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01x22 - The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon

Posted: 05/07/23 06:43
by bunniefuu
Twilight... You've changed.

By being in the Forger household,
you've gained unnecessary emotions,

and your cunning as an agent has dulled.

Right now, you're like a chipped knife.

Seeing you like this makes my heart ache.


But his gentle version is wonderful, too.

My heart's beating so fast, I can't breathe.

I love him!

Even if he became one of those toy knives
that retract when you s*ab something,

I would continue to respect him.

Actually, a bouncy Twilight would
be so adorable. I love him.

But things cannot stay like this.

I'm the one who should make him bouncy.

Yor Forger...

I must steal the title of "wife" from her.


Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you

Cavi Campbell, age .

He gained his fortune through
the energy business,

and he's also known to be an
avid collector of antiques.

The painting he possesses that
is valued at a million dalc,

The Lady in the Sun, is our
target for this mission.

A painting...

The original owner was the
late Colonel Erik Zacharis.

He belonged to the East's military intelligence
division in the w*r between the East and West.

He was also a major player
in ending the w*r.


He's said to be in possession of some
troublesome top-secret information

that was cast into darkness because it could
"reignite the flames of w*r" if it went public.

Otherwise known as the Zacharis Dossier.

It's said that the dossier could contain
records of the East's human experiments

or the truth behind the
West's m*ssacre of POWs,

but the truth is unknown.

It's also known as the
"ticking time b*mb under thin ice."

Its whereabouts were long
shrouded in mystery, but...

Clues regarding said whereabouts
can be found in the painting?

This information comes from
a well-connected source.

We believe there might be
some kind of code within it.

It's only a matter of time before
the painting's owner, Campbell,

or the Eastern government realizes
the truth behind the painting.

Our orders are to retrieve the
Zacharis Dossier before they do.

Regardless of whether the information it
contains is inconvenient to the East or West,

we can be certain that this information would
become a reason for them take up arms again.

Where is the painting?

It's located in the basement of the Campbell
mansion along with his other art pieces.

But on top of tight security,
Campbell also has

connections to the State Security Service.

Any "vermin" that sneak in are
exterminated without fail.

It will be very risky for us to infiltrate.

So do we have a plan?

Of course. I have one ready.

Game set!

You can't be serious! Gimme my money back!

The payout for that match is...

You call that a match?! Make it
up to me even if you die first!

The cutoff to place your bets for
the next match is in ten minutes.


Yes, Twilight?

Was there really no other way?

This was the most certain method.

There is an underground tennis tournament

run by Campbell for himself and other
members of his underground tennis club.

It's known as the Campbelldon.

Elites of the financial world
and members of the underworld

gather for this expensive and illegal event.

Ordinarily, celebs enter their own
personal players to compete,

but normal civilians can also enter as long
as they pay an incredibly high entry fee.

And... the winner is free to choose
whatever art piece they want

from Campbell's collection as a prize.

Yes... But why tennis? What in the
world is an underground tennis club?

I just figured he's really into it.

All we have to do to complete this mission
is win, so there are no risks.

I hope everything actually
goes that smoothly.

Next up, we have the fourth match
of our first round with...

The Twain and Nafalia Phony pair!

We're up.

Apparently, this pair is husband and wife.

I'll blow you to smithereens!

Piss off!

I bet dalc that they divorce!

Why on earth did you pick this as our cover?

Ah... So many people are seeing
us as husband and wife.

They'll be going up against
the Wolson and Babol pair!

The legendary pair that dominated
the Grand Slam ten years ago!

Hey, they're actual retired pro players.

Do you have any experience playing tennis?

I've only dabbled in it.
I just practiced a bit at home.

No fair! Anya wants to play tennis, too!

Then why don't we all play together?

What did you tell your family?

I just told them we were
having a tennis competition

with some of our business
partners in the medical field.

I see.

Eventually, you won't have to make
excuses like that, Twilight.

Have no fear.

You could just stay huddled
in the back corner if you'd like.

This mission will show you
that I am the perfect fit

to play your wife for Operation Strix.

I can take care of this myself.

You can count on me, Twilight!

Nightfall's been getting a bit
too eager to get ahead lately.

Watch over her so she doesn't mess up.

What a troublesome mission.

The odds are an amazing to . !

Do we have any brave souls
willing to bet on this couple?

They're clearly underestimating
us with this pair.

Did they wander in here thinking
it was a tourist attraction?

We've continued the pursuit of tennis
even after our retirement.

We wanted to face stronger opponents,

and that's how we found
this underground arena.

We holed up in the mountains and endured
rigorous training just for this day.

