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When Love Springs (2023)

Posted: 05/09/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
You tell Bowman Magazine

they agreed to put my client

on the cover

of their spring edition,

not some back-end feature.

We gave you guys an exclusive.

If you're not gonna to run it,

I know Town Press

would love to give it

the front-page placement

it deserves.

Cover and a five-page spread?

Yeah, I think

we can make that work.

- Hi, Dad!

- Here she is.

Lyla, Rory's on the line.

- Hi, honey!

- Hi, Mom!

We can't wait to see you.

I am so excited for you

to finally see Lily Lake

after all these years.

And to renew her vows

to the love of her life.

Oh. Yeah. That too.

Oh, you guys!

Yeah, I'm excited.

It'll be good

to get out of the city

and not think about

He Who Must Not Be Named.

So no word from Jason?

- Tom!

- What? I was just asking.

No, no... it's fine.

And no, radio silence.

You're still okay

to drive your sister?

Yeah, yeah,

she's meeting me here.

We'll leave

as soon as I finish work,

which will hopefully be soon.

Well, don't work too hard!

Mom, Dad, I'll

see you at the lake.

I gotta go.

Okay, love you. Bye, bye, bye.

- Hi, Melody!

- Morning, Rory.

How's Anne's story

over at Bowman Magazine?

Confirmed cover

and a five-page spread.

Hits newsstands next week.

I thought they

were downgrading it.

Turns out

they had a change of heart.

That's no small

feat for a junior publicist.


You remember I don't always

wanna be a junior publicist,


You're going away

the rest of this week, right?

Yes, but it is just

for a very quick trip.

- During our busiest season.

- The thing is,

it's my parents' anniversary,

and they're renewing their vows

at the B&B where they met

almost four decades ago.

But I can clearly see

you don't care about that,

and that's understandable,

because it will be

a working trip for me,

because I will be working...

on the trip.

Good. Then I look forward

to seeing Anne's full press plan

- on my desk by the end of day.

- Okay.

Traveling light, as always.

Well, I like to be prepared.

- For...

- Anything and everything

a springtime adventure

can offer.



Again, Prepared.

Oh, hey, Dad.

Hey, Noah.

You doing okay?

I already told you,

I got it all under control.

I know I left you with a lot.

I'm glad you're

enjoying time with Aunt Mary.

You never get to see

your sister.

Yeah, it was good

to catch up with her.

- You enjoy this.

- I will.

You deserve it.

I can jump on a plane tomorrow.

Not gonna happen, Dad.

- Okay, I gotta go.

- Noah?

- I love you.

- Love you too, Dad.

Lily Lake B&B, this is Noah.

Oh, hey, Mrs. Gardener.

Yeah, the new appliances,

I'm so sorry.

It's... it's been

a bit of a slow season,

I'm... I'm so sorry,

I'll put the check in the mail

right now.

Okay. Thanks so much.


It's gorgeous.


Their social media

really doesn't do it justice.


There they are.

You made it!

Hi, yes, better late than never.

Guys, this place is amazing!

You wanna see the lake?

Oh yeah, let's

show 'em our spot.

Sorry, it's work. Um...

I'll get us checked in,

you guys go.


Hello, is anybody here?


'Scuse me,

I would like to check in...


Also, I have an emergency.

Do you have Wi-Fi?

Does anybody work here?!

Excuse me, sir?

Shout about it Keep it coming

I'm going now nobody telling

me nothing no

Dress it up To the top

What are you doing in here?

I tried to ring the bell!

Check-in isn't until four.

It's 4:03.

I'll be with you in a moment.

No, no, no, I'll help.

Some, uh, pretty nice

dance moves you got there.

Oh, uh...

This wasn't important, was it?

Just tax forms.

I'll meet you in the lobby.

No, come on. Let me help.

It's really no trouble at all.


I'll meet you in the lobby.

Do you have Wi-Fi?

Do you have a reservation?

Yes, under Richards.

Your bell's broken.

I know; that's more

for decorative purposes.

That's misleading.

I'm working on it.

Here you go.

Three rooms with a lake view.

Great, and the...

If you had looked up

from your phone.

I'm literally looking up

from my phone right now.


Oh, and do you guys have


- Like...

- Like a business center

or party space?

We're here for my parents

to renew their vows.


You, uh, saw that in the

request when we booked, right?

- I'm sure we did.

- Mm.

Um... we have the dining room,

or there's the outdoor space

by the lake,

or the gardens.

Oh! Gardens would be perfect.

And I was wondering,

do you have an event fee?

I didn't see anything

on your site.

Well, yeah, our

website needs to be updated.

We charge for the, uh, chairs.

That's an additional $50.


For ten people.

- Okay.

- And then it goes up to...


- Cool.

- Cool.

So, how many?

Just ten.


my parents' anniversary

falls on a weekday.

If we could have them set

on Monday,

that would be great.


had I told you

the event fee would be higher...

I would have paid more.

That's what I thought.

Enjoy your stay!

Just gorgeous, isn't it?

Oh! It's like

something out of a fairytale.

Our fairytale.

All right, we are all checked in

and ready to go

for the ceremony on Monday.


- See you girls at dinner.

- Okay!

Behave, you two!

This weekend?

Ms. Penny Traverse is

coming this weekend?

No, no, no...

Yes, of course we can confirm!

Well, consider it done.

Thank you.

Hello again.

Hi! Hi.


is there

something else I can help you with?

Yes. My room is out of towels.

Sorry about that.

"Check room for towels

before Penny's arrival."

Oh. Penny Traverse

just booked a room here.

Mm, okay.

- About those towels...

- Oh! Yeah.

- Great.

- Do you know who she is?

Only one of the biggest travel

critics on the East Coast.

My company's partnered

with her before.

Oh, wow.

- Well, she is coming here

- Oh!

- This weekend.

- Oh.


Well, usually, before you invite

someone from the press

voluntarily into your space,

- you wanna put on the Ritz.

- Oh, yeah!

I am.

I mean... I will.

That's what I thought, yeah.

Knock, knock!



Hi, hi, uh...

What are you doing here?

