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07x19 - The Legacy

Posted: 05/08/23 10:42
by bunniefuu
Miss Emily, it's Erin
Walton. May I come in?

Miss Emily, please!

I know you're not feeling
well, but I have to talk to you.

I have to explain about
what you saw this morning.

No! I don't want to hear it. Go away! I
don't want to see any of you ever again!

In early 1942, with
the advent of a w*r,

the world was taking
on a different character,

seemingly becoming
a stranger to itself.

At the same time,

our family was to witness
similar changes in the personalities

of some of those we were
close to on Walton's Mountain.

Aren't there any pencils around
here longer than two inches?

I never know what
happens to them.

What are you doing?
Making a list or writing a letter?

No, I'm going to help the
Baldwins with their memoirs.

Again? That book's gonna be
longer than Gone With the Wind.

Well, Miss Emily keeps remembering
things about Ashley Longworth.

Probably the most important
thing that ever happened to her.

Yeah, sometimes I think
she adds a little fiction, though.

- Here how's this?
- Perfect, thanks.

All right, honey.

When you get back, how about
helping me write my life history?

The story of Wild John Walton.

Never sell.


Elizabeth, you in there?

If you don't hurry, I'm
going to be late for school.

- What are you doing?
- Bleeding.

That's my razor you're using.

What do you care? You
only use it on Sundays.

What're you doing
that for, anyway?

Once you start you have to keep
it up, and it gets to be a real pain.

It's one of the price women have to
pay, along with curlers and girdles.

That's stupid.

You know what women
need worse than smooth legs?

- What?
- A figure.

- I'm getting a figure.
- You've still got a long way to go.

Pris Moseley is
younger than you are

and she gets whistled at every
time she walks down the street.

Jim-Bob, would you
mind waiting outside?

Would you mind putting
a new blade in my razor?


Sure is hard to get
any privacy around here.

I'm sorry, but I've gotta
give John Curtis his bath.

Mary Ellen, how old were you
when you started to develop?

Well, I think 13, but it
seems like a long time ago.

Do you think I have a pretty
good figure? I mean for my age?

Elizabeth, believe
me, don't worry about it.

I think you just
answered my question.

Elizabeth, if you're finished in here,
would you mind giving me a little room?

Sister, listen.

"Ashley was tall, and
the sun shining on his hair

"when first I saw him
made him look like a god

"descended from
the Olympian heights."

- That does describe him, doesn't it?
- It does if you appreciate hyperbole.

- I never read him myself.
- That's exaggeration, dear.

Do you think I should
have Erin add something

about the width of
Ashley's shoulders?

He could scarcely get through
a doorway, don't you know.

We've devoted far too much of our
memoirs to Ashley Longworth already.

He came and he went one
autumn, and that's all there was to it.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

- Well, I should hope so.
- I didn't see you.

Well, maybe next time
you'll look where you're going.

You're absolutely right.
I wasn't paying attention.

Could I give you
a lift somewhere?

Let me drop you where you
were going. It's the least I could do.

Where are you headed?

Actually, I'm lost. I was looking
for the Baldwin residence.

Well, that's where I was
going before you came along.

Really? Hop in.

- What's your name?
- Erin Walton.

Ashley Longworth.

I hope you have a
very pleasant day.

Hello, Elizabeth. What can
I do for you this morning?

"Pancake makeup?" It's kind
of funny stuff to put on your face.

I want you to take one of these
lipstick samples home to Erin.

Perhaps she'd be interested
in our new line of colors.

Thanks. How's Aimee?

Oh, I just got a letter
from her this morning.

I believe that she is blossoming
into a very refined young lady

at Miss Holcomb's
Finishing School.

I miss her. There are some
things I'd like to talk to her about.

Well, she'll be
back this summer.

Then you two girls can get caught up
on all the secrets that young girls share,

teachers, movie
heroes, youthful crushes.

There's one secret I'm
especially interested in.

I beg your pardon?

Well, I need some advice
and I don't know who to ask.

Oh, well, feel free, my dear. I
will give you a mother's counsel.

Do you think I'm old
enough for brassiere?


That all depends.

Some girls mature
at an early age.

Others never feel the need of
that particular undergarment.

