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04x03 - K.I.T.T. Nap

Posted: 05/13/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
If you want to get Knight you have to deal with that car of his at the same time.

Okay, pal, super pursuit mode.

Julian, he took the bait.

Michael, help.

Okay, I'm on my way.

You better turbo

-boost out of there.

Michael, I'm in trouble.

Now they got KITT.

I'm the one they want here! Open up, Knight, or I k*ll the girl.

No, Michael, don't do it! Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Sorry for the delay, Commissioner, but it's procedure.

Come on! Come on, let me in! Go! The air temperature is 93.

367 degrees.

Water, 71.

893 degrees and the winds are from the southwest at 6.

789 knots.

He doesn't miss a thing.

Listen, are his scanners programmed for continuous surveillance, or

- Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

I thought we agreed to put shop talk on hold for today.

You know what they say about all work and no play.

Yes, I do.

It's a prerequisite for a doctorate in criminology.

Right, KITT?

I refuse to answer on the grounds it constitutes an invasion of privacy.

Loosen up, will you, pal?

Devon gave Karen full approval to study all your capabilities and all your equipment for her thesis.

But not today.

Okay, let's see we got a little wine back here and some chips, a couple sandwiches.

I'm sorry to intrude, Michael but this is extremely urgent.

I had a feeling you were gonna say that.

Less than an hour ago, while the Commissioner was conducting an inspection of the state penitentiary two inmates abducted his chauffeur sh*t a couple of the guards, and then escaped in the Commissioner's car.

I understand your concern, but what's this go to do with the Foundation?

One of the felons is Jeffrey Cavanaugh.

Oh, yeah.

I remember Cavanaugh.

Cavanaugh was a syndicate hoodlum.

I had the pleasure of putting him away last year.

When last sighted, Cavanaugh and his cellmate, Lukas were headed in your direction.

Good luck, Michael.

Oh, and cave canem.

Cave canem?

What happened to ''be careful''?

Well, that's what he said in Latin.

Literally translated, it means ''beware of the dog.

'' All right.

Let's button up, pal.

Well there goes the beach.

All right, the first order of business is to access the police band and get an updated position on the getaway car.

Michael, this country is a maze of streets and freeways with millions of vehicles in transit.

Are you saying that KITT can Watch.

The vehicle was last spotted here.

Then turned east onto this secondary road towards Soledad Canyon.

All right, plot every escape route Cavanaugh has available then give me the most probable point of intercept.

I'm on to him, Michael.


Out of all those cars, he can tell which one Cavanaugh's driving?

Nope, but he can tell there's only one going 95 miles an hour.

Come on, Cavanaugh.

How much longer before we make this connection you keep talking about?

Just cool it, Lukas! I got you out of there, didn't I?

Now just back off! All right, this is Cavanaugh.

Estimated time of arrival is 45 seconds.

Are you there?

Ready to rendezvous.

Come on in.

Oh, no! What is it?

What's going on?

It's that car, man, that car that's tailing us.

I know that car.

Shall I micro

-Iock his brakes, Michael?

No, he might crash into those tanks.

What is this, man?

Where are we going?

What are we doing in here?

This is the end of the line.

Michael, hurry up, he's reloading.

Stay put.

Michael, Cavanaugh's getting away.

Any chance of micro

-locking that chopper?

Negative, Michael.

He's behind those tanks and out of my line of transmission.

$300,000, a new identity a passport, a ticket to Paraguay.

That was the deal.

That was for three months in the joint.

You let me rot in that hellhole for over a year, Julian.

That's gonna cost you.

Come on, Jeff.

What do you want me to say?

I had a judge in my pocket, and I lost him to a coronary.

It was an act of God.

There was nothing I could do.

Bull! Now, I knew Julian Martin when he was Julio Martinez and didn't even have a green card, remember?

You hit a grocery store for a couple of six

-packs and thought you'd scored big.

Come on, don't try to snow me now.