Quick little weekend getaway.

- What about you?

- Uh...

Did you... follow me here?

Yes, Jason.

I haven't seen

or spoken to you in weeks,

but I followed you

here to the place

where my parents first met.

I'm not upset or mad

or anything,

I'm fine.

Phenomenal, even, so.

Wait. How did you know

about this place?

I heard someone talking about it

and it just kinda stuck

in my mind.

It was me.

I am that person.

I'm not sure it was you.

I'm sure it was me.


- Hm.

- Hmm.

Checking in?

Um, excuse me. Um...

you, uh, you look good.

You been working out?

Yeah. I'm good,

you know, I'm busy.

Yeah, busy.

Yeah, me too, so busy.

You know,

now that I think of it,

I might have tried

to call you, like,

once or eight times.

Oh, sorry.

Things at the firm

have been insane.

The firm.

I know all about that.

So, uh, what do you say?

Seeing as we're both here,

why don't we...

grab a drink sometime?

This is... you...



So. I'm Rory.

Rory Richards?

Jason and I used to date.

- Quite a while ago.

- Yeah, yeah, right.

We don't do that anymore,

obviously, because, uh,

you guys are, and...

this is a thing,

and I'm just so happy for you!

Yeah, yeah, because, uh...

I'm here with my guy.

With my guy.

My person.

It's him. Yeah. Yeah.

I thought it was about time

he met my family,

so the g*ng's all here.

She's lovely. Very talkative.

Nice to meet you, man.

I booked two rooms,

both under Wilson.

Hey, there's no towels in the...



Hello, welcome!

I literally have no idea...

I'm just helping my guy out here

with the tidal wave

of guests checking in.

We are so busy, right?


You're... working here now?

- Apparently so.

- Oh, don't be silly!

Sh, sh, sh, sh!

Uh, no, no, I'm just here

to spend time with, um...

- Noah.

- Noah! Noah, right, right,

of course.

Speaking of which,

can we get these two guests

checked in, honey?

'Course I can, puddin'.

Yes, yes, as

quick as possible, great.

I guess we'll

be seeing you around.

All the best. Take care. Ugh!

Rory. Cleo.

- Anything else?

- Nope!

So, we'll see you

and your friend at dinner?


Maybe, maybe. Yeah.

Please don't say anything

to Mom and Dad yet.

So, I don't really know

what just happened,

but I think

I might have panicked.

I saw.

They saw too.

- You think so?

- Definitely.

Oh well. I guess I need

you to pretend to be my boyfriend.

- Definitely not.

- Gah! What do you mean?


Please, Jonah!

- Noah.

- Right. Noah, Noah, Noah.

I need you to save me

from a life-ruining

level of humiliation.

He is with someone


Who was that guy?

I mean, other than someone

who blew your heart

into a million smithereens?

It wasn't a million smithereens.

It might have been.

Fine. His name is Jason,

and we might have dated

for a little over a year,

and I might have thought

that he was going to propose,

but instead,

he definitely broke up with me.

- Ouch!

- On my birthday.

- Double ouch.

- In his defense,

he didn't actually remember

it was my birthday,

but now, he is here with that

really pretty blonde girl.

Why would you wanna be

with someone

who did that to you, anyway?

That is a very good question

that I'm not emotionally

stable enough to answer

at this time.


- Are you okay?

- Uh-huh.

Are you sure?

You... made a funny sound.

Things I need delivered

before Penny's arrival

- are delayed.

- Like more towels. Sorry.

I didn't think she'd come

here the weekend I invited her.

I thought it'd take, like,

a month or two, or never.

That's her M.O.

She wants authentic,

the real you.

She doesn't wanna give you

time to change things

before she arrives.

Like a bell...

that does not work.

I thought I could pull it off.

A light renovation,

a quick rebrand,

bada-bing, bada-boom,

a good review!


I can help.

I doubt it.

Do you even have

any relevant experience?


I am junior partner

at Extend Publicity.

I just landed my latest client

the cover of Bowman Magazine,

and you are way

outta your depth,

in my humble yet overqualified

professional opinion.

So, yes, I do believe

I have the relevant experience,

and lucky for you,

I would very much like

to help you.

You would?

If you pretend to be

my boyfriend for a week.

Did you just hear the words

that came out of your mouth?

You know what? I did.

So here's what I'm offering.

You be my fake boyfriend,

help me convince Jason

that I'm over him.

I be your real PR representative

and help you get

a glowing review

from Penny Traverse.


And you yourself would also

leave a good review?

And your parents,

and everybody else

in your party?

Yes, yes, anything you want.

Do we have a deal?

Wow, okay.

If you're confident

you can turn this place


by yourself

in less than a week.

Fine. Deal.


I, um ...will get started

on your, um, PR plan right away.

Whoa, now, before you go

changing anything...

You'll wanna review it, duh.

I'm a publicist, not a tyrant.

Just makin' sure, puddin'.

- Boop!

- Oh!

You booped me. Okay.

Yeah, mm-hm, thank you.

What are you doing?

I came to ask you

the same thing,

Mrs. Brand-New

B&B Boyfriend.

All right, so,

been some updates

I'll fill you in on,

but first...

How quickly can you make a logo?

Pretty quickly.

Why? What's going on?

Well, I've taken on a new

client who needs a full rebrand

in exchange for making me look

like I don't have

feelings for Jason.

Yeah. What is

he even doing here?

I don't know.

It's not like he knew

I was gonna be here.

Or did he?

You think so?

No, no! No.

That's insane.

This is just a crazy coincidence

to which I will respond

like an adult.


With a fake boyfriend.

Wait, wait, wait.

Don't follow me.

I'm faster than you.

Wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait, hang on a second!

How exactly are you gonna

convince Jason

that this guy is

your real boyfriend?

- You know nothing about him!

- No, but I will.

What's his favorite color?

Does he snore?

How does he take his coffee?

I don't know the

answer to those questions yet,

but I do I'm not gonna let

Jason get in the way

of us throwing our parents

a magical vow-renewal ceremony.

Right. And cute B&B

Guy will be the perfect buffer

to make this

the perfect weekend?


