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02x23 - Let It Be Me

Posted: 05/09/23 05:44
by bunniefuu
Someone k*lled him, Michael, m*rder*d him.

Step on it! MichaeI, my sensors indicate that smoking car may explode.

I'm going undercover with Class Action.

Michael! KITT, I've lost the brakes.

Hold on, MichaeI.

One false move and you're both dead.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Hey, hey, hey, it's number twelve with a b*llet.

We're goin' gold.

It's a matter of time.

Hey, I'd like to propose a toast if I could.

Come here, darling.

To Class Action, the band, Stevie March and Greg Noble.

Huh? No wait.

W-W-Wait, it's, um, not like Greg to miss champagne.

So you just hold the toast, and I'll go get him, okay? Good, you go get him.

That's right.

That's right.

Excuse me.

Greg? Hey, come on.

You're missing the party.

Hello, MichaeI.

Hello, Devon.

What's up? I'm not sure.

The guitarist of a group called Class Action d*ed recently.

The police are calling it accidentaI drug overdose.

His girlfriend calls it m*rder.

Devon, I'm really sorry about that, but I've been on the road for 16 days.

As luck would have it you're less than an hour away from the Twin Cities Civic Auditorium.


"As luck would have it.

" Where a Miss March is expecting you.

Keep me posted.

Class Action? I'm afraid to ask what kind of music they produce.

It's a pretty hot group, KITT.

They play good old rock 'n roll.



Can I help you? Yeah, I'm looking for Miss March.

Oh, yeah, She's on stage, right through there.

Thank you.

No problem.

Hello, Stevie.

Hello, Michael.

You know, Stevie, you could have phoned, written, or something.

You don't know how much I wanted to.

So, you're a hot singer now, huh? Hot band.

That's fantastic.

How did all that happen? By accident.

I drove to LA and got an apartment.

A week later, I ran into Greg Noble.

We had gone to high school together, even sung a little.

He was putting together his 47th band and looking for someone to sing with.

I was looking for something to hang a new life on.

Boy, it all happened really fast.

Greg knew the way I felt about you.

But he loved me anyway.

In a strange way, that gave me something to live for right after the Witness Protection Program ended.

And he didn't use dr*gs.

He never used dr*gs.

Someone k*lled him, Michael, m*rder*d him.

All right.

Who do you think might have wanted him k*lled? I don't know.

It's driving me crazy.

I hate to say it, but I think it's someone involved with this group.

Stevie, that makes everyone a suspect.

That's the worst part.

Nothing's the same.

Everyone's looking at everyone else and you just know what they're thinking.

When I first phoned the Foundation, I was afraid that you wouldn't come.

Then I was afraid that you would.

I thought I could ask you to help, but now that you're here, I don't- I don't know.

You know I'm gonna help you.

What I can't figure out is how to get on the inside without everybody knowing exactly what I am doin'.

I can.

I'm going undercover with Class Action.

I'm going to replace Greg Noble.

That's preposterous.

No, it's not.

Look, the group needs someone.

Stevie's already been hyping me to this guy Paul Block, the group's manager.

Told him that I'm an expatriate who's been performing in New Zealand and Australia for the last 5 years.

But you can't sing, can you? Are you kiddin'? Before I joined the academy, I used to sing all the time.

I even had a record company interested in a demo I made.

That was years ago.

What makes you think you can perform professionally today? I'll worry about that later.

Right now, I need to get a videotape of my work in Australia to sell me to this guy Block.

A videotape of your work? You've never been to Australia, let alone sung there.

Did you get the videotape equipment? Yes.

And the stock footage of the rock concerts? Mmm-hmm.

What's going on? Show biz.

We'll sh**t me singin' just from the neck up.

KITT cuts in some concert footage, lays down electronic music and effects, and voila: Michael Knight in concert from down under.

This is no way to be in love.

No way, this girI is driving me crazy.

No way to be in love, but I stay.

And there ain't nobody making me.

Can't sleep at night, no appetite.


Not bad.

Not bad at all.


Thanks a lot.

I think, uh, we should give it a try.

Don't you? Mmm? Fantastic.


There's a look you've got in your eyes.

