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01x06 - When We Were Young

Posted: 05/12/23 08:16
by bunniefuu



All right. See ya.

- You hungry?
- You know I work in a restaurant, right?

Right. Yeah. Go get some takeout.

I haven't had food poisoning in
a while so I'm probably overdue.

The customers love everything
but the food. [EXHALES SHARPLY]

That I believe. What's not to like?





- It's pretty good.
- Mmm?

- Gonna watch with me?

I don't know if you've
ever heard of the LSAT

- but it's actually kind of hard.

You crushed the last two pre-tests.
You can relax for minutes.

- I'll watch the last five. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah. Now you're talking.

- sh*t!



Holy sh*t.

That's gotta be a flat.

Can't find a jack.

I think we're going to
have to call Triple A.

Can I borrow your cell?

Already texting my dad.

This is how you want
me to meet your father?

It's fine.

I smell like curly fries.

I like curly fries.


Just relax.

This is not what you think.

[GRADY] Do you have any idea
how dangerous Nicholas Bell is?

He's one of the most notorious
mob lawyers in the country.

He was consigliere to
the Campano organization.

Consigliere? What is this,
The Godfather?

No, this is the most sophisticated
organized crime syndicate

in North America. They've
got more money than God

and none of the quaint
charms of Vito Corleone.

I get it. They're dangerous.

You don't get it.

These are nameless,
faceless, brutal men.

The evidence your husband provided
put eight high-level members

of the organization behind bars,
in addition to Nicholas Bell.

That's why he had to disappear.

Which he managed to
do pretty successfully

until The Shop made national news.

Why didn't Owen leave The Shop?

Why didn't he just quit when he
realized what Avett was doing?

Might have been too late, or
maybe Avett had something on him.

- He threatened me...
- Avett?

- Over the phone.

He said something about how
Owen's history didn't line up.

Yeah. Owen would have had to try
and fix things from the inside,

and when he couldn't...

Is that Owen's?

He sent it to me.

Owen kept track of everything
that happened at The Shop.

Formal memos, emails. It's a
log of what Avett was doing.

How Owen tried to fix it.

So why didn't Owen just
go to the FBI and explain?

He would have been in danger as
soon as the FBI took his prints.

Campanos have people everywhere.

He couldn't take that
risk. He had to run.

If these people find Bailey...

They're not gonna.

You don't know that. You
have no idea where she is.

I got a dozen officers
combing the streets.

- They're gonna find her.
- What if they don't?

- You expect me to just sit here...
- You are in just as much danger as Bailey.

I cannot have you out there. So, yeah.

I want you to sit here and talk
to me about what's gonna happen

when we bring her back in.

What's going to happen
is we're leaving Austin.

- Going home.
- Hannah, you're not listening.

There is no going home. Not anymore.


This is crazy.



[TWIN ] Who are you?

Oh, my God.

I was just leaving.

Hey, wait, wait, wait. Wait.

And, boys, go to your room. Now.

Um. You should come inside. Please.


A girl just went in
the house. Could be her.

[NICHOLAS] On my way.




[ETHAN] Mr. Bell?

None of that.

Please, call me Nicholas.

Nice to meet you. Ethan.

About time. Kate talks about you a lot.

Most of it's good.

Well, this wasn't exactly the
way I wanted to meet you, sir.

Oh, I don't know. There
are worse ways to meet.

You don't have to worry
about me forgetting your name.

There is such a thing
as studying too much.

Not if you're trying to
get into a good law school.

Okay, smart-ass.

How about getting out of the
car and letting us get to work?

[CHUCKLES] Thanks for coming, Dad.

- Mm-hmm.
- [KATE] Mmm.

Now don't scare him off, okay?

- [NICHOLAS] Who, me?
- Dad.

How much do you know about WITSEC?

Witness Protection? Seems a
little extreme, doesn't it?

See for yourself.

[GRADY] These guys wear Brioni
suits, join country clubs,

and tell their neighbors
they work in securities.

That's how the new regime operates

quietly, efficiently, and without mercy.


[GRADY] Yeah.

They send the same kind of messages
guys like this have always sent.

This is box of , by the way.

Go through them all if
you need more convincing.

