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01x10 - Assignment Two: Part 4

Posted: 05/08/23 10:01
by bunniefuu
Mr Tully?

(Floorboard creaks)

(Electrical humming)

(Humming continues)

(Humming intensifies)

(Sharp whoosh)

(Humming continues)

(Overlapping voices)

'All irregularities will be handled

'by the forces controlling
each dimension.

'Transuranic heavy elements
may not be used where there is life.

'Medium atomic weights are available.

'Gold, Lead,


'Jet, Diamond, Radium,

'Sapphire, Silver and Steel.

'Sapphire and Steel
have been assigned.'

I'm the one that's responsible.

I'm the one who wants
to get rid of you. Me, not them.

So why punish them?

Everyone has to die.

When it's their time, yes,
not your time...

as you have no say -
you don't belong with the living.

- I'm here, aren't I?
- Then prove it.

Shake my hand.

Or come and sit down with me.

Come on.

Talk with me. Tell me your name.

Perhaps we could have
a nice, warm, human conversation.

Ah, but you can't do that, can you?

You don't belong here,
you don't belong with us,

you belong in the darkness.

You and your friends.

(Electrical humming)

You're dead. Every single one of you.

Not for long we won't be.

(Explosions, distant)

(Metal clanging, distant)

(Soldier) 'Not for long we won't be.'

(Tully, with voice of 1st man) What
were you doing? Jamie's passed out.

The air... not enough air.


(Electrical humming)

How... How deep are we?

- At the bottom?
- (Scraping and sliding)

(Echoing thuds)

No pumps working
and we're at the bottom.

(Sapphire, distorted)
'Steel. I can't breathe.'


(Tully) Tanks full...
(1st man) 'Tanks full... '

- We're at the bottom...
- 'We're at the bottom... '

- Right at the bottom.
- 'Right at the bottom.'

(Hollow echoing)

(Sapphire, distorted) 'Steel.'

(Steel, voice of 2nd man)
Don't talk, save the air.

- Don't talk...
- 'Don't talk... '

- Save the air.
- 'Save the air.'

(Sapphire) Steel...
(Steel) It's all right.

It's not all right, I can't breathe.


(Man) Help us.

Please, help us.

(Electrical humming fades)

- You saw them?
- Yes.

- You heard them?
- Yes.

- Let's get him onto the platform.
- What?

He needs air.

57.3 you said.

- His life expectancy.
- That's right, yes.

- How old is he now?
- 52.9.

Then he'll survive, won't he?

You're enjoying this, aren't you?


You got more
than you bargained for, though.

It worked, didn't it?

- They weren't dressed as sailors.
- No.

So what were civilians
doing on a submarine?

I couldn't tell.

- You're the history expert.
- When it makes sense, yes.

When they called out
to me for help...

- Probably trying to trick you.
- Maybe.

But was it as ghosts
or living people?

It can't have been as living people

unless you were a ghost
in their time.

- I wasn't.
- Well, there you are, then.

I don't think they intend to be
ghosts in this time period for long.

- What do you mean?
- Not according to that soldier.

Wake him up.

Mr Tully?

Wake up, Mr Tully.

Oh, thank you.

- It wasn't my asthma, was it?
- (Steel) No, it was not!

When you first came here,
what did you do?

- They tried to k*ll us...
- No, they encouraged us to die.

- You antagonised them.
- When you came...

- You antagonised that ghost.
- I meant to.

And I intend to antagonise him
even further

if it helps me to find out who he is

and why he decided to haunt
this station.

- Perhaps...
- Ask him nicely what his name was?

- I tried that. Come on, now.
- Knowing how...

Are they behaving how your
average ghost is supposed to behave?

Would all your pals at psychical HQ
classify them as good or bad ghosts?

- That depends.
- What about a priest?

Would he give them
a favourable report?

Again, that depends.

They attack us with their pasts,
with their own deaths.

I saved you from one experience,
Sapphire saved me from another.

- When you came...
- There wasn't any trouble.

No danger? Just nice peaceful ghosts?

Until you people arrived, yes!

Everything was all right
until you arrived!

- Mr Tully...
- I will not be placated.

- He has a job to do.
- And so have I.

I seem to have no say in anything
any more and look what's happened.

I would never think
of making a ghost angry.

That's the way I do things.

Unfortunately nobody
is interested in the way I do things.

(Steel) So what is your way?

- What?!
- When you first came here,

- what did you do?
- Do?

The ghosts weren't sitting
around here waiting for you?

No. I prevailed upon them
to make contact.

And how did you... prevail upon them?

If you must know, I had a sitting.
A one-man sitting.

- A seance?
- Yes.

- Where?
- In the buffet.

- And the ghosts responded?
- They have to, it's a summons.

It wasn't successful
but it confirmed my belief.

- Why wasn't it successful?
- I'm not very mediumistic.

- Sapphire would make a good medium.
- So?

- So why don't we try it your way?
- My way?

Yes. Why don't we have a seance?

- When?
- Right now.

