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02x17 - Speed Demons

Posted: 05/09/23 05:41
by bunniefuu
Bringing up the rear are McNamer, Hart, and a big black car.

First you write to the Foundation that someone m*rder*d Danny.

Now you try and knock him out of the race yourself.

Meet the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Lee, what do you think caused the accident? A clown named Kelly Travis who was busy hot-dogging his way up the mountain.

I'm gonna have to teach you some manners.

KITT, we're slipping! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

These are the weapons of a modern-day gladiator a participant in the most rugged sport.

: motorcycle racing.

Hey, as far as I'm concerned, this is all safety experts' hype.

I've been racing for five years without a bad spill, and all I need is my trusted helmet.

Duvall! This is my buddy Kelly.

He's always wanted his picture on a cereaI box.

Well, now he knows how the cereaI feels.

Well, try this, cornflake.

Come on, come on.

Get your buns and bikes out there before they start without you.

Is it okay to say "buns" on television? How's it feeI having a big sister around at the races to clean up after you, Kelly? Hey, have you ever tasted Sabrina's tuna casserole? It was a matter of nationaI security to keep her out of the kitchen.

Hey! Have you ever seen these two guys eat? Their stomachs are gonna end up in the Smithsonian.

Kelly, there's been a lot of criticism that you've been hot-dogging lately.

Hey, you call it hot-dogging.

I call it getting an edge.

I take chances.

How else am I gonna win against guys like this? They're good.

The best.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

But tragedy struck that sunny afternoon as the racers made their way up Widow's Mountain on the last stretch of the Oakside course.

Wow! That sure makes me glad I got KITT's armor to protect me.

Several of those riders ended up in the hospital, Michael.

And young Danny Duvall was k*lled.

He was k*lled? I saw him race once.

He was a terrific rider.

Since the Foundation's cosponsoring this year's competition, we were really worried when we got this letter.

This says Danny Duvall was m*rder*d.

Why? Who wrote this? I don't know, and there's no way to trace it.

But even if there's an outside chance that the accident may have been planned, we have our work cut out for us.

He means you do.

Particularly since there's an implication the k*ller may strike again.

I've programmed KITT with details of the race and its participants.

So you can review everything on your way to the Oakside Racecourse.

I know the proceeds are going to charity here, but how did the Foundation get involved in a tough sport like motorcycle racing? Well, you may not believe this, but Devon happens to be quite a fan.

You're right.

I don't believe it.

Well, as a matter of fact, when he was a boy he made quite a name for himself in the Tourist Trophy Races in Britain.

Devon? Devon.

Uh, I'm sorry, but it's just very difficult to imagine you in a little racing outfit, you know, burnin' rubber and suckin' up dirt.

Matter of fact, I was a very keen competitor in those rough-and-tumbles in the old days.

They were very stimulating.

Now, several of the racers from last June are again competing in this year's race.

I want you to find out if there's a m*rder*r among them, Michael.

And if there is, make sure he doesn't strike again.

MichaeI, based on information ApriI gave me on motorcycle racing, I must say I'm completely appalled.

What's the problem, buddy? Why is so much time and money wasted on a means of transportation that has improved very little since the turn of the century? I guess a lot of people just like the feeling of the open air.

Dust and dirt is more like it.

If you want wind, you can simply open a window without getting half the roadway in your face.

It sounds like a little professional jealousy to me.

Jealous? Of those high-powered broomsticks on wheels? Perish the thought.

Let's get an overview of the track, huh? MichaeI, I'm afraid we'll have more accidents than we bargained for.

This track is in no shape for a race.

It's cluttered with debris, potholes, large gaping crevices, and numerous mud puddles.

Sounds like a pretty good description to me.

You mean that's the way it's supposed to be? Yeah, KITT it's like an endurance test.

They throw everything but the kitchen sink at the riders and see if they get through.

Well, I suppose it's Just what these overbred bicycles deserve.

Oh, you think you could take the course, huh? I really don't care to dignify that with an answer, MichaeI.

There's a guy walking on the track with the name Fontaine on his jacket.

Give me what you got on him.

A Wade Fontaine was involved in that big accident, MichaeI.

Well, who would know more about the crash than someone who was in it? Wade? Hi, the name's Michael Knight.

Yeah? Good for you.

