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02x16 - Race for Life

Posted: 05/09/23 05:41
by bunniefuu
It's Black Beauty.


That's our secret.

Let's lose the welcoming committee.

How is she? She's so pale.

You can save her life and I can save yours.

So what've you got? A t*nk? Close the door, man.

They're gonna rip me apart.

I'm afraid it's hopeless, MichaeI.

We're talkin' about Becky's life here.

This is the police.

Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands up.

This is gonna be an "E" ticket ride.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

We just ran a red light.

It's okay, honey.

Ambulances are allowed to do that.

How do you feel? I feel better now.


Uh, vital signs stable.

Patient is conscious and alert.

Temperature's elevated.

We've drawn blood for cross match.

Have three units of O Negative standing by.

Am I gonna need transfusions again? Yes, honey.

It's worse this time, isn't it? Everything's gonna be okay.

I promise.

She got sick on vacation and the medication they gave her isn't working.

It was their first vacation in- Hey, she's tough.

She's your niece, isn't she? She'll make it.

How's Laura? Well, she was pretty torn up when she talked with Devon.

Since her husband died, Becky's been her whole life.

April, you gotta hang in there.

They're both gonna need you.

Look at me.

I didn't even take time to change.

April, you look fine.

ApriI, tell Becky I'm pulling for her.

I will.


Adler wanted in Surgery.


Adler wanted in Surgery.


Jackson, Treatment Room 1, stat.

How's she doing? Not too well, I'm afraid.

Michael, thanks for being here.

That's what family is for.

She's been asking for you and KITT.

KITT's outside.

Doctor, what is it? It's, uh, pneumonia.

Somebody prescribed an antibiotic without knowing her history of aplastic anemia, and it's wiping out her white cells and bone marrow.

Right now she couldn't even fight off a common cold.

Which means what, exactly? There could be other complications.

In 36 to 48 hours we may have to do a marrow transplant.

Transplant? That's always been an option.

But I'm afraid this time we may have no alternative.

Then let me be the donor.


Phillips, our records indicate Becky was adopted.

What about one of us? We'll do a tissue typing on all of you.

Uh, right now, we're trying for a computer matchup.

It's a complicated process, and sometimes our computers aren't always aware of the urgency of our human needs.

It's gonna take some time.

May we see her now? Well, yes, she's right down the hall in 211.

Thank you.

Hi, sweetheart.

Aunt April.


Hi! Hi, honey.

We rode in an ambulance, and we ran a red light.

Ooh! No kidding.

Was the ambulance faster than KITT? Well, maybe.

But not as nice.

Is he here? He sure is.

Hey, KITT.

I got somebody who wants to talk to you.

Becky? Can you hear me? Here you go, honey.

It's Black Beauty.


That's our secret.

It's good to hear your voice.

How are you feeling? Well, I get a little spinny.

You Just rest and get better so you can come riding with us again.

All right.


Michael, may I have a word please? Yeah.

I'll be back, honey.


Aunt April, how come you're wearin' those clothes? Yeah, what is it? Our computer's down.

We can't get through to I.








? Interstate Research and Medical Assistance.

It's our database.

How long? Whatever time it takes.


Kiley, we don't have the time.

You got a hard copy on Becky's condition? MichaeI, I wish there was something I could do.

There is, KITT.

This is Becky's file.

We need to contact a computer named I.



A that's got the records on suitable donors.





Say no more.

This is the synthesized voice of Interstate Research and MedicaI Assistance.

Welcome to I.




Indicate desired information.

Wow! Get a load of that voice.

Please repeat.

Never mind.

This is Knight Industries Two Thousand requesting donor match for bone marrow transplant.

I'm transmitting tissue typing data now.

Receiving data.

Check sums correct.

Accessing data files.

: bone marrow transplant.

Scanning data for donor type match.

Stand by for data transfer.

I don't know why they can't give those machines a little more Pizzazz? Exactly.

Ah, she's just not your type, buddy.

Any luck? Yes and no.

She's a very rare tissue type.

But there were three possible donors in the computer.

Good! No, it's not so good.

One died recently and another is out of the country and can't be reached.

And the third? The third.

He has a name and address, but no phone is listed.

What can we do? It's only a few hundred miles.

Look, I'm out of here.

You tell Becky I love her.


Jackson, Treatment Room 1.


