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04x15 - Sailing Solution

Posted: 05/13/23 07:13
by bunniefuu
[Liz] Previously on Sweet Valley High.

Liz, why don'’t you email Single In Sweet Valley?

'’Cause I'’m not looking for anyone.

Send them a letter, Liz. What have you got to lose?

[keyboard clicking]

This is all so sudden.

Liz, he'’s taking his chance on love.

Why can'’t you?

[Todd] Liz?


[ducks quacking]

Liz, what are you doing here?

I'’m supposed to meet someone.

So am I.

Are you Single In Sweet Valley?


But you can call me Todd.

So, you'’re the one that sent me that email.



I never even knew you listened to talk radio.

I don'’t, usually.

This is really weird, huh?

It'’s almost like fate or something.

I guess these are for you.

Tulips, my favorite.

I know.

So, did you have a big night planned

with your mystery date?

You ever heard of a place called the Moon Beach?

Yeah, I think I have.

You hungry?


[theme music playing]


♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'’ll see there'’s A beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other'’s shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two Different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

I can'’t believe I didn'’t recognize

your voice on the radio.

Well, I was going for a cross

between Stallone with bronchitis

and Schwarzenegger without the accent.

That sounds confusing.

It was, so,

I did this instead.


Isn'’t it strange how one way or another

we always wind up together?

Yeah, until a new guy comes along.

Todd, you don'’t understand.

I didn'’t leave you for Devon,

but you moved on to Renata

before I had a chance to explain.

Liz, you made out with a guy behind my back.

How do you think that made me feel?

Sorry, Todd.

I really wish I could change what happened.

Can we just put it behind us?

We can try.

So, what have you been up to?

Well, you remember that old sailboat my dad gave me?

Let me guess, it finally sank?


I'’ve almost got to fixed up,

and if I can fix it in time,

I'’m gonna bring it

to the Catalina Boat Festival this weekend.

We always talked about going to that festival.

Why didn'’t we?

Maybe because you always had something

more important to do?

Not this year.

Why don'’t I help you get the boat ready

and we'’ll go together?

I was hoping you'’d say that.

-I have the most amazing news.

-So do I.

Teen Girl Magazine has chosen me as a finalist

for the Fab Fest of the Year Contest.

I'’m a finalist of the Teen Girl'’s

Fab Fest of the Year Contest.

They'’re going to a bunch of parties around the country

and whoever has the best one,

has a two

-page photo layout in Teen Girl.

And an all expense paid shopping spree

at Sax and Dale'’s in New York City.

They'’re coming to my party this Saturday!

They'’re coming to my party this Saturday!

Stop. Rewind.

You entered the contest too?

Of course.

Once my soiree is featured in Teen Girl,

it'’ll launch my career as Sweet Valley'’s

leading young socialite.


A two

-page spread in Teen Girl Magazine

will launch my career as a supermodel

and future famous person.

I think not.

Everyone who'’s anyone

will be coming to Fowler Manor.

Not if they know Jessica Wakefield'’s having a party.

You can'’t do this.

Watch me.

[Cheryl] Come on, Liz, I want details.

What happened at the bridge?

[Liz] You'’re not gonna believe this.

Did you tell Cheryl the news?

Single In Sweet Valley is Todd.

[Cheryl] Todd?

Isn'’t it amazing?

Out of all those letters, he chose yours.

You guys are meant to be.

On the radio, Single In Sweet Valley

said he lost the love of his life.

Todd was talking about you!

I know, and I really wanna make it work this time.

So you'’re getting back together?

I don'’t know, but we are going

to the Catalina Boat Festival on Saturday.

-That'’s a start.

-I hope so.

I never thought I'’d get a second chance with Todd.

This time, I'’m not gonna let him slip away.


can we order the pay


-view fight at your place, Saturday?

Why can'’t we watch it at your house?

My mom already ordered "Hasselhoff Sings the Blues".


She loves David Hasselhoff.

I wish I could help you out,

but I'’m taking my boat to the festival

in Catalina on Saturday.

-You'’re finally fixing it up?


Few more touches and she'’ll be ready to sail.

Have you named it yet?

I totally forgot about a name!

How about The Love Boat?

Bad show.

The Carnival Cruiseship.

Bad theme song.

The Titanic.

Bad luck?

Come on, what are the odds of two boats

named The Titanic sinking?

So, taking any passengers

on your three

-hour tour?

Yeah... Liz.


Maybe you should call your boat The Titanic.

What do you mean?

Let'’s face it.

Every time you guys get back together,

it ends up in disaster.

[girl in distance] Sure. Hi, guys.

[Liz] Wow, these boats are beautiful!

Mine'’s right down here.

Wait '’til you see her. She'’s a beauty.

What do you think?

She'’s almost finished.


[upbeat rock music]

♪ Laugh about it all the time ♪

♪ But nobody cares ♪

♪ Look so funny Can'’t stay aligned ♪

♪ The wind in our hair ♪

♪ We'’re sailing away ♪

♪ We ain'’t going nowhere ♪

♪ We'’re sailing away ♪

-♪ We ain'’t going nowhere ♪


No one has RSVP'’d for my party.

And this is a surprise because...?

I know you had something to do with it.

You'’re trying to ruin my career as a socialite.

Lila, really, you'’re paranoid.

You just need to accept the fact

that people would rather go to my party than yours.

After all, I am at the top of the popularity food chain.

I know you, Jessica.

You sabotaged my party

so you could get your picture in Teen Girl.

Poor, deluded Lila.

Look, if you really wanna launch a career as a socialist,

come to my party.

If you stand next to me,

you might get your picture in a magazine too.

My invitations.

Two can play at this game.

Thanks for covering for me yesterday, Cheryl.

I was helping Todd with his boat.

No problem.

How'’d it go?

We had the best time together.

It shows. You really look happy.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Collins was looking for you.

He wants to talk to about something.

-He does?

-Liz, there you are.

I just got a call from the Sweet Valley Tribune.

Seems that article you wrote on illiteracy,

it'’s won the Tribune'’s Genie Writing Award.


Liz, that'’s great, congratulations.


This Saturday, the Tribune'’s holding a black tie reception

for all their award

-winning writers.

You'’ll be in good company.

I can'’t believe they'’re giving me an award.

Well, we'’re all very proud of you, Liz.

Have a great time Saturday night.

-You earned it.

-Thanks, Mr. Collins.

Oh, and by the way,

you might wanna start working on your acceptance speech.


This is all so sudden. What am I gonna say?

Liz, isn'’t the boat festival this Saturday?

Oh, you'’re right.

What are you gonna do?

I know I promised Todd I'’d go with him to Catalina,

but I might never win another award like this.

Yeah, but you might never get another chance with Todd.

[Cheryl] So what did you decide to do about Saturday night?

I'’m gonna ask Todd to come with me

to the awards ceremony.


I'’ve thought about this a lot lately

and it'’s not like I'’m blowing him off.

We'’ll still be doing something together.

But what about the boat festival?

I'’m sure Todd will understand.

Besides, we can always go next year.

You'’ll see.

Todd and I are gonna have a great time Saturday night.

Liz and I are gonna have a great time Saturday night.

I can'’t wait '’til the boat festival.

Wow. I haven'’t seen you this excited

since the Beavis and Butthead movie came out.

Liz spent all week working on the boat with me.

It was really cool.

Are you guys getting back together?

Yeah... I think we are.

Except this time, we'’re gonna get it all right.

[chuckles] Certainly had enough practice.

Are you sure about this?

If I wasn'’t sure,

do you think I'’d name my boat after her?

Check it out, a party!

"Party at Jessica Wakefield'’s house,

"Saturday night : p.m.

Pocket protectors required"?


[All] We just bought new pocket protectors!

Don'’t even think about it.



[Liz] Hey, Todd.

Liz, I'’m glad you'’re here.

-I have a surprise for you.


I have a surprise for you too.

-You first.


I won a Tribune'’s Junior Writing award.

That'’s great!


You know, it'’d really mean a lot to me

if you'’d come to the awards ceremony.

Sure, when is it?

Saturday night.

-This Saