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02x06 - Partners in Rhyme

Posted: 05/11/23 06:30
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I did it! I did it! I did it!

- You finally remembered to put the toilet seat down.

- No. I signed up for a contest

to create a hot new anthem track

with the Atlanta Hawks!

And if my song gets picked, I get two courtside tickets

for all the home games.

- Yeah! Hey, hey! - Let's do this!

- What you getting excited for?

Dylan's taking me.

- No, he's taking me.

- I'm pretty sure he's taking--

- Brr, wrong!

Dylan's not taking either one of you.

- Seriously?

- Oh, so it's like that?

- But the best part is, the winner

gets to perform their song at half time.

That means everyone in the arena and at home watching

will beat my rap skills.

And I think I know what that means.

- Yeah. - Fame.

- Fortune. - Mansions.

- A hover car with a built-in pizza oven.

- Don't worry, though.

I'll let y'all live in my basement.

- Hm, you're too kind.

- So, look.

After school, I'll be in the studio.

I do not want to be disturbed. Now for some brain food.

- That's my food! - Thank you for your services.

- Oh, oh!

- [bell rings]

- So, did you drop your new video on the Pop Rock yet?

- Girl, you know I did. Let's see how many likes it got.

- [chime]

- Only likes? That's impossible.

- It might be because everybody's liking

and commenting on Rebecca M's new video.

- What? She just lip-synced the same song as I did!


- BOTH: I-de-clare-w*r!

- [cheers and laughter] - [groans]

- Good job! - How's that possible?

How do you always win? - So today at school,

we learned all about Madam CJ Walker.

- Oh, she's one of my heroes.

Or should I say, shero?

She was a philanthropist, a social activist.

- And her beauty products made her America's first Black female

self-made millionaire.

- Hm. - She really inspired me.

- Really? - Yup!

I wanna create beauty masks.

But...I'm gonna need a small initial investment.

- Hm. How small?

- Well, based on current trends,

I'd say no more than half a million dollars.

- [laughs]

- Come here, Son. Don't worry about it.

You know what?

When I was your age, I too had slam dunk ideas.

Suspenders for pigs.

- Pigs don't wear pants. - Yeah, but they could have.

Anyway, your grandmother shot me down.

But you know what?

I'm not gonna do that to your dreams.

- You're gonna give me half a million dollars?

- No. Gonna give you bucks...

and be your partner. Deal?

- Deal.

- ♪ There once as a kid from the city of Chi ♪

♪ Ma knew I was important, not a regular guy ♪

♪ Everybody follow me, I'mma take you on a trip ♪

♪ Buckle up, let's go, I'mma get you more hip ♪

♪ I'm a star--came up from a block in Chi Town ♪

♪ Livin' large--I'm trying to balance school and these bars ♪

♪ Came far--ain't no better feelin' ♪

♪ I tell 'em you gonna love Young Dylan ♪

♪ Young Dylan

♪ Young Dylan

♪ I tell 'em you gonna love Young Dylan ♪♪

- Ah, find Rhianna's number.

- PHONE: I'm sorry.

I couldn't find anything for Rhianna's phone number.

- Um...ooh, I bet Drake's got a number.

Call Drake.

- PHONE: I'm sorry.

Does Drake have a last name?

- No, no, no...!

- ♪ Ah

♪ Mm-mm-mm

- Rebecca, what in the world are you doing?

- My Pop Rock videos weren't upping my popularity enough.

So instead of lip-syncing hit songs,

I'm gonna ♪ sing them, oh wow

Ha! Take that, Rebecca M.

- Well, the deadline for the anthem competition

is tomorrow night,

so could you please keep it down so I could figure out

who I can get to sing the hook for me?


- This is exciting.


Thank you so much.

All right, I'll see you then.

Yes! [laughs]

- Oh, big mistake trying to step to me, Mama Yas.

Oh, you wanna battle? All right, all right.

Watch this. [grunts]

My dance skills are as sick as my flow.

Here, help me push the table back.

- Dylan, I'm not challenging you to a dance battle.