Jackson, Treatment Room 1.


Mendes, Receiving Room Godspeed, Michael.

This business of family seems pretty complicated, MichaeI.

Well, it can be.

You see, family isn't just people who you're related to.

Family can be people who love you, people who care about you.

It doesn't matter how you know each other.

Some friends are like family, KITT.

Even though Becky is adopted, she's still ApriI's niece.

That's right.

I'm afraid I still find it a bit confusing.

Take Devon and April and you and me.

We're like a family, aren't we? By your definition, yes.

See what I mean, partner? Thank you, MichaeI.

All right, KITT.

Let's check out that donor.

Right away, MichaeI.

Julio Rodriguez.

Age 23.


: 5'10", Weight.

: 165 pounds.

Now all we have to do is find Julio.

This is the street, MichaeI.

It's in the next block.

Okay, right up here somewhere.

I don't see any 748, MichaeI.

Maybe it's in the back.

Huh? Now you keep your scanners peeled.

Yes, MichaeI.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for 748.

Not on this street.

I'm 746, then it goes to 50.

Yeah, well, I'm lookin' for a guy named Julio Rodriguez.

It's very important.

Don't know him.

Well, he's from this neighborhood, isn't he? Neighborhood? It used to be a neighborhood.

You been here long? Long enough.

Look, mister, I'm busy.

Excuse me, but a little girl's life is at stake here.

I knew Julio when he was little.

I knew his people.

I don't know him anymore.

He's with a g*ng.

Los Vengadores.

Last week they fought with the Conquerors from the south side.

Julio was knifed, and their leader was taken to the hospital with a b*llet in him.

He could die.

Did Julio sh**t him? Please, tell me where I can find Julio.

I don't know where he is.

Maybe he's a Conqueror.

MichaeI, I think we have company.

All right, let's lose the welcoming committee.

Huh? Hey, old man! What did he want? He was asking about Julio, but I didn't tell him anything.

I don't get involved.

Yeah, well, that's okay 'Cause we get involved.

I give up.

I give up.

This is worse than the charge of the Light Brigade.

You wanna play again? I'll let you win this time.

Charity begins at home.

Not on the checkerboard.

No, young lady, I know when I'm outclassed.

Hello? Devon, it's me, Michael.

How's Becky? Well, apart from the fact that she has no regard whatever for her elders, she's in top form, Michael.

Can I talk to him? In a moment.

How are things going? Not good.

The address was a phony.

The donor turns out to be a guy who's wanted for sh**ting the leader of a rival g*ng.

He's hiding out somewhere.


That's good news, Michael.

Devon, did you hear me right? It could take days to locate this guy.

If he's still alive.

I see.

Well, uh, that sounds very promising.

Uh, Becky's right here, Michael.

She wants a word with you.

Okay, I hear you.

Just so you know, I'm not gonna give up.

Of course not.

And I appreciate it, Michael.

Here's Becky.

Michael, when are you comin' back? Soon, sweetheart.

I'm just taking care of a few things.

Hello, Becky.


Your lesson in checkers paid off.

Devon never knew what hit him.

When I see you again, I'll give you a few pointers on chess.

KITT and I got to go now, sweetheart.

We'll see you real soon.



Thank you.

Now, young lady.

I think I've changed my mind.

Let's have another go.

All right.

MichaeI, there's a car following us.

Shall we lose it? Whoever it is must be as interested in Julio as we are.

How are we gonna talk to him? Polite introductions don't seem in vogue around here.


You're about to be the cheese in a big black mousetrap.

A somewhat unpleasant metaphor.

Not if it works.

Hi, want some licorice? Who are you? Let's get moving, KITT.

Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute.

Hey, what are you doin'? Stop it.

Who's drivin' the car? Stop it.

Come on.

What's goin' on here? That's what I'd like to find out.

Ever since I hit town, you've fallen in love with my car.

Why is that? Uh, stuff it, chum.

Maybe it's because you're more interested in lookin' out for your buddy Julio Rodriguez.

I don't know him.

He's a Vengador, isn't he? W- Where we going? How about we take a little scenic drive, you know? Across the bridge into the Conquerors' territory.

No way.

They'll k*ll me.

Then where's Julio? Come on, man.

What are you tryin' to do? I'm trying to save a little girl's life.

What's that got to do with me? I need your help.

I know Julio is a brother.

