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01x01 & 01x02 - Knight of the Phoenix

Posted: 05/08/23 17:24
by bunniefuu
Coming out, folks.

Place your bets.

Place your bets.

I can't lose tonight! Don't say that.

It brings bad luck.

I do not believe in luck.

Okay, Lonnie, he's winning big.

It's now or never.

I think it's goin' down.

Wilson just sent Lonnie to the elevator.

Loud and clear, Lieutenant.

If she's comin', I have a front

-row seat.

I've got her.

She just went into Acton's suite.

Muntzy, be careful.

Hey, hey.

I got 10 years on you, buddy.

I'm the original man of steel.

You're the one I'm worried about.

You're in that bed of snakes.

Wilson, I'm finished.

Well, be sure nobody sees you.

There's no one in the hallway but an electrician.

Electrician? You didn't say anything about an electrician.

He works for the hotel.

I've seen him around.

- Stay in the room.

- Croupier, for you.


We are calling it a night.

Come on, sweetheart.

Let's go.

Make sure security is behind us until we get these in the room safe.

- All right?

- All right.

Delay him.

I want you to stay close to Mr.


He's carrying a great deal of cash.


Lonnie, get out of the room fast.

Acton's on his way up.

What about the guy on the ladder? If he follows you, I'll handle him.

You get in your car and head east out of town.

We'll pick up the film from you there.

She's leaving in a hurry, Lieutenant.

I know.

Wilson just put me in charge.

We've got a broken play.

Can you follow Lonnie? Back me up if I blow it.

We've got six months in this one, Muntzy.

I'll be right behind you.

Charles, security can only do so much in a crowd with you carrying all these chips.

I'd feel a lot better if we took it to the cashier.

No, I don't wanna

- That's good advice, Mr.


I'd recommend it.

- You're probably right.

They're clumsy as hell anyway.

You can relax, Lieutenant.

Be careful, Muntzy.

I don't know where Wilson is.

Gray, they've burned her.

She's got a guy on her tail.

He's in a maintenance suit.

Now stop him.

I got her.

And I got him.

Excuse me.

Wait here, Mr.


And don't leave.

What are you talking about? Where are you going? Michael.

I think he made you.



Wait a minute.

Michael, what are you doing? Muntzy! Watch him.

I'll get help.

No, look, Lieutenant.

Forget it.

Uh Uh

- uh.


- Go after her.

- Muntzy, you gotta hang on.


! Stay here with him.

No, I'll go with you.

Get an ambulance.

Call for a doctor someone! Michael, why are you doing this? You were hired to protect Charles.

You can't leave him.

These people are no longer interested in your boss.

They just got what they were after.

What are you talking about? I don't have time to explain it all to you now, Tanya, but your boss's chief of security is up to his Bahamian bank accounts in industrial espionage.

And now m*rder.

I don't believe it.

Did you believe that dead cop back there? He was my partner.

I was supposed to be covering him.

Will you step out of the car please, Lonnie? You did a really nicejob.

I'll take that microfilm.

All right.

Hold it right there.

You move, I fire.

Drop the g*n, Symes, and kick it over here.

Looks like we made a small mistake.

I'd call treason more than a small mistake.

It draws the death penalty.

Tanya, pick up his g*n.

That won't be necessary.

I have my own.

Drop it.

- You're workin' for them?

- Oh, I've disappointed you.

Tanya, give me the g*n.

I can still make a deal for you if you cooperate.

- Give it to me.

- I intend to.

My God, we're too late.

Well, what's the word? I'm gonna give you the same answer that I've been giving you for the past four days.

He's probably the only human being on this planet who's in worse condition than you are.

Is he going to die? He should have.

That b*llet was fired point

-blank right into his skull.

Well, how did he survive? The man has a metal plate in his forehead.

You see? Probably military surgery, I would guess.

It deflected the b*llet, which was heading right toward his brain, and it came back out through his face.

We'll never know what he looked like.


! That's all right, son.

Keep hurting.

It'll keep you living just like me.

I've got good news for you.

The Knight 2000 will be ready Shh, shh, shh.

- That bad?

- On the contrary.

It's an excellent job.


Why don't you take a look? It isn't me.

It gives you a second chance to live.

Unless, of course, you'd prefer to walk around with a face that might get you k*lled all over again? You take my word.

You'll be much safer with this face.

And it's, um, rather handsome, if I do say so myself.

Does it strike you that there's an uncanny resemblance between this young fellow and you as a young man? My imagination, I suppose.

Stick to your task.

- When will I see it?

- I've been trying to tell you.

- It could be ready within the month.

- Excellent.

I pray that it leaves me enough time.

- What have you told him?

- I've told him he no longer has anyone to fear.

In the eyes of the law, Michael Long is legally dead, and we haven't done anything wrong.

Wilton, stealing a body from the medical school so that the police can find it is hardly what I would call playing by the rules.

I make my own rules.

So does the government.

They fake deaths and identities all the time.

Not to mention our adversary.

All right.

But why are you doing it? I think you know why, Devon.

I want to leave something behind me something worthwhile.

Not just a lot of numbers in a bank account.

Now, when will the Knight 2000 be ready? Soon.

I have the crews working double shifts.

Make it around the clock.

I want it done.

I want it done within the next 48 hours.


-eight hours? Wilton, has the doctor said Don't you worry about what the good doctor has told me.

I'll worry about the doctors and Michael Long.

Aren't you pushing it a bit, Michael? I gotta get back in shape real fast.

I got one last debt to pay.

Is revenge the only thing you can think of? You're better than that.

You were a good cop.

Was I? As I recall, I blew it.

What if I were to offer you another shot? I want Tanya and her friends too, but that's only the tip of the iceberg.

- Now, if we were to work together

- Mr.

Knight, my last partner is dead.

Nothing personal, but from now on I work alone.

I can't take responsibility for anybody's life but my own.

I think you can understand that.

Enough, Devon.

You've had your fun with our guest.

It isn't polite to sneak around uninvited.

Be gracious, Devon.