- So then what's going on?

- I'm gonna be interviewed in the newspaper by Rita Roundtree!

- Yeah! Yeah, a question! Who's Rita Roundtree?

Follow-up question. What's a newspaper?

- Rita Roundtree is a career-maker.

A great interview with her will set up a realtor

with clients for life.

- Oh, so this is like your Grammy for best hip-hop album?

- Sure. - Okay, okay.

So, does she interview young rappers with sick flows?

- No. - Fine, then.

About to blow up anyway.

As soon as I find someone that can sing the hook for me

on my anthem song. - REBECCA: [singing]

- Dylan.

Open up your ears and pay attention.

Just ask Rebecca.

- Rebecca? Can that girl even sing?

- She's over there singing right now.

- REBECCA: ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

- [gasps] Ooh! Yo.

I just had a dope idea all on my own.

Why don't I ask Rebecca? I'm a genius.

- Pretty cool.

- There she is! There's my girl!

- Uh, I got your text?

What's the life-altering news you have?

- You know, I just wish we could hang more as cousins, you know?

Doing super fun things like, um, singing into the mic over here.

You go first.

- Uh, I've got Pop Rock videos to make.

- Okay, okay, okay! Okay!

Brace yourself, but...

I'm gonna let you sing on my anthem song.


- [laughs]

Heck to the no.

- Oh, come on, come on! Okay, here.

Will people be more impressed by you singing someone else's song

or your own original one?

Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

- Stop saying huh!

I'll do it!

- Huh, huh, huh?


Huh? Huh? Huh?

- ♪

- Okay, Mom just got here.

We got everything? You got your cards?

- Yup.

- Okay, a million dollars, a million dollars.

Let's go. We're good.

Hey, baby, how you doing? Come on in.

Hey, hey, good to see ya.

All right, have a seat right here.

Sit yourself right down right there, yeah.

- Okay, what's broken?

Is it that weird vase your mother made us?

- Uh, no. But don't worry,

I'll make it look like an accident.

- Then what's going on? - Okay, you're up, you're up.

- We have an exciting product you need to try.

And it's called...Spasay!

- BOTH: [whispering] Spasay, Spasay...

- Are these my good sheets?

- Mom, focus! - Let's go.

- Are you tired of people saying you have resting crust face?

- No one has said that. And no one better say that.

- Well, uh, uh--Spasay!

- [whispers] Spasay! Spasay!

- Is guaranteed to rejuvenate and renew your sorry, sad face.

- Ooh--

- We might need to rewrite these lines.

- Maybe, yeah. Will you please try our product?

- Please? - I don't know, guys.

- Baby, baby-- - Please, Mom! Please!

- Okay! I'll try it.

- [laughs]

- All right, yeah. All right, hold on, hold on.

Let's get you all set up.

All right, there you go.

All right, here we go.


- [click] - Ooh.

- You like that? - Yeah.

- Get a whiff, get a whiff.

- Ooh, minty!

- Yeah, you like that, huh?

Okay, all right.

- Oh boy.

- Get a little bit. Here, get some of that.

Here we go. All right.

- Mmm...[laughs]

Mm, this actually feels nice.

- Yeah, you like that? - Yeah.

I think this will make my skin glow for my big interview.

- Okay. - You're welcome.

- So what do you think?

- Ooh, it tingles!

I like it. What's in this?

- That would be Dad's foot powder.

- I'll allow it.

But maybe not advertise that part.

- Copy that. - No foot powder.

- Get a little bit more on there,

get you--get you situated.

- Mm, it tingles! [laughs] - Tingle-lingle-ling!

- ♪

- ♪ I'm a champion

♪ I'mma play hard to the end

♪ I'm a champion

♪ All I do is win, win, win

♪ Way, yeah, end

- Time! That was dope!

I think it's done, and I think it's fire.

- I think so too.

- I'm definitely gonna win this anthem contest.

Hey, if anyone asks you, having you sing

was completely and totally my idea.

- [screaming]

- Did you guys hear that scream?