I figure you know where he is.

No way, man.

I ain't telling you that.

All right.

Just sit back and enjoy the view.

Hey, man.

Hey, man.

Those are Conquerors.

This looks good, KITT.

Come on, get me out of here, man.

They saw me, man.

Get me out of here.

I need five minutes of Julio's time.

Just to talk.

Close the door, man.

They're gonna rip me apart.

Where's Julio? Okay.


I'll take you to him.

But I gotta make a phone call first.

Just close the door! Okay, you got yourself a deal.

You hear what he said? He knows where Julio is.

Let's go.

He's in there? Like I told you.

Wait in the confessional.

Julio? What do you want? To help you.

Who says I need help? The cops are lookin' for you.

The Conquerors are lookin' for you.

Now, it's just a matter of time, and you're fresh out of choices.

So? What can you do? I can get you out.

Oh, yeah? What are you? Some kind of magician? No, I work for the Foundation for Law and Government.

Julio, there's a little girl who's dying.

Now, I need you to come with me.

You can save her life, man.

And I can save yours.

And what do you think I am, some kind of doctor? There's no way, man, I'm not moving from here until the heat settles.

MichaeI, I'm picking up the approach of two vans from the Lanark area.

Who's that? That's a friend outside.

Lanark area.

That's the Conquerors' territory.

Hey, the Conquerors are outside, man.

Do we take them? They're after you, Julio.

Why risk the others? Julio, please.

Listen to him.

We've got plans, right? But they're no good if you're dead.

The last thing we need now is more trouble.

So what've you got? A t*nk? It's close to it.

All right, I'll go with you.

But just to cool this place out.

No fighting.

Yeah, but- Do what I tell you.

Come on, let's go.

KITT, pick us up in the alley.

Jump in.

Come on.


We have room to turbo? Negative, MichaeI.

There's not enough distance.

Hey, what's goin' on, man? I thought you said you could get me out of here.

KITT, give me all the power you got.

Hold on, Julio.

You okay? What was that? You're okay.

We've lost them, MichaeI.

That's what it's all about.

Hey, what is this, you got some guy back at the shop you talkin' to? No.

I got a computer right here.

Julio, meet KITT.

KITT's part of the family.

Thank you, MichaeI.

Oh, man.

This is crazy.

So-so what happens now? I told you, there's a sick little girl who needs your help.

Why me? Because you're compatible.

What? You're a good donor.

Oh, you mean, like blood, right? More or less, yeah.

Hey, I don't know.

You've got somethin' better to do? Not right now.


Get me Devon, pal.

Yes, Mr.


Thank you.

Michael? That's wonderful news, Michael.


I knew you could do it.

I'll tell the others.

He's found the donor.

Yes, and he's bringing him straight to the hospital.

Of course, there's still the little matter of convincing him to do it, but I believe he can.

I'm beginning to believe a lot of things again.


Hey, sis.

I finally got her to sleep.

Yes, and you, too, I see.

What are you reading? Fredrick the Frog.

Oh, yes.

The one about the frog who has no friends except his own reflection in the pond.

See, I remember.

Hey, come outside for a minute.

Michael's bringing the donor.

Oh, thank God.

What's wrong, sis? Just before she fell asleep, she said that sometimes she feels like she's never gonna get better.

Sometimes she gets so tired, like she stayed up past her bedtime, only it's still afternoon.

You listen to me.

There are so many people who love Becky and who care about her.

She's bound to get well.

Sooner or later they've got to stop for gas or something.

We'll find them.

We better.

After all the trouble we went through to catch our little prize here.

It'd be a shame if Julio didn't get to see it.

Swordfish to Ramrod.

Do you read me? I read you.

Go ahead.


I, uh Listen.

Come on, man.

What is it? It's Jimmy.

What about him? He didn't make it.

Damn! Come on, man.

That's not gonna get us anywhere.

What do you care? He was my brother.

Look, man, I know what'll get us somewhere when we find them.


Go ahead.

I bought it for Santos.

You want to talk about the sh**ting? Hey, what's to tell, man? You heat up, you get a little fried.

You're nervous.

You've got all this energy, see.

You got no place to put it.

What was the beef about? We were on their turf, man.

That's enough.

I was up front.

We heard the cops comin'.

I started runnin', then this dude Jimmy stuck me from behind.

Well, the next thing I knew I heard a pop.

