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01x21 - Nobody Does it Better

Posted: 05/08/23 17:37
by bunniefuu
- There's nobody driving that Did you see that?

- Hold it together, okay, Armand? Whoever is stealing your software is doing it from the inside.

There's this strange woman.

She's following me around.

She's even taking pictures of me.

Julian is a devious little worm.

I wouldn't put anything past him.

He may have been fooling around with her, but he didn't k*ll her.

Now, there's one road out of this dump, and if I see either one of you on it, the lady dies.

Let's get him, buddy! Yeah! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Freeze! Come in.

Sorry to bother you, Mr.


We caught this guy prowling around Sector "A.


- Good work.

- Should I call the police? No.

I'll take care of it from here.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Good night, Mr.


Good evening, Michael.

I'd like you to meet the president of Delton Micronics.

Elliot Stevens, Michael Knight.



Where'd they catch you? Outside the programming room.

You mean even without KITT's assistance, you managed to penetrate the outer security perimeter? Only because I've been well trained, Devon.

But once I got right about here, it was all over.

- There was no way you could enter the programming room?

- No, not without the access code.


Stevens, whoever is stealing your software is doing it from the inside.

I was afraid of that.

You know, sometimes I wish I still ran this company out of my garage.

I'm just not prepared to deal with industrial espionage.

Fortunately, the Foundation is.


Stevens, how many of your employees have access to the programming room? Myself and four others.

But I can't believe any one of them would steal our prototypes.

Why not? Computer software is a "boom or bust" industry.

I mean, one lucky strike, and you're an instant millionaire.

- You're living proof of that, Elliot.

- And look what I got to show for it an ulcer and a new set of corporate types who demand more and more profits.

All I ever wanted to do was design video games.

It still baffles me that they've become so popular.

Sorry, Bonnie.

Would you care to try again? No, thank you, KITT.

You know how low my resistance is.

I don't want to get hooked on Space Cadet.

Whatever you say, Bonnie.

However, I'd like to point out that this is a game of skill, designed not only to challenge one's hand

-eye coordination, but to stimulate strategic thinking as well.

As long as you put it that way, one more quick one.

If you say so.

Hello, Bonnie.

How are you doing with KITT? Fine.

His data banks are overflowing with everything you ever wanted to know on Delton Micronics personnel files, business reports, stockholders, leading competitors, not to mention their entire line of video games.

Video games? Which one are you playing? Space Cadet.

- Care to play, Michael?

- Hey, Devon, wanna play? See if you can b*at me? Michael, I have no intention of engaging in a game of Space Cadet.

- Why not?

- Because I fail to understand the attraction of such a frivolous pastime.

I'll bet your mother used to tell you the same thing when you'd run off and play cricket.

Cricket, frivolous? Actually, it was my nanny.

And I happened to be in kindergarten at the time.

You're never too old for video games.

- Sorry, Michael.

- Aah! You oughta try it sometime.

You'll like it.

Catch you later.

KITT, give me a rundown on the four suspects, will ya? Certainly, Michael.

Each of the individuals possesses a degree in computer science and is considered a top man in the profession.

The two men pictured have been close friends of Elliot Stevens since college and would seem highly unlikely to betray him.

What about the other two? Unfortunately, the personal data I've compiled sheds no light whatsoever on their potential for criminal behavior.

- In other words, you're stumped.

- Perhaps if I did some cross


KITT, isn't there any information in the files, anything at all, that's out of the ordinary? I'm not sure if this fits into that category, but one of the suspects maintains two local addresses.

- Who's that?

- Julian Groves.

Uh, great.

Let me see your moves.




All right.

Far out.

Get down.


- You done?

- Huh? Oh, yeah.

Hey, listen, thanks a lot.

You want me to send you a couple copies from Des Moines? Don't they skate out there? No, we're still into hula hoops.

You sure this is the place? According to my data, Julian has a court reserved for this time every Wednesday morning.

"Hillsdale Tennis Club.

" Well, we gotta start somewhere.

Might as well be here.


That fresh? Squeezed it myself.

How about a double? Coming right up.

Whoo! She's really putting on a show out there.

What'd you say? I was just checking out that, uh Oh, that's Connie Chasen.

She's one of our instructors.

No kidding? What do you want, more money? Look, the money has nothing to do with it.

You can have all the money back.

I just want out.

