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02x18 & 02x19 - Goliath Returns Pt. 1 & 2

Posted: 05/09/23 05:42
by bunniefuu
I want Michael Knight! He's standing between us and Devon and April.

Goliath is invulnerable.

If you please me, I may have you spared.

Please, he can't hurt you now! Devon Miles must die.

Who are you? Where's my uncle? MichaeI, we're out of controI.

Reverse turbo! Malfunction.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Push! What's that noise? All right, KITT, let's try April's new device.

MichaeI, I have serious reservations about this.

Hang on, buddy, and get ready to make like a bird.

MichaeI, the release mechanism is malfunctioning.

Abort! Abort! That's just too close for comfort.

You can say that again.

Looks like it's back to the drawing board, huh? I'll have it fixed in 15 minutes.

Take a half an hour.

Just make sure it's perfect, okay? Better yet, take an hour.

Will you relax? I know what I'm doing.

And I know what I'm not doing.

What's that, KITT? I'm not going near another cliff.

Teetering on the edge of oblivion has spoiled my appetite for heights.

Don't worry, KITT.

There's been a change in the menu.

It's canapes and croissants for the next few days.

I assume you've both heard of Dr.

Klaus Bergstrom.

Who hasn't? His research in satellite laser technology has revolutionized the field.

Well, Dr.

Bergstrom is visiting from Sweden to attend an international symposium on the peaceful application of the technology.

A great number of people, including his wife, are deeply concerned for his well-being.

There are governments who would use his knowledge for other purposes.

From what I've heard, his well-being isn't a problem.

Meaning? What is Swedish for "life in the fast lane"? Enough.

We've been asked to help.

Wait a minute.

Einstein or not, I'm not interested in playing baby-sitter to- It's not a question of baby-sitting.

We've been asked to help Dr.

Bergstrom's stay to be pleasant and as uneventful as possible.

His niece, by the way, is with him.

You could show them the sights.

The sights? I'm-I'm a terrible tour guide.

I- I always get lost.

Only when you want to.

The Foundation is hosting a reception for Dr.

Bergstrom at 3:00 sharp.

And please, see that you are dressed appropriately.

A scientist and his niece from Sweden.

What am I going to say to a scientist and his niece from Sweden? I don't- I don't know even know a word of Swedish.

Neither do I.

My father's Swedish, my mother's American.

And I was born here in the States.

Actually, I lied.

I can say Ja, but that's about it.

Thank you.

Ah, luckily, there's not a lot of call for Swedish in behavioral psych these days.

You can't be a psychologist.

You don't have a beard.

Oh, that's because I just graduated.

The beard grows in later.

Oh! You know, with your uncle going to all these meetings, seems like you're gonna have lots of free time on your hands.

Oh, for the first time in my life.

You know, I just graduated two weeks ago and, uh, suddenly, I'm a free woman.

Any idea what I can do with all this independence? Well Ah, careful, Christina.

He's a terrible tour guide.

He always gets lost.

No, that's not true.

I know the city like the back of my hand.

That's a remarkable improvement, Michael, in less than an hour.

I see you've met Christina.

This is her uncle, Dr.

Klaus Bergstrom.

Michael Knight.

I'm so pleased to meet you, Michael.

It's nice to meet you, Doctor.

Excuse me, Mr.


Excuse me, I'll be back in a moment.

A moment is all I need.

Once this affair breaks up, where does, um, a bashful Swede go to see the sights? Well, that depends on what kind of sights you're looking for.

That is simple.

The kind that a travel agent would not think of recommending.

Uncle Klaus, you promised.

Research, Christina.

After all, America is a fascinating country.

I must study it in detail, yes? Yes, I understand.

Keep me informed on any further developments.

Thank you.

I must speak with you immediately.


Do excuse us, please.

Garthe Knight has escaped from prison.

Escaped? Yes.

How? So far, the only detail we have is that a massive truck broke through the prison walls.

It's Goliath.

I'm afraid so.

But how? Such passion.

Is it me you love, or freedom? Only a fool would answer that question.

You have exquisite tastes, Adrianne.

How much is this costing me? I broke you out of prison.

Don't talk to me about dollars and cents.

Goliath broke me out of prison.

And I rebuilt Goliath.

Resurrected him from a burnt-out shell in the desert.

Just as I directed this project from the beginning.

Never forget that.

The dungeon.

Is it as I requested? Exactly.


What about the other? Look for yourself.


Moritz completed the tertiary state of reconstruction yesterday.

You'll be very pleased.

Everything is going exactly as I promised it would.

Even Goliath's weaknesses have been eliminated.

He's completely invulnerable now.


And the biodata implant? In place and functioning beautifully.

Much like the IV apparatus introduces medicine drop by drop into the bloodstream, the biodata unit is slowly programming the patient's brain with every detail of the subject's life and personality.

