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01x07 - Swimming Lessons

Posted: 05/09/23 04:26
by bunniefuu
I'm pushing for organic food in all of our cafeterias and I'll make sure our school complies with Title IX so our girls' sports teams can get equal support and coverage! Please, vote for me.

She's pretty good.

I have no idea what to say.

She's all talk.

Don't psych yourself out.

Listen, bro, just be yourself.

Go out there and mingle and get their votes.


So, Tammy! Hi.

I, um I wanted to humbly ask for your vote.

What have you got to offer? Um Me.

I mean, uh, you know, you and I have been friends for a while now, and I really think that's what Sophie's offering environmentally

-safe cleaning supplies for our locker rooms.

What's your platform? My platform? My platform is to, um You loved Daniel's platform, right? Why change platforms? You know, I think, um All right, look, change of plans.

- Don't talk.

- What? Yeah, just look confident and smile.

That's how politicians win votes all the time.

- With charm.

- With charm.

Yeah, I got charm.


Just, you know, get out there.

Is that what you're wearing? Wearing for what?

- The debate.

- What debate? Have you ever seen an election without a debate? Wait.

Normally you'd be right.

However, this is an emergency special election.

- Right.

- Exactly.

There's no need for a debate, Brooke.

If I were you, I'd prepare my candidate on the issues, instead of wasting time arguing.

A leader has to make decisions all day long.

The higher his or her position, the more critical their decisions are.

CEOs, judges, military officials, senators.


Today we'll be examining what a leader should do when he or she has to make life


-death decisions.

If you think that's complicated, you're right.

Over here, you can see a car crossing the rails.

Now here's the situation.

This train has malfunctioned.

It cannot stop.

It's gonna crash into the car and k*ll everyone who sits in it.

You can use the crane over here to redirect the tracks elsewhere.

But then, the train will crash into this wall, k*lling 20 passengers on board.

So that's your decision.

If you do nothing, five innocent people trapped in the car will die.

If you take action, you will cause the death of 20 passengers on the train.

What will you do? The most important thing is that you say

- you're a doer and not a talker.

- Yes.

Don't forget to ask Parker what he's done up until now.

Say you're as clean as a whistle.

Tell them you're determined and you always get what you want.

Look, and if you ever get stuck, just remind everyone that you're my best friend.



I can do that.

Being so close to me taught you to lead.

Anytime he mentions Daniel's name, tell him a captain should be judged on his own merits.

Okay, guys! We're ready.

You got this.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

You're ready.

Thank you.

Hey, Alex.

Hey, listen.

Even though you're Parker's advisor, your vote is your own.

- I know that.

- Okay, good.

So I trust you'll vote for the best candidate and not your best friend.

Using the crane will be m*rder.

I agree.

There is no moral justification for using the crane.

Are you crazy? You'd rather k*ll 20 people? Becca's right.

It's like what Spock said on Star Trek, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

" Leo, what do you think?

- I say flip a coin.

- Wow.

- That's a mature decision.

- I think it's an unfair dilemma.

Any choice would be problematic.

Any decision would be immoral.

Well, that's exactly what makes this dilemma so interesting.

I mean, most of the time, a leader has to choose between two evils.


Who gave you the right to choose who will live or who will die? No, it's not about having a right.

We are forced into a moral decision.

- It is, Max.

It is.

- Guys! Hold on a second.

There's one more thing I need you to take into consideration.

Something I haven't told you yet.

Hey! It's my dad! Let's say the people in the car are your parents, on their way to the Greenhouse to visit you.

Now what do you do? What's this? Your credentials for the NASA launch.

But I'm not going.

My father is.

Then you should convince him that you should go in his place.

Have you met my dad? There's no way he'd let me steal his moment in the sun.

You were the one who told me that you wanted to be a part of something big, right? You said wanted to serve your country.

Well, this is your moment in the sun, Jason.

Convince him.

If you get stuck, I have the ultimate comeback.

It's something no one knows about Sophie.

Remember, keep it classy.

No cheap sh*ts.

Okay, sure.

- Really?

- Yes.

Listen, bro Break glass in case of emergency.

- All right? Good luck.

- Thanks.

Welcome to the official captains' debate.