I'm afraid it's not that easy, Julian.

The fact is you're an industrial spy, and since that fact is so easy to bring to the attention of the police Wait.

You wouldn't do that.

I wouldn't want to, Julian.

All I want is you to bring me the last program you promised me.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute.

You don't understand.

There's this, uh There's this strange woman.

She's following me around.

She's even taking pictures of me.

You're letting the pressure get to you.

No one's after you.

You don't have a thing to worry about.

I took the liberty of bringing you a refill.

That wasn't necessary.

No, but it gave me a great excuse to come over here.


I'm Michael Knight.

You play? What? Tennis? Oh.


I was thinking about taking lessons.

You're not a member here? Not exactly.

Come on.

I'll buy you a celery tonic.

You know her? She's an instructor here.

You might talk to her.

Celery tonic.

Yeah, same thing.

You should take it easy.

There she is! There who is? The girl that's been tailing me.

I gotta get out of here.

Julian! Excuse me.

Michael, Julian just left.

He seemed to be in quite a hurry.

I know.

Let's find out why.

You got it, pal.

What did you learn aboutJulian? Two things, KITT.

He's a lousy tennis player, and we're not the only ones interested in him.

Michael, would the other interested party happen to be an attractive brunette? Good guess, KITT.

She's been following us since we left the tennis club.

Michael, why are we slowing down? I don't want to lose her.

Not yet anyway.

- What aboutJulian?

- Keep him on the tracking scope.

We'll get back to him later.

Meanwhile, let's find a cozy corner where we can have a little talk with our curious lady friend, huh? All right, lady, out.

- Hold it right there, mister, and put your hands up.

- Who are you? I got the g*n.

I get to ask the questions.


Is that the way it works? You never, ever point a g*n at somebody unless you intend to use it.

Now, you got that? I think it's time we had a real serious discussion here.

Oh, Officer, thank God you're here! You just saved my life! This man pulled me over, dragged me from the car, was about to as*ault me.

- as*ault you?

- Be careful, Officer.

I think he's dangerous.

- Okay, pal, turn around and assume the position.

- Now, wait a minute.

Hands on your head.

Oh, my gosh! He had a g*n! Officer, that's not my g*n.

Never is.

Now, who says there's never a cop around when you need one? Michael, I'm glad you're back.

So am I.

I don't like jails.

I don't like police impounds.

KITT, you run a check on that license plate? If you're referring to the attractive brunette, the car is registered under the name of Flannery Roe.

Address? 2818 Euclid Avenue.

I take it that's our immediate destination.

You got that right.

Here we are, Michael.

Okay, sit tight.

Flannery? Connie Chasen? Hello? Hello, Julian? I just called to say that I'm free tonight.

Tonight? Isn't that a little premature? I really want to see you, Julian.

Um, can't it wait till the end of the week? No, something's happened.

It has to be tonight.

Um, Connie, I don't think this is a good idea.

- What about that girl that

- Julian, would you stop worrying so much? Now, what time do you get through with work? Eight.

But, Connie Perfect.

I'll meet you at your place at 8:30.

Don't disappoint me, Julian.

Michael? Michael?

- KITT, you there?

- Michael, what happened?

- Are you all right?

- No.

Yeah, I'm fine.

Listen, get on the phone to Devon.

Tell him I need some background information on one Connie Chasen.

- She's an instructor at the tennis club.

- I'll relay the message at once.


Hello, Flannery.



I had a feeling our paths would cross again.

Cross is not the word.

You don't happen to have some very large associate Don't let me interrupt you.

Why don't you just trash the rest of the place? As much as I'd like to even the score here, this is not my handiwork.

Oh, I see.

Well, if you didn't come to loot and plunder, what brings you here? I wanna find out what your connection is with Julian Groves.

I don't know anyJulian Groves.

Come on.

I know you were hired to tail the man.

I just wanna find out why.

That is privileged information, Mr.


If I was to tell you anything, I would be violating the confidential relationship with my client.

All right, let me give you a piece of advice here.

Just lay offJulian Groves.

Now, that sounds more like an order to me.

Well, maybe it is an order, but just stay out of my way, all right?

- Want me to stay out of your way? Stay out of my office.

- You're in over your head here.

If you're not real careful, you're gonna drown.

Hello? Hello, Mrs.

Groves? It's Flannery Roe.

Oh, hello, Flannery.