You think he's cute?

That's what you got from that?

Cover for me.

Couldn't keep myself away,

you know what it's like!

What's your favorite color,

how do you take your coffee,

and do you snore?

I think we need to

lay a few ground rules.

Number one,

don't freak out my staff.

Right, right.

Oh, it smells good in here.

Thank you.

Food is one thing

I know we have down for sure.

You made this?

More or less.

How 'bout the food?

That was insane.

What are you talkin' about?

I was flirting.

- You're trying too hard.

- No I'm not.

- You need to relax.

- I'm physically unable to relax.

I noticed.

What can I do for you, Rory?

Right, um, so I was thinking

maybe you could have dinner

with us tonight?

Oh, no, we don't dine

with the guests.

Okay, so if you won't join us,

can I join you in here?

Uh, why?

If you're going to be

my fake boyfriend,

I need to get to know you.

Also, I need to coach you

for your interview

with Penny Traverse.

My what?

Yeah, she's gonna interview you

without interviewing you.

You know what I mean?

- I do not.

- You gotta be ready, be on.

You gotta give her

all the details,

sell her the experience,

but in, like,

a conversational kinda way,

starting with your traditions.

We don't have any traditions.

Well, not anymore, you don't,

but from what I read online,

you guys used to. Okay.

"Spring at the Lily Lakes

Bed & Breakfast

is one of the most

magical experiences

available in the area.

From the incredible

home-cooked meals,"

which you're still doing,

so that's exciting,

"to the homey amenities,

the myriad of spring activities,

traditions, and events,

this B&B is a must-see

for a springtime getaway."

"Lily Lake Gazette, 1973."

You sure work fast.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Okay. I guess one dinner

with the guests wouldn't hurt.

But if I'm gonna have

a fake girlfriend,

I'm gonna take advantage of it.


Oh, right, thank you.


And, um,

what will you be carrying?

Our finest champagne.

If we're gonna trick

your family,

we can at least treat them.

- Hm!

- Chop, chop, chef.

Ok, where am I going with these?

Straight through there

- Straight through here?

- To the right

Oh, right.

These people?

Hi. Hello, it's your, um...

this, sir.

- There you go, enjoy.

- Enjoy your meal.

Mom, Dad?

I would like to introduce you

to my new boyfriend, Noah.

- Your...

- New boyfriend?

- Mm-hm.

- I... didn't realize...

He and his dad own the B&B,

so if you see me

helping them out,

it's because I care about him...

My new boyfriend.

My new boyfriend, Noah.

Well, how lovely to meet you.

Noah, these are

my parents, Lyla and Tom.

It is such a

pleasure to meet you both.

Oh, Noah, the pleasure's ours.

A bottle of our finest.

- No, we didn't order...

- Oh, please, it's on the house.

Thank you!

That's very kind of you, Noah.

I understand a vow-renewal

ceremony is happening.


Thank you.

You know, Lyla and I met here

back when your grandparents

owned it.

Stanley and Mimi were

incredibly generous people.

This has always been

a really special place for us.

So, how did you two meet?

Yes. How did you two meet?

- Through mutual friends.

- Online.

Through mutual friends...


We are very happy.

Yes. Wildly happy.


If you'll excuse me,

I have to just go and hide...

Hydrate the sauce.

It's, uh...

Excuse me.

Oh. Oh! Uh...


He seems lovely.

And how cool that you're

dating the grandson of the people

who started this place?

It's just incredible.

Yeah, it's almost, um...



Yeah, I don't feel right

about this.

What? Wait... why?

- Your parents are nice people.

- Thank you. I agree.

- So I don't like lying to them.

- Hold on.

Do you wanna date me for real?




Noah, I think you do!

- You like me!

- Right, sure, okay.

That is not what I am saying

at all.

Then what exactly

are you saying, Noah?

I'm saying that this adds

a whole extra level of crazy

to this deal of ours.

I can't have Jason and his

literally perfect new girlfriend

thinking that I am

very sad and very single.

But you are very

sad and very single.

Yes, but he doesn't know that.

And I would very much like

to keep it that way.


Please, I am begging you.


We get through this week.

You get us that good review

from Penny Traverse,

and then we have

an amicable breakup

that somehow allows your parents

to still think highly

of this place

and maybe not hate me.

- Perfect!

- Perfect.


You can take care of

the rest of this on your own.

We've got a big day tomorrow.

Operation: Penny Traverse

is up.

All right.

I have to get this

press plan to Melody tonight

if I still wanna be considered

for partner.


You know, the

first time I came here,

I thought it was so far out

in the sticks.

Mom, it is far out

in the sticks.

That's what made

me fall in love with it

in the first place.

I know you feel like

you've gotta have

everything right now,

that things'll pass you by

if you don't go at them

full force.

But there's

so much to experience

when you just slow down

and take it all in.

You look back one day

and you realize

that all the little things,

they add up to be

the big things in life.

And that makes every moment

so much more precious.

Promise me you'll remember that.

I promise I will.

Right after I make partner.

- 'Night, Rory.

- G'night, Mom.


who doesn't have Wi-Fi?

Hey, girl, whatcha doin'?

Hi, sis. Just doodling.

So with the logo,

I was thinking we need to build

on the history of this place.

Which is...

I found this article

about a lily festival

they used to host.

- That's cute.

- Yeah.

That there used to be

their logo.

- It's really pretty.

- Yeah.

I wonder why

they stopped using it?

From what I can tell,

it was when they started

trying to compete

with other accommodations

around here.

So they need

to get back to their roots.


You see, a blend

of the then and the now

and where they want to go

in the future.

I mean, ultimately,

we would do a full rebrand.

Websites, socials,

the whole shebang.

Oh, don't panic, it's okay.

We're just gonna start

with the logo.


I'm on it.

The big boss lady?

Yeah. Yeah, I already sent

her the press plan she asked for.

Now she wants me

to update her EPK,

finish her market research,

and fire Phil from Finance.

And all while literally

doing someone else's PR.

No. This is pro bono.

This is on my own time.

Isn't it kinda

a conflict of interest?


I'm doing it as a favor.