Now, you sat on your hands until I threatened to go to the DA.

Now, I could've copped a plea and walked and I still can.

A flat million, that's the deal.

You ungrateful little punk.

If it wasn't for me, you'd still be hustling in the old neighborhood.

You know you're pushing real hard for a guy who screwed up.

What're you talking about?

I'm talking about your friend Knight.

It took me two years to get him off my back.

You're out of the joint one hour and you bring him down on me again.

That's your problem, Julian.

Now I'll consider this a down payment.

Get the rest of it to me by the end of the day.


Banks are already closed for the weekend, genius.

Besides, nobody and I mean nobody, takes my money and leaves me holding the bag.

Oh, I'll take care of Knight.

But you, my friend, you're not going anywhere until he's dead.

One call and my friend sends a package to the DA, Julio.

And I can drop a dime on you like that.

And blow a cool million?


You're stupid, Jeff but not that stupid.

Now don't leave here because if you get busted, we both go down.

Devon, that chopper scooped Cavanaugh right out of my hands.

Now I'm telling you this is a lot more than a couple of cons making a run for the fence.

I agree, Michael.

Cavanaugh must have made some powerful connections while he was in prison.

I think he had them before he went in.

Let's check his records.

Go away, please.

And be quiet.

I have no intention of giving your fleas sanctuary in my upholstery.

But under the circumstances I know, I know.

I'm working on it.

All clear, pooch.

But please don't make this a habit.

My auto

-vac system isn't programmed for paw prints.

Here it is, Julian Martin.

Two years ago, he and Cavanaugh were knotted together tighter than a family of snakes.

And ever since then, Martin has posed as a model citizen and respected businessman making absolutely sure that nothing soils his hands.

Now why would he risk helping a lowlife like Cavanaugh to break out of prison?

Maybe he had no choice.

Devon, the guy Cavanaugh k*lled was an accountant, remember?

He'd blown the whistle on several of Martin's operations.

He claimed that they were syndicate laundries.

We never came up with the records that tied Martin to the victim.

You may have a point.

According to this, the prosecutor's office had to abandon the case against Martin for lack of sufficient evidence.

Could be something to do with that.

Yes, but that's merely a theory, Michael.

What we need is enough evidence to convince the jury.

Don't you see?

Martin's just given us a way to get it.

We nail Cavanaugh, we nail Martin, and vice versa.

Hey, Michael.

Now, you can't take on this Martin dude without some heavy

-duty backup, my man.

I think he's got all the backup he can handle, RC.

Remember, Michael, you said I could go as long as I stay in KITT.

That's right.

RC, I'm saving you for the double heavy

-duty action.

You dig?

RC, would you refrain from polluting this office with your canned litter?

You dig?

You got it, skipper.

Next, Ginger models a Grimaldi original in blue

-black floral lycratex.

Perfect for quick dips, quick tans, and quick changes.

Marilee wears a coral and azure v

-front She's the one I was telling you about, Councilman.

Pretty, huh?

This stunning hot pink terrycloth By the way I keep hearing more and more talk about offshore drilling areas.

I mean, if those tidelands just happen to be rezoned for commercial

- Julian, you know my commission can't be compromised in this matter.

Of course not, Councilman.

But, as you very well know everyone profits from a healthy economy.


What's he doing here?

I got people looking all over for him.

Well, it looks like he saved you the trouble.

Find out how he got past the guards.

Afternoon, gentlemen.

I don't know how you got in here, Knight but it's time to leave.

Soon as you tell me where I can find Cavanaugh.


Sorry, doesn't ring a bell.

Maybe this rings a bell.

You just broke him out of prison.

And I know why.

Jeffrey Cavanaugh?

Don't tell me.

I'd prefer not to know.


Excuse me.

Councilman! I'll clean this up in a minute.

That's right, that's right, laundry's one of your specialties.

You got away squeaky clean two years ago.

But this time I'm going to be right on top of you until I see your neck in a wringer.