Yeah, I'm with one of the race's sponsors.

I'm keeping an eye on security.

So? Some questions have come up about the accident last June.

Last June? That's old news, man.

Well, maybe to you, but I'm still learning.

Tell him how you caused the accident, Fontaine.

They call him the Trickster.

You know why? 'Cause he knows every dirty trick in the book and uses them on the course.

Carstairs, go soak your head.

He has a way with words, doesn't he, girls? It's been a real pleasure talking to you.

Both those racers were inJured in the accident, MichaeI.

And I can see why.

They're still fighting.

Looks like there's some unfinished business floating around here, huh? Hi, this is Roger Floyd And Darlena Webster.

inviting you to join us this weekend on Talkabout as we go behind the scenes at the Oakside Charity Race.

We'll see fast bikes And racing hunks.

competing in this $100,000 winner-take-all event.

This will be a frantic race over this incredibly tough track.

Not an enduro, not a motocross- That's right, Roger.

I guess you could call it a "quasi-motocross.

" I had a hunch she would say that.

We'll be right back after this word.

What-what was that "Quasimoto" business? You're supposed to stick to the script.

It was a funny ad lib, Roger.

You're just mad because you didn't think of it yourself.

I happen to be known for my wit, Darlena.

Well, then you should recognize a good line when you hear one.

I- I give up.

I give up.

Uh, Roger, wait.

Who's going to do the commercial tag? I don't criticize your telecasts.

Please don't castigate my chassis.

Sure, it's ridiculous, but it brings in the bucks.

I guess your posters are on more walls than Uncle Sam's, huh? No money in posters anymore.

It's T-shirts now.

I sold almost as many as E.


last year.

Came in second by only 10,000.

No kidding.

And he can't even ride a bike.

The fans don't seem to care.

Listen, Lee, what do you think caused the accident last year? Not a what, a who.

Wade? No.

A clown by the name of Kelly Travis who was busy hot-dogging his way up the mountain.

You know what gets me? These showboaters are the ones get the dolls and electronic games named after them.

That's where the big bucks are.

And that's why I say, "Promotion is everything.

" Yeah, but Kelly and Danny Duvall were supposed to be best friends.

Hey, when you're competing, and you ride like Kelly, anything goes.

But take it from me, showboating's on its way out.

Carstairs, you might as well stay in your hotel room 'cause you'll be kicking over when I'm waving at you from the top of Widow's Mountain.

That's Kelly Travis, isn't it? Who else? He'll never learn.


The garage Kelly Travis has been renting is up ahead, MichaeI.

Okay, buddy.

Really, MichaeI, look at that.

Those cars are dead on their wheels and yet they're forced to pull those lazy motorbikes.

It's absolutely outrageous.

Maybe now you'll appreciate me that much more.

Who are you? Hi.


I don't know you.

The name is Michael Knight.

I work for The Foundation for Law and Government.

Oh, it's always nice to meet one of our sponsors.

But, uh, you could have knocked.

Oh, I did.

Oh, well, then, what are you doing here? Actually, I was looking for Kelly.

What is it that you want? Just to talk.

About what? Danny Duvall.

Danny's dead, and there's nothing left to talk about.

Look, I know you were friends.

I'm sorry.

Danny and I were engaged.

And there's no one sorrier than I am.

I was hopin' you could tell me what happened that night.

Why? We received an anonymous letter saying that said Danny's death wasn't an accident.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Does Kelly think so? Why don't we just leave Kelly out of this? Well, I've seen him ride.

He sure can take care of himself.

Can you tell me where he is? He's out on the highway somewhere.


MichaeI, I'm picking up a truck, and two compact cars but no motorcycles.

He's out here somewhere.


I got you, pal.

Piece of cake.

MichaeI, up ahead.

All right, Kelly, pull over.

I want to talk to you.

What are you trying to pull, big shot? I thought it was pretty hot.

Yeah, well, it wasn't, and neither are you.

Come on, get up.

Come on, get up, or do I have to pull you up? You're gonna have to pull me up, partner because, you see, I can't make it alone.

Haven't been able to ever since that accident on the mountain.

How can you ride if it's so painful to stand? When I'm on the bike, the pressure's not on my legs.

Isn't there some kind of surgery that can help you? Sure, if I want to take two years out of my life.