I turned around and he was down.

So because this dude Jimmy knifed you, everybody thinks you shot him? Hey, when someone buys it in the street, you've got to put the finger somewhere.

Otherwise, you got no place to put all the anger.

Why don't you put it on the truth? You make up the truth out there just like you make up the justice.

Yeah, right.

Look where it got you.

Hey, what am I doing here? I don't even like licorice.

MichaeI, we have a problem.

There's a roadblock up ahead.


I knew it.

Let me out of the car.

Stay cool.

I'll find out what's happening.

Keep an eye on him, KITT.

You can pick up 120 to the side, okay? What's the trouble? Well, the road's washed out up ahead from the storm.

We gotta reroute traffic.

All traffic west of here.

Come on, move it out.

Come on.

Look, I got an emergency here.

I'm sorry.

Let's go.

Let's go.

All right.

Julio! They got Terri.

No, Julio! Come back here.

I can't let you through this road.

Okay? Thanks, anyway.


Yeah, KITT.

What is it? I'm afraid Julio's getting away.

What happened? He found the roof button.

MichaeI, I feeI Just awfuI.

That's all right.

Let's get him back.

I'm afraid we have another problem.

I see what you mean.

There she is.

What do we do now? They don't want you.

They want me.

If you want me, let him through.

Let him through.


But- Santos.

Do it.

Yeah, yeah, get out of here.

You couldn't reach Michael? We're not reaching anything on KITT's frequency.

It seems there's an electrical storm between here and Cedar City.

Of course, it is possible that they could walk in here any minute.

God, I hope so.

How is she? She's resting.

But her breathing is so shallow, and she's so pale.

Is there any word? No.

Nothing new.

I still can't believe that traffic Jam, MichaeI.


First Times Square, and now no sign of anything.

Including Julio and his sidekick.

MichaeI, I'm getting something.

Two vehicles approaching a large structure 0.

6 miles east.

All right, let's go for it.

It's our only shot.

Come on, come on.

Get him in.

Come on.

Let's go.

Hurry up.

Get in there.

There it is, MichaeI.

And there are those vans.

MichaeI, there are seven of them.

Five are armed.

Not very good odds, huh? I agree.

You know, there's one good thing about this.

It's gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurt Jimmy.

I don't like it, man.

Burnin' them like that.

He was your brother, remember? Okay, KITT.

Do your stuff.

You in there.

This is the police.

Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands up.

You have one minute.

You're completely surrounded.

Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands up.

You're completely surrounded.

They got an army out there.

We got a better army right here.

You crazy? Those are cops.

You have 30 seconds.

This is the police.

All right, we're coming out.

All right, men.

Hold your fire.

Get over there.

Be cool.

Come on.

Drop it.

Over there.

Next to him.

Come on.

Get over there.

Everybody out.

All right, hotshot.

Call off your army.

No army, Ric.

Just him.

It's just a little floorshow for your benefit.

Get rid of the g*n, funny man.

Do it! MichaeI, his pulse rate and adrenalin flow indicate a highly agitated state.

I suggest you comply.

What the hell is that? His car.

You gonna hide behind that girl, or you're gonna get it on like a man? That's real cute.

But the man is the one with the hardware, sucker.


All right, everybody.

Let's get inside.

Come on.

All right.

Nobody has anything else to say here, so let's just get on with it.

The girl, too? What do you think? I've got somethin' to say.

What you do to each other is one thing, but if you k*ll them, you got to k*ll me, too.

And, there's a whole lot of trouble backing me up.

Is that all you've got to say? No, it's not.

What if Julio didn't do it? What are you talkin' about? He shot Jimmy in the back.

How could he have shot Jimmy in the back if he was bein' chased by Jimmy? Who said he was bein' chased? There were no witnesses.

Wait a minute.

Ric says he knew Jimmy was shot in the back.

How could he know that? It wasn't made public.

What if Julio's telling the truth, and somebody else did it? Any one of the Vengadores could have done it.

Yeah, but they were on your turf, right? So? So maybe it wasn't one of the Vengadores after all.

All right, everybody.


Let's just get this over with, all right? What's the rush, man? What are you, the big leader now that Jimmy's gone, huh? Yeah, I was his second.

You never liked that much.

What are you sayin'? That I wasted your big shot brother? Big shot! Jimmy wasn't no big shot, except maybe to you.