I think an explanation is well overdue.

Damn right it is.

What is all this? What are you guys up to people sneaking in and out of here at all hours of the day and night? Look at who's talking.

Oh, be quiet, both of you.

And let's get down to business.

I'm running out of time, and Michael here is now healthy enough to carry on.

Carry on what? I don't know what you people do out here, but I just want to get on with my life.

That's not very grateful.

Aren't you the least bit angry at the people who left you to die? Angry? Angry doesn't even come close.

But I'm gonna adjust.

You know why? Tell me.

Because they're too big.

The kind of criminals that operate above the law.

Nobody can touch 'em.

I don't agree with you.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion.

As for me, I'm pulling out ofhere tonight, and I, uh I'm taking my car with me.

Prepare the car for him, Devon.

A great deal he'll have to know about it before it's safe for him to drive.

I must go to bed.

I'm not, uh Feeling very well.

You've just struck a dying man.

Hey, listen.

I like that old man.

I really do.

But, Devon, I gotta get on with my own life.

You wouldn't have a life if we hadn't brought you here.

Remember, there are still people who will k*ll you if they find out you're alive.

But I'm legally dead, remember? Devon, I don't even know me with this face.

Now what's all this about my car? Any resemblance between that car and your own is purely superficial.

What are you talking about? Devon, that's my car.

I left it out in the desert.

No, it may look like your car, but in actuality, this vehicle is probably the most expensive car in the world.

Come on.

This is my car.

What's this? A new paint job? It feels like baby skin.

Boy, those guys did a nice job.

There's not a ripple on it.

Like a mirror.

It's not paint.

It's a finish bonded into the molecular structure of a new substance.

You mean the metal? It's not metal, and it's not fiberglass.

Excuse me.


Strike the surface as hard as you can.

Come on, Devon.

I'm not gonna hit my car.

It's beautiful.


There's not a mark on it.

How did you do that? Don't just stand there with your mouth open.

Get in the car.

I'll show you.

Welcome aboard the Knight 2000.

Thank you.

What's all this? Looks like Darth Vader's bathroom.

It is a one



-kind car, Mr.


It is the fastest, safest, strongest car in the world.

It is also completely fuel

-efficient and is operated entirely by microprocessors which make it virtually impossible for it to be involved in any kind of mishap or collision.

Unless, of course, specifically so ordered by its pilot.

Pilot? Don't tell me this thing flies.


But it thinks.

It thinks? My car thinks? We like to think of it as our car.

Now, in order to motivate it forward I recognize the more rudimentary controls, such as the accelerator, Devon.

I do know how to drive.

I would have preferred you to have let me open the door first.

However, as you see, no harm has come to the car.

You also told me this machine couldn't have a collision.

Not if the system is operable.

And to do that, you have to, uh, switch it on first.

- Like that.

- Now you're telling me I can't hit anything? Trust me.

I'll never trust anybody again.

I'm warning you, Devon.

I'm gonna put this thing to the test.

Be my guest.

I don't believe this.

I'm playing chicken with a 10

-ton semi.

Devon, the car just drove around the truck.

It steered itself! Yes.

It's marvelous, isn't it? I hate it! I like to make my own decisions.

Well, the microprocessor deduced that you were acting contrary to your best interests.

It had two choices.

Either to slow down or to maneuver around the obstacle.

Why didn't this thing slow down instead of driving around? It would have been a lot safer.

- Well, um

- Well, why? Did I find a flaw in your perfect machine here? No, no.

No flaw.

I assure you.

It's just that, um It's just what? Well, it was showing off for you.

What? Come on.

You're telling me that this car can just take off and go for gas or a car wash just like that, huh? Mm


Well, that would be terrific if I happened to be working under it.

It wouldn't harm you.

I assure you.

Its primary function is the preservation of human life your life.

By me you mean anybody driving this thing.

No, no, no.

I mean you specifically.

You, Michael Arthur Long.

You'd better hurry.

We're too late.


What kept you? Car not fast enough? Look, you gotta put that thing on the market.

It could save thousands of lives.

Have it taken away from me and kept off the market like they did my air airplane? Don't try to talk.

I'll explain everything.


Knight is the last of his breed.

He built his own empire just as the Fords and the Rockefellers did.

Devon, we've been all through this.

All right.

Michael, come closer.

You were spared to lead a great fight.

Don't turn away in fear.

One man can make a difference.

And you are going to be that man.


Knight, uh, I'd like to be able to promise you that I feel like I could take on the world someday, but I can't.

I still wake up in the middle of the night shaking.

That That g*n in my face and the whole world blowing up.

Remember that moment.

Think of it as your baptism by fire.

My adventure has ended.

Yours has just just begun.

For God's sake, don't go quite so fast.

I'm puffed.

Sorry, Devon, but I got places to go.

What the hell does that mean? Heard you on the phone this morning.

You found the girl in California.

What? You mean to say that you deliberately listened in on a private conversation? Listen, I don't do things like that, but you got so excited, you were talking a mile a minute.

The gardener could have heard you over the lawn mower.

Now, what's she up to? She's working in a place called Silicon Valley.

All right.

LfTanya's in Silicon Valley, that's where I'm going right now.

- I forbid it.

- Devon, you can't forbid it.

I can certainly take away the car.

I'll get another one.

Besides, it's in my name.

That's where you're wrong.

"Michael Knight"? Michael Long is dead.

Remember that.

How do I suddenly become Michael Knight? Yes, well Driver's license, credit cards.

It's all on Mr.

Knight's orders.

These are good now.

You could have dated these ahead if you wanted me to stay here.

You knew I'd leave when I wanted to.

You're a primitive, Mr.

Lon Mr.


You're quite predictable.

- You think the old man was pretty smart, don't you?

- A certifiable genius.

He must've known what he was doing when he picked me to get a little revenge for him.

I'm on my way.

Oh, just a minute.

There are several things about this car that I ought to explain.

That's all right.

I'm a fast study.

I'll pick things up as I go along.



