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01x09 - Steph

Posted: 05/09/23 04:28
by bunniefuu
You didn't tell me you were going to destroy their mission! I thought we were helping them.

You lied to me! Listen to me! There are things you don't understand, very complicated things at play here.

All right? All that matters is that you did a great job.

How exactly? I saw it on the news.

The entire project is dead.

How could you? Hey, watch your tone when speaking to the dean of the Greenhouse! Don't make me regret accepting you here.


So how is the new captain doing? [SIGHS]

To be honest, I didn't sleep at all last night.

You suddenly felt the weight of all the responsibility? Yeah.

Little bit.

Okay, fine, a lot.


But I'll be fine.

You'll be more than fine.

- Right.

- I know it.


It's an official captain's Louie.

You can unlock and open the clubhouse doors without student passcodes.


- And it can activate and deactivate other students' Louies in case of an emergency.

So cool! Sophie, you're gonna find a lot of people wanting to give you advice.

So my advice to you is always listen to yourself.

Well, I was nervous before, but now No pressure, right?

- I believe in you.


And I'm here for you.


Thanks, Louis.

I really appreciate it.

I am very happy with the Eagles' choice.

Oh, what happened with Emma last night? What did she want? Oh, uh, too many Ravens, not enough computers in the lab.

I suggested they put up a sign

-up sheet with designated times to avoid gridlock.

Good job, son.

We're all over the news.

Did you see?

- I did.

- Good.

Now there's only have one thing left for us to take care of.

You know what to do.

I'll take care of it.



- What are you writing?

- Um, a letter to my parents.


Why not e

-mail? It's faster.


But it's not as personal.

You know, when I was in elementary school, my mom worked two jobs and came back home only after I was already asleep.

So, each morning when I woke up, I found a letter from her on my pillow telling me how her day had been.

And when I got into the Greenhouse, I promised to write her a letter every day.



So what are you writing her about? Uh, did you tell her about the satellite? Not yet.

Ooh! [TAMMY]

Sophie, where have you been? I was looking for you.

There's a problem with the boys' lockers.

What is it? They stink! I found this next to my toothbrush this morning.

- Ew.

- I'm so over cleaning up after them.

You're right.

I'll talk to them.



Hey, guys.

I wanna talk to you guys about the mess in your lockers.

- Ooh, 5


- It ain't over.

It ain't over.



Yo! What'd you do that for? Did you hear what I just said? I want you guys to pitch in and clean up your lockers.

Someone's new jacket's got to her head.



You guys need to listen to her! What's wrong with you? [PARKER MOCKINGLY]

"Oh, what's wrong with you?" [ALEX CHUCKLING]


Come on, Seth.

Get it.


I'm trying, but it's k*lling me.

Sophie, come on.

They'll clean, then you'll just say it's not really clean.

What's the point? You know we're not good at it.

Why? Because you're men? [SCOFFS]

Really? Come on, I thought this was the 21st century.


Sophie, listen.

It's not good to go tough on them right now.

Give them a chance to get used to you.

You know what? Let's go.

It's time for practice anyway.

- [ALEX]


- No.

No one's leaving until you finish cleaning up your lockers.

Let us think about that for a second.

- No.


But it's an order from your captain, Parker.


You're just gonna let them go? [DANIEL SIGHS]

She crazy.

Nobody's going anywhere.




Don't worry, guys.

I got this.


It's no use, guys.

I deactivated your Louies.

I'm your captain, and when I ask you to do something, you do it.

- You knew the captain could do this?

- No.


You're late.

- Did anyone see you coming in?

- Of course not.

Did you get everything I asked for? Marcus, where'd you go? What is she doing here? Collaboration Teamwork Dynamics Seminar? Is this gonna be boring?

- Beats me.


Welcome, Ravens! Anyone have issues with heights?

- Actually

- Other than Max, I meant.


Today's seminar is about collaboration.

A good leader knows how to work effectively with his or her team.

What's all this have to do with climbing a wall? You'll work in pairs.

One partner will climb this wall blindfolded while the other partner will be his guide.

