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04x14 - Out of the Woods

Posted: 05/13/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
The people who run this company aren't buying timber.

They're stealing it.

If someone wants to cut timber and give it to us for nothing, that's their business.

You ought to be more careful, Knight.

You just started a forest fire! KITT! We're trapped! Get to the back porch.

Go! Go! The tickets are forged.

Nash is certifying stolen lumber.

That wasn't his ghost who just had a meeting with my father.

We've got to get rid of him.

We have a problem, Michael.

I see it, pal.

I see it.

Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Thank you, sir.

Park right up there.

Last time we came here to a party the guests danced on tables until sunrise.

Took me two days to recover.

You must have taken someone else.

Devon, I think I would have remembered you dancing on a table.


Having a good time?


Yes, I am.


Oh, here's Devon.




Bonnie, it is so nice to have you here.

Thank you.

My, looking proud, aren't we?

I hear the fragrance of perfume has permeated the boardroom.

Congratulations, Sam.


Keeping it in the family, as Daddy always says.

Oh, there's no doubt about it, Sam.

You've inherited Jonathan's business acumen.

Promise, now, that you won't hold it against her.

He'd better not.

I've had a crush on this man for as long as I can remember.

Oh, good.

Come and have a drink.

Can I get you some champagne?

A year ago, our Humboldt Division was so awash in red ink I decided to shut it down.

But my little girl kept on insisting that she could turn it around.

So, I decided to drop the entire mess in her lap, just to shut her up.

Tonight, we're celebrating our third quarter of record sales and profits.

All because of this young lady who some day will replace me as Chairman of the Board.

Here, here.

Back off! Stop it! Call the security! Back off! Back off me, Dutton.

You got this and more coming to you! How does it feel, huh?

Don't like having things you care about destroyed, do you?

Get a hold of him! Grab his arms! Get his arms, get his arms.

Get that saw out of his hand.

Let me go! Let me go! Well, I'm glad that assignment is over.

I've had my fill of potholes.

Come on, KITT, New York is incredible.

Where else can you ride a subway one minute and a Brahma bull the next?

Michael, while you were playing cowboy in Madison Square Garden I was stuck talking to that parking attendant.

He accused me of having an accent.

I finally had to use my voice synthesizer and talk like a New York cab driver so he could understand what I was saying.

I rest my case.

Speaking of oddballs don't you think it's time you took off that hat?

No way, pal.

I earned the right to wear this hat.

I got more bruises than the Big Apple's got bagels.


Don't you like it?

Well, after what you said to that cowgirl in the hip

-hugger chaps That was just a joke.

I'm not getting a set of horns for a hood ornament.

What about the palomino upholstery and the six

-sh**t for door handles?

Now, that I think would be nice.

A horseshoe hanging from a rear

-view mirror might be a good touch.

Why, hello, Devon.

What's up?

Something I want you to look into, Michael.

If it isn't a hot tub, I pass.

I'm afraid logging country is the best I can do.

Yesterday someone named Whitby, Erik Whitby vandalized Jonathan Dutton's home with a chain saw.

You know, it might have something to do with one of our cases.

Good thinking.

I'll put Bonnie onto it.

By the way, she's already transmitted technical logging data to KITT.

He'll brief you in transit.

And, one more thing, Michael.

This Whitby has had several run

-ins with the local authorities.

You sure they shouldn't be handling something like this?

They have been handling it.

He's been arrested and charged.

But you see, I'm still worried.

You're worried he'll get out on bail and go off the deep end again.

He was paroled this morning in the custody of his sister.

I'd like you to keep an eye on him.

All right.

While I'm at it, maybe I can find out what lit this guy's fuse.

From what I've observed, it seems to be a very short one.

Be very careful, Michael.

Thank you.


You Erik Whitby?

Depends on why you want him.

I got some questions I need answered.

You got a badge to back them?

No, no.

I'm not with the police.

I just want to talk.

Then you must be with Dutton.

Hit the road, pal.

First one's a slug.

Next one's a birdshot.

Erik! What is going on here?

Give me that.

Ask him.

