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01x14 - Hearts of Stone

Posted: 05/08/23 17:33
by bunniefuu
A thousand Hail Marys or your life.

Get down! Get down! You got access to some of the best a*t*matic as*ault r*fles around.

You got anything particular in mind? This w*apon is to what KITTis to conventional cars.

Come on in.

Make yourselves comfortable.

Roberto! Hang on to your fenders, pal.

This could be tough.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Excuse me.

Father Carlos Laguna? Yes? I'm Michael Knight.

Thank you for coming.

Devon Miles told me you might have a name for me.

A contact.


I'll be seeing someone after the 1:00 Mass.

He'll have the contact's name.

I'll be going straight to my sister's wedding reception.

Could you meet me there? Yeah.

Father, I'm on my way back from New Orleans.

I haven't had a chance to get together with Devon yet.

But from what he told me, it sounds like something the police should handle.

The att*cks are hit



The police? They ask questions.

They, uh, take pictures.

They count b*llet holes.

Tuesday afternoon, they shot my brother Miguel.

Two men in a car with a*t*matic as*ault r*fles.

He was standing in the middle of a gas station in South Houston.

You know, innocent people could have been k*lled.

But they don't care, these, um, corazones de piedras.

Corazones It's what my family calls them.

Corazones de piedras means, um, "hearts of stone.

" Michael, what do you think of my new voice modulator? Nice, KITT.

Real nice.

As you see, no one knows who these new people are.

There are six of them, at least four of whom are veterans, either Special Forces or crack troops at any rate.

Now the Laguna family are proud, fiercely loyal and tough, but these gentlemen, oh, they're different.

They don't play by the old rules.

They've got g*ns to sell, and in order to do that, the Lagunas have got to move over.

Well, the Lagunas resisted.

As you see, it's becoming a w*r in the streets.

This is what it's over.

Looks like something out of Buck Rogers or Star Wars.

It's called the Nunn X


Legally manufactured in Lexington, Kentucky and advertised as the most efficient a*t*matic as*ault r*fle in the world today.

It features as standard equipment a rocket launcher.

Rate of fire 850 rounds per minute.

So you see, it's much more efficient than the U*i and anything the U.


Army is producing today.

In other words, a superior w*apon in every respect.

You said "legally manufactured.

" Oh, it's legally manufactured.

Diverted into the world of black market arms in various ways.

Weapons stolen, shipments lost, records incomplete.

Its primary market is the turmoil in Central America.

Here, I want you to get the feel of it.

Well there's only one way to do that.

Wow! Would you like to have a go at the rocket? Oh, please do.

Ready? Devon, just what is it you're looking for from me? Find these people.

Convince them that you're a black market arms dealer, arrange a buy.

If we could catch them dirty that is, with the g*ns we can cut the pipeline into Mexico, and we can save lives on both sides of the border.

It's gonna take more than a name from Father Carlos Laguna to sell me as an arms dealer.

Well, we've arranged for some help in that area, Michael.

Specialized data banks on Texas, Mexico, ex

-Special Forces and Green Beret personnel, major and minor figures in international arms smuggling.

Is KITT ready? KITT's got it all.

We've honed it to the final contingency, my boy.

In that case, you'd better let me get out of here before I change my mind.

Adios, mis amigos.

¢Ü Well, hell, I got everything that money could buy ¢Ü ¢ÜIn a place where a face ain't got no name ¢Ü ¢ÜDown here everybody playing that old sneaky game ¢Ü ¢ÜDown in Mexico ¢Ü ¢Ü Well, hard to be a man down in Mexico ¢Ü ¢ÜMexico, ahh Mexico ¢Ü ¢Ü Well, hard to be a man down in Mexico ¢Ü¢Ü ¢Ü¢Ü Hey, dude.

You're lookin' at the fastest car in Houston.

The mean machine.

Blow that black bucket right off the road.


Maybe some other time, huh? Yeah, sure.

KITT, don't fall in love with one of these beautiful cars and run off on me, huh? I wouldn't dream of it.

Michael, have you finished reviewing my new data banks?

- Something I should know?

- Don't drink the water.

- KITT, we're not in Mexico.

We're just outside of Houston, Texas.

- I hear "marachis.

" I'm gonna have to get Bonnie to reprogram your Spanish.