Well, let's all do our best
and have a brilliant match.

Match? You fool. What's about to
unfold here is an absolute slaughter.

Phony to serve.


He managed a service ace right
off the bat against a pro.

Well done, Twilight.
You've redefined "dabbled." I love you.



Game set!

What the hell was that?

I've never even seen a top-ranked
player serve like that.

Curses... The woman. Aim for the woman!

Take this!

Here we go!

Love- .

What the hell?!

Nice work, Ni—Nafalia.

He complimented me!

We're just getting started.

Okay, I'll just have to keep
showing him how amazing I am,

immediately crush the enemy,
and get the painting fast.

Fantastic, Nightfall! Let us play
doubles in the game of life!

Oh, Twilight! You flatter me!

Game set! The winners are the Phony pair!

That was one hell of an upset!

The amateur couple that showed up out of
nowhere just annihilated the pro players!

An unbelievable dark horse has appeared!

Was this result just a fluke?
This tournament could get very interesting!

How splendid.

This turn of events may
make us quite a fortune.

Now, no rigging any matches, Mr. Campbell.

We want to enjoy the pure
art of betting on tennis.

Hmph. This is what happens when
you play against normies.

They'll be playing against my Boric
Brothers next. There'll be no flukes.

Well, you've just got a pair of junkies.

Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.

We've been developing a new
doping agent called OSO-R

along with the government in preparation for
the upcoming East-West Sports Exhibition.

They'll be using that.

Thank you for waiting, ladies and gentlemen.
We will now begin the second round!

Our first match will feature the Phony pair,
who just wowed us with a miracle,

playing against Dressen's Mad Dogs,
the Boric Brothers!

Nafalia, didn't you say
something about no risks?

Let's just do our very best, dear.

Mama! Get the ball, please!


Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Anya.

Mama's lost in tots?

Th-That's not true.

If he's at a tennis tournament with colleagues,
does that mean she's there, too?

I wonder what her relationship with Loid is.

What if I go back to a life where
Yuri is constantly worried about me?

The ball...

If that could happen,
maybe I should take care of her...

No, no, no!

You'll be punished for
thinking such thoughts, Yor!

Mama, it's okay. Don't worry.

What? Worry about what?

Does she know what I'm thinking?

D-Don't worry. Papa will win and
bring home a fabulous prize.



Yes, you're right.
Loid is capable of anything, after all.

He'll take care of any opponent with a kapow!


k*ll... Tennis...

Nafalia... Those definitely don't seem like
the same Boric Brothers from round one.

I forgot to mention this,
but in this tournament,

you can customize your rackets
and equipment, get doped up,

perform illegal moves...

Pretty much anything goes.

They must have taken muscle enhancers.

Uh, that would be an understatement.

I'm counting on you giant meatheads!

I bet an ungodly amount of money on you two!

I'll m*rder you if you lose!


Uh, hey...

Oh, my! The younger brother, Catan,
has ripped the fence apart!

I'll k*ll you!

Just shut up and watch!

Y-You freaks!

Behold their monstrous strength!

And betting time is just about over.

The Phony pair who showed
us a miracle last round!

The ultra-powerful Boric Brothers!
Who will be victorious?

I-I'm gonna bet on those brothers.

No human could possibly beat them.

Well, their immense power is
going to be a problem.

How do we fight them while
preserving our stamina?

Oho! This time the older brother,
Anan, easily crushed a ball!

Let's take good care of the equipment, please.

Hey, boy!

You sorta smell like piss.

If you pissed your pants,
have that chick change your diapers.

Piss! Change!

I would be happy to.

What? Cat got your tongue, you chickenshit?

Bro! He's real dumb! He can't use his words!

Yeah, he does look pretty brainless.

He probably lived a peaceful life
without ever having to think at all.

Game set! The winners are the Phony pair!

The real deal! This couple is
definitely the real deal, folks!

The Boric Brothers were beaten to a pulp
before they could even make a move!

You stupid useless walking Mount Everests!

Goodness, you could really feel the
malice from the Phonys' play there.

You didn't have to hit them
with that many smashes.

My hand just kept slipping.

Certain death.

My trump cards!

I guess your medicine might
need a few more improvements.

I must say, they're quite impressive.

You might be in some
trouble yourself, Mr. Campbell.

Well... I'm not so sure about that.

After that, thanks to Nightfall's unnecessary
showing off and powerful moves,

How am I doing, Twilight?

the Phony pair continued their steady advance,

How am I doing, Twilight?!

and made it to the finals safely.

If you would, wait here for about
twenty minutes until the finals start.

Just one more step.

Twilight, how did you like
my flawless plays? Well?