No. Hmm. That's okay. Um, I got it.


Was Owen... [STAMMERS]
Ethan involved in all this?

Let's just say once you're
in Nicholas Bell's orbit,

it's hard to keep the
sh*t off your shoes.


- [ETHAN] Need some help with that?
- Nope.

All right. We're good.



So you, um... you grew up in Midway?

Yeah. Just a little outside.

Well, my brother spent some
time not too far from there.

Yeah? [GRUNTS] Whereabouts?

Texas State Penitentiary.

Cops found a joint in
his glove compartment.

[SMACKS LIPS] Was a petty drug charge
but it wasn't his first so, uh...

[SIGHS] ... he was in for a long time.

And the thing that always got
me was that he would have walked

with a halfway decent lawyer,

but we were dirt poor,

and the court-appointed moron
slept his way through the trial.

Is that why you became a defense lawyer?

One of the reasons.

[CHUCKLES] You like that car?

Wait till you drive it.

I'm a little rusty on stick.
Not sure that's a good idea.

Are you serious about my daughter?

Yes, sir.

Well, good. I can live with
you burning out my clutch.

[ANDREA] How much did
he tell you about them?

Not a lot.

What do you remember?

I... I remember you... A little.

[SIGHS] Yeah, you, uh...
You loved our backyard.

[CHUCKLES] You used to
spend a lot of time here.

[STAMMERS] I don't
understand any of this.



Something happened a long time ago

with your grandfather and your father.

[SIGHS] Your dad, he,
uh... he had to go.

He had to take you, and go.


It's, um... [SIGHS] It's complicated.

Three days ago, my dad disappeared

and then I learned that he lied to me

about literally my whole life.

My name, my birthday. Everything.

So... I appreciate the fact
that you're not lying to me.

But could you please
explain what's going on?


A lot of people talk
about saving the world.

I say, start in your own backyard.

- What?


Don't tell me you're one of those rubes

who think prosecutors are the good guys?

[STRAINS] It's not really
my area of expertise.

[NICHOLAS] Okay, well, it's
mine. And let me tell you.

Public defenders' offices are
underfunded and understaffed,

and it makes for a shitty defense
for people who need it the most.

People who have nothing. People
who grew up like you and I did.

You know that % of
my clients are pro bono?

I'm not saying I'm a saint.

And, obviously,

I have some colorful
clients who pay the bills...

[SMACKS TONGUE] ... but they
deserve a fair trial too.

And you'll be surprised at
how many of them are innocent.

Of what they've been charged at least.


[GRADY] Nicholas had a
real hold on your husband.

Owen loved Kate.

And Nicholas was so damn
charming, so worldly.

He was a poor kid, like Owen.

Picked himself up. Had
everything Owen wanted.

Great family, great life.

- Did Owen go to work for him?
- No.

But when Nicholas asked
Owen for help, Owen obliged.

- "Help?"
- When you defend people like this,

there's a line you don't cross
if you want to stay out of jail.

You don't tell them
how to evade the law.

You don't help them commit a crime.

And you most certainly don't relay
orders from leadership behind bars

to family members on the outside.

- Nicholas crossed those lines.
- Yeah.

And when he started passing
messages for his clients,

he needed those
messages to be protected.

Owen set up that
encryption system for him.

Did he know what was in the messages?

No. No, Nicholas didn't
want Owen exposed like that

and Owen didn't want to know.

At least till Kate was k*lled.

Owen said that was a... an accident.

It was a hit-and-run.

It was intentional?

It happened on a quiet street,

exactly one block from the park

where Nicholas took Bailey every Friday.


Nicholas had just refused a
big case for the organization.

They weren't happy with him.

They'd made some threats.

Of course, after Kate was k*lled,

the Campanos insisted
they weren't responsible,

that it was most likely a competitor

trying to mess with Nicholas's loyalty.

But it didn't matter to Owen.

Owen was convinced someone in
that world had m*rder*d Kate

to send Nicholas a message.

And Nicholas was to blame.

So it was my grandfather's fault?

He's why my mother was k*lled?

[ANDREA] It was hard to say. [SIGHS]

I, uh, prefer not to think
that but... [INHALES DEEPLY]

... your dad, he... he got angry
with your granddad and with himself.