Second by second, 24 hours a day.

The only information it doesn't have, though, is what's happened in the last 24 hours.

When do the bandages come off? Tomorrow.

You see, Garthe, everything is under control.

And on schedule.

No, not quite everything.

There's still one crucial matter I have to attend to.


You can take care of that later.

Actually, I first went online in a mainframe in Washington, but the government bureaucracy never suited me.

Too stuffy.

I know exactly what you mean! I have spent half my life with dried-out bureaucrats who have dust in their veins instead of blood.

I'm much happier at the Foundation.

Of course, I still have to deaI with human beings.

Well, you're not exactly a cold beer on a hot day either, pal.

Moody, temperamental, and almost no sense of humor.

I beg your pardon, I have a highly developed sense of humor.

For example have you heard the one about the man who walked into the bar with a horse? Ah, later.

We're here.

And not a moment too soon.


Good night, KITT.

Perhaps a fast game of chess before I leave? I'd be delighted.

There are still 642 variations of the Stravinchy defense I'd like to try.

And afterwards, we could discuss your work in laser technology.

I would be delighted.

Are you all right? Yes.

Yes, I think so.

I think we'd better put some ice on it.

Ice? I was just going to ask, uh, Michael to join us for dinner.

Uncle Klaus, Michael probably has plans.

No, I don't.

Nothing special.

Consider me yours.

That is the spirit.

I love America already.

Now, where is a really good restaurant and nightclub? How does Chez Room Service sound? Room service? Christina Uncle Klaus, I'm going to take care of you and your ankle, whether you like it or not.

All right.

Foundation for Law and Government, may I help you? What was that? We meet again.

So, this is what it's like.

What? The big city.

The real world.

You know, I've been so busy going to school, I really haven't had a chance to see much of it.

Well, you've got lots to look forward to and a lot of time to look.

That's one of the reasons why I came with Uncle Klaus.

You know, I'm thinking of moving out here this fall.

Away from home and the family, and everything that's been so secure and dependable for so long.

I think what you need is an experienced tour guide.

Sounds wonderful.

Got anybody in mind? Me.

That sounds wonderful, too.

When? How about tomorrow? Perfect.

What time? I'll check Devon's schedule and I'll give you a call.




I want Michael Knight! If you think I'll give you any information about Michael, you're mistaken.

This madness will never succeed.

As always, you underestimate me.

Our last encounter wasn't a defeat, it was merely a temporary setback.

I will succeed this time.

It is my destiny.

Your destiny is self-destruction.

Destruction, yes.

But Michael Knight's, not mine.

And you and you will be the instruments.

Get up.

You're coming with me.

Both of you.

Why? What possible purpose could it- Move! You seem pleased.

I am.

Was it the food or the company? Both.

Hey, what's with the third degree, anyway? Just checking.

My sensors indicate some interesting biochemicaI activity in your body.

Not related to digestion, I might add.

Meaning? You tell me.

Either you had a scintillating conversation with Dr.

Klaus Bergstrom, or you and Christina found something to chat about.

Well, take a wild guess, buddy.

Advanced human psychology? That's strange.

The Foundation's gates are open.


And I get no response from security.

Something's wrong, MichaeI.

Just what I was thinking, pal.

Oh, no.

April! Kathy, you all right? What happened? They forced their way in.

Michael, he took Devon and April.

He? Who are you talking about? Garthe.


Adrianne Margeaux.

I'm so pleased you remember, but so disappointed that Michael Knight isn't with you.

I thought you were in prison.

Prison? Perish the thought.

I have the best lawyers that money can buy.

And they bought the best judge that money can buy.

Isn't it fascinating the friends that we have in common? Such a small world.

Garthe Knight is no friend.

Even you should know that.

Poor Garthe.

People say such nasty things about him.

But such good things about Michael Knight.

I'm beginning to wonder if he's really flesh and blood.

I look forward to finding out for myself.

Allow me to show you to your room.

I do hope the bath towels match.

Lovely, isn't it? Don't worry, this room's reserved for a very, very special guest.

With luck, he'll be here soon.

For your sake, I hope he is.

I've been all through the Foundation.

He didn't leave a clue.


Perhaps the police will find something.

Yeah, well, perhaps isn't good enough.

If not inside, then maybe outside.

Look, scan the entire area.

Look for anything, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant.

Right away, MichaeI.

I'm afraid there's nothing.

Wait a minute.

What's that? What? There appears to be drops of radiator coolant on the driveway.

Enough to follow? I'm not sure.

It depends upon how consistent the drops are, the amount of liquid, the weather conditions- Devon and April's lives may hang in the balance, KITT.

How're we doing, buddy? Still on the trail? The drops are remarkably consistent.