How's it going? Well, except for a few minor setbacks, it looks like tonight's gonna be the clincher.

- What do you mean?

- They're getting together atJulian's apartment.

I see.

Look, I know this isn't easy for you, but in the long run you're gonna be glad you hired me.

Now, look, I'll call you first thing in the morning and we'll set a time to get together and discuss the next step.

Okay, whatever you say.


-bye, Flannery.



Well, your friend Miss Chasen has, shall we say, a rather colorful background.

Not only is she a gifted athlete, she was formerly one of the top fashion models in New York.

Where, according to society pages, she was romantically involved with some of the wealthiest men on the East Coast.

What's she been doing lately? Well, she's been keeping a rather low profile.

Apart from her job at the tennis club, she's been playing bit parts in several unremarkable movies.

So we're talking about a very ambitious and very attractive young lady.

- I'd say so.

- Then what's she doing with Julian Groves? As I understand it, Michael, you think Connie's been using Julian.

Let's just say it's more than a hunch and less than a certainty, pal.

But we have no proof.

Hey, how about a little patience, huh?

- Does that sound like business or pleasure?

- You got me, pal.

Julian, where the hell are you?

- How did you know it was me?

- I'm psychic.

Did you get what I asked for? Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Look, I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it out of here.

What do you mean? There's a party here for some of the secretaries.

- There's dozens of people around.

I just don't think

- Julian, listen to me.

It doesn't make Relax.

Take a deep breath.

Count to ten.

You're gonna be fine.

Now, isn't that better? Yeah, yeah, I think so.

I can't tell.


Now just walk out like everything's normal.

Nobody will notice you.


Okay, I'll, uh, see you in 15 minutes.


Okay, KITT, give it your best sh*t.



! Looks likeJulian had his hand in the cookie jar again, huh? Just as you suspected.

Shall we apprehend him? No, not yet.

Julian's only half the equation.

Now we follow what's inside that briefcase.

Lock him in on the tracking scope.

- What's he doing?

- As far as I can tell, he's hyperventilating.

Here we go, KITT.

Michael, it looks like he's heading for home.

Thanks, pal.

Do you see what I see? Afraid so, KITT.

It's Flannery.

Thank you.

Flannery, maybe you should eat something, huh? No, thanks.

This is about all my stomach can handle right now.

You just had a pretty strong dose of reality.

It'll take you a while to shake it off.

It was my first m*rder, that's all.

They say once you get the first one under your belt, it hardens you.

No, that's not true.

You never get used to it.

Are you some kind of expert? Not really.


Michael, you don't have to stay here and hold my hand.

Flannery, did it ever occur to you that you might not be cut out for this kind of business? No! And why would you even ask me that question? Because I'm a woman? Because without the support of a big, strong man, I'd fall to pieces? No, that's not what I meant.

Oh, sure.

This whole thing is Julian's fault, not mine.

If he wasn't cheating on his wife, none of this would have happened.

Julian wasn't cheating on his wife.

That's your opinion.

I happen to believe otherwise.

Julian is a devious little worm.

I wouldn't put anything past him, including m*rder.

Is that what you're gonna tell his wife? She hired me to learn the truth.

We don't even know the truth yet not all of it.

I thought you weren't an expert.

You want a ride home? No, thank you.

Despite what you may think, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

I hope so.

I really do.

The police wantJulian in for questioning.

Devon, I'm telling you.

Julian didn't do it.

Your intuition notwithstanding, he's the number one suspect.

He may be a thief, butJulian Groves is no m*rder*r.

Well, unfortunately, he's not around to proclaim his innocence.

What do you expect? Put yourself in his shoes.

He goes to his room to meet Connie.

He finds her dead.

Would you hang around? Especially if you got a briefcase worth a million bucks? That's pure speculation.

What's Julian's motive? What could he possibly gain by k*lling her? Yes? Show him in.

We've lost it.

The source code for our hottest new game disappeared last night.

- We know.

- You told me you had reason to believe thatJulian was the thief.

All you had to do was nab him, and we'd still have the program.

We wanted to find out who was buying as well as who was selling your secrets.

The only time I try to k*ll two birds with one stone is when I know for damn sure they're not gonna fly away.

Julian's a fugitive now.

He certainly won't be coming back to work.

So at least we've eliminated the espionage problems.

