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03x10 - Lost Knight

Posted: 05/12/23 07:18
by bunniefuu
When l saw him today, he shot past me like l was a stranger.

What else could be affected?

His memory modules, information banks.

Losing one's memory is so embarrassing.

You see, there's this guy looking for you named Michael.

He says you're his.

What does he look like?


We're coming to the edge.

Turbo Boost.


KlTT! Move, or I refuse to be responsible.

Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

You know, KlTT, sometimes l feel a little guilty.

Why is that, Michael?

Well, here we are on our way to the beach, a full afternoon off.

Bonnie and Devon are going to watch a building being leveled.

If you feel so guilty, why didn't you accept Devon's invitation to go with them?

Guilty, yes.

Crazy, no.

Normally, a building this size would require more than 1,000 pounds of dynamite to bring down.

However, with the development of our new XPL nitro-plastique we can accomplish the same job with just six of these packets weighing a total of 30 ounces.

Today, we are fortunate enough to be joined by Mr.

Devon Miles of The Foundation for Law and Government.

You're on.

So l am.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

In today's world something as powerful as nitro-plastique isn't simply an expl*sive.

In the wrong hands, it's a w*apon.

We at the Foundation welcome the opportunity to work with private industry toward developing adequate safeguards.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

lt's all yours, Ms.


And now for the event we've all been waiting for.

lt's 15 seconds to detonation.

Bobby, this better work.

lt'll work.

Five, four, three two, one.

Don't even think it.

Drop the belts now! Drop them! Get out of there.

Right there.

How do we know it's the stuff?

lt's the stuff.

Let's go.

You got two choices: Stay put or kiss the holidays goodbye.

Devon's calling.

Yo, Devon.

Michael, the demolition site has just been robbed.

Two men made off with a quantity of that new expl*sive.

The police are in pursuit, but if you're anywhere in the area I would like you to assist in any way possible.

All right, what am l looking for?

A red wagon with ''Bob's Plumbing Supply'' on the side.

Did you get a make on the plate?


Only the first three digits, I'm afraid.

: 187.

KlTT, pick up the police frequency and plot an intercept course, will you?

Right away, Michael.

Okay, Devon, l'll be in touch.

Oh, yes, and thanks for the afternoon off.

You know why l like you, Julius?

Because next to you even l look good.

A comedian.

You're too good for this line of work.

You belong on Saturday Night Live.

How are we doing, KlTT?

I have the target vehicle's location, direction, and approximate speed.

That's heading into the Kirkland Dam area.


All right, we'll go as far as Temple Road.

We'll try to intercept at Needles Ridge.

Michael, my monitor.

l see them, pal.

l see them.

Behind us.

What is it?

A cop?

No, some joker in a black T- top.

Let's dust him.

KlTT, this guy's really cooking.

Let's see what we're dealing with here.

They appear to be burning something more than your average unleaded premium, Michael.

The emissions indicate nitrous oxide.

That's okay.

Let's show them what high octane is all about.

l thought you said nothing on the street could touch this thing.

Maybe he's not just a joker after all.

Come on, Bobby.

Do something and drop this guy.

You know, if this doesn't stop him, you gotta pull over and put your hands up, pal, because the man is holy.


You all right, buddy?

KlTT, say something to me, will you?

I am Knight Industries I am a I Would you please repeat the question?


All right.

l'll come back for you.

You stay right here.

l'll be right back.




He made us.

He made us! Bobby, it's a kid.

What are you doing, Bobby?

He's gotta be around here somewhere.

Yeah, but where?

He's like a jackrabbit.

Let's forget it.

lt's only a kid.

You say that like kids don't count, like kids can't testify.

Bobby, don't be crazy.

You can't go around k*lling people because of what they might've seen.

Relax, okay?

Be calm.

You're too hyper.

l'm warning you, Mr.


You're leaving against medical advice.

Nurse Gilmore, l appreciate all you've done, but, really, l am fine.

lf you're so fine, why were you found half unconscious babbling something about your car driving off by itself?

Thanks you so much.

You are a credit to your profession.

Well, l see you've been discharged.


''Escaped'' is more like it.

What about KlTT?