The first question is, "Why are you qualified to be our new captain?" As a female candidate, I have a fresh point of view that the Greenhouse lacks.

The world is changing as more women are becoming leaders.

And the Greenhouse needs to keep up with the times! Yeah, Sophie! I'm not a talker.

I'm a doer.

Okay, so, uh, tell us what you've done.

Well, I've spent a great amount of time next to Daniel, and, um, I've learned everything he knows.

Okay, so that makes you what? A great sidekick? I can lead.

I'm one of the top players on our basketball team.

I'm fast.

You know that.

No offense, Parker, but we need a leader.

Not just a fast guy.

I plan to make our campus environmentally safe and to encourage more student activism.

What's your agenda? Sophie! Now, hold on a minute! Hold on a minute! How can any of you trust Sophie's promises when she has a reputation of being a liar? Excuse me? I happen to have proof that Sophie originally applied to be a Raven.

Open your Louies, please.


Now, maybe I don't speak as fancy as Sophie does, but at least I'm honest.

Right? That's right! You know what? It's true.

When I first came to the Greenhouse, I thought the Eagles were only into sports, and I didn't like that.

But then I got to know the team better, and I realized they're so much more than jocks.

I mean, the Eagles are smart, disciplined, go


Who wouldn't want to be an Eagle, right? And ever since then, I've never I've never looked back.

And that, Parker, that's the honest truth.

Sophie! Sophie! Sophie! Sophie! I'd save my family without even thinking twice.

- Do you all agree with Emma?

- Yeah.

So as leaders, you're saying that you will base your decisions on how closely related you are to the others? So you'd rather save your own brother but sacrifice someone else's brother? Is that what you're saying? Let me make this even harder.

Among the 20 people on the train sits a young professor who's about to find the cure for cancer.

k*lling him would delay his research for years.

We can't know the scientist will succeed in curing cancer.

It's an intangible possibility.

Even so, this man should not die.

End of story.

- But my mother should?

- I don't know your mother, but My mother is just a waitress, but she sacrificed everything so I can get into the Greenhouse.

Doesn't her hard work also make her a valuable member of society worthy to be saved? Direct relation is objectively irrelevant to determining the morally correct choice.

Wait, there has to be a compromise we can make here.

There isn't a compromise.

You have to make a decision.

Stop trying to avoid the situation.

- I'm not avoiding anything.

- I thought you were a captain, right? You have to make a choice, and someone will always get hurt.

That's the way it is.

So make your decision, Captain.

Is she still talking about the train? If I was a leader who had to make a choice, I wouldn't compromise.

My father was an FBI agent.

And I know that he would sacrifice himself for the greater good.

Because that was his job.

He would get everyone out of the car.

There is always another choice.

I should go see how the Eagles' election is going.

That was a great idea, Dad, to use Daniel's problem and turn it into an advantage.

That is how you teach democracy.

One more thing.

About the NASA satellite launch.

I thought maybe I could take the students there.

Maybe another time.

I think you should delegate more authority to me, Dad.

I'm the dean of the school.

I want more responsibilities.

You're doing a fine job, Jason.

How can I improve without experience? I feel like I'm treading water here.

Jason, I love you, and I look forward to the day when I feel you're ready to take my place.

But that day hasn't come yet.

So be patient, son.

Hey, Alex, slow down.

You know I can't stay mad at you.

I know you can't.

But I'll say it again.

I'm sorry.


It's been forever since we've been here.

I mean, when was that picnic? I don't know.

I think I was five.

That's when Mom told us about the meteor.

Remember what Dad said? "No one knew about this place for millions of years until your mom found it.

" Yep.

"She made history at the age of 16.

" No pressure there.

Now all I'm doing is doing dirty politics for the Eagles' captain election.


It's that ugly? I convinced Daniel to have Parker run for captain, but he's not qualified at all.

See, that's a moral dilemma.

It's not like smashing a train into a car.

What? Nothing.


What were you saying? Anyway, I want to vote for Sophie, but I don't want to betray Daniel and Parker.

I think you need to be true to yourself.

Yeah, I figured you'd say that.

All right, I have to get back.

They're gonna start voting soon.

I wish we were voting for a new captain.