You stay away from racing that long, you might as well hang it up.

Anyway, these legs are the price I pay for k*lling the best friend I ever had.

What if you didn't k*ll Danny? When I was in third grade, my teacher, she used to yell at me for leaning way back in my chair.

But I'd do it anyway.

You know, showing off.

I've been tilting that chair back ever since.

That day, I leaned back too far, and I took Danny with me.

Kelly, maybe Danny fell off his own chair.

No way.

He was the best.

I lost control.

That's something I never did before.

I tell you what, I'll make a deal with you.

You cool the hot-dogging, and I'll find out exactly who's been tilting the chairs.

MichaeI, this situation is deplorable.

Unhitch me immediately.

This looks like the place.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're rolling.

Welcome back to Talkabout.

This is Roger Floyd.

And I'm Darlena Webster.

And we're talking to you from the Oakside pre-race party.

Oh, look, Darlena, here comes my very good friend, Lee Carstairs.

Hello, Lee.


Lee, is there anything you'd like to say about tomorrow's race? Sure would.

I'd like to announce that when I win, I'm donating the entire proceeds to charity.

Which means that both the gate and the purse will go to a good cause.

You bet.

It's the spirit of giving that made this country great, Ralph.

Thank you, Lee.

Thank you.

Lee Carstairs, ladies and gentlemen.

Good friend, huh? He called you Ralph.

I know.

See you later, KITT.

I'll be here.

Oh dear, here he comes again.

It's most disconcerting when a partner treats you with less than respect.

You can talk.

I'm not losing my mind.


But I suspect you may, if you continue your ill-fated relationship.

D- Do you think I chose that female flake in a flak suit? Do I have any say in this? Of course not.

But I have to go out there every night, in front of millions of viewers and make a fool of myself.

How do you think it makes me I don't believe this.

I'm telling my life story to a car.

I just thought it was time that you and I kissed and made up.

Wade, there's no reason to make up.

I'm not having a fight with you.

I just don't like you.

That's 'cause you never got a chance to know me.

She's never gonna get that chance because unless you go outside, get some air, and dry out, we're going to have to pour you on that bike tomorrow morning.




He just doesn't know when to quit.

Yeah, a lot of people have that problem.

Like me, for example.

What do you mean? Sabrina, I think you're the one who wrote the letter to the Foundation.

Hey, come on, everybody, don't be shy.

Let's boogie, huh? Go home, Kelly.

You're breaking up the party.

You've been hanging around my sister again.

Lay off, Wade, or I'll be breaking you up on that hill tomorrow.

Oh, yeah! You've got a lot of guts talkin' about that mountain, man, considering it's where you k*lled your best friend.

Kelly, no! Cool down, pal.

Save it for the course.

Little too much celebrating, huh, partner? Yeah.

Okay, come on.

Oh, Kelly.

Oh, Kelly, are you okay? It hurts.

Just like when Danny's bike hit me.

It's my body's way of remembering what I did to him.

Thanks for covering it for me in there.

I owe you one.

No, you don't owe me anything.

But you owe yourself something.

You're beginning to sound like my third grade teacher.

Yeah, maybe she was a lot smarter than you gave her credit for, huh? Yeah, maybe.

Oh, I can start breathing again.

I was so afraid you were going to tell Kelly that I wrote that letter.

How did you know? I didn't.

But after reviewing all the players, it didn't take a psychic to see who lost the most after Danny died.

Why did you write it? Well, after the accident, Kelly promised me he would give up racing and I really believed him.

But then he started practicing late at night.

Next thing I knew, he'd entered this race, like he was driven by speed demons.

You don't know how scared I was that something would happen to him again.

Wait a minute.

It sounds like you think that somebody was after Kelly that day.

I know how Kelly rides.

And that day up on Widow's Mountain, he was different right before the fall.

Like something was wrong with his bike.

But I could never prove it, because Kelly had the bike scrapped right after the race.

Michael, this race is less than 12 hours away.

I'm so scared.

Look, I made a promise I'd find out the truth about what happened.

I don't back out on my promises.

I'll tell you a little secret.

I've got some friends who work nights.

I can't imagine what you expect to find, MichaeI.

We've been over this footage all night, and it's not getting any prettier.