You think the enemy shot your brother.

But sometimes the most dangerous enemy can be the one you trust most.

You're nuts, man.

You shot Jimmy.


Good work, KITT.


I'm gonna k*ll you, man.


I'll turn him over to the police at the roadblock.

It can end right here if you let it.


Let's go, Julio.

What about Terri? You'll escort the lady home, won't you? Yeah.

She'll be okay, man.

Don't worry.

I'll be fine.

Julio, you're doin' the right thing.

You know that, don't you? I know you got some good moves, gettin' me off like you did.

The truth got you off.

I just needed somebody to tell it.

In spite of your treacherous behavior earlier.

What are you talkin' about? You know perfectly well.

Hey, I was worried about my old lady.

Hey, man, this is crazy, I'm talkin' to a car.

You think the cops are gonna believe me? Probably.

Besides, they've got Ric, and we'll talk to them together.

After we take care of Becky.

Is that her name? Becky? Yeah, that's her name.

She's 10, Julio.

And she's beautiful.

And very scared.

Well, I ain't never had no transplant before.

Hey, they gonna take anything I need? Nothing you can't make more of.

Like some factory, huh? Will it hurt? Probably.

And there's some risk involved.

But the procedure isn't considered life-threatening.

Oh, good.

I get to live, huh? You're scared? MichaeI, my sensors are picking up a problem ahead.

The road's impassable.

More storm damage.

We got any alternate routes? One.

On the other side of the river.

All right, let's go for it.


The bridge is washed out.

What about turbo boost? I'm afraid that's out of the question.

The distance is too great.

We'd Just be in over our heads.

Quite literally.

That's great.

I lose the Conquerors, and I buy it in a car accident.

KITT, scan the area.

There's got to be another way.

I'm afraid it's hopeless, MichaeI.

No way, KITT.

We're talkin' about Becky's life here.

Wait a minute, MichaeI.

Center screen.

Those two paralleI lines disappearing in the distance.

Tracks! They're train tracks.


I always wanted to ride the rails in style.

You're crazy, you know that? Hold on.

This is gonna be an "E" ticket ride.

Very nice, MichaeI, very nice.

I couldn't have done it without you, partner.

You're both crazy.

MichaeI, I don't like the sound of that.

I don't either.

Let's get out of here.

How is she? Laura? She's so still right now.

As if it were already over.

It's not over.

Becky's a fighter, Laura.

She'll never give up.

And neither must we.

I'm sorry.

I'm just so tired.

And Dr.

Kiley says that we only have so much time left.

I got him.

Thank God.

Everybody, this is Julio Rodriguez.

I'm so happy you're here.

I'm Devon Miles.

Let me introduce you to Becky's mother and aunt.

Well, I ain't never had no transplant.

Will it hurt? You're scared? No, I can't do this.

What're you talking about? Well, I changed my mind.

Look, I didn't wanna come here in the first place, but you made me.

You owe me.

I saved your neck.

Look, just because you're crazy, man, that doesn't mean I am.

You're gonna cop out on that little girl, huh? Then you're gonna tell her.


Hello, sweetheart.

Hi, Michael.

Guess what? I've got somebody here who wants to say hello.

Are you the one that's gonna help me? You must be pretty scared.

I sure am.

But now that you're here, maybe, maybe we can be scared together.

Bet you couldn't get one of the Conquerors to do this.

I bet you wouldn't.

Let me ask you something.

Anything you want.

If this is such a good thing that I'm doin', how come I don't feel better doin' it? Oh, you will.

Oh, you will, man.

Look who's here.

Hey, this is quite an occasion, pumpkin.

Your first day out in public.

My, I must say, you look smashing.

Is that good, Mom? Good? It's the best.

Gangway! Gangway! Chair coming through.

Hi, Michael.

Hello, sweetheart.

Hi, Julio.


I haven't had a chance to say thank you.

Ah, it's no big deal.

It's okay.

We all thank you, very much.

Okay, okay.

You're welcome.

Oh, have I got a surprise for you.

Excuse me.

Surprise? Mmm-hmm.

All right.

Okay, pal, do your stuff.

Hello, Becky.

I'm so glad to see you.

Me, too.

Can we go for a ride soon? The doctor says any day now, buddy.


That makes me very happy.

Show her how happy it makes you, KITT.