It's mariachis.

Hi, guys.

Buenos dias.

Que pasa?

- Michael!

- Hello, Father.

Con permiso.

Excuse us.

Did you get the name, Father? Our contact is Angie.

Angie? I expected a man.

Yeah, well, in this business, it pays to, uh, expect the unexpected.

Where is she? All I know is she's a cocktail waitress at a place called The Embers in downtown Houston.

This is hard for you, isn't it, Father? A thousand Hail Marys or your life.

Roberto? Yes? I want you to meet a friend of mine, Michael Knight.

How do you do? Thank you for coming.

Hello, Roberto.

Roberto here is my youngest brother.

The youngest and the craziest.

Vato loco.

To be Catholic is hard enough.

But with a brother that's a priest Come on.

- Michael?

- Yeah, KITT? There's a truck approaching with men hidden in the bed.

All right, get over here right away and get in between us and them.

Get down! Get down! Michael.

! Roberto's been hit.

He's bleeding bad.

We've got to get him to a hospital.

Well, it looks like the b*llet severed an artery in his leg, but they said with a little rest and care he's gonna be all right.

That's good.


I'll be in touch, huh? Michael, be careful.

Thank you, Father.


What'll it be? A bottle of beer, please.

Whatever's coldest.

- Keep the change, huh?

- Thank you, pardner.

Looking for a cocktail waitress.

Maybe you know her.

Name's Angie.

Who wants her? A friend of a friend.

Are you lookin' for me? You Angie? I'm whoever you want me to be.

You want me to be Angie, I'll be Angie.

Who are you? Name's Michael.

Well, Michael, what can I do for you? Angie, I'm a g*n collector.

An acquaintance of mine told me you might be able to steer me in the right direction.

What direction is that? Well, Angie, I'm looking for some r*fles.

a*t*matic as*ault weapons.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Look, Angie, I, uh, I'll make it worth your while.

Excuse me.

I don't know you.

Well, let me just tell you I'm a businessman.

My business just happens to be weapons.

- Who gave you my name?

- A man you never heard of.

A man who used to do business with the Lagunas.

Angie, he told me the Lagunas are on their way out, and you might be able to introduce me to the people who are on their way in.

All I'm asking from you is an introduction.

If I'm not for real, your people will know.

I mean, that's their job, not yours.

I usually give a five percent commission.

In your case, I'll make it 10.

Take it or leave it.

I'll make a call.

If the answer's yes, I'll meet you in front in five minutes.

If the answer's no, I never want to see you again.

You mind if I turn on this radio? Go ahead.

This is a weird

-looking dash.

Doesn't this radio play anything besides Mexican music? It's a weird radio.

It goes with the dash.

These people are bad.

I sure hope you're who you say you are.

You always this suspicious? Mm


Just when it comes to this kind of business.

I hate it.

Then why are you in it, Angie? I'm not in it.

I just happen to know these people, that's all.

I'll be right there.

I just got to lock up.

KITT, get the license plate number on every car here.

I don't have a strange

-looking dash.

I'm proud of my dash.

Don't take it personally.

I just hope the name you gave me is gonna work in there.

I simply selected the name least likely to be traceable with the information Bonnie added to Okay.


I'm sorry I mentioned it.

De nada.

How's that? Not bad.

Not bad.

Tell them to bring water.

Hey, R.


How you doin'? I'll tell Ricky we're here.


What brings you out this way? A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

How about you? Same thing.

A whole lot of this and a whole lot of that.

Well, I hope to see you later.

Don't you run off now, you hear? Michael.

Blink and I'll put your brains all over this wall, boy.

Angie tells me you're looking for some g*ns.

- Well, who said we had 'em?

- A fella named Pavlon.

Emile Pavlon told me to look you guys up.

Go get us a couple of cold beers.

You know Emile, huh?

- How's he doin' these days?

- He's not doing too good.

He's in Torreon Federal Prison in Guatemala.

Yeah, we heard about that.

Too bad.

Is that where you met him? No.

I met him in a little town called Sabana Grande in Puerto Rico in 1979.

He was running Thompsons by the thousands down there to Belize.

Did some business.

He told me to look you guys up.

What'd he say about us? He said your prices are too high.

He also told me you got access to some of the best a*t*matic as*ault r*fles around.

Now tell me somethin'.