It looks to me like Kelly's doing fine.

I mean, he's having fun.

All of sudden, he loses control.

Isn't losing controI par for the course on a steep incline? No, not for someone like Kelly.

I've seen this kid ride with a physical handicap.

And he handles that bike like an ace.

Without the handicap, nothing can shake this guy.

There's got to be something wrong with the bike.

I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

Michael, it's morning.

Why don't you sleep on it, huh? Get a fresh start.

The answer is right in front of me.

I am not gonna quit now.

Maybe it'll look different after some rest.

You know, that's a good idea.

I need a new way of looking at this.

KITT, give me an ECU on the bike.

All right.

Now move it forward, step by step.

That's what's been bothering me.

Kelly's front wheel isn't moving.

Doesn't that defy the law of physics? It does in my data banks.

If something jammed his wheel, he couldn't handle that bike, no matter how good he is.

Where are you going? To make sure his bike is okay this time.

But what about the sleep? Sleep? It's morning.

Looks like we're not the only ones interested in Kelly's bike.

Let's get him! MichaeI, I'm afraid I'm not equipped for this terrain.

I have inadequate traction.

Nothing we can do about it, buddy.

KITT, we're slipping! I told you, MichaeI, I'm not equipped to KITT.

KITT, talk to me.

KITT, you all right? I've never been so humiliated in my life, watching that two-wheeled tarantula run circles around me.

I told you my tires had no traction.

We'll talk to April about it.

What about that tarantula? Anywhere in sight? I'm afraid he's quite literally left us in the dust.

All right.

Give me Devon.

Well, KITT, I hope this will do the trick.

But don't use them unless it's absolutely necessary.

If it'll save me further embarrassment, it's necessary.

You know what I think? What? I think the m*rder*r was really after Kelly.

I think Danny was an innocent victim.

Now all I've got to do is figure out how the wheel was frozen and who did it.

I don't understand it.

I mean, we all wanted to win our rough-and-tumbles.

But it's inconceivable to me that anyone would want to k*ll to win.

Somebody was obviously more desperate than you were.

Whom do you suspect at this point? I don't know, there's two racers who still hate Kelly.

One's name is Wade Fontaine.

The other is Lee Carstairs.

But I'm not sure either one's got a motive for m*rder.

Carstairs was badly injured in the race last year.

I doubt any m*rder*r would include himself in the package.

He also said that he'll give all the money to charity if he wins.

So he's not after money.

What about Fontaine? Fontaine thinks that Kelly stands between him and Sabrina.

Of course, he thinks I do, too.

All right.

The high-traction drop-downs are ready.

But I haven't had a chance to test them.

There's only one way to test them.

Use 'em.

I'm out of here.

Something about Widow's Mountain and what Sabrina said keeps coming back to me.

I'd rather we forget the whole incident.

Yeah, well, we can't.

It's the idea that every motorcyclist has distinctive moves.

KITT, I noticed something about that rider this morning.

How quickly he lost us, I suppose.

Yeah, well, that's because we weren't ready for the mountain, all right? But he didn't seem to be too sure of himself.

I'm afraid I don't understand your point.

That rider was not a pro.

Hey, Kelly.

How's the bike? Now it's A-one.

Somebody tried playing the old sweetening game on my t*nk, feeding sugar into the gas line to foul up the engine.

It's a good thing I checked it out.

Where's Sabrina? She's getting ready for the race.

What's up? Right before your accident last June, do you remember your front wheel jamming? Didn't anybody tell you it's bad luck to talk about accidents before a race? Yeah, yeah, well, it's a lot worse having them.

All I remember is seeing Danny go down.

And I see it over and over again.

How could one rider cause another rider's wheel to stop turning? It's easy.

You just sh**t a little aluminum rod out of a CO2 target p*stol right into the spokes, it stops everything cold, and then it disintegrates.

That happen a lot? Bicycle racers do it a lot in Europe.

What are you asking for, anyway? You gonna sabotage the race? Not a chance.

I was going to make sure nobody else does, either.

Listen, you don't mind if I gear up in private, do you? I don't do it as easily as I used to.


Listen, good luck out there today.

I'm pulling for you, huh.


I figured you were inside with Kelly.

I thought I'd wait till you came out to thank you.