- Well, how will I be able to tell?
- Believe me, you will know. Oh, dear.

Sometimes I feel that all young
girls should have a year or two

at Miss Holcomb's
Finishing School.

Oh, there you are, Mr. Godsey. Look
who's come to inquire about Aimee.

Hi, Elizabeth. You're really
getting to be a grown-up young lady.

I know, it's starting to
cause a lot of troubles.

Poor child. Olivia gone,
she's just foundering.

I must do what I can to
offer her a mother's help.

- Corabeth, you're a good person.
- One does what one can.

What are you doing, Sister?

I'm making some
corrections and revisions.

I always wore my pearls
with my blue velvet,

not the cameo broach.

Oh, that will be Erin.
You can tell her about it.

Come in, dear.

Hello. I've brought
somebody with me.

He'd like to see Miss Emily.

- This is Miss Mamie.
- Oh, my.

And this is Miss Emily.
I'd like you both to meet...


Junior. Ashley Longworth Jr.

You're the image of your father.

- Miss Emily, can you hear me?
- Oh, I'll get the smelling salts.

I had no idea my coming
would be such a shock.

Miss Emily faints a lot,
especially over Ashley.

Now I can see why.

I'm fine, Sister.

Is it really you?

I wanted to come see you before
this, but I couldn't get leave any earlier.

I see you're a military man.

Lieutenant, JG, United
States Navy. USS Montclair.

We're in Norfolk dry dock
for overhaul and repair.

I do hope it's nothing serious.

Oh, no, strictly SOP.

Sop, Sister.

Standard Operational Procedure.

You'll have to forgive me, ladies.
I've been at sea for quite a while.

Oh, never mind. The important
thing is that you're here now.

- And we're both so pleased.
- Will you be staying long?

I could only manage a short leave,
but my mission here is important.

Oh, Ashley, your visits
always were so brief.

A stroll in the woods, a game of croquet,
a tea dance was all we could ever manage.

Do you remember dropping
pennies off the bridge into the pond?

Sister, I think you're
confused, dear.

Sister, where are our manners?

Pour Ashley a cup of tea. Or
better still, bring out the Recipe.

You will be staying with us, of
course. It won't be a bit of trouble.

I'll just run upstairs now
and see to the guest room.

Oh, Ashley, I always knew
someday you'd come back.

I should go up and help Sister.

Erin, pour Ashley
a cup of the Recipe.

Sister, do you know where
we put Papa's eiderdown quilt?

Ashley would sleep
so comfortably under it.

I'll find it, dear. You
mustn't excite yourself.

He's hasn't changed
a bit, has he?

The lieutenant downstairs
is young Ashley, Sister.

That's what I mean! Why, when I
saw him standing there in that doorway,

I thought I was imagining
things, the way I so often do.

But when he put his arm around
me, I knew it was for real. Real, Sister!

- After all these years.
- Ashley's son, dear.

Do you suppose he would
enjoy a fire in his room?

I don't believe there's been
one laid there since 1936,

when Cousin
Polonius came to visit.

All in due time, Sister.

Now, you are overtired and you'll
feel much better after you've had a nap.

Oh, nonsense, I must hurry.
Ashley is expecting me downstairs.

Oh, there it is!

Goodness, I must remember
not to stand up so abruptly.

I'm going to put you
to bed right this minute.

Oh, no. No, Sister.

I couldn't bear to awaken
and find Ashley gone again.

He'll be here.

- Promise?
- I promise.

My father said they were
delightful ladies. They certainly are.

I've heard a lot
about your father.

Miss Emily makes him
sound like Prince Charming.

He could have been
that as a young man.

Even as an older man he had
a kind of courtliness about him.

What kind of work
did your father go into?

He was in the diplomatic
corps. We lived all over the world.

Berlin, Geneva, Tokyo.

The longest I ever spent in one
place was at a school in Lucerne.

And do you take
after your father?

Not in the least. A
devil-may-care sailor.

With a girl in every port.

Well, I haven't been in that many
ports. Mostly I've been out at sea.

I've seen the ocean,
but I've never been on it.

It's breathtaking to be out
there, especially at night.

The moon shining down
on black rolling waves,

making a silver pathway
right to the horizon.

You don't talk like a
devil-may-care sailor.

- Do you ski?
- No. Why?

- You look like a skier.
- What do girls who ski look like?

Fresh-faced, open,
warm, interesting, exciting.

Well, then I guess
I'll have to learn.

- I'd be glad to teach you.
- When?

First we need some snow.

Then you have to
come back in the winter.

I will, I will definitely
be back. I know that.

- Well, it's been nice talking with you.
- Well, you aren't leaving?

Well, I don't think we'll
get any work done today.

Well, let me drive you home. I owe
you that for splashing the mud on you.

- I hope you've forgiven me.
- I'll walk home, and I do forgive you.

- Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.
- I do hope so.

Oh, wow!

Is Miss Emily feeling better?

I've put her to bed. A little of
the Recipe will help her sleep.

This must be trying on you, too, Miss.
May I serve you some of the Recipe?

Oh, that would be most
thoughtful. Thank you.

I was looking through your
memoirs. I hope you don't mind.

Oh, not at all.

That may help you understand
Sister's confusion at the moment.

She seems quite convinced
that you are your father.

They cared for each other
very deeply, didn't they?


I wonder if it might not be a good idea
to have a doctor look in on Miss Emily.

Oh, I don't think so. I've
seen Emily like this before.

She's extremely
delicate, you know.

We may have to humor her for
a while, but she'll come around.

Also, I've always
harbored the fear that

a doctor might send Emily
away. For a rest, you know.

And I don't know what
we'd do if we were separated.

I shouldn't have just shown up. I
should have given you some warning.

Oh! The important thing
is that you're here now.

And I must say the
resemblance is uncanny.

I can understand why my
sister sees you as your father.

She's going to want some news
of him when she's more receptive.

That's why I came.

There is news that must
be broken to Miss Emily.

And I've got something
to give her from Father.

But you will be gentle?

- It'd be difficult to be anything else.
- She is just as my father described her.

Oh, Lord, we thank you for all the
good things that you have given us,

and we ask your guidance
in the way we use them.

We thank you for your continued blessing
on this family and on the food before us.

Bless those of us who are not
here tonight, especially Mama. Amen.


I thought I told everybody to be
on time for meals around here.

Well, Jason's giving a piano lesson
and Jim-Bob and Ben are helping at Ike's.

Mary Ellen's upstairs
putting the baby to bed.

We're hardly ever all
together for meals anymore.

I know, and I don't like it. We're
gonna do something about it.

Elizabeth, what's that all
over your face? Is that lipstick?

Well, all my friends are starting
to wear it. I'm just practicing.

Take your napkin
and you wipe it off.

I'm not gonna have my little girl
looking like some kind of a movie star.

- Come on, Daddy.
- Wipe it off.

You're never gonna guess

who's a visitor on Walton's
Mountain right now.

Wipe it off.

- Who?
- Ashley Longworth.


- Junior.
- Miss Emily's old beau?

No, his son.

Sorry I'm late.

I want you to be on time for
meals from now on, Jason.

Yes, sir. Whose son?

Well, you know that sweetheart
Miss Emily's always talking about?

- Ashley Longworth?
- That's the one.

What's he doing here?

- Sorry I'm late.
- And don't let it happen again.

- I won't, Daddy. What's who doing here?
- Ashley Longworth Jr.

- He's Miss Emily's old beau.
- He's a lieutenant in the Navy, Daddy.

And he's here on his leave
from his ship in Norfolk.

Is he cute?

Oh, I'm glad you didn't
keep dinner on me.

John Curtis refused to
go to sleep. Is who cute?

You know, it would be nice to
be able to start a conversation

and finish it without
all these interruptions.

I want everybody to get
here on time from now on.

That goes for you, too, Jim-Bob.

I was trying to help out Ike so he
wouldn't have another heart attack.

Well, that's fine, but I want you
here when the meal begins, all of you.

Come Sunday, while you're in church,
I'm gonna be cooking the meal for you.

And I want you
here when it begins.

- You can't cook.
- Who says?

I ain't seen you cook anything
except maybe coffee in the morning.

Well, you might be surprised.

I learned a few things when I
was over in France a while back.

I'll bet you did.

And I don't know if we
want to know what they were.

You cooking makes me
miss Mama even more.

Now, hold on. Your mama wants us
to be together as much as possible.

If I have to be chief
cook and bottle washer

to get that done,
that's what I'll do.

I'm gonna cook you a turkey dinner
with all the fixings you won't soon forget.

- Any objections?
- Sounds good to me.

Sister, whatever have
you done to yourself?

Ashley always preferred
my hair this way.

Oh, now, Emily, we must face facts.
This is Sunday. It is the year 1942.

We are at w*r with Germany and
Japan and we must be practical.

- Ashley Longworth is...
- I wore my hair this way

the day we picked wild
blackberries in the meadow.

It was July, and the
berries were rich and ripe.

We ate them all, and the
rich dark juice was like wine.

Are you sure you feel
up to going to church?

Of course. I never miss church.
I feel all new this morning.

- Fit as a fiddle, as Papa would say.
- Well, I must say, you do seem to sparkle.

And I want to introduce
Ashley to all our friends.

So many of them have heard
me speak of him, don't you know.

Come in.

The car is warming up. May
I escort you ladies to church?

How considerate of you, Ashley.

But then you always were
the most thoughtful of men.

- You sure you don't need any help, Daddy?
- Nope. I'm doing fine.

Better get going.
You'll be late for church.

Looks like you got
enough to last us a week.

Maybe we could use
some extra guests.

Who you got in mind?

Well, we haven't had the
Baldwin ladies over in a long time.

And they just happen to have a
very special guest of their own.

- Why not? I'd like to meet young Ashley.
- You mean it?

Sure. The more the merrier!
Now get going. I got work to do.

We better get going. We don't
want to keep Daddy's turkey waiting.

I think Miss Emily wants to
introduce Ashley around first.

Oh, well, you go ahead, and
I'll go home with the Baldwins.

Or you mean drive home with
Ashley, huh? Have a good day. Bye-bye.

Have you ever in your
life seen anything the way

Miss Emily Baldwin has got
herself rigged up this morning?

I think she looks cute.

I think that young
lieutenant agrees with you.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Wasn't it a lovely
sermon, this morning?

I think Reverend Bradshaw's
line was well taken.

We should all be reminded that
each of us is a part of God's herd.

- I think the word is flock, Sister.
- Either way, we're all in it together.

Well put, Miss Emily.

Oh, I'd like you to meet my
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Godsey.

May I present my suitor,
Mr. Ashley Longworth?

The admiration of beautiful women has
been a tradition in the Longworth family.

Mr. Longworth,

I hope that you are enjoying
your sojourn in Walton's Mountain.

- Very much, thank you.
- Unfortunately, it will be brief.

But meaningful. We must
make the most of Ashley's stay.

When this dreadful w*r is ended

and Ashley has fulfilled his
official duties, he shall return,

and we will never
be parted again.

The turkey is excellent, sir.

Lieutenant, this isn't the Navy.
We're sharing the same table.

Why don't you call me
John and I'll call you Ashley?

Daddy, don't tell Mama this, but
your gravy is every bit as good as hers.

This dressing
is terrific, Daddy.

I don't know what all this fuss is
about cooking dinner. It's easy.

I just wouldn't
wanna do it every day.

Looks like you had a little
problem with the clean-up.

I didn't have any
problem, just ignored it.

Wish I could get away with
not making my bed that way.

You do.

Sister, you've hardly
touched your food.

I think the excitement of the past few
days has quite taken me off my appetite.

Papa always said that
Sister ate like a bird.

I had a 19-inch waist. Do
you remember, Ashley?

Do you know what I found
in the garden this morning?

A jack-in-the-pulpit!

We found your ring in the tree,
Ashley. I haven't had it off since.

That looks lovely on your hand.

Ashley, maybe while you're here, you'd
like to see the defense plant where I work.

That's very nice of you, dear,

but I intend to show him
around the mountain myself.

Miss Emily.

We're pleased you're sharing someone
so special with us. Isn't that right?

- Yeah.
- Mmm-hmm.

Come on, Erin, let's start cleaning
up or we'll never finish all those dishes.

- I'll help.
- Oh, no, you're not going near the sink.

Try and keep me away.

Here, I don't think
you're going to need me.

You better be careful or you'll
end up with dishpan hands.

You think this is bad, you
should see the galley on a ship

after a couple hundred
sailors have had their chow.

Oh, but you're an officer. You
don't have to see things like that.

Well, I did when
I was in training.

It's too bad you have to
spend your leave this way.

I only wish I had more
time to do what I'd like to do.

Miss Emily seems to have
your every moment filled.

Yeah, I wouldn't dream
of disappointing her.

What would you like to do?

I'd like to spend
more time with you.

Well, I wouldn't usually say this
to somebody I don't know very well,

but I feel the same way.

You know, sometimes
when two people meet,

something special happens and...

- I felt that when I met you.
- All covered with mud?

You're the most enchanting
thing I've ever splashed mud on.

I'm not going to fall in
love with you. I promise.


You'd better do some more
dishes. You're falling behind.

- Are you free tomorrow evening?
- What good would it do me if I was?

Miss Emily will think of
something for you to do.

- I'll manage to get away.
- Then I guess I can manage to be free.

It's my last night here.
We'll do something special.

Make up for the time we haven't
been able to spend together.


- You're gonna be late for school.
- I don't care.

Something wrong?

- Sometimes I wish I could talk to Mama.
- I know what you mean. We all miss her.

It's about the way I look.

Something wrong
with the way you look?

Well, my shape. You
think I'm normal for my age?

I'm not much of an expert,
honey, but you look real good to me.

I've was wondering if
maybe a bra might help.

Don't you think maybe
you're rushing things a little?

I don't know.

Sometimes I wish I'd just
hurry up and be a woman.

But at times I wanna
be a little girl again.

It just hurts to be
where I am right now.

Well, Elizabeth.

You ever watched a butterfly
trying to get out of its cocoon?

Changes never
come easy, you know.

You might not realize it now, but
wonderful things are happening to you.

Feels like nothing's
happening at all.

You've got the in-betweens.

You just gonna have
to accept it, honey.

Nature gonna takes its
time no matter what you do.

Nothing you can
do to stop or hurry it.

You know, Elizabeth, you've got
your whole life to be a grown-up.

I'm not worried about the rest of my
life. It's today at school that bothers me.

"And what is so rare
as a day in June?

"Then, if ever,
come perfect days.

"Then Heaven tries
earth if it be in tune,

- "and over her softly her warm ear lays."
- "And over her softly her warm ear lays."

- Oh, what a lovely day!
- I had it delivered just for you.

There's this incredibly
expensive florist in New York

who specializes
in beautiful days.

I called him. He had one left,
I had it sent right in for you.

That's what you said that autumn
day when last we met, remember?

It was September and the
world was ablaze with color.

Every leaf on every tree
was a thing of beauty.

Miss Emily, there's
something we have to discuss.

I'm supposed to go back to
ship tomorrow, but before I go,

there's something you
and I have to talk about.

If it's about waiting for you,
Ashley, you know how I feel. I'll wait.

I've waited a long time already.

Are you sure this is the
shortcut back to the main road?

I think so. I don't know. I've
haven't been up here in years.

I think we're lost.

Oh, dear, I hope I'm not
losing my sense of direction.

There was a turnoff
back there. I'll back up.

- Are you all right?
- I really don't know.

We'll get out of this somehow. In
the meantime, let's make the best of it.

Is there something I can do?

- You drive. I'll push.
- That's a masterful idea.

Hello, Jason. How do I look?

I wish I had a picture
of you to send to Mama.

I think I'd rather send
her one of Ashley.

He's really kind of a
special guy, isn't he?

Mmm-hmm. But sometimes I
get as confused as Miss Emily.

I mean, there's the Ashley
in the Baldwins' book

and there's the one
that's coming here tonight.

I know they're two different people,
but sometimes they seem the same.

You better stop now before I get
confused. Have a good time tonight.

- I got to get to the Dew Drop.
- Okay.

And you better not be
home by the time I get back.


Are we marooned?

This car isn't going
anywhere for a while.

We'll just have to struggle
for survival in the wilderness,

foraging for berries and such.

