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01x12 - L.D.R.

Posted: 05/09/23 04:29
by bunniefuu

Maybe you have a second to talk now? It is brilliant.

You organized such a cool do! Nobody in London does this anymore.

Good job, Lee.

Actually, the Eagles put it together.

- I'm Hayley.

And you?

- Hi! I'm Aspen.

So nice to meet.

Aspen and I pretty much grew up together.

Uh, we've known each other since we were five, right? We're childhood sweethearts.

My dad's a diplomat, and our family moved to LA when I was in kindergarten.

And it was a nightmare at first, but then I met this guy.

Do you know how many songs he's written for me?

- No.

How many?

- Hundreds, maybe? Anyway, my lifelong dream was to study singing at the London Conservatory.

So we decided to have an LDR.

- LDR?

- Long

-distance relationship.

You know what's really ironic, is that it was me who suggested he apply to this school in the first place.

Isn't that funny? Hilarious.

Please, can you just let me explain? Uh What's there to explain? She was in the UK in an LDR with Lee.

It's more complicated than that.

Everyone, I have milk and cookies.

It's from the yummiest bakery in Hampstead.

You really didn't have to.

Uh Anything for my Lee.

- Bless you.

- Oh, sorry.

Okay, guys, let's take five.

"Okay, guys, let's take five.

" They're right here.

So she's Leo's girlfriend? Hey, stop it.

He's not worth it.

I just don't understand how he could've kept something like this from me.

What don't you understand? He thought he could have you both.

Just when things were going perfectly then she showed up.

You should have seen the look on Leo's face when he saw that Aspen girl.

- It was like he saw a ghost.

- What a jerk.

If you want, I could go beat him up for you.

Don't you think you've picked enough fights for one night? Uh Yeah, you may have a point there.

You know, I don't need this.

- I wanna go home.

- Hey.

You're not going anywhere, you hear me? Okay? Yeah.

Is that Daniel's mom? Look.

What is she doing over there?

- Maybe she's after you.

- Oh.

Very funny.

You just happened to spend the whole night with his girlfriend.


Hey, go back.

Have fun.

- I'm fine.

- Come on.

Come on, get up.

The prettiest girl at the Greenhouse is not going to bed before ten o'clock.

If you want I can accidentally punch him in the face.


Hi, everyone.

This has been such a wonderful evening for me, and I just I feel that I want to give something back to all of you.

I would like to sing for you this aria by Puccini which I so fancy.

This is for a special someone who opened my eyes up to a whole new world of music.

Remember you taught me my first guitar chord? Hi.

Let me take your place.

You really should get something to eat.

- It's okay.

I'm good.

- No, really.

I'm so full of energy.

I slept through the entire flight here.

She's right, Woods.

Uh, maybe you should take a break.

All right, Eagles, Ravens, it's time for our annual Halloween dance

-off! All right, you know the rules.

Let's all get into a circle.

We'll take turns dancing in pairs, and the couple that gets the loudest applause wins! Good luck! Come on, this'll be fun.

We can use your crutches as a prop.

Not in the mood.

Go, Max! Whoo! Yeah, Emma! Okay, guys, the time has come.

You all danced beautifully tonight.

But I think you can all agree with me on this one, that the prize goes to the most unexpected performance of the night.

Max and Emma, you're our new king and queen! Congratulations! Ladies first.

Attaboy, Max.

- What is it?

- Two minutes.

My office.

Can you believe it? We k*lled.


Um I'm gonna go freshen up.

- See you in a bit, doc?

- Okeydokey.

- Did you see it?

- Amazing.

It's all thanks to you.

Your plan worked.

- What plan?

- Getting me and Emma together.


My name is Emma Geller.

I'm a student at the Greenhouse.

I would like to talk to you about what happened to your satellite.

How did you get this? You tapped my Louie.

Of course.

I also called Brandon back on your behalf to relay your kind message.

I told him you had wanted to express sympathy for the missing satellite.

He was very moved by your concern.

- I'll call him again.

- I don't think you will.

I'll tell him everything.

Like how you made me hack into the server, telling me it was for a special project.

How you promised me a full college scholarship if I pulled it off.

My promise still stands.

Your parents are never gonna be able to pay your tuition.

My parents would rather I won't go to college at all than accept bribes from people like you.

- I'm calling NASA back.

- Fine.

Go right ahead.

The word of a teenager against the word of the dean of the Greenhouse? False accusations to a government agency? The NSA will be watching you very closely.

- You're a monster.

- You leave me no choice.

I can't do this anymore.

And that's exactly why you're leaving the Greenhouse.

The cover story is simple.

Your mother is sick and needs you.

I'm gonna tell Louis you had to leave right away because it was a family emergency.