Does Emile still have that tattoo on his arm? Which arm? He's got 'em on both.

You got anythin' particular in mind? The Nunn X


Hey, that's a real good choice.

Good g*n.

How many you lookin' for? How many you got?

- Twenty boxes, eight to a box.

- How much?

- Fifteen hundred a copy.

You want 'em all?

- Yeah.

- Two hundred and forty thousand, cash.

- When can we do it? Well, when can you have the money? Tomorrow.

We'll be ready.

When you're ready, contact Angie.


See if you can get a line on Emile Pavlon.

I want to know if this guy is who he says he is.

The wages of sin is death.

I know what the Bible says, Carlos.

Mi hermano, if you want to talk to me, talk to me as a brother, not as a priest.

I can't separate the two, Roberto.

No Christian can.

You can't go on living with one foot in each world.

Church on Sunday, business as usual on Monday.

Why not? The rest of the world does.

Roberto, you listen to me.

You're the youngest.

You can change.

You can leave all this craziness behind you.

How? By becoming a priest like you? One priest is enough in any family.

Someone has to fight.

Why? Because if we don't fight, we'll be k*lled.

You know that.

It's one thing to sit in church and talk about v*olence and death and how it must end.

But it's another thing when you can't drive down the street without wondering if they're behind you.

It's another thing when you can't even go to your own sister's wedding without being shot.

You talk about me changing, leaving.

What about the family? What should I do, turn my back while they sh**t my brothers? They're my brothers, too, you know.

Because I don't fight and sh**t and k*ll, does that mean I've turned my back? Not to my family.

To v*olence, yes.

To sin and death, yes, I've turned my back.

They're different things, Roberto.

Don't turn away from me.

You never cease to amaze me.

You almost made a liar out of me on this one, Michael.

I believe I told you that I had every contingency covered.

Looks to me like you do.

By the skin of my teeth.

Two hundred and forty thousand dollars is a large sum of money to raise overnight.

I had to borrow from several accounts.

One of them being the annual charity benefit fund.

Oh, you're telling me to be careful, right? Please do.

What's that? A receipt for the money.

You don't trust me? My dear fellow, a mere formality.

Thank you.


I can read it.

How's KITT? Practicing Spanish every chance he gets.

I had him run a make on all the cars that were there last night.

Interesting collection of people, Devon.

There's a couple from Canada, people from Florida, a couple from Peru.

I'm not surprised.

The Stones are nomads.

They have no home, no permanent address, no families, no roots.

They will rent a house, live in it for a couple of weeks, then suddenly disappear.

They seem to have adopted techniques of modern guerrilla warfare and brought it home.

The Lagunas are sitting ducks.

When will you know if it's on? When the phone rings.

Michael, don't take any chances.

The serial numbers on these bills have been recorded.

When you take possession of the weapons, call me.

You got it.

We meeting them at the house?

- Uh


Somewhere else.

I'm sorry about last night.

I mean, the way they treated you.

That's all in a day's work.

- You seem different.

- From what? The other people in this business.

So do you.

It's just up ahead.

There it is.

Turn left on that little road.

What's that? It's a computerized burglar alarm.

I just got it the other day.

I thought you said they'd supply transportation for the g*ns.

They did.

It's probably in the warehouse.

Go ahead.

They're waitin' on you.

I like company.

They don't.

Drop the briefcase.

! Drop it or so help me I'll sh**t you where you stand.

Is this how the Stones do business? They don't know anything about this.

If you try and follow me, so help me, I'll sh**t.

I'm sorry, Michael.

I am really sorry.

KITT, check your scanners.

You got a car out there?

- No, Michael.

But there is a helicopter.

- All right, get in here fast! Let's get that chopper.

KITT, I'm activating ground


-air surveillance and the electrical jammer.

- Michael, she's got Devon's money, doesn't she? Yes, she does.

Do you know who the Foundation's annual charity benefit is for?

- I don't want to know.

- Widows and orphans.

Well, like I said, let's get that chopper.

Give me everything you got on thejammer.

Hey, I can't get this thing to climb.

What the hell's goin' on here? She just won't climb.

Pull enough juice from that coil to bring her down and I swear to you I'll erect a monument in your name.

I'll do my best, Michael.

It's working, KITT.

She's gonna have trouble clearing that peak.

