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03x17 - The Beguiled

Posted: 05/10/23 06:56
by bunniefuu
[Birds chirping]

(john-boy) when I recall the
young years on walton's mountain,

i remember the pleasure
of ordinary events

and the ordinary
people who shaped them.

but there were other times
when neither the events

nor the people were ordinary.

and our lives were
altered, for a time.

If you'd slow
down I could get it.

Well, then it wouldn't
be a trick anymore.

You gonna stay for supper?

I don't know, you
think it'd be ok?

Sure. Even if it wasn't,
nobody'd notice,

There's so many
people at the table.

Come on.

There goes that danny
comley, jim-bob's new sidekick.

I swear, you'd think they
was tied together at the hips.


(John-boy) we're
home, mama, finally.

(Mary ellen) hi, mama.

Change your clothes.

Hi, mama. Hi, grandma.
We're home, mama.

Mama, danny's having
supper with us, ok?

Did you ask your father, danny?

Well, it's all right, ma'am.

He don't care if
I'm there or not.

Would you like to try again?

Oh, no, danny, I give up,
you get me too confused.

Come on, mrs.
Walton, you can get it.

Livie. Sorry, grandma.


(Danny) which one is it under?

(Olivia) that one.

I knew it all the time, it's
under the one in the middle.

I'll see for myself.

Oh, danny, you're
too fast, slow down.

Like he said, mama, then it
wouldn't be a trick anymore.

♪♪[John-boy humming]

John-boy... Looks
like he's crazy to me.

Yes, I'm crazy, I'm nuts,

Cracked, insane,
oh, my god.

Grandma, I'm crazy,

I just finished my term
report for my chemistry class.

I feel like I've
been let out of...

Oh, yes, grandma, I should have
had you with me at the marathon.

The marathon, me?

Yes, you!

You want to try
again, mrs. Walton?


[Gasping] I'm getting
out of breath.

(John-boy) I'm crazy.


Grandma, I'm crazy.

Hallelujah. May I cut in?

Why, of course, grandpa.

Oh, yes!


What on earth is
going on around here?

[Panting] I'll tell you.
I have completed

My chemistry project!

Oh, zeb, now, that's
enough. That's plenty.

I have completed my
chemistry project.

And while it is true
that I still have to worry

About the mid-term examination,

I have managed over
the last semester

To compile a magnificent
compendium of notes,

If I may say so myself.


Where's my pen?

Where's my pen?

It was here a minute ago.

Did I bring it down
here? I'm sure I did.

I had it on top of the...

(Grandma) look real
good in your pockets.

It's not in my pockets, grandma.

Help me look here, will you?

That's the pen that ike gave
me for my graduation present.

I can't lose that.
It's not down here.

Fountain pens do not just
disappear by themselves.

(John-boy) it's gotta
be here someplace.

Danny, did you see it?

Danny, hand it over.

You're a regular
houdini, aren't you?

Well, I was just fooling
around, I wasn't gonna to keep it.


Danny, from now on I think you
ought to stick to shells and peas.

Are you mad, john-boy?

Of course not.

But it's hard enough to keep
track of things around here

Without you helping out.

Well, if you're planning
on having supper here,

Either you get out of this
kitchen or help us cook supper.

All right, we're
going, we're going.

Come on, danny.


Something about that boy
don't just set right with me.

If supper's not ready on time,
that won't set right either.

So, go on, get out of here.

What did you come
in here for, anyway?

Oh, I forgot that, with all the
commotion going on around here.

I'll tell you what,
I'll go outside,

Come back again and
see if I can remember.

[Grandpa chuckling]

[Crickets chirping] that one.

(Danny) wrong.

You're hopeless, elizabeth,
absolutely hopeless.

No, she isn't.

That's the way the trick
goes, no one ever gets it right.

That's what legerdemain means.

Legerdemain, huh? Listen to
mary ellen and her -cent words.

Oh, ben, you're such a dope.

(Ben) I bet you don't
even know what it means.

It's a french word that
means "sleight of hand."

I don't care what its name is.

How come I can't
see what's happening?

Well, the hand is
quicker than the eye.

You mean there's something
there that I can't see?

Sure, right before
your very eyes.

Do it again.

That one.

Wrong again.

[Crickets chirping]

Hi, dad.

Took your time comin' home.

I was studying at jim-bob's.

What's that you're doing?

[Coin clinks]

I was just fooling with it.

Just fooling.