I don't think the
situation is that desperate.

I saw a farmhouse
back the road a way.

I'll go back and see
if I can get some help.

Shall I go with you?

- It's a pleasant evening for a walk.
- We've done enough walking for one day.

You'd only slow me down.
I'll be back as soon as I can.

Is there anything I can do while
you're gone? Light a fire, perhaps?

Would you just stay put?

I don't want to have
to come looking for you.

I just love a masterful man.


Oh, honey.

Don't be too hard on Ashley.

There's got to be a
reason he didn't show up.

He promised he'd be here.

Well, now, I saw the way he
looked at you the other day.

He'd be here if he could.

It's Miss Emily. She won't
let him out of her sight.

- Erin, are you jealous of Miss Emily?
- I know it sounds silly,

but when I know that he's with her
and I want to be with him so much,

I just can't help it.


You know, I think you ought
to get a good night's sleep.

Things will look a lot
brighter in the morning.

I don't ever want
to see him again.

But I do.

Miss Fannie, would you get
me Olivia in Alberene, please?



I hope it's not too late.

Well, I know I'm gonna
see you tomorrow. I just...

I just wanted to hear
your voice tonight.

Why? What makes you
think anything's wrong?

Oh, everything's fine.

Well, Erin's having a little
trouble with a beau, I guess.

And Elizabeth...

I guess she's finding
it difficult to grow up.

Especially in certain places,
if you know what I mean.

I talked to her about it, but I
don't know if I did much good.

I'm not too good
at those things.

What do you mean
you'll take care of it?

You'll surprise me.

All right, honey.

All right, I'll see
you tomorrow.

I love you too, Liv.

Good night.

Erin, maybe you'd feel
better if you went to work.

I've already called the plant
and told them I don't feel like it.

And I really don't.

- Well, I'm off.
- Elizabeth's gonna be late for school.

She's under the weather, I told
her she could stay home from school.

- You, too?
- I don't feel like going to work.

Well, I hope your mama
gives me some idea

how to deal with three
grown-up women. See you later.

Tell her we're doing
fine and give her our love.

Daddy deserves a day
off from all our problems.

I wish I could find a way
to get away from mine.

Erin, your father
told me to come on in.

Now, Erin, I've got to
talk to you. Now stop!

All right! But don't
you dare look at me!

- What do you want?
- I want to talk about last night.

Let's go for a walk.

- I'm not dressed.
- I'll wait for you to get ready.

I can't. I don't feel well.

Erin, quit acting stupid.

- I'll be down in a minute.
- That's more like it.

I said don't look at me!

That was close.

- Good morning, Sister.
- Sister, you've dressed already.

I didn't want to miss a
moment of Ashley's last day.

Poor dear, he must be
exhausted from last night.

I didn't hear a
sound from his room.

Well, that's exactly
what I presumed

after that harrowing
experience on the mountain.

- We must let him sleep late.
- Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you.

When I came down this
morning, I heard the door close

and I saw him strike
off down the road.

- He's gone? Already?
- He walked away with great purpose.

Then I know where he went.
We talked of it yesterday.

Now, Sister, things are not what
they seem to be for you at the moment.

But I do know where he's
gone, to our special place.

Our very own tree.
And I must join him.

Sister! You must realize
that this charade must end.

Sister, do not envy me my happiness.
Let me enjoy it as long as I can.

I must go to him.

Please don't go, Emily. He doesn't
even know where your tree is!

Of course he does. He put my
ring there before he left the last time.

Emily, listen to me! Emily!

You mean you had to
walk all the way back

to the farmhouse in the dark?

Then I had to walk back with
the farmer and his team to the car.

Then sweat it out pulling
the car out of that mudhole,

and then suffer
through that ride home.

I don't know if it's that funny. I
came by your house, but it was dark.

Did you really?

And I came by as early
as I could this morning.

- How did Miss Emily hold up?
- She loved it, every minute of it.

She's getting worse. I've
got to see her before I go.

I have something
to give her from Dad.

That's why I came.


I had no idea I'd meet
someone like you here.

I wish we had more time.

If I come back, can we
still do something special?

You can teach me to ski.

