right, very well.

Handl—er, ma'am?!

A-Are you sure about this?

I highly doubt one of these dogs
going missing will cause any issues.

The t*rrorists have all been arrested,
and the dog didn't actually cause any harm.


As things stand, Operation Strix is
in danger. What else can we do?

Yes, well...

He'll be under your supervision.
Keep an eye on him.

The other dogs we have will be more
than enough for our investigation,

so this isn't an issue.

Are you really trying to
give me even more work?

There were a lot of other Mister Dogs.

Are the police ociffers
going to be mean to them?

Don't worry your pretty little head.

The dogs will be well taken care of.

They'll be given soft beds and warm meals.

I'm sure these dogs have had very hard lives.

So make sure you take really good
care of this pup here, all right?

Let's promise each other.

Fank you very much, important lady.

She's a good girl.

You have no idea what I've been through.

No, I do.

I also had a daughter about her age.

Isn't that wonderful, Miss Anya? Mister Puppy?

Mister Dog!

Thank goodness today ended peacefully.

You're right.

For now, we will be taking the dog for
the night to check him for illnesses.

If there are no issues, we'll send
him to your place in the morning.

All right.

Now, shall we head home?

Yes. It's been a very long day,
and I'm exhausted.

This field trip doesn't
end until we get home.

Don't let your guard down.

Did you learn that at school?
This isn't a field trip.

Don't worry, Miss Anya.

This incident has already
been taken care of.

Today, I defeated a bad guy
and protected the peace

of this country without anyone knowing.

Papa was able to stop the
bombing because of me.

Anya saved the world!

We protected the relationship between
the East and the West, to an extent...

But physically, I'm done.
My stomach hurts.


And now, our next story.

I hope Mister Dog comes home soon.

Last night, two traffic accidents
occurred in the city, one after another.

I hope Mister Dog comes home soon.

I hope Mister Dog comes home soon.

Though the incidents seem unrelated,

Calm down. He'll be here soon.
And I can't see the TV.

the police are investigating
for more details.

Good evening.

Mister Dog!

Please take good care of him.

He seems very curious about where he is.

Wellycome to Anya's house, Mister Dog!

This is now your home!

You know, we should probably
give him a proper name now.


Number .

Get out here.

It's time for your medicine.

Damn it, hold still!

Here's your food. You better be grateful.

Raise the voltage.

But any more will...

It doesn't matter. Even if this dog dies,
there are more where he came from.

I wonder what's wrong.

Are you nervous? Want a treat?

It's okay. You're one of the Holgers now!


The summit that began yesterday
is now beginning its second day,

and it appears that disarmament
negotiations are going smoothly.

I won't get any stars even though
I helped b*at the bad guys?


To make sure the East and the West keep
getting along, we have to keep this a secret.

Don't go talking about it at school.

The police will come get you,
and you'll never get to come home.

And after we saved the world together, too.

Come, now, Miss Anya. It's time.

If I can't have any stars...

The Friendship Scheme is the only way!

I'll go to Second Son's house and
make Papa's mission a success!

What?! You got a dog?

Let's see which one of our dogs
is bigger! Bring him over!

I'm just gonna keep saving the world.

Good morning, Anya!

Morning, pwease.

Thank goodness. Looks like she's
gotten over her Starlight phase.

Hear me, Becky.

A dog has appeared at Anya's house.

Wait, really?! Ooh, what's it like?!
What breed is it?

Some white kind.

How old is it?

Dunno. He's big.

I wonder if he's more precious
than my little Wiesel!

I hope they can play together!

It works!

Hey, can I come over to your house...

Uh, hello?!

What do you want?


I have a dog now.

Yeah, and?

The world is doomed...

A single phrase to bring
a commoner to her knees.

Brilliant, Lord Damian.

Huh? Did I say something that mean?

I marvel at your wit!


Sniffle, sniffle...

I'm sure it's just some filthy mutt.

What's... the dog's name?

His name...

Yeah. I guess I don't mind asking.