That's your long suit, isn't it?

It makes people
laugh, that's all.

Some people.


Is there anything I can do?

You can fill the wood box if you
want any breakfast tomorrow.

[Car horn honking]

[Tires screeching]


[Air hissing]

You hurt?

No, I'm not.

Oh, ok.

Wait a minute!

My tire is completely wrecked.

What do you mean "ok"?

Oh, there are plenty more
where that one came from.

You ran a stoplight. I
could have been k*lled!

I'm sorry.

Look, if you're not hurt
I've really got to be going.

You're sorry?

Wait a minute,
what about my tire?

It seems to me, miss bradford,

That I've only had the
pleasure of your presence

At, uh, let me see...

Oh, only of my lectures
since the class convened.

Oh, well, i... I can
explain that, dr. Whitley.

You see, I've been terribly ill

And... And I haven't been able
to attend any of my classes.

I see. W-when I got that
notice in the mail this morning,

Saying I was being
dropped from class,

Well, I just rushed
right over here.

I... I got right
out of my sickbed.

Miss bradford,

Next week, we will be
having mid-term examination.

If your health permits,

I suggest that
you be at that test.

If you manage a passing grade,

Then I might consider allowing
you to remain with the class.

Oh, but I can't possibly catch
up with all the back work.

Dr. Whitley... Oh, excuse me.

Good afternoon, mr. Walton,
you are late for class.

In fact, you have
missed it entirely.

Yes, sir, I'm aware
of that, I'm sorry.

But I was coming... I
was coming to class

And some crazy woman driver
drove through an intersection

And ran a stoplight,

And... And she wasn't paying any
attention to where she was going

And i... And I had to
swerve to miss her

And I blew out a tire which
I can't afford to replace.

That is the first time I have
ever been given that as an excuse.

It isn't an excuse,
sir, it's the truth.

Uh, the crazy person he's
talking about backs him up %.

What was on your mind, girl?

I... I saw you and I wanted
to make an impression on you.

Oh, please, you could
have k*lled us both.

Oh, no, I've got better
plans for us than that.

Miss bradford, you are excused.

I presume you
understand my decision.

Yes, sir. And thank you
very much, dr. Whitley.

Good to see you.

Now then, mr. Walton,
may I have your paper?

Yes, sir.

Mr. Walton, you
do well in class,

But you fall down on the tests.

Your passing or failing depends
on, uh, on the upcoming examination.

You understand that?

Yes, sir, I do.

I'm sorry, I won't
miss class again.

[People chattering]

Can't say I don't do good work.




[Birds chirping]

What are you doing?

"Walton, john. Walton's
mountain, virginia."

You've got your own mountain?

May I have that please? I
need it for an examination.

Dr. Whitley's mid-term?


Where's walton's mountain?

Is it named after you?

It's where I live.

It's named after my family.

Excuse me.

I... I wanted to apologize.

I'm really sorry about
the accident before.

I accept your apology.

What's your name?

Bradford, sis.
Late of sweet briar.

That's a fine school.

They invited me to leave.

They insisted.

Well, now we're
friends, right, walton?

What were you doing
in dr. Whitley's room?

Oh, I was trying to get him
to let me to stay in his class.

The way it looks,
I'm going to be asked

To leave these hallowed halls.

And if I'm bounced out, my
allowance bounces away, too.

Got any ideas?

No. Why don't you try
doing what we all do,

Come to class and study?

Touchy, aren't we?

Look, I'm sorry if I'm not interested
enough in your problems to suit you,

But I have a few of my own.

And one of them is how
I'm gonna replace that tire

That you helped me
wreck this morning.

You're not thinking
about tires, walton.


(Jim-bob) hey, it's john-boy.

I never seen a tire so flat.

You want to see one
that's even flatter?

Look in the back.

How'd you do it?

Flat as a pancake.


Mama, will you
make me some lunch?

I missed mine today.

I had a flat tire and
then my spare went flat.

And I've gotta cram
for this chemistry test,

Which I'm gonna fail anyway.

Sounds like this
just isn't your day.

Oh, no.

[Sighs] my chemistry
notes aren't here.

I bet I left 'em at school.

Maybe I left them in the car.

[Birds chirping]

Ok, look, I'm in not in the
mood for games today.

Jim-bob, danny,

Hand it over.

(Jim-bob) hand what over?

Look, I need that notebook and I
don't feel like asking for it again.

Now, give it here.

What would we do with
your old notebook anyway?

(John-boy) I suppose you
think it's very amusing.

I need that notebook
for a chemistry test.

And anyway, my very best
fountain pen was clipped to it, danny.

I suppose you've been playing

Another one of your tricks, eh?

Oh, I didn't take it.

If danny says he didn't
take it, he didn't take it.

You probably left it somewhere.

I did not leave it
somewhere, somebody took it.

And it better turn
up pretty soon.

I didn't take it, really.

[Papers rustling]

Hey, ben? Hmm?

Have you seen my
chemistry notebook?

It's got my fountain
pen clipped to it.

It's not in here.

Well, thanks a lot.

Look, you lost it, why are
you blaming everyone else?

John-boy, a gentleman knocks

Before he enters a lady's room.

May I please come in?

You can come in, john-boy.

I'm not a lady yet.

What do you want, anyway?

I was hoping maybe
you'd found my notebook.

(Elizabeth) we haven't found
your notebook, nor your pen.

Well, the least you
could have done is look.

John-boy, you're being very
boring about those notes.

Mary ellen, chemistry
is my toughest course.

I have sweated blood all
semester so I could pass it.

Now I've got a mid-term
examination comin' up

And I can't find my notes.

Well, did it ever occur to you
that maybe you lost them somewhere

And that it's your own fault?

Look, I'm sorry if I'm
being a pain about this,

But I'm really
worried about failing.

It's ok. It'll turn up.


I was gonna ask if I
could give you a hand.

[Laughs] well, I
sure could use it.

Grandpa insisted
he had to go fishing,

He snuck jason off with him.

Ben claimed he had something
real important he had to do.

Well, he probably does.
I saw him over there

Slickin' his hair down.

He only does that if
he's got a serious date.

You finished your studying?

No, I still can't
find that notebook.

And that makes me so mad, I can't
concentrate on anything else.

What are you going to do about
a new tire for that car of yours?

I figured I'd go over to tom comley's
and see if he's got one cheap for me.

Yeah, it's time to get
to work. All righty.

Doesn't take much to keep
the door from slamming, jim-bob.

Sorry, mama. You seen john-boy?

He's went over to
mr. Comley's, to see about a tire.

(Tom) I don't think
any of these will do.

I gotta hope you're wrong.

What we're looking
for is a x .

Danny, we could sure use
some of your magic now.

Why don't you come on over here

And pull one out
of the air for me?

I can help you look, sure.


See you don't get in the way.

Hey, this one looks
like it could fit.

I told you not
to get in the way.

That does look pretty good.

(Jim-bob) mr. Comley!

Mr. Comley, he didn't do it.

I was right there all the time,

And danny didn't
take that notebook.

No matter what anyone says.

Now what have you done?

Nothing, honest.

It was just a misunderstanding,
mr. Comley, that's all.

Well, let's understand it.


How would I know
why you came here?

He stole a notebook, is that it?

Look, jim-bob and danny
were just playing in my car

And a little while after
that my notebook was missing,

And... And we just figured
danny had pulled off

One of his disappearing
acts with it.

You know, a sleight
of hand sort of thing.

I'm sick and tired of those
tricks, you know that.

But I didn't take it,
I never even saw it.

(Jim-bob) I told you
I was right there.

Something goes wrong,
he's always there.

You got it, give it back.

Please, I didn't take it.

Mr. Comley, it was just
a misunderstanding.

I obviously misplaced
it. That's all there is to it.

Now... Now, this will... This will do
just fine, and I appreciate your trouble.

Thank you, too, danny.

Get in the truck, jim-bob. Here.


[Crickets chirping]

I understand you've been talking

When you should've
been listening.

John-boy tell you about it?

Little worried about danny.

Yeah, me, too.

I had to go bust
in there and blab.

And mr. Comley didn't even
know about the dumb notebook.

And now danny's in
trouble with his pa, huh?

Yeah, it's my fault.

You're kind of in a
mess of spinach, huh?

Guess I am.

Well, son, at least your
heart was in the right place.

You know, I've never
seen mr. Comley smile.

Never even seen him laugh.

He's a real serious man.

Danny can't go talk
to him like me and you.

Mr. Comley is a man
of very few words.

He won't let danny help him, he
just says he's in the way all the time.

Well, now, you
probably just struck

On the main difference
between mr. Comley and me.