All right, keep her steady.

- What happened?

- I was forced to activate my retro



- Ohh!

- Widows and orphans, Michael.


- Yes, Michael? No monument.

I don't know anything about her.

But, Father, you gave me her name.

It was given to me.

By whom? I can't tell you that.

What do you mean you can't tell me that? You got to tell me that.

She's robbed me of $240,000 that I'm responsible for.

It was given to me in the sanctity of the confessional.

I'd be violating my vows if I told you.

Just please try to understand.

Michael, Roberto's disappeared.

What do you mean Roberto's disappeared? He was in the hospital.

He checked out an hour ago against medical advice.

No one's heard from him.

Father, you don't you don't think it's the Stones? I don't know what else to think.

Do you? I'll let you know.

I'm sorry.

Visiting hours are over.

I'm not visiting.

I'm here to see about a patient that was in this room Roberto Laguna? You'll have to check with admissions.

I've checked with admissions.

They don't know.

Where you on duty when he left the room? I'm really not authorized to answer these questions.

Miss, it's a matter of life and death.

Come here.

I want you to take a look at something.

KITT, I need a visual on Angie.

Right away.

What's going on here? Wh

-What kind of car is this? Is that the girl?

- Oh, my God.

That's amazing.

- Is that the girl? Yes.

Thank you very much.

It is amazing.

KITT, give me all you got on Angie.

Full name Angeline Martin.

- Devon is calling.

- Tell him I'm in transit.

Angeline Martin, Texas driver's license number F10762B.

No registered vehicle, no current address, father deceased, mother's whereabouts unknown.

- Great.

- I'm not finished.

Well, I'm sorry.

Sister Monica Johnson, divorced.

Angie used her address for mail until two months ago.

Well, if they're looking to lay low for a couple of days, it's worth a shot.

Where does she live? Gatesville, Texas.


-nine miles west

-southwest of Waco.

KITT, plot me the most likely course from here to Gatesville.

Get me the sister's address.

Devon's calling again.

Tell him Michael, I'm not constitutionally constructed to lie.

None of us are, KITT.

Think of it as a temporary condition for a good cause.

What cause? My hide.

Buenos dias, mis amigos.

- How did you find us?

- What do you want? To start with, how about the money.

Come on in.

Make yourselves comfortable.

I'll take that.


How much is gone? Four hundred dollars and some change.

- Helicopters aren't cheap, you know.

- Yeah, I know.

Not much is these days, except maybe promises.

- You got your money back.

What do you want from us?

- For a change of pace how about the truth?

- Why'd you set me up?

- I had no other choice.

Oh, I don't know what that means.

All right, you want the truth? Roberto and I met in The Embers three months ago.

We fell in love.

We didn't mean to.

Itjust happened.

And then we realized we couldn't be in love, not in Houston, not in Texas where the Lagunas and the Stones are at w*r.

We wanted to leave, but we didn't have enough money.

And then you came along with a briefcase full of money.

- It seemed like like Providence.

- It wasn't.

Who are you to talk, to judge? You deal in illegal weapons.

No, Roberto, I say I deal in illegal weapons.

There's a big difference.


-Who are you? That doesn't matter.

What matters is I'm here to stop this warfare, to stop the illegal sale of X

-19s to Central America or anyplace else.

I'm telling you, Angie, I still need your help.

- Y

-You mean you'd trust me, after all that's happened?

- I didn't say that.

- Well, what do you want me to do?

- Come back to Houston with me.

Why? If you said you did what you did on your own if that's true Ricky and D.


Still got 20 cases of X

-19s for sale.

But this is our chance.

If we don't get out now There's more to it than you and Roberto at stake here.

There are other people, other lives.

You can't make a new start until you clean this one up first.

Now I'm telling you, Angie, I need your help.


Devon, it's all right now.

Michael, don't tell me.

You lost the money.

- I didn't lose the money.

- Then why have you been avoiding me?

- I ran into a few problems.

- You lost the money.

Well, I

-I misplaced the money, but I got it back.

I knew it.

Michael, that charity money was for I know, Devon, I know widows and orphans.

Listen, I gotta go.

I'll call you as soon as I know what's happening.

Give my love to Bonnie, huh? What'd you tell them? I told them we were delayed, but everything was all right now.

Are we on? Because we didn't show up today, they want to see the money first this time, in person.

Eduardo, es Roberto.

Como estas? Si, si, si.

Mira, Edward, something's happened.

I know how we can find el corazones de piedras.

It's all here.

What happened today? Sorry, guys.

I ran into a few problems.

Yeah, but you don't expect any problems tomorrow, do you? Nope.

I'll be here with the money.

You be here with the g*ns.

This is your last chance, boy.

You screw up tomorrow and you find somebody else, if you can.

I'll be here.

Hey, hold on a minute.

I forgot to tell you.

This fella stopped by.

Says he knows an old friend of yours.

My friends here tell me you know Emile Pavlon.


Yeah, I do.

You know Emile? He's one of my closest friends.

Then he went to Guatemala and voila.

I'd visit him, but I have an aversion to prison.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Well, it's nice to meet a friend of Emile's.

Good luck.

Yeah, thanks.

Take it easy.

You know him? I've never seen him before.

Do you think he's with the Lagunas? That'd be my guess.

They've been trying to get a fix on us for months.

Well, we'll have a big surprise for them tomorrow.

Three, four, five thousand.

It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Emile.

Don't be too mad at me.

Right now, I'm more concerned with who that guy was back there.

- Who do you think he was?

- I don't know.

That's the problem.

You know him? Uh


I know I lied to you, Michael.

I'm not askin'you to excuse it.

Just try and understand it.

It won't happen again.

- I'd like to believe that.

- You can.

I just hope Roberto stays where he is.

Well, he's waitin' for me.

Why wouldn't he stay?

- He loves me.

- Oh, I don't doubt that.

- Then what do you mean?

- Angie, he's been in love with you for months.

He's been a Laguna all his life.

Yeah, who is it? Devon.

- Hello.

Going dancing?

- Don't I wish.

What's up? I happened to be in the neighborhood.

Yeah, and I happen to be a high

-wire walker on my way to a circus.

- What is it?

- I've been in touch with the Guatemalan authorities.


I appreciate that.

Emile Pavlon escaped from Torreon Prison the day before yesterday.

Michael, I want you to cancel that buy tomorrow.

Why? Because he had help.

Somebody paid off the guards.

It may have been someone working with the Stones.

It could have been someone else, too, you know.

Look, Emile Pavlon was in jail for over two years.

Doesn't it strike you as peculiar that he should escape the day after you use his name for cover? Michael, I admire your dedication.

I love your courage.

But I do not, however, want to mourn your death.

What about the other deaths, Devon? You know, what about the people in Central America? What about the innocent people in Houston? As usual, the decision is yours.

If you decide not to take the chance, call me.

What happens if I don't make that call? Then I shall be waiting on standby as agreed.

Michael, whatever you decide to do, I'm behind you all the way.

Michael, I don't know what it is.

What? I'm so scared.

I have this awful feelin'.

It's gonna be okay, isn't it? It'll be okay.

- What are you doin'now?

- I'll explain later.

- There's no one inside.

- What's that, that voice?

- Michael, there are three cars approaching.

- Where are they? How far away? Two hundred yards and closing fast.

I've also detected movement in the ravine by the road.

- It's an ambush.

Notify Devon.

- Michael, over the rise.


Oh, God, no.

He'll be k*lled.

They'll all be k*lled.

Angie! Roberto! Roberto! All right, get ready.

Open the door! Now! Let's hit 'em with a little tear gas.

Good ol' Devon.

This is the police.

Cease firing and throw down your weapons.

I repeat, cease firing and throw down your weapons.

- Michael, Ricky's gettin'away.

- Hang on, Angie.

Here we go.

It's over.

You're free now, you and Roberto.

Devon, Roberto wouldn't be here if I hadn't brought Angie back.

I'll see what I can do.

Captain, I rather think in this case an exception is in order.

Need a lift? Well, you don't think I'm gonna hoof it, do you? Oh, I see you're picking up on the local vernacular.

All I need to learn now is the Texas two


I would have thought the Viennese waltz is more your style.

Dear fella, the fox

-trot is as far back as I can go.

Why, thank you, KITT.




Well, lookee who's here.

Now you did say "some other time," didn't you, dude? Michael, I believe those were your exact words.

Okay, mean machine, pedal to the metal.

Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.