We can use every break we can get.

You know, it's hard to believe Garthe succeeded in breaking out of prison.

Not with Goliath, it isn't.

Did you say Goliath? Yeah, I thought I'd mentioned that.

You certainly did not.

MichaeI, I thought we destroyed that monster.

I thought we did, too.

Somehow, some way, somebody put the pieces back together again.

Who could have done such a terrible thing? It's a good question.

Who and why? Garthe hates me, but he's also very greedy for money and power.

Whatever he's up to, it's much more than a personal vendetta.

The question is what's he after this time? I want it all.

A new life.

A new future.

Most of all, revenge.

You have your life.

And before long, your future is gonna be assured.

Forget this childish revenge.


Nothing means anything without it.

Then you're a fool.

You're not going to jeopardize this project because of it.

I won't allow it.

How intriguing.

I hadn't really appreciated the extent of your interest in Michael Knight.

My interest in Michael Knight is none of your business.

Oh, but it is.

You see, you want him alive, and I want him dead.

Now, one of us is going to be terribly disappointed.

Excuse me.

Yes? Good.

Send him in.

He's ready.

Good afternoon.

Someone's coming.

Good morning.

Breakfast will be along shortly.

Doing your morning calisthenics, I see? I beg your pardon? Someone's been standing on the bed.

I'd hate to think that you were trying to escape.

He doesn't have the will or the imagination.

You, on the other hand, have something very special.

Beauty, elegance, and grace.

Leave her alone.

You remind me of a filly I once owned.

Beautiful, spirited, free, and wild.

It took me two weeks to break her.

And I enjoyed every minute of it.

You disgust me.

Now, now, Garthe.

Your fangs are showing.

I hate to dash your hopes, but this is not a purely social visit.

There's someone that I'd like you to see.


Klaus! Are you all right? Did they hurt you? I am fine.

Bravo! Congratulations! Thank you.

Good day.

What have you done to him? Oh, nothing that a little corrective surgery won't remedy.

You see, this was not Klaus Bergstrom.

A rather good imitation, don't you think? Michael Knight, please.

I see.

No, it's not important.

Can you please tell him Christina called? Thank you.

22-yard line.

That's strange.

He said he'd call.

Where do you suppose he could be? Hmm? Uncle Klaus? Yes.

Look at you.

A man of your intelligence, your vision, you come to America to enlighten the world on laser technology, and before I know it, you're like every other American male.

Glued to the television set watching football.

What an incredible game.

These Americans are crazy! Have you ever watched them play football? It's got you hooked, Uncle Klaus.

Not really.


Christina, what is wrong? Nothing.

There's no football now.

So what is wrong? Michael said he'd call this morning and, uh, I can't reach him at the Foundation.

He likes you.

I'm not That's not what I'm concerned about.

It sounds to me like something has got you hooked, too.


You were going shopping.

So go.

If he calls, I will tell him that you're out with a very handsome young man who adores you.

Oh, don't you dare.

ball, second and 13.

And here comes the snap.

Here goes Thorpe through the left side of the line.

He's down to the 19, down to the 20, down to the 24-yard line.

Christina, how is he supposed to miss you if you never go away? Hello, Dr.


The spots seem to be increasing in size, MichaeI.

They turned off that road.

We may be getting somewhere, pal.

You don't suppose this could be a trap, do you, MichaeI? KITT, with Garthe, anything's possible.

Is that also true of Goliath? What do you mean? Is it possible he's a new and improved modeI? You're hesitating.

Well, to hesitate is human.

I thought, "To err is human.

" Both are.

And now you're stalling.

All right, KITT, it's possible.

Yeah, it's very possible.

You all right? That depends upon how one defines "all right.

" Now you're stalling.

Okay, no.

I'm not all right.

The thought of meeting Goliath again is quite unsettling.

Join the club, pal.

Join the club.

Thank you, I'd rather not.

I'd like to leave my room key.

Of course.

Excuse me, please.

Aren't you Dr.

Bergstrom's niece? Yes.


He is so handsome.

He just walked through the lobby and none of the girls behind the desk could stop staring.

You just saw my uncle? Yeah.

A few minutes ago.

On his way out? No.

I think he was returning to his room.

Uncle Klaus.

What is it, Christina? Were you just downstairs? If I was, then I'm more of a genius than they say.

Being in two places at the same time is quite a quite a feat.

And, uh, depending on the circumstances, it could be quite a treat.

Well, I just had the strangest experience.

There was a man getting on the elevator that looked so much like Michael.


Except for a mustache.

I thought you were supposed to be looking after me.

Well Hmm? You are terrible.

All right, I'll ask.

Did he? My mind is on a thousand things, Christina.

Uh, I don't know what you're talking about here.