Besides, Lily Lake B&B

isn't an Extend client.

It's fine.

It's probably fine.

I'm sure it's fine.

Yes, we cook

family dinner every night.

No, there's no pool,

but the lake is amazing.

No, there's no TVs in the room,

but the view out the window

is spectacular.

Sometimes I just like

to sit and watch the...


Good morning, honey bunny.

It's some kind of morning.

Oh, what happened?


When you,

a gal with expensive taste...

What makes you think

I have expensive taste?

Look at you,

you look like you're dressed

for a business lunch.

What are you talking about,

this is casual.

- My point exactly.

- Okay.

When you,

a professional from a city,

wants to book

a weekend getaway...

Oh, I don't have time

for getaways.

- You're on one now.

- Special circumstance.

- Okay, not the point.

- Okay, okay.

My question is,

when you do book a getaway,

whenever that happens to be,

what are you looking for

in a location?

Towels in my room.

I know, I know, I'm kidding.


I guess I want an experience.

Something that feels different

than my day-to-day life.

But also somehow

still feels like home.

Does that make sense?


Penny Traverse

on the other hand,

now she likes a hook,

places with a strong narrative.

Now given the steep

family history of this place,

I'd really like

to lean into that

- for your campaign.

- Really?

Yeah, places like

this don't just happen, Noah.

They're built

over years and years.

- Am I wrong?

- No,

you're not wrong.

Just guests seem to want...

I thought you'd wanna

update it all,

bring it into the 21st century.

Well, I mean, there are tweaks

we need to make here and there,

but this place...

this place is special.

Tell me all there is to know

about Lily Lake B&B.

I want to know everything.

- Everything?

- Everything.

All right, but first...

- we need coffee.

- Hm.

Let me guess, cappuccino,

some kind of fancy milk,

- and flawless art.

- No, just black,

splash of cream, and one sugar.

That's my order.

Are you copying me?

- Hey.

- Hi.

Yeah, I'm looking

for a little recommendation

for a date day tomorrow.

You know, something fun,

but romantic.

Mhm, um, you...

There's always,

uh, canoeing on the lake.

- Thank you.

- Uh, wine tasting in town,

maybe a pottery class

up on Main Street.

Oh, that all sounds great.

I wanna do something fun

for Sarah.

You know, she's a big romantic.

Mhm, I'll bet, and so is Noah,

he's so romantic.

I am, it's, uh, true.

In fact, we're actually

going on a date day tomorrow.


Thanks again for the recs.

Bye, Jason.

Um, we're going on a date day?

I don't know, I was

just trying to be convincing.

I don't know, I think it

worked, do you think it worked?

Yeah, totally, I mean,

it's just a fake date

anyway, right?

Yeah, yeah, more like

a strategy meeting really.

- Exactly.

- Mhm.

- 'Cause of the PR stuff.

- PR stuff, it's...

- Yeah, I get it.

- That's all.

- Cheers.

- Cheers to that.

So what drew

you to the PR anyway?

Well, I like

that it's fast-paced,


and constantly changing.

I also like that I'm good at it,

if I do say so myself.

Well, I could

see you're talented.

I didn't know

you were so modest.

Thank you.

Anyway, after I graduated

I got a job

as an assistant at a small firm,

and then I saw there was

an opening at Extend.

I've heard of 'em.

- Really?

- Don't be so surprised.

I know a thing or two

about a thing or two, you know?

Oh, now look who's being modest.

Extend hired me

as a junior publicist

and I've been working my way up

the corporate ladder ever since.

How's that going?

Technically I'm

still a junior publicist,

but I'm working on it.

Say you could have

your dream job, do anything,

be anywhere,

what would that look like?

I'd like to be

closer to my family.

I would like to work for a firm

that focuses more on

personal relationships.

I want to help people,

you know,

discover their potential,

like you and this place.

Would you ever

go out on your own?

Oh, no, right now I'm

just focused on making partner.

- Right, is that what you want?

- It's what I've been working on.

Yeah, but how

do you feel about it?

I feel like you have

an awful lot of questions

for a tour guide.


Okay then.

Next stop: The tree.

The tree?

Not a tree, the tree.

Fairies live here.

When I was little

my grandma used to help me

write letters to them,

and not always,

but every now and then

if I was lucky,

they'd reply.

Sometimes with letters,

but usually

with treasures or trinkets,

always with words of advice,

- you know, bits of fairy wisdom.

- Oh.

Yeah, but the thing is,

- you have to be patient.

- Mhm.

You see, you can't rush a fairy.

- Oh yeah, even I know that.

- Oh good.

And sometimes

I just couldn't wait.

I'd come down here by myself

and see if they'd

left anything for me.

Take a look.

Look way down in the back.


- Ah!

- Ahh!

Noah, I will

push you in the lake!

You used to do that

to your grandmother?

- No, she would do that to me.

- Good, you deserve it.

I told you to be patient.

You said you knew.

- Ahh.

- Let me help you up.

Thank you.

It really is beautiful

Each year for the Lily Festival,

my grandparents would plant

a different tree

from around the world.

Wow, tell me more

about the Lily Festival.

It started when my grandparents

used to harvest the lilies

for Mimi's Soaps and Candles.

Every year

they had way too many,

so she would invite people over

to give it away,

and they would bring

food or wine in return,

and it just kinda got bigger

and bigger and bigger and...

That sounds so fun.

- It was.

- Why'd you stop?

Dad took over officially

when Mimi passed away

and we haven't done one since.

- What about your mom?

- She was never really

in the picture.

Just me and my dad.

Why don't you bring it back?

It doesn't have to be huge,

but I think it would be

such a nice way

to pay homage to your family,

the spring season,

the beauty of this place.

It really is incredible.

That's why it's

so important I find a way

to keep Dad from selling it.


It's been slow,

real slow.

We used to be

the only B&B in town,

but there's so many

other new, fancy hotels,

we just can't keep up.

Inviting Penny Traverse

was my last attempt

to try to turn things around,

maybe save the place.

You can't sell.

This place

holds so many memories

for so many people,

my parents included.

