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03x09 - What's Your Name?

Posted: 05/07/23 07:51
by bunniefuu

They both died because of me.


If that were true...

If I really believed it...

it would be crushing.



Too late.

It's too late.

Akito. But why?

It's over. The end is here.


I'm disappointed in you.


But worse in that moment...

...were his eyes.

Half-hidden behind

his coppery hair,

they were screaming so loudly:

"I'm sad. I'm sad. I'm sad."

That was the most

crushing thing of all.

It made my heart ache.

Even more than thoughts of mom.


It's over. So what now?

Will you throw me away?

Abandon me?

[AKITO, KYOKO] Will you move

on... and leave me behind?

[TOHRU] I know how it

feels to be left behind.




Oh, what's this? I'm not

the only one out and about?

Hardly. Listen, have

you seen--? You reek!

I had a drink or two.

Date with my author buddies.

Hold on. You were out

drinking all night?

Only until the first

morning train.

You are technically

our guardian, you know.

Try acting like it sometime.

No, I don't have time

for this creep.



[YUKI] Did you pass the idiot on

your way? The great big idiot?

Idiot? Oh, I see. You mean Kyo.

No, I didn't.

[YUKI] He must've gone

the other direction.

What's up? Has Kyo been

causing trouble again?

I don't know the

details, but yeah.

That colossal idiot.

How dare he make her cry!


Are you happy?

You won, you know.

You supplanted me,

stole my place.

Now I'm the outsider,

the outcast.

Because they all like you best.

Does that feel good?

[TOHRU] The loneliness

of being abandoned.

You showed up and

destroyed everything.

I'm alone. A mistake.

The bad guy.

Does that feel good? I hate you.



Finally. I see you.

You came and wrecked it.

My whole world.

Yet somehow, you still get

to be the "pure" one.

You're the dirtiest

one of us all!


Akito. I finally found you.

No, don't.

Stay back! You make me sick!


I've been so thoughtless.

How could I have

not realized it?



[gasps] Get back!


All this time...'ve been so lonely,

but you couldn't let anyone see.

From the beginning,

ever since she was born,

she was treated as "special."

As somebody who's above the

circle instead of part of it.

But... that's just a different

form of abandonment.


I understand now.

Why you talk so much

about eternity

and an unchanging future.

You say those things

because... you're scared.

You're terrified of being alone!


Shut up!

You know nothing! Nothing!

You condescending brat.

I told you, I don't want

your false sympathy!

You won't win me over. Never.



I am dirty. It's true.

You were right about me, Akito.

Because, even as I

rejected your eternity,

I was wishing for

the same things.

For forever.

Unchanging feelings.


I was, but...


Mom, the truth is...

...I've fallen in

love with someone.

It took me so long to admit it,

and now he's saying

he's disappointed in me.

But I love him.


Even if he doesn't love me back,

I've decided not to

stand still anymore.

It's time. I'm going

on ahead, Mom.


People can't be bound forever.

Neither can their feelings.

I think, deep down,

you've already realized

that, haven't you?

And for all this

time, it's hurt,

knowing that painful truth.

You've been sad, miserable,

and so very lonely.


I don't want this!

I don't wanna be

abandoned, left behind!

--Why is this happening?


[AKITO] No! I'm scared.

I don't want this!

I was promised so much more!

[AKITO] This world,

where no one needs me,

where everyone's a stranger,

I don't want it.

Not this.


Please, wait!


No, I'm done!

It's too late. Don't

you understand that?

This world is unrecognizable.

There are no promises or bonds,

no hope of eternity,

and I'm scared.

I can't live surrounded

by strangers.

Alone, without any guarantee

that I'll be loved.

I can't.


The world scares me.

[TOHRU] Well, in that case,

what if you begin again with me?



Here. Now.

We met the wrong way.

Let's start over.

I'll go first.

Hello. My name is Tohru Honda.

Tell me, what's your name?

Maybe we could be friends.

I'd like that.


Liar! You don't mean it.

The second I cry, you'll

decide you've had enough.

If I complain, you'll get mad.

You'll stop liking me and

throw me out of your life.


There you are.


I finally found you.


Tell me, what's your name?

[TOHRU] Maybe we could be

friends. I'd like that.


Please... don't cry anymore.

Oh, no.

Someone, help!

Someone! Anyone! Come quickly!



Akito, please... don't cry.

It's all right.

Everything's all right.

The scary times are over.

You made it.

[SHIGURE] Whoa. I wasn't

expecting to see you here.

Please. Help her.

Hurry. She's hurt.

She needs help.

She fell... from...

from up on the cliff.

So far down. So far...

What do I do?

She's not moving.

She's so... so still.

Akito, slowly now.

Calm as you can.

Who fell? Tell me.

Toh... Tohru.


Okay. Where was she?