Football? I'm talking about Michael and you know it.


Michael! Well, why didn't you say so? Well, did he call? No.


You're awfully quiet.

Still thinking about Goliath? I'm used to worrying about you.

I expect to worry about you.

But Devon and ApriI I feeI so helpIess.

Well, consider it a temporary situation 'cause we're gonna find them.

MichaeI, look! Give me a reading real quick.

Is that Devon and April? Those figures aren't human.

They're wearing Devon's and ApriI's clothing, but their bodies are made of polyurethane.


Looks like we've been led on a wild-goose chase.

I'm afraid it's more than that, MichaeI.

I'm sinking.

Get out of here.

Fast! MichaeI, traction is impossible.

I'm sinking deeper.

All right, let's try your grappling hook.

MichaeI, is this it? The big adios? All right, hang on, buddy.

Here we go.

Okay, try it! Easy.


Come on.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

All right.

I wonder whether Garthe expected us to go under or if this was just designed to buy time.

Time for what? I don't know, KITT.

I'll feel a lot better when I do.

I'll get it.



Is it Michael? Uh-huh.

I'll tell him.

Thank you.

That was Mr.


And he wanted me to tell you that the press conference has been finalized.

I hate press conferences.

The thing I'm going to miss the most when I get back to Sweden is football.

Especially the beer commercials.

I don't know which is more violent, the game or the commercials.

Where're you going? To get a beer, of course.

It's un-American to watch football and not drink beer.

Y- Your ankle! What? Well, your ankle, you twisted it yesterday, don't you remember? Of course I remember.

But it is much better.


As if this wasn't already difficult enough.

A visitor.

What have you done to him? Oh, nothing time won't cure.

His pulse is strong.

Oh, he's too valuable to injure.

Unlike you.

Too valuable? What do you intend to do with him? Sell him on the open market to the highest bidder? Close.

Except the bidding is over.

Now it's only a matter of delivering the goods on time.

How's the great escape coming, huh? Tedious work.

Believe me, I know.

He's coming to.

What's that smell? It's chloroform.

You think it's possible to duplicate a man so closely that he won't be exposed as a fraud? At home, among family and friends, I'd say no.

But here it's possible.

Even Christina doesn't know him that well.

The trap didn't work.

Michael Knight escaped.

It's all right.

A temporary setback.

I prefer to take him with Goliath, anyway.

What about the sub? I've made contact.

Pickup is still tomorrow at 1500 hours.


So, the elusive Michael Knight is at large.

Too bad.

In the meantime, have any ideas about how to pass a quiet afternoon? MichaeI, Kathy is calling from the Foundation.

Hello, Kathy.

Hello, MichaeI.

Any luck? Well, I thought I had a lead, but it turned out to be a dead end.

Anything from the police? Nothing so far.

Christina's been calling.

Yeah, we'd made plans.

I'll call her when I get back.

The last time she called she sounded frightened.

She said it was urgent.

All right, I better check it out.


Hope Christina's all right.

Why wouldn't she be? I don't know.

Just a bad feeling.

I'm sorry.

I'm just so confused.

It's all right.

What's wrong? Uncle Klaus.

I know this is gonna sound crazy.

But it's like he's not the same person.

He's not the same person.

What do you mean? Something happen? Nothing big.

Just little things.

Do you remember when he twisted his ankle? Well, he's been walking around the hotel room as if nothing's wrong.

And then when I asked him about it, he just looked at me as if he didn't know what I was talking about.

Michael, do you think I'm crazy? Yesterday I would've said yes.

Today I'm not so sure.

Come on.

Ah! You found him.

Yes, finally.

Hello, Doctor.


Going dancing? Oh, no, press conference tomorrow.

The last one I attended in Stockholm the reporters paid more attention to the hole in my shoe than my work.

This time I am ready for them.

Will you care to join us for dinner? I have been invited by the International Laser Optics Society.

It's very boring, but they say the food is magnificent.

I've got a few things to take care of.

But thanks, anyway.

I just stopped by to say hello.

Thank you.

Oh, yeah, those tickets I mentioned, to Disneyland, I can't get them until next week.

I'm sorry.

Oh, that is too bad.

Well, perhaps next time.

Hmm? Walk me down.

I don't know who that man is in there, but it's not Klaus Bergstrom.

I never mentioned anything about Disneyland to your uncle.

Michael, where's my uncle? What is- KITT, tap into the hotel phone system.

I want to see if a call goes out from room 1525.

Right away, MichaeI.

Christina, listen to me.

Devon and April have disappeared.

Now, I think there's some connection.

I hate to ask you to do this.

What? We can't afford to let them know we're onto them.

Yeah, KITT, what is it? A call is going out, MichaeI.

Trace it.

I'll get right back to you.