Who are you, mister?

Name is Michael Knight.

I'm with The Foundation for Law and Government.

Seems your little brother got creative with a chainsaw and upset a lot of people.

I'm a little worried about their safety.

I knew you were with Dutton, mister.

You tell him that our parents spent their lives on this land.

They left it to us and nothing's going to keep us from working it just like they did.

Still no reason to vandalize a man's house.

According to local police, you got a bad habit of popping off when you don't get your way.

Look, that was years ago, okay?

Look, we're not bad people.

If I wanted to hurt Dutton, I would have, believe me.

I was just trying to make a point, that's all.

I'd say you made it.

Now, you want to tell me what's going on here?

You really want to know?

I didn't drive all the way up here just to get sh*t at.

We've got timber that should have been sold and milled months ago.

Of course, Dutton's mill is the only one around, but he won't buy it.

Well, Mr.

Dutton's a businessman.

He's got to have a good dollars and cents reason for that.

There is.

He can buy all the timber he wants for half our price.

Yeah, and the only way to do that is by operating illegally.

Wait a minute.

Logging is a regulated industry.

Now, as I understand it, each region has its own inspector to prevent illegally cut timber from being sold to the mill.


He's called the scaler.

He works in the field.

Tickets each log to verify it hasn't been pirated.

Now, the mill can't accept one that doesn't have a ticket.

Yeah, and Dutton's man has found a way to get around him.

Will you hold it?

The only one I know who's committed a crime around here is you.

Now, you put a hold on your temper.

I'll try and find out if what you're saying is true.

Either way, you owe me a hat.

How are we doing?

All right, better button up, pal.

No telling what we might run into.

I'm a little puzzled, Michael.

It appears you've signed a truce with the enemy.

Yeah, well, it's a long sh*t, KITT, but there's a chance that the Whitby's are just a couple of hard

-working people who are getting the short end of the stick.

Do me a favor, will you?

Run down what saw mills are paying for raw lumber these days.

Give me the national average.

It fluctuates, Michael.

But at the moment it's $79.

90 per 100 board feet.

All right.

Let's see if we can do worse.


Did I hear you correctly?

You sure did.

For starters, I want to see if the mill is undercutting the going rate like Whitby's claim.

All right, but it's rather obvious we aren't a lumberjack and his faithful mud

-caked pickup.

I'm way ahead of you.

I already got an angle to cover it.

You know, I have to admit, I hope it turns out Whitby is innocent.

I owe him a favor.

All right.

Let me have it.

He forced you to take off that hat.

Funny, KITT.

That's very funny.

Hey, buddy! Tell me where I can find the scaler.

Right back over there.

His name's Gerry Nash.

Thank you.

Hey! Watch out, would you, turkey?

That's 5,000 horsepower of trouble you're jockeying with there.

Keep an eye on him.

Excuse me.

Hi, name is Knight.

Mike Knight.

I'm with White Wood Pulp and Paper.

I understand you're the scaler in this region.

That's right.

The name's Nash.

Gerry Nash.

I'm in kind of a hurry right now.

Got to get back

- Only take a couple of seconds.

Our company is purchasing some acreage in this area.

We're trying to find out how much this mill pays for timber.


You don't look like the kind that can't read.

Prices are marked right over there on the wall.

Those prices?

If those prices are for real the people who run this company aren't buying timber, they're stealing it.

You got a lot to say for somebody who just moved into this grove, don't you?

The way I understand it, these loggers are making a fair shake.

The way I understand it, the only way you can cut timber at those prices is to cut it illegally.

I hope that's not an accusation, pal.

Nobody's pirating any of my timber.

Never have, never will.

And I wouldn't recommend it if that's where you're headed.

Oh, no, sir.

No, sir.

White Wood Pulp and Paper is a stickler about regulations.

And we stick it to anybody who isn't.

Come in, Dave.


Can you read me, Dave?

Come in.


Dave, can you hear me now?

Loud and clear, over.

All right, Dave.

There's a dude down here asking some hard questions.

He's driving a black T


He's following one of your trucks outta here and headed your way.

