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03x15 - Buy Out

Posted: 05/12/23 07:21
by bunniefuu
What are you doing here?

Looking for proof that what happened to that limousine wasn't an accident.

Analyze the composition of this armor plate.

We buy one grade of armor plate.

Well, someone ordered a different grade.

We gotta find out who.

He's a cold-blooded k*ller, Michael.

You promised these people a demonstration.

Oh, l can handle it.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

This limousine has a modified 450 horsepower turbocharged power plant high-speed racing suspension all-terrain puncture-proof tires, and l don't have to tell you gentlemen, l think, how important that is in the areas of the world today, where you all do business.

lnternational climate has never been more hostile or threatening.

This obstacle course simulates just about every conceivable situation you might encounter.



All right, stand by.

Control rank.

Activate land mines.

Now, what you're seeing here, gentlemen, is state-of-the-art maneuverability for tactical evasion.

Yes, you're right.

None of the other vehicles we've seen so far are competitive.

And, of course, the LXAP does this with no sacrifice in range or comfort.

Very impressive.

What is that?

That's the Armorbuilt UTC 1200.

lt's the ultimate in urban t*rror1st control.

We use the armament package in the next part of our demonstration, gentlemen.

You about ready, Hank?

We're up to speed.

Any time, Gene.

The XLAP's protection package employs the cutting edge of structural technology and material.

Steel-magnesium alloy forty-five millimeters thick, case-hardened armor plates and flame-treated b*llet-proof glass throughout.

All right, commence weapons as*ault.

And what's coming next, gentlemen, will demonstrate beyond any doubt you're all making the right choice.

Stand by, launch when ready.

l love the Big Apple, but it sure feels good to be back on the road again.

I agree, Michael.

If I never see the Big Apple again, it'll be too soon.

Those streets have more potholes than Devon has neckties.

Did I hear my name mentioned?

Yo, Devon! Good Morning.

There you are, Michael.

I understand things in Manhattan went very well.

By the way, Michael ''By the way, Michael''?

Why do l feel like l'm being set up, here?

Well, there is one thing I'd like you to cover.

Because l am being set up.

Just a little detour, that's all a minor course adjustment to Armorbuilt Carriage Works.

Mel Mitchell, one of the employees, is expecting you and this is a matter that may well merit our scrutiny.


Good luck, Michael.

''Merit our scrutiny''?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Mel, could l have a word with you, please?

Well, it's not short for Melvin, is it?



Michael Knight.

Oh, from the Foundation.

Yes, Devon told me all about you.

Yeah, that's one of his bad habits.

You do all the armor plating around here?

Sure do.

Would you hand me the number five file?

lt's my department.

Other file.

Got my degree in structural engineering.

Found out l was a damn good engineer, but a lousy desk jockey and here l am.

Everybody always asks.

lt's easy to see why.

Someplace we can go and talk?

Sure, just give me a minute.

The m*ssile just penetrated the limo door.

l couldn't believe it.

l still can't.


l decided we've come too far to have it taken away from us now.

That's when l called Devon Miles.

Wait a minute, you're losing me here.

Who's come too far, and for what?

Oh, l'm sorry.

l thought Devon explained it to you.

Armorbuilt was filing for bankruptcy.

Really hit us hard, all the people who work here.

So, l came up with an idea, an alternative: an employee buy-out.

l got you.

All the employees kick in, re-negotiate with the creditors then you guys end up owning the company.

Sounds like a plan.

lt was, until the limo accident.

Cost the company a major sale.

We needed that to finance the buy-out.

Mel do you think somebody purposely caused the accident?

All our vehicles are designed to withstand twice the expl*sive force used on the track.

What do you think?

l think it may merit our scrutiny.

Excuse me?

l think we should take another look.

Well, the group's getting together at lunch today to discuss our options.

And l don't have any plans.

Do you mind if l join you?



We love you, Mel, but maybe you've already given us all the help we can handle.

We know you meant well, but frankly, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be in this mess right now, with our savings in jeopardy and our houses mortgaged.

That's right.

The buy-out's finished, Mel, okay?

Forget it.

From what Mel told me, you guys were okay until you lost that foreign sale.

What if we get it back?

lt's a long shot, but we should try.

We all got into this buy-out because we had something to gain something good.

We still do.

Look, we all want to better our lives.

That hot car you were talking about buying, Eddie you ready to give up on that?

No way.

l got my eye on one right now.

How about you, Hank?

You and Alice ready to cancel that second honeymoon you've been planning?

Hey, after living with him for 20 years, you really think she'll go?