-That's very foolhardy.



Thank you.

Oh, and I want you to know something.

- I kind of got to like you.

- What? Never mind.

What's that mean coming from a primitive anyway? Well, Wilton, he's doing everything you said he would.

What have you gotten me into? Millston, in Silicon Valley.

110 miles.

All right.

Might as well put on some music.

With all these weird gadgets, you'd think they'd give you a radio.

What would you like to hear?

- What the hell was that? Do you wish further information on Silicon Valley? Hell, no.

I want to know who you are and how you're listening in.

There's no reason for increased volume.

I am scanning your interrogatives quite satisfactorily.

I'm the voice of Knight Industry Two Thousand's microprocessor.





For easy reference.

KITT, if you prefer.

No, I don't prefer, and what's more, I don't intend to drive around in a car that talks back to me.

So, either Devon pulls your plug, or you get yourself another driver.

I am not qualified to overrule your wishes.

Well, that's real good to hear, KITT, because I don't want to hear another peep out of you until I can get a call off to Devon.

So clam up.

I'm gonna listen to some good music.

And don't offer any suggestions.

I'll choose my own.

As you wish, Mr.


But since you are still recovering from your ordeal, and I detect are in a slightly irritable mood caused by fatigue, may I suggest you put the car in the auto cruise mode for safety's sake? No, you may not.

And that's final.

- Good night.

- Good night.

I can't believe this.

A car that talks back to me.


-hoo, Michael.

Hello, Michael.

Did you see that? What? That guy was plumb asleep at the wheel.

Nah! Hurry up.

That man can't be asleep.

He's got to be dead.

Well, if he ain't, he's gonna be.

That's Dead Man's Curve up ahead.

How can he be asleep and drive like that? Hey! Hey! Michael.

Hey! Pull back.

What the What's going on? What'd I do? Deny everything.

If I may suggest, deafness is always a good approach to law enforcement officers.

You shut up.

You were probably weaving all over the road.

Okay, out! I might also suggest you display a slight kink in your neck since you were driving with your head against the window.

- I said out!

- Why didn't you warn me? You told me to keep quiet.

Who's he talkin' to? Nobody.

This boy's a hard

-core alkie.

Did you hear me? I said get out if you don't wanna spend the night in jail.

That's better.

Now come on out.

Get the balloon out, Deke.

I'm sorry, Officer.

Could you speak in sign language or a little slower.

I haven't gotten lipreading down yet.

You mean you can't hear? Could you talk a little louder? Into this ear here.

You mean you're deaf? Oh, that explains everything.

I told you he couldn't drive that smooth if he was drunk.

What? He said Never mind! Just be on your way.

We're sorry we bothered ya.

Uh, but keep your eye on the rearview mirror.

We've been flashing ya for miles.

Yes, sir.

I'll do that.

Why do I get the feeling this isn't gonna be the last time I'm gonna run into trouble in this town? "Comtron.

'' That looks like a good place to start.

Social gathering places where alcoholic beverages are consumed in quantity can create an environment in which indiscretion becomes commonplace.

Just remember, this is business, not pleasure.

You're about as much fun as a divorce.

Which is not a bad idea.

I want custody of me.

I should have gotten rid of you before I turned you on.

Now I can't shut you up.

Hi, ladies.

Some guys sure start early.

He's not our problem.

Those guys are.

Stick to business.

Do you see what I see? Mm



And it's mine.

- Say what?

- It's mine.

I have died and gone to automobile heaven.

Cover me.

Cover you, man? Here? Are you out of your mind?

- For this machine I am.

- Look here, Jackson.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do things.

And doing this here now is wrong.

You may be right.

Hey, I know I'm right.

This happens to be the most popular, not to mention the most populated place in town.

- There will come another time.

- That's a fact.

And we will be ready.

I'll need a credit card.



Listen, do you happen to know those people in the corner booth over there? Let me do you a favor.

Unless you like waking up sucking dirt, don't get interested in anyone at that table.

Well, it wasn't anyone at that table I'm curious about.

It's somebody else.

You know, I noticed they all came across the street from Comtron.

Yeah? Well, I'm trying to find an old friend of mine that works there.

I thought she might be able to help me.

Well, I used to work there.

Who's your friend? Name's Tanya.

Tanya Walker.

Hey! What's the matter with you? That's what I think of friends ofTanya Walker.

Hey, what happened? Nothin: It was just an accident.

- Oh, it was no accident.

Maggie, this is the last time that I put up with your discourtesy.

Hey, that's not necessary.

Why don't you go hang out with those Comtron bums? I can fight my own battles! Look, I'd better get out of here before something else comes down.

Yeah, right.

I heard you mention Tanya Walker.

You a friend? You're not gonna throw anything at me, are ya? Why should I? She's a friend of mine too.

Yeah? You know how I can get a hold of her? Oh, I'm afraid she's already seeing someone.

Well, I'm not interested in her body.

I'm interested in her money.

Come again? I've got something to sell.

Something rather valuable.

Like what? That's between her and me.

Uh, who shall I tell her inquired? Tell her an old friend.


Gray speaking.

This is Tanya.

Someone's come into town and has been asking about me.

I'll give you the car and the license.

It's a new black Trans

-Am with a California license, lettering "KNIGHT.

" If it's another cop, we'll handle it like we did the other ones.

Exactly what I had in mind.



Who you calling, love? Oh, just our people in Security.

As president of this company, you're an irreplaceable asset, and I don't want anything to happen to you tomorrow.

You know how I worry about you when you go out in public.

Nothing's going to happen to me.

Now, honey, in this day and age, there are a lot of people out there that would love to get their hands on a rich man like you.


You just be grateful you have somebody like me to take care of you.


Get lost.

I'm warning you.

This bag is full of mace.

I stayed in my car so I wouldn't scare you.

Well, ain't you the David Niven.

Look, I'm sorry about what happened in there, but you misunderstood.

I'm not a friend of Tanya's.

I just need to find her.

Well, who cares? Not me.

