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02x21 - Radio Free Freddie

Posted: 05/12/23 18:07
by bunniefuu

Did I ever tell you about my
uncle who was a paratrooper?

No, why don't you
tell me about him.

Okay, well his name
was sky kotter.

He decided to
become a paratrooper.

He wanted to jump out of planes.

So he goes to this school
and the instructor takes him

Up in a plane, right?

And he says, okay, when
we jump out of the plane,

Your chute's gonna
open automatically.

Now, if it doesn't
open automatically,

You pull your emergency chord.

Now, if your emergency
chord doesn't open the chute,

You pull your super
emergency chord.

And that'll open it.

And when you get to the
ground, they'll be a truck,

Pick you up and take
you back to the school.

Okay, he jumps out of the
plane, the chute doesn't open.

Pulls his emergency
chord, still doesn't open.

Pulls his super emergency chord.

It still doesn't open!

Passes the instructor
on the way down.

He said, you know, with
my luck, I bet the truck

Won't be there either.

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Your dreams were
your ticket out ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ To that same old place
that you laughed about ♪

♪ Well the names
have all changed

Since you hung around ♪

♪ But those dreams have remained

And they've turned around ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Yeah, we tease him a lot

'Cause we got him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back, welcome
back, welcome back ♪

Hi, guys.

Hey, mr. Kotter.

We're all set to go
to the radio station.

Oh, I am so excited.

I don't know what to do.

I really can't believe it.

We're gonna meet wally the wow.

I mean, he's like my
favorite dj, really.

Was it true that he was
a sweathog or what?

Yeah, vinnie, but he went
here he wasn't whally the wow.

He was whally the weasel wexler.

But we always knew he
was gonna be a disk jockey.

How come?

Well, there were little
signs like he would get up

In the cafeteria and
ask us to rate the ravioli.

Well, I'll tell ya,
weasel I give it an 87.

I mean, it's easy to eat,
but it's hard to dance too.

Hey, well thanks for
settin' that all up, mr. Kotter,

But I ain't sold on
doin' no radio show.

I mean, what do I say?

Yeah, we're gonna get
all tongue tied, I know it.

Are you guys kidding?

In class, I can't
shut you people up.

I don't know with all
those people out there.

Look, forget they're out there.

Like sometimes
you forget I'm here.

Yeah, yeah, sure, freddie,
let's just think of it like as

We're talkin' to ourselves.

Yeah, I know what you
mean, when I was a little kid,

I used to always talk to myself.

I used to say,
hey, vinnie, right?

And then I'd sit back and
say, what, what do you want?

And then I'd say,
don't yell at me.

I'd say, shut up.

If I wanna yell at
you, I can yell at you.

I was so hard to get along with.

Well, I didn't talk to
myself when I was a kid.

I talked to ralph.

Your brother?

No, ralph was a duck.

He used to sit on my shoulder.

You talked to a duck?

Well, he wasn't a real duck.

He was an invisible duck.

See, I mean, you all
couldn't see him, only me.

Freddie, I know you're scared.

But when you sit down at
that big wbad microphone,

Forget that you talkin' to a
lot of strangers out there.

Pretend you're just
talkin' to your friend.

Ralph the duck.

Well it's okay with me.

What do you think, ralph?

Hey, wait a minute,
this can't be right.

This place is a whole
lot bigger on the radio.

Hey, hey, hey.

Listening to the big
sounds of the meter readers

And their brand new disco hit,
baby stick my head in your oven.

Oh, I can't believe it.

It's whally the wow in person!

All the hits keep rollin' on.

Here's one from the reverend
funk and the vienna boys boogie

Band entitled, I threw my
heart in the collection plate.

You got it because
you asked for it.

Well, well, well, here they
are, the sweathogs class of '78.


In your case, make
that class of '85.

Whally, on behalf
of all the guys,

We wanna let you know
that you're the greatest.

Okay, take it easy
on the shirt, man,

It's an oldie, but it's
a goodie, you know?

It's an oldie but it's a goodie.

Oh he is so hip!

So very, very hip.

Why don't you guys have a seat?

We got a few minutes here
before we have a start.

Will you guys sit down!

Fortunately for you guys,
movin' around isn't important

In radio.

But you know, bein' on the
air, there's a little more to it

Than just rappin' on the
microphone and playin' records

For people.

See behind every star, like me,
you have an engineer, producer,

Librarian, sound effects man.

So, um, where are they all?

That's him over my shoulder.

He locked himself
in the booth again.

Boys, this is andy from
mit, my engineering wizard.