- We did! Is everyone okay?

- Uh, one, two, three, four?

Okay, good. All accounted for.

- Whoa, check your math. Mama Yas is not here.

- Yeah, I know.

Seeing if you were paying attention.

- Uh, Mom?

Why do you look like a space alien?

- That's because Mom was so kind to try our face mask.

Baby, sit down, sit down. Calm down, calm down.

- Yes, but it has hardened, and now I can't take it off.

- Ooh, maybe we shouldn't have used so much paste.

Or any at all.

- Paste? Whose idea was that?

- His. - His.

- Do something.

I have the biggest interview of my entire life tomorrow.

And not only can Rita Roundtree make my career, she can ruin it.

- Hm. Let me just see...

- Ah! Ow!

- Yeah, it's on there real good.

If only Dad hadn't used so much paste.

- What? It was your idea to use the paste like that.

- I'm just happy I'm not the one in trouble this time.

No, I said whipped cream!

- You're a spackler. I'm a smearer.

- ♪ - [bell rings]

- [clears throat] Attention!

- [indistinct chatter]

- Attention!

I said attention!

Young Dylan has an announcement!

- Thanks, Chuckles.

I will now share with you all my hot track

that will be the Hawks' new anthem song,

thus launching my historic rap career.

Also, Rebecca's singing the hook.

- ♪

- REBECCA: ♪ I'm a champion

♪ I'mma play hard to the end

♪ I'm a champion

♪ All I do is win, win, win

♪ I'm a champion

♪ I'mma play hard to the end

♪ I'm a champion

♪ All I do is win, win, win

♪ Way, yeah, end

- [cheers and applause]

- Was that really you? - Yeah, it was.

- Now, if you'll form a line, I'll gracefully sign autographs,

no selfies.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Aah! Aah!



- [indistinct chatter]

- What's happening?

- I think everyone really liked Rebecca's singing.

- Hm. I see.

So they aren't giving me love.

But they're giving her love for my song.


- Girl, I could listen to you sing all day.

You are amazing!

- [laughs]

- Uh, hello! I'm on the track too!

- Girl, your popularity just went through the roof.

And everyone's asking when you'll make your next song.

- Oh, I don't know. Dylan, when are we?

- We are not!

You know what? Clearly this song isn't working.

So I'm gonna be busy coming up with a new anthem

before tonight's deadline.

- Don't you want me to sing on the new one?

- Yeah.

I think I'm gonna ride solo on this next one.

- But you heard Bethany.

People are expecting to hear more from me.

And I need to keep this thing going.

- Well, that's the rap game for ya!

One day you're Jay-Z, the next, you're JB.

- Who's JB? I've never heard of him.

- Exactly!

- ♪

- Ooh, I wish someone was here to see how dope I am.

- ♪

- [switches music off]

- What's all this? - Oh, anyone but her!

The deadline's in a few hours.

So, I need to make a new beat fast.

And this baby will help me to do just that.

So I'mma need you to bounce.

- Uh, I'm not bouncing anywhere.

The studio is the family studio, so I'm using it too.

- To do what?

- To record a song to play at school tomorrow.

Since you won't help me, I'll do it myself.

I'll hit them with some gospel.

♪ Amazing grace

♪ H--

- [plays beats]

- Oh, I can't hear myself sing!

- You're welcome!

- ♪ Amazing gra--

- Oh, you think that's loud?

Oh, check this out.

- [turns up beats]

- ♪ Amazing grace

- I got this.

It actually sounds better this way.

- [louder] ♪ Amazing grace

♪ How sw-- Turn it off!

- Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you?

- [scratching sound]

- The track is too dope! It needs to throw!

- [screams]

- Save yourself!

- REBECCA: Turn it off!


- I'll bet money that butter would've made this mask

slide right off.

- But it didn't. - [phone chimes]

- It's Rita Roundtree!

She's probably wondering where I am.

- Uh...

- Don't worry, baby.

You know what?

There's one thing we haven't tried,

and that's that good-old Atlanta muscle.

