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04x02 - Escape

Posted: 05/09/23 05:01
by bunniefuu
What about your contact? JO: Out of operation.

I'm gonna have to bring the payload in myself.

SAINT JOHN: The stuff is too hot.

Listen to me, Jo.

Watch your tail.

They will arrest me the minute we land in Communist territory.

The Company will get Jo out.

We're not sitting around on our thumbs waiting for 'em.



Let them k*ll each other.

The game's over.

Not yet.

(g*n FIRES)





MALE REPORTER: Svetlana! You are living in Texas now.

How does it compare to Moscow? It is flat.

There is no place for KGB to hide.



Svetlana, since defecting to the United States from the Soviet Union, do you fear any kind of reprisals? We Americans are not afraid of anything.


I'm sorry.

I have a plane to catch.


It's Jo.

Uh, ran into some bad weather.

I had to make some changes midstream.

Where are the bandits? Lost them for now, but one of them got a good look at me.

I'm just about to leave for Stockholm.

What about your contact? JO: Out of operation.

I'm gonna have to bring the payload in myself.

No, no, the stuff is too hot.

Look, just have a room waiting for me with a big bath, okay? Saint John, I'll be fine.

SAINT JOHN: Listen to me, Jo.


Watch your tail.


Oh, excuse me.

You? You're the person who almost knocked me down at the hotel.


I'll try not to do it again.

So, she b*at two of your best agents and escaped.

One man was wounded, but Gorssi is on his way back to Bulgaria now.

She's left a trail? One of our men spotted someone matching her description board a flight to Stockholm.

If she makes the Stockholm delivery, we'll look like fools at the summit.

Moscow will eat us alive.

Get her! The Americans used their fighters to force a commercial jet to land in the name of combating terrorism.

Ah, what a lovely precedent.

Why don't you have Gorssi meet her.

MALE PILOT: Please remain calm.

It seems we have a m*llitary escort forcing us to land in Bulgaria.

Now, I'm sure we'll rectify the situation shortly.

In the meantime, please cooperate with your flight attendants.


You'll be okay.

Get your hands off me.

Oh, it's okay.

My friend is just a little airsick.

You don't understand! Yes, I do.

You've defected and we're heading for Bulgaria.

But they will arrest me the minute we land in Communist territory.

Your only chance is to keep quiet when we go through Customs.

Bulgaria says they brought the plane down because of a possible b*mb scare.

Yeah, and I've got a bridge in Minsk I'd like you to look at.

We shouldn't have let Jo go on this assignment alone.

I didn't see them offering us a choice.

Besides, Jo was the most familiar with the setup in Istanbul.

I know, I know, and the summit conference is in two days.

If we don't get the proof that Bulgaria is lying about those missiles, it's gonna be a disaster for us.

So what's this? A birthday party for Jo? So get her and the files out.

You sure you want Arkov? Well, he's our best bet.

He's our only bet.

Passport? Passport? Linskaya.


That's Russian.

My parents.

Passport? Over there.

Passport? Just be calm.

I don't have time for games.

This man stole classified material and gave it to you.

You sh*t an agent to get away.

Where are your overlays? What are overlays? You're an American agent.

My partner I'm an American citizen.

I demand to speak to my embassy.

We already know who you are, Miss Santini.



This has been a day.

Not only have we captured an American spy, but also a convicted Soviet traitor.

I am an American.

She is the reason we brought your plane down.

She carries an item the Soviets wouldn't want in the hands of the West.

She is a stranger to me.


You will both be tried as enemies of peace and global cooperation.

We just met on the plane.

Then I hope you become friends.

Where you're going, you'll need one.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for you to get involved.

You're sorry? God in heaven, I'm dead! I escaped from hell, now you have put me back! We're entering European airspace.

We have a lukewarm trail on Arkov ending at Stockholm.

That's where we'll start.

Any word on Jo? LOCKE: Negative.

The Bulgarians released the plane, but they kept two women passengers.

One fits Jo's description to the "T.

" The other was Svetlana Linsky.

The gymnast who defected? Affirmative.

That's a tough break.

They'll treat her like a convicted criminal.

Saint John, the Company will get Jo out.

We're not sitting around on our thumbs waiting for 'em.

Tell the Company bloodhounds to heat up Arkov's trail.

I want to meet.

I just hope Arkov keeps it down to that.


Stara Zagora.

The satellite photos don't do it justice.


No! I could have hidden it.


We heard rumor Americans were coming.

I worked at your embassy once.

Why are you here? I work at your embassy once! Are you all right? There is nothing you can do for her.

You are Svetlana Linskaya.