The way Mel described your buy-out plan it sounds like the chance of a lifetime to me.

You save your jobs here, you buy into a piece of the company.

Come on, what about that?

You guys ready to give up without a fight?

That's easy for you to say.

You got an idea?

Yeah, somebody's got to turn that foreign sale around before it's too late.

Okay, you got anyone particular in mind?

How about you, Michael?

We have one problem: we have no driver.

l mean, let's say we get those buyers back for another demo who's going to give it to them?

Who's going to drive?

That's right.

Who's going to be crazy enough to go out on that track after what's already happened?

l might.

Well we're talking about a high degree of skill here.

l mean, just because you talk a good game it doesn't mean you can drive, now, does it?

Doesn't mean l can't, either.

Try me.

Boy, that's typical.

Give a guy a hot-looking car, he thinks he's the next Parnelli Jones.

l'll tell you what you want to take that freeway flyer of yours out there right now make a fool out of yourself you be my guest, all right?

Okay, let's look good, pal.

There's a lot riding on this one.

Michael, I always look good.

You'll get no argument from me.

Let's do it.

What a set of wheels! That guy's a hotdog.

Who cares?

He's the key to keeping the buy-out alive.

He's good.

I think that got their attention, Michael.

Okay, pal.

Now, lets go get the job.

That's nice.

l think we found our driver.

You bet.

Well, if that's an offer, l accept.

What a car.

l'll tell you what, Mel, you take the driver, l'll take the car.

Say, how much this puppy set me back?

l'm sorry, but this ''puppy'' is not for sale.

Look, l can't haggle with you now, but when old Eddie Deskey makes up his mind to get something l'll be coming to you again.

You see that car?

l think this is gonna work.

Right on.

l suppose the buy-out is on now.

Lilah, not now.

l say we pack up, head for Europe now and let them have the damn company.

Come on, what are you l can't do that.

l mean, it took me years to pull that money and get it out of the country.

And l got a bankruptcy set up, l get into a buy-out instead.

Could lose everything.

Now, you know that.

So, just don't push me, all right?

lf l don't push you, you'll still be here six months from now.

Let me tell you something, Gene l've been hanging around this grease pit for two years.

l'm tired of playing sales director and making believe l'm into those over-priced toys of yours.

Boy, you could've fooled me, Lilah.

l thought you handled it pretty well especially when you heard about the money and the villa in St.


A lot of men have money, Gene.

Armorbuilt has proven a perfect place to meet them.

Would it surprise you that some of our clients have expressed more than a casual interest?

Get it together fast, or l'm gone.

l'll handle it.

Just give me one extra day, all right?

You're out of days.

Twenty-four hours, Lilah.

That's all l need.

And this Michael Knight, hotshot his first test run tomorrow will be his last.

l promise you.

Why are we going to see these buyers before making certain what happened to the limousine wasn't an accident?

Well, because they're checking out today.

lt's our only chance to convince them to stick around for another demo.

What's our ETA?

Four minutes, 37 seconds.

You know, Michael, while we have a few moments do you recall that fellow who wanted to buy me?


Did he make you an offer?

No, Michael, we never got to the bidding stage.

That's what I wanted to talk to you about.


KlTT, l can't put a price on you.

l wouldn't even know where to begin.

Well, what if we were in deep-snow country our adversaries dynamited the road the expl*si*n set off a massive avalanche we're buried under tons of ice and snow, we have no food you haven't slept in two days, and- Can l have Mel with me?

I want to know my worth.

What must I do to get a serious answer out of you?

Try being serious.

All right, Michael, you're trapped in a burning building.

The flames are raging all around you.

The smoke is so thick, you can't see.

I am outside ready to spring into action, and- KlTT.



KlTT not now.

Maybe later, but not now.

There are the buyers, buddy.

Looks like they're leaving right now.

Not a nanosecond too soon, Michael.

KlTT let's micro jam that trunk lock.

Excuse me, gentlemen you folks seem to be having a problem here.

Well, we're on our way to the airport.

The driver seems to have trouble with the lock.

We may miss our flight.

Well, my name is Michael Knight.

l know a little bit about locks.

Maybe l can fix it for you.

But, before l do, l'd like to talk to you gentlemen about limousines.

You see, you found the one you wanted at Armorbuilt yesterday but someone didn't want you to have it.

The vehicle was sabotaged.

Do you have any proof of this?

Not yet.


Knight, if you have no proof, l think we're all wasting our time.

l cannot help you.

l'm sorry.

We're not just talking about me here.