I can't ask you to go back in there.

I know what you're gonna say.

If they know that we know- Not bad for a small-town girl.

Now, they think they've got us fooled.

I want to keep it that way.

But it's up to you.

I won't pretend I have any idea what's going on.

All I know is Uncle Klaus is in danger.

And I trust you.

So, if you think it's important, I'll do it.

Don't worry about the big city, you're gonna do just fine.

You be careful.

I need an address on that number, pal.

It's a hi-com unlisted number, MichaeI.

I'll have to go to the heart of the phone company's computers.

Go for it.

I have the address, MichaeI.

Plot me the fastest route, KITT.

Get me Mr.

Knight, quick.

MichaeI, I'm picking up something quite strange.

All right, let's have a look.


Bingo indeed.

It's Goliath.

At least we know we're on the right track.

How far away is he? Speed? MichaeI, surely you're not thinking of confrontation? I'd rather avoid one, but he's standing between us and Devon and April.

All right, scan for the weak spots.

MichaeI, they've been repaired.

Goliath is invulnerable.

MichaeI, what's our plan? We do have a plan, don't we? Give me a visual on the road.

At present rate of speed, we'll meet about here.

What's that to the left of the road up there? A cliff.

Over 300 feet straight down.

All right.

Hang on, pal.

He's got the size, but we've got the maneuverability.

Right now I'd trade.

MichaeI, we're out of controI.

Reverse turbo! Malfunction.

MichaeI, what are we going to do? Pray April fixed you.

My circuits are shorting.

Come on, baby! Whoa! It worked! KITT, it worked! Whoa! Thank goodness! Get him.

Oh! Beautiful.

I'd rather be turned into a toaster oven than go through this again.

I'm with you there, pal.

At least we're still in one piece.

Whew! All right, let's get rid of this trash.

He's mine.

KITT, can you hear me? MichaeI, is that you? Yeah.

You okay? No, I'm not okay.

I'm nowhere near okay.

Most of my functions are out of order, and I'm being treated like a side of beef.

Where are you? In the garage, and it's not a pleasant experience.

I'm not exactly in the Palace Hotel either.

Don't worry, we'll get out of this.

I certainly hope so.

Police impound would be preferable to the company I'm forced to keep now.

Hold it.

Hold it.

Imagine this.

We meet again.

Surprised? Not particularly.

Liar! The last time we met, I promised to take you to Africa.

To the very prison in which I was forced to exist.

Unfortunately, that's no longer practical.

So I did the next best thing.

I brought the prison cell here, stone by stone.

Just for you, Michael.

Just for you.

I'm flattered.

Why don't we just talk business? Business? Oh, this is business.

It might be interesting to note, along with the stones, I received an unexpected bonus: African rats.

Just like the ones who chewed at me.

They breed quickly, and will stop at nothing to feed their young.

Make friends with them if you can, Michael.

I want you to release Devon and April.

You got me.

That's what you want, isn't it? Yes! But I want you to suffer in every way imaginable.

My possession of Devon Miles and April Curtis causes you great anguish.

How could I possibly deny myself that pleasure? Guards, I'm through.

Until the rats have all begun to breed, sleep well, my brother.

I want to speak to MichaeI.

MichaeI Knight.

Uh, please tell him it's important.

Well, do you know where he is? I've got to talk to him.

You startled me.

I- I thought you were going out.

I was, but then I realized how little time we have together.


Christina, is something bothering you? No, really, I'm-I'm fine.

If something is bothering you, you can talk to me.

After all, we are family.

And there's no closer bond than that.

If you can't trust family, then who can you trust? April, do you know a way to switch off this key light, and then turn it on again? I think a bobby pin should do the trick.


What are you thinking? I'm thinking I wish some of my old friends from the UXB unit in England were here now.

They learned a great deal about bombs.

They even invented a few of their own, including Spies' Bread, for instance.

Spies' Bread? I remember that, yes.

When RAF pilots were imprisoned in Germany, they used to escape by making a kind of dough out of articles of clothing, and then they would use electricity to detonate it.

Shall we, as the English say, uh, have a go at it? Of course, old boy.

It's rather a long shot, but we do have plenty of water.

What we need now is a base.

A base.

A base.

A base.

If only we still wore those, uh, celluloid collars.

That alone could blow us out.

Wait a minute.

Aren't these made of a similar material? We can use this glass to shave the stays into smaller pieces.


But we still need the flour for the dough.

What about the lining of your jacket? It's made of an acrylic.

Yes, but first we need something that can be crushed into a powder to create combustion.

I bought this sweater in India.

They use malimite for the buttons.

The malimite! The malimite could act as an oxidizer.

There we are.

But, MichaeI, I don't understand how that's gonna help.

There's no time to explain.

I want you to start recording everything.

