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03x05 - I Mean ... You Know, Right?

Posted: 05/07/23 07:48
by bunniefuu

Hey, Boss?


Oh, there you are.

So, what do you want for dinn--?


Mine, a question.

Sure thing.


If I remain cursed forever...

...will you leave me and

seek happiness elsewhere?

[MINE] I'm the one who decides

what makes me happy, you know.

Your Mine isn't going anywhere.

She's absolutely crazy about you

and wants to stay here forever.

Do you object?


What's that?

You've been looking

at it a while.

Oh, I was just thinking

it might be nice

to take a trip somewhere.

Taking a trip, huh?

That sounds nice.

Um, what about you?

Is there anywhere

you'd like to visit?



[MACHI] I finished tallying

everything, President.



Thank you. That was fast.


I, um... did my best.




There's... something I've--

Hey, you guys,

anyone seen Kimi's brush?


You probably left it at home.

No way.

I wouldn't leave the house

without something so important.

Well, have you seen it, Machi?


No. I haven't.


Yun-Yun, what about you?

Me, either.


Just give up...


Somehow, I have to tell her.

She needs, deserves to know...

that I'm not a normal human.


I'm curious.

What exactly are you

hoping to accomplish

by holing up in your

room like this?

If you just stay in

there long enough,

the world will shape

itself to your will?

Is that what you think?

Are you letting him leave?


I don't care anymore.

That cold-blooded bastard--

I'm done with him.

If he won't be kind

to me when I'm miserable,

when I'm really suffering,

then... forget about him.


If that's what you believe,

you'll be sorely disappointed.

Time marches on. So do people.

You'll be left behind.

Whoa. No way?

I'm totally serious!

[BOTH gasp]

Hey! Who's that guy? Is he new?

[CLASSMATE C] Come on,

you know him. The Soma kid!


What? Really?

Alone? Wanna walk home together?

Yes! I'd love to.

Thanks, Momiji.

Oh, wow, he grew up!

I mean, like, all the way up.

I know, it's crazy!


He was obsessed

with ice cream and candy.

[CLASSMATE C] Ran around

like a hyper little kid

with that bunny backpack of his.


He's practically a man now!

Oh, idea! Let's get

ice cream on the way!


Or not...



Everyone still looks super

shocked whenever they see me.

You grew so fast,

and you're even more handsome

than you were before!

What? Me? I'm handsome?

Very! Just like a prince!

Good to know. Huh.

Truth is, I'm glad

that I got taller.

Don't get me wrong,

being little was fun.

There were things I could do

and stuff I could get away with

that I couldn't have otherwise.

But I want people to

see... that I'm a man.

Oh, hey, it's Yuki and Haru!

Hey, guys! Over here.

Wait up. We'll walk with you!

Look at that. S'crazy, right?

If you didn't know any better,

you'd think those two were

a couple of lovebirds.

Oh, Hatsuharu!

I heard the good news.

About Isuzu, I mean.

Uh. Yeah, that's right.

I told Miss Honda

about the hospital.

That you found out the address.


Yeah. Sure did. Thanks.

We're heading home.

Thought we'd stop for ice cream.

Hey, I know! Let's buy a bunch

and eat it at Shii-chan's.

You in?

Heh. That sounds perfect!

We'll get lots of flavors.

And maybe an ice

cream cake, too!

Oh, no, we couldn't. Could we?

I'm guessing she's

never had one.

And she's worried something

so fancy sounding

must be super expensive.


Uh. Uh...




It's, uh, nice to, um...

Watch it. I don't like when

people intimidate Kisa.

I didn't do anything!

Wait. Where'd you come from?

The bathroom, jerk.

[KYO] Well, anyone who came

home to her just sitting there

would wonder what was up!

--Oh. I, uh--

--[HIRO] That's the issue here?

She's younger than you,

so be nice. Uh.

Ha. Whatever. When's the

female resident coming home?

Oh, and now you're

going to act like

you're letting me

win or something?

Okay, uh. It's, um, nice to--

You know, assuming

we're that rude

actually makes you

the rude o-- Ugh.

Shigure was just on his way

out when we got here.

Going to the estate, he said.

[KYO] Your attitude's pissing me

off more than the insults would.


Um! Excuse me, but--

It's... nice to see you!

Uh, yeah. You, too.

Well, she'll probably

be home soon.


I did it!

I really talked to him!

Heh. Good job.

He's nice.

Maybe he doesn't always

like to show it, but still,

I should have known.