Uh, take me, I need a
fence mended over there,

I... I need the machinery oiled,

I got a barn that
needs cleaning up,

Hinge on the cellar door
that needs replacing...

Anytime you want
to help me, you can.

Looks like I got myself
in a mess of spinach

All over again.


[Bell ringing]

Class is dismissed.

Dr. Whitley,

Did I happen to leave my
notebook in here the other day?

I haven't found one, mr. Walton.

I have looked absolutely everywhere
for it, absolutely everywhere.

Mr. Walton,

It seems to me, uh,
just this last day or so,

You seem completely

Hmm, well, I would have to
agree with you about that.

Your paper,
mr. Walton, I finished it.

It's first-rate.

Well done.

Thank you, sir.

But your final grade
will still depend

On how well you do
on your examination.

Yes, sir, I understand.

Thank you, sir.


It's you.

Hi, walton, I was
hoping I'd run into you.

You know something?
You're dangerous.

You are a w*apon.
You're a lethal w*apon.

Oh, you're just
saying that to be nice.

You ought to get so you
look where you're going.

Well, that would
be very dull, walton.


You know, if i... I
was to go on my way,

You wouldn't think of
tripping me, would you?

Oh, I might do anything to
make an impression on you.


You're not still
thinking about tires.

Well, yes, actually, I am.

Well, it does terrible
things to your face.

All right.


You didn't borrow a
notebook of mine, did you?

Your heart, I might
borrow or steal,

But your notebook...

Let's go back to your heart.

You're never serious, are you?

Oh, i... I might be, walton,

About your heart.

[All laughing]

You're not thinking
about notebooks. Honest.

We could go to my
house and ride blue.

No, I don't want to go
to your house, jim-bob.

How come?

Maybe somebody'd lose something

And then figure I took it.

Maybe not, though.

I just don't want
to go to your house.

You don't want to
go back home, do you?

No, that's no good either.

A guy gets good at doing tricks,

Real good, like you are.

And all it gets him is trouble.

[Water splashing]

Hey, danny, will
help me with this?

Well, I really can't
tell you how, jim-bob.

Maybe I can show you.

It's got to be real smooth.


You know what's the most fun?

When everyone's
looking square at you,

And you take something and
nobody really sees you do it.

They laugh and they think

You're really something special.

That'd be fun, all right.

But wouldn't that be stealing?

Not if you put it back.

You want to try it?

I couldn't fool anybody.

But, well, yeah, sure I do.

[Birds chirping]

Hey, danny, wait a minute.

I'm not so sure about this.

It's easy.

You just watch me
and then you do it.

Yeah, I know, but...
It's fun, that's all.

Now, come on.


Do you live around here?

Where's walton's mountain?

Right here.

I'm looking for john walton.

He's my father.

Oh? Oh, I hope not.

Your father's a
freshman at boatwright?

No, that's john-boy.
He's my brother.


My, my.

Well, are you just
going to stand there,

Or are you going to
take me to john-boy?

Hey, come on, danny.

No, you go on.

Come on, we get
to ride in this thing.

You're the navigator.

Down this road.

You a brother, too, danny? No.

He's my friend. He can do
all kinds of magic tricks.

Oh, jim-bob.

He can make things disappear.

Everything like that.

You're a very shy wizard, danny.

Hey, look out.

[Tires screeching]

You must be the one
who blew john-boy's tire.

I must be.



I hope grandma's all right.

(Grandma) good lord!

I'm sorry, grandma.

Sorry? That thing ran me down.

Yes, dear. You made
a soft easy landing,

And you didn't even
break the basket.

I've a mind to break something.

Or someone.

You almost ready, jase?

Almost got it. Good.



Come over here, son.

You aimed at that flower pot?

I think I made a mistake.

You know better than that.

I'm not sure he does.

You'd put somebody's
eye out that way.

I'm sorry. But I don't
usually hit what I aim at.

That was a real good sh*t.

Bible verses.

Oh, mama... .

Go practice
somewhere else quick.

Sometimes I wish I belonged
to a family that uses profanity.

You going to lose
your temper, liv?

I was about to.


[Children chattering]

(Jason) hey, fellas.

Hey, that's some car.

That's a pretty car.

What is it, a packard?
It's a packard?

Wow! How many
cylinders are these? ?


She sure is beautiful.

Not bad, not really bad at all.

I can't believe
that you're here.

I know, it's hard.

Tell me they're not
all yours, walton.

Oh, they're all mine. Yes.

Yeah, this is... This is,
uh, this is mary ellen,

And erin and elizabeth.

And, uh, ben and jason

And, well, danny's...
Danny's not mine.

And, of course, you know
danny, and you know jim-bob.

This is, uh, sis
bradford, everybody.

[Clears throat] glad
to meet you.

Come on, I want you to... I
want you to meet my parents.

Uh, this is sis bradford.

This is my mother and my father.

Miss bradford. Hello.

And my grandma and my grandpa.

How are you?

Why, well, thank you, miss "b."

No wonder you almost k*lled
john-boy, driving like the wind.

[Whispers] esther.

Oh, I've got designs on
him, and I want him alive.

Come, walton, I've
brought you something.

[Chuckles] what's this?

"For walton, john,
from w*apon, lethal."

That's great.
That's really great.

Why, walton, you do
know how to smile.

Well, sure.

Thank you, sis.

Sis, I really do
appreciate this.

Well, I declare, walton,

I believe you're
getting the hang of it.

Well, it just takes
a little practice.

Why don't you take
me away from all this?


Show me the sunset
from walton's mountain.


Why not?

Well... Uh, I have to, um...

I have to cram. For a
ch-ch-chemistry test.

She's got my books.

My stuff, too. What?

Well, uh, here, mary
ellen, hold that.

Come on.

[Truck horn honking]

There you go.

I'd just discovered them.

Yeah, thanks. Boy,
if I'd lost these...

Yeah, thanks.

I just came along for the ride.

I gave you your chance, walton.

You chose your books, remember?

Only temporarily.

Come on, jim-bob.

See you later, john-boy.


Well, come on.

Like I said, it's gonna
be fun. Come on.


Morning, boys. Be
right with you, boys.

How's your family, jim-bob?

Fine, thank you.

(Ike) ok, we got the
sugar, and the flour,

And the onions and the potatoes.

Is there anything
else, mrs. Brimmer?

Did you get in that cough
syrup I asked you to order, ike?

[Ike snaps fingers] I forgot.

I got it right here.

Bottles of cough
syrup comin' up.

Is this stuff any
good? Of course it is.

It certainly helps
a body to rest.

Teaspoons at bedtime and
there's no coughing all night long.

I'd recommend it to anybody.

You would, huh?

I sure would.

You might mention
it to mrs. Godsey.

It's a good thing
to have on hand.

Yeah. Yeah, it might be.

Yeah, I'll have to
tell her about it.

You know, springtime
colds and all that. Well...

Well, i, um, I guess
that's all, ike.

Would you put it
on the bill, please?


All right now, about
miss hunter's things,

What do you want
me to do about that?

Uh, she'll pick it up on
the way home from school.

All right.

Uh, let's see. Let's get
all these things down.

See, that's, uh, sugar

And the flour.

And, uh, ok, then we
have the potatoes.


And, ok, now, we'll put the
cough syrup one on one side

And one on the other,
so they don't break, ok?

Where's the pencil?

You missing something?

Yeah, my pencil. I just laid it
down there and now it's gone.

I don't know where it went.

Hmm, here it is.

Might be you should sell
yourself some glasses, ike.

Ok, mrs. Brimmer, here's
your... Here's your bill.

Thank you. All right.

See you later. Bye-bye.

You have a nice day. Ok.

[Bells jingle]


Now, what can I do for you boys?

Uh, flour. Mrs. Walton
would like flour.


[Whispers] go!

Jim-bob, your mother
bought flour yesterday.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

(Jim-bob) it's just a game.

Only I'm not very
good at it yet.

Well, you'd better
not get good at it.

I would have put it back.

The fun's just taking it.

Oh, it is, huh? Well, don't you
ever do that in my store again.

I want you to go tell
your father about it.

Because if you don't, I will.

That's a good tire, you know, I
tested it out. That's a fine tire.

She's a pretty girl, isn't she?

Yeah, she is, isn't she?

I was taught that
pretty is as pretty does.

Well, she did
bring me a new tire.

And it's a good tire, too.

Can't hold her beauty
against her, can you?

No. No.

You know, daddy,
the thing about it is,

It's as if something gives her
the idea that she owns the world.

She probably does.

Mama, I don't think
you really understand.

She's just
different, that's all.

She's a bona fide
original, that girl is.

An original what?

She's just got her own ways.

You know, some
people are like that,

They are just set apart
from other people.

