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04x13 - k*ller K.I.T.T.

Posted: 05/13/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
Michael Knight is your target.

Lock on.


Michael Knight sighted.

Attack mode engaged.

KITT! No! KITT tried to k*ll you?

I had to play dead to escape.

Marco, does that mean the car's ours?

Yes, we're in.

All of KITT's major systems are malfunctioning.

You're target is the Convention Center.

There are hundreds of people in there.

Marco, you'll k*ll them! Can you handle this thing?

You're about to find out.

Pull the module in KITT's control panel and replace it with this one.

Hold her steady.

Bonnie! I keep getting zapped by his anti

-theft charge! You have seconds, Michael.

Hurry! KITT! Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Bonnie, how much longer is this gonna take?

Patience, Michael.

I'm almost finished.

He's all set, Michael.

Yo, my man.

I thought you were going to the Hotel Convention Center with us.

Where you headed?

Well, Bonnie just fine

-tuned KITT's systems.

I thought I'd road test them.

You know, engine running, exhaust throbbing, wheels turning.

Hey, there are a lot of miles left in this baby.

You'll see.

How much you pay for that ''baby?

'' Nothing.

This guy I know gave it to me.

Reginald, you were robbed.

That's him.

Let's go.

Move it! I'm ready whenever you are, pal.

All systems go, Michael.

But there's a car behind us coming up very fast.

I suggest we let them pass before we start.

Pass him.


Give me a damage report! Negative, Michael.

All systems at optimum output.

All right, good.

Give me a video scan of that car! He's following.

Go! Go! Dead end, pal! Hi, KITT.


What are you doing here?

I was monitoring your channel and overheard what happened.

I brought something that can help Michael.

It's a CPU booster.

Open your door.

It'll only take a second to install.

Is there anything specific I should tell Michael about it?

That won't be necessary, KITT.

There's no way he could overlook its impact on you.

KITT, they're in a speedboat.

Pick them up on the scanner for me.

I'm sorry, Michael.

I'm not picking up anything.

KITT, you can usually pick up the ignition from this distance.

It must be shielded, Michael.

I'm not getting any signal.

All right, pal, scan for prints.

I already have, Michael.

There aren't any.


That's funny.

Neither one of those two guys was wearing gloves.

Okay, let's see what you got on the video.

Run the tape.

My preliminary scan indicates the images will need enhancement beyond my capabilities.


Okay, we'll let Bonnie do it.

You know, I think she over

-tuned your systems.

You're different.

Where's Bonnie?

At the Convention Center.

I'm about due there myself.

She'll be back as soon as she makes certain that the arrangements for Doctor Albert's press conference are going smoothly.

Couldn't be as bad as KITT's road test.

There were a couple of guys who tried to blow me away with a rocket launcher.

Not the kind of road test she had in mind.

Any idea why or who they were?

No, but I got a tape.

The image needs to be enhanced, and then maybe we can ID them.

Crystal clear, Michael.

No need for enhancement.

Yeah, I can see that.

Zoom in, will you?

And you could've watched this flick in KITT, man.

What, are you into building mileage, or what?

KITT said the image wasn't clear.

Why would he say that?

I don't know, Devon, he's having some kinda attitude problem.

It happened right after the attack.

The impact must have knocked Bonnie's adjustments out of line.

Ah, Mr.

Nicholas Farrell.

Here's one with an extensive criminal record.

And a lot of explaining to do.

We're gonna postpone KITT's checkup for now.

I'm out of here.

I'm sorry about that, Michael.

My video analyzer must have malfunctioned.

No problem, pal.

We identified the guy who tried to k*ll me.

That's where we're headed now.

317 Cloverfield Avenue.

Marco, that's not good.

Can you do something?

I don't have control over the vehicle's behavior yet.

Thought you said you would.

I will, Bronwyn.

I will.

You see at this very moment, my analytical mode interceptor is breaking down each subset in the vehicle's program.