That way. Straight back.

Shigure, I'm calling for help.

Meet them when they get here.

What do we do? She won't move.

Shigure! What do we do?

Akito, did you push her?

[gasps] No. I didn't.

I didn't! Really.

I don't know why.

The ground... it just

crumbled, out of nowhere.

But I... I did hurt Kureno.

I stabbed him.


Hatori. It's me.

Uh-huh. What's going on

at the main estate?

Akito is actually at my place.

Yes. Here.

I heard. How is he?

I see.

Well, we've got an emergency

on our hands, too.

No, Akito is fine. It's Tohru.

Yeah. It seems she

fell off a cliff.




Okay. I'll call back

when I know more.

[SHIGURE] Good news.

He says Kureno will live.




Don't move her.

Her head, she probably

hit it hard.

Wait. This can't be happening.

It's wrong. It's... all wrong.

This isn't what I wanted.

You can't go. Stay with me.


[TOHRU] Don't cry.

Please... don't cry anymore.


Wait... who's crying?

Akito? Kyo?

Oh, right. I have

to go after Kyo.

I have to find him.

And when I do, I'll tell him,

"I love you so much."

Every day, I feel

grateful we met.

Maybe all it brought you

was frustration and pain,

but the time we've had together

has made me so happy.

Your awkward kindness.

Your blushes.

Your smile. Your shy looks.

They all made me so, so happy.

And little by little, over time,

they became precious.

My treasures.

I realize now,

that day in the rain,

I chased you so desperately

because I was already

in love with you.

And that love made the thought

of losing you unbearable.

Being near me hurt you.

My feelings hurt you.

I know that...

but it will be okay.


So please, don't cry anymore.

Everything ends eventually.

Happy times. Fun times.

But scary and sad times, too.

They will pass. Always.

[TORHU] Even if you can't

believe it right now,

please, keep living.

Don't give up.

I want you to live.

It's all right if

you make mistakes,

or take the long way around.

But please... please live.

Whatever happens,

don't stop moving forward.

Keep walking. One foot

in front of the other.

Even if I'm not by your

side... keep walking.

It's okay.


Tohru, you're...

I-It's okay... I promise.

Kyo... It's all going

to be okay now.


Can you hear me?

Am I reaching you?



Never mind. It's all right.

I get it. It's all right.

No need to talk.


Let me reach you.

[YUKI grunts]

You look tired.

Thank you for everything

you've done,

but why don't you

go on home to bed?

Just leave it to us for now.


Yes, sir. I'll be back tomorrow.

[GRANDFATHER] All right,

but don't you skip school.

It would only make

her fret, you know.



Oh, one moment.

Where's the other young man

with the orange hair?

Doesn't he know about this?





Did you come alone?

Are you here for Kureno...

or for Tohru?

It was close. I'm glad

they'll be all right.

[KURENO] From what I hear,

a lot happened after you left.

Akito, are you okay?


They should be blaming me.

Getting angry. Complaining.

I don't know, just something.

Why aren't they?

Are they idiots?

If they forgive me

no matter what I do or say,

that isn't softhearted--

it's just idiotic.

They're both idiots. Morons.


Good thing, right?

Thanks to those two idiots,

you won't be charged

for your crimes.

So, you got lucky.

Idiots do have their

uses, don't they?

[AKITO crying]


Why are you crying?

[AKITO] I wondered--if I said,

"No. No, I'm not okay,"

what would Kureno do?

Come back? Be by my side again?

Honestly, I think he would have.

That's just the kind

of person he is.


Hopelessly soft and kind.

Endlessly kind.

And this whole time,

little by little...


...I've been k*lling him.


It hurts... so much.

I'm furious with myself.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[AKITO] My meaningless apologies

didn't change anything,

but he listened

and accepted them.

So much kindness, and I only

ever repaid it with pain.

[MOMIJI] So, from now on,

make sure to treasure them.

It's simple.

Just because other people

think they're idiots,

that doesn't mean you have to.

You can take care of them

and treasure them

for who they are.

That's all you need to do.

[MOMIJI] This is just like

the idiotic traveler.

It's a story. Want to hear?

Once you do, you'll definitely

want to go see Tohru.

[SHIGURE] Wow, so Akito really

did go to the hospital alone.

I'm shocked.

And impressed. Maybe the

stabbing spree was cathartic?

Her and Honda, something

happened between them.

Yeah. I think

that's safe to say.


She sat down.

Not far away...

or somewhere above me.

She sat next to me. Nearby.

She started talking to me.


"There you are," she said.

[HATORI] Did everything go

according to your plan?

Oh. I guess so.

Although I am feeling a little

remorseful about parts of it.


"A little"?


Come on now, Doc. Baby steps.

It may not seem like much,

but that's quite a concession

coming from me.


It's progress, really.


"I just... love her."