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02x21 - Sam Kind of Wonderful

Posted: 05/09/23 10:57
by bunniefuu
[up-tempo music]

♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪♪

Jess, before you go out, I wanna talk to you about Sam.

Oh, look at the time. I've gotta run.

Jess, I've been tryin' to talk to you about this all day.

And I've been trying to avoid you all day.

You ready?

And it looks like I've done it again.

Wait, Jess.

I really think you're getting in over your head with Sam.

You don't know anything about him.

Well, except that he's been in jail.

Who asked you?

Come on, Jess.

Think about it.

You haven't heard the whole story.

Well, then tell it to me!

What's there to tell?

Sam beat up a guy so badly he nearly k*lled him.

That some guy is Sam's stepdad,

who, if you're interested, was abusing Sam's mother.

That's awful.

That's his story.

What do you know about any of this?

You're just upset because

he's a better motocross racer than you are.

That's not true.

Todd's got a point.

How do you know he's telling you the truth?

Because I know!

Believe it or not,

I have a brain and I can make my own decisions.

We're just trying to help.

Well, thanks.

But no, thanks.

[door slams]

Winston, what do you do when you really like a girl?

I follow her around until she agrees to go out with me

or gets a restraining order.

I'm serious.

Right. I was just kidding.

Well, I was thinking of asking Enid out.

Really? After only two years?

You sure you're not rushing things a little bit?

You think I am?

Hello? I'm kidding.

Look, this is what you gotta do.

Find out what kinda guy Enid wants.

Stop at nothing to become that guy.

Can't I just be myself?

Never worked for me.

Believe me, if you do this,

Enid's gonna stop looking at you as Manny good buddy,

and she's gonna look at you as Manny, Super Stud.


Never fails.

Thanks, Winston.


Or does it always fail?

Ha, I love this!

She loves golf!

That means I love golf!

Ah, Uncle Vern is gonna love getting this every month.

Although I don't understand why.

I mean, golf is like the dullest thing on earth.

I'm tellin' you, Liz.

It is the greatest feeling I have ever had.

When I'm leaning into a turn

and I can feel my back wheel slidin' out

like I'm gonna bail,

at the last second I just g*n it

and take off right down the straightaway.

Todd, I'm glad you're excited,

but I'm really nervous about Sunday's race.

Oh, don't worry.

I'm gettin' really good.

I know but,

what happens if the guy in front of you crashes.

Oh, that's not gonna be a problem.

Why not?

'Cause no one's gettin' in front of me,

especially not Sam.

Oh, speak of the jailbird.

It's getting late.

Maybe we should go.


I think I'm just fine where I am.

How big of you to share your counter

with a dangerous guy like me.

Are you sure you don't wanna confiscate

his butter knife?

Jess, stop it!


That's exactly what you guys were thinking.

Let's just get everything out in the open.

You guys think you're so superior.

Let's go.

I don't wanna get into this.

Yeah, you're right.

We have better things to do

than hang out with people that are acting like jerks.

It's cool.

I'm used to it.

Besides, some of these people weren't acting.

[student chatter]

What's up?

Since Jess entered the Sam zone, nothing.

We used to hang out and shop.

And hang out and talk about shopping.

It sounds like you need to broaden your horizons.

Open new avenues.

Find a way out of this conversation.

I'm not the one whose chin is draggin'

against her shoe tops.

What do you have in mind?

The school offers art classes

at the end of the day.

I'm going.

Do you wanna come along?

Or do you wanna stay here alone and depressed?


I'm thinking.

Hi, honey. I'm back.

Well, what have you got there?

Just a little something the Burger Barn

and I threw together.

I hope you like it.

I ordered it myself.

You're too good to me.

Somebody in this town has to be.

I'm so sorry about the way everyone's been treating you.

They just don't know you like I do.

Jess, don't take this the wrong way,

but I don't give a damn about your friends.

All I care about is you.

Is that why you've been workin' on your bike

for the past three hours?

I can't stop thinkin' about the race.

Some major people are comin' to see me Sunday,

and I really need to impress them.


If I win, it means a step up.

Sponsorship, bigger bikes, bigger paychecks.

Racing costs a lot of money,

and I don't know how much longer I can afford it.

You're definitely going to win.

I don't have a choice.

Well, I know just the place to go

to get your mind off this.

[rock music]

♪ I've been driving in

♪ A state of worlds gone by ♪

♪ And I've been dreaming

♪ Of a something more to life ♪

♪ Oh, I may be a lost child ♪

♪ In a world of no ones ♪

♪ And we may feel ♪

♪ Some kinda right ♪

♪ But that is ♪

♪ Takin' us nowhere ♪

♪ But at this moment ♪

♪ In this moment ♪

♪ There is life ♪

♪ We can breathe ♪

♪ And we are free ♪

♪ To drink in light ♪

♪ Moment ♪

♪ At this moment ♪♪

Do you believe in destiny?

[Sam] You mean like fate?

[Jess] Uh-huh.

I don't know.

Well, I do.

I believe true love can only happen

if it's in your destiny.

Oh, and am I your true love?

[laughs] Oh, I don't know.

I've never read your fortune.

[laughs] My fortune?

Don't laugh.

Here, give me your hand.

Hmm, your love line seems to be in pretty good shape.

I could've told you that.

[laughs] But there's something here I don't like.

Oh, my God!

This is awful!

What is it?

Your cuticles!

They're a mess!

[laughs] Hey.


I just saw A River Runs Through It with Brad Pitt.

I think I'm in love.

Because of that movie, I know one thing.

Fly fishing is sexy.

Now she likes fly fishing? [groans]


Are you okay?

This is great.

I've always wanted to learn to draw.


It never occurred to me.

I always thought art was something done by dead people.

You wanna see what I did?

I call it a walk in the park.

What have you got?

Neiman Marcus Just Closed.

[motor bikes revving]

Ugh. By this time Sunday, I'll have a trophy in one hand

and a beautiful lady in the other.


You did mean me?

Of course.

Todd, I want you to promise me something.

If Sam does anything crazy,

if he tries to cut you off

or run you off the track,

let him go by.

No way.

The bottom line is once that race starts,

I'm goin' full throttle.

And if Sam gets anywhere near me,

I'm gonna give him a taste of his own medicine.

Hey, Wilkins.

Your front wheel looks a little off.

Make sure to [indistinct] before the race.

Mind your own damn business.

This is my business.

If you fall down while I'm lapping you,

I could get hurt.

Save your psych joust for someone else.

Listen, I don't need psyche out some rookie

riding a shiny new bike his daddy just bought him.

You don't wanna listen to me?


That's one less guy for me to beat.

And I will beat you.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I'm shaking.

You better be.

'Cause Sunday, nothing's gonna stand in my way.

[doorbell rings]

[Liz] I'll get it.

Hey, is Jess ready?


Come in if you want.

How can I refuse an offer like that?

Look, I don't know what your game is,

but I consider myself a pretty good judge of character.

And you've judged my character?

Yes! And I don't like it.

I think you're only looking out for yourself,

and you don't care who you hurt along the way,

whether it's Todd or my sister

or your father.


Get your story straight.

It's good to see you've got me figured out.

Sorry I kept you waiting.

It's all right.

It gave me a chance to talk to your sister.

Let's go.

It was nice getting to know you.

[Cheryl] I'm completely amazed that you've been able

to master all of these forms of art,

from watercolors to acrylics to pottery.

Do you know how unbelievable this is?

You keep saying that.

It's just stuff.

It's great stuff.

I especially loved your blue period.

You mean Thursday.

What would you say if I told you

you were having a showing?

What are you talking about?

I invited a few people here tomorrow.

We'll set this place up like an art gallery and voila!

Your career as a famous artiste will be launched.

Who would wanna buy this?

[doorbell rings]


If this is about your paper, we haven't seen it.


Hi, Enid.

It's not too early to come by, is it?

No, I was gonna get up in three hours anyway.


Manny, why are you here at : in the morning?

I was gonna go fly fishing with Winston this morning,

but he canceled out on me.

I didn't know you like to fish.

Oh yeah, ever since I was this tall.

Anyway, I figured Enid's the type of person

who'd like to go fly fishing.

Maybe I'll take her.

That's really sweet of you, Manny,

but I hate to fish.

However, my grandpa, Leo, loves it

and you're in luck,

he's staying with us this week.

Hang on, I'll get him.

Oh, um, you have to bait his hook for him.

He's a little shaky.

I can't wait.

[Customer] There you go.

Thank you.

You're a smash.

I wouldn't go that far.

Everything's sold,

and you have back orders for art

that'll keep you busy for months.

I'm not really interested in this art thing anymore.

How can you say that?

You have this incredible gift.

Creating things that people want to own.

Do you know how rare that is?

Your future is limitless.

Plus, you made yourself a nice chunk of change.

I know.

That's why I'm going shopping.

That's it?

I say your future is limitless,

and you say you're going shopping?

Art really isn't that much fun.