- After what happened in the hotel?!
- What about it?

- When I had a seance I was friendly.
- And?

- Well, you've antagonised them.
- Yes?

To summon them now,
under these conditions, would be...



Do they have music on submarines?

- Music?
- Yes. From a radio.

In most cases they would
have access to a radio, yes.

But submarines
don't have wooden doors.


I heard somebody open a wooden door
in the middle of the room.

Then the laughter
and the talking stopped.

All the fun stopped.

Where was this?

I told you,
right in the middle of the room.

Well, I'm ready.

- What about the lights?
- Mr Tully?

Yes. You can leave those but, er,
put this one out, I think.


A bit of candlelight, I think.

- And the cotton threads(?)
- Not this time, no.

Would you sit there, please?

- As long as you're sure.
- Sure?

- That this is what you want to do?
- I'm sure. Sapphire?


- What's that supposed to do?
- Make me feel better.

Hands on the table top, please.

Now we join hands.

- Is this important?
- It's vital.

How did you manage
when you had a one-man sitting?

Well, I just held my own hand.



Would you like me
in some auto-hypnotic state?

- Yes, please.
- What?

It's a self-induced hypnotic state
between waking and sleeping.

- Yes, that'll be fine.
- Right.

- I want his name.
- Shh.

I want the soldier's name.

Yes, well give her a chance.
Give it a chance.

I think perhaps
we should close our eyes.

- Try to share the moment with her.
- I prefer to stay awake.

No one's suggesting
that you should sleep.

I've always believed
on occasions like this

that closing one's eyes is...
well, courteous.

- Courteous?
- I've often felt in the past that...

spirits are rather like strangers
paying a visit.

A little bit shy, a little insecure.

Why shouldn't...


He doesn't like this, Steel.
He doesn't like this, not from us.

- I want his name.
- No. No!

- His name. His name!
- No! No!

Please, please... You cannot be
coercive, it never works that way.

- Will you leave it to me?
- All right.

Thank you.

Now... I'm not interested
in knowing your name...

or the names of any of you.

Only if you wish to tell me.

I want... We want to help you.

(Electrical humming fades in and out)

(Voice) 'Help us...

'Please... help us.'

(Electrical humming fades in and out)


They said there'd be trials.

It was a... a last-minute decision.

What kind of trials?

A court martial, something like that?

Was it a court martial?
Or the assizes, maybe?


The trials.

Oh, they were told.

(Cries out)

The sea...

Well, it's the Channel really but...
I suppose you could call it the sea.

Back by five, they were told.
"You'll be back by five.

"It'll be like
any other working day."

- Who said this?
- They were told!

Sorry. Now...
tell us about the trials.

We're talking about the trials,
aren't we?

Back at five.

Out at dawn and back by five.

It's like any other working day.

Sea trials,
are you talking about sea trials?

- Of course they are!
- For a submarine?

Yes! Steel, there's resentment here.
There's so much resentment.

Please... tell us about the submarine.
About the trial.

No. There's no point
in talking about it now.

- But if you...
- There's no point!

You're sailors, are you?

(West country accent)
Of course we're not.

They're not sailors.
That's obvious, isn't it?

Sailors get paid to take chances,
get paid to die.

(With accent)
We don't. We get paid to work.

A day's work.

Back by five, they said.

We never came back, did we?

What year was this?


What are your jobs?

- Jobs?
- You say you're not sailors.

- Of course we're not! Lf...
- Why are you in the submarine?

We're civilian workers.
We're civilian attached workers.

Bright futures. Home by five. Huh!

That wreck
should never have gone to sea.

Home by five, they said.


What are your names?

- (Without accent) Can't tell you.
- Surely you can.

- Anyway, there's no point.
- But if we can help you...

Don't need it.
We've already got help, thanks.

What kind of help have you got?

(Electrical humming)

I want...

(Humming intensifies)

Help me...

(Humming continues)


(Humming fades)

I think they've said their piece.

- Well, we know something about them.
- Yes.

- But isn't that...
- It's not enough.

- But they volunteered that infor...
- They'll give us bits of information

- but I want the name of the soldier.
- But it's dangerous...

Sapphire? Sapphire!

- Yes?
- The name of the soldier.

We still need
the name of the soldier.

- They won't communicate.
- Then find someone else.

Someone who once knew him.

- There's no one who knew him.
- Then go further back into the past.

Find someone who was close to him.

Try, Sapphire.
Into the past, into his past.

- It's a long way back, Steel.
- Try.

- It's a long way back.
- Try, Sapphire. Try.

Oh, it's such a long way...

- She mustn't go back...
- Shh!


It's a warm day.

Oh, it's a beautiful,
hot summer's day!

Mmm! There are flowers in full bloom.

There's such a lot of flowers!

But there's no one here any more.

- They've all had to go.
- There must be someone.

Someone who was close to him.

Just a minute...

Yes, there is someone. Yes, there is.

(Electrical humming)

Come on.

Come on.

(Humming intensifies)