Tanya Rostovich.

I am a pianist.

I was.

Oh, my! I saw you make a perfect I bribed the guard.

It's a little melody, just so I won't forget.

You don't trust the American? The guard outside accidentally dropped his Kn*fe.

I could have gotten it.

She stopped me.

The coward.

She saved your life.

It's true.

It's a guards' trick.

They drop something.

You go for it.

They haul you to ice box and b*at you.

Or worse.

They don't mind telling the Politburo you were sh*t escaping.

I suppose you expect me to thank you.


You're welcome.



This American, she prevented an example being made of the defector Linskaya.

She is very smart? Smart enough not to go for the Kn*fe.

Then we work harder.

We have 36 hours before the summit to learn if she passed the information on.

She will resist.

Of course she will.

But in the end, I will break her.

Whatever it takes.


What? What was it? Our clock.

Every hour on the hour, all night long.

They say it's to let us know the time.

Every day? You can tell the deaf ones around here.

They can sleep.

And you stop caring about the time when it's endless.

Well, I don't have any intention of staying in here.

Go to sleep.

My children.

Who took my children? (SOBBING)

The mind goes first.

You seem to have a good tight grip on yours.

Physicists are tough old birds.

My husband used to say it's our only saving grace.

Where's your husband now? God knows.

Dead, I pray, for his sake.

He believed too much in the science of preservation rather than nuclear destruction and became an embarrassment to the state.

A physicist could help me.


You don't need physics in here.


This one.

Take her.

You, come now! So, good morning.

Let's see if we can straighten this matter out.

Send me home and we'll call it even.

Unfortunately, I can't.

You were arrested for smuggling documents concerning my country.

Now, I need to know what information you were able to pass on to your colleagues.

I need to know how complete your data was.

I can't help you.

Life's too short for can'ts, Miss Santini, especially around here.

Think about it.

The United States thinks you're dead.

Only my brother d*ed.

It should have been me.

Jo, are you all right? JO: Yeah.

I'm fine.

My children.

Where are my children? GUARD: See.

Over there.

Your children are waiting for you.

No, Elana.

No! No, stop! You can't.



Saint John.

Long time.

I thought you'd just drop in.

I'll laugh at your jokes, Arkov, after you help me get a friend out of Bulgaria.

Jo Santini.

A convicted spy.

You are even a bigger fool than the last time we met.

As I recall, Arkov, it took this fool to get your backside out of Angola.


Not one of my better moments, but not enough to turn a bargain.

I'm not here to turn any.

Any more than Katrine would.

The life of your friend for what? A memory.

I seem to remember a little girl that needed a quick hop in a helicopter to get the operation that would save her life.

I can only hope that you will have a son one day, so my Katrine can break his heart.

Will I hear from you? We'll see.

Your friend may already be lost.



JO: 8:00.

Your spy satellite will be here for next seven hours, yes? Yes.

This was simple problem.

If I could only play the piano in here, like you play with numbers.

We'll never get out of here.

It's a waste of time even dreaming about it.

It's not a waste, Svetlana.

That's a promise.


You look like you might listen to reason now.

A little information and this stops.

You go back to your America.

You think I believe that? You don't have the luxury of what to believe anymore.

Because I'm dead either way, so I might as well make you as uncomfortable as possible.


And how is that possible? Moscow isn't going to be giving you any merit badges if I'm dead and you don't get any information.

So Rot in here.

Base to Airwolf.

Don't ask how, but we just received a message from EastSat.

It was sent by Jo.

It reads, "Send in the cavalry.

" The satellite has picked up her coordinates.

We know where she is, Saint John! Get the word to Arkov.

The cavalry is on the way.

COMMANDANT: It is an honor to have you here.

It isn't often Please, don't waste time.

Leave us.

What is your progress? Our countries sit at the summit table in less than 24 hours.

We know the schedule.

Then you also know we must assure our superiors the West has no proof of the Bulgarian missiles.

The consequences for everyone concerned will be most grave.

She had nothing! She had nothing you could see.

She was searched.

Closely enough to reveal a microdot? You poor thing! Did I miss anything? No.

There you are.


Bring water over here.

Hurry! I told them how this could never happen in America.

It does if you don't pay your taxes.

You are free there.

Well, it's not perfect, but Svetlana is right.

I was to perform there.

My brother and I were going to defect.

I do not deserve to even dream of freedom.

Everyone deserves freedom.



Lice inspection.




Are you all right? No.

I'm scared for Cosima.

She has written her own death sentence.

Please, if you try to escape, take me with you.


Would you like to look at my teeth? I have to slap you.