Let's hope you can

work your PR magic.

No pressure.

Come on, there's something else

I need to show you.

You thought I

couldn't do it in heels.

I don't know

why I ever doubted you.

- What is this place?

- My grandparents' haven.

Stanley the woodworker

and Mimi the crafter.

Wow, there are

so many cool things in here.

Things that need to be donated.

I just can't bring myself

to get rid of them.

Well, don't do that.

- This is pretty.

- Mimi's fan.

I mean,

one of the fairies' fans.

Right, right, of course.

These things

are so old and outdated

and guests don't want that.

I do.

Well, you can have that.

- Really?

- Of course.

Thank you Noah.

I was thinking.

We have to do it all

before Penny's arrival,

but this place

has so much potential.

You can host

locally based events here.


soap-making classes.

Things that get people

off their phone

and really connecting

with each other.

Like look at me.

I honestly don't even know

where my phone is right now.


I know, right?

So I don't need

to turn this place

- into a five-star resort?

- No.

No, anyone that wants that

can go somewhere else.

When they're here, what is it

you think the guests want?

I know what they want.

They want technology,

they want luxury.

I hear it every day.

"Are there TVs in the room?"

"You guys have a pool?"

"Oh no, the lake won't do.

Has to be heated."

What do you want?

I love this place

just the way it is.

I love it too.

And so will the guests.

The potato

chips make it so good.

- Stan's secret ingredient.

- Mm!

- Gives it that extra crunch.

- Yeah.

Stan Subs... Mhm.

He used to make these

every Sunday for the guests.


Mimi's got

a whole box of recipes.

I try to make at least one

every now and then.

Think she used them

as kind of a diary.

Some of 'em go way back

to when Dad was a kid.


Remember Peter's debate speech,

"Why Potatoes

are the Superior Vegetable."

Are they not

the superior vegetable?

Yeah, I'm assuming

he won that debate.

- World's shortest debate.

- Yeah.

Do you mind if I borrow these?

Be my guest.

Speaking of guests, I gotta go

set the tables for dinner.

Can I help?

That'd be great.

So how did your

grandparents end up running a B&B?

Well, Stanley

originally built it for Mimi,

but it was just

too beautiful not to share,

so they turned their home

into a B&B

and it's been

part of the family ever since.

- Oh.

- When Dad took over

I realized it just

wasn't fair for him

to look after it by himself,

so here I am.

And, uh, what were

you doing before this?

I was a data

analyst in New York.

- I'm sorry, what?

- I know.

Moving back here

just helped me slow down,

gave me more time

for the things I love,

like cooking,

photography, woodworking.

Oh, is there anything

you don't do?

- Just don't ask me to dance.

- Oh, was not planning on it.

So you really just

left your whole life behind?

- Mhm.

- Everything you had in the city?

I don't even miss it.

- Hm.

- Uh-oh.

This is the wrong tablecloth.

These are Mimi's old ones.


What if we kept the old one?

See, I was thinking,

we need to bring back

more of our old traditions.

Give the guests,

like, an experience

that's different

from the day to day,

but somehow still feels...

Like home.


That kinda sounds like

you approve

of the direction

of my PR campaign.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

- Uh-oh.

- Wait, but, please.

Trouble in paradise.

- I have no idea.

- I... I have... there's... there's...

Jason, it's

the phone or it's me.

That's what I thought,

don't follow me.

I should go check on him.

- You okay?

- Yeah.


What, date day not go well?

Uh, it might've

been too little too late.

- Can I ask you something?

- Of course.

- What happened with us?

- You broke up with me.

But before.

I felt like things

were going so well with us,

and then one day I realized

we never really saw each other.

Yes, and then

you broke up with me.

To set you free.

It wasn't fair to you,

I mean, to either of us.

We were both so focused

on work and networking,

keeping clients happy.

We never saw each other.

Well, yeah, but I

thought that was temporary.

I wanted to hold on.

But I don't

think it was temporary.

Sarah and I just broke up

for the same reason,

but it was

more one-sided this time.

What do you mean?

I thought that

if I found someone

who wasn't

as work focused as I am

that maybe it could work,

but, eh, no deal.

The date day

was a last-ditch effort

to try to put her

ahead of work, but that...

- I got this...

- You didn't.

It was an important

client, I had to take his call.

Jason, you beautiful idiot.

Oh, I know, I know!

For what it's worth,

I'm glad you found someone

who makes you happy.

Ah, I'm sorry,

this is so mopey and depressing.


It's real.

Come here, give me a hug.

I should go back inside.

So what's the

deal with you and Jason?

I don't know.

Well, how do you feel?

Well, part of me

feels like if he asks me

to get back together again,

I would say yes.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I mean, we're both

so focused on work

that maybe I don't know

if we gave it a real shot.

- You can move on until you do.

- Love is complicated.

- I'll say.

- Whoa.

That was a loaded "I'll say."

I just don't know if

I'm really built for love.

What does that even mean?

I don't I've ever really been,

like, in love, in love.

Just because

it hasn't happened yet

doesn't mean

it's never going to.

You have to

really open yourself up,

let somebody in.

Maybe in another life.

For now a very real business

and a fake girlfriend

is more than enough for me.


Okay, two things:

One, I realized

we have no flowers

for the vow renewal ceremony,

and two,

we forgot to book

a photographer.

I'm sorry,

that is totally my fault.

I will do it

first thing in the morning.

It's okay, you've had

so much on your plate.

- We'll figure something out.

- That is not an excuse.

This is important

to Mom and Dad,

and now I've gotten

so sidetracked with work

and this thing with Noah.

About that.

I have a logo for you.

Well, almost, I'm putting

the final touches on it tonight.

- Great.

- Uh-huh, and I'm gonna show you

and Mr. fake boyfriend man

at the same time tomorrow

- for the big reveal.

- Sounds perfect.

- Cute fan.

- It's a little gift

from Noah's grandma.



I gotta say

by the way you look inside me

I wanna melt

I want to smile

But I know the little games

we play, you and I

'Cause I can tell

you think about her

It's just the games we play

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

Okay, I was thinking,

before we get started

on the PR stuff today,

I need to find

a last-minute photographer

and a florist for the ceremony.