Are you with me? At this point, I'll try anything.

Very good.

I love a man that can do two things at once.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that couldn't sleep tonight.

It's a pity.

I love to watch men sleep.

I like to fantasize what they're dreaming about, or who.

Why don't you just get to the point? One point at a time, Michael.

You know what I'm talking about.

Those feelings that you get when you dream about somebody in the romantic sense.

Somebody you might not have even thought about in weeks.

It puts you into a kind of mood for the rest of the day.

Those are the kind of dreams I've been having about you, Michael.

Only, I've been having them almost every night since we last met.

It's made my mood very strong.

Where does Garthe fit into those moods? He fits in a different mood.

You see, I'm a woman of varied tastes.

It's amazing, the resemblance between you and Garthe.

You're like flip sides of a coin, opposites to the core: one good, one evil.

I'm curious to see which one I'll prefer.

What are you talking about? I'm talking about you.

Your future.

Will it be life or death? If it's left up to Garthe alone, it will be death.

Fortunately for you, it's not up to him alone.

If you please me, I may have you spared.

You see, once Garthe and I conclude our project tomorrow, I'll have more money than I could ever possibly spend alone.

I'll need some help.

I'm sure Garthe will give you all the help you need in that department, if you succeed.

Oh, we will succeed.

The question is, will you succeed in staying alive? Kiss me, Michael.

Convince me that you're worth saving.

That's nice for a start.

Goodness gracious.

Good evening, my friend.

My name's Karl.

I hear you're a tough nut to crack.

Well, let me tell you, I'm a tough nutcracker.

So that's the way it's going to be.

All right, have it your own way.

But let me warn you: I will strip your defenses one by one, and in the end, I will transplant your central processing unit to Goliath.

I think it is time we ended this little charade.

I was, uh, just looking for- Some kind of identification.

Don't bother.

Everything is in perfect order, right down to the pretty dollar bills from the Bahamas your uncle keeps in his wallet for good luck.

Who are you? Where's my uncle? Let's just say that I'm part of a very complex plan.

A plan that will go smoothly, no matter what.

It's been quite obvious ever since this afternoon that you had your suspicions about me.

I think it's time we lay our cards on the table.

What do you want from me? Very little, actually.

Just your smile, your silence, and your cooperation.

If you try to escape or alert anyone, your uncle will suffer.

Is that clear? Now all we need now is something that's conductive to electricity.

I think I will have the mattress wire for you in a moment.


Get back.

Cover your eyes! Ready? Ready.

Let's go.

So, the great escape concludes.

Neither great nor successful.

Guards! Well, it was a good try.

Take them to their room.

Take a good look.

You'll never see them again.

Good morning.

What makes you think so? If you'd gotten up at a decent hour, you'd know the submarine's gonna be late.

It's being delayed by an American destroyer on maneuvers off the international boundary.

Well, you're in a good mood as usual.

By the way, for your information, I'm not responsible for the movements of the United States Navy.

No! And you're not responsible for Michael Knight, either.

Stay away from him.

How dare you tell me what to do! If it weren't for me, you'd still be in prison, and Goliath would still be a burnt-out skeleton in the desert! You give yourself way too much credit, don't you? I would've gotten out of that prison without you, one way or another.

I had a promise to keep.

What, your revenge against Michael Knight? It always comes back to him, doesn't it? My revenge is my business, not yours.

Your hate for him is eating away inside of you.

It makes you weak.

You disgust me.

And your lust for him disgusts me.

It's about time you understood that my life does not revolve around you.

It was my will that forced you to break me out of prison.

It was my brilliance that resurrected Goliath, and it was my planning that captured Michael Knight.


Out of here.

All right, MichaeI, what's next? Right.

Find a "the" and splice it in after the word "open.

" The.

I think that works, MichaeI.


I hope the rest of the world does.

Okay, pal.

Get ready for the performance of your life.

Go for it.

Guards! Open the door.

I'm taking MichaeI out of here.

Oh, no! MichaeI! It worked! So far.

Right now we're long on luck and short on time.

Where's the hydraulic switch? On the sidewall.

You have no idea how helpIess I felt up there.

A technician named KarI kept trying to get into my centraI processing unit last night.

I had to use every ounce of power to fight him off.

Pop the hood, KITT! How do I look? I think you'll live.

Looks like all Goliath did was loosen your main circuit distribution panel.

How's that feel? WonderfuI.

I feeI alive again.

Don't get carried away.

We're not out of here yet.

All right, see if you can locate Devon and April.

They've been moved to another room.

It has a PA system.


Jam the waves and give me a direct two-way from their PA speaker.

Right away.

Devon, ApriI, can you hear me? Devon? ApriI, can you hear me? Michael, where are you? I'm in the garage.

KITT's ready to roll.

Now you sit tight.

We'll find a way to get you out of there.

No, Michael.

Wait a bit.

Get Christina first.

But, Devon- That's an order.

All right.

I'm coming back for you.

And that's a promise.

Good luck, Michael.


MichaeI, how do you intend to get us out of here? There's a rather large obstacle in our way.

Give me another 30 seconds, KITT.

MichaeI, I detect vehicles headed our way.

I think that's our exit line.

I'll get him! No! Not now.

He'll come back for his friends.

Then it'll be my turn.

Brace yourself, MichaeI.

MichaeI, I've never been so happy to leave a place.


It's too bad it's only a breather.

Let's access Dr.

Bergstrom's itinerary for today, huh? He's scheduled to attend a press conference at 10.


Let's try and catch him before he leaves the hotel.

Surely you can do better than that.

Better than what? Your face is frozen.

You look like a statue.

Unfortunately my major wasn't theater arts.

I can't smile on cue.

No, but you can at least look pleasant.


For your uncle's sake, hmm? Christina! Dr.

Bergstrom! I'm sorry.

I know, but I'm such a lousy tour guide.

The least I could do is take you to the press conference.

Thank you, but I've already made my arrangements.

I'll bet you have.

What are you doing? Let me go! Give me that g*n.

You okay? Hotel Security.

What's the problem here? This man's an imposter.

This man is a maniac! Do something! The real Dr.

Bergstrom is being held against his will.

Ask his niece.

Tell him.

It's true.

This man isn't my uncle.

He threatened to hurt him if I said anything.

That is a lie! Dr.

Bergstrom doesn't own a p*stol.

Here, take this.

Check the registration.

If I'm wrong, let him go.

If I'm right, turn him over to the police.

Come with me, sir.

I thought you'd forgotten about me.


I got delayed.

Is Klaus all right? He's alive.

Do psychologists pray? I do.

Why? Make it a good one.

KITT, monitor the transmissions from the mansion, pal.

When they make their move with Klaus, we want to make sure we're there for the going-away party.

In this case, I believe it's called party-crashing.

You okay? You're awful quiet.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You know, I haven't even thanked you for rescuing me from that, uh, that Masquerading misanthropic Klaus clone.


You don't have to thank me.

I just wanted to make sure you'd be available for dinner after this is all over.

If it's over.

I'm so afraid I won't be seeing Uncle Klaus again.

You will, Christina.

If it's humanly possible, I promise you, you will.

XL735, come in please.

What's taking so long? I'm on approach, due at K17 in 33 minutes.


We'll be there.


It's no use, Devon.

Well, I'm afraid we've had the only chance we're going to get.

Good afternoon.

You'll be happy to know you won't be spending much more time in this cr*cker box.

Oh! Where are you taking us? Nowhere.

As soon as we remove Klaus Bergstrom, I will overload the circuitry.

The wires will melt down, and the house will burst into flames.

So will Devon Miles, and my father's dream.

You didn't include me.

An oversight? Oh, no, no, no.

I find you much too appealing to destroy.

April is not one of your trophies! She'll do what I want her to.

I have a right to make my own decision! I wanna speak to you, alone.

April! Devon, please.

I'm a grown woman.

Don't wait up.

So, you want me.

I'll go with you on one condition: that you release Devon.


An agreeable companion is better than an unwilling prisoner.

Oh, you'll be willing soon enough.

In a month you'll be following me around like a hungry puppy.

Let Devon go.

Please, he can't hurt you now! Nor will he ever again.

You see, Devon Miles must die.

Just as surely as Michael Knight.

In that case, you might as well know what I think about you and your destiny.

Your destiny is to never have a woman who wants you for yourself.

To never have a man who respects you for what you are.

Your destiny is death and if you don't believe me, just go take a good look in the mirror.

There are holes where your eyes should be.

And behind them there's nothing but blackness.

It's all right.

It's okay.

MichaeI, I'm intercepting a transmission to the mansion from a moving vehicle.

What kind of vehicle? One approaching on a course north by northwest.

All right.

Let's get an exact location.

Wait a minute.

That's in the middle of the ocean! and approximately 200 feet below the surface.

Below the surface? A submarine! That's how they're moving Klaus out.

But a submarine, how can we possibly stop them? They've got to get your uncle from the mansion to the sub.

That's where they're gonna be vulnerable.

Unless they take Goliath.


Even if they take Goliath.

It's time to leave, Dr.


Suppose I refuse to go.

What will you do then? Force you.

Use whatever means necessary.

MichaeI, there appears to be a mass exodus from the mansion in progress.


That'll make our job easier.

Go! Our time has come, my giant friend.

This time there will be no doubt.

This time we will succeed.

Garthe's overloaded the circuitry.

We may only have minutes.

Michael, wherever you are, please hurry.

KITT, give me a reading! My magnetic analyzer indicates excessive electricaI current from the communications room.

MichaeI, the house is ready to explode! Take care of her! Michael, wait! KITT, I don't know where to start.

Is there a main source I can knock out? The breaker box on the far wall, near the window.

Devon! April! Where are you? Devon! April! Michael, we're in here! Michael! We're in here! I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life! Thank God you're here.

And not a moment too soon.

They've got Bergstrom.

When did they leave? Barely minutes ago.

They've taken him in Goliath.

I had a feeling they would.

Devon, I could use your help.

The transmitters in the communication room are still probably operable.

If they aren't, I'll find a way.

You'll get your help.

Count on it.

I'm going to leave Christina with you.

Take good care of her.

MichaeI, we've picked up Goliath on the scanner.


Easy for you to say.

They've got Bergstrom, KITT.

Goliath's our last chance to stop them.

Or their last chance to stop us.

Do you have to do that? Why announce our presence to the world? Why not? What are you afraid of? I want the whole world to witness my triumph.

How thoughtful.

A police escort.

You in that freight, pull over to the side of the road.

Get rid of him! So cold and so ruthless.

Did I ever tell you, you remind me of my mother? I repeat.

Pull that freight over to the side of the road now! MichaeI, Devon's calling.

Devon! Any luck with Gen.

Maddux? Yes.

He agreed to alert an Army reserve unit.

They're setting up a roadblock near Comstock Road.

It better be a big one.

Goliath eats roadblocks for breakfast.

How's Christina holding up? Well, very well under the circumstances.

Good luck, Michael.


Bring that rock truck into position.

Move that truck in! Get into position! Determined, aren't they? Looks like Goliath had a little appetizer before breakfast.

My goodness.

MichaeI, unlike that dinosaur, we can't simply push our way through.

I wouldn't dream of it, KITT.

That's not our style.

I love that feeling of power.

Absolute power.

Just as you do.

Don't touch me! I remember when you were waiting outside my door, hungry for my touch, just because I looked like him.

Why settle for a copy when you can have the original? He's a copy! Don't you forget that.

You have your chance to finally prove that, Garthe.

He's coming.


No parachute will save him this time.

MichaeI, those tanks.

All right.

Yes! Okay, KITT, get ready.

Get ready for what? Need I remind you Goliath is now invulnerable? We got to get Bergstrom out of there.

Scan the trailer for any signs of life.

You're right, MichaeI.

There is someone inside.

He's right behind us.

What do you think he's doing? He's after Dr.


Michael, thank God! Are you okay? I think so.

Can you walk? Yes.

It's okay.

Come on.

All right, give it to me! He's got Bergstrom! For the moment, dear Adrianne.

For the moment.

Let them go! There's still time for us to escape! For us to escape? I don't escape, Adrianne.

I attack.

MichaeI, we're headed directly toward an extremely steep cliff.

How's your grappling hook? My grappling hook? MichaeI, what on earth have you in mind? Hang on, Doctor.

This could be tricky.

It's over.

Thank God.

Who was that-that madman? It's a long story.

Nice work, pal.

Thank you, MichaeI.

Let's go home, huh? He shot it.

It's gone forever.

My Ming statue.

My priceless Ming statue.

Why? For what purpose? Well, I think Garthe hated anything beautiful.

Anything he couldn't possess.

Well, I don't know, Devon.

Maybe this a blessing in disguise.

Now we can redecorate.

Redecorate? What is wrong with the way it was? All right, Devon, another one of your wild toga parties, huh? That is not very funny, Michael.

Oh! Well, I always thought the decor in here was a little, well, dated.

Dated? What do you mean dated? Well, you know, I think the Foundation can use a new image, you know.

Maybe brighten up the walls here, and, uh, yeah.

We could put a little skylight in here.

A- Absolutely not! No skylights, no changed images.

And if you know what's good for you- Just a suggestion! I know.

How about a hot tub in the corner? Huh.

Hey! How was the seminar? Oh, it was enjoyable.

But when I compare it to the last several days, laser technology is very boring.

Oh! This is a list of restaurants that KITT's recommended.

KITT's recommending restaurants? He must be feeling better.

I'll see you tonight.

And he won't be late, Christina.

I'll see to it.

Thanks, KITT.

Come on, KITT, you're making me look bad.

What do you know about restaurants, anyway? You'd be surprised.

I sure hope that's the last we see of Garthe and Goliath.

So do I, MichaeI.

What's that? I recorded it as a souvenir.

Oh! Oh! Oh! That's very funny.

Yes, that's very funny.

As a matter of fact, I have a little surprise for you, too.


No cliffs.

Do you hear me? MichaeI, I'm serious.
