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03x03 - The Perfect Solution

Posted: 05/09/23 04:10
by bunniefuu
You scared the hell out of me.

What are you doing out?

Do you get vacations in prison?

I broke out.


Actually, I didn't even do it.

Someone paid off the guards
and broke me out.

You're kidding, right? Who?

At first, I thought it was Dad,
but then I heard the news...

So, you decided to make things easier
for him on his last day by coming here?

Hey! I never should have been in prison
in the first place.

Judy told me the whole thing
was a covert CIA mission.

Including the part where I got hypnotized?


I have nowhere to go.


- Alex. Hey. What's up?
- Hey.

Are you all right? You...
You look a little off. Is everything okay?

I, um... I just needed some time to think.
It's been a hard day.

Well, hey, maybe we can think together.

Unless you'd, you know, rather be alone.

Kind of.

I'll join you downstairs in a bit, okay?

I think I'm gonna hop
in the shower, clean up.

I mean,
I do look "off" and all.

Hey, no. You...

You look beautiful.

Um, I'll see you later, okay?

We have to get you out of here.

Nobody will look for you here.

So, Dad really resigned over a hike?

Brooke, were you in danger?

- No, we were fine.
- Okay, good.

Because if anything had happened to you...

Stay here.

I'll get you a blanket.


Don't these guys have anything
more important to cover than this school?

How's your hand?

Are you hungry? I can totally feed you...

Becca, thanks. I'm good.

Oh, hey, Alex. How's Brooke?

She's been better.

I feel awful.

Well, you should.
This is really all your fault.

No, it's not, Becca.

Look, I love Louis just as much as anyone,
but he made his decision,

and now he needs to live
with the consequences.

It's what he's been teaching us...

...since the day he got here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Guys, my dad just texted.

He's on the Greenhouse board of directors.

He said they've already come up

with a list
of potential replacements for Louis.

Now we know how you got into school.

Hmm, funny. You wanna hear this or not?

Well, there's Kevin Steen,

uh, the guy who retired at age 24
after creating a very...

Another useless social media app.

Yeah, let's put the Greenhouse
in the hands of a 12-year-old.

Okay. Um, Rachel Chavez.

She's one of the biggest
venture capitalists in Silicon Valley.

- She's amazing.
- She'd turn this place

into a brain factory and steal
every ingenious idea these kids have.

Okay. What about Roger Cupertino?

He's the guy that started
the software company Switchback at age 16.

High school dropout.
Great role model for the students.

All right, so,
there's that one guy, Roger...

- Roger Cupertino?
- Yeah.

He's a legend.

Who dropped out of high school.

But he's a bazillionaire.

That doesn't make a good headmaster.

Neither does someone who's practically
our age and skateboards to work.

Face it, guys,
things are gonna change here.

Yeah, I mean, it's not like

the new headmaster is just
gonna fall out of the sky or something.


Wait. Hayley, you're a genius.

- What?
- Someone did fall out of the sky.

I gotta go talk to Louis.

What is he talking about?


I am sorry to interrupt.

I know who will be the perfect headmaster
for the Greenhouse.

- Oh, hey. You feeling better?
- Um, yeah.

Great. Well, come with us.

We have something amazing
to tell everyone.

I wanna thank you all
for being here.

I have a few things I wanna say.

First, I wanna tell Sophie how proud I am
of you, for your brave choice.

I know a lot of you were trying
to protect me,

but Sophie taught us all
what a true leader does.

Most of all, she taught me.

Thank you, Sophie.

Secondly, I want to talk
about my replacement.

No one can replace you, Lou.

I have to admit, I didn't like the names
that were being thrown around out there.

But then Alex came up
with the perfect solution.

I've just offered the job
to Hayley and Alex's mom, Ryan Woods.

Our most famous
and esteemed alumnus,

and someone I have no doubt

will continue the vision
I have for you here at the Greenhouse.

- That's a great idea.
- Yeah. Will the Greenhouse board approve?

I don't see how someone can say no
to an American hero, do you?

That's so great.
Your mom will make the best headmaster.


And finally, I wanna end a difficult day
with a sense of optimism.

Looking forward, not backwards.

Parker, would you bring
your turntables down here?

- Hey!
- Okay, okay.

Hey, you trying to go out with a bang.

I think we all need
a little something to lift our spirits,

and I would like a farewell party.

How's your leg?

Much better.
I still can't do my moonwalk, though.

You're still a really great dancer, Max.

He seems to be coping well.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, I just spoke to Mom on the phone.
They're packing.

This is crazy.

Yeah, I mean, she said
it was kind of perfect timing

with her feeling well enough to work,
and Dad taking time off from the FBI.

She did miss an entire year of our lives.


I'm really sorry about your dad, Brooke.

I know. Thanks.

Well, having my mom here is a lot better
than having an outsider, right?

Yeah. Yeah, totally.

I mean, come on.
She's an alumni here. She...

Yeah, she was a Raven.

She graduated, like, with flying colors.
It's insane.

- Miss Hayley.
- Hello.

- What's up, bro?
- What's up?