You say he didn't buy a round trip ticket, Gerry?

I knew you'd get my meaning.

How did you make out at the mill, Michael?

The Whitby story held up, pal.

I figure Dutton's paying half what the timber's worth.

Where are we going now?

Wherever that truck goes.

I was afraid of that.

Get that black car! Michael, that oncoming truck is taking up both sides of the road.

All right, micro

-lock his brakes, pal.

He's too close.

There isn't enough time.

That was a close one, Michael.

We hit a rock.

It must have bounced up and hit me in the What was that?

Like I was sayin', Mickey I just took a helluva sh*t right between the eyes.

What's wrong with your voice, pal?

You sound like a Bronx cabbie.

A Bronx cabbie?

Come on, stop putting me on, Mickey.

I Oh, dear, my conversations with that parking attendant.

The accent board in my voice synthesizer must have loosened and retroactivated to New York.

Well, that makes a little bit of sense.

You returned to normal when we hit that last bump.

Keep your scanners peeled for the next one.

Don't hit it.

Hey, where are you headed?

Nowhere special.

Just feel like getting out for a while.

Oh, yeah?

How come last time you said that you ended up at Dutton's party?

No chainsaw.

Listen, I just want to see if this Knight guy's on the level.

Nash! Hey, just the guy I want to see.

You know, a funny thing happened.

I was headed up the road a couple of miles and suddenly out of nowhere, comes this truck.

I almost had a head


Yeah, well, these old logging runs ain't exactly the Hollywood freeway, are they?

What's all this got to do with me?

Well, strange thing.

Looks just like that truck over here and it was headed in this direction.

Thought maybe you saw it.

I see lots of them.

What were you doing up there anyway?

Checking out acreage for my company.

Ain't no real estate for sale up there, pal.

You were going in the wrong direction.


The more I talk to you, the more I think I'm dead on.




Three years ago, Foundation Headquarters.

I'm Sam Dutton.




I remember this shy little girl Look at you.

Whoo! Call me Michael.

Well, Michael Daddy's little girl grew up and became his right

-hand man.

And a busy one.

Do you mind if we talk on the way to my office?

No, no, it's fine.


I've been looking forward to meeting you again.

I didn't expect it'd be here.

Neither did I.

Not until Devon told me to look into what happened at your dad's place last night.

I know.

I mean, he told me that you'd be keeping an eye on the Whitbys.

Sam, I talked to the Whitbys.

I don't think they want to hurt anybody.


Then what prompted the remodeling job on Dad's house?


Whitbys can't get a fair price for their timber.

Somebody's underselling them.

You know what?

They're right.

Michael, if someone wants to cut timber and give it to us for nothing that's their business.

Not Whitby's and not yours.

Yeah, but it's your business to make sure it's been cut legally, before you buy it.

These guarantee it.

Not if there's a fox guarding the chicken coop, they don't.

Which means?

If my guess is right somebody's pirating that timber and Nash is slapping these tickets on them.

I'm a businesswoman, Michael.

I can't afford to guess.

I have to know.

I've been dealing with Nash for over a year and I can tell you, you're wrong.

I tell you what, you keep this between you and me and I'll prove I'm not.



I've got a lot of work to do.


Me, too.

KITT, analyze this ticket.

I want to find out where this tree grew up.

That's an easy one, Michael.

It's a simple binary code.

According to the ticket, the log was cut from the Castleberry Grove.

That's a legal cutting area according to the data Bonnie gave me.

All right.

Now get a picture of the ring pattern of the same log.

The one without a ticket over there.

Right away, Michael.

Got it, Michael.

All right.

Let's get out of here.

Okay, I'm betting that log wasn't cut from Castleberry Grove.

Analyze the ring pattern.

Tell me everything you can about it.

If I'm right, it's not going to match the ticket.

The specimen is a 47


-old Pinus ponderosa.

It survived a flood as a sapling a harsh winter in its 15th year a forest fire in its 42nd, and

- Hold it.

Hold it.

That forest fire was five years ago.

When was the last fire in Castleberry Grove?

July, 1964, Michael.