It'll be nice to have you to
think about, to remember.

- Oh, no!
- No, wait.

Maybe it's for the best.

Now there's nothing to keep
me from being honest with her.

Whatever have you
done to her, Ashley?

She made it quite clear
she doesn't want to see you.

It was all a terrible mistake. We
had no idea she would see us.


Erin and I.

- Miss Emily saw us kissing.
- Oh, how could you let that happen?

Now you've made her feel
that she has lost you twice.

I regret that very much.

But I'm really beginning to resent
this masquerade, Miss Mamie.

We started this to avoid hurting her.
We've ended hurting her worse than ever.

I think you should
go, Mr. Longworth.

- Perhaps Papa was right.
- I have to leave.

I'm sorry.

May I go pack?

Come in.

- Hi, honey. How you feeling?
- Better, I guess.

I got something for
you. Your mama sent it.

It's pretty.

She sent a note, too. She
wants me to read it to you.

"Dearest Elizabeth.

"Growing up isn't easy.

"Some things seem to be happening
too fast, others not fast enough.

"One day soon, you'll find that all
the confusing pieces of the puzzle

"have slipped into place
and you will experience

"the joy and wonder
of your womanhood.

"It breaks my heart that I
can't be with you at this time,

"but I pray that every day,

"that I will soon be
back with you all."

Why don't you open it?

"Never hesitate to
confide in your father,

"for if he doesn't immediately
have all the answers,

"he knows how to seek
out someone who does.

"In this case it happens to be your
mother, who loves you very much.

"I hope you will enjoy wearing this
camisole that I made for you this morning.

"Perhaps it will comfort
you and help you realize

"that you are the most special
human being known as a woman.

"Your father brings you this and all
my love to go along with his. Mama."

Miss Emily? Please let me
in. We're all very worried.

I'm sorry you saw Ashley
and me this morning.

But you of all people
should know what that's like.

We were just standing
there underneath the trees,

and the morning sun was
shining through their branches.

Just like the day
Ashley's father kissed you.

Remember? In that
shower of golden leaves?

And before either of us knew
what was happening, well, it just did.

Ashley loves you in a very
special way, Miss Emily.

And he has something
he needs to give you.

So please come down before
he leaves. We'll be waiting.

I'm sorry I have to leave so
soon, but we're due to sail.

I'll think of you and
pray you'll be all right.


Miss Emily, I'm
glad you're here.

I was afraid I wouldn't get to
see you before I had to leave.

- Your father is dead, isn't he, Ashley?
- Yes, he is.

I knew in my heart that your
coming was an omen of that news.

But I couldn't bring myself to
face what you had to tell me.

Your father has been
with me a long, long time.

But I think maybe it is time for
me to let go of my daydreams,

now that you have made
his memory so very real.

My father married late in life. He
loved my mother very much, I think.

But he told me about you, his first
love, and he asked me to give you this.

Thank you. I shall
cherish it always.

- And read it in my solitude.
- Thank you for seeing me.

May God go with you,
Ashley Longworth Jr. Always.

Erin, you must
see him on his way.

Thank you, Miss Emily.
He'll come back to us.

I know he will.

Thank you.

- Are you all right, Sister?
- Yes, I think so.

Now that I know Ashley's gone,
my life can never be the same again.

He used to help to pass the days,
imagining he might appear as if by magic.

Some lonely evening at dusk,
under the tree where he kissed me.

But he's dead, Sister,
and he won't be back.

Does it comfort you to know that his
son will be back to see you and Erin?

Life does flow
merrily on, does it not?

I think that's what it's
supposed to do, dear.

- Shall we have some of the Recipe?
- Yes, thank you, Sister. Will you pour?

In the days to come,
Miss Emily and Miss Mamie

looked forward eagerly to
Ashley's letters and occasional visits.

The final words from his father
to Miss Emily were never included

in the Baldwin memoirs, but were
locked forever in Miss Emily's heart.

Are you writing another letter
to Ashley Longworth, Erin?

What if I am, Elizabeth? He
writes very nice ones to me.

I think I kind of
like the sound of it.

Of what?

What your name might
be, Erin Longworth Jr.

- Good night, Elizabeth.
- Good night, Junior.