Your job is simple.

To get to the top.

Suzanne, the thing is, I have a problem with the calcium crystals in my inner ears You'll be fine, Max.

Don't worry.

We have harnesses and helmets to keep everyone from falling.

So, who wants to be first? Come on, Captain, I'll show you the way! [CHUCKLES]



- Actually, why don't you wear this? Okay, now just take your left arm and move it up and to the left.

Leo, there's nothing there! Hey, hey, it's fine, trust me.

You're doing great.

Now just move your left arm up, just a little bit more, left, you got this.

There you go.

Okay, okay, now right hand and just a little bit up and to the right.

Just a little bit Right there, you got it! Okay now take your left foot and just bring it up a couple of inches.


- Perfect.

You made it.

You did it.



Good job! I asked you to be careful.

And now look what you've done.

She'll leave soon.

Marcus? She knows too much.

Come on, Judy.

She's just a curious kid.

Yeah, too curious for her own good.

Marcus, I know you can hear me!

- You know what we have to do.

- Judy, no.

Please Do it.



- You better hope she's not coming back.

Now get to work.

Now! Man, we should be at practice right now.

Coach is gonna be so mad.

Hey, cool.

Here, take this.

It helps remove stains.



Did you hear that? I didn't hear anything.


What the heck? It kinda sounds like it's coming It's probably just the sink.

It's, like What? What?

- What is this? What?

- Wait, Sophie, listen, listen, listen.


Oh, my What is this, Parker?

- Just listen.

Just one second.

- How long has it been here? [PARKER]

Only for a couple of days, okay.

He got lost in the Greenhouse.

We saved him.

So this is why your lockers smelled so bad? You know we're not allowed to keep animals in here.

But look how cute he is.

Can I pet him? Why are you doing this to me? No, no, no, we cannot keep it here.

But look, he's he's bonded with us, and he loves being here.


He's definitely an Eagle.



You know you're late to practice.

What's going on here? [MAX PANTING]

I can't find the grip! Oh, guys, I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall Max, you're not listening to me.

- Help!

- Stop yelling! I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die! I have very brittle bones! You're gonna die of old age if you don't start climbing! I want my mom!



Maximilian Miller, I am going to drag you up there myself if you don't start moving.

- How much further?

- You're only, like, five feet up!




Come on, Max! You can do it! [ALL CHEERING]

Max, focus! Just move your right foot! That's all you have to do!

- Move my foot where?

- To the right! My right or your right?

- That doesn't even make any sense!

- Stop yelling at me! [CRIES]

Max! Max.

This is Emma.

Okay, take a deep breath.

You're doing fine.

Raise your left hand at a 30

-degree angle and place it about seven inches to the right.



That's really good, Max.

Now you want to lower your right foot southwest about two inches above the level of your left foot.


That was very precise, Emma.

Thank you.


I think I can make it.


- [BOY]

Way to go, Miller! [GIRL]

Yeah! Way to go! You got this, buddy.

Captain, why are my boys late to practice? Sir, I was just having them clean up their lockers.

Good for you.

Discipline's important for athletes.

What's this? Oh, that's just garbage.

- All righty.

Remember to recycle it.

- Yeah.

- Let's keep the Greenhouse green!


Sure thing.

- Thanks, Coach.

- Sir.


Thank you, Sophie.


Oh, my God, the rabbit is adorable but we can't keep him here.

We're gonna have to give him up for adoption.

Raise your right foot at a 45

-degree angle about seven inches.


Now raise your right hand 4.

7 inches directly above you.


Now with your left foot Good, so you figured out the pattern.


These holding grips are in a triangular pattern.

A triangular pattern.



So how's the new seminar going, Suzanne? [MAX GASPS]


- [GIRL]

Emma! Emma, careful!

- [BOY]

Emma! [JACKIE]

Is she okay? Careful, Emma.

- Are you okay?

- Don't want to hurt yourself.

- Isn't he perfect?

- He's so cute.

Thanks for letting me know.


Hey, guys.

So I just spoke to Louis, and he gave me directions to the humane shelter.