Within hours, the Knight 2000 will be responding to my voice commands.

That's brilliant, but I don't think you answered my question.

About them going to Farrell's place?



Listen, you'll be having a visitor.

Right, that's him.

The guy in the black T


Just be ready.

How much farther?

Farrell's place is precisely 3.

25 miles directly southeast of our position, Michael.

Okay, plot me the most direct course.

Really, Michael, all you have to do is look at the monitor.


It's right there.

You make a right at the second stoplight and proceed 2.

9 miles down Cloverfield Avenue.

What is wrong with you today?


- I don't know, Michael.

I'm sorry, that just slipped out.

I'm I'm feeling rather strange all of a sudden.

All right, keep your scanners peeled.

KITT, come and get me! All right, do a 180 and pin him to the car! I'm not so sure that's the best maneuver.

Do it! Now! Let's get out of here! Thanks for saving my hide.

How did you know those two were coming, anyway?

Does that mean you suspect me?


No, I was just wondering out loud.

You know, you're beginning to sound a little paranoid here.

Well, it sounded like an accusation to me, Michael.

Come on, KITT.

Is that how a friend treats a friend?

There you go again, more accusations.

KITT I have no time to argue on this.

Get the sedan on the scanner for me.

They blew it! Thought you wanted them to get out of there, not k*ll the guy.

You'll have to learn to change your tone, Michael.

I don't like being ordered about.

Are you serious?


KITT, talk to me.

But Knight att*cked them, Bronwyn.

What else could they do?

I don't know.

It just didn't sound like that to me.

Hey, whose side are you on, anyway?

Come on, Marco.

You don't have to ask me that.

You know how I feel about what happened to you.

And tomorrow, it will be my great pleasure to present the Foundation's Man of the Year Award to the man most responsible for FLAG's preeminence in the field of computer technology.

My friend, Dr.

William Albert.

And he will be very pleased to answer all your questions.

I haven't told you half of what they did to me.

Marco, I know.

But you're so close to getting the car.

And it's worth millions.

Why worry about them?

Because revenge, not money, is the cure for bitterness.

And the better the timing the sweeter it gets.

KITT, I want Bonnie to do a rundown on Farrell.

Will you get her for me?


Not now, Michael, I have a headache.

You know, you never acted this way before, pal.

That expl*si*n must have shaken up your CPU a lot more than I thought.

I guess so.

I've never felt this way before.

Well, maybe a little Vivaldi will make you into a nicer person.

What's that?

Beer hall music.

Nothing like a little oom

-pah and a lot of brass.

KITT, that's not your kind of music.

You always hated tubas.

Well, we're all entitled to grow.

Not at the expense of others.

Now get me Bonnie.

You can dial direct, Michael.

All right.

That's it.

I'm sorry, buddy.

But I'm shutting you down.

Oh, boy.

Boy, what a day.

It's not over yet, lady.

Who did that?

I did.

And unless you want to meet a similar fate, madam I suggest you keep your ample derriere off my hood.

Watch your language, young man, or I'll report you to the principal.

Give it up, RC that pile of junk will never see the open road again.


Wait till you see this pile of junk leaning into a turn, flat


RC, didn't anyone ever tell you when you put junk into a turn, you get junk out.


Bonnie, it's Michael.


Look, I've got a major problem on my hand here.

Something's wrong with KITT's CPU.

Yes, RC told me what happened.

But that kind of an impact shouldn't affect KITT's systems the way it did.

Bonnie, I'm at a pay phone.

He won't patch me through.

I'll have to run an all systems analysis.

You'd better bring him in.

No way.

He's being a royal pain in the I may not be able to bring him in on manual.

You're gonna have to bring him in on remote control.

Okay, but that can get real tricky without communications.

Maybe you can put a direct patch through my comlink on the auxiliary channel.

Try it.

Good idea.

Hang on a sec.

All right.

Try it now.

Am I coming through?