His name was on the roster.

Cancel his membership.

That's no ordinary hit, Julian.

If you want to get Knight you have to deal with that car of his at the same time.

He's got to have a weak spot.

Now, you find it.

Get me Devon, will you, pal?

Right away, Michael.

Something to report, Michael?


I jerked Martin's cord, and he came right at me.

Sounds as if he has something to hide.

His name is Cavanaugh.

The question is, where?

Look, I need locations on all of Martin's operations.

I'll get Bonnie working on it right away.

Thank you.

Look, Karen, I'm sorry about all this.

Are you kidding?

I've got enough material for two PhDs.

I do think I've had enough today, though.

Me, too.

I think I'll drop you off at your home.

Nothing much is gonna happen until we get that data from Devon.


By the way, I make the best pasta primavera this side of the Spanish Steps.

What do you say?

I'd say I'd take your pasta over the Spanish Steps any day.

So did you find a way to get to Knight?

Two of them.

He works with one plays with the other.


You again?

And him again.

Doesn't he ever give up?

Come on, get in.

Kindly keep your paws to yourself, mister.

I believe the ones you're after are scurrying between those houses across the street.

Good morning, Michael.

Michael Are you all right?

You're looking a little scruffy this morning if you don't mind my saying so.

What is it?

Devon just called.

I gave him Karen's number.

He should be

- Stay right there.

I'll be right back.

Hello, Devon.

Michael, there you are.

I had some trouble getting through to you.

Julian Martin just called.

He wants to see you right away.

I'm afraid I'm still working on that information you requested.

I don't think we're gonna need it.

Sounds to me like Martin's going to cop out on Cavanaugh.

I'll get on it right away.

Look, I gotta check this out and I'll be back for breakfast.

Okay, bye.


Did I just see what I think I saw?

What do you think you saw, Michael?

I saw Forget it.

I think I should have finished that cup of espresso.

Thank you.



Sit down, please.

Why don't you order something to eat?

The food here is excellent.

You know, I like to see a new member get everything he's got coming to him.

Look, this powwow was your idea.

Why don't you just get to the point?

I don't have time to play any games.

You had plenty of time yesterday when you embarrassed me in front of the councilman.

Now it's my turn.

Seen the papers?

You know, every once in a while I come across a nasty story about someone I know.

Yeah, well, I'm working on a headline of my own.

''Julian Martin indicted.

'' Well, check tonight's edition.

You'll find one that says ''Graduate student abducted.

'' And I think her name was Karen.

Karen something.

Sit down! Relax.

You can't sh**t me here, and you know it.

Oh, yes, I can if you att*ck me.

I'll do a hell of a lot more than that if you hurt Karen.

If you think kidnapping her is gonna make me back off you're wrong, man.

It's just gonna make me come on a lot stronger.

Well, don't worry, man.

It's only a rumor.

Maybe I made a mistake.

That's two mistakes, counting Cavanaugh.

And I'm gonna use them both to nail you to the wall.

Well, it looks like she put up a fight, pal, but came out second best.

Scan everything in sight.

I'm too far away to get any detail, Michael.

All right, work through my com

-link, will you?

Hold it, Michael.

Right there.

I just picked up a handprint on that wall.

All right, run a comparison.

Start with Martin, Snyder and Cavanaugh.

I want as much hard evidence as I can get.

What's this?

It's still wet.

It appears to be a manufactured substance.

All right.

Let's do a chemical analysis, huh?

Maybe we can get a fix on where they've taken Karen.

I'm really sorry about this.

But, you know, you can thank your boyfriend for the inconvenience.

Well, I'll be sure to mention your name.


Why don't you do that?

Where's Cavanaugh?

The word is he made a call and split.

He could be anywhere.

Damn! Come here.

You know, Jeffrey and I go way back.

And whenever we were up against it the first thing we'd do was we'd make sure our insurance was still in force.