All aglow and so inviting.

Telling me you're watching my every move.

Why should we wait for a while.

When your touch is so exciting?.

Full of fire, burning beyond control.

Oh, oh, oh.

This could be our first night together.

Listen to my heart and you'll know it's right.

Doesn't it seem.

there's a spell falling over us tonight?.

This could be our first night together.

If we only follow our heart's desire.

Waiting like a fire to ignite.

Could be our first night tonight.


You were fantastic.

Oh, thanks.

And I think you know it.

I was working up to that.

You didn't give me a chance.


Hi, Michael We'll see you at the party, okay? Okay.

Really good gig.

Thank you.

Listen, uh, I thought you might want this.

What is it? Well, it's, uh, some of Greg's things.

I found the bag stuffed behind a seat on the bus.

Just thought you might want it.

Thank you, Jimmy.


You sounded good, really hot, you know.

You, too, man.

Thanks, Jimmy.

It's not much to remember him by.

You okay? Hey, I'll-I'll- I'll see you later, okay? I- I just feel like being alone.

Yeah, sure.

I want to talk to you.

Go ahead.

Greg hired me to protect the band and Stevie.

He didn't think he needed any protection, and now he's dead.

And here you are, all of a sudden takin' his place with his band and his woman.

I'd hate to think you had anything to do with his death.

Believe me, I didn't.


Well, somebody did.

And if I find him you're lookin' at their judge, jury, and executioner.

I found a videotape in Greg's bag.

Something we did for American Music Hall.

Well, the day before he d*ed, he must've looked at it a hundred times.

He wouldn't tell me why, but I know that he thought something was wrong.

Oh, no.

KITT, get ready to move.

Yes, MichaeI.

How far ahead of us is he? Nearly 2 blocks.

Step on it! MichaeI, my sensors indicate that smoking car may explode.

Come on.

Hold on.

Come on.

Come on.

That's all he took.

I'm sure of it.

Every video cassette I had.

Including the one with the numbers on it.


What could it be? I don't know, Stevie.

I don't know.

Maybe some kind of binary code or somethin'.

Whatever it is, it was important enough to steal.

Maybe even k*ll for.

Look, If this was Greg's copy, it had to be on the master tape.

Who makes the videos? Barbara Bellingham.

How do I get to meet her? Well, that's easy enough.

We're scheduled to begin taping our next video in LA tonight.

Michael, could you give me a ride back? I, uh, just don't feel like being with the band.

Don't worry.

I wasn't gonna let you anyway.

White bird.

In a golden cage.

On a winter's day.

In the rain.

White bird.

In a golden cage.


The leaves blow.

Cross the long black road.

To the darkened skies.

In it's rage.

But the white bird.

Just sits in her cage.




It's okay.

I'm sorry.

You like it? Stevie, it's you.

How long you've been here? Um, 3 months.

No, 4.

Yeah, 4.

It's starting to feel like home.

Hey, where do you want this stuff, huh? The closet's fine.



Michael, what do you wanna do about I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

It makes me crazy, but I can't expect you to never be with another man.

Never fall in love again.

I'm not gonna lie to you, Michael.

He was a wonderful man and I loved him.

But when I went to bed at night, I dreamed of you.

I tried not to.

I tried to forget you.

Okay, KITT, remember if the master video's in here, I'm gonna need a location.

I'll do my best, MichaeI, but there could literally be thousands of tapes in there.


It'll keep you from getting bored.

Very funny.


Hi, Stevie.


Michael, this is Barbara Bellingham.

She handles all the video work for us.

Barbara, I've heard real nice things about you.

Well, I was about to say the same thing.

Maybe you and I should exchange some notes.


See you.

Paul tells me you've, uh, been in Australia.

Yeah, last 5 years.

Huh, exciting place.

There's so much happening down there culturally: Music, film, theatre.

Especially in Sydney.

Sydney is a gorgeous city, isn't it? Mmm-hmm.

We did a video down there a couple of years ago, at, uh, oh, the Silver Palace.

Did you ever play there? As a matter of fact, one of my last gigs was at the Silver Palace.


Yeah, but that's in Melbourne, not Sydney.