I mean, it's okay while I'm doing it,

but when I'm finished

I look around at all this stuff I've created and I realize

I can't wear any of it.

[motor bike engines roaring]

[Announcer] Welcome everybody to Sweet Valley's

First cc motocross competition.

Contestants are warming up.

Grab a bite to eat and find a spot

-to watch the race. -I can do that.

You couldn't even put on those boots without falling over.

For all you know, Winston might be great at motocross.

Thanks for sticking up for me, Liz, but she's right.

Last night, I tried on those boots,

and... well.

Enjoy the race.

But don't get your hopes up.

I'm not gonna fight with you anymore, Jess.

I'll be over there watching the race with my friends,

and you can be here alone watching it with yours.

[Announcer] We are only minutes away from the start

of the big race.

Hey, you try and cut me off out there,

I'll run you right off the track.

You see this?

This is how scared I am.


Wanna talk?

Not right now.

I'm just gonna pace a little bit.

You know, nerves.

Hey, Winston, why don't you go pace with her?

Why would I do that?


Boy, they're really mad at each other, aren't they?

Yeah, I've never seen them fight like that before.

Well, at least they're not keeping it inside.

Sometimes a person,

they try and say something they can't

and try to keep it in.

-You know what I mean? -Oh, sure.

My Aunt Pollie has been trying to tell my Uncle Herbie

for years that she hates the way he dresses.

You see, Herbie's the loudest man on earth

on account of the year he spent as a roadie with The Who.

Enid, I don't know if you realize how I ...

We've known each other for a long time now.

I wanna know if you'd like to go out to dinner

-with me Saturday night. -[loud engine roar]

I'm sorry, what did you say?

I wouldn't have had that problem if you were Herbie.

I really want you to go out with me

-on Saturday night. -[loud engine roar]


Never mind.

[Announcer] Racers are at the line.

[crowd cheers]

[engines rev]

[Announcer] And they're off!

And it looks like they've got a great start today

with number seven taking

-a quick leap. -Come on, Todd!

-Although, number one... -C'mon, Todd! not far behind.

Number clears the jump nicely.

Seven and one are still in the lead.

Number one is Sam Woodruff,

winner of two leading state championships.

And number seven is newcomer Todd Wilkins.

Look at the height on those two!

Go, Todd!

[Announcer] And Wilkins takes the lead!

And number is down.

He'd better get that bike outta the way!

This is a dangerous situation,

but he seems to be okay.

Wilkins is in the lead with Woodruff close behind.

Seven and one are neck in neck.

What's going on?

What is Sam doing?

It looks like he's fighting with Todd or something.

He's trying to push him off his bike.

He's trying to run him off the track!

[Announcer] It's not clear what Woodruff's trying to do.

Oh, but Wilkins breaks away.

I know you wouldn't cheat to win.

Would you?

[Announcer] Woodruff's gaining on Wilkins

as they head for the jump.

There's fierce competition between these two.

One is over!

Beautifully ex*cuted.

This is a difficult series of jumps,

probably the most difficult line of the track.

Wilkins and Woodruff take the jump together.

It's gonna be a close call.

Oh, and seven's down!

-That's Todd Wilkins. -Oh, my God!


[Announcer] Sam Woodruff's gotten off his bike!

-Come on! -[Sam] Todd!

[Announcer] It appears that Wilkins is trapped.

The other racers are bearing down on him.

[Todd] I can't get out from under my bike!

[Sam] Here, man!

Give me your hand.

We gotta get out of the way!

Come on.

We're almost off the track.

[Announcer] That was a close call!

Woodruff has sacrificed his first place position,

and number has taken the lead.

What happened?

Your front wheel collapsed.

Todd, are you okay?

You were gonna win this race.

You blew your chance.

I had no choice.

I had you all wrong, bro.


I really owe you big time.

[Announcer] And the winner is number , Micah Williams!

[crowd cheers]


Here you guys go.

It's on the house.

Thanks to Bruce.

Just don't tell him.

[Todd] All right!

I owe you an apology.

I guess I misjudged you.

Ah, don't be too hard on yourself.

Everyone thinks I'm a jerk at first.

Everyone except Jess.

Yeah, I guess I couldn't fool her.

I should've trusted you.

I guess you do know what you're doing.

Well, every now and then.

I'm just glad you guys finally got to see the Sam I know.

Oh, we gotta go. The movie starts in minutes.


Hey, didn't you guys hear me?

I said the movie starts in minutes.

The guy with the near death experience buys the popcorn.

-Says who? -It's a rule.

Look it up.

[all chuckling]

[up-tempo music]

♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection? ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪♪