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02x09 - A Born Leader

Posted: 05/10/23 04:58
by bunniefuu
Hello, Mr.



Something smells good over there.

Let me guess, beef bourguignon? You mean the five

-hour famous Osmond beef bourguignon.

Specially requested by Ms.

Hayward here.

Oh! Well, I feel bad for forcing you to work so hard for us.

Well, you're a hard woman to say no to.

That's true.

Well, I'll take it as a compliment.

À table.

Jason, will you bring in the meat? Louis, will you take a look at these two? What a beautiful couple.

Well, Judy, we were meant to be.


That is music to my ears.


Make sure to say the "we were meant to be" line in front of Judy.

Good point.

God, it's so weird.

So, how exactly are you gonna get Emma's chess set from Jason? While you're at dinner, I'll call Jason and tell him I think I've found Emma's chess set in the Ravens clubhouse.

Make him think maybe he took the wrong one.

Yeah? You found what? Jason, is everything all right? Once Max calls him, Jason will have to leave dinner and go to his office to see if maybe someone had taken Emma's chess set.

Uh, sorry.

Admin stuff.

Uh, I seem to have forgotten to send this email to the, uh, CDE.

The California Department of Education is calling you now? Sorry, it'll just take a minute.

That's part one.

Part two, once Jason leaves, Brooke has to find a reason to leave the dinner too.

Oh! Oh.

- I'm sorry, babe.

- I'm gonna go clean this.

I'll be right back.

Now, all you have to do is follow your brother and you'll find the chess set.

What are you doing here? Um, looking for the stain remover.

I thought I saw it in here the other day.

Oh, I'm sorry, Jason.

I'm sorry.

Then we arrive at part three.

These are two exact replicas of the white knights in Emma's chess board.

You need to replace Emma's pieces with these.

What do you guys say? Great plan or what? I don't know.

Jason will be onto us.

No, he won't.

I got this.

- It's fine.

It's fine.

- No, no, I wanna help.

- What was that?

- A text from a student.

Some of these kids have no boundaries.

Boundaries are something you'll learn to control as you gain more experience as dean here.

All right.


You'll do what I asked? I will.

You can leave now.

You're free to go.

- Great job, by the way.

- Happy we didn't get caught.

- What happened to you?

- I forgot to brush my teeth.

So why are you dressed like you were outside? I guess I got tired and fell asleep in my clothes.


I traced the latest outgoing calls to Geller's old number.

- And?

- I don't have an exact location, but they're definitely coming from inside the Greenhouse.

- You tapped her new phone, right?

- Of course.


We don't want anyone from the Greenhouse contacting this Emma girl.

What's this about the Greenhouse? What? Oh, it's just that, uh, Taser investigation.

- Just tying up some loose ends.

- Paperwork, you know.

Yeah, I read your report.

There was no connection to the Greenhouse.


Well, I gotta go.

I didn't know Perry got a raise.

What are you talking about? Did you see his watch? That's at least a ten

-grand Rolex.

Yeah, you know Perry.

He's always trying to show off.

- It's probably a fake.


- Yeah.

Hey, guys.

Sorry I'm late.

Aspen was watching me, so I had to make sure I wasn't being followed.

- Hey, bro!

- Hey, sis.

Okay, show us what you got.

At first, I didn't find anything.

I removed the felt from underneath the knight, nothing.

I scanned it and then I used a Geiger counter to check for isotopes, 'cause you can Okay, okay.

It took you a long time to get the clue.

Can you show us? Oh, sorry.

So, then I checked the other knight, and I found an encrypted microchip with a video on it.

Emma made a movie the night she left the Greenhouse.

Max, show us the video.




Max, I lied to you and I'm so sorry for that.

I don't have much time, but I have to tell you everything I know, even though it's only these bits and pieces.

Anyway, on the day of the satellite launch, the reason I was late to your picnic was because I was busy hacking into the NASA servers.

I helped bring down the satellite, and I did this all from your laptop.

What? My laptop can access encrypted sites that normal laptops can't.

I showed it off to Emma to impress her.

Bad idea.

It was Jason Osmond who told me to do all this.

He told me he was working with the government on a classified project, but I know he's lying.

He never told me they were gonna shut down the satellite.

And when I found out, I confronted him and he threatened to kick me out of the Greenhouse.

I knew this would break my parents' heart.

So, today, when I tried to call NASA and tell them everything, Jason said he would turn me in.

It was his word against mine.

Oh, my God.

I'm so ashamed, Max.

I couldn't risk my parents finding out, so I agreed to leave.

Emma? Are you ready? I don't know who he's working for, but I know he's not alone.

Please be careful, Max.

Trust no one.

Emma! How could you be that stupid? The watch? What's your problem? Okay, you guys realize this is now criminal.

We have to go to the police.

- With what?

- With this! All we have is Emma's confession.

The first thing they'll do is arrest her, and you, once they find out that she used your laptop.

It's Emma's word against Jason's.

Like she said.

- Why would my brother do this?

- 'Cause he's working with my mom.

I saw the way she looked at him when Max called.

I just know they're in this together.

If we only knew what "this" was.

Well, whatever it is, Alex, it has to do with Mom.

I mean, that satellite was part of her research.

What was your mom's research about? She never really told us.

It was very top secret.

And we never asked.

She had a PhD in geophysics at Caltech with highest honors, summa cum laude.

- Where'd you get this?

- Uh, LA Times.

It's her obituary.

I've never seen that.

What's CSL? CSL? Uh, Caltech Seismological Laboratory.

A lot of geophysicists study seismology.

