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03x16 - Knightlines

Posted: 05/12/23 07:22
by bunniefuu
KlTT, get in here.

Gonna have to drop.

This thing is revolutionary.

You could tap a phone or a computer bank without a trace.

That circuit you just opened, it's a time b*mb.

Three seconds, Michael.

He's as elusive as you are.

Then get rid of him.

You k*lled my husband.

Over there with Barnes.

It's Soltis, Michael.

You take care of him.

l'll get the car.

Michael, I have no traction.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Iron Maiden.

Michael, where do they get these names?

Heavy metal, partner.

Heavy metal.

Macho rock 'n' roll.

Uranium is a heavy metal, and it isn't good for you either.

Do you know what an iron maiden is?

A medieval t*rture device.

Okay, wise guy, what would you name a band?

Something with values like Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

l like it.

l like it, but it's not commercial.

What about The Foundation for Law and Government?

lt'd never sell.

Good morning, Devon! Good morning, Michael.

We have you just north of the county line, is that right?

Yes, l'm making a direct route to Millie's.

Best chili omelets west of the Colorado.

Wrong, actually.

You're going on an unofficial security investigation for Macroplex Incorporated.

This week they found a thief in their new R and D facilities a technician named Kevin Morgan, one of their own.


Sounds like an exercise machine.


They're the most advanced technological think t*nk in America.

KITT has some of their patents in his circuitry.

And since Macroplex has projects with the Pentagon that make Star Wars look like a covered wagon, everything is unusual.

The thief fell to his death.

I want you to go and see his widow.

Devon, is that really necessary?

Yes, I think so.

Bonnie will give KITT the details.

Oh, what about Millie's chili?

Oh, your indigestion will keep.



Are you Janet Morgan?

Who are you?

My name is Michael Knight.

l know this is a bad time but l'd like to ask you a few questions about your husband.

Are you with the police?



No l'm with a private organization called The Foundation for Law and Government.

We're investigating Kevin's death.

You mean his m*rder.

The version l read said ''accident.

'' But l'm willing to listen.

Thank you.

But, Janet, m*rder is a pretty strong word.

Do you have any evidence of that or is that just something you're feeling?

My husband grew up on the high steel.

His grandfather was a Mohawk worked on the Empire State Building.

Kevin never fell in his life, anywhere.

And he didn't fall at Macroplex.

All right.

l got a few questions l wanna ask you and l'm sure you're not going to like them, but l've got to ask them anyway.

Did you and Kevin have any money problems?


Gambling debts?

Market losses?

Nothing like that.

Was he hanging out with any new friends?

Okay, one last question.

Could he have possibly had a girlfriend?

You know, you are wrong.

l don't ''not like'' these questions.

l hate these questions.

My husband was a good and loving human being.

And you people seem determined to turn his life into something that's ugly and sinister.

l'm no good at this, and l don't like it and believe me, l respect your feelings.

One more question, and l'll leave you alone.

Janet, if Kevin did something wrong do you think it was in response to getting fired?


Fired from what?

From Macroplex, three days before he died.

lt was in his personnel file.

That's impossible.

Maybe he didn't want you to worry.

Maybe you don't understand.

We were married.

We lived together for five and a half years.

l could judge his mood before he walked in the door.

He couldn't hide something like that from me.

Well, if you knew him so well, then what was he doing at the site at night?

l don't know.

l don't know! All right.

Thank you for your time.

l am sorry.

You know, l will give you one thing.

At least you're not like the others asking if there's anything you can do.

You're showing signs of distress, Michael.

What's wrong?

l don't know.

Something sure felt very wrong back there.

Talking to a young widow is understandably difficult.

No, it's more than that.

KlTT, that lady was telling the truth.

Call Devon.

Tell him l need him to arrange a little cover.


For what?

l want to see the place where Kevin Morgan died.

Well, what do you think?

Michael, we're dealing with a very sophisticated company.

Their security is elaborate.

l know, buddy.

How do l look?

Are you expecting something to fall on your head?

Very funny.

Everybody's a comedian.

Hi, guys.

Well, l'm on the top level.

That's for sure.

Report said this is where he fell from.

Wait a minute.

Looks like there was a little accident here, buddy.

Take a look.

''Little'' isn't the word, Michael.

There's a significant bend in that edging.

It could create a ripple effect in the rest of the structure.

Bending this would take quite a force.

Say, Mac, what are you doing up here?

Doing my job.

What do you think?

l work here.