He's so kind to

Tohru, after all.

Yeah, that's true.


Another round today?

Don't you ever get tired

of taunting Akito?

You're always so

judgmental, Doc.

Showing up out of

nowhere to yell at me.

I live here, you know.

And take this seriously.

She seems to withdraw

further into herself

every time you visit.

Really, you don't say!

Oh, no! That's terrible!

[HATORI] Knowing I'm

the same age he is

makes me truly sad sometimes.

Stop it. You're too old

to be playing the brat.

Try being honest about

your feelings for once.

The longer you do this,

the more stubborn she'll get.

Ah. You realize that's more

or less what I'm going for.

I assure you,

I'm perfectly aware.

And it's absurd.

This endless battle of wills

against someone

younger than you.

The way you act, it sometimes

seems like you truly hate her.

Even to me.

Maybe just try to show

a little kindness.


You say that, but from me,

"kindness" is nothing more

than a hastily manufactured


Your version's the real deal

to which mine can't

hope to compare.

I should probably find that sad.

For some reason, I never have.

It's strange, you know.

I mean, the way my heart

seems to function.

I never did crave

my parents' love.

And being possessed,

which bothers you all so much,

has never been more

than a minor hindrance

as far as I'm concerned.

If this is what you call

being "twisted"...

...then I suppose

that's what I am.

And the fact is,

I can't even find that sad.

Maybe that makes me very alone.

What does a person like

me need? Was it wrong?

Should I have dreamed

about somebody else instead?

Anyway, the point is,

I'm not a nice guy,

so why should I bother

pretending to be one, right?

[HATORI] You're not even

going to try, are you?


Don't you understand?

A generous kindness like yours,

or a detached kindness

like Kureno's.

Even assuming Akito wants

either of those from me,

it's not going to happen.

Because if one thing's certain,

it's that I'm not looking

to become her father.

[YUKI] Well, I wonder what

we should do for dinner.

We've got quite a crowd.

Let's have a barbecue!

Who's with me?

You know, the two of you

really should've called first.

Just showing up like

that's impolite.

I do feel a little bad about

not giving them any warning.

But still, if the

person who's forced

to make dinner for us

is fine with it,

how big of a deal can it be?


Um, Miss Honda?

Oh, I got distracted! Sorry!

No, it's fine.

I want to have a barbecue!

I seriously doubt

that this house

has the necessary

equipment for one.

We don't need any

special equipment.

We really do, though.


Barbecuing's simple.

All it takes is a fire to grill

the meat over, right?



Yeah. This oughta do it.


What are you planning?

A well-grilled steak.

It's what's for dinner.

Morons. At this rate,

we'll starve.

I vote... curry.

Oh, hey, is Kyo not home yet?

We saw him a little earlier,

but maybe he went

up to his room?

No problem. I'll go get him!



What's goin' on?

You're eating here, too?

It's okay. We went with curry.

Right, whatever that means.

You sure got tall.

Ja, I know!

If this keeps up,

I'll be taller than you.

And probably better

looking, too!

Then maybe, if I'm lucky...

...when I propose to her,

Tohru will actually say "yes."


Kyo, you get it, right?

If you give up, then something

like that might really happen.

You'd lose her.

So you have to hang in there.

I will, too.

No more thinking,

"There's no point,"

and shrugging off my dreams.

It would sting, wouldn't it?

If some other guy

took Tohru from you?

Well, good talk.

Now we'd better see if they

need help with the curry!

Come on. Let's go!

I guess stranger

things have happened,

but to come home to a

soup kitchen in my yard

is a rather odd experience.


We made curry for dinner!

What thoughtful children you

all are. Papa is so proud!


Uh, Yuki, what's his deal?

Oh, he's an idiot.

Just ignore him.

[TOHRU] Shigure, if you

haven't eaten already,

you're welcome to have some.

Our dear Tohru.

How are you? Working hard?

Uh. Yes. I try to.


All those years ago...

Maybe it actually should've

been you I dreamed of.



Yes, maybe that's the answer.

What somebody like me really

needs is somebody like you.

The author thinks,

contemplating his own backstory.

I'm confused.

Just thinking... about what-ifs.

And I'd love some curry.

Though not too much, please.

Uh. Right. Sure!

Hey, Tohru! It's time

for the ice cream!



[SHIGURE] People change,

and their feelings with them.

Time marches on.


I want you to come soon,

or you might miss it altogether.


Listen closely now.

Once upon a time,

God made an invitation

to the animals.