How do, andy, how do?

I'm sorry, mr. Wow,
I did it again.

I locked myself in the booth.

I'm sorry, I don't know what...

Andy, why don't you do
everybody a favor and just stop

Trying so hard to try so hard.

I'll try, mr. Wow.

But I noticed that the record
was almost over, mr. Wow,

And I don't know what to do now.

Well, ugh, you might
just think about puttin'

On another one, andy.

I learn so much from this man.

So much.

I'm sorry, I can glue this.

Hey, andy, look one more
thing about the records, man,

Before you go, don't put 'em on
the radiator anymore, will ya?

They melt.

This mornin', I found the
captain all over marie

And donny stuck
to tennille, man.

Oh, gross.

Okay, guys, I'm
going on the air.

I'm gonna introduce you
now, but I want you to be quiet

Until I give you the cue.

I'm first.

It's real nice of you
to let us in here, man.

It's nice to see
this radio station.

How much you get paid?

Hey, mr. Wow, what's this
thingy majigy here called?

It's called being off the air.

Now, come on, whally the
wow is warm and whally the wow

Is wonderful, you know?

Yeah, you're all right with me.

But I tell ya, turn that dial
once more and I can really

Get into breakin' your fingers.

Oh, mr. Wow, this is
certainly a great opportunity.

Thank you.

♪ I really mean it ♪

♪ Shoo-be whapo wa ♪♪

Are you finished?

Good, because I think
you loosened a couple

Of my fillings.

Shut up, you're embarrassing me.

Hey, guys be quiet.

A little quiet,
would you please?

Quiet on the set!

- Rollin'.
- Action.

Okay, dig it, fans.

Whally the wow
is back on the line.

And you've just been listenin'
to one of the big sounds

I know you dig.

It's the crosswords and
love is a three letter word.

And you're listening to wbad.

We're bad.

And speakin' of bad, I think
it's time now for me to turn

Over the microphone, turn
our station in fact over

To four young men who've
come down here representing

Buchanan high school.

And they're here because
this week it's whally the wow's

Tribute to the stars of
tomorrow today right here on wbad.

So, let's get to it, let's
meet a couple of them.

They're gonna be
here all week long.

Let's meet 'em one by one.

What's your name son?

And that's uh, that's
arnold horshack, whally.

Oh, ok, well, what's your name?

Um, um, um, so help me,
I knew when I woke up

This morning, arnold.

He's juan epstein, whally.

That's right, juan epstein.

Okay, and the tall, dark
handsome guy back here,

Who's that?

- Freddie washington.
- Vinnie barbarino.

Well, we're off to
a real wbad start.

And you know what that
means, that means that's bad.

Let's take our time and
go around here one by one

And see what's on your mind.

Arnold, whally the wow is
giving you the microphone

And giving you a chance to
express your inner most thoughts

In your own words.

It is now exactly 4:17
right here in the heart

Of the badlands.

Thanks, arnold for sharing
your thoughts with us today.

Juan, do you have anything
you'd like to add to that?

No, no, my friend arnold
here pretty much summed up

All my feelings.

Dear whally, whenever I
think of that glorious night

At sneaky bo-bo's motor
inn, I nearly go crazy.

It's 78 degrees out
there in the badlands.

Hey, that's what I like.

A young man that's
willing to go out on a limb

For a temperature
he believes in.

Hey, vinne, come
on over here, man.

You got a pretty tough act
to follow here these two guys.

But, uh, you wanna
take a cr*ck at it?


Very well put, vinnie.

Yeah, I think what we
oughta do right now

Is maybe get back to
some of the music here

On the land of wbad.

And let me pick
out a tune that's...

Hey, wait, wait, wait a
minute, hold on, wait...

Hey, we're right on the air now.

Yeah, I know that, but I
mean but what is this we?

What about me?

I didn't get a chance.

Look, let me show
you what I mean.

Hey, boom boom's my
name and radio's my game.

So, pick up a
chair, don't despair

Because freddie's
here and you got his ear.

Am I right, brothers?

Right, yeah!

Okay, now I believe there's
a lot of people out there

That wanna hear what
young people think.

Can I get an amen?

Amen, freddie.

All right, now, the trouble
is, people are just too busy

To stop, so relax.

Lay down, and lay back.

And you just give
old freddie a call.

'Cause remember, the day
goes better when you call

Freddie's letters.

That's b-a-d-l-a-n-z.

All right, badlands.

Wow says, give a listen
to my man freddie here,

And give him a call.

Freddie knows
what's bad for ya'll.

Thanks a lot, whally.

Now, come on, there, pick up
that phone and give me a call.

Whally the wow.

Oh, for you.

Hi there.

Yeah, what's that, honey?

Hmm-mmm, huh-ha.

You say your last date
you went out with the most

Conceded guy you ever met?

Spent the whole night
lookin' at himself in the mirror

And drooling?

And what should you do?

Break all his mirrors
and get him a bib.

Hello, room service?

Send up a room.

You don't got a
room, send up a hall.

Yeah, he's right here.

It's for you.

This one's gonna be for me.


This one's for you.

Oh, excuse me, just a second.

Hello, hello.

Yeah what's your problem?

This one is definitely
gonna be for me.


Hey, ma!

Yeah, it's me, it's
little arnold.

Did you see me on the radio?


You... Ah.

She wants to talk to you.

Hello, yeah hi.

Oh, yeah, you heard
arnold on the radio, huh?

And he shattered
all your wine glasses.

Hey, this guy's great.

Hey, freddie, why don't
you give us a chance?

Yeah, we don't gotta
be ignored like this.

That's right, my
mother's got nine kids.

If I wanna be ignored,
all I gotta do is go home.

Hey, man, can I help it if
everybody wants to talk

To freddie boom boom washington?

I mean, you got to give
the public what they wants.

Hello, yes?

Well, you give the public
what they want, freddie.

We don't have to be here.

Bye, bye, boom boom.

I guess they just don't
understand us stars.

To tell you the
truth, I'm havin' a little

Trouble myself, man.

Hey, boom boom, let me
set you straight, man.

Go ahead, partner, sh**t.

First of all, we're
not partners.

You've been on the
air for three days.

The wow has been
at it for 15 years.

The wow's up here,
the boom's down here.

The wow here, the boom here.

Wow, boom, get it?

Yeah, sorta.

Well you better get it or I'll
lower the boom boom down here.

Wbad knows what's bad for you.

Hi, can I speak to
mr. Wow, please?

Yeah, huh-ha, no problem.

Here, it's for you.

Hey, whally the wow's
fans are comin' back home.

Hello, whally the wow.

Hi, mr. Wow, it's andy.

Andy, who?

Andy in the booth,
you know, engineer.

Well, what do you want, andy?

Well, I was just wondering
if you and mr. Boom

Would sometime maybe
like to come in here and talk

To the people on avenue a.

See, the last record
ended three minutes ago,

And it's sort of quiet in here.

Whally the wow,
and we're back again.

This is whally the wow
with his newest discovery,

Boom boom washington.

And what you just heard
was, what you just heard was...

What you just heard
was the heavy new sound

Of nothin's happening
and their great new hit,

Andy goofs again.

Hey, I think it's about
time to listen to a message

From bernie, the
neighborhood tailor who says,

It ain't no joke when
your zipper's broke.

Nothin' happenin',
andy goofs again.

How'd you think that up so fast?

Well, that's the difference
between the wow and the boom.

Oh, freddie, you were
wonderful on the radio, yesterday.

No he wasn't.

He was terrific!

Now, girls, girls, girls,
girls, now you know I hate

To take sides.

But I think you're both right.

Oh, uh, washington?

Excuse me, girls.

Business, mr. Woodman.

Check you all later?

Stay cool and stay smooth.

Mr. Woodman, what
can I do for you?

Well, I know you're a big
star now, but I just wanna say

I heard your show
yesterday, and I liked it a lot.

Especially that one guy
who called in and suggested

Mandatory sl*very for
high school students.

Yeah, well we get a lot of
creeps like that callin' in.


I thought I made a
rather good point.

Keep an eye on
your friend, boys.

He's gettin' awful stuck up.

I know he is.

I never thought I'd see the
day me and woodman would see

Eye to eye.

Come on, guys, now I didn't
throw ya'll out of the studio.

Ya'll took a walk.

Come on back, there's
plenty of room for all of us.

Where, in the mail room?

Answering your fan mail?

Fan mail?

You're gettin' fan...

I should be gettin' fan mail.

I'm vinnie barbarino.

I don't believe it.

I guess it's over for me now.

I guess I peaked.

Hey, buddy can you spare a dime?

You turned me into a bum.

You guys got it all wrong.

I mean, can't we
talk about this?

Oh, certainly frederick,
let's... Let's settle this

Right here and now.

Okay, all right, see, now
this is what's happening.

You see... Can we make it later?

See I'm... I gotta be on
the air in 30 minutes.

Oh yeah, oh sure, oh yeah
sure, freddie, you got it, buddy.