Seismology is the study of earthquakes, right? So your mother researched earthquakes? You think this had something to do with that satellite? I remember overhearing Marcus talking about an earthquake in the cave.

But we obviously felt the same earthquake that they did.



You returned a day before the actual earthquake happened.

You guys know what this means? They somehow knew the earthquake was coming.

Um, could I get a small double chocolate ice cream, please?

- Sure.

- Thanks.

If you're wondering where she is, I can tell you.

She's with Daniel.

They're in the old biology lab.

I think I saw her brother there too.

And Jackie.

And Max.

Are you really that bored, Aspen? I'm only trying to help you, Leo.

You're our captain and they're conspiring behind your back.

I'll get that.

Thank you.

This is an awkward situation for me, Chief.

When you gave Carter his job back, you asked me if I thought he was ready and I said yes.

So? Now I'm not so sure, to tell you the truth.

His paranoia is starting to surface again and I'm worried.

Why? Is he bringing up conspiracy theories about Ryan again? Oh, I wish.

Now he's convinced that Perry's been taking bribes.

- Our Perry?

- Yeah.

And he won't leave it alone.

- He won't listen to me.

- Uh


I mean, he's my best friend, you know that.

It's just that I'm worried for his safety, to be honest with you.

And ours.

Maybe I was too quick in letting him come back to work, but I was sure he'd, uh, recovered.




Let's just keep an eye on him, all right? Sure, Chief.

- Good.

- Yeah.

Who are you calling? Brandon Thomas.

We have to tell him about the satellite.

Hold on.

We should tell my dad first.

- Remember what Emma said.

- "Trust no one.

" You don't think my dad is working with them? I don't.

But I also didn't think that about Marcus.

Or Judy.

Or Jason.

Or Eric.

Of course! How could we miss that? He said he took you to the station.

Did he really? I'm starting to remember.

Um It was Eric who took me to the cave, to Marcus.

I'm sure.

He's the one who turned you in.

This is too much.

Oh, I hated that guy ever since he forced me to take that polygraph test.

I knew there was something sketchy about him.

Let me get this straight.

Your mom.

Marcus and your brother.

And our dad's best friend.

I'm calling Dad.

Can I help you? Why are you breaking into my computer? What were you and Perry talking about this morning? Carter, stop it.

I'm your friend.

Are you? If you're really my friend, you'll let me log onto your computer.

- That's not gonna happen.

- What are you hiding, Eric?

- You should get some rest.

- Get off me! I was wrong about you.

- You're not ready to be back.

- No, I was wrong about you! Hey, guys, stop.

You mind telling me what's going on here? Ask Carter.

He was trying to break into my computer.

Can't you see what's going on here? Eric and Perry are hiding some kind of evidence.

I heard them talking about it this morning.

Something about, uh, tapping phone calls.

I told you he was getting worse.

You have to believe me! Internal Affairs needs to know what's going on here! Carter I think you should take the rest of the day off.

Do you know what this is? My wife wrote me this letter the night before she d*ed.

Now, maybe she wrote something about you.

- You stole the letter!

- I have no idea what he's

- You lying piece of

- Get off of me! Okay, Woods, that's it! You're dismissed.

Now, you make sure you leave your g*n and your badge at the personnel office.

Now, get.

Eric, in my office, now.

He's not answering me either.

Do you think we're too late? Do you think he got to Dad? We're not crazy, right? We're not just imagining this.

We know something terrible is going on.

We just don't have anyone to turn to.

That's it.

I'm going there.

Where are you going? To that cave, or whatever it is.

I'll stand there until they let me in and I'll tell my mom I know all about her.

And then what? You'll look her in the eye and she'll repent and do volunteer work at a soup kitchen? Do you have a better idea, Hayley? Emma was right, that's for sure.

We can't trust anyone.

Is it Dad?

- No, it's Leo.

- What does he want? He wants to talk.


- I'm going.

- I'll go with you.

- No, it's okay.

- Well, what if it's a trap?

- You think Leo's working with them?

- How do we know he's not? I'm going.

Stay here, I'll be quick.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I'm listening.

Hello, Mr.


Are you gonna hypnotize me? I will never do that again in my life.

Then what are you gonna do? I'm gonna show you something that I think would be of interest to you.

Come with me.

- It's Ryan.

- Yes.

It's her.

How is she alive? I saved her.

But how? It's impossible.

We all saw the expl*si*n.

Um Ryan used the escape pod seconds before the expl*si*n.

I waited for her at sea, and um, retrieved her before the authorities arrived.

Nobody found the body.

But is she okay? Why is she unconscious? It's the only way I can keep her alive.

Her vital signs are fine.

She's asleep for now.

- Why didn't you tell anyone about her?

- No one can know Ryan is alive.

If the people I'm working for found out, that'd be the end of her.

You understand what I'm saying to you, Leo? Why are you working for these people, Marcus? Greed, at first.

I wanted to support my family.

And now I'm in too deep and I have to take care of her.

Once we're done with our mission, I can wake her up.

What mission? Telling you this would be unfair to you.

So why did you tell me about Hayley's mom? Look, Leo, you're a bunch of smart kids.

I've been keeping tabs on everyone.

I know you're close to discovering what we're doing here and that you'll try to stop us.

Now, you're a born leader and you're very close to Hayley.

I'm sure you'd like her to see her mother alive again.

If you want that to happen, you have to let us accomplish our mission.

I risked everything to save Ryan.

Now you must help me to see it through.

It'll all be over in a few hours.

She's alive, Hayley.

Your mother is alive.

I saw her with my own eyes.

We just need to let them finish the mission and then you'll be able to see her again.