The point is, who was Julian selling the programs to? There are so many new companies.

Your guess is as good as mine.

We're not in the guessing business, Mr.


- You might as well be.

- I believe we have nothing further to talk about.

You're right.

I've gotta start working on some excuses for my board of directors.

I'll see you around.


Michael, where are you going? There may not be anything else to talk about, but I'm gonna go get some questions answered.

- How you doing?

- You're the orange juice, right? Good memory.

I'm sorry about that instructor.

I read it in the newspapers this morning.

It's a hell of a way to go.

- Yeah.

- Did you know her well? What do you mean? Well, from what I read between the lines, she liked to live in the fast lane.

Hey, who cares, huh? The lady's dead.

There's no sense dragging her name through the mud.

I'm sorry.

Flannery, what are you doing here? That's none of your business.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna make it my business.

I thought you learned something about yourself last night.

What I learned was that the tough don't have to get going just 'cause the going gets tough.

Flannery, one person is dead here.

Don't try to scare me, Michael.

All I'm trying to do is keep you from getting hurt.

Thanks, but danger is my business.

Will you stop playing junior private eye for a minute and listen to me? In spite of all your snooping around here, you got no idea what's going on.

Julian and Connie have a business relationship.

She was his middleman, not his mistress.

Why do you insist on protecting Julian? Because I don't believe he's a m*rder*r.

You're crazy.

Okay, I'm crazy.

Do you have any idea where I might find Julian? If I did, why should I tell you? This is my case.

Yeah, well, you have it your way.

Michael, what makes you think Julian's wife will cooperate? I'm an eternal optimist, KITT.


Groves? I'm Michael Knight.

I already told the police everything I know.


I'm not with the police department.

One of the papers? No, I'm a friend.

Yeah, well, if you're a friend, then you'll go away.

It's very important that I find your husband.

Well, I wish I could help you, but I haven't spoken toJulian in weeks.

He could be in Afghanistan for all I know or care.

No, that's not true.

That he's not in Afghanistan? No.

That you don't care.


I care.

I know thatJulian's in a lot of trouble, but honest to God, I don't know where he is.

But I do know that he couldn't have k*lled that girl.

He may have been fooling around with her, but he didn't k*ll her.

He wasn't fooling around with her either.

How do you know? Can I come in? Yeah.


Groves, your husband wasn't fooling around with Connie Chasen.

Your husband was stealing computer programs from Delton Micronics.

Connie Chasen was just taking them off his hands.

You mean he wasn't They No, they weren't.

Well, maybe that's why he started acting so strangely.

What do you mean? Well, it used to be that Julian spent all his free time with his computer.

All he cared about was his work.

I mean, he never had any interest in all at sports.

And then one day, he decides he wants to play tennis.

- Next, he's fishing.

- He mention where he went fishing? Shaker Lake.

Michael, are you all right?

- Yeah, KITT, I'm just thinking.

- About what? I thinkJulian's fishing trips were a cover for something else.

Punch up the dates when the thefts were reported, will ya? Check this out.

Each ofJulian's trips took place a day or two after a robbery.

All right, plot me the fastest course to Shaker Lake.

Let's go.

Michael, there are two things I still don't understand.

- Only two?

- What wereJulian's fishing trips a cover for? My guess is they gave him a place to stash the payoff money.

There's his car, KITT.

Looks like we hit the jackpot.

Michael, my sensors are picking up two voices emanating from the cabin.

Two voices? Here, you can have all the computer programs and the money Connie gave me.

That's very generous of you, Julian.

Now, put the briefcase in the gym bag.

You've gotta believe me.

I didn't k*ll her.

I swear.

! Sure, Julian.


You can tell me all about it on the way back to town.

Who are you? I'll tell you later.

You stay put.

Michael, behind you.

! One more move, and the lady's a memory.

Armand, you don't know what you're getting yourself into here.

That's what you think.

Let's go.

You're coming with me.


- Are you sure? I mean, I'm really not very good company, and we have so little in common.

If you wanna leave, just leave.

You don't need the girl.

She's my insurance policy.

Now, there's one road out of this dump, and if I see either one of you on it, the lady dies.

- Michael, aren't you gonna do something?

- Yeah.

He's gonna wave good


Let's go.

Hey, who is she? And who are you, anyway? Believe it or not, she's a private eye.

My name is Michael Knight.

I work for the Foundation for Law and Government.