She and that group of parasites of hers have taken away everything that ever meant anything to me.

My husband, myjob, my house.

I can't even afford decent clothes for my kid.

Now, please leave me alone, or I'll put a dent in the middle of that machine.

I mean it.

I'll pay to get that fixed for ya.

I don't believe it.

How can I go through life with luck this bad? I plow into your car and my bumper falls off.

Maggie, let me help you change your luck.

Why don't you just leave me alone? I just lost the last job I'm ever gonna get in this town.

What ifTanya and her crew could be run out of Millston? Don't tell me.

You're just about to offer me a silver b*llet.

Just a chance to get even.

For what? How much do you know about what's going on here?

- I was hoping you could tell me what I need to know.

- Why?

- You really think you can make a difference?

- Yes! Now, will you help me? It's a regular boomtown.

There's more money flowing through here now than there was during the California gold rush.

All because of tiny microchips.


Every calculator, every electronic kids' game they were all born right here.

How do you fit into Silicon Valley? My husband came here to take a job as head of security for Comtron.

- Didn't work out?

- Oh, yes.

It worked out just fine till the president decided to hire a brand

-new executive assistant.

- Tanya Walker.

- Yep.

Before she rode that flashy tail ofhers to the top, Comtron was a relatively happy family.

Then she came along, and she started making wholesale changes.

You mean your husband was fired? Not exactly.

He couldn't accept what was going on, and he started poking into things.

And one night he didn't come home.

Disappeared? They found him dead in a gully.

Said he'd been drinking.

He didn't drink.

Not even beer.

Maggie, how could they make that stick? Witnesses.

Half a dozen truck drivers who hang out in that place where I work.

All animals who work for Comtron.

You wouldn't have taken that job to find some answers, would you? I took that job to feed my little boy.

This is where I live.

I suppose you'd better come on up.

Ay, seƱorita, I was so worried.

Luce, I'm sorry.

I ran into something.

I hope it was nothing serious.


Oh, my goodness.

I hope it is something serious.

Luce, please.

You're embarrassing me.

Uh, this is Mr.


- Tanto gusto.

- Luce takes care of my son.

He's sleeping.

Well, I'll be leaving you two.

Have a good time.

Especially you.

She's a wonderful girl.

A saint.

Remember that.

Good luck.

He's a winner.


I'm sorry.

I don't know what to say.

She doesn't usually behave like that.

No apologies.

I'm flattered.

Well, it's important to me that you believe me.

I haven't had a man in my apartment since my husband was k*lled.



What are you doing out of bed? This is Buddy.

I figured.

Hi, Buddy.


Are you gonna marry my mom? Oh.

! I don't believe hejust said that.

Now will you go back to bed.

Right now.

Just a minute.

If I wanted to talk to Tanya alone, where would I go? Just a second.

Who's Tanya? Competition? Shh.

! Now you go to sleep.

Look, I'd I'd forget trying to get to her off duty.

I think she's staying at Benjamin's estate.

- William Benjamin.

- Mm


He owns Comtron, and she rarely leaves his side these days.

Now you go to sleep.

Wait a minute.

Uh, tomorrow's one day that she and Benjamin do have to go out.

Uh, Comtron's sponsoring a charity show out at the track.

The track? Yeah.

It's a, uh, demolition derby for charity.

Buddy wanted to go.

You see, in Silicon Valley, they have so much money, they don't use junkers.

Every plant is putting up a brand

-new car.

People are just eating it up.

- Can anybody enter?

- Oh, come on.

Who can afford to get his brand

-new car totaled out?

- Tell your son I'll be by to pick the both of you up at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

- Why? You mean we get to watch it? Yeah, you two get to watch.

I'll be in it.

Yeah! What, uh What do you think? Piece of cake.

- Michael, where on earth are you?

- You act as if you didn't know.

- I'm not clairvoyant.

- You got a spy though.

KITT? Don't be ridiculous.

He answers only to you, unless, of course, you're incapacitated and release him.


- Huh?

- It is an it.

Not a he.

Don't ever forget that.

I don't see what difference that makes.

That's because I'm the one out here all by his lonesome.

I'm a he.

I could get my face shot off, not it.

- What's happened, Michael?

- Nothing so far, but I made contact.

- Marvelous.

- Let's hope so.

We'll know in a couple hours.

- What happens in two hours?

- Demolition derby.

Ah, that's splendid.

Demolition What's a demolition derby? Well, it's where people enter their cars in sort of a competition.

It bent my pick! Come on.

Quick pick.

Sensational! We can't lose.

We have the best car on earth.

- And what happens next?

- All the cars get demolished.

That's not very funny.

Now, what really happens? That's what really happens.

Ow! Here.

You idiot.

Don't be using a foot, man.

Use something that ain't gonna get hurt.



Hey, Jackson.


Talk to me, man.

Devon, if the car is everything we think it is, we can't get hurt.

But much of what we've designed has yet to be proven in the field.

I think it's safe to say, by the end of the day, everything will be tested.

For better or for worse.



Demolition derby indeed.

I'm gettin' mad, man.

You understand? Mad! Yeah.

Yeah, well, l I can understand that.

That car will be mine.

Mine, you hear! Haven't we been graced with a beautiful day here at the Millston Speedway for the first running of what we hope will be an annual event the Comtron International Demolition Derby.

We've got a full field ofbeautiful brand

-new vehicles, right off the showroom floor.

You're probably going to get to see them all turned into a body shop bonanza before the end of this day.

Wow, this is better than an auto show.

! Well, you better take 'em all in now, Buddy.

There's not gonna be a lot left of them after the race.

Maggie, why all these trucks from Comtron? Well, because they're sponsoring the race and providing the drivers.

Oh, you're not really thinking of entering your beautiful car? It's for charity, isn't it? Yeah, but it's also for people who can afford it.

I can't figure out why you're doing this.

I have my reasons.

You're a strange man, Michael.

You're nice, but you're strange.

Thanks, I think.

Now let's get you two some seats in owners' row, huh? Me in the owners' row? Oh, that'll frost 'em.

Only about 20 minutes left, folks, before we drop the green flag.

We'd appreciate it now if you'd leave the infield and the pit areas and start making your way to your seats for today's thriller.

I understand this is where I check in, Tanya.

- I beg your pardon?

- I'm Michael Knight.

Oh, you're the one that called.

Then you were serious about entering your car.

- Dead serious.

- Well, your car will serve as the entry fee, but I wouldn't expect much of it back if I were you.

But the winning car does receive a nice trophy, and the driver walks away with 5,000 in cash.

Oh, that's real nice.

I'll give the prize money to the charity.

By the way, did anyone mention to you that I was in town looking for you? As a matter of fact, yes, they did.

But I didn't understand the message, and I don't deal with salesmen.

You don't know what I'm selling.

It wouldn't matter.

You wanna bet? After the race, you'll be looking for me.

I guarantee it.

Come on, Tanya.

Let's go, let's go.

The crowd's a



Benjamin, I sure do admire your charity work, and I'm very happy to do my little part.

Doing your part? Yes, sir.

You see, I'm the only independent driver in this race, but it's still an honor.

Uh, we don't allow jalopies in this race, Mr Knight.

And my car's no jalopy, as you can see.

Well, you're a very generous man.

Make sure the crowd appreciates his gesture, Tanya.

Thank you, Mr.


Oh, I'll need two tickets in the owners' row.

Lonnie, would you give him some owners' passes, please? I'd be glad to.


-bye, Mr.


Why are you so hostile? Come on.

You're acting like there's a kidnapper behind every tree.

Come on.

Here you go.

Take your place with the valley's finest.

Oh, you're a doll.

But I can't find Buddy.

I don't know where that kid's gone.

Don't worry about him.

He'll turn up.

A lot of cars to see.

Michael, good luck, okay? Piece of cake.

Our sleek field of cars are revving up.

Getting ready to go.

The starter's in position.

By the way, we've got a new entry Michael Knight, an independent driver in a black Trans


And the race is on.

! Remember, ladies and gentlemen, this is a figure

-eight track, and as the cars begin spreading out, it becomes increasingly more difficult to get through the intersection without colliding with another car.

So far, the cars have not attained full speed.

They're feeling each other out like boxers in the first round of a title match.

It's gonna be a great afternoon of racing.

We know you're going to enjoy it.

Gosh! I've never seen anything like it.

What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with your mother.

This is much more fun.

Ooh, that was powerful.

Aw, why'd you chicken out? Because you're standing there ready to be flipped out of the car.

Now get in that seat right now and strap yourself down! Hurry up! Now, once again, ladies and gentlemen, the young independent is challenging on the outside against a car weighing again half as much.

Let's see if he backs down again.

A tremendous race.

! Now it appears that teammates are working on the young independent.

- They've blocked him.

- Okay, KITT.

I need to knock out about four feet.

I'm gonna put you on auto pursuit.

You figure out the rest.

Look at this.

! Michael Knight in the black Trans

-Am He's gonna get through there.

I'll be doggone! Oh, no.

! A tremendous collision.

! Yeah! You not only wiped him out, you wiped out the truck too! These guys aren't supposed to hit my trucks.

Where'd you get these new drivers, Tanya? Thanks.

I needed that.

You're welcome.

It's so good to be communicating again.

Golly! This car even talks.

Oh, that was, uh that was just the radio, Buddy.

No, it wasn't.

I may just be a little kid, but I'm not stupid.

The car talked to you.

It might be better if we don't mention this to a whole lot of people.

Like any, if you know what I mean.

I think I know what you mean.

And Carney Miller up front.

And Knight has got the lead.

- Hey, Carney!

- Yeah? I figure this kids's trying to horn in on some money that rightly belongs to us.

- If you get my drift.

- Loud and clear.

Let's give him a little room to slide through.

It's school days, pretty boy.

Come on! Demolition derby and all about it.

Oh, look at that.


- Hey, how'd he do that?

- I don't know, but nobody makes a fool out of me.

Apiece of sheet metal in a viselike maneuver, but Knight rocketed right between 'em and averted certain destruction.

He hit us.

! He can't do that.

It's against NASCAR regulations.

I don't think this is a regulation race, Buddy.

- I wonder what this button does.

- Don't start pushing things.

I don't even know what those things do.

I'll tell you.

When you're in a race like this, you better have a good, firm grip on that wheel, because anybody Whoa.

! Here's a slide

-out right now.

! Wow! All right! And a spinout by Dolan.

And it appears that Dolan is stalled over there.

He'd better get that vehicle going fast.

He's a sitting duck.

All right, Buddy.

Just sit tight and don't touch anything.

A move on our lead car, driven by Michael Knight, the daring independent in that black Trans


- This wily veteran has the equipment to catch the Trans


- Uh


Smoke coming out

- Hey! I can't see! And he may be disqualified.


! Crashes the barrier.

! Buddy, take your finger off that button.

Will Michael Knight get the black flag? Nearing the end of the race, only six cars left and now only five as the Caddy gets caught in the intersection there.

Knight's got trouble getting around the Caddy, but he barely made it.

Two more cars flying over that Cadillac, our field is further reduced.

And now it looks like Oh.

! Here comes the Lincoln into the pileup.

Come to papa.

Come to papa.

And now only two are left.

Now you're up against number one.

All right, Buddy.

You ready? Ready.

Here we go.

That car's incredible, Tanya.

A bump in the road caused the Trans

-Am to go airborne.

And that means the only one who got to the finish line We won! We won! We won! It's Michael Knight.

! As he takes the checkered flag.

The amazing thing, from our point of vantage, ladies and gentlemen I want to know all about that young man.

That makes two of us.

A demolition derby with a car coming out without a scratch is unheard of.

An absolute miracle.

And Michael Knight, the young independent from nowhere and I mean literally from nowhere Tanya.

You saw what I'm selling.

If you want to know more, meet me at the House of the Rising Sun.

What did you find out about him? He doesn't exist.