Oh, right, of course.

All right, okay.

We'll join you later.

Barbara, come on.

Okay, well, time to mix a little business with pleasure.

Nice meeting you.

Bored, indeed.

Okay, kids, just relax and have fun.

All right.

That could also be influencing us now.

Playback, Paul.

All right, let's go.

Here we are alone at last.

Face to face with no distractions.

Reaching out, each from our separate world.

Everything happened so fast.

We're caught up in a chain reaction.

Who can say where it might lead tonight?.

Oh, oh, oh.

This could be our first night together.

Listen to my heart and you'll know it's right.

Doesn't it seem.

there's a spell falling over us tonight?.

This could be our first night together.

If we only follow our heart's desire.

Waiting like a fire to ignite.

Could be our first night tonight.


Yes! Fabulous! Fabulous! I love it.

That was fantastic.

You were full of heat, just what the song needs.

Wait till you see what we've got cooked up for you tomorrow.

You know, I'd, uh, swear, if I didn't know better, you two were star-crossed lovers.

Wait a minute.

We've got somethin' to do more tomorrow? Yes.

Well, honey, if I produced a video in today's market with only one location, it'd be my last.

Yours, too.

Where's this guy from, Australia? Funny.

How'd you do? See for yourself.

The office.

What's that? There are hundreds of tapes inside the office.

However, there is one tape inside a safe.

All right, KITT.

What if they're waiting for you? What if it's a trap? Stevie, we need to know what's on that tape and why it's so important to them.

Look, if these are the people who k*lled Greg, don't you want to know? What, are you- are you worried about me? Is that it? I have learned to live without you.

I didn't think I could, but I finally found a way.

You see, as long as I know you're out there, that I can run into you.

That I could turn around in a supermarket, and there you'd be.

That's how I do it.

That's how I do it, too.

Okay, pal, keep your eyes open.

Yes, MichaeI.

Unlock this door for me, will you? Right away.


All right, get me a little magic here.

Magic has nothing to do with it.

It's Just an expression.


I hope your heads are clean.

My heads are always clean.

Fast forward.

The fastest.

Go for it.

I see.

You're absolutely positive? All right, thanks for the help.

Well? I don't know who Michael Knight is, but he's not a singer who just got back from Australia.

And the Silver Palace b*rned down a year ago.

All right.

They're onto us.

We'll have to pull the plug on this whole operation, now.


If they've got anything, it's suspicions and that's it.

And we've only half a day's work to finish on the new video.

Finish the video? What about - What about Knight? What about Stevie? As soon as we're done tomorrow, we're gonna have to take care of them.

Aside from an intense dislike of rock 'n roll music, Michael, I fail to see- There.

Now in slow motion.


Well, your area of expertise, I believe.

Well, It looks like a binary code.

What was KITT's diagnosis? The same.

There it is, guys.

That's what Greg Noble's overdose was all about.

To keep this secret.

What secret? You have no idea what this is.

No, but whatever it is, there are people who think it's important enough to k*ll for.

All right, for the moment, let's assume that's true.

Why put it on videotape? Why take the chance of discovery? Mass communication.

Of what and to whom? He's right, Devon.

We won't know the answer to your questions until we break the code.

But you got to admit, it's an ingenious way to transmit a message.

To anyone watching a rock video broadcast, it's just another rock 'n roll group.

But to someone who knows what he's looking for, it's a telegram.

All they have to do is record it and play it back, just like we did.

How long will it take to break the code and decipher the message? Well, it's all based on mathematical probabilities.

Translation, please.

Anywhere from an hour to a week.

Well? Then I suggest you start at once.

Thanks, April.

The band will be miming to the playback.

You pull out as the second verse begins, okay? Okay, now.

The camera car is ready.


You look good.

Lets go! KITT, keep your scanner peeled.

Yes, MichaeI.

There's a look you've got in your eyes.

All aglow and so inviting.

Telling me you're watching my every move.

Why should we wait for a while.

When your touch is so exciting?.

Full of fire burning beyond controI.

Oh, oh, oh.

This could be our first night together.

Listen to my heart and you'll know it's right.