A humane shelter? Come on, please don't make this harder than it already is.



Who's this cutie? His name's Steph.

After Steph Curry.

- You guys gave him a name?

- Yeah.

The boys found him but now we have to give him away, right? Do we really know these people at the shelter? Right, they could cook Steph the minute we leave.


- Don't say that.

- No one's going to cook anyone.

- Are you sure we can't keep him, Soph? At least until after our next game.

No, absolutely not.

No, I I just got off the phone Wait.

Parker, I think you're onto something.

What did I say? Okay, so the rules against pets apply only to the Greenhouse premises, right? Yeah.

So what if Steph became our official Eagles mascot?

- That could work.

- That's not a bad idea.

- Right, what do you think?

- Yes, Sophie.

Okay, cool.

I'm calling Louis right now.



Yeah, and we'll put some eagle wings on him.


- Hey.

- Hey.

Where have you been? Oh, just, you know, checking out some stuff.

- Some stuff?

- Yeah.

Well, what kind of stuff? It's nothing.

Not important.

Not important.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You won't regret it, I promise.

Guys, Louis said yes! [CHEERING]

Rabbit, we name you Steph, the official Eagles mascot! [CHEERING]


Go, Steph! Go, Steph! Go, Steph! Go, Steph! Go, Steph! Hey, Brooke.

So what stuff were you checking out? Come on.

You know you can tell me anything.

What's up? It's Marcus.

Um, he's been acting weird lately.

Marcus the maintenance guy? He's not just a maintenance guy.

He's a family friend, and I was asking him something about the engine fire.

What? The point is, when I mentioned your mom, he got completely weird.

My mom? Why would you bring her up? I think your mom knows something about this whole car accident.

You think my mom had something to do with that? I'm not saying she blew up the car.

That's ridiculous.


She barely even knows how to operate a microwave oven.

I don't think she did it by herself.

Someone obviously helped her.



This is my mom.

I know, but you gotta admit she was a bit obsessed with the Taser barb evidence.

Because she was trying to protect me! I mean, she'd do anything for me.

I know.

That's my whole point, Daniel.

So you have a point.

I see.

Listen, Marcus started acting weird when I mentioned your mother, and then I was looking out the window and I saw him walking off campus towards the ocean.

So I followed him and and then he disappeared.

Disappeared? Yes.

Something's going on here, Daniel, I'm telling you.

And I think your mom might know something about it.

I can't believe you.

I almost lost my leg.

I don't know when I'll be able to play basketball again.

Your dad humiliated me in front of everyone.

You went behind my back to campaign for Sophie instead of Parker.

And now you're picking on my mom?

- No.

I'm not picking on her.

- You are.

My mom sacrificed everything for me.

Who I am today is because of her.

I won't let you or anyone else disrespect her.


This is Brandon Thomas, director of NASA.

Please leave a message after the tone.



I'd like to report an anonymous tip about the missing satellite.

I have some valuable information about the [JASON]

Good evening, Mrs.


This is Jason Osmond, the dean of the Greenhouse.

How are you? No, no, everything's just fine.

I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with your daughter.

You should let your husband know, too.

She's a real shining star.

I know how much she adores you.

She talks about you a lot.

So I just wanted to touch base with you and give you a progress report.


Thank you.


Have you seen Emma? Have you seen Emma anywhere? [EMMA CRYING]

Emma? Is that you? Keep crying.


I mean, don't cry.

Or cry if it makes you feel better.

Although I would prefer it if you didn't cry.


- Do you want me to leave?

- [EMMA]

Yes, leave.


You scared me!

- Sorry, um

- What are you doing here? I didn't mean to scare you.

I I heard you and Daniel and I didn't mean to eavesdrop.

You looked really upset after dinner.

I just wanted to make sure you were okay.


Thanks, Alex.

That's really sweet of you.

This is where you saw Marcus? Okay, you look over there.

I'll look over here.



- Did you hear that?

- Shh! Hey, you're the missing park ranger.

I saw you on the news.

Hey, man, are you okay? You.

You did this to me.

What? I didn't do anything.