Thank me, for what? Well, for chasing away the guy who tried to wreck Kelly's bike.

Kelly told me all about it.

Sabrina, Kelly didn't know I chased anybody.

Oh, well, we knew someone came to our rescue.

Why did you do it, Sabrina? I don't know what you're talking about.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Now don't play games with me.

What's really going on here? First you write to the Foundation that somebody m*rder*d Danny.

Then you try and tell me that Kelly's really the victim.

Now you try and knock him out of the race yourself.

What's going on? I want my brother alive.

I begged you to find the m*rder*r, but you haven't.

And if Kelly goes out on that racecourse, he's fair game.

And I'm not going to sit by and let somebody k*ll him.

You're not in charge of your brother's life.

He's a big boy.

If this race means that much to him, you got no right to stop him.

He's my brother.

I love him.

That gives me the right.

That's not fair, sis.

I've got to win this race for Danny.

You can't stop me, Sabrina.

Not if you love me.

Oh, Kelly.

Come on, you'll ruin your mascara.

See you at the racetrack, huh? At the finish line.

How's the security business, Knight? Live and well.

How's the racing business? Just talked to my agent.

Got a new promotion.

Carstairs cycle.

Great idea, huh? I get the feeling you could sell just about anything.

You can't make a living just winning races.

Believe me, it's those endorsements that count.

I'll see you.

I've got to beat the crowds to the track so I can walk the course before the race.

Good luck.

Hi, hotshot, come here, man, I've got a bone to pick with you.

Oh, nothing like a good night's sleep to mellow you out, right? Oh, yeah? Hey, listen man, what's between Sabrina and me ain't none of your business.

Well, I don't think it's any of your business, either.

She's not interested.

Yeah, she was until you came along.

I doubt that.

Hey, listen, stretch, I'm gonna have to teach you some manners.

Gee, I hope you can ride with that bad hand today.


Meet the Eighth Wonder of the World.

The discovery of a car occurred some years ago, Roger.

Yes, but this car talks.

Go ahead.

Say a few words to my cameraman.

I guess it's not in a talkative mood.

Come on, metal head, say something.

But yesterday, I just Would you, I-I, what happened Traitor! That's show biz.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the Oakside Charity Race.

We need all the riders to the starting area, please.

I'm Larry Huffman, we're expecting some exciting racing this afternoon with top riders like Kelly Travis, Lee Carstairs, and Wade Fontaine all here today.

And they are ready to go for the champagne, glory, and gold.

The top riders from across the country gathered here on a beautifuI afternoon.

The temperature in the 80s, we've got a fast track, and we are set for some very exciting racing.

Hi, and welcome back to Talkabout.

We're at the Oakside Charity Race, which is about to begin any minute.

Yes, and Roger will be giving you a blow-by-blow while I race myself over to the finish line to give the lucky first-placer a great big victory kiss.

Uh, no, Darlena, I'm scheduled to be at the finish line.

Oh, no, Roger, do you really think that these awesome athletes are going to want a victory kiss from you? You've gone too far this time, Webster! Oh, slow down! Cut, cut.

Tough doughnuts, Floyd.

Look, it's done.

And now the whole country's expecting me to be at the finish line.

You're going the wrong way, bimbo brain.

I've got to change my attire.

You don't expect me to be seen in this old thing? I was doing Shakespeare before this.

Here, coming out now, is Kelly Travis.

The line is looking at him.

He's a showboater, and the crowd likes him.

In the middle of the front line, Kelly Travis, Number 25.

The equipment may have changed, but the raw excitement remains the same.

I rather miss it.



Michael, you still look worried.

Maybe we should postpone the race.

No, all I've got is a feeling.

That's not enough to cancel all the work that's gone into this.

No, of course not.

I think it's time to give the officials the green light.

Why is Kelly doing that? Ah, it's his style.

Getting attention.

It seems like an awful lot of trouble.

Well, what they call it is promotion.

It's the name of the game around here.

Without it Wait a minute.


That might be it.

What do you mean? I'll talk to you later.

Young gladiators of racing up on the line now.

You've got to wonder what is going through their minds.

Number 6, Lee Carstairs, is certainly one of the favorites.

Next to him, Number 11, George Carter.

Then Number 25.

That's Kelly Travis.