You're not worthy of owning
a dog. I've wasted my time.



You want to know how to name a dog?

Hmm... Maybe name him
after a cute food or a flower?

Food... Peanuts?

But your doggie is really big, right?
"Peanuts" might be weird, then.

You need to consider his appearance, too.


Old Man Hair?

You might be better off letting
your mama or papa name him.

Anya has bad taste?

Papa, Mama, Anya has returned.

Welcome home.

Oh, my. You're such good friends.

Save me! He's gonna eat me!

Maybe we should take him for a walk.


There's a dog park near the library.

Woof, woof, woof-woof! Woof, woof, woof-woof!

Papa! Anya wants to hold the leash, too.

You're not ready for that.
He'll drag you around everywhere.

Though he's been trained before,
he still needs household training.

You'll need to learn lots of things, too.

Like how to feed him, praise him,
scold him, et cetera.

You need to be prepared to
take care of him until the end.


By the way, have you come
up with a name for him?

My naming abilities are dismal.

Huh? All right...

A simple name that's easy for him to
understand and for us to say would be best.

Apparently, dogs can't tell
consonants apart very well,

so we'd be better off giving him
a name with strong vowel sounds.

Especially A, U, or O.

This is hard...

They can't tell causes of death apart well?

Would you prefer to bleed to death?

Or perhaps be crushed to death?

Stop being so unreasonable!

I guess we can figure that out once
we know more about his personality.

A dog park!


Run around and play, Mister Dog!
Or this will just be an Anya park!

Here we go, Leo!



Mister Dog! We'll do that, too!


Maybe this doesn't work
if you don't have a name.

Excuse me.

What is this Mister Dog's name?

How did you pick its name?

Tell me your secrets!

Don't run off too far!

Your name is Lucky Vanilla Princess III!

Then how about Atomic Angel Charlie General?!

Miss Anya seems to be having a lot of fun.

"Be prepared to take care
of him until the end."

I may have no right to say those words.

Once this mission is over, there will
be no more use for the Forgers.

My relationship with these two ends there.

Of course, I'll do my best to
follow up with them.

But this t*rror1st incident
has reminded me yet again

that this peace between the East and the West

is nothing more than a façade.

I must ensure that this cold w*r
ends as soon as possible.

That will be the optimal future.

Hey, it's time to head home now.

You'll be studying once we get home.


Huh? Huh, wha? Oh no, oh no, oh no...

I lost my gloves. Where did they go?

Did you drop them somewhere?

Those are Anya's favorites!

I don't see them anywhere.

Anya's gloves!

Give them back!

Me find! My precious!

How dare you?! What do you think
you're doing to my sweet baby?!

Get lost, you stupid stray!

Aw, did he scare you?

Thank you, Mister Dog.

I've returned with the tummy warmer

that was stolen by the evil
organization, Princess Honey.

Oh, thank you, Bondman!

It is a very important gift that
my late mother gave me!

You're like Bondman.
You got these back for me.

Oh, yeah. You're wearing gloves, too.

What's the matter?

Papa! I know Mister Dog's name now!

Mister Dog's name is Bond!

"Bond" from "Bondman," eh? Not bad.

That tickles!

It looks like he approves!
And his collar fits perfectly.

Okay, Bond. I will now give
you your first mission.

Eat every last kibble of this dog food!

Don't give him too much.

That was neither good nor bad.

Ah, you need to go potty.

Follow me, Bond.

Behold, this is your potty.

If you go anywhere else, Mama might get
mad, 'cause she likes everything tidy.

So be cautious as you go.

He had to poo. Stinky.

Okay, Bond. We'll be
watching this cartoon next.

I will teach you of your roots!

Hey, I told you that you need to study.

You'd better be ready by
the time I finish my bath.

Those little...

Loid, Loid!


What is it?

They wore themselves out
playing and fell asleep.

Oh, my goodness! Is this a
little angel in our midst?!

I guess we'll let her off the hook for today.