Any luck?

l'm afraid not, Michael.

The voltage surge must have knocked out his homing device.

Don't be surprised if that's not all.

What else could be affected?

His memory modules, information banks.

Michael, how could you?

He's out there damaged, alone.

Bonnie, give me a break.

l took a pretty good shot, too, remember?

Look, l didn't lose him on purpose.

Now, l'm convinced he's out there somewhere in the hills.

l'm gonna need a vehicle, a four-wheel drive.

Michael, we're doing everything possible to find KlTT but at the moment, our top priority is locating the stolen nitro-plastique.

Enough was taken to level this entire city.

Maybe that's your top priority, but mine's finding KlTT.

Let the police look for the expl*sives.

Look, under other circumstances, l would agree with you.

l would tell you, ''Go out.

Find KlTT.

Don't come back until you do.

'' But this is different.

This is an order.


Oh, l see.


The Foundation helicopter has located the wagon, abandoned.

Let go of me! l didn't do anything! Get your hands off me! Easy, l'm not gonna hurt you.

Then let go of me! l didn't do anything - All right, slow down.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Afraid of you?

l'm sure.

Why did you run?

Because l thought you were the game warden.

He's always trying to bust me for fishing in the reservoir.

l'm not the game warden, okay?

My name is Michael Knight.

l work for The Foundation for Law and Government.

l get it.

A cop.

No, l'm not a cop, not even close.

What's your name?



lt's good to meet you, Doug.

You play ball?


''WW,'' is that the name of your team?

Wainwright Warriors.

l play shortstop.

No kidding.

l used to play first base.

Yeah, must have been a long time ago.

Yeah, there were dinosaurs in the outfield.

Doug, what do you know about the wagon over there?

Well, l didn't rip it off, if that's what you mean.

The speakers are thrashed, but the tape deck's all right.

l was just hoping you saw the two guys who left it there.

l didn't see anybody.

You're sure?

Yeah, what is this?

l thought you said you weren't a cop.

lf you did see them, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?

These aren't the kind of guys you wanna protect.

Look, l'm not protecting anybody.

l gotta go.

l guess you didn't see a black T-top, either, did you?


Look, if you're finished with the interrogation, l've got better things to do.

Thanks for your help.

Who's in there?

Look, where did you come from?

Look, l don't like anybody tailing me, so bug off! Help me.

KlTT's more than my partner, Devon.

Come on.

He's a friend.

You gotta let me go out and look for him.

Not until we find the nitro-plastique.

We don't even know what these guys are driving anymore who they are, why they're here, what they want.

ln spite of the fact that they've switched cars we have reason to believe that they're still in the Kirkland area.

Show him, Bonnie.

Do you recognize him?

No, should l?

His name is Conrad Marrs.

He's one of the premier expl*sives men in the business.


So he flew in from Dallas this morning.

Of course, it may be a coincidence, Michael, but if you believe that stay away from people selling bridges in Brooklyn or swampland in Florida.

Thanks for the advice.

Any idea where he's staying?

That's what we're trying to find out now.

Michael, have you any leads?

l mean, anything at all?


Well, not really.


l'm not sure.

lt's just a feeling l have.

l ran into this kid up near the abandoned wagon.

Now, he said he was scared because he thought l was the game warden.

Well, he was scared, all right, but it wasn't for that reason.

Do you think he might've seen the thieves?

l'm not sure.

The more l think about it, the more convinced l am he saw something.

Well, you'll be safe here for a while.

lf anybody comes, all you have to do is just back into the cave.

Good idea.

I'm sorry I frightened you earlier.

You didn't scare me.

Under normal circumstances, I would've introduced myself first but I'm afraid these aren't exactly normal circumstances.

You can say that again.

I could, yes, but is there any need to?


No, that's not what l mean.

Forget it.

A talking car, if that's not a mind blower I seem to recall I can do a lot of other things, too.

If I could only remember what they are.

What do you do for instance?

For instance, well, if l don't feel like going to school, l just split.

But how do you learn anything if you split school?

l don't learn anything in school, anyway, not about real life.

So tell me something.

Do you always just follow behind people, or does someone get inside?

Let's find out.

Wow! Look at this dashboard! Your own TV, all these buttons.

