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02x01 - Escape Mechanism

Posted: 05/10/23 04:53
by bunniefuu


- Ryan, are you comin' already? I'm coming!



Hang in there, Ryan.

Just a bit more, I promise.


Come on.

This is the place I was talking about.

What is this place? You think this is what Judy was looking for that night? Mmm


Wait, how did you even Hey! What Stop! What are you doing? Hey, wait, no! Don't leave! Hey! Help! Help!


It's over.

But why? She adores you.

Yeah Well, now she adores Alex.

The new kid?


Are you sure about that? They were slow dancing in front of the entire school.

I'm pretty sure.

She gave you up for him? That makes no sense.

I mean, he doesn't hold a candle to you.

- Does that girl even know who she has?

- Okay, Mom! Can we stop talking about this? Okay.

You're better off, that's all I have to say about that.

I'm not.

She's an amazing girl and I was stupid enough to drive her away.

I was angry, so I acted like a jerk around her.

A real woman doesn't quit when it gets a little tough.


So disappointing.

She is not the person I thought she was.


Funny, she said the same thing about you.

What do you mean? Nothing.

Forget it.


For some reason, she was convinced you made the Taser barb evidence disappear.

What? That's nonsense.


At least now I don't have to deal with her conspiracy theories anymore.




Everything went smoothly.



The delivery was made.

Yep, just like you asked.


Oh, you missed a spot.

Right there.

Hi, Judy! Hi, Jason.



Eat something.

You must be starving.

I never meant for this to happen.

I want you to know that.

I can't believe I didn't figure out you were on Judy's side.

I understand how this must all look to you, but Look to me? I wonder how it will look to my dad when he finds out what you've done! No, no.

Marcus, wait.

Look you've known me since the day I was born.

Please let me go.

I promise I won't tell anyone.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

You should eat.

Marcus! Marcus, let me out! Please, there's nothing I can do! I'm sorry! That's a lie and you know it!

- How could you betray me?




Save your voice, Brooke.

We need to talk.

- Have you guys seen Brooke?

- Why don't you ask her new boyfriend? Oh! My bad.

I mean her 24

-hour rebound.



- Look, man, I'm just trying to save you some heartbreak for when she gets bored and dumps you.

Oh! If I was looking for dating advice, you'd be the last person I'd ask.

- Dude, what did you just say?

- I'm not afraid of you, Daniel.

And don't blame me for what happened between you and Brooke.

- You did that all by yourself.




Hey, hey, hey! Let's all calm down, okay? So you guys sure you haven't seen Brooke?


Oh, you really got that guy! Watch out! There's a bad guy.

Behind that tree.

- Jackie, are you going to

- Do you mind? All right then.

You know what? I think this one goes right there Where did you take that from? These pieces have a specific order!

- Everybody! I need your help!

- Is everything okay? No! It's a disaster! My Warcraft guild is stuck in a cage and the only way to unlock it is to answer this riddle which none of us can answer! I can't even answer it! Max, it's so much worse than I imagined!

- I know!

- I can help! I love riddles! Great!

- It goes like this

- Okay.


"Who are the three who fall asleep in Amsterdam and wake up in Paris?" Paris Wait, wait, I'm So, let's see, um, the Three Musketeers? Yeah? Oh, but they're French.

Um No, you said they're in Amsterdam, so perhaps this has something to do with Van Gogh? If Van Gogh All right, so Paris is about 400 miles away from Amsterdam, they're both capital cities

- Emma would've loved this riddle.

- I already hate it.


The government in Holland is in the Hague.

Which they pronounce as "Den Haag!" Haag! Haag The tulips! Tulips in Holland.

What does that have to do with anything? At least I'm trying! Leo, come on.

You're you on my team, yeah? Come on, help me.

Let's pitch in, guys.

Uh, we're the Ravens, right? We can solve this thing.

Everyone, let's crack this stumper.

We need to talk.



This is hard.

You poor thing.

What I'm trying to say is I wasn't honest with you.

- I know that.



I meant to tell you about her, but there never seemed to be the right time to bring it up.

And then things got complicated after you kissed me, and After I kissed you? After we kissed.

I guess I was just afraid of telling you 'cause I thought it would ruin everything,

- and then, of course

- Hang on, Leo.

Everything's cool.

So we kissed.

That happens between friends and it's fine.

You have a girlfriend from London and she sings and makes you cookies.

And it's cool.

You're not mad at me? No.


I mean, I was a bit surprised to find out about it at first, but I got over it, and it's no biggie.

Everything's fine.

So, we're cool? Yeah.

We're cool.


Let me get this straight.

You discovered something, as usual, but you won't tell me what you discovered.

I just want to ask you one question, Marcus.

Is it possible for an object in the earth to have magnetic polarity? Well, every object has a certain level of polarity.

It's just a question of how you measure it.

Have you ever encountered something which was unusually magnetic? Say, like, in this area? Let me guess.

You discovered the Einstein

-Rosen bridge and you're actually a Ryan lookalike from another dimension? I'll tell you everything, Marcus.

I just wanna check something first.

Could you hand me that wrench, please? I also need a few things from you.

Like gloves, a flashlight, and a pickax.


You know, I always thought you Greenhouse students had way too much free time.


Take my son, for instance, with that Taser Good thing you were able to destroy the evidence.

I wish he knew!


You know, I don't think he appreciates his mother enough.

But we're not here to talk about Daniel, right?




We both know why we're here, don't we?


But did you really think that I was gonna sit by quietly while you spread all those rumors about me? Eric's working for you too? Mmm



Of course.

Everyone's working for you.

Be grateful Eric was the only one you confided in or you wouldn't be sitting here.

How can you do this to me? We've known each other for years.

I was Daniel's girlfriend.

And you broke his heart.

You deserve to be sitting here just for that.

My family used to jet to Paris every holiday.

And let me tell you


Can't you and your Warcraft buddies find a cheat code to get you out of the cell? That's cheating.

You'd rather listen to Aspen's whole itinerary from her family vacation? Hello, it's called brainstorming.

Aspen, I think you might be taking this a little too seriously.

Maybe it's time to wave the white flag on this one? What do you think?


My boyfriend, the genius!


- Oh, finally!

- What? The white flag! You solved the riddle, Lee!

- I did?

- Yes! Yes, you did! Okay.

Here is the Dutch flag! So, red, white and blue stripes are asleep, in the horizontal position.

And, voilÃ! They wake up, vertically, as the French flag!

- Wow! That's it! Thanks!

- Yeah.

Hey, guys.

It's Kasparov2K.

I've found the solution.

The three are red, blue, and white.

It's so simple yet I never would've thought of it in a million years.

You see? We really do make a perfect pair, you and I.

I told you the Ravens could do it.

- You see?

- Mmm.

These are the three.

The flags!



- Great riddle, Dad.

- Yeah.

That's what I'm always talking about when I talk about curiosity.

When the kids are engaged, they don't even need us.

Oh I wanna show this to Brooke.

Remember how obsessed she was with riddles as a kid?



Hey, it's Brooke.

Now, you say something.





Not answering.

Must have a busy day today.

I'm gonna make some tea.

Will you join me? I gotta go, Dad.

Busy day too? Have a good one.

You dug all of this by yourself? What for?

- Give me your keys.

- Why? Give me your keys.

A magnet? A magnet.

A hundred feet from the Greenhouse.

I must have been here a thousand times.

I never noticed it.

I checked all the records.

There's not one mention of a magnetic field in this area.

I checked all the libraries, real estate records, lab reports, microfilms, you name it.

If this isn't some kind of trick, you're gonna be very famous, my friend.

To think how hard Louis had to work to convince you to attend this school.



What are you guys doing here?


Hi, Jason.

You're not supposed to be here.

It's super late.

Just wait until I tell my dad.

Jason, don't Don't you think I don't know all about you? My dad told me you were in prison once.

Hang on, Jason.

I bet you'd like to know what we're doing here.

- Can you keep a secret?

- Of course I can.


Do you know about the dark magic of the Greenhouse cliffs? I'm not a kid anymore.

There's no such thing as magic.

All right.

Go ahead.

Call your dad.

I know we can't stop you.

- What?

- Now do you see?



Don't worry about him.

I know Jason.

He's so scared now, he won't tell Louis a thing.

Um I'm sorry I never told you about my past.

It's none of my business.

Don't you wanna know why I was in prison? I know you're a good person.

That's all that matters to me.

You know what to do, right? Are you sure? What are you going to do to me?



I think he wants in.

What's going on?



I'll take care of this.


Where's Brooke? I don't know what you're talking about.

Don't play with me, Judy! Family's where I draw the line.

I know you know where my sister is.

I I can assure you, she's in very good hands.

I want to see my sister!



Yeah, you know, be my guest.

I'm sure she'd love to know that her brother's working with me too.

What was so urgent? We need to talk.

Did you do what I asked you? It's wrong, Judy.

Ryan's mission is to have all the magnetite in orbit.

And your mission is to make sure only part of the magnetite makes it on to the spacecraft.

I'm not comfortable with this.

But you're comfortable taking my money, right?


Look, I told you.

We can't afford to lose all of the magnetite.

It's too risky.

But why would we lose it?


Where were you, January 28, 1986? Accidents happen.

- We have to tell Ryan about this.

- No.


Why'd you bring up the Challenger disaster? What is it that you're not telling me, Judy? I'm paying you enough not to have to tell you anything.

Don't make me regret trusting you.

So you betray Ryan and then talk to me about trust?


The only person who's been convicted of treason in this room is you, Marcus.

- I was framed.

- Mmm.


The judge didn't think so.

Well, look at you.

You managed to build a whole new life for yourself.

It's a good thing your kids don't know anything about your past, not even your real name.

So that's your game? Blackmailing me? We had a deal.

Do your part.

That's all.



Hey, I'm sorry for coming in this late.

Oh, come on, I'm almost done packing.

I just wanted to check in.

- Is everything okay, Marcus?

- Yeah.

I gotta tell you something.




Uh, you know about the escape mechanism on the pod, right? Of course.

Number of times I pulled it during training.

So, uh, you know what to do in case something happens?


You can be so overprotective sometimes.

Just promise me that if anything goes wrong, you'll activate the escape latch, okay? Will you promise me? Sure.

I promise.


I knew you were special the first day I met you.

You've always looked out for me.

I'll always take care of you.


Come on, Ryan, you can do it.

I know it.






Hey, where were you? Hey, babe.


I made a terrible mistake, Daniel.