Julian, I gotta bring you in.

I had to ask.

Look, it's time to put your life back together and stop running.

Yeah? So what about Armand? Are you gonna let him get away scot

-free? No, I'm not.

Come on.

You know, you really should have both hands on the wheel.

Hey, shut up, huh? I don't need you to tell me how to drive.

It was merely a suggestion.

There's that black car again.

I'd hate to show them I wasn't bluffing.

- What are you talking about? There's no car back there.

- There was a minute ago.

Let's try to hold it together, okay, Armand? It all started at the tennis club.

She wanted me to show her a program.

That's the only way I was involved.

You gotta believe me.

I didn't k*ll her.

I believe you, Julian.

I believe you.

But from now on, it's up to the police.

What the There's nobody driving that Did you see that? There's nobody driving the car.

! Armand, get a hold of yourself.

- Pull over!

- I don't believe this! Didn't you hear me? I said, pull over! You better do what he says.

That car means business.

What the

- Nice work, KITT.

- Just following your instructions, Michael.

All right, man, you're too dumb to be the brains behind this whole scam.

I want some names.

I don't know names.

You're in for m*rder, extortion and kidnapping.

You wanna go to prison all by yourself? Hey, get out ofhere, man.

She was my old lady.

Why should I k*ll her? Maybe she was having some action on the side? I was cool about that.

Now, who was it? I don't know! I never saw him.

I just knew she had somebody on the side, man.

I don't know who.

All right, get out of here.

He's all yours.


- I'm sorry.

- Are you sure this is absolutely necessary? Yeah, it is.

But I promise you, I'll do everything I can to help you.

I don't know what to say, except I'm sorry.

I never thought to give your husband the benefit of the doubt.

Well, as long as Julian's safe, that's all I care about.

Would you like to see him? Of course.

But I feel sort of funny seeing him now.

I mean, after everything that's happened.

Well, I'll go along, if you like.

I think it's the least I can do after all the anguish I've caused you.

Oh, thanks.

Just give me a second to get ready, okay? Sure.

Linda, I got one quick question.

You told meJulian was never interested in sports, right? Not until he joined that stupid tennis club.

That's when all the problems started.

Why did he join? A man at work talked him into it.

Do you remember who that was? Yes.

As a matter of fact, I do.

Hello? You don't know me, Mr.

Stevens, but I'm an old friend of Connie Chasen's.

We went through modeling school together back in New York.

Is that what you called to tell me? The night Connie was k*lled, she brought a briefcase to my apartment.

She said if anything happened to her, I should get in touch with you.

- Look, I don't know what you're talking about.

- In that case, I'll just turn it over to the police.

No, wait.

Um, you don't have to do that.

Connie also said there'd be some money in it for me.

All right.

Where can I meet you? How about the tennis club? Okay, the tennis club.

How will I know you? I'll know you.

I believe we spoke on the telephone earlier.

You have something for me? And you have something for me? It's all yours.

I never want to see you again.

It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

- There he is.

- Yeah, I see him.

Let's get him, buddy.

Michael, I detect an obstruction ahead.

He's getting away in the tow truck.

Let's go, buddy.

! Yeah! Whoo! He's just ahead, Michael.

All right, let's head him off.

- He's heading for the wrecking yard.

- Stay with him, pal.

You see him? There he is.

Michael, it looks like he's going to ram us.

Whoo! If I had nerves, that would've been nerve


You know, Devon was wrong.

We got lots to talk about.

I still can't figure out what Stevens's motive was.

Devon learned that a decision had been made in secret to replace Stevens as president of the company.

Unfortunately, he got wind of it, so Stevens decided to trade Delton's experimental programs to another company in exchange for a future job.

But why would he bring in the Foundation if he was behind the whole caper? He thought it would remove suspicion from him.

Besides, he was setting Julian up to take the fall, not only for the rip

-off, but for Connie's m*rder too.

I was so sure all that was going on was a little hanky

-panky between Julian and Connie.


What'll happen to him? Julian? Under the circumstances, probation.

Oh, I hope so.

I'm gonna feel real guilty till he and Linda get back together.

What on earth is here? Julian told me to tell you that is a small token of his appreciation.

What am I supposed to do with it? Here, I'll show you.

Devon, I think you'll find it rather amusing.

Really? Watch it, Devon.

You'll get hooked.