Oh, is that so?

Well, we'll see about that.

Come with me.

Go down and tell Joe to really hustle, will you, please?

What's the trouble?

Gorgeous here was taking in the view and talking to himself instead of doing his job, whatever that is.

What's your name?

Name's Knight.

Local 42 sent me over.

l'm replacing Kevin Morgan.

Who are you?

Stephen Barnes, Macroplex Chief Engineer.

Who's your foreman?

l couldn't find him.

What is this, Twenty Questions?

Things are tough, but l don't need a job this bad.

You're on the wrong level.

The phone links are already been in on this floor.

Where do l start?

Come back after the weekend.

The trunk wiring will be starting then.

Well, that's fine by me.

Of course the old lady won't like it though.

She's always griping about me watching too much TV.

Thank you, gentlemen.

l'll see you on Monday.

Are you crazy?

Telling him to come back here?

Calm down.

l want to keep my eye on him.

Did you call for a union replacement?


l thought you did.

For Pete's sake-- Relax.

The last of the concrete is going in now.

Once it's set, we're home free.

You let me worry about our visitor.

This building is built to exact specifications, Michael.

I'm sure they'll be repairing the bent girder.

Which just happens to be at the very spot that Kevin died.

Why do you think they haven't fixed that already?

Maybe they haven't spotted it yet.


Rust makes it at least a couple of days old.

Listen, call Devon.

Ask him if he knows why it hasn't been scheduled for repair.

I'll get right on it, Michael.

Well, well, well, look who's here.

All right, KlTT.

Get a picture of this.

Then let's chase him, see what happens.

Macroplex treats its engineers very well.

Not this well, KlTT.

Not this well.

Nice digs, huh?

Run a trace on the address and zoom in on the balcony.

All right, full magnification.

All right, get a picture of this.

Make me a hard copy of that, will you, partner?

lf Lalo refuses the merchandise, tell his wife about his lover in Monaco.

And show her the pictures.

He'll just be a moment.

Can l get you anything?

No, thank you.

And don't warn him, just do it.

So did you find it?

Not yet.

lt could be anywhere.

But we've got more than enough to finish the job.

You were hired because l was told you were a thorough man.

l don't understand.

What are you so worried about?

Well, the bugging device.

lt was developed in a lab in Marseilles.

A lab which was destroyed last year.

Everything went up.

The plans, the equipment, the people.

What's that got to do with us?

Well, the French government is still looking for the bomber.

And if the interceptor should show up here.

l see.

Well, l've got my best man on the job.

l don't work that way.

You see, my survival depends on my ability to disappear and you, Mr.

Barnes, are making that harder and harder to do.

l trust you've totally discredited Kevin Morgan?

His personnel records now show that he was fired.

Suspected theft of company property.

''Suspected'' won't do.

lf that interceptor turns up, l want to be sure that the police have someone to hang.

Prove him guilty, Barnes.

Arrange it.

You were right, Michael.

There's been no report about that damaged beam at Macroplex.

I'm going to notify them immediately.

No, no, no, no, hold off.

lf there's a cover-up, l want to know who's behind this and why.

They retained us, Michael, remember?

A day, Devon.

Just give me a day.

All right.

This is the school where Janet Morgan teaches, Michael.

Thanks, buddy.

Hang loose.

l'll be right back.

''Hang loose?

'' What are you doing?

Whoa! You can talk! Young man, why aren't you in school?

l'm cutting class.

Which class?


What a joke! History is no joke.

Oh, c'mon, it's the pits.

That's what you think! Get in.

No way.

What's the matter?


Hey, who are you calling chicken?

Watch this.

Far out! Hey, what is that?

That, my friend, is history.

Oh, busted.

It's okay.

Sneak out.

I'll cover for you.

And get back to that history class! And never get into a stranger's car again.

All right, l've come this far.

What do you want to talk about?

Well, l want to give you a ride home, and l want to talk to you.

Short talk.

l live two blocks away.

Thank you.

What did you want to talk about?

l really felt bad about the other morning so l went over to Macroplex.

Janet, l found out something very interesting.

At the point where Kevin fell something bent the railings.

Something very big.

When l checked it out, no one had reported any accident.

Which means what?

Which means maybe they didn't report it because they were trying to cover something up.

Like the fact that Kevin really didn't fall after all?

Maybe he was knocked off.

You're serious, aren't you?


Now, l'll make a deal with you.

You want Kevin cleared.

l want the truth.