What are all these buttons for?

''Pursuit, Scanner, X- ray, lnfra-ray.

'' ''Turbo Boost''?

Don't touch Turbo Boost.

Something tells me you shouldn't touch Turbo Boost.

How about ''Eject''?

''Right'' and ''Left''?

I don't recall.

Well, there's just one way to find out, isn't there?

Wow, it's like a rocket! It is rather remarkable, isn't it?


l'm impressed.

l know guys who've been in the business for 20 years and even they can't get their hands on this stuff.

Well, we're not exactly amateurs, pal.


Then l'll give you a real professional expl*si*n, a symphony.

Yeah, well, just don't get carried away, all right?

All we need is a nice, civil emergency.

Just enough to knock out the power, and draw the police, fire, and emergency units.

And while they're going crazy trying to handle the traffic, the evacuation and 1,000 haywire alarms, we hit the museum.

$15 mill worth of pre-Columbian artifacts.

Well, the dam's no problem.

Your basic earth-fill with concrete and steel reinforcement.

This quadrant here ought to do it.

lt should create a spill of about 900 million gallons weaken the rest of the dam enough to worry them.

All right, then.

We're set for tomorrow?

l'll need an hour's notice.

You know where to reach me.

By the way, did you happen to see a kid on the way up here?

What kid?

Well, when we ditched the car, this kid saw us.

Are you telling me somebody made you?


Not exactly.

l thought you told me you weren't amateurs.

You know why l'm the best?

lt's because l'm careful.

We'll find the kid.

By morning, or l'm gone.

Believe it.

l don't believe you, Bobby.

We got this guy in our pocket, and you ask him if he saw a kid on the way up.

So now we gotta find the kid! That's all.

We should've done it, anyway.

lt's cleaner.

Help you?

Yeah, l hope so.

l'm looking for the sponsor of a youth-league baseball team.

Sorry, we've already got one.

ln first place, too.

Wainwright Warriors?

That's right.

l'm looking for a boy named Doug.

He plays shortstop.

Do you know him?

He's my son, Doug Wainwright.

No kidding.

Look, l need to talk to him.

ls he here?

Just what's this all about, anyway?

No, it's all right, Jim.

Why don't you help that customer over there?

All right, what's he done this time?

Who are you?

My name is Michael Knight.

l work for The Foundation for Law and Government.

We're trying to locate some stolen expl*sives and we think your boy may have seen something.

Can you tell me how l can find him?

Well, he's probably in the hills.

He and his father used to hike up there, and they found a cave.

He's been spending a lot of time there lately.

Would you mind giving me directions?

lt's very important.

Well, l think l better draw you a map.

Hope you can draw better than l do.

Is something wrong?

No, l just gotta get home.

That's all.

What's ''home''?

That's a place where l don't know.

Where you go when there's no place else to go.

''Home'' doesn't sound like much fun.

No, it used to be.

What happened?

Well, you see, my dad got real sick.

Everyone said he'd be okay.

Forget it.

So you gonna be okay or what?

I'll be fine.

And I think my memory is improving.

Well, good.

l'll be back tonight, late, when everyone else is asleep.

That sounds like fun.

Goodbye, Elliot.


My name's Doug.

Then who's Elliot?

How do l know?

l thought your memory was getting better.

Yes, well, at least it's not getting any worse.

Julius, there he is.

We'll cut him off.

KlTT, they're after me! Who?

Those two guys.

Get in.

Can you drive?

Are you kidding?

l can drive anything on wheels.

Where's the ignition?

On second thought, there are still a few things I remember.

Hold on.

KlTT! Wow! That's him in the black T-top.

KlTT! KlTT! We're coming to the edge.

I noticed.

What are we going to do?

Why are you asking me?

Turbo Boost, I remember.

But you told me to never to press Turbo Boost.

I've changed my mind.

Press! Did you see that?

l'd swear that's the same idiot who chased us before.

KlTT, it's me Michael.

You hear me?



KlTT, it's me, Michael! KlTT! I have the strangest feeling.

l know.

That you've done this before, too?

I have that awareness also.

This is different.

I have the strangest feeling someone is calling my name.