We've checked his credit card numbers from the club, car license everything.

Up until three months ago, there was no Michael Knight.

Well, phony credentials don't surprise me.

He said he's here to sell me something.

- Since when did we go public?

- Since I saw that car perform.

Tanya, it's one thing to sneak out of a development lab with secrets to sell, but quite another to steal an entire prototype.

I don't like it.

It smells like a setup.

Did you run his fingerprints? I don't have any.

Anyway, that's a fallacy.

Fingerprints are only on file if somebody's got a criminal record.

Or has worked for the government in some law enforcement capacity.

I can think of one way to get 'em, but it might be a little messy.

Well, I leave that entirely in your hands.

Buddy, come on back here, and you say thank you.

Come on.

Right now, young man.

Come on.

Thank you! I gotta go tell everybody! Okay.

You don't look very happy.

I thought it was a real nice day.

Who are you really? I'm a friend.

I'd like to be Michael.

I still hurt from the last man who made me feel I can't go through it again.

Maggie, it's okay.

I understand.

Tell me I'm dreamin'.

I see it, but I don't believe it.

She's gonna meet me at the Rising Sun at 8:00.

Michael, I don't think it's likely that she'll meet you alone.

I know.

But I doubt she'll get tough until she satisfies herself that I'm here alone.

You may have a point there.

Only a fool would be out there all by himself.

The old man and I would disagree with you on that one.

There's two ways to fight a w*r, Devon.

With an army or all by yourself.

But you can have an army.

That's always been my point.

But not the biggest army.

That's my point.

If you can't outnumber 'em, you're better off alone.

Hey! Hey.

! Hey! You're gonna get yourselves k*lled! Michael.

Michael! Whoo

-ooh! Hey! Wow! Man, this thing must make coffee too.

I do nothing of the kind.

Now, pull over immediately.

- Say what?

- I didn't say nothin'.

Yeah, you did, man.

You said pull over.

I didn't say pull over.

Hey, don'tjive me, Browne.

Because if you didn't say pull over, somebody else did.

That's right.

I did.

Who are you, dude? That's irrelevant.

You are not the proper owners of this vehicle, so either you get out, or I will take the appropriate measures.


Hey, hey.

All right! Now, I've heard of some far

-out burglar alarms, but this is heavy! All right, mama.

Do your baddest.

Good heavens.

And I thought Michael was difficult.

Gentlemen, I have attempted to dissuade you from this wayward behavior.

Rave on, machine.

Rave on! Wh

-What do you think he is? Some kind of tape recorder? Who cares, man? It's mine, and I will do with it as I please.

Watch this.


-ooh! Yeah! Whoo

-ooh! All right! Very juvenile.

Now watch this.

Hey, man.

What's happening? Hey, look out! Whoa! Where you goin; man? What are you doing? Hey, man.

I ain't doin' nothin'.

Hey, well, don't go this way, man.

You're You're taking us uptown.

And I said I ain't doin' nothin'.

Hey, man.

Don't do that.

Man, I ain't doin' nothin'.

I can't stop it! Come on, man.

Stop this thing, Jackson.

Step on the brake or something.

- I'm steppin' on it!

- Well, then push somethin'.

I don't know what to push.

You push something.

Hey, man.

Where is this car taking us? Hey, look out! Hey, man.

What's this car doing? Of all the irresponsible behavior.

To leave me with my keys in the ignition and my doors open? I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.



I said I was sorry.

- What do you want from me?

- A little consideration would be a beginning.

I have a lot on my mind, and we got a lot of work to do.

If it weren't for me, you'd be walking.

If it weren't for you, I'd be missing our most important rendezvous.

The whole point of my mission.

I am very, very grateful to you.

Our mission.

Our mission.

Forgiven? I suppose so.

- After all, we're only human, right?

- Don't press your luck.

It was just a thought.

Well, uh, let's, uh, go outside and talk about it.

Well, I'm sorry, but I'm here to meet a young lady.

Uh, Miss Walker got the message.

She sent us to pick you up.

Tanya did that? You guys work for her too? Well, she suggested that we, uh, show you outsiders what we do to people that come in here and take away our little prize money.

Oh, didn't Tanya tell you? I'm donating my share of the prize money to the charity.

Well, each of us got a little donation for you too.

Hold this.

No, no.

I'm first.

Well, listen, guys, I hate to mention this, but, uh, I'm heavily trained in martial arts.

Martial arts! I want that car examined from top to bottom, inside and out.

Yes, sir.

What's that gonna tell us? Who Michael Knight is working for.

The car is gonna tell us that? Well, even cars that are specially designed require stock parts, and they have serial numbers.

Benjamin's engineers should be able to give us a pretty good idea where the work was done and by whom.

- You're where? I'm in jail.

But it's a trumped

-up charge.

It always is.

Look, I'm dead serious.

The people we're after here are practically running the town.

Michael, where is the Knight 2000? I, uh I'm not sure.

What do you mean you're not sure? How can you call me long distance and tell me you've misplaced it? I didn't misplace it.

They impounded it.

The trouble is, I think Comtron talked the sheriff into letting them check out the car.


You're living up to my every expectation.

There's no time for insults.

What are we gonna do? "We.

" That's wonderful.

A couple of days ago, you practically drove over my foot to be on your own.

All right.

I'm sorry.

I was a little hasty.

Time's up, boy.

Let's get back to your cell.

Devon, I'm telling you.

I'm counting on you.

You come through now, we got these people right where we want 'em.

It'll take me a while to get there.

- We may have to resort to other means temporarily.

- What do you mean by that? Devon.


Hey, did you guys cut me off? I demand another phone call.

We've gone through three diamond

-bit drills.

Perhaps I can explain.

- What's this mean? I don't understand.

- The sheriff fingerprinted Knight when he was arrested.

- These are the results.

- What's this mean? "No identification possible.

" Keep reading.

- "Altered.


- "Expertly done.

" But still not the man's own prints.

Hey, cowboy.

Hey, I'm talking to you.