Now, if you're right about him, we're after the same thing.




Now, l need your help, even if what l find out isn't what you want to hear.

Can you deal with that?



Do you recognize anybody in these pictures?

Yeah, and this is Stephen Barnes, Kevin's boss.

He's a nice guy.

We had him over for dinner the other night.

Who's he?

This one l don't know.

l'll tell you as soon as l find out.


l'm impressed.

Kevin was almost done with his M.


in electronics.

We had a deal when we were in high school.

l'd get a job, and l'd pay for his tuition.

What was your part of the bargain?

Having a baby.

Look, we can do this some other time.

No, that's all right.

What did you expect to find here?

The reason he went to the site that night.

lf he was k*lled it's probably because he was looking for someone or something.

This is his hangout, it's a good place to start.

KlTT, anything unusual in here?

Out of the ordinary?

There's one device I can't scan.

It must have a lead casing.

Top shelf.

Any idea what this is?

Are you expecting anyone?



Morgan, Lt.

Rayford, PD.

We have a warrant to search the premises for property stolen from Macroplex lncorporated.

KlTT, buy me a little time.

Give these guys a little car trouble, will you?

Right away.

Get outside and see what's the matter.

Who are you?

l'm a friend of the family.

Oh, does the friend have a name?

Let's just say l'm a concerned citizen.

Whose signature's on the complaint, anyway?

What are you, a lawyer?

Jack, frisk this guy.

Not unless you've got a warrant with my name on it.

Can they do this?

Yeah, l'm afraid so.

Lieutenant take a look.

Radon graphic analyzer.

About $10,000 a pop.

This yours, ma'am?

Lieutenant the lady is in mourning.

Now, is she under arrest?

Not yet.

But we'll be taking this along with us.


Take it and go.

l've never seen that thing before, l swear.

Somebody must have put it in there.

Janet, that's a very serious charge.

Now, are you sure?

Of course l'm sure! This is my home! Michael, what on earth is going on here?

Lovely, Michelle.

l love to watch your form.

l'd rather that you watched mine.

l'm expecting good news, Barnes.

l succeeded in taking care of the Kevin Morgan problem.

The police paid his widow a call today.

No, no, no, no, the important part.

l'm doing everything l can.

Not good enough.

Believe me, l have looked everywhere.

But we now have a more immediate problem.

The guy that we caught snooping at the site he was spotted with Kevin Morgan's widow.

You're the security expert.

Find out who he is.

That's just it.

l tried.

He's as elusive as you are.

His name's Michael Knight and up until three years ago, it's though he never existed.

l don't like it.

Then get rid of him.

l'm not through.

l know, the bugging device.

lf you don't have it in 24 hours, l'm aborting the project.

You can't.

Not after all this.

Twenty-four hours.

You know what l mean, Barnes.

lt's a transmitter-receiver of some kind, Michael.

State-of-the-art electronic surveillance.

But l've never seen anything like it.

What's so special about it?

Well, for starters, its casing.

lt's made of a sealed lead alloy.

l put it on our phone line to test it.

Normally KlTT can test the frequency of any transmitting device.

But not this one?


You could tap a phone or a computer bank without a trace.

This thing is revolutionary.

But l can't tell you anything more about it until l get inside it.

Obviously Kevin didn't build this in his home workshop.

Still, what was he doing with it?

l wish l knew.

Michael, I have the information on those pictures you requested.

Punch it up on the monitor.


He's wanted in half the countries in the world.

g*ns to Nicaragua, heroin from Laos, he's not too particular, is he?

The man's a menace.

He's slipped through the fingers of justice for over 15 years.

We'll have to notify the FBl.

Wait a minute here.

Michael, you don't understand.

lf Soltis has breached Macroplex security the possibilities are devastating.

Devon, you don't understand.

lf he's this good, the Feds bust in now he goes underground, we got nothing.

Let me get some evidence on this guy first.

Very well.

Where are you going?

To Macroplex.

See if any of those tiny bugs have found their way inside.

l'll keep you posted.

I've never seen Devon so upset.

He's got a lot to be concerned about.

l'll take the security readout on Macroplex, if you don't mind?

It's going to be difficult to crack, Michael.

Since Kevin, they've added guard dogs at night.

''Barbed wire.

Electric fence.

'' Okay, we'll do our best.

Now, overlay the wiring.

And show me where you'd plant the bugs if you wanted to spy on this place.

I suggest you check the one on the second floor.