Doesn't it seem.

There's a spell falling over us tonight?.


Okay, kids, that's a cut.

Let's take it from the top.

Hey, where are they going? Michael, what's wrong? Michael, slow down.

KITT! I've lost the brakes.

Hold on, MichaeI.


Michael, slow down! Michael! Hang on, Stevie! Stay with it, MichaeI.

Five more seconds.

All right, you okay now? Oh, thank God.

What happened? Do just brakes go out like that? They can.

But whether they had some help is the question.

KITT, I want an analysis on the brake system, wheel, and master cylinder.

The whole works.

Right away, MichaeI.

Thanks, buddy.


What happened? Well, it looks like the car didn't go over the cliff.

Nice try, good wrench.

So what do we do now? Send them up in a hot air balloon and sh**t arrows at it? Hey, hey, let's not forget it was your idea we couldn't chance another drug overdose.

If you've got any better ideas, spit 'em out.

Wait a minute.

I talked to Donny this morning.

He said Pegasus' lead singer was sick.

They're pulling out of tonight's concert at the convention hall.

So what? So do him a favor.

Plug in Class Action.

Barbara, it's a live telecast.

You can't use a videotape in a live telecast.

We won't need it.

The convention hall has a closed-circuit system that can feed the action on stage through those big screen monitors.

We tap into that system and send the message through them.

Stevie, Michael! Whoo! Have I got some good news! Yeah, next time, how about a car with brakes? Ah, look, I'm really sorry about that.

I- I don't know what else to say.

But Paul's checking into it.

In the meantime, cancel all plans for tonight.

Why? What's up? Pegasus had to pull out of the big concert at the convention hall tonight.

It took a lot of phone calls and arm twisting, but, uh, guess who's filling in for 'em? All right, see you tonight.

All right.

How'd we do, buddy? Got the analysis on the brakes? The snap ring on the clevis pin failed.

Yeah, failed, or was intentionally removed.

Until I find out which, I don't want you out of my sight, Stevie.

But what about the concert? What about it? I always do a sound check.

If I don't, they might get suspicious.

That's fine, I'll come with you.

Excuse me, MichaeI, Devon and ApriI are awaiting the pleasure of your company in the mobile unit.

They are? Why? While you were lip-synching rock 'n roll, I broke the binary code.

All right.

Okay, Stevie, I'll drop you at the convention hall.

But be careful.

The suspense is k*lling me.

What have you got? Look for yourself.

I sure hope somebody can figure this out, because I can't.

We have April to thank.

She's deciphered it.

Well, I wish I could say this is a result of computer wizardry, but actually it's not.

Uh, one summer, I worked at a travel agency.

"AR" is an abbreviation for "arrive.

" "LV" is short for Las Vegas.

And if this is a schedule, "F19" could be Friday, the 19th.

Was the 19th on Friday? Mmm-hmm.

And "845P" is probably the time: 8:45 p.


Now, the last symbol is always a number and the letter "K.

" The numbers seem to vary but there's always the "K.

" "K" is short for "kilogram.

" Is this some kind of drug delivery schedule? That would be my guess.

If you look at the first 2 letters preceding "AR" you can plot a flight right across the country.

"SB" is San Bernardino, "LV" is Las Vegas, and so on.

Devon, this is all we need.

I wish that were true.

What makes this so effective is its immediacy.

Guess when this particular videotape was aired.

The 19th.

Devon, what do we need to nail these guys the next time out? The delivery schedule before the drop.

All right, if we can do that, can you have the drug enforcement people ready? Yes, at a moment's notice.

To end this misery.


What difference does it make who he is? He's onto us and so's Stevie.

Being onto us and being able to prove something are two different things.

For the moment, yeah.

We've been lucky.

But Barbara, let me ask you something.

We're rich! Why do we have to keep doing this? Why take the chance? Why keep- Stevie! Stevie! No! No! No! Come here.

Come here.

Are you satisfied now? Will you shut up? All right, Stevie, the charade's over.

No more cat-and-mouse, no more pretenses.

I'm gonna make it real simple for you.

The concert will go on as planned tonight.

You and Michael will sing.

You will smile.