They don't live by
anyone else's patterns.

They make up their own rules.

And sis is one of
those people. It just...

[Clears throat]

Well, I am gonna just,
uh, go on up to bed.

Good night. Good night.

You know, mama,
uh, I realize that

In some ways she's
a little spoiled

And maybe even a little willful.

But I just never met
anyone like her in my life.

Good night.

Good night, son.

Pleasant dreams.

I wonder how she
gets away with it.

I almost envy her.

Because she's rich?

Seems like she
wants and she takes.

That sound pretty good to you?

Might be fun. For a while.

Can I talk to you?

Well, sure.

I mean, just you.

Let's go.

[Crickets chirping]

This private enough for you?

I've been practicing
how I'd tell you,

But I can't seem to
make it sound right.

Danny said it would be fun

And it would have been
if I could have fooled ike.

What's ike got to do with it?

Well, we went down
there, me and danny,

And he's real good at
doing tricks with his hands.

He was taking things right in
front of ike and puttin' 'em back.

It worked real swell.

So you tried it.

Yeah, only I got caught.

I hope so.

I had my hand around an
onion and I couldn't let go.

I wanted to,

But I just don't
know how to do it.

Well, I hope you
never learn, son.

It's not stealing, daddy.

It's a game, kind of.

It's a sneaky trick.

It's dead wrong.

You got a lot better things
to do with your hands than that

And you better never forget it.

I won't forget.

Tomorrow morning, first thing,
go down and apologize to ike,

And ask him how you
can make it right to him.

Yes, sir.

All right. Let's go to bed.

[Knocking on door]

Tom? Danny?

(Tom) afraid we got
to trouble you, john.

Come on in.

It's kind of late.
What's going on?

Olivia. I know, I
can't help late.

Would you get john-boy
and jim-bob down here?

Sure, I'll get 'em.

Excuse me, tom.

Sit down.


Give it to him.

I don't know how I got it.

But when I came
home from here today,

It was in my book bag.


I'm mighty glad
to have this back.

He's got some fool story

About some girl in her car,
running off with his books.

Sis? That's true, she did.

I know what happened.

I got to her car
first and when I did,

I saw her snapping
danny's book bag shut.


Yeah, she was.

Do you know what you're saying?

You'd better be
sure of that, son.

You've got some troubles
of your own, you know.

I saw it. Danny
didn't, but I did.

I believe you.

Well, I know how
much you need it.


It had to be set straight.

Mr. Comley, it means more
to me than you realize,

I assure you.

Come on, son.

I know that took a
lot of courage, danny.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I ran
out on you at ike's.

I guess I get into
a lot of trouble.

I was scared.

We'd better find something
else to do with our hands.

John. Good night.

Good night. Good night.

Hi, walton. Hello.

Oh, you're a regular
country gentleman.

It's good to see you
out of the crowd.

You look different all alone.

You look different, too.

Maybe you're not, though.

Maybe you've
always been this way.


Oh, that's not a
word for me, walton.

You took my notebook

And tried to make it
look like danny took it.

A simple, declarative
sentence if I've ever heard one.

But you're not denying it.

My, you are grim, walton.

You're so earnest, so concerned,

So filled with right and wrong.

That's bad, isn't it?

It's dull.

Deadly dull.

You know, walton, you're
not without your rustic charm.

And I really thought you
might be fun for a while.

But I'm not.


Honest? No.

That's not a word for you.

You're dishonest

And you're rude, and you're
thoughtless and unkind.

You're very attractive.

And I hope you're
happy with yourself

Because very likely
that's all you'll ever have.

[Water running]


Why don't you give that up?

Might as well.

Where's danny?

Helpin' his dad.

His dad figures if he's busy,

It'll keep him out of mischief.

What does danny
think about that?

He's for it.

I guess we got a little off
balance, you and i, didn't we?


You go to college and
you're supposed to be smart,

But you make some
dumb mistakes, too.


(john-boy) those were
not the last mistakes

jim-bob and I were to make.

but we were truly
ahead of the game.

because our parents
and grandparents

gave us decent rules to live by

and decent examples to follow

and gave us, too, their love
and understanding hearts.

(Elizabeth) john-boy?

(John-boy) hmm?

Are you awake?

Yes, elizabeth.

What's chemistry?

[Crickets chirping]


Chemistry is the science
that treats or investigates

The composition of substances and
various elementary forms of matter.


Good night.

Good night, elizabeth.