He decided to make things right.

What do you mean?

He decided your grandfather's
clients should pay.


[GRADY] Owen had access to everything.

Because it was his encryption system.

Yeah. So he took all the messages
and turned them over to the feds.

enough to nail a few key players

and blow up a sizable chunk
of their domestic oxy business.

Of course Nicholas knew more.

The feds tried to flip him, but...

he refused to cooperate.

He did six years instead of
turning on that organization.

Which they appreciated.

But it took a huge toll on his family.

And as far as Nicholas is concerned,
Owen is responsible for all of it.

And that kind of wound
doesn't get smaller over time.

So you guys must love my dad?

I'm, uh, not going to
lie, it was a dark time.

Your grandfather went to prison.

Your grandmother, she got sick.

We lost her a few years ago.

Charlie and I split right after.

[SIGHS] But, look, um, that...
that's not the whole story either.

We loved your dad. And
you. And our family.

Things were really happy here.

Until they weren't.


Things change and things fall apart.

[INHALES SHARPLY] All the more
reason to hold on to memories.


What memories?



Pick a photo. I'll tell you the story.


- [GUARD] How far out are you?
- [NICHOLAS] About a half hour.

He's driving as fast as he can.

Let me know if she moves.

You got it.

[GRADY] Hannah.

I know it sounds scary but
we need to talk about WITSEC.

- Why?
- Excuse me?

Why do we have to talk about it?

Because Nicholas Bell
is a dangerous man.

There's no telling what he'll do here.

And if the Campanos get
ahold of you or Bailey...

Right. I get it.

But why do we have to talk about it?

Why aren't Bailey and
Owen already in WITSEC?

And, based on what you're saying,
shouldn't they have been put

in witness protection in the first
place back when all this started?

They were supposed to be but...

things didn't go down
the way Owen wanted.

What the f*ck does that mean, Grady?

There was a leak.

The organization got ahold
of their new identities.

We caught it before the
relocation but Owen was done.

Disappeared on his own.

How'd you know where he was?

He needed some help over the years.

I guess he trusted me.


I don't know. You'll
have to ask him that.


Bailey's phone's been
off for over an hour.

The last known address is the hotel.

[GRADY] And no word from
any of our guys in the field?

- [COLLEAGUE] Not yet.
- Okay.

- How do I get an outside line?
- Dial nine. Unless you want privacy.

- What do you think?

Who you calling?

- Jules Nichols.
- [HANNAH] Hey, it's me.

Where are you?

Still in Austin. Bailey's missing.

[SIGHS] sh*t.

Jules, I need you to find Bobby.

If anyone will know where
Bailey's gone, it's him.

You don't have his number?

No. But I dropped Bailey at his
house in Mill Valley a couple times.

Okay. Address.

Crescent Avenue.

[SIGHS] I'm on my way.

He doesn't look...



What does dangerous look like?

Nothing's black-and-white
with your grandfather.

Or with your father.


You don't hate him?

My dad?

[SIGHS] No one wanted things
to happen the way they did.


And we felt that there were other
choices your dad could've made

that we wanted him to make.

... we understood his anger
and why he felt the only way

to keep you safe was to get you as
far away from Nicholas as possible.

But, I mean... [STAMMERS]

... you must have been
upset when we just vanished?

Um... That's not exactly how
it happened. [INHALES DEEPLY]

What do you mean?

You'd just lost your mom.

Couldn't let you lose your dad too.

Even though we didn't agree with
his decision, ours was clear.

You helped him.

[INHALES DEEPLY] We helped you.


[NICHOLAS] A suspicious
death in custody?

Incredible. You are making my night.


Good news on a case.

A suspicious death is good news?

Can be in my line of work.

I didn't mean to sound
like I was... I was judging.

- I was just, uh...
- Judging?


I hear you wanna teach.

Uh, yeah. Yeah, I
want to be a professor.

But teaching positions in applied
mathematics aren't easy to come by.

Well, they must love you at UT.

Kate said that you placed
in the Putnam Competition.

I had great professors.

Well, Kate's mother and I, we
have, uh... we have friends there.

We can certainly put
in a good word for you.