And you will make him think this conversation never took place.

If you succeed, you two can walk out of here afterwards.

But If you don't, if you try and warn him, there will be a man with a g*n in the crowd.

One false move and you're both dead.

MichaeI? Yeah, KITT.

Is something wrong? I don't know.

When I talked to Stevie, she sounded kind of strange.

Frightened? No, cheerful.

Almost too cheerful.

That's probably my imagination.

Keep your eyes open, huh.

Hey, Jimmy, where's Stevie? She was here just a minute ago with Paul.

You hear about the big screen they're using tonight? Big screen? Oh, it's great, Barbara set it up.

They're gonna project the show behind you guys while you're playing.

You're gonna be 12 feet tall.

Gigantic, man! We only have 5 minutes.

She'll give the performance of her life.

I don't like it, MichaeI.

They suspect you're onto them.

They're breaking their usuaI pattern.

Broken pattern or not, this may be our only chance, Devon.

You handle the DEA, KITT will handle the code, and I'll handle Barbara and Paul.

All set? I'm prepared for everything, except another onslaught of rock 'n roll.

He's all set.

Michael, come on, we're on in five.

Let's go, come on.

I gotta go.

Hey, you look fabulous.

Thank you.

You okay? I'm fine.

I think that's our cue.

What's wrong? Nothing.

Stevie, talk to me.

Michael, please.

We're on.

They know, don't they? Did they thr*aten you? There's a man with a g*n in the audience.

Oh, sweet woman.

Sure feels good to hold you tight.

And I want you to know.

That I really wanna be with you tonight.

FeeI the warm fire.

And you cuddle up next to me.

Lets me know.

that you feeI the same as me.

Then I better go.

No, oh, no.

Oh, no.

Honey, you stay the night.

Please won't you stay the night?.

Here comes another sunrise.

Burning in my eyes.

She's kept me up all night again.

When the girI gets hot, well, she Just can't stop.

Taking me places I've never been.

But when her heart's running cold.

It's like she don't even know me.

That she don't even owe me the time.

This is no way to be in love.

No way, this girI is driving me crazy.

No way to be in love but I stay.

And there ain't nobody making me.

Can't sleep at night, no appetite.

Which way is up? What's left? What's right?.

No way to be in love.

In love.

No way to be in love.

This is no way to be in love.


It's KITT.

ApriI, I've got it.

Yes, get me Charles Elliott, Drug Enforcement Administration.

Get him on his private line.

He's expecting me.

Hello, Charles.

It's Devon Miles.

We're on.

No way to be in love but I stay.

MichaeI, we've intercepted the code.

KITT, Give me a blackout.

PauI and Barbara are leaving.

Don't let them get away! Hey! Come on, move it! What's goin' on here? Look, pal, I don't know who you think you are, but Paul, do something! Hit him! There's nobody there.

I resent that.

KITT, stop her! What do you think you're doing? That's mine.

Thanks for the statement.

You got that, KITT? Affirmative, MichaeI.

Don't tell me.

MichaeI, there's a man with a g*n.


Nice having you around.


Michael, why are we back at the convention hall? KITT, unlock the door.

Michael, what's this all about? You'll see.

Michael, this is crazy.


Right away, MichaeI.

There are a thousand songs that make me think of you.

But if I can't pick a thousand, see if you can remember this one.

God bless the day I found you.

I want to stay around you.

Now and forever.

Let it be me.

Each time we make love.

I find complete love.

Without your sweet love.

What would life be?.

So never leave me lonely.

Say that you love me only.

Now and forever.

Let it be me.



You don't even let the grass grow, do you? Well, we're gonna be on the road for 3 months and it just didn't make sense to keep it.


Need a hand? No.

A hug.

Boy, it seems like we're always saying goodbye.

I'm not.

Not this time.

You're saying goodbye.

Somebody has to.

But why? Michael, you know why.

My life might have changed, but yours hasn't.

Stevie, I could leave the Foundation.



That's too high a price to pay.

For now.

Maybe someday it won't be.

We are gonna see each other again.

I know.

Goodbye, Stevie.

Bye, Michael.

I'll see you in the supermarket.