Hey, I want to know what that machine of yours is made of.

Sit and spin.

It's unraveling.

Somebody from a very high level is breathing down our necks.

Now, it's time to get out.

But we're just a few days from penetrating all of Comtron's top secrets.

We go for the main one.

I have the access code to the bubble memory chip from Benjamin.

It's worth more than all the others combined.

Now, we get it out of the computer, and we'll fly out tonight.

Tanya, you're panicking over nothing.

Lfhe had any proof of anything, he wouldn't be wasting his time at demolition derbies or letting himself get locked up.

- He'd tell the sheriff why he was here.

- Trust me.

I had a feeling when I looked in his eyes.

He's no ordinary cop.

He's far more dangerous.

Now he has to be eliminated.

Now you go get Michael Knight out of jail, and I'll get the microchip design out of the computer.

You're making things worse.

First time in the can? No.

I used to nose around for Army Intelligence back in 'Nam.

I got caught once by the 'Cong.

Yeah? What happened? I had to punish 'em.

Oh, yeah? Yeah, well, look, I hope you don't take what we did to you tonight personally.

No, man.

You look like you already paid your price.


You got any friends on the outside at all? I mean, you made one phone call, but I don't think anybody showed up.

- Yeah, I got one friend.

- Hey, that's good.

But we're not on the best of terms right now.


That's bad.

Those other drivers the ones that tried to beat me up they local boys? Nah.

We all got hired by Wilson, the new security chief.

I heard about it in stir when I was gettin' my parole.

Pay is good, don't have to break too many laws.

You ever wonder why a nice, polite electronics company needs strong

-arm boys? I don't ask those kind of questions.

Deputy, I have a court order for Mr.

Knight's release.


I guess he's yours.

What's going on back there?

- I don't believe this.

- Must be a drunk.

See if he hurt himself.

I won't even ask you how you did this, KITT, but thanks.

You're welcome.

Who you talking to? There's nobody in there.

What in the Those b*ll*ts arejust bouncing off that windshield.

! Knight's escaped.

Let's go.

Well, it's no use trying to catch that machine.

Then how are we gonna stop him? He must be heading out of town.

There's nothing else out this way.

Oh, yes, there is.

Now how do I get up there? It's times like this I wish I listened more closely to Devon.

Is it all right to respond? Yes, yes.

It's all right.

Look, KITT, I gotta get up to a roof about a hundred feet.

Very well.

If you'll set the pressure adjustment for precisely 600 pounds, you should land quite gently.

That's it? I just set the pressure and hit the button? It would help if you also opened the auto roof.


-aleck car.


You guys aren't gonna believe this, but it's back.

What What do you mean it's back? Back where? Right out here on the south parking lot.


Let's see.

Third floor.

Where's Knight? I don't know.

He busted out of jail.

You think he's here?

- There's no way he can get in without being seen.

- How much do you wanna stake on that? I'm gonna go back up to secure the microchip design.

Now, you tell the guards to sh**t to k*ll.


No, everything's okay.

I've got the microfilm, the new memory chip.

I'll be leaving for the airfield soon.

Alert the pilot.

Tell him I'm flying out on Benjamin's orders.

Pick up Knight and meet me at the field.

Very kind of you to organize the evidence for me, Tanya.


Don't do this.

Whoever you work for can't be worth what I can do for you.

Would you prefer this? It's not a starry night in Nevada, but it'll hurt just as much.

Michael Long.

Look, please don't do this.

If I hadn't done it, Wilson would have.

He would have shot you.

He gives the orders.

We We could share millions.

How can we share the millions, Tanya, if you're not the boss? Come on, Tanya.

You're the boss.

No one else.

All right.

I'm the boss.

But we need somebody like you.

I promise you a very rewarding partnership.

Not this time.

All right.

Hold it right there.

sh**t him.

I want every guard to check in.

I'll take Personnel.

You take Accounting.

Nothing in Personnel.

What about you, Baker? Baker? Baker.

Nothing here.

Well, that wasn't Baker.


Don't sh**t.

Don't sh**t.

- It's Baker.

- What's goin' on? Wilson.

He wants you up in in the administration building.

All guards be aware that Baker's uniform has been stolen.


The suspect is now wearing a guard's uniform.

W W Hold it right there, Knight.

I've got him.

Dead in my sight.

Right out here next to his car.

Don't let him move so much as an inch, and you've got yourself 10,000 in cash, boy.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

Almost made it.

But I was just a little too smart for you, fella.


Don't look behind you.

Oh, no.


There's no one behind me for 200 yards.

- What about the car?

- There's no one in there either.

I looked.

No, no, don't k*ll me.

Don't k*ll me.

I got a dog at home.

I got a sick mother.

All right.

Toss your w*apon down and get against the wall.

That Trans

-Am's loose and heading right for us.

Look out! KITT.

KITT, you there? Where would I go? Look, I know we've had some misunderstandings, but I'm not so sure I'm gonna be around at the end of this trip.

If it's of any assurance, your vital signs are still quite good, but you do need immediate medical attention.

We can't stop, pal.

They're gonna be coming at us from all directions now.

What can I do? Any way you can get in touch with Devon? You could reach him on the microwave mobile line.

He's en route to Millston.


Do it.

Do it fast.

What in the name of heaven is going on? Devon.

Devon, they were gonna k*ll me.

They would have if it weren't for KITT.

Michael, what's wrong? KITT, what's the matter with Michael? I'm afraid Mr.

Knight's been injured.

His vital signs are deteriorating rapidly.

He's losing blood.

I really feel I should take over.

You're not taking over anything.

You hear me? Michael, forget everything.

Save yourself.

We can regroup to fight another day.

Don't worry, Devon.

- I'm gonna take us out winners.

- What have you learned? Tanya and her buddies are about to rip off Comtron.

Can you prove that? Right now they're trying to get away with millions of dollars worth of Comtron secrets.

- I'll contact the local police immediately.

- Forget that.

They've been bought.

Contact the F.



Or the state police, have them standing by.