We're talking about a lot of people.

Hard-working people, expert technicians proud people who put their life savings on the line to save their jobs and their company.

lt turns out that your sale would have put these people in the driver's seat.

All l'm asking is for you gentlemen to give these people another chance.


We are due in Detroit tomorrow for a competitor's demonstration.

lt's impossible.

ls it, Hans?

l found Mr.

Knight's words touching.

l'm surprised you didn't.

l have a business to run.

Yes, Hans, we know.

You see, Mr.

Knight, though my colleague possesses great wealth he began with nothing.

He knows what it is like to struggle, to sweat, to build a- Enough, please.

No history tale.

All right, Mr.

Knight schedule your demonstration.

Terrific, we'll be in touch.

Allow me.

You know, Michael, it occurred to me that these low-profile information-gathering missions are the ultimate test of our abilities, aren't they?

You better believe it, pal.

l got a feeling that checking out this limo at Armorbuilt is going to be a very valuable night's work.

I agree, and keeping value in mind what if we're in the desert, in a sand storm there's no water for miles around and you're being chased by a band of sword-waving camel drivers what would I be worth?

l'd have to say priceless.

You know, lately, I get the feeling you enjoy answering my questions without really answering them.

Am I right or am I wrong?


All right, KlTT, keep your scanner peeled.

How are you getting in?

l'm going to pick the lock.

That's illegal, Michael.

So is the way we parked.

I'll take care of the silent alarm, Michael.


Yes, Michael?

Looks like they've beaten us to it, partner.

The door's gone.

What are you going to do now?

Find it.

Do me a favor, will you, and run a chemical scan of the area?

Look for compounds left by a warhead after it detonates.

I'm picking up a high concentration in that area above you.

You want this one, partner?

Allow me.


All right, KlTT analyze the composition of this armor plate.

Compare it to technical specifications.

The material in question is of the proper thickness but has a highly porous molecular structure.

I'm getting a density-hardness reading barely one-fourth the grade specified.

Well, that sure explains why the m*ssile pierced it.

Michael, my scanners are indicating someone else is on the premises.


Hey! What's going on here, Hank?

l came back to check out the limousine for tomorrow's demo and l found him sneaking around.

You always sh**t first and ask questions later?

l got one you can answer: what are you doing here?

Looking for proof that what happened to that limousine wasn't an accident.

What are you talking about?

That's ridiculous.

There was a thorough investigation.

The armor plate in the door of that limousine was so below spec you could use it to wrap sandwiches.

That's a powerful accusation.

Ease up, Gene.

He hasn't proved a thing.

He's a driver he's got a gas t*nk for a brain, and a tail pipe for a mouth.

That's right.

And l've been behind the wheel long enough to know when l'm on the right track.

You trying to say something?

l just did.

You can't exist on a couple of hours' sleep, Michael.

No choice, pal.

l gotta talk to Mel about that armor plate.

We buy one grade of armor plate from Blacksteel Fabricators.

We use it on all our vehicles.

Well, someone ordered a different grade.

We gotta find out who.

Maybe we're going too far with all this.

Suppose it doesn't work?

What if the buyers come back and we still don't make the sale?

Mel, we're turning this thing around here.

l thought you'd be excited.

l am, Michael.

l don't mean to appear ungrateful.

lt's just that l don't know.

lt's not that l'm afraid for myself it's the others.

ln the beginning, when it looked like we didn't have a chance l was the one who kept it alive.

l built up their hopes.

l feel responsible.

You did those people a favor.

And, believe me, they know it.

What if it all comes apart again?

l'm here to make sure that it doesn't.

Devon, what l need to know is, who ordered that steel from Blacksteel Fabricators.

I'll put Bonnie on it right away.

What will you be doing in the meantime?

Well, l'll be demonstrating a limousine for a group of buyers.

lf Armorbuilt makes the sale, the employee buy-out's still alive.

I see.

You know, Michael, I seem to recall asking you to evaluate the case at Armorbuilt not take over the employee's buy-out program.

Well, it's hard to do one without getting involved in the other.

Oh, I had a suspicion that Mel Mitchell might have that effect on you.

You know, Devon, it also occurred to me that this might not be the first limousine to come off Hanson's assembly line with inferior armor.

Are you thinking a review of his past clients' well-being might be in order?

That's exactly what l'm thinking.

All right, the run's set for 10:00.

Give me a complete structure analysis of the limousine.

Start with the driver's door.

Hey, you got a minute to do some negotiating?

I certainly do, Eddie.

Son of a g*n.