Really? What's wrong with Leo? I thought you two were close.

Come on, Hayley.

Spill it.

What's going on? I can't believe I'm gossiping about my love life with my little brother.

Pretend I'm Mere.

- That was actually spot on.

- Yeah.

It's nothing.

We kissed, and now he's dissing me.

Did you brush your teeth? Moron.

I'm sorry I took your Louie.

I know.

And I'm sorry for not letting you fight your own battles.

Go! Don't you have an election to fix? I'll let you know how it goes.

Well? How bad is it? Very bad.

I've asked everybody.

Nobody wants Parker.

It's gonna be a landslide for Sophie.

Who's even voting for her? All right, look, maybe I can get their names and just Stop it, Daniel.

It's over.

So humiliating.


- It doesn't have to be.

- What do you mean? I think we should tell Parker to quit the race before the votes are counted and give your full support to Sophie.

On what grounds? You should tell everyone you thought about it and decided to support the first female captain of the Eagles.

This way, instead of coming off as a loser, you'll look like a hero.

Who knew you were such the manipulator, kid? But how do we even tell Parker this? Are you kidding? He'll be relieved.

He's in agony.

Here he comes.

So I was thinking What if we have a taco party to celebrate the results tonight, right? Listen, uh, Parker.

I was also thinking, and, um, you really don't have to do this.

What are you talking about? I'm psyched!

- You are?

- Yeah.

I mean, because I know I pressured you into this, and honestly, when it comes Relax, bro, okay.

I know I was all nervous and stuff earlier, but now I can feel it.

I'm gonna win this for you, D.


- I spoke to Brandon Thomas.

- Oh.

He's giving a speech in Ryan's memory just before the launch.

Okay, that just gave me goosebumps, mmm



What an honor.

I mean, this this is a once



-lifetime experience.

It is.

Oh, you know what would be a good idea? If maybe you got some sleep for a change.

Yeah, 'cause it would be a shame if you just missed it.

Actually, I think my son wouldn't be too upset if that happened.

Jason? Why would you say that? I'm kidding.

But he did want to go in my place.


We had kind of an argument about it.

He feels I don't trust him.

I'm sure he'll understand.

He knows that you'll do what's best for him.

I hope so.

You know, it reminds me of my Daniel.

I never had the opportunity to learn how to swim, so it was really important to me that Daniel did.

So when he turned six, his swimming instructor had the parents hold our children's hands and guide them across the shallow end of the pool.

We were supposed to let go halfway so they could swim the rest of the way themselves.

But he cried every time.

And I just couldn't bear to see my son cry, so I wouldn't let go.

You know, after a while, he didn't want to go there anymore, and I didn't force him.

But he never learned how to properly swim.

And it's probably my fault.

You can't blame yourself.

You were simply being a protective mother.


Yeah, maybe too protective.

Maybe I should have just let him go.

See, you got it.

You got it.

You've just gotta shake it out.


All right, listen up, Eagles.

Parker has a short announcement to make.

Come on, bro.

I I've decided to withdraw from the race.

What? We have a rare opportunity to make history with the first female captain of the Eagles.

And I want to be a part of that opportunity.

- Sophie!

- Oh, my God.


I wasn't expecting that.

I'm honored.

I'm proud to present the new captain of the Eagles.

Everyone, give it up for Sophie Cardona.

Thank you so much.

Thanks, Parker.

I'll never forget this.

We cool?

- Always.

- All right.



These are for you.

You've been chosen to attend the NASA satellite launch tomorrow.

It was a highly selective process.

You should be very proud.

Just the two of us? The three of us.

My father wanted me to represent the school.

I'll see you in the morning.

- Congratulations.

- Oh, thank you, Alex.

Souvenir? It's actually for the Greenhouse archives.

I wanted to make Sophie's contribution special because she's the first female captain.

- Hmm.


- Hmm.

So you were the mastermind who convinced Daniel and Parker to resign, right? You're a good influence on Daniel.

I'm really glad you came to the Greenhouse, Alex.

You should, um, put this here.

How did you convince Louis to let Jason go instead of him? I did what I had to do.

Now you just have to figure out how to take that satellite down.

Just like we took down Ryan's spacecraft.