They're outside.

It's nothing personal.

You don't mind if I take the pain personally, do you? Does the KGB acknowledge pain? If there was only more time for pleasantries.

Forgive me.


I will also have to search you.

Do not say another word.

You are a polite son of a (SHUSHING)

The Commandant didn't believe me, but I say the American is KGB.

Sent to test us and to get the gymnast.

I know she is KGB.

You believe them? No.

The others do.

They will k*ll Jo.


Don't worry.

Don't interfere.

No matter what I do.

Saint John sends his regards.

Be in the yard tomorrow morning, 9:00, and you'll see him.

You're Arkov.

As far as you're concerned, I'm Prince Charming.

Would you settle for Beauty and the Beast? I'd settle for a one

-way ticket home.

I'd like to see you get it.

But first, you must have a microdot.

What microdot? (EXHALING)

Saint John was right.

You're very beautiful.

And stubborn.

All right.

I'll tell them I couldn't find anything.

Pray to God they're as dumb as they act.

Remember, 9:00.


SVETLANA: You traitor! You KGB! Scum! (ALL CLAMORING)

Let them k*ll each other.

That's enough! Enough! Take them both to isolation.

It's over.

k*ll them in the morning.

Dispose of the bodies before that bastard Arkov gets back.

JO: What the hell's going on? You can k*ll each other in here.

JO: Svetlana, what (SVETLANA SHUSHING)

What the hell's going on? The guard started a rumor that you were really KGB.

The other women would've k*lled you.


I had to get you out of there.

But why now of all times? You stopped me from taking that Kn*fe when we first got here.

My friends were coming in the morning.

But we've got to be out in the yard for them to get us out of here.

And I put you in here.

It's not your fault.


How close to the border? We just entered Bulgarian airspace.

Boost stealth.

These mountain passes are slowing us down.

You want to burn fuel or stay off their scanners? Bottom line? I want Jo back.

Your friends, maybe they can break in here.

By the time they found us, they'd be dodging the whole Bulgarian Air Force.

Jo! Svetlana! Cosima, what are you doing? They'll find you here.

I've come to let you out.

I won't lie for them! Tell me.

What? They will sh**t you once you step outside.

They promised me freedom if I betrayed you, but I couldn't do that.

Not after what you've done for me.

I won't lie to you.

Cosima! We won't go.

We don't deserve to die.

I want to talk to the Commandant.

He won't listen to us.

We need time.

Help me.

We'll tell the Commandant what he wants to know.

He'll put you in here unless you take us to him.

I'm ready to talk.

Take them to the Commandant.

Here, take these.

LOCKE: Base to Airwolf, do you read me? Go ahead, base.

Arkov has just contacted one of our people in Stockholm.

The Bulgarians are eliminating Jo at dawn.

Can Arkov get her off the hook? Not likely.

He says he's already overstayed his welcome.

You're overstepping your diplomatic privileges, comrade.

We always need fodder for low level spy exchanges.

I can use her.

If you took a fancy to her while you were here, you should have made the best of it.

I did not know there was any hurry after we found that she didn't have what we wanted.

She knows too much about our methods.

So, perhaps I can make her forget.

The only sure way is to eliminate her.

Who ordered them out? What's going on? I ordered them k*lled.

What are they doing here? I've decided to talk.

The game's over.

Not yet.

Guards! Sound the alarm! Secure the prison! (ALARM BLARING)

They won't get you.

k*ll her and the defector! Air support! Air support! (WOMEN SCREAMING)

Cosima! Come on, you can make it.

You taught me what it means to be alive.


No, Cosima! Come on.

Let's go! Come on, Jo, just hold on.

Wish me luck.

Let's go! Everybody intact? Almost everybody.

So Arkov came through.

Too bad he got the microdot.

I didn't think Arkov would give up that easily.

Nothing was easy in there, Saint John, believe me.

I hear your efforts paid off in spades at the summit.

Just don't call me Mata Hari.

Mike says you pulled out all the stops to get me out, including enlisting Arkov's help.

He's something else.

I take it he impressed you.

Well, he does have a style all his own.

He reminds me of somebody else I know.

I must learn gymnastics myself.

I wanted to say a proper goodbye.

Oh! SVETLANA: And thank you.

We owe you all so much.

I discovered what my freedom really means.

You ladies will be happy to know that we'll be sending your reports to Amnesty International to help close down Stara Zagora.

That would make Cosima happy.

I won't forget her.

I won't forget any of you.

Make that a promise and we'll let you go.

On one condition.

You come back.

Actually, I was going to ask for tickets to see the International Gymnastics competition next week.