- [laughs] Good luck trying to find any of that around here.

- You know what?

I'm desperate and I'm late for my interview.

I'd rather have a little pain than have Rita Roundtree

write a bad interview and destroy my career.

- Okay, okay. Well, we'll--here, sit down.

- Do it. - Sit down, sit down.

Have a seat, have a seat, have a seat.

Okay, there we go. All right.

All right, now brace yourself. Sit back.

All right, now...

I'm gonna still love ya no matter what you look like

when I'm through.

Here we go. Grab hold.

Grab hold, Son. Grab hold!

Okay. On one, pull.!

- [screams]

- Baby? You still beautiful.


- How does it look?

- Oh, it's...halfway better than before.

- Uh! This is the worst!

- Uh, but the good thing is, it's only half worse.

Okay, we'll go get you some ice.

- Good luck with the competition, Dylan!

- I know you're just saying that to be mean,

but I'll choose to take it as your undying support.

- [grunting]

- Ugh! - Eh.

- Dylan, what's going on?

- I could ask you the same thing.

I have to make a whole new song for the competition.

And...but Rebecca blew up all the power in the studio,

so I'm running out of time.

- Why are you making a new song?

I heard Tyler from math class said he loved it

and said Rebecca was a rising star.

- Yes. I know.

- Ooh. You sound jealous.

- Why do people keep saying that?

I'm not jealous.

I just don't like it when other people get more shine than me.

- Yeah. That's being jealous.

- And yes, I'm jealous.

But it's only because I have a big ego

that needs to be the focus of everyone's attention.

- Dylan. You don't need to be worried

about what other people think about your music.

- Uh, I think I do.

They're called fans

It's kind of the whole deal.

- What I mean is that you just have to be you,

and know that your work and your talent

is good enough to stand on its own.

I know you'll do the right thing.

- I will.

- [laughs] Aww.

- Hey. Uh, Charlie may have come up with a great way

to get the rest of the mask off your face.

- How attached are you to your eyebrows?

- Enoughs enoughs.

I'm just gonna go to the interview with Rita.

- Looking like that? - Yes!

Because my sales record should speak on its own.

And if she's gonna knock me because I'm trying to help out

my husband and son, then so be it.

- Yeah. Yeah, you absolutely right, baby.

- Go knock her socks off, Mom!

- Yeah. Let--um.

Let me, um, get that for you.

- Thanks, boys.

- That didn't work out at all.

- Who cares what she writes about you in that interview.

You're still the best realtor we know.

- That's right, baby.

- Thanks, boys. That means a lot.

- Come on in. Look, look.

The good news is...

we figured out where we went wrong with Spasay.

Have a seat.

So Charlie and I have come up with a cream that's gonna take

that stubborn mask off.

- You just have to slap it on

and hang upside down for an hour. Or two.

- Keep that stuff away from me! - What?

- Well, baby! It's gonna work!

Maybe! Probably.

- ♪

- [knock on door]

- DYLAN: Do you have a minute?

- Now's! Not! A! Good! Time!


Man, that felt good.

- Um...uh, well, I don't want to end up like that pillow,

so I'll make this quick.

Um, I lied about the song not being good.

It's great, but apparently I was just jealous

you got all the attention.

And for that, I'm the opposite of not sorry.

- Just say you're sorry? - I just did.

Now that I have apologized, I'm ready for yours.

- I guess I did take all the credit for the song.

I was so focused on trying to be popular that I forgot to share

the spotlight with you.

Dylan, I am the opposite of not sorry too.

- You call that an apology?

Don't tell anyone, but...

working on the track with you was fun.

- I agree. About the fun and about not telling anyone.

- Good. All right, it's safe.

- Music really is your thing.

You're willing to do crazy things for it,

and that's just not me.

But, uh, maybe we can find

something else fun to do together.

- Of course. And if it's all right with you,

I'd still like to submit our anthem song.

- [sighs] I'd like that.

- So, could I give it a try?

- Uh, yeah, go ahead.

- [grunts]

- ♪


- [Nickelodeon theme]