Don't worry, KlTT.

l'm gonna hide you in a safe place.

What's this?

No way! All right! l didn't know they made cars like this.

I'm not sure they do.

KlTT, you are radical.

If you say so.

What's this?

How hungry are you?


Not very.

Your mother went to a lot of trouble to fix this.

lt's all right.

Oh, no.

l wonder who that could be.

l'll get it.

Hi, l hope l'm not interrupting dinner.

You are.

Well, in that case, l apologize.

Doug home?

Just what do you want with him?

l'd like to ask him a couple of questions.

Lori's husband died just little over a year ago.

She's been through a lot, and l'm here to see no one takes advantage of her.

l appreciate your concern, but maybe l didn't make myself clear.

l'm not here to see Lori.

l'm here to see Doug.

l've got my eye on you.

Okay, ask away.

Doug, before we start, l'm sorry it has to be this way.

What's that supposed to mean?

lt means it's tough enough person to person.

But the men l'm looking for, l think you saw them this afternoon.

They were chasing you, and you were in a black T-top.

Now, wait just a minute.

The kid's 14.

He can't even drive.

l can, too.

Look, what do you know, anyway?

Don't yell at me.

l'm trying to protect you.

Jim, please.

You satisfied?

Trying to have a nice, quiet family dinner here and, thanks to you, people are yelling at each other.

Yeah, well, it's not a family dinner 'cause you're not part of the family.

l'm sorry.

Ever since his father died l'm sorry about that, but l had to ask.

Just take it easy, will you?

Yeah, right.

We know where Conrad Marrs is staying.

That's all?

An address?

What would you prefer?

An arrest warrant?

A grand jury indictment?

Now that you mention it, yeah.

l mean, why not something tangible for a change?

Because the police still consider that Marrs is clean.

lnnocent until proven guilty and all that.

Well, that rings a bell.

What am l supposed to do?

Take him out to dinner?

l leave the details to you.

Now, we know that Marrs is an extremely cautious man.

lf he decides to bail out, this whole operation could collapse.

Any luck with the boy?


l'm sure he's lying.

l tell you one thing.

He was the one in KlTT, all right.

ln that case, l'd recommend a stakeout.

Next on my list.

Whatever that boy's got in mind he's gonna wait until the house is asleep before he leaves.

Now, l figure l got a couple of hours yet.

l know the Foundation commitments come first but l'm telling you.

l am worried about KlTT.

When l saw him today, he shot past me like l was a stranger.

You were.

Excuse me.

By all means.

Perhaps you can make him understand.

l'm a scientist, not a miracle worker.

For you.

Don't tell me.

This is KlTT's new memory.


New and improved with 5,000 megabits of added information.

The only problem will be to get close enough to his CPU service port to install it.

Sounds Freudian.

Where's that?

Facing KlTT, it's eight inches left of the power shift on the transmission.

ln other words, under KlTT.

ln other words, but don't worry.

Some of us spend a lot of time working under KlTT.

Not when he doesn't know who you are.

Honey, hurry up.

lt's here.



Where do l sign?

Where do you wanna sign?

For the champagne.

Aren't you from the liquor store?

No, not exactly.

l'm here to see Conrad.

He's taking a shower.

You mind if l wait?

Angel, you got a problem?

l tell you what.

Let's have a little fun with him.

Tell him l need his signature.

He won't get mad?


Come on.

He's a real fun guy.

Come on.


Honey, he says he needs your signature.

Hello, Conrad.

Who is this guy?

He's a friend of yours.

Aren't you?

Where are they?

l don't know what you're talking about.

You're in my room, cowboy.

Get out.

There are two of them.

They stole some experimental expl*sives called nitro-plastique.

They run around town in a supercharged four-wheel drive.

And they hired you.

l'm not for hire.

l'm on vacation, and you're still in my room.

Do yourself a favor.

Go home.

Think before you swing.

Who are you?

Just a guy who knows who you are.

Be careful 'cause somebody's watching you.

l thought he was a friend of yours.

Pack my stuff.



So who do you think he is?


The guy who chased Conrad out of town.

l don't know.

We don't need Conrad now that he's told us all we gotta know.

l just hope we can find that kid.