Loud and clear.


I'll get back to you.

You looked great on the tube, boss.

Oh, thank you, Reginald.


You know, I used to ride one of these things once.

You're putting me on.

You, on a chopper?

Yes, during the w*r.

As a matter of fact, I remember one evening riding back into an RAF station blackouts as usual and just as I rode into the station, I was strafed by an enemy aircraft.

Of course, I scrambled for cover and when the smoke had cleared my motorcycle looked just like yours.

All right, I'm back inside KITT.

I'm setting up a remote control access now, Michael.


He's all yours.

There's interference on the board.

Michael, I'm having trouble gaining access.

Marco, does that mean the car's ours?

Yes, we're in! We have behavioral control.

I can't gain access.

I've lost him.

What about system bypasses and auxiliaries?

Have you tried those?

No, I've tried all those channels.

They're blocked.

Try again.

You've got to key back in somehow.

Okay, come on, come on, bring him in! Knight Industries Two Thousand this is your new Command Center.

Do you read?

Yes, I read you, Command Center.

You'll proceed to the coordinates I'm about to transmit.


I repeat nothing will cause you to slow or stop.

I understand.

Ready to receive data.

Commence transmission.

We're still dead in the water here, Bonnie now, come on, what's happening?

I'm not sure.

All of KITT's major systems are malfunctioning.

I can't gain access to him.


What's going on?

Hold it.

KITT! What are you doing?

Hold it.

That's classified information, Mr.


Your access has been withdrawn.

You must have keyed into something, Bonnie.

We're moving! I didn't program him! KITT! The intersection! Stop! KITT, stop! Bonnie, we just blasted through an intersection and almost hit a lady in a wheelchair.

I can't stop him.

He's picking up speed! Michael, I think you better get out of there! Devon, that's easier said than done.

He's locked me in real tight.

That's right.

As I said, your systems access has been nullified.

Looks as if we may lose Michael as well as KITT.

Bonnie, initiate emergency procedures at once.

I can open KITT's T

-top with the frequencies on your comlink.

Bail out and we'll pick you up.

You ready?

Let her rip! That system is not cleared for use.

No time to explain, pal.

I gotta get out of here before you k*ll both of us.

I've been instructed to warn you.

You're making an unauthorized exit.

I'll be back for you.

I promise.

Knight got out somehow.

Great! Now you have exactly what you want! Yes, and now I'm going to give it its first search and destroy mission.


You're going to k*ll him?


He hasn't att*cked anyone this time.

But he will.

He will.

We won't have a moment's peace.

I'm doing this for us, Bronwyn.

I have no choice.

Command Center to Knight Two Thousand.

Reverse direction immediately.

That's more like it, pal.

I guess Bonnie finally got through, huh?

Michael Knight is your target.

Lock on and destroy.

Michael Knight sighted.

Attack mode engaged.

KITT, no.



KITT! KITT! Mission accomplished.

Return to your new base.




Michael, come in.

Come in, Michael! Michael, this is Bonnie, come in.

Michael, please come in.


Michael, do you read me?

If the comlink's dead, what's that?

It must be the homing signal from the comlink.

I'm picking up something less than a mile away.

It's Michael, he's alive! Oh! He's beautiful, Marco, and he's ours.


'' It's a tool, Bronwyn.

Belongs to whoever controls it and for whatever we choose to use it.

KITT tried to k*ll you?

I had to play dead to escape.

Thank God, they didn't have KITT scan my vital signs.

Why would KITT turn mean like that?

Bonnie, is it possible that anyone could have gained control of KITT's CPU?

Yes, but only by attaching a component directly.

And there wasn't one there when I fine

-tuned KITT this morning.

Then some dude must've got his hands on KITT after that.

Wait a minute, when I was chasing those guys on the pier.

That attack had to be a diversion to get me out of KITT.

Had to be.

It's clear that someone has KITT.

Where do we go from here?