Apparently, we'll be facing Campbell's
son and daughter in the finals.

They're still in high school,

but they've trained with the best
in tennis ever since they were little.

Their father runs this tournament,

so let's be on our guard, just in case
they try to do something underhanded.

Judging from their matches so far,
they aren't that skilled.

I'll end this match in seconds.

And then, I'll have him choose me as his
doubles partner in the game of life!




Wait, already?! Right here?!

Twilight, I'm not ready just yet! Ah!

Stop pushing yourself. Your hand's all torn up.


Our opponents won't be that easy.

I don't blame you for panicking,
but take it easy.

I'll be fine. This is nothing.

Let us hurry and finish this mission.

I've seen many allies die
exactly for that reason.

Spies are finished once they lose their cool.

I've told you that countless times.

All right.


You used to say

that us spies are disposable.

And yet he's worrying about me!

Love Love

How dare you, Twilight?
You're not playing fair at all!

I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you, I love you...

She's glaring daggers at me!

Does she doubt my methods that much?!

Oh, damn it. I pulled my hand away.

I'm so stupid.

Twilight's warmth still stings a little...

It stings?

Don't tell me...


Hold your breath and
close your eyes, Nightfall.

Colorless and odorless.

It's probably some non-lethal chemical agent.

I see.

So this is why the Campbell kids' opponents
earlier seemed slightly off their game.

I'm sure their goal is to weaken us.

How underhanded.

They locked us in.

It's quite simple to open it, but there
might be a lookout standing guard,

and then we'd have to attack a civilian.

I guess we can pretend we fell for their trap.

Just in case, let's cover up our skin and
climb the lockers to lessen the damage.

Will you last until they open the door?

Yes, if it's around ten minutes.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting!

We will now begin the finals
of the th Campbelldon!

The Phony pair versus... The Campbell siblings!

Everyone has high hopes for the Phony pair!

, on the couple!

But will they be able to stop the
siblings' third victory in a row?

They're definitely powerful!

I'm betting my life savings on the Phony pair!

The siblings have slightly better
odds to win the whole thing!

Yes, just as I planned.
All of you fools bet on that couple.

How amusing. I'll also bet on that couple.

Me, too.

Of course, I'm assuming you're betting
on your children, Mr. Campbell?

But of course. I'm betting
ten million on my children.

I'm going to win by a landslide.

Those two spent a good
ten minutes soaking up that gas.

You're looking a bit pale.
Are you feeling all right?

Now, Carrol and Kim... Show them no mercy!

How are you feeling?

I'm still a little numb.

I'm also experiencing slight difficulty
breathing, and my pulse is low.

I got a message from Daddy.

He said we can stop acting
like we're struggling.

Hmph. He's so annoying,
trying to dictate our every move.

Let's bury them already and
have Daddy buy us a new yacht.

Phony to serve.

Well, that was weak.


And there it is! Carrol's jet-powered racket!

Don't even think about saying this isn't fair.

You need proper training to use this baby.

A nice hit from the Phony pair!

Will Kim be able to reach it?

And there's the bursting whip racket!

Hmph. I guess they're no big deal.

Yeah! Get 'em!

The Campbell siblings are
showing off their noble dignity.

I love you, Carrol!

Game, Campbells!

Game, Campbells!

Game, Campbells!

The Campbells totally
dominated that first match!

This is the first set that the
Phony pair lost this tournament!

Hey! Play better, damn it!

You should've used a cross
on that return, you dumbass!


You've got this, Nafalia!

I'm going to remember the faces of every
single person who ridiculed Twilight.

Sorry, my friend.

We're now entering the second set!

The Phony pair definitely
needs to win this one.

We're starting off the set with Carrol's...


He returned it!

It's not a great hit, but...

With enough spin...

That was just a fluke.

Love- !

It looks like the Phony pair
are getting back into their groove!

Damn it! What's going on?

And before they knew it, the Campbell
pair had three games taken from them!

If that's how it is...

Now, will the Phony pair be
able to win four games in a row?!

What's this?!

Nafalia's ball went in an unexpected direction!

I see.

The grooves throughout this court...

They caught my eye,
but now I see their purpose.

I'm certain there are other gimmicks,
as well. How troublesome.

Not a problem.

I have no intention of letting them
win with their petty little tricks.

Oh, that's right...

Nafalia, if you'll support me by keeping
an eye on our surroundings.

This is the Twilight that I admired.

The one I wanted to catch up to...
and stand beside.

My respect turned into romantic feelings,
and his dreams became my dreams.

Which means...

Wake up, Twilight.

I will crush them with you.

I love you

I love you!