That's a great intercom you got there.

Listen, you do some serious thinking about what l said yesterday?


Knight l'm afraid we'll be starting a little sooner than we had anticipated.


The test was scheduled for 10:00.

You promised these people a demonstration.

Well, l know that, but l wanted to walk the track first.

Are you saying you can't handle it, Mr.


Oh, l can handle it.

Well, l'm a little g*n-shy, see 'cause my financing hinges on this buy-out deal going through.

I understand, Eddie, but as a very wise fellow once said.

: ''Bid now, or forever hold your peace.

'' l'm used to dealing face-to-face but, assuming that this buy-out deal does work what would you say to- KITT, you there?

I'm right here, Michael.

KlTT, they moved up the test time.

l'm just about on the track now.

I'll accelerate my computations.

KlTT, how's it coming?

I'm working on it, Michael.

Make it fast, buddy.

Prepare to launch.

Michael, my analysis indicates the armor plate in the door is the same inferior grade I tested last night.

You keep your scanner peeled for a m*ssile launch.

ETA to impact.

: 2.

3 seconds.

Can you override the guidance system?

Not enough time.

That's what l call tactical maneuverability.

lncredible! lncredible, an incredible evasive reaction.

Whoa, we cut that very close.

I know, Michael.

We sure showed them what this limousine can do.

lncredible performance.

Pretty close, huh?

A most remarkable demonstration, Mr.


Thank you, sir.

lt was.

And all your demonstrations seem to have surprise endings these days.

You gentlemen ready to do some business?

Well, l suppose some discussion will be in order.

Perhaps we should consider obtaining one of these urban control vehicles along with the limousine.

Good, but under the circumstances, maybe we should discuss it in my office.

Excuse me, please.

You gentlemen are familiar with the Armorbuilt ironclad guarantee l presume?

Certainly, that's the specification package we received.


And if l were you, l would want to be dealing with the new people who'll be backing it up.

New people?

Yes, sir.

You're looking at one of them.

Now, if you'll follow me, please.

All right.

What l can do, is this Okay, big fellow, snap on your intercom, and hear this.

All right, that was a pretty nifty move you put on me before, and l- Would you explain what you're implying by that, Eddie?

You set me up! You got me to the point of making an offer and then slammed the door on me! Now, l hope you don't pull that again.

On the contrary, I am extremely interested in what you have to say.

Well, all right.

Now we are starting to talk business.

Michael, how'd it go?


Great, we can get it all together now.

What are you trying to pull, Knight?

The buy-out's back on.

l can't wait to tell my fellow stock-holders the good news.

Maybe you should hold off on that one.

Those buyers didn't exactly say 99%.

More like 49%.

They still want to check out that one other company.

Then why'd you say that?

To put some pressure on Hanson.

See, l'm betting he's the one who's been using low-grade armor to screw up your sales demonstrations.

But why would he do that?

To stop the buy-out, Mel.

That's what happened, isn't it?

You mean he k*lled one of our drivers to stop it?

Mel, he just tried it out there again.

Now, if l'm right, l just forced him to make another move, and when he does it believe me, we'll nail him.

That's it, Gene.

l've had it.

l'm not having any more to do with this.

By tonight, neither am l.

l've got it figured.

l know just what l'm going to do.

l'm tired of hearing that.

l'm tired of you.

Count me out.

Lilah, now, listen to me.

You gotta trust me.

We're leaving for Switzerland tonight.

All we have to do- All you have to do.

Get it done, and pick me up here.

lf you're not back in an hour, l'm checking out of my penthouse and l'm heading for the airport.

One hour.

You know something, that intercom sure changes the sound of your voice.

You're getting off the track, Eddie.

I believe you were about to make me an offer I can't refuse.


What would you say to- Excuse me, there, buddy.

Hi We were gonna Like, just now, we were talking, you know and l'm not done talking yet! That fellow just refuses to give up, Michael.

Not now.

Get me Devon.

He seems intent on acquiring my services in perpetuity and KlTT.

Well, I was just wondering if we were trapped in the bowels of the earth just prior to an underground nuclear test- We wouldn't have to worry, all right?

Now, please, get me Devon.

Michael, I was just about to contact you.


You got anything for me on who ordered that low-grade steel?

Yes, and thanks to your suggestion we've also got some data on Mr.

Hanson that you may find most enlightening.

Bonnie is on her way to meet you at the semi, to give you the details.


You were right, Michael.

Every one of those Blacksteel purchase orders- Was signed by Eugene Hanson.