You're gonna tell your mother you missed home.

And don't even think about saying anything about the missing satellite, or this tape makes it to the evening news.

Get packing.

I want you out of here by tonight.

Remember that time that we snuck into the country club after midnight to dance in the ballroom?

- We were 12.

- I've missed you so much, Lee.

- Great party.

- Best ever.

Have you ever seen that Jim Carrey movie? You know, the artsy one? Anyway, in that movie, there's an agency that erases memories, especially ones that have to do with relationships.

Finally, a movie I'd like to see.

I wouldn't mind erasing the past two hours.

It's a slow dance.

You have no excuse this time.

Not gonna happen.


Have fun by yourself.

- Hey.

- What's up? Not much.

Can I at least say goodbye to my friends? I don't think that's a good idea.

Emma! May I have this dance? Sure.

Emma, is everything okay? I have to go.

Where? You just got here.

Wait, is it the egg mayonnaise? I know I should've warned you about that.


Why didn't she tell me she was leaving the Greenhouse? Maybe she didn't wanna ruin your night.

She never told me her mom was sick.

None of this makes any sense.

She was acting weird the past couple of weeks.

Guys, you can talk later.

Let's get this over with.

There's cake everywhere.


What the hell do you think you're doing, dancing with my girl? I'm not anyone's girl, and you're making a fool of yourself.

You know what? You ain't nothing but a liar and a cheat.

Hey, leave her alone.

- Excuse me?

- Yeah.

You and me, we're done.

Oh, you took the words right out of my mouth.

Way to go, man.

That was classic.

Now, that's classic.

What the bloody hell is going on? Everybody, calm down! I command you to stop!

- Hey, ladies.

- Parker! No! Food fight! Ugh.

What a waste of good cake.

Did you ever find out about that agency that erases bad memories? I did.

But by the time they got back to me, I told them it's not necessary, because I do not wanna erase that memory of you shoving the cake into Aspen's face.

The look on her face.

Aspen, we need to talk.

It's useless.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! There's a rodent in here!

- Oh! Oh, my gosh!

- Hey! No! This is Steph, our rabbit.

Yeah, get that fetid creature out of here! Oh, come on.

This creature is our mascot.

What? I I don't care if it's the Queen of England, all right? I

- I am allergic to rodents' fur.

- All right.


All right.

Isn't he cute? Who allowed you to have animals in here? It is repulsive.

You wanna know what's really repulsive? What Leo did to his date.

Excuse me? Listen, Aspen, what I wanted to talk to you about It's okay.

I know about Hayley.

No drama.

I don't care about what happened before.

I'm here now.

That's all that matters.


I'm really glad you're not upset.

But listen, I I don't want to be away from you anymore, Leo.

What do you mean? Do you believe in serendipity? I just talked to Louis.

It turns out one of the girls is leaving the Greenhouse on a moment's notice.

There's a vacancy at the Ravens' house.

Wait, what? Isn't it just the most brilliant thing that could have ever happened? I'm so happy.

You okay? I think so.

What about you? Not really.

I I feel bad for Daniel.

I feel like it was all my fault.

Don't blame yourself.

Look, Daniel and I were growing apart long before you came to the Greenhouse.

What happened last night was a wake

-up call for me.

He's too stubborn and full of pride to take responsibility for his own actions, and I'm done cleaning up after his mess.

I'm not his mother.

His mother?

- What about her?

- Daniel's mother.

I saw her last night.

- Where?

- Right there.

- Really?

- Yes.

I was with Hayley.

We were so busy talking about that Aspen girl, I didn't think anything of it at first.

But, yeah, we saw her there last night.

In the same spot that I saw Marcus disappear? The same spot that we met the park ranger? Do you think there's a connection? It all started when Daniel found the park ranger's Taser.

Okay, well even if Judy was responsible for getting Daniel off the hook, it still doesn't explain why she was there.

Unless Unless she knew about the park ranger this whole time.

Wait, what do you mean? What if she wasn't protecting Daniel? What if she was trying to protect herself? Alex, this has to be it.

Do you think we should tell your dad? He adores Judy.

He would never believe that she could do anything wrong.

What about your dad? He just got his job back.

I can't drag him into this.


I know who we should call.

- Eric? Are you sure?

- He's my dad's best friend.

I know we can trust him.


Thank you for believing me, Alex.

Thank you for coming on such short notice, Eric.

Of course.

You know you're like a son to me, right? It's a good thing you called, though.

Uh, so what now? First of all, does anyone else know about this situation? No.


You both have to be very discreet until we know more.

- Of course.

- Yeah.

Brooke, would you mind coming with me to the station? We can take your deposition.

- Sure.


- Yeah.

And maybe we can make a quick stop before that? Just There's something I think you should see.