That's over 20 years ago.

There's no way that log could have come from Castleberry Grove.

That ticket had to be forged.

Hey, Mickey?

You mind tellin' me where we're goin'?

Oh, no.

Bonnie's got to fix your vocal chords.

If you don't drive me crazy first, we're going to Whitby's.

Give them the good news.

Betcha they're gonna be happier than a couple of off

-duty cab drivers.

Anything else I could do for ya?

If that tree wasn't from Castleberry Grove where was it from?

See what you can come up with, okay?

Mickey, to you, the moon.

You know that.

Give me the moon, give me the data, give me a pizza, but please stop talking like that.

Just do it without talking.


Hey, Erik, what's wrong?

Take all those good feelings and forget about them! Knight's not helping us.

He's working with the Duttons.

Erik, what are you talking about?

I'm turning that mill into a pile of kindling.

If they won't mill our timber, they aren't milling anybody's.

Hurt them in the pocketbook, they'll start seeing it our way.

Michael, he's going to try and stop the mill.

Maybe you can talk some sense into him.

Somebody better.

You got your sights set on the wrong target.

You ought to hear me out.

Come on, you ought to hear me out.

Erik, Nash is the thief here.

He's putting scaler's tickets on stolen timber.

You got proof of that?

No, but I know where to get it.

We're going to catch him red


Right there.

That's a national park.

You mean, they're cutting on federal land?

You're crazy.

It makes no sense pirating in those areas.

They're policed by rangers.

Who have millions and millions of acres to cover.

They could patrol that area for years and never catch Nash in the act, and you know it.

I'm really getting tired of you biting the hand that's trying to feed you.

What's your next move?

To get in there and get the evidence myself.

That's on high ground.

They'll spot you before you get in to see the grove.

You know the country.

Maybe you know a back road.


Maybe I do.

Back road?

This isn't even a cowpath.

Tell me about it.

Riding that bull was easier.

I'm getting bruises on my bruises.

Mickey, ya gotta

- Sorry about that.

I mean, you've always been a scintillating conversationalist.

But until I can let Bonnie do her stuff I'm forced to restrict you to official scintillating only.


Yes, Michael?

Welcome back, partner.

Welcome back and keep your scanners peeled.

Certainly, Michael.

Okay, KITT.

Let's go into silent mode.

You see what I see?

Affirmative, Michael.

Crank up your zoom lens and get some sh*ts, huh?

I'm going in for a closer look.

I'll get right on it.

Make sure you get a mug sh*t of Nash stapling those tickets.

Whatever you say, Michael.

I got it, Michael, but we better get moving.

My scanners just picked up someone in the area.

All right.

Hang in there, I'm on my way.

He got here sooner than I thought.

Come on, let's go cut him off! I hear it, but I don't see it.

A log slide, Michael.

Directly above us.

We'll never get out of the way in time.

We got to make the most of what we got.

Hey, who turned out the lights?



You got any ideas how we

- Hey, no, not again.

Come on, please, please.

Snap out of it.

Snap out of it.

Thank you, Michael.

I was about to ask if you had any approach to this predicament.

Yeah, talk to me about turning it into a pile of toothpicks, will you?

I'm sorry, but turbo boosting isn't one of our options at the moment.

Why not?

We got enough power here.

Give me maximum turbo thrust and blast me out of here, will you?

We have the power, Michael.

But the logs have interlocked around us like a giant cage which will move along with us.

I'm afraid we're trapped.

All right.

Then we'll shake things up a little first.

I think that did it, Michael.

Okay, pal.

Let her rip! Way to go, pal! All right, let's get out of here.

They're pirating timber.

That's how they sell it for half price.

Yeah, we got enough evidence to nail Nash and those palookas, but good.

Not so fast.

That's twice they were waiting for us.

Somebody on the inside's got to be tipping them.

Had to be Nash the first time but he didn't know we were coming here.

I'm not going to move on him until I can figure out who else is involved here.

Get me Devon.

His accent I can handle.

Hey, gimme a break, will ya?

I don't like this any more than you do, Mickey.

It's the pits.


The pits?

Michael, it sounds as if you drove to logging country via the Brooklyn Bridge.

I'm ready to jump off a bridge.

He's driving me crazy.

Two things, Devon.

First, anything on that check on Whitby yet?

Yes, I was about to report that he has no connection whatever to Foundation cases.

His actions must be related directly, therefore, to the Duttons.

They sure are.

It's a business matter.

Whitby's not getting a fair shake from Dutton's saw mill.

Which brings me to item two.

I want you to set up a meeting with Sam and Jonathan for me to discuss it.

I don't think that's a very good idea, Michael.

Jonathan is upset that you're getting involved with his business instead of dealing with Whitby.

You told me to find out what's going on here not support an assumption.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

But somebody on the inside's working against me.

I got to rattle some cages and find out who.

Jonathan doesn't rattle so easily.

As they say, he's about the coolest customer I know.

Pirated timber?

That's absurd! Mr.

Knight, you don't know what you're talking about.

Dutton Industries follows every Federal regulation to the letter.

That's right.

Our records are an open book, Michael.

We have scaler's tickets for every log we

- The tickets are forged right there.

Nash is certifying stolen lumber.

That's why the Whitby's can't compete.

Are you telling me The Foundation is supporting Whitby?

The man who barged in here and destroyed priceless antiques with a chain saw?

He was a desperate man.

He and his sister are decent people.

All they're trying to do is scratch a living out of their land.

They're the victims here.

You're putting the well

-being of a couple of misfits before that of my employees! Now, what about them?

There are 2,300 jobs at stake here! Devon, I want this assignment dropped.

Not a chance, Devon.

Everything leads to his door.

He and Sam have to deal with it.

I put this business together from scratch, to use your term, Mr.


I'll decide what I deal with! Michael.

Let me try.

Jonathan, Michael's right.

It's time to face facts.

Your mill has been purchasing stolen timber.

Just whose side are you on, Devon?

The side of truth, Jonathan.

Daddy, don't get so upset.

I have to admit, l

- No, no, no.

Don't admit anything.

The media gets a hold of this, and you'll be tried and convicted before you know it.

The innocent have nothing to fear from The Foundation's activities, Jonathan.

You know that.

But those who are involved do.

I promise.

You okay, princess?

I guess so.

I'm sorry about all this, Daddy.

Maybe, I didn't ask all the questions I should have.

Maybe I was too anxious to turn it all around for you.

But I didn't break any rules.

I didn't do anything illegal.

I know, I know.

Now, listen, if Nash is taking advantage of us I'll deal with him in my own way.

No, you've got enough to do, Daddy.

Let me take care of this.

I'm the one they used I'm responsible for this, so let me clean this up.

It's a little late for that, don't you think, Sam?

I mean, frankly, if it had been any other manager, he'd be out the door by now.

But then, I can't fire my future Chairman of the Board, can I?

I hope you're not going to ask me to drop this case.

Michael, you know better than that.

All I'm concerned about is a man's name and reputation.

This won't be the first time a big company got caught for swatting a little guy.

Michael, I want you to be certain beyond any shadow of doubt before you do anything that may injure Jonathan.

Devon, you have my word.


Nash, I thought you took care of the job.

Hey, easy.

Why don't you just take it easy?

Take it easy?

Michael Knight is going to bring this whole thing down on top of us.

Sam, Knight?

I just dropped enough timber on Knight to build a city.

That wasn't his ghost who just had a meeting with my father.

We've got to get rid of him.

He went to Whitby's place from the estate.

You can get all three of them off our backs if you move fast.

What about your old man?

Is he just going to let it go?

Look, I've handled him for the last year, haven't I?

I've got this thing right where I want it and nothing's going to ruin it.

Not even him.

You do your job and I'll do mine.

Nash, no slip

-ups this time.

I want Michael Knight out of my way for good.

This is great.

This is just great! This is exactly what we need to put Nash out of business and get ours back on its feet.

All right.

You get these to the authorities.

Nash is mine.


Michael, Nash's pickup is approaching the house.

I hear you, pal.

No, that's not the way.