Do you know

where I could find those?

You still wanna

work on PR stuff?

Well, of course, why wouldn't I?

Well, I just figured

you and Jason

seem to be hitting it off again.

Sarah just checked out early,

so you know,

you don't really need

a fake boyfriend anymore.

I figured our deal was off.


At least this way

we don't have to waste time

planning fake dates

slash strategy meetings.

I can get back to

preparing for Penny's arrival

and you can

get back to your clients.

Back to Jason.


If that's what you want.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please adjourn

to the sitting room.

Noah, Rory,

thank you both for coming.

It is my great honor

to be a part of this rebrand,

fake romance situation.

And equal parts excited

and terrified

to show you my work.

Cleo is one of the

most talented artists I know.

Undiscovered, obviously,

hence why I'm working

as a receptionist.

- For now.

- For now.

Anyway, not the point.

Noah, Rory's filled me in on

operation do a full rebrand

in record time

before Penny Traverse gets here,

and I have created a logo

that I think captures

what you guys are going for.

- Are you ready?

- Yes.

Yeah, okay.

Oh, Cleo, this is...


- Thank you, Cleo.

- Oh,

I'm so glad you guys like it.

Honestly, I'm so proud of it

and more than happy to help.

Is this what

you do, graphic design?

Well, not yet.

You know, my friend

Laycee owns Motif NYC.

I'd be happy

to connect you guys.

- Motif?

- Yeah.

- As in the design firm Motif?

- Yeah.

Send me your portfolio,

I'll forward it along.

Oh, my God, I will!

- Like right now!

- Okay.

- Ah!

- Bye, Cleo.

Oh, thank you.

She has been trying so hard

to break into the industry.

I know she's my sister,

but trust me,

she is brilliant.

Yeah, I know, I saw.

I think she just needs

someone to give her a shot.

I think Laycee

could be just the person.

- About earlier...

- About what you said...

- I, uh...

- List... uh...

- Um.

- You go.

I know I don't technically need

a fake boyfriend anymore,

but, um,

I really care about this place

and I would very much like

to finish what we started.

That is, of course,

if you want to.

Of course I do.

Okay, first, the florist.


I have something better.

Come with me.

It's real love

'Cause we have enough

Noah, slow down!

It's real love

'Cause you love me

the right way


What is this place?

We call this the Falls.

It's where the lake begins.

It's real love

'Cause you love me

the right way

Here we are.

Take whatever you want.

- Seriously?

- Of course.

Mimi would be honored

that her flowers are being used

for such a special occasion.

Thank you.


and green.

My favorite color.

What's yours?



for our fake anniversary.

And the snoring.

I'm so happy,

my mom's gonna love these.

Any time.

Now I recall you

mentioning you're a photographer.

As you know, we need one

for the vow renewal ceremony.

Oh no, it's just a hobby

really, I'm not very good.

Okay, how about you

let me be the judge of that?

I can't believe you took these.



wait, these are beautiful.

These should be hanging up

around the B&B,

- not hidden back here.

- Nah.

Feels a little self-indulgent.

How so?

People don't come here

to see pictures of our family.


Maybe not.

Putting these up

could help people

feel more like the family.

It'd make them feel at home.

I think we should,

we still got time

before Penny arrives.

Well, good luck with that.

Old Mr. Kennith

only cranks the print press

- every other Wednesday.

- Oh.

I've been waiting on

my new menus since Christmas.

Oh, I love this one.

That's the first picture

I took with a real camera.


After careful consideration...

Noah, would you please

be the photographer

of my parents' vow renewal?

I would love that.

I would, too.

Whoa, it's my boss,

um, I should take this.

Um, thank you for today.

- Melody, hi.

- Why are you not

- answering your phone?

- I, um...

- You missed a deadline.

- For what?

The press packet

hits news outlets today

- and the EPK is not ready.

- Melody, I am so sorry, I...

If you ever wanna make partner,

we cannot have mistakes

like this happening.

I can assure you,

it will not happen again.

I need you back in the office

first thing Monday morning.

But my parents'

vow renewal is on Monday.

Missing deadlines

is not on-brand, Rory.

Making mistakes is not on-brand.

- Melody.

- I will not have you compromise

- everything we've worked for...

- Melody, ah, yeah,

the Wi-Fi seems to be

really playing up.

I can't hear you at all,

yeah, no.

I'm gonna let you go now,

okay, bye-bye, take care.


These are gorgeous.

Where did you find them?

Noah's grandparents

actually helped us out.

The Falls?

How'd you know about that?

First time I kissed

your father was at the Falls.


I, uh, almost fell in, but,

it was so worth it.

What's up, buttercup?

There is a chance I

need to head back to the city

first thing Monday morning.

- I'm sorry, Mum

- The ceremony.

Honey, if you can't

be at the vow renewal

on Monday because you've gotta

get back to the city,

your father and I

will absolutely understand.

I am so proud of you,

and I know

you've worked so hard,

and this has been

a big dream of yours

for a long time.

I love this dress on you.

Thank you.

It feels like the real you.

There might be something

I need to tell you about Noah.

He's not your real boyfriend.

You knew?

Come on, I'm your mom.

- Good point.

- I mean...

- Great choice though.

- Thank you.

Perfect jawline

to make Jason jealous.

That is totally

what I was thinking.

He's so chiseled

and gorgeous, right?

And so tall.

Wait, but was it

really that obvious?

Only to me.

So, don't mention this

to your father.

- He absolutely loves him.

- Oh, dear.

He's kind of

planned a fishing trip

with him and Noah in the summer.

Of course he has.


I love you, Mom.

I love you too.

It's getting late.

I can finish this up on my own.

I also might have something

I need to do.

Are you sure the

blindfold is necessary?

- Yes. Shh.

- Okay, I trust you.

Good, good, you should.

- I think.

- Stop, stop.



I think so.


This is...

How did you...

It turns out Old Kenny

at the printing press

had never met

a Rory Richards before.

I love it.

I, uh,

thought it would be nice

to add a touch of Mimi.