It will get us in and out quickly.

No good.

l'm going to the top floor.

Michael, this is no time to indulge your rock climbing fantasies.

l got my reasons.

Short out this section of the fence.

Right away, Michael.

KlTT, do you read me, buddy?

Yes, Michael, you're doing very well.

No sign they've detected you.

That's the way l like it.

KlTT, if we get a problem, can you deal with it?

You know dogs aren't my specialty.

Well, distract them, huh?

Buy me a few minutes.

Hey! Who's out there?


Black T-top?


Looks like our problem has come to us.

Throw the switch on the elevator.

You got it.

Michael, you've been spotted.

Keep them busy, pal.

l'm almost through.

Take me up.

Take me up.

KlTT, l'm open for suggestions.

Michael, I'm sorry.

The elevators are off, and there's no other way down.

Mark, I can't see him anywhere.

He's over the side.

Take me down.

To the break, down.

Take me down, damn it.


Get him out of here! Get him! KlTT, get in here.

Gonna have to drop.

Right away, Michael.

KlTT, come on! Go! Thanks, KlTT.

Certainly, Michael.

No naps.

Whoa, what are you doing here?

I might ask you the same thing.

It's very late.

Hey, off my case.

l was at the library.

Why do I find that hard to believe?

No, really.

l was reading all about the Vikings.

Did you know they discovered America before Columbus?

Is that a fact?


You really got me interested in this history stuff.

Now, if you could only make science interesting.

You must be joking.

Janet, this is a wiretap.

Just like the one we found here.

lt was installed on the top floor of the new Macroplex building.

You mean Kevin was some kind of a spy?

No, no, just the opposite.

The top floor hadn't been finished yet.

The wiring wasn't in when Kevin died.

Someone else in Macroplex is installing these things.

Janet, l think Kevin found out who.

And then they k*lled him.

l think it was Stephen Barnes.


Not Barnes! Barnes was so nice to Kevin.

He said he was going to help him get promoted.

Michael, he was over here for dinner the other night.

l cooked all day.

Remember the other man in the picture with Barnes?

We found out his name is Soltis.

He is an international criminal.

He is above the law.

He never gets caught, and he never gets convicted.

Macroplex secrets are right up his alley and Barnes is just the man who can deliver them.

Oh, what are we going to do?

We are not going to do anything.

l'm going to try and make Barnes lead me to Soltis.

But l can't do that if l'm worrying about you.

Michael, this man, Soltis you said he always gets away.

Not this time.

l promise you.

Not this time.

How could you miss him?

You were so close! Look, it was dark.

He was quick, man.

And you weren't too steady on those controls either.

Not to mention that car he was driving.


Barnes this is Michael Knight.

You had your shot.

Now it's my turn.

What are you talking about?

Well, they say a picture's worth about 1,000 words?

l think the one l got in front of me is worth about $50,000.

lt's a pretty picture.

You and Soltis.


l don't know anybody named Soltis.

What is this?

Come on.

Nice house in the hills?

This afternoon?

lf you don't buy it, l'm going to send one copy to Soltis and one copy to the FBl.

And you can decide which one you want to run from.

Assuming l was interested in buying what you're selling where do l get $50,000 this time of night?

That's your problem.

Meet me at Bellows Park, the driving range, at sunrise.

Be there.

Whoa! So the reverse rotation on the cue ball exceeds the forward velocity resulting in angular momentum.

You've got it, Billy.

Simple physics.

Am l interrupting something?

Gotta go?

l won't even ask.

Michael, I can explain.

It's education.

Corrupting innocent youth?


An hour and 49 minutes.

You're pressing your luck, Michael.

Not really.

KlTT had it timed to the millisecond.

How's it coming?

This is an amazing piece of circuitry.

Besides the wiretap, there's a chip that turns every phone in the place into a condenser mike.

They could tap in on meetings conversations, office gossip.

Another day and they'd have been buried inside Macroplex's walls forever.

Totally untraceable.

There's still one circuit l haven't cracked.

Lord knows what it does.

Keep at it, huh?

Devon, did you run my check on Stephen Barnes?

Yes, Michael.

His credentials are impeccable.

Hired by Macroplex straight out of Caltech he had a fast rise to his present position.

He's an A-l security risk.

Even the best turn sour, huh?

Guys, l think l've got it.

Michael, Bonnie, be careful! That circuit you just opened, it's a time b*mb.

How much time?

About eight seconds.