Guys, your mom is saving the Greenhouse.
It's great.

- I know.
- Yeah! You're right, it's great.

- It really is great. It's great.
- Yes.

Hey, come dance with me.

Okay, but you need to know...

- Mmm-hmm.
- ...if this relationship is gonna work,

you have to be
a terrible dancer like I am.

Hmm. Well, you are in luck.

I'm terrible.

Come on.


Your money.

What happened to the other guy?

I don't know. You should ask his doctor.

Sit down.

He is $7,000 short.

What? No.
No, that's the $20,000 I owe you.

But you're late for one week.
It's $1,000 for every day you're late.

Dude, it takes time
to get a fight like that arranged.

Cost of doing business.

Well, that's not fair business.

I'm not the idiot who bet on the Cubs.

You better stay in shape if you want
to get us the rest of the money.

Hey, Enzo...

isn't that the chick you used to date?


Her name's Sophie.



Welcome to the Greenhouse.

Hey, Mom.

Mrs. Woods. On behalf
of the Ravens, I just wanted to say

how excited we all are
for having you here.

You're an American hero.

Thank you.
That is so thoughtful of you.

So, I cleaned out my files this morning.

Anything you'll need
for the Greenhouse, I left for you.

Thank you.

I know this is hard for you.

It's a little easier knowing you're here.

Come... Oh, this is your office now.

Come in.

- What's this?
- This is my resignation.

- Louis wasn't acting alone out there.
- Ryan, I'm...

Louis, no need. Uh...

Rob, I won't lie to you, I'm unhappy
about what happened on that hike.

But, uh, I know what it's like
when a superior asks you to do something.

It's hard to say no.

I'd like you to stay.

And if you do, I only ask one thing.

If I ever ask you to do something
you don't agree with, you tell me.

You have my word on that.

I really love those kids.

I know.

I knew I was leaving this place
in good hands.

Hey. Babe.

Oh, hey.

Wow. Oh, my God,
you came out of nowhere.

What are you doing?

I was just hungry.

I've been so, so upset, you know,

'cause of my dad,
that I haven't been able to eat.

I know this has been hard for you.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go eat now.

Shouldn't you, like,
help your parents move in?


Right. I... I should do that.




You have no idea what my dad's gonna do
if he sees him here.

- But you can't tell him.
- Brooke, I already lied to my dad once.

I can't do it again.

Alex, please.

For me.


You have five minutes to get out of here,
or I'm telling him everything.

I have nowhere to go.

I don't care.

Figure it out for once
and take responsibility.


Five minutes.

Go out the back exit.

Hey, I was sneaking out of
this place when you were in diapers.

Goodbye, sis. Take care.


Thanks for being
so understanding.

And Ryan said she'd be honored

if I continue to host
the tech convention at the Greenhouse.

So, in six weeks, I'll be back here again.
I'm sure the time will just fly by.


Honey, I'd take it all back if I could.

Daddy, it's not too late.

I'm sorry. I know I failed you.

- You didn't.
- I did.

I think I became so focused on Jason
and what happened to him

that I lost sight of everything else.

The people outside of that,
the people that mattered.


I just wanted to tell you both,
there is a learning curve for me, as well.

I will be leaning on you two to help me

with anything I might not know
as headmaster.

- Of course, Ryan.
- Any time.

Take it. It's okay.

One second.

- Hello?
- Hey, it's me. Missed you, babe.

Where are you calling me from?

I'm right here, outside.

Uh... Ryan, I have to take this.

That's fine.

Leo, while I have you,
I was wondering if you could explain

what happened with Hayley switching clubs.

I really don't know.
It was completely her decision.

I mean, could you tell me
why she wanted to leave?

And I am asking as headmaster,
not her mom.

Ryan... uh, Ms. Woods...

I really think that
you should ask Hayley that.

Ask me what?


So, you two are having
a nice chat about me?

I'm sure he was happy
to tell you his side.

- I didn't...
- Leo told me very little, actually.

Though, I think
you just told me everything.

Thank you for coming, Leo.

Good night, Ryan. Woods.

I didn't realize it was so personal
between you two.

It's not personal. It's over and done,
and happened before you even got here.

- Well, I'm here now.
- And I'm happy about that,

but I still need you to trust me
to make my own decisions, Mom.

Hey, Soph.

Hey. You scared me.

Funny, I was gonna say
the same thing about you.

You know,
with you having to move to Colombia

to live with your poor, sick aunt...

I was worried about you, Soph.

But here you've been the whole time,
just one hour away from me.

Look, Enzo, I got the chance of a lifetime
to come here, and I took it, okay?

It had nothing to do with you.

Of course.

You wanted nothing to do
with your old life.

Yeah, maybe I didn't.

I needed a fresh start,
and I needed to get...

You needed to get away from me.


You know what?

Yeah, you're right.


don't you remember
how great we were together?

- No.
- No?

No. You see, I remember making
a lot of bad choices together.

I'm not that girl anymore.

I don't believe that.

You're still you,

and I'm still me.

Please go.

Please go. There's nothing left
for you here. I have to get back.

Good girls are always in by curfew, huh?