Hey, there he is.

Whally the wow's golden boy.

You takin' a look
at some of this stuff

That's come in here?

Got requests for
personal appearances,

New advertisers.

Well, there's even on
guy here wants to put out

A freddie washington watch.

Every hour on the hour
it lights up and says,

Hi, there.

Are you excited about all this?

How does the golden
boy feel, anyway?

Eh, the golden boy
feels a little bit tarnished

Right now, whally.

Why, what's the matter, man?

Did I come down on you a
little too hard yesterday?

It... It wasn't you,
man, it wasn't you.

See, everything
would be perfect if...

See, if only the guys
would understand.

Oh, the guys.

I know, it's your buddies.

They got jealous, right?


Well they always do, man.

Welcome to the
wonderful world of radio.

You mean, you ain't
got no friends either?

Take a look over my shoulder.

What do you see?


What's he doin'?

Trippin' over cables.

He's about to drop
a stack of records.

One, two, three...

Right now, he's pullin' on the
door tryin' to get out, right?


Now, he's lost his
grip, and he's crashing

Into the big console.

You really know him, don't you.

Yeah, but he's it, man.

That's my friend for the year.

Lucky for me, he's a nice guy.

Does... Does it have
to be that way?

Doesn't have to be, you know.

Well, how else is it
gonna turn out, man?

You spend half your
time isolated here

On the radio station all day,

Readin' requests,
answerin' the phone,

Playin' records, doin' the news.

Got no time for anything else.

Then when you do get on the
outside, maybe talk to somebody,

You find out you're talkin'
at them, not with them.

You just forget how to
listen, you know what I mean?

So then...

So then how come you
pushin' me to be a disk jockey?

Well, you got the
brains, you got the talent,

You got the personality.

And besides, I could
use another friend.

Yeah, right now, I could
use a friend myself.

That's your cue.

Hi there.

This is freddie boom
boom washington.

I want you all to know
I had a real nice week

Rotating platters and rappin'
on with all ya'll out there.

I never knew I could
like something so much.

See, the only problem
is, I like my friends more.

And since I don't know
how I can have them both,

I guess I'll be signin' off now.

So, bye then.

Now, just hold
on a second there.

What are you guys doin' here?

Well, I tried to call you,
freddie, but you wouldn't

Loan me a dime, remember?

Hey, I think maybe it's time
now to play another one

Of the friendly messages
from one of our sponsors

Here on bad.

Yeah, I don't understand.

Oh, freddie, we were the
ones who didn't understand.

It was all my fault, arnold.

I let it all go to my head.

That's true.

But freddie, at least,
we should've given you

A little more time to
come down by yourself.

You mean, you guys wouldn't
mind if I kept doin' this?

Freddie, of course
we wouldn't mind.

We want one of us to do good.

Yeah, I mean it
happens so rarely,

We just didn't know
how to handle it, right?

Yeah, and if one of us
does good, we all do good.

You know what I mean?

Hey, uh guys, I might
remind you, this is a top 40

Radio show, not a soap opera.

Well, come on, then.

Go on, do your thing.

Hi there, miss me?

Well, it's great to be
back from vacation.

This is freddie boom
boom washington.

And whally the wow comin'
at ya in tandem on wbad.

And that's bad!

Right here in the land of wbad.

So this is what's
become of whally weasel.

Hey, kotter, how ya doin'?

It's not whally the
weasel anymore.

It's whally the wow.

I've had my
consciousness raised.

I mean, how would you like
it if we were still calling you,

Clown-faced kotter?

Yeah, I see what you mean.

That was like another life.

Hey, whally, remember the
time you greased the hall

And woodman slid all the
way from the nurse's office

To the girl's locker room?

Oh, those were
the good old days.

Remember, you used to
tell all those stupid jokes

About your uncles, man?

Oh, I sure am glad
we outgrew that.

Ah, yeah, well, whally, listen.

I wanted to thank you
personally for taking care

Of my guys like that, that
was really sweet of you.

And it's great seein' you again.

It's okay, drop by anytime, man.

Okay, whally back on the line.

Hey, uh, what's your name?


Andy, did I ever tell you
about my uncle who wanted

To be a disk jockey?

You see, he wanted
to be a disc jockey,

And he went to
this radio station.

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Your dreams were
your ticket out ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ To that same old place
that you laughed about ♪

♪ Well the names
have all changed

Since you hung around ♪

♪ But those dreams have remained

And they've turned around ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Yeah, we tease him a lot

'Cause we got him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back, welcome
back, welcome back ♪♪