Open the trunk.

Careful, Michael, it's very delicate.

Three seconds, Michael.

You okay?



That little device packs an astonishing punch.

We'll never get the smell out of the upholstery.

Soltis thinks of every possibility, doesn't he?

lf these things are discovered, they self destruct.

Yes, along with everyone in the vicinity.

And we don't know who can detonate them.

What if Macroplex isn't the only building they've wired?

Michael, what are you doing?

l still hold an ace.

l got that picture of Soltis.

l wanna meet Barnes with it.

What could trigger this device?

Exposing it to an electrical charge exceeding 400 volts would do it, Michael.


Michael l want those men.

You and me both.

Michael, you realize Soltis could detonate that building anytime.

That's why l need Barnes.

l want to scare him into defusing the wiretaps.

Then we'll get Soltis.

If he knows how.

I'm scanning for him now.

Any sign of him, KlTT?

Not yet, Michael.

He's right behind you.

How's his blood pressure?


Where's the picture?

Where's the money?


l know what this does.

l know everything this does.

Now, throw the g*n away.


Don't mess with me.

lf l go, l don't mind taking slime like you with me.

l'll blow us both up.

Now, throw the g*n away.


What do you want?

l want Soltis.

And you're gonna testify.

You're going to be my star witness.

No! You k*lled my husband.

You took everything away from me.

Janet, don't.

Michael, don't! l'm going to k*ll you just like you k*lled my Kevin.



Not this way.

Kevin really liked you.

He really cared about you.

l cared about him, too-- Oh, the hell you did! Janet, you can't do this.

You're gonna die.

Just like my Kevin.

Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! You don't know what you're doing.

Murdering Barnes won't help anything.

lt'll help how l feel inside.

No, it won't.

lt won't.

Now you might have cost us our one chance at getting the man who's really behind Kevin's death.

Now, do you understand that?

All right.

All right, let's go.

l want you to stay inside KlTT until l say it's okay.

Hannigan! Hannigan, where is everybody?

Hannigan sent them all home, Barnes.

What are you doing here?

Where is Hannigan?

Relax, he told me everything.

Give me the pictures and the interceptor.

l didn't get them.

l'm here to help you.

l managed to clear the site so you can do what you've got to do.

Which is?

Turn on the power and destroy the building.


l'll pull all the boxes.

There's still time.

Barnes, our work is finished here.

l survive because l know how to cut my losses.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

What about my job?

My life?

What happens to me now?

l've taken the liberty.

How does Montevideo sound to you?

Feed the energy into the structure.

We'd better be a mile away when it blows.

l have a car waiting.

You will be safe, okay?

Now hurry up.

ls everything ready?

l plugged the power trunk into the communication grounds.

lt'll take a minute to warm up but when that voltage reaches 400, we'd better be long gone.

Over there with Barnes.

It's Soltis, Michael.

You take care of him.

l'll get the car.

All right.

KlTT, that generator, is it wired to the building?

Yes, but, Michael, it's powering up.

We gotta stop it! Michael, look out! That thing is huge! He almost got us.

You're telling me.

The voltage on that generator is rising fast.

One thing at a time.

Hang on.

Damn! Michael, I have no traction.

KlTT, you all right?

Some peripheral systems are damaged, Michael, but I'm structurally sound.

And more current is reaching the building.

l don't believe this! Believe it.

You wanted revenge.

Now you're gonna get it.

l'm not taking any chances, KlTT.

We're going right through him.

The generator is going critical.

Give it all you got, pal! Michael! It's too close! Hit it! The generator! The whole building is going to explode! Stay here! KlTT, any chance you can get into what's left of the crane's control circuits?

It might work.

Okay, partner.

Give him the works.

Right away, Michael.

Well, you look great in cement.

You're gonna spend a lot of years behind it.

So, they restored all of his insurance money, and his benefits.

Not to mention his good name.

That most importantly of all.

l think l'll make it now.

l don't know how to thank you.

You really want to thank me?

You just be happy.

That's the best thanks l could have.

l'll do my best.

Hey, Billy.


Hey, guys! Hey, now, don't start on me.

School got out an hour ago, and l've been in class every day.

I'm glad to hear that.

ln fact, l've even got something for the teacher.

Oh, Billy, you shouldn't have.

Well, that's really nice.

Really weird, but really nice.

Oh, it's not for Mrs.


lt's for KlTT.

l figured he didn't like apples.

What's so funny?

Let's have it.