God said, "I'm having

a banquet tomorrow

and all of you are

invited to attend it."

Do you know who God

in this story was?

You, Akito.

A special child.

The chosen child.

One who was born to be loved.

Your future holds no loneliness

or fear, only bonds.

Bonds that will last


You have been promised eternity.

No one will ever leave you.



Don't go, Hatsuharu!








[MOMIJI] I didn't think

it would come so suddenly.

The end.




Don't go. Please stay.

Don't leave. Stay with me!


What was that?

All those feelings...

inside me, but not of me.

Watching from some corner

of my heart, like guards.

I don't see it.

What has kept me bound to

this person for so long?

[MOMIJI] So small...

and weak... and pitiful.



That look! Stop it! I can't...

Your eyes. Don't

look at me like that.


[MOMIJI] I think you should

go back to your room.

Really, you don't look well.

And in case you're worried,

I won't tell anyone about this.

Go home.

For now.

I need time. I'm confused, too.

We can talk more

about this tomorrow.



Hey. Seen Momiji?

[YUKI] Uh, no, I haven't.

Why, wasn't he in class?

He was, but he showed

up pretty late.

Did something happen to him?

Don't think so.

But it's like... he's off.

He seems the same as always,

but something's... different.

Hey, you guys!




Honda, have you seen Momiji?

I haven't, not today.

Why, is something the matter?

Maybe, but what could it be?

Oh, no! What happened?

What's wrong with poor Momiji?




It's all right. Really.

He was just thinking out loud.

'Kay, if you say so.


[KYO] What're you all

standing around here for?


Kyo, have you seen Momiji?


Why, somethin' up with him?


No, nothing.

Huh? Then why ask?



Momiji? Jeez, you're up

here of all places?

Tohru and the others

are looking for you. Uh.




Oh. Uh, nothing.

You just seem a

little... different.

Maybe it's because

my curse broke.


[MOMIJI] Just kidding.

I had you for a second.


What? Why would you say that?

[MOMIJI] It's not like

it matters, though.

Tohru would rather your

curse break than mine.

That would make her so happy.

I mean... you know, right?

This time, at least,

I'm the one who's stung.


Shut up.

I don't wanna know anything

about that, all right?

It's too much.

[MOMIJI] I'm sorry for sending

you away like that last night.

I spent the whole day trying

to figure out what happened.

Why is my curse gone?

Why did mine break

when no one else's did?

And in the end, I didn't come

up with any good answers.

But I do know this:

Akito, I can't do it.

I can't spend the rest

of my life by your side.

It's my choice,

'cause there's nothing

binding me to you now.

[AKITO growls]


How dare you.

You're a monster!

A filthy traitor!

An ungrateful idiot!

If you leave here, leave me,

you've got no place to go!

Think Mommy and Daddy

will welcome you back?

Because they won't. No one will!

You'll never be

happy again! Ever!


It hurts.

The truth is...

I've never been so free,

but I've never been

so lonely, either.

The curse may be gone,

but that doesn't mean

I'll get the girl I want.

And the bonds that connected me

to everyone unconditionally...

have disappeared.

It's too late.

Everything is broken now...

and there's no going back.


Good morning.



Oh, Momiji, is that you?

Good morning. Is this

your usual school route?

[MOMIJI] Nah, I thought

I would change things up

and try out a different one.


Oh, I see.

My goodness I can't believe

how tall you've gotten.

I hardly recognized you.

[MOMIJI] Has your daughter

grown a lot lately, too?


definitely still a little girl.

We're going on a

trip this summer

and she can't contain herself.

She's already so excited!

Yeah, I bet.


What about you?

Any plans for summer?

Will your family

take a trip, too?

[MOMIJI] Far away.

To a place without me.

Where they can be happy.



No. Don't tell me I

can't find happiness

because of the things I've lost.

You're not the one who

gets to decide that. I am!

It could still be out

there somewhere.

Sure, I'm scared and lonely now,

but my happiness might

be just down the road,

waiting for me to catch up.


Yeah. There'll be a trip.



With the family that I

can make for myself now.

I'll find my future in this

ever-changing world.

It's time. My path

is my own to choose.

And I'm ready to take

the first step.

And you? How long will

you remain hiding?

You tell me that

if I leave here,

I'll have no home or happiness,

but I think that's just an echo

of your own deepest fears.


Shut up.

I don't wanna hear it. Just go.



Well, anyway, I should be going.

All right.

See ya later! Tschuss.

Take care of yourself.


I will!


"It was so foolish."