That's... That's very
generous but I am...

I plan to try my luck a lot of places.

- You don't like UT?
- No, I do.

- Best school in the greatest state.
- Mm-hmm.

Why would you ever want to leave?

It's a big world.

It is smaller than you think.

You will break her mother's heart
if you talk her into leaving Texas.

I don't think I ever
talked your daughter

into anything she wasn't already set on.


Why are we taking streets?

There was traffic on the loop.
I thought this would be faster.

Clearly it's not.
Let's pick up the pace.

[HANNAH] Yeah, I don't understand.

If there was a leak before, why
won't there be a leak this time?

- Because you'll be getting me.
- Owen had you before.

I was junior, I couldn't
protect him then.

But I'm in a different position now.

If I believe that, which
I'm not sure I do...

how does this work?

We set you up with new
social security cards,

housing, a stipend,

fake transcripts for Bailey,
help you find a new occupation.

New occupation?

Yeah. You'll need to give up
identifying jobs and hobbies,

things that might make it
possible to track you down.

- And woodworking is...
- Wood turning.

Distinctive. So, that's out.

So is Bailey's theater stuff. And...

Bailey's theater stuff?
It's her whole world.

And no contact with anyone.

We have to assume they'll be
monitoring everyone you now know.

A single phone call or email
could lead them right to you.


Putting me aside...

You are asking a -year-old to give
up everyone, everything she knows.

Everything she loves.

It's the last thing Owen would want.


If everything you're saying
is true, he had a plan.


I'm pretty sure he left

because he wanted Bailey
to be able to stay put.


Maybe. Maybe you're right.

Maybe that was his plan.

Maybe this isn't what he wanted.

But you f*cked that all
up when you came to Austin.

I didn't... I... [STAMMERS]

Nobody knows who we are.

- W... we didn't...
- You went to The Never Dry.

Do you know how many
cameras are on that bar?

If Nicholas doesn't already
know who you are, he will soon.

Nicholas Bell wouldn't
hurt his own granddaughter.

Maybe. But the men he
worked for are ruthless.

There's no telling the kind of leverage

they'd use to get Owen
to turn himself in.

This can't be the best option.

Owen put me in a good position to
negotiate with the FBI on his behalf.

So he can join you and
Bailey once you're settled.

Once it's safe.

But you have to trust me here.

This is your only option.

I don't trust anyone.

[KATE] Five bites.

[YOUNG BAILEY] What about one bite?

- Oh,

I think we've got another
lawyer in the family.

It's okay if she doesn't want the
bananas. More for the banana monster

- [YOUNG BAILEY] I want it.

- [ETHAN] What? Really?

[NICHOLAS] Oh. Look at that,

- a lawyer and a charmer.

Oh, this is just stuff from our wedding.

- I can fast-forward.
- No. Please.



[HANNAH] So, if we do this, Bailey
is gonna have to start over again.

[GRADY] Not exactly.

Larry, bring in the thing.

At least now she knows. And she
won't be starting from scratch.

[HANNAH] What the...

Thanks, Grady. You picked up my
untransportable sack full of cash.

That's so thoughtful of you.

- You broke into my f*cking house.
- [GRADY] I'm sorry.

I didn't think it was a good
look to have this under the bed

of a guy whose tech firm is
under investigation for fraud.

The money is clean.

Owen must have squirreled
it away over the years.

And honestly, you're lucky.

He prepared for this.

He didn't prepare me.

He didn't tell me anything.

Neither of you did.

That was for your safety and Bailey's.

How'd that work out?

He could've told me.
He could've trusted me.


Owen reached out just
before he proposed.

That's the last time we talked.

He said he'd never been
in love like that before.

Said you were a game-changer.

It had been ten years.

You can start to feel
safe after ten years.

So when he asked me what I thought,

I told him not to tell you anything.

[SIGHS] Actually, I told
him not to marry you at all.

Thanks for that.

He wasn't gonna listen. It's Owen.

You know how fierce
he is about his people.

And he was in love.

But he did want to
protect you from all this.

I told him the only way to do that

was for you to have
complete deniability.

That's why he didn't tell you.

He figured it was his
burden to carry alone.

You both underestimated
me. I could've handled this.