Standing by where? They're making a run for it to the airport.

I'm going after 'em.

KITT, can he make it? You want the truth? In front of him? If I'm goin' out, I'm taking them with me.

This is Chief of Security Wilson.

Patch me in to Comtron truck dispatch.

I want everything we've got on the road to stand by for special instructions.


- What is? I just figured out how they intend to stop me.

Okay, KITT.

With all due respect, you aren't possibly considering Oh, my word.

You are.

That's right, baby.

Come to papa.



That guy's nuts! If you're going through with this, may I suggest you permit me to activate the turbo boost?

- The what?

- Never mind.

Allow me to demonstrate.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

I gotta admit, this car is something else.


KITT, are you there?

- Come on, buddy.

We both can't pass out.

- We aren't speaking.

At least I know you're all right.

Then you really do care.

- Yeah, I care, but don't tell anybody, okay?

- Okay.


Come in, Dolan.

Did you get him? I blocked the road and cut him off.

Good work.

Yeah, but he went right through the side of my trailer.

- Have you been drinking?

- Not yet, but I plan on it.

I'm telling ya.

There ain't no way you're gonna stop that thing.

Attention all drivers.

Attention all drivers.

Anybody wanting a $15,000 bonus is to smash that Trans

-Am head


Do you read me? I said head


He's currently heading north on Highway 17.

This is Truck 41 on 17.

You're nuts.

What good's $15,000 if you're dead? Well, jump clear, you idiot.

But make sure you level that Trans


Forget it.

Make it $25,000 to the first man that smashes and levels that Trans


Do you read me? $25,000.

- All right.

I'll give it a shot.

- Devon, did you hear that? I'm afraid so.

You know what KITTcan do.

Can he do it? I can't recall ever having put him to that precise test.

Oh, great.

I suggest we'd better reach the airport before we reach the truck.

You know something, KITT.

I think you're right.

Where are you, 41? Just coming up to the airport turnoff.

Oh, yeah.

I see you.

You've got him.

Just over the next rise.


Just in case he gets by.

We should be seeing them any minute now.

No one survives a head

-on collision with a semi.

No one.


Knight, this is foolhardy.

- I really must assume control.

- Negative.

I'm driving this machine.

Devon, Michael is in no condition to be making decisions.

KITT, I'm afraid as long as he's conscious and in the driver's seat, we have no choice.

An absurd set of circumstances.

Too bad, KITT.

The guy who designed you believed in the strength of the individual.

We may have to put that to the test.

He isn't stopping.

The man's nuts.

Well, I hope so.

- Any last thoughts, KITT?

- I wish you hadn't put it that way.

- He's heading right for him.

- We'll need a magnifying glass and tweezers just to find him.

Or a blotter.

I got him in sight.

Remember, 25 big ones if you nail him.

- That car just jumped over the truck.

- Don't be ridiculous.

- That's about as close as you can get.

- Tell me about it.

Take her down.

It's up to us.

- He hit us.

- No, you hit us.

Shut up and make another pass.

You want to make another pass, you can jump out.

We'll be lucky to make the airport.

You get him? Does it look like it? Let's get that aircraft rolling.

Not till I finish Knight.

Forget it.

Let's go.

You'd better let me take over.

Your reflexes can't handle it.

It's two out in the bottom of the ninth, KITT.

I'll finish the game.

Run for the hangar.

We've gotta find another way out.

I'll get you a way out of here that nothing can stop.

Tanya, come back here.

You lose, Michael.

No, Tanya.

Don't! The windows are It's over, KITT.

It's all yours.

I'm getting you to a hospital as soon as possible.

Michael, are you sure you're all right? Yeah.

I'm a little stiff, a little sore, but the doc says I'm mobile.

That's good.

I don't know what I'm gonna do with Buddy now that you're leaving.

Oh, I'd keep him.

He's a real good kid.

You know what I mean.

He needs a man.

I can see that now.

L I guess I thought I could just go on not caring.

And not looking.

Stupid, huh? Here I had a prime candidate right under my nose, and l I chased him away.

Ah, don't consider it a permanent condition.

You mean that? I mean, you might come back and visit us sometime? Tell Buddy it's a promise.


You know, he, uh he was hoping you'd take him for one last ride in your car.

Yeah, well, that might be one small problem.

Only you could have dented this car.


I'm sorry.

Nothing's perfect.

When do I get it back? Who said anything about getting it back? Devon, it's my car.

I have the registration.

Don't remind me.

You know, I'd like to be getting on with my work soon.

Very well.

Step aboard.

We'll discuss it.

Now then, about my car.

Well, simply stated, Wilton Knight was my friend as well as my employer.

And my legacy is to see that his final dream is faithfully pursued, like it or not.

Your options are still open.

- You don't have to

- Devon, the old man wanted me.

It was his dying request.

Yes, to rid the world ofTanya and her friends.

But the rest of his dream would bore you to tears.

The majority of our activity here involves legal research, class

-action suits strictly bureaucratic stuff.

- What else?

- What else?

- Yeah, the part he wanted me for.

- Well, Mr.

Knight also believed that under certain circumstances, direct action might be the only feasible solution.

That's what the Knight 2000 was designed for.

The pilot program consists of one man and one car.

Absurd really.

I mean, who would want to take on such a thing? I was supposed to be that man, wasn't I? Well, he seemed to feel that you were singularly well

-qualified to "go it alone, ''as he put it.

But who could expect it of you? I mean, you barely came through this misadventure with your life.

Not to mention the damage to the Knight 2000.

I spent years of my life fighting criminals of one type or another who always had the upper hand, and now this.

It's a loner's dream.

It's been handed to me on a silver platter.

The world's most fantastic car.

All the money and all the resources of the Knight Foundation.

And most of all, the best chance I'll ever get to prove that one man really can make a difference.

I was afraid that would be your attitude.

Well, shall we drink to what may be the start of, um Of what? One man's dream.

And to our future.

No matter who it may take us up against or where.

One man can make a difference, Michael.

Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.