A lot of people have turned out for him.

Number 30, the incredible Scott Crosby.

Then on the outside, Wade Fontaine.

Fontaine eyes this star at the starting area.

And again, very important, the start for a race such as this.

There's the start! Out in front, down the long straightaway is Kelly Travis, Number 25.

Running in second spot, Carstairs, as they fly over the giant Jump, catapulting themselves into the stratosphere.

MichaeI, I've been watching the race and have come to the conclusion that there's very little difference between motorcyclists and lemmings jumping off cliffs.

Right now, I need your attention on something a little less hairy.

I want you to access Lee Carstairs' agency contracts.

Every time I interface with agency computers, I come away wanting to count my circuits.

Must I? Yeah, just do it.

I think I found a motive here.

In that case, I'll take a chance.

Out in front, side by side, Kelly Travis, Lee Carstairs, and Wade Fontaine.

Into the turn now, and it's still Travis in front.

Carstairs, Fontaine, watch out! Holy Toledo! Carstairs and Fontaine crash! No, it's Fontaine down.

Carstairs moves into second.

Fontaine is up.

Apparently okay, but shook-up.

Just what I thought, KITT.

Every one of Lee's endorsement contracts ends this year.

I don't understand the connection.

Lee said it himself.

Those endorsements are his bread and butter.

Without them, he can't make ends meet.

What does that have to do with this race? Lee has to win to reestablish himself as a champion, or no advertiser is going to touch him.

Kelly's the only rider equal to Lee.

I'll bet you Lee got caught up in his own sabotage last year and Danny got the worst of it.

Are you going to stop the race? That's like stopping a stampede.


You and I have just become the first four-wheeled motorcycle team in history.

Let's try those high-traction drop-downs.

And it seems there's no separating Travis and Carstairs as they continue to share the lead as they have since the beginning of the race.

MichaeI, I'm developing a modicum of respect for these motorcycles.

This is rather hard on the frame.

The bones don't have it any easier, pal.

Looks like I've got a little challenge for you, partner.

I hate to do this to you.

That's all right, MichaeI.

It's for charity.

Hold on, we're going through.

Hey! That was great! Maybe we do have a future as a racing team! Heaven forbid, MichaeI.

Bringing up the rear are McNamer, Hart and a big black car.

MichaeI, my sonar indicates that water is much deeper than it looks.

Let's not find out how deep it is.

MichaeI, Carstairs is aiming that device at Kelly.

Carstairs will be out of commission for a while.

MichaeI, Kelly has stopped at the foot of Widow's Mountain.

He must have lost his nerve, KITT.

You've got to get up that mountain.

I can't.

Listen to me! What happened last year wasn't your fault.

It was Lee Carstairs'.

I'm sorry.

Without Danny I feel too alone going up there.

You won't be alone, Kelly.

I'm going with you.

MichaeI, the other racers are only 20 seconds behind.

All right, KITT.

Let's see what those high-traction drop-downs can really do, pal.

Kelly Travis, Number 25, riding the race of his life! Look, this is my show, buster, so don't tell me what to do.

I'm gonna go right down here on the line, so that I can be the first to see the winner.

Let's see that on instant replay.

You did it, kid.

No, we did it.

Well, Michael, the race was a complete success.

The proceeds far exceeded Devon's expectations.


Too bad Kelly had to forfeit his win because he had help.

Well, I think he won far more than just a race yesterday.

Yeah, I guess our little last minute entry didn't hurt too much.

No, as a matter of fact, I've had dozens of calls from promoters begging for KITT's services.

Don't tell him that.

It'll go straight to his head.


Oh, we wanted to thank you for everything, Michael.

And I want you to have this.

I've decided that I'm going to have that surgery.

Then I'm gonna try and find something else to put my energies into besides racing.

Well, I hope they can stand you.

You've got a lot of energy.

Thank you very much, really.


Take care.

Bye, April.

It's something, huh? Pretty nice.

You know, these races have sparked my interest in fresh air once again.

Well, I'll see you later at the Foundation.

Wow! Whoo! Honestly, the fact that Devon would choose that two-wheeled can opener over the comfort of an automobile is completely mystifying.

You may have a point there.

I think we should demonstrate the superiority of a four-wheeled machine.

Michael, you wouldn't.