- Her recipes.

- Mm-hm.

And if you will follow me...

There's more?

Oh yeah, there's more.

In here, you will see

there is a touch of Stan.

Rory, it's...

Absolutely perfect

and Penny Traverse

is gonna love it.

Is that...

Also might have fixed your bell.

You are incredible.

I'm Rory Richards.

I know this may have started

as a fake relationship, but...

For me, it's become...

a very real...


I better get that.

Hi, hello.

You must be Penny.

And you are?

I'm Noah Bardon,

the grandson of the founders

of the B&B.


Can I give you the tour?

Very well.

Right this way.



- You look nice.

- Oh, thank you.

Uh, hey, I know

you're with Noah now,

- but I was...

- Actually, um...

We're just friends.


Well, great,

'cause I was wondering

if we could chat later.

Maybe over a glass of wine?

Yeah, that sounds great.


Yeah, I look forward to it.

Nice shot.

Thank you.

What's this I hear

you're heading back to the city

- first thing in the morning?

- Mom!

I said there is a possibility

I might have to go back

to the office.

How'd it go?

She loved it.

Said she couldn't wait

to write about it.

- Yay!

- I think we may

have just saved this place.

Thank you, Rory.

I couldn't have done this

without you.

I'm just doing my job.

Speaking of which,

I actually put together

a press kit

for local publications.

We've had a few bites already,

including the Local Gazette.

Are you serious?


Oh! Oh!

We should totally

celebrate over dinner tonight.


Yeah, yeah, uh,

just gotta grab a quick drink

with Jason first.


Well, yeah, he invited me.

And you said yes?

But what about you two?

Oh, well, the thing...

We're, uh...

Um, basically, the thing with...

I set it up.

I figured we'd still got

some things to talk about.

Well, I should get ready.

Congratulations again.

I'm not gonna lie,

I don't get

why you're doing this.

Because I need

closure from Jason.

There's no such thing

as closure from someone else.

Yes, there is.

Closure is a thing

you give yourself.

Where'd you get that,

in a self-help book?

Yes, I did, actually.

I support you, always, always.

I just... I don't get why

you're going back to Jason

when you have a guy like Noah

right in front of you.

Because what I

have with Noah isn't real.

Has he told you that?


But he told me

that a fake girlfriend

is enough for him.

And less than an hour ago,

he said

that we are just friends.

His words, not mine.

Please zip me.

That's because he thinks

you still have feelings

for Jason.

But do you?

- It's true, it's true.

- I still have

the pink bear you got me.

It's there in the corner

of my room.

- No?

- Yes.

But you never got me anything,

so I never had anything to keep.



Isn't this place special?

Doesn't seem like

your kind of place.

It's not a bad thing.

It's actually one of the things

I like about you.

You have a high society vibe.


I think I made a mistake.

I know, I wasn't always

the best boyfriend to you,


I'm sorry.

You deserve so much better

than that.

And I promise I will be better

if you give me another shot.

I can give you what you want,

for real this time.

What do you think I want?

A nice house, lots of travel,

a new car.


No, Jason, that is totally

not what I want.

I think we... we liked

the idea of each other

more than we actually

liked each other, you know?

I feel like I had this vision

of what my life

should look like,

and I don't know

if that's the real me.

Jason, I want someone

who I can count on,

someone who I can

build something with,


Someone who feels like home.

I'm not sure I

know what that even means.

You will.

If you slow down long enough

to figure out

what you really want.

I hope you do that.

You so deserve it.

So does this mean...


I like this Rory.

Thank you.

I like her too.

It really was good seeing you.

Oh, come here, give me a hug.



Noah, there's something

I wanna tell you.

Melody, hi.

What is going on, Rory?

What are you talking about?

The Penny Traverse article.

This little Lily Lake

Bed and Breakfast

- isn't a client of ours...

- I know that.

I was... I wasn't doing it

under the Extend umbrella.

You have a

contract with us, Rory,

and this goes against that.

Yes, I know, I can explain.

You've been neglecting work,

missing deadlines,

you took a vacation

during our busiest season,

and now you've taken on a client

behind my back.

I was just

trying to help a friend.

I cannot have someone

working for me

who doesn't respect

what I'm doing.

Melody, please.

You are here

in this office tomorrow

or your time with Extend

is over.

Extend PR, a hotshot firm

owned by Melody Remington,

took on the small B&B

as a client

and led their rebrand.


Yes, we do have one more room

available that night.

Thank you, we'll see you then.

Lily Lake B&B, this is Noah.

Oh, you would.

I'm so sorry,

but we are completely

booked out that weekend.

Yes, the following weekend

we have one room left.

Okay, great.

Yes, I'm also a fan

of Penny Traverse.

Okay, bye.

How could you do this to me?

- What now?

- You told Penny

that Extend was behind your PR.

- You were.

- No, Noah.

I was behind it, not Extend.

I'm sorry, I didn't think that...

That's the problem.

You didn't think.

That article needs to come down.

What are you talking about?

This is the busiest

we've ever been.

That's great, but nobody

fact-checked with me.

What you said

is about to cost me my job.

You hate your job.

You said so yourself.

You want to be working

for clients that you care about.

Well, do you know what,

you're good enough to do that

if you would only believe

in yourself.

He's a little busy right now

fighting with

his fake girlfriend.

He's gonna have

to call you back.

I do believe in myself.

No, you don't.

You're back with a guy

who dumped you

without a second thought.

You're working for a company

who doesn't appreciate you.

And you're halfway up

a corporate ladder

you don't even want to climb.

You have no idea

what you're talking about.

I know you better

than you think.

Says my fake boyfriend.


I didn't ask for any of this.

You're right.

We don't owe each other


Rory, wait.


I'm sorry, Lily Lake B&B,

this is Noah.


Honey, we got your text.

I thought you weren't leaving

till tomorrow.

No, but Melody is gonna fire me

if I'm not in the office


I can't say we're not sad.

But we understand how hard

you've worked for this, kiddo.

Thank you, Dad.

I just wish things would have

worked out differently.

Me too.

We love you.

I love you too.

Rory? Rory.


Make sure Noah gets

lots of photos.



Rory, wait!

Noah, she's... already gone.

Rory, wait!

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry.

If you leave, what happens

Do I cry or stand there

Are we sure

the end goes this way

Will you see what's out there

When you're gone

and out there

Are you sure

that it's the way to go

Maybe yes, maybe no

Or if so, well, I know

- Hi, Melody.

- You're back.

Did you see the email?

I want you take care of it

first thing.

Yes, I'm back,

yes, I saw your email,

and yes, I will take care of it.

Do not let me down

on this, Rory.

Your career is riding on it.

If you want to make partner,

no more mistakes, got it?

This is your last chance.

Your career, your choice.

I hired you because I thought

you were up to this,

but you have been one disappointment

after another...

There's no plan of action

Maybe yes, in control

Oh, so young, what do we know


There's no plan of action


Guests are starting to arrive.

Sorry, I just thought

with Rory gone...

Oh, no, no, no, it's okay.

Thank you.

Oh, I don't know

how she does it.

These heels are k*lling me.

Rory makes it look so easy.

She makes everything look easy.

Hey, you haven't, um,

heard from her, have you?



Hey, Noah.

For what it's worth,

I've never seen her this happy.


- Are you okay?

- Mm-hm.

You ready?

It's just not the same

without Rory here.

I know, Mom.

She would have loved to be here.

Well, we better not

keep everyone waiting.


Wait for me!

Oh! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry I'm late,

I'm sorry I left.

I just... I'm sorry.

Hi. You look really pretty.

- Hi.

- We're just so glad

you came back.


Me too.

I don't want to miss

any moments anymore,

big or small.

That's our cue.

Uh, you're

gonna be needing this.

You ready?

I'm all out of love

Gave you it all

I've had to tell you

what's on my mind

These are the dreams

No more missing moments?

That all feel so real

I couldn't lose you

if I tried

And if that changed

I'd rearrange

Oh, if I lost it all tonight


You are more beautiful today

than the day I first laid eyes

on you here at Lily Lake.

Since then,

I've had the pleasure

of watching you grow,

as a career woman...

a friend...

and a mother.

Our two girls are a reflection

of your love and warmth,

and it has been an honor

staying by your side

for almost four decades.

I love you, Lyla.

And I cannot wait

to continue to love you

for at least four more.


when I first met you

that spring here at Lily Lake,

you captivated me that you'd

make every moment an adventure,

which, in turn,

has made my life an adventure.

Your generosity and heart,

and, honestly,

your barbecue skills.

I mean, come on, he makes

the best ribs on the planet.

She's not wrong.

I love you, Tom.

And thank you

for creating our dream life

one small moment at a time.

You are the first thing

I would find

You are the first thing

I would find

Oh my goodness,

how cute were Mom and Dad?


I'm so glad you got to see it.

I am too.

But what about your job?

- Mm, I quit.

- You what?

Mm-hm, mm-hm.

What are you gonna do?

You know me,

I have a couple ideas.

Speaking of new career paths,

Noah sent my stuff

over to Motif,

and Laycee called me right away

and offered me a job

on the spot.

Cleo! Congratulations.

Oh my goodness.

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Thanks, sis.

You deserve this.

Come dance.

You are the first thing

I will be right back.


You are the first thing


What are you doing here?

I read an article

by Penny Traverse.

- Oh.

- With that sort of publicity,

I figured we're gonna need

all hands back on deck.

It's a shame

it had to come down.


It was great what you did,

hiring a publicist.

- What's her name?

- Rory Richards

of Richards Publicity.

You must be Peter,

it is so nice to meet you.

I've heard so much about you.

This is Cindy.

I'm, here from the Lily Lake


She'd actually like to grab

a quick comment from you.

She's doing a feature about

the best bed and breakfast

in town.

Okay, sure.

Rory, what's going on?

Noah, I was wrong.

I completely overreacted.

You had every right

to tell Penny

that I worked for Extend.

I never told you not to.

I am so sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I put your job

at risk.

I called Penny and I had her

take the article down.

And I, as your publicist,

I had her put a new one up.

"From my stay at

Lily Lake Bed and Breakfast,

I can tell you

that nothing beats

their homegrown hospitality.

And I'll be the first in line

for the return of their

famous Lily Lake Festival.

This place is a must-stay

for any guest

looking for a home

away from home."

"Now with wi-fi."

I thought you'd like that.

Rory, thank you so much.

- Yeah, uh...

- So, wait, hang on.

Rory of Richards Publicity?

- You quit your job?

- I did, yes.

And, uh, your Grandma Mimi...

Sorry, the fairies,

they might have had

a little something

to do with it.

There are two moments in life.

Those you miss...

and those you seize.

Noah, you were right.

I was putting everything I had

into a job that I hated.

I want my life to be

about so much more than that.

I am so happy for you.


So, um, yeah,

I hope that everything went well

with you and Jason.

Yeah, it did.

Good, good.

I'm really so happy

for you both.

Oh, no, we're not...

Jason is so not the guy for me.

- He's not?

- I wanna be with someone

who sees the real me

and loves me because of it.

I think...

I hope I found that

in a guy that pretended

to be my fake boyfriend.

- Oh, that guy.

- Mm-hm.

- He's not so bad.

- Oh, no.

He's actually very handsome.

- Oh, you think so?

- I do.

I mean, too bad

it was all fake, right?

For the record,

I can tell you that

it wasn't fake for him.

Rory, I've spent my whole life

in this place,

but somehow it's being with you

makes it feel...

Like home.

Like home.

And for the record...

None of it was fake

for her either.

Kiss me.

Won't you hold me tight

And never let me go

I will, I will, I will

Oh, you... keep going, keep going.

No, no, don't look.

I'm sorry.


Please stay on my mind


I thought you said

you couldn't dance.

Well, maybe I

just needed a partner.


By the way,

you still owe me a fake date.

How 'bout a real one instead?


Let it linger

Beside us

Tip of my fingers

I just

Don't wanna mess this up

With you

With you

I I I'm I I I'm

Falling for you

Falling for you