Farrell's our only lead.

Anything else on him?

Yes, he works for a manufacturer of high

-tech systems.

Berio Electronics.

Did you say, Berio?

You look like you've just seen a ghost.


An enemy.

Long before anyone of you had joined the Foundation while KITT's systems were still being conceptualized Marco Berio worked under Doctor Albert as a CPU specialist.

And to make a long story short he claimed that he had not received the recognition he deserved so he left, threatening to destroy FLAG.

Well, he's off to a heck of a start.

Next stop, Berio Electronics?

That's right.

But you need wheels.

I mean, you can't exactly sneak up on them in a semi.

I need some wheels.

No, I never should have said that.

Michael, come on, please.

No, Michael.

This thing run, RC?

It's a piece of junk, right, Bonnie?

Michael, does your new comlink check out okay?

I'm receiving you just great.

Tell RC his bike's running just fine.

I'll take good care of his pride and joy.

You hear that, Bonnie?

My ''pile of junk'' is humming along.

I heard, RC.

Michael also said he'd take good care of it.

And you know how he takes care of equipment.

My wheels Bonnie, I'm at the plant now.

The place looks clear.

Going in.

What's with the lights?

Nobody's supposed to be here.


I found a mock

-up of some sort of building.

I'll photo transmit via comlink.

Here we go.

I got it.

It may not be anything, but see if you can identify the building.

I got company.

Yeah, Farrell, I understand.

Why didn't you call me sooner?

Knight's still alive.

Marco, let's just get in the car and get out of here.

Nobody will be able to stop us.

Not even him.

No, it must carry out its primary mission first.

Marco, I don't understand.

Knight Two Thousand, this is Command Center.

I read you Command Center.

Your course is pre


Your target is the Convention Center.

No, there are hundreds of people in there.

Marco, you'll k*ll them

- Not me! FLAG! ''Foundation vehicle goes berserk at Convention Center ''dozens k*lled.

'' Activate engine.

Commence attack.


Estimated arrival time 4.

75 minutes.

The Convention Center?

You sure?


I cross referenced the mock

-up with Building Department files.

Devon's in there.

KITT goes turbo

-blasting into that main hall

- But he wouldn't.

KITT's programmed not to take a human life.

Let alone thousands of them.

Bonnie, if Berio can program KITT to attack me he can program KITT to attack anything.

Scan for KITT's configuration.

Picking up one that matches KITT's.

Close up.

That's him, man.

He's 9.

3 miles away and heading towards us.

He's either coming home or he's a torpedo.

Do a target analysis.

That'll take some time, Michael.

What if we run out of time?

There's got to be something we can do.

There's one thing we can do.

Destroy KITT first.

Thank you all very much.

Ladies and gentlemen in getting our awards program underway I'd like to begin by thanking you all for taking time out from your busy schedules to come here I know at a great inconvenience to all of you to honor Dr.

Albert Anything yet?

Yes, calculating from KITT's moving position through ours vectoring forward The Convention Center.

Range 5.

2 miles.

He's gaining.

He's unstoppable, Michael.

What about evacuating the place?

No, there's not enough time.

Now, think, Bonnie.

Is there any way we can tap back into KITT?

Not as long as Berio owns his mind.

If we could switch KITT's memory module we could regain control, but how?

Get the replacement part, hurry.

Hey, come on, Michael.

You're gonna intercept KITT, stop him and change the module.

No way.

We do it on the move, pal.

Can you handle this thing?

You're about to find out.

Pull the module in KITT's control panel and replace it with this one.

You ready to roll?


All right.

Let's do it.

and for those of you who are not familiar with Dr.

Albert's landmark achievements if that is humanly possible I would like to take a few moments to enumerate some of them.

One of his earliest and most distinguished achievements There he is, Michael.

All right, let's do it.

All right, hold her steady.

It's Knight again.

Affirmative, Command Center.

Adjust attack program to intercept intermediate target.

No, closer.


All right.

All right.

Real steady! Okay, Bonnie, throw it! Get me closer.

All right.

All right.

Is that any way to treat an old friend, buddy?

How you doing, pal?

I ain't your pal.

You just said ''ain't.

'' You must be sick.

He thinks he can sabotage us.

Let's see if he can handle the electronic anti

-theft system.

Now, relax.

Just take it easy.

Bonnie, I keep getting zapped by his anti

-theft charge.

It's the fuse box.

Pull the red fuse.

I got it.

You're not making this any easier, KITT.

I don't intend to.

Your weight is slowing me down.

and as tradition dictates the Foundation for Law and Government's Man of the Year Award is always presented to an individual who throughout his career has abided by the principles that we all cherish.

Bonnie, I can't get his memory module loose.

It's like a kid

-proof medicine cap.

Push it in and twist it to the left.

Accelerate to maximum speed.

And now, it gives me great pleasure to present this award to a man of tranquility a man of peace.

You have seconds, Michael.



KITT! There you go, KITT.

Michael, where have you been?

Hello, Devon.

Welcome back, buddy, welcome back.

What happened, Michael?

What am I doing in here?

I had this terrible nightmare.

Don't worry, partner.

It's over.

I lost access.

I don't know what happened.

I do.

You failed and I'm glad.

It was horrible.

You know, you would have hated yourself.

You even said the word, ''ain't.

'' Uggh.


How did it happen?

Marco Berio.

And he's still out there.

Hey, RC, jump in.

I'm gonna need you, buddy.

All right.

They'll be coming after us.

Let's get out of here, fast.

No, Marco, you're insane.

You're a k*ller and I'm not going anywhere with you.

Oh, yes, you are.

You're my insurance policy.

Come on, move it.

Let's go.

What are we looking for, buddy?

Their command post is a bus, Michael.

Way to go, pal.

Let's find it.

That won't be easy.

There are 3,642 buses operating in this county.

Not carrying the kind of electronic equipment Berio is used to using.

Good thinking, Michael.

I'll scan for microwave emissions.

I've made contact with a vehicle emitting a very high level, Michael.

It's traveling at excessive speed, too.

Nice work.

I'm betting you haven't lost your touch yet.

Let's go get them.

All right.

Give me everything you've got.

Super Pursuit Mode.

Michael, we're approaching a high density area.

Okay, pal.

That's them, Michael.

Turning left over there.

All right, let's get them, buddy.

All right, pull back, KITT.

Pull back! All right.

Let's go over to the right side.

Fire! Fire! Uh


Fire! Come on.

Fire! Let's cut them off! You've had it, Berio.

The police are on their way, so give yourself up.

There's something you don't know, Knight.

I have a hostage in here.

Now, get out of my way or she's dead! Take her out.

KITT, I lied about the police, but they don't know that, right?

That's absolutely right, Michael.

Ready when you are.

Welcome back, pal.

Go for it.

Yours, RC.

I'll take care of Berio, if you don't mind, Michael.

All yours, pal.

That's for making me say ''ain't.

'' That's for making me attack Michael.

And that's just for computer lovers everywhere.

Well, Devon, when the Foundation throws a party the Foundation throws a party.

Please, Michael, don't remind me.

I agree.

To think I introduced myself to the man who designed my systems by toppling his podium.

He understands, KITT.

In fact, Dr.

Albert and I will be working on some safeguards so they will never be tampered with again.

I see you ain't ever gonna be guilty of such hideous behavior again.

Very funny, RC.

I have the feeling I ''ain't'' ever going to hear the end of this.

Don't worry, pal.

We promise never to hold anything you said in captivity against you.

Thank you, Michael.

Now if you'll all excuse me this has been a harrowing experience.

I'm still feeling somewhat unnerved.

Wait a minute.

I got something that might cheer you up.

How about a little music?

Forgive them, Vivaldi, they know not what they do.