Yeah. I know that now.

And it's how I know you're going
to do what you have to here.

To take care of that girl.

Grady, what you're
asking me feels wrong.

Because it is.


[SIGHS] It's your friend.

Hey, Jules.

Hey. Look, Bobby's got nothing.

He says they haven't
spoken, just texted.

- Do you believe him?
- No, not really. But he's not talking.

Are you still there? Can
you put him on the phone?

- Look, Han, I don't think that's...
- Jules, please.


Okay. All right. Give me a sec.


[BOBBY] I got it!


[HANNAH] Bobby. Bobby, are you
there? Please, it's important.

[SIGHS] Hey, Hannah.

I need to know where she is.

Look, I... I just talked to Jules.

I know, Bobby. But she's in danger.

What do you mean?

It's complicated.

You need to believe me.

I'd do anything to keep her
safe. I know you would too.

Please, Bobby. We don't
have a lot of time.

O... Okay. Look, um, she thought
that maybe this woman was her aunt.

She seemed kind of shook up.

We... We looked it up on Google
and there was an address.

- Andrea?
- Yeah, that's right.

Thank you, Bobby.

- Andrea Reyes' house.
- Yeah. I'm going. Stay here.

This is the Marshal's office.
Request for local backup in Hyde Park,

home of Andrea Reyes,
West st Street.

[NICHOLAS] How long?

[DRIVER] GPS has us in
Hyde Park in less than ten.

I can make it in seven.

[KATE] Love you, Dad.

Sunday night you'll come to
dinner. Meet my wife, Meredith.

Sure. It's good to meet you, sir.

- Oh. Don't "sir" me. Makes me feel old.

Be seeing you soon, Ethan.


[NICHOLAS] Did you see Arturo's brother?

[ETHAN] Looks like one
hell of a linebacker.

That could be our season.

[BAILEY] Huh. They really got along.

[ANDREA] Yeah. Thick as thieves.
Apparently from the night they met.

- Hey, babe.
- [KATE] Hi, love.

- Your reception was at The Never Dry?
- Where's the peanut? Oh!

[CHUCKLES] My idea.

[SIGHS] Charlie's grandparents
were married there.

- And his parents.
- [ETHAN] Wow.

I liked the tradition.

- [ETHAN] Wow. Oh, yeah.


I just...

I... [BREATHES SHAKILY] ... can't
believe that I never got to...

That I had a family. [SIGHS]


You still have a family.





[HANNAH] "Next of kin." Hmm.

Jules Nichols.

- [HANNAH] Hey, it's me.
- Did they find her?

[SIGHS] Not yet. I... I can't.

But do you still have the
will on you? Owen's will?

Yeah, why?

Was just wondering who's listed
as, uh, Bailey's guardian?

Okay, um. [SIGHS] Give me
a sec. Let me pull over.

All right. All right. I've
got it. Okay. Let me see.

Well, Hannah, it's you.

You're listed as her guardian
in the event of Owen's death

or his inability to fulfill
parental responsibilities.

Anyone else? Besides me?

Y... Um, yes. Yeah.

Uh. If you're incapable, it...
it... it's a Charles Smith.

[STAMMERS] Um, a Charles
Smith and an Andrea Reyes.

Hannah, what is going on?

- Is there something you're not telling me?

Ms. Hall, Grady's on the
phone. He said it was urgent.

Jules, I gotta go.

- Grady.
- [GRADY] We got her.

We're getting in the car now. We'll
head right back to the station.

God. Can I talk to her?

Yeah, quickly.


Bailey. You're okay?

[BAILEY] I'm fine. I'm so sorry.

My phone d*ed. I...
I should've told you.

- [HANNAH] It's okay.

Hannah, she's my aunt.

Andrea's my aunt.

I know. I understand. I'm not mad.

But... I have to do something, Bailey.

Don't say anything.

I just... I need you to trust me. Okay?

Do you trust me, Bailey?

Yeah, I do.


Okay, good.

Get back here safe.
And be nice to Grady.




I need you to call our friend
in the Marshal's office.

Ms. Hall, can I help you?

Going to the restroom.




You gotta be f*cking kidding me.

You need to take me to him.


to talk to your father.