Well, more than one of Hanson's past clients didn't get the protection they paid for.

l cross-checked a list of Armorbuilt clients against global assassination attempts- Don't tell me a lot of the targets were k*lled in Armorbuilt limousines.

Too many for it to be coincidental.

Devon checked his international contacts, and word is Hanson's been taking massive payoff from radical factions- To install low-grade armor in the vehicles he supplies to the people on the hit list.

You got it.

He's on my list now.

He's a cold-blooded k*ller, Michael.

''Be careful,'' l know.

With somebody like Hanson, that may not be enough.

So, $25,000, Mel.

$25,000 for what?

You're the sparkplug behind this buy-out, right?

You started it, you pull out, it's over.


lt's none of your concern.

Running out of time, Mel.

$50,000, final offer.

What's happening here?

Money is not what this is all about.

l want a ''yes'' or ''no.

'' Then it's ''no.

'' You can do a lot for your kid with $50,000, Mel.

Or you can take out a loan for his funeral.

Let me get this straight are you threatening my child?

l don't believe this.

Believe it, Mel.

Well, just the man l've been looking for.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And that's not all l'm going to say.


Blowing me up in your garage won't fall into your pattern of accidents.

Going to prison doesn't fall into my pattern of living.

To your left.


Now, open that door.

Take it easy.


lt takes four minutes to heat, dry, and seal the paint on a car.

Temperature in here should cook you in about 30 seconds.


I hear you, Michael.

l got problems.

Your comlink signal indicates you are locked in a hermetically sealed chamber.

You have enough air for over two hours.

Yeah, maybe, you're right, but l can be burned to a crisp in 30 seconds.

Get in here.

I'm on my way.

No! Stop it.

Stop it.


KlTT, the generator, jam it.

Stand back from the door, Michael.

It may blow while I micro jam.

Oh, dear.

Come on, buddy, its getting hot in here.


Michael, are you all right?

l'm still cooking in here.

Can't you get this door open?

No, I can't.

I'm immobile.

Melanie, the heat chamber.

Open that door.

Not now.

Open the door, then you have my permission to faint.

l'm glad you were around.

l'm afraid l wasn't for a while.


You were here when it counted.

l'll be back.

Are you injured, Michael?

No, l'm just a little tanned.

You seemed to be up in the air over this.

It's no joking matter.

I find this posture humiliating.

Thank you, Michael.

All right, let her rip.

All right, scan the area, see if you can pick up Hanson.

There he is, Michael.

West on Route 4.

The test track.

All right, let's get him.

l got a little going-away present for him.

l want to deliver it to him in person.

You cut it pretty close.

l was two minutes away from heading for the penthouse.

So be glad you didn't.

l brought along a little extra pocket-money for our trip.

Unless that's your travel agent, you've got some trouble coming.

He's supposed to be dead.

This time there won't be any margin for error.

Michael, I'm sure you're aware of the armament in that vehicle.

l am very aware.

You watch for missiles, l'll cover the rest.

Michael, we're driving right into his line of fire.

Hang in there.

He seems to be running, Michael.

Don't be too sure of that.

Michael, those are armor-piercing grenades.

I don't like surprises, Michael.

Me, either.

What's he got left?

Fifty-caliber machine g*ns and over six tons of armor plate.

I'm sure you have a plan.

l always have a plan.

He's disarmed, nothing left.

Come on out.

Hey, have l got a truck for you.

lt's big, and it's gray, got these nice little bars on the windows.

Oh, yeah, it's got some fancy printing on the side that says: Department of Corrections.

You'll love the view.

Keep an eye on him.

Yes, Michael.

Oh, Michael, are you all right?

Yeah, l'm fine.

ln fact, l'll be going home tonight.

He won't.

Well, l guess that ties everything up, doesn't it?

Not quite.

You know, l never did tell you how attractive you are without that welding mask.

Don't make me blush.

l may not look it, but l am the president of a company now.

Not until the board of directors meet.

ln that case, l have a few minutes.

Well, in that case Thank you.

lnternational Airport.

l have to be there in 30 minutes.

Not likely, ma'am.

Will you settle for Police Headquarters and maybe a little drive through the park on the way there?

l have $250,000 here.

l'm willing to pay half for the airport trip.

Did you hear that, KlTT?

Well, Michael, now we know what you're worth.

Does she want to make me an offer?

Well, l do have another $25,000 for your friend.


What do you say, buddy?

I find that offer unacceptable.

I'd rather the drive through the park.

You've offended him.

l guess you go directly to jail.



That offer she made do you think she knows I'm air-conditioned?