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02x10 - Once a Hero

Posted: 05/10/23 18:58
by bunniefuu
I don't want to spend anytime
in a Laotian prison camp

for invading their sovereign airspace.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

I'd go through hell to get Sin Jin out.


Come in, Dom. We're pinned down. Come in.

[g*ns f*ring]

I'm gonna blow the road in front of us.

Careful, String. What if
Sin Jin is in that truck?

Excuse me.

(Tommy) Hold it!

Move before you get hurt.

[speaking Thai]

Thank you, Tommy.

[men chattering]

See what he's got.

Not so much as a fare-thee-well, Hawke?

Show him the photographs.

[speaking Thai]

He wants the money first.

These refugees know the value
of cash on the barrelhead.

[speaking Thai]

The price was agreed.

He wants $ , now.

(Stringfellow) That's par for the course.

[man laughing]

If he has what I want, it's worth it.

Show it to him.

You're always saying the Firm's
never done anything for you.

Keep on saying it.

That's him. That's Sin Jin.

I couldn't tell, the photograph's so grainy.

The figure's in shadow.

I know my own brother.

Sometimes we see what we want to see, Hawke.

Anyway, that prison camp isn't even government.

It belongs to some local w*rlord.

But it's deep in Laos.

Politically, it's information we can't act on.

However, if you know someone who can…

Good luck, Hawke.


Thank you.

For what?

Laos is Communist territory.

One of the most heavily
armed countries on Earth.

I've been waiting for this
the better part of my life.

I'd go through hell to get Sin Jin out.

[speaking Thai]

There's so many Communist troops in that place,

it'll take a whole Marine
Division to cr*ck ‘em.

What if we put together
a small, specialized unit?

Just zip right in there,
snatch him out and be gone.

Yeah? And what about supplies, amm*nit*on?

Where you gonna get ‘em?

I'll sell a painting.

Hell, I'll sell them all if I have to.

Well, it might just work.

If you had John Wayne with you.

[scoffs] Where are you
gonna find a bunch of guys

who are trained in this kind
of stuff on such short notice?

(Announcer) Well, we're down to the final laps

of the last heat, ladies and gentlemen.

It's been one of the toughest and
a grueling season for these men.

Number Mike Willamite takes a header
off the bumps leaving the field wide open

for the number and man.

The track is heating up
as we get into the last lap.

Now, , Lancaster pulls up
to the rd pole position

as these fight it out for dominance
in the Olive County Dirt Bike Rally.

It's been a thrilling night for all
the competitors as well as the fans,

who've followed them from the beginning.

And the winner is Sebastian Robmiger-Kinney.

Robmiger was hiding there
throughout the season,

never placing higher than nd
with his sheer determination.

And let's hope this works…

I don't know, Hawke. It's been over
years since I handled an M- .

Now, we've changed a lot since Nam.

Now, I don't mean slowed down.

I mean just… changed.

He sure could use you.


When do we go?


(Wallace on TV) And this great nation of ours

has always cherished its
many national resources.

Let us not just preserve our environment,

but enhance it for the benefit
of all our future generations.

It is the one legacy we must
pass on to our children

and to our children's children, for all time.

Thank you.

[audience applauding]

Thank you.

Are you kiddin'?

The next Senator of this
state is comin' with us?

No way.

He owes as much to Sin Jin
as the rest of us. Maybe more.

We need him.

Gary Wallace can get us visas, permits.

Without his political help,
things’ll be a lot tougher.

He was one of us once.

(Stringfellow) Maybe he won't forget.

Hell, I'm glad that's over.

So, it's good to see you guys again. Really is.

My name is Dominic Santini.

Nice to meet you, sir.

- How are you?
- Fine, thanks.

Hawke, I've given your plan a lot of thought.

Did you buy it?

I just can't go along with it.

We got a few bumps to work out.

There's not a chance in a
million you'll pull it off.

Well, we'll do it somehow.

Hey, come on, Hawke, stop it.
This is complete madness.

It just cannot be done.

Handful of men against an
entire garrison? Come on!

No explanations or apologies.

Good to see you again.

Good luck, Senator.

Hey, wait a minute, huh?

You guys'll never get back without me.


- Hey, it's going to be a ball.
- Yeah, right, right, right.

[all laughing] Come on.

(Stringfellow) This is a replica of
the camp that we've reconstructed

from -month-old surveillance photos.


Everything could've changed by now.

You know, more guards.

You know how they moved us around.

The prisoners, they might not even be there.

We know where they are.

Before we move, we'll have
up-to-date reconnaissance.

You got any other questions?

Yeah, I got a couple.

Like, who's gonna take out these guard towers?

I'll handle it.

And the guard barracks?

Helicopter pad, armed jeeps,
sn*pers, ground fire.

You're gonna handle all that, too?

Yeah, I got it covered.

String, call this madness
off before it's too late.

He's right, Hawke. It's impossible.

I told you, I'll handle it.


You're right, Wallace. There's no
way Hawke could cover all that.

[engine humming]

What the hell?

[engine revving]


Well, what are we all waiting for?

Let's go get Sin Jin.

(Dominic) We've got Tonkin Bay to
the north. We're on course for Laos.

(Stringfellow) Well, there's the
Mekong Delta. For better or worse.

We're in Laos. Keep a sharp eye out for bogeys.

Start cameras.

(Stringfellow) Run infrared,
thermal and standards.

Infrared, thermal, and standard.



(Dominic) All strokes tracking.

[mechanical whirring]

- How’s it look?
- Done.

Let's get outta here. We can analyze later.

I'm gonna go in.

I gotta find out what they really got.

I knew it, I knew it.
You just couldn't resist it.

Oh, pray for me, Mother.

Just keep it bolted to the treetops, partner.

I don't wanna spend any time in a Laotian jail

for invading their sovereign airspace.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

You've seen enough? Let's get outta here.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

They're well-armed. At least we learned that.

Now, I just want to know how you
plan on getting into that camp.


Here they are.

- Here we are.
- Hey.

(Stringfellow) Did you ever think
you'd see this place again?

- No.
- Hi. How are you?

- Just like R & R, right, Wallace?
- You bet.

Hey, let's get your stuff
stowed in the hotel here.

I'll take you over to meet Chin Mao.

Let's do it.

[car horns honking]

[people chattering]

(Kearns) Tom yum kung!

[clears throat] This stuff is pretty good.

Hey, Wallace. Relax.

Enjoy the surroundings while
you still have a chance, huh?

Well, even in Bangkok,

Americans with a warehouse full of weapons

could draw a bit of attention.

He's right. If we ever get caught,

we could spend the rest of
our lives in a Bangkok jail

following elephants with a shovel.

Well, I'm in favor of
starting as soon as we can.


(Kearns) This Thai brew hasn't gotten
any worse over the years, has it?

(Stringfellow) Neither has she.

It's been a long time, Hawke.

Too long.

Gentlemen, meet Charmaine Beaucaire.

- This is Jack Kearns.
- Hello.

Gary Wallace.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- [speaking French]
- And Dominic Santini.

- Would you care to sit?
- No. Merci, Monsieur Santini.

[speaking French]

It's a small team for what
you have in mind, Hawke.

That's why we need an expert guide.

Gentlemen, meet Chin Mao.

[music playing on radio]


I tell you,

I think Kearns would be
late for his own funeral.

He probably got himself in trouble.

If the Thai police have him, we'll never
get him out in time for this mission.

[Kearns singing]

You know a better cover than
being an American tourist?

[metallic clanging]


Now that's the kind of farm work I like.

Well, what do we have here?

Okay, since none of you have to be here,

I'd like to just take a
second to tell you thanks.

Tomorrow we're gonna go in and get Sin Jin

and any other Americans
we can, out of that camp.

But I'll tell you,

there's nobody else on Earth
I'd rather go in with.

[banging on door]

Hey, you guys, get those weapons loaded, now.

[banging on door] Hurry up!

Get it. Let's go.

[speaking French]

[speaking French]


Stall ‘em.

[speaking Thai]

Very interesting group.

Is there a problem here?

I want to check your equipment.

Oh, it's just farm equipment
for my chateau in the country.

Your friend got something against agriculture?

Very interesting vehicle for tourists.

Kearns, why don't you show him how it works?



[siren wailing]

[men shouting]

(Kearns) Hop in! Come on,
let's go, let's go, let's go!

Keep your head down.
We're out of here. Let's go!

[engine humming]

Let's go.

(Stringfellow) Punji sticks.

For hunting?

These can't be left over from the w*r.

No, they're new.

Whoever put them there is saying,

"Any further, and you risk your life."

Yeah, but who'd bother?

This is nothing but a freeway
for lizards and rats.

Why don't you ask him?

Don't anybody move.

I ain't even gonna breathe.

[speaking Thai]

[birds cawing]

[people chattering]

[people exclaiming]

[man ordering in Thai]

[speaking Thai]

He asks if you are American mercenaries.


We're combat archaeologists on a field trip.

[Charmaine speaks Thai]

[speaking Thai]


What'd he say?

Something to me which I will not translate.

Well, you tell him I don't
care for his hospitality.

[speaking Thai]

You can also tell him if he
doesn't get his act together,

I'm not gonna do business with him.

[speaking Thai]

[speaking Thai]

(Charmaine) He says, "What is this
business, before I k*ll you?"

American POWs, Prisoners of w*r.

[speaking Thai]

Tell him, if he knows where they are,

I'll pay him in American money.

[speaking Thai]

[speaking Thai]

He wants to know where the money is.

First we deal.

To show good faith.

[people murmuring]

There's more.

[speaking Thai]

[people murmuring]

Much more, thousands.


[speaking Thai]


[shouting in Thai]

[people clamoring]

[machine g*n f*ring]

[g*ns f*ring]

[bird screeching]

[speaking French]

So terribly continental.


[in French accent] You know,
nothing but the best for my team.

Well, where's the champagne, hmm?

Don't you worry about it.

We get Sin Jin out tomorrow,
we'll be swimming in it.

To Sin Jin.

- Yeah.
- Huh?

- (Dominic) I'll drink to that.
- To...


[all chuckling] Well, it's about time.

Are we glad to see you.

Hell, I got her all bedded down.

She's camouflaged and
fueled up and ready to go.

Then tomorrow we do it.

Yep. Tomorrow.

Nice and peaceful.

Let's go.

(Kearns) Wallace.

[vehicle passing]



[whispering] Wallace, come on.

They're Asians. Where are the Americans?

Let's get outta here.

It's a trap.

They're prisoners.

The Cong know we're here.


The Cong? What's the matter with you, Wallace?

They always know.

Come on. Let's get outta here.


[man speaking Vietnamese]


(Wallace) I can't stand it anymore. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry man, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It was me, Kearnsie.

What do you mean? What was you?

I sold you out.

(Kearns) What?

I sold you out man. I told them about
the… I told them about the break.

The tunnel, I told them where it was.

You buried me in that
hellhole for another year?

I just couldn't stand it anymore.

We had the tunnel finished. We were home.

I just thought if I came
back here, I'd make it up.

Nothing you do is gonna make
up for all you did, Wallace.


[machine g*n f*ring]

[soldiers clamoring]

[machine g*ns f*ring]

[soldiers shouting]

[g*ns f*ring]

Dom, come in. Come in, Dom.
We're pinned down. Come in.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

I bit my tongue until it bled.
I tried to pass out. I tried.

We all almost broke, but we didn't.

I was too weak.

Oh, no. No way.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

They're moving the prisoners out.

[Airwolf engine humming]

All right.


Not him, he left us here.

To hell with him.

I need him. I need all of ya. Let's go.

Let's get those prisoners moved out.

- Watch it!
- Let's go.

Come on, move it!


Come on, get in, get in, get in!

(Kearns) We did it, Hawke, we did it!

[machine g*ns f*ring]

Sin Jin?

We didn't get him. I think he's in that truck.

We got to cut him off before
they get to that bridge.

We'll be facing whole divisions.
We'll never get him back.

I don't show ‘em. The river road's a blank.

No, they're down there. Just keep scannin'.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

We'll never knock ‘em out with small arms.

We need Hawke and that chopper.

We can't wait for Hawke.



[machine g*ns f*ring]


What the hell are you doing? Wallace!

There they are.

It's an old plantation road.
They're almost to the river.

[g*n f*ring]

I'm gonna blow the road in front of ‘em.

Careful String, what if
Sin Jin is in that truck?

Give me the g*ns.

[g*ns f*ring]

Sin Jin.

Sin Jin Hawke. st Air Cav. Where is he?

They took the others away just after the rains.

When? Where?

Don't know.

Gone, all gone.

Sin Jin?

Oh, Hawke.

[g*n f*ring]

Let's get them out of here.
Come on! Here! Let's go! Go!

[g*ns f*ring]

- Get going!
- Got it!

We're outta here.

I'm not leaving without Sin Jin.

Another time, String.

Sin Jin.


If you can you hear me,

this is your brother, String.

I'm coming back.

Pal, I swear to God, I'm coming back.

(man) Aim!


Aim. Out.

Aim. Out.

Order out.

Freeze it. Out.

[trumpet playing taps]

Hell of a eulogy.

Yeah. And I thought he was a coward.

But he sure d*ed a hero.

Well, Cong made him cr*ck one time.

But what about all the other times?

He was a hero.

Anybody want a beer?

Too many calories.

Hey, Kearns?

Maybe just one.

You know, they say,

[speaking Italian]

"He who drinks with old
friends never puts on weight."

That's an old Italian saying, you know.

(Kearns) Yeah?

(Stringfellow) Old Italian named Santini.

[all laughing]