Now I'll bet you anything that right now he's with that friend who's got the evidence that's keeping him alive.

What do you want to do, Julian?

Call that lady at the phone company have her trace the call.

Get me an address, okay?


Giving it to Julian in exchange for the million?

What are you, nuts?

He'd blow me away in a second if he got his hands on this.

Oh, I'm Jodie, I'm sorry.

Look, I'm just so wired.

I got to go.

I love you, I love you.

I love you, too.

I love you.

Karen kidnapped?

That's very distressing.

I can't help feeling I should have foreseen the possibility.

Have you reported it to the authorities yet?


No, I think we should hold off.

I don't want to make it easier for Martin to k*ll her than to keep her.

Do you have any ideas as to her whereabouts?

KITT and I came up with a couple of things.

Anything yet, pal?

Yes, Michael.

The handprint belongs to Snyder, Martin's bodyguard.

I've also determined the substance is a varnish of some kind.

I'm still breaking down its chemical composition.

All right, keep at it.

Oh, and have him clear a channel, Michael.

I'm ready to transmit that data on Martin's operations.

Perhaps it'll help.

Let's hope so, Devon.

I'm the one who got Karen into this.

I wanna make sure I get her out.

This ought to do it.

What about the address your friend is running down for us?

She was off duty when I called.

Took a while to track her down.

She's working on it now.

I thought I told you not to leave.

Worried about me getting hit by a bus or something?

If you're thinking of arranging a little accident or something forget it, Julian.

I mean, anything that happens to me, the DA's gonna get that ledger.

Oh, yeah, I'd like to have my money.

Well, Knight's about to become history.

Why don't you stick around and watch?

Then you get your money.


Here's the speech.

You make it like you mean it.


Sorry it took so long, Michael.

I've finally identified the chemical composition of that varnish.

It's a polycarbonic compound with a densely packed molecular structure very similar

- Come on, pal, will you give me the bottom line?

It's a special custom

-made marine varnish.

All right.

We just narrowed the search to the marina area.

Michael Karen's calling.

I'll make it a three

-way patch.


Michael Martin's people came after me.

But I escaped.

Where are you?

Are you okay?

Just listen.

I don't have much time.

They came after me.

I'm stuck in this shipping place Ludlow and the waterfront.


I'm on my way! Michael?

Cave canem.

Okay, pal, super pursuit mode.

Julian, he took the bait.


Reel him in and gut him.

All right, we're getting close.

Let's close it down.

There doesn't seem to be anyone around, Michael.

Why are we stopping out here?

You heard what Karen said.

Cave canem.

She was warning us it's a trap, pal.

Scan the place.

See if you can locate her.

It's no use, Michael.

I'm getting too much interference.

There's a concentration of lead in the area.

All right, you go in and keep them busy.

I wanna do a little investigating on my own.

But if it's a trap, you'll be a lot safer in me.

Safe and predictable.

I'm the one they want.

While they're coming at you I want to be searching for Karen.

Tinted windows.

Okay, pal, go for it.

Any sign of him yet?

Negative, Michael.

I'm beginning to think Martin's playing games with us.

Michael, there's a giant forklift coming straight at me.

All right, keep them busy, pal.

I need all the time I can get to search for Karen.

Make that two more giant forklifts! I'm in trouble, Michael! They're going to scoop me off the ground with their forks! Okay, I'm on my way.

You better turbo

-boost out of there.

I've fallen into a trap of some kind, Michael! They've got me! KITT?

I'm in a large steel box.

I'm gonna try to turbo boost my way out of here, Michael.

Where are you, buddy?

It's no use.

I can't get a running start to generate power to penetrate steel.

Do you have any suggestions?

KITT, talk to me! Michael?

Michael, why aren't you responding?

KITT, I can't hear you.

Where are you?


Talk to me, buddy.

Talk to me! KITT?

KITT! I've scanned the area and reconstructed the movement of the vehicles.

These tread marks were made by the forklifts.

And these are definitely KITT's.

Looks like they trapped him in some sort of pincer movement.

Well, whatever they did, it worked.

They gave him one escape route he took it, ended up in that hole.

Clever dudes, man.

But where'd he go?

Judging from those other tracks, into one of the containers and trucked away.

I will handle this one myself.

Give me the U*i.

I don't understand what's going wrong, Michael.


The containers have got to be lined with lead.

KITT's always had a problem scanning because of that.

Well, they got Karen, and now they got KITT.

I'm the one they want here! Maybe I should just go to Martin and offer myself in exchange.

Hey, whoa! Hey, I'm into chivalry myself, man.

But Martin's the kind of guy that'd say to you, ''Yeah, come ahead.

'' And then he'd blow y'all away.

Come on, come on.

It's KITT! He's alive! He's transmitting a signal.

Somewhere northwest of here.

His signal's too weak to compute exactly where.

That's all we've got.

No, it isn't.

Look, we narrowed the search for Karen to the marina area.

Chances are they're keeping KITT there, too.

You're right.

The data I transmitted earlier listed numerous Martin operations on the waterfront.

I'm out of here.

Uh What are you gonna use for transportation?

What am I gonna use for transportation?

Follow me.

Stand on it, RC.

Every second counts.

You got it, my man.

You handle this rig like a pro.

It's bulletproof.

Rip open the T

-top! Get up.

Get out of there.

Open up, Knight, or I k*ll the girl.

No, Michael, don't do it! Last call, Knight.

Open up or she dies! This is the one time I'm glad you're not with me, Michael.

Knight is not there, you idiots! Great move, Julian.

Your clowns kidnapped an empty car! This is what it's all about.

I mean, like I've been kinda missing the Street Avenger action, you know, man?

Action! You and me.

Hey, wait up, wait up.

Slow down.

Slow down.

All right, we're getting close.

KITT's signal's dead ahead.

Hang a right at the next corner.

Don't give me this stuff about banking hours.

You got cash planted all over this town and I want mine now! I said when Knight's dead and I meant it.

And so did I about my little friend giving the records to the DA.

Now, you've got till noon today.

That's it.

I can't believe it.

This little punk has got me between a rock and a hard place.

That's what I get for pulling his butt out of jail.

I tell you there's nothing that I want more than to pull his plug right now.

Start pulling.

No more rock, no more hard place.

His little friend's name is Jodie Hopkins.

I've got the address right here.

Jodie Hopkins.

Cavanaugh, come here.

Actually, I got good news for you.

This little friend of yours it's somebody we grew up with, isn't it?


What's it to you?

What's this all about?


I really can't blame you for keeping her to yourself.

I mean, Jodie Hopkins was always a very special woman, wasn't she?

Any message you want me to pass on to her when I see her?


I told you I had good news.

And bad news.

We got one more piece of business with Jodie.

Hold it, RC.

Pull in here.

Wait a minute.

That building right there, that's got to be the one.

All right.

Let's rev this baby up and blow right through those doors.

Let's not and say we did.

You sit right here and you keep your hands folded.

You got that?

KITT, can you read me?

Like you were next to me, Michael.

I am, pal.

Right outside.

Oh, I was hoping you were going to say that.

How are things going in there?

Is Karen okay?

I think so, but I can't be certain.

I'm still inside this claustrophobic container and can't send lateral transmissions.

Don't worry.

Not too much longer.

How many of Martin's men are in there?

Three, from the sound of their voices.

All right, it's gonna take me a couple of minutes to get into position.

You hang in there.

I'm gonna need your help.

All right.

I wanna go in there with you, Michael.

On the outside.

You get yourself to a pay phone you call Devon and you request some police backup.

Then I'm gonna need you to back me up.

You dig?

I can dig it, my man.

I told you I was saving you for the heavy

-duty action stuff.

All right, KITT.

I'm inside.

We're gonna raid the place.

You get my meaning?

I'm reading you loud and clear.

All right.

Let's do it.

This is the police.

You're surrounded.

Throw out your g*ns and come out with your hands up! There's nothing.

Get the girl, I'll get the car! Get him, KITT! The man said, ''stay,'' and you're staying.

Good work, pal.

All right, give me some help with these cuffs.

No problem, Michael.

They're standard issue.

You, okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Martin's gone.

You know where?

I'll tell you on the way.

All right, hop in.

Head downtown.

All right, KITT.

Open the door.

All right, pal.

We don't have much time.

Super pursuit mode.

That's the house.

Okay, I 'm gonna park around the back.

I don't wanna be announced.

All right, you said you'd tell me about Martin on the way.

I'd say it's time to start talking.

Martin's got the evidence, Michael.

I figured that all along.

All right, look, we've got to b*at him to it.

Do you have any idea where he's headed?

All I know is I heard them say something about Jodie Hopkins.

That's all I've got.

Maybe that's all we need.

KITT, give me everything you got on one Jodie Hopkins.

Right away, Michael.

I found Jodie Hopkins, Michael but there are three listings.

Bel Air, Beverly Hills and South Gate.

Good work.

Question is, which one?

I don't know if this will help, Michael but I overheard something about Jodie and Cavanaugh growing up together.

Cavanaugh doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who grew up in a chic neighborhood.

Plot me the fastest course to the South Gate address.


Hi, Jodie.

Long time no see.

I'm gonna get straight to the point.

Your blackmailing boyfriend is dead.



Oh, yeah.

You're next if you don't hand over those records he gave you.

I don't have them.

Even if I knew where they were you'd k*ll me as soon as I gave them to you.

I know you would.

Well, there is only one way to find out, isn't there?

All right, I don't see Martin's car.

Scan the place for me.

I'm picking up only one person, Michael.

A female who appears nervous, but uninjured.

All right, you

- I know.

Stay put.


Who is it?

My name is Michael Knight.

I'm looking for Martin.

Open up, please.

Jodie tell me you didn't give him the evidence.

I didn't.

I didn't have it but I told him where it was.

Are you the police?

No, no.

Look, there's no time to explain.

Where's Martin?

Where'd he go?

All right, the evidence is in a brown '78 Chevy in a downtown parking structure.

The parking structure is dead ahead, Michael.

All right, let's go back to cruise mode.

Michael, there are two parking structures.

All right, KITT, scan the area for the Chevy, will you?

I've picked up a brown '78 sedan on top of the west structure, Michael.

Let's do it.

KITT, that's a brown Chevy, all right but that sure isn't Snyder and Martin.

What's going on?

My scanner just picked up an identical vehicle on the opposite tower.

All right, give me a close

-up real fast.

Right away, Michael.

They've got it, Michael.

All right, it's too late to cut them off down below.

You think we can make it?

It's 20 feet more than my previous record.

You're not doing what I think you're doing?

Records are made to be broken.

Let's do it.

You ready?

You are doing what I think you're doing.

Give me all the turbo boost you got! Get him! Take Snyder, pal.

Martin's mine.

Hold on, Karen.

I can't wait to see tonight's headlines.

Devon, I'm telling you, you should've seen that jump.

KITT was beautiful! Just like a gazelle.

Michael, I prefer to be likened to a rocket.

Cars with animal names are very common.

You're right, KITT.

And you're one of a kind.

Sort of like a national treasure.

And you've earned your privacy.

What are you using as a basis for your thesis?

''Michael Knight.

''Sexiest crime fighter in America.

'' I think the final interview should be held by candlelight at a very private party on a very private sailboat.

Karen, thank you but would you consider doing me another favor?


Would you adopt a small dog?


You might say he's a friend of mine.

Then I did see what I thought I saw.

No wonder I've been feeling itchy lately.

Sorry, Michael, he needed a place to hide and fleas are not a serious ailment.