You ought to be more careful, Knight.

You just started a forest fire! That's three times! Every time we make a move, he's there.

Sam Dutton.

She's got to be the one who's tipping him off.

Is there another way out of here?

Yeah, in there, come on! We're trapped! KITT, we're trapped.

Get to the back porch.

Go! Go! On my way.

Hurry, Michael.

Get in.

There's no driver.

I don't understand.

He's here.

You just can't see him.

Thanks, pal.

You just saved us from a serious barbecue.

Go! Give them a little CO2 action, will you, pal?

They're b*ating us.

They're b*ating us at every turn.

What, are you guys quitters all of a sudden?

Look, it's not over until you stop trying.

Well, what about your parents?

You said they left this land to you.

Well, something tells me they wanted it to be your life, too.

To keep alive what they started.

So, what are you going to do now, just walk out?

Let Dutton and Nash take away everything you and your parents worked for?

There's nothing I'd rather do than help put them where they belong.

Let's do it, man.

Let's put them where they belong.

Is it done?

Well done.

A little forest fire blew up and swept right through the Whitby place.


Then it's business as usual.

Yeah, and we won't have Knight gettin' in our way anymore, either.

Then start cutting timber, we've got a lot of I thought he was dead! He is dead! He's got to be dead! Nobody got out of that blaze alive! Get him, don't just stand there! Get the guy in the white hat, KITT.

You're going to be a lot busier than you think.

Thanks for babysitting, pal.

Timber! Expertly felled, Michael.

Thanks, pal.

All right, let's get the pickup.

We have a problem, Michael.

I see it, pal.

I see it.

Here he comes now.

Get ready! Get out of there.

Right there.

You're going down like a sapling.

All right, KITT, we got to stop that loader, and fast! All right, take over.

Gotcha, Michael.

Nice work, Michael.

All right, KITT, plot me Samantha's route and give me a little turbo boost.

Way to go, Mickey! Hey, watch out! She's not gonna stop! I've located her.

It looks like she's heading for home, Michael.

All right, notify the police.

Have them meet us at Dutton's estate.

Right away.

We got some catching up to do, pal.

Give me all the pursuit power you got.

What do you want?


Where is she?


Why are you bothering her?

She tried to k*ll me.

Are you out of your mind?

You get out of here or I'll call the police! I already have.


Dutton your daughter's responsible for the timber pirating.

She had Nash torch the Whitby's place.

I just came from there.

We barely got out with our lives.

It's true, Daddy.

Michael's right.

Why, Sam?

Because you pushed and pushed.

''Be productive, Sam.

''Women are getting power in the marketplace, Sam.

''There's no one to take over the business, Sam.

'' Because I knew I couldn't fail you No, stay back! No, take it easy.

Sam you've got to take responsibility for your actions.

Come on, you're talking to Michael.

Now, give me the g*n.

No! Daddy, tell them tell them we don't want Michael here.

Tell them all to go.

I'm sorry, Sam, I can't.

It is time we faced our responsibilities.

I'll cover Whitby's losses and try to make things right.

You all have to Well, do what you have to do.

No, Daddy! Come on.

It's over.

It's over.



Well, I think that should put an end to KITT's New York accent.

Although, Michael, I don't know why this couldn't have waited until we got back to The Foundation.

That's 'cause you guys got no idea what kinda t*rture I was going through.

His accent was drivin' me up the wall, let me tell ya.

I wish you'd stop rubbing it in, Michael.

It was your driving that caused my English to become less than perfect.

You know, somebody once said that although the Americans and the English are staunch allies they're separated by a common language.

Who said that?

Haven't a clue, old boy.

Well, what we have to say is the same in any language.

Thank you, Michael.

Thanks for everything.

Oh, before you go! Couldn't let a staunch ally leave without a hat.

Hey! Hey! This means a lot.

Thank you.

Oh, no.

Hey, this is your lucky day.

'Cause, I'm gonna make youse an offer you can't refuse.

I won't tease you about your New York accent if you don't tease me about my serious cowboy hat.

Very good, Michael.

I accept your offer.