This place sponsors the team.

The kid's got a jacket.

The kid's on the team.



You won't believe this.

lt's him.

lt's the kid.


Right over there.

KlTT, don't be scared.

lt's just me, Doug.

Hello, Doug.

Hi, KlTT.

How you doing?


I've been thinking about what you said, Doug, about home.

Yeah, what about it?

Do I have one?

Well, l was gonna tell you, anyway.

You see, there's this guy looking for you named Michael.

He says you're his.


What does he look like?

l don't know.

He's older.

Kind of tall.

l guess he's all right.

He was looking for you around the dam.

What's a ''dam''?

You don't know what a dam is?

l keep forgetting about your memory.

A dam is a big thing that holds water.

I thought that was a bathtub.

Well, it's a little bigger than a bathtub.

Losing one's memory is so embarrassing.


KlTT, it's me, Michael.

How are you doing, buddy?

l've been worried about you.

Do we know each other?

Know each other?

Butch know Sundance?

Smith know Wesson?

Abbott know Costello?

I'd prefer it if you'd kindly keep your hands to yourself.

Look, we don't have the time, pal.

Doug's been kidnapped.

He needs us.

Please remove yourself from my path.


Stay away from me.

Sorry, pal.

I'll be forced to push you aside.

Go ahead.

Your dominant program is the preservation of human life.

What's a ''dominant program''?

Don't run over my leg, KlTT.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Don't run over my leg.

Move, or I refuse to be responsible.


Michael, is that you?

Yeah, it's me, pal.

Welcome back.

If I may be so bold, what on earth were you doing down there?

l'll explain later.

Right now, we've gotta try and save Doug.

Doug's my new friend.

Where is he?

He was kidnapped.


Access your audio banks.

See if you picked up anything.

Good idea.

I think I may have something.

This place sponsors the team.

The kid's got a jacket.

Fast forward.

Right there.

No, Julius, this time you listen to me.

If we do it here, it's m*rder but if we take him up to the dam, and the dam mysteriously explodes he's just part of the natural disaster.

Michael, they're talking about Doug.

l'm afraid so, pal.

Let's go.

So long, kid.

lf you ever pass over Saint Louis, make sure to wave.


Help me.

All right, KlTT, let's scan the area for the four-wheeler for Doug or any activity or any movement.


Good work, KlTT.

Michael, my monitor.

The nitro-plastique.

How much time is left on the timer?

Just under 30 seconds.

Can we disarm it from here?

I don't think so.

All right, then let's stop the clock.

Full power to the microwave jammer.

Let's get out of here.

Jump in.

How'd we do, KlTT?

It's in clock heaven.

Hi, KlTT.

Hello, Doug.

All right, now for our friends in the four-wheeler.

Four-wheeler heaven?

No, it's too good for them.

l was thinking more about jail.

Hang on.

All right, KlTT, shall we put these turkeys away?

I thought you'd never ask.

Doug, you wanna do the honors?

Press Turbo Boost.


One, two, three.

Go ahead.

l don't know.

ls it legal?

You're a citizen, aren't you?

Yeah, l guess.

Go ahead.

This is Doug Wainwright, and l'm making a citizen's arrest.

All right.

He's back to his old self again.

He even offered to do the dishes this morning.

l was shocked.

l wouldn't count on it.

No, l've been a mother too long.

Don't worry.

But it's nice.

lt felt good.

He is really gonna miss you, you and KlTT.

Well, not for too long.

According to KlTT, he promised to stop back real soon.

You know, l've been doing a lot of thinking about Doug, about Jim.

l think it's still too soon.

l think Doug needs more than l can give him with another man around.

Come here.




lt's okay.

Sorry, partner.

Got to go.

Just a minute, Michael.

Doug was going to let me do a project for him.

KlTT, never mind.

No, it's all right.

He calls it ''homework, '' Michael.

He wanted to see how fast I could do it.

Well, it was worth a shot.

l was just telling KlTT maybe l'd start going to school a little more often.

Take care of yourself, pal.


Don't forget to come by.

I'll see he doesn't forget, Doug.

Now that I've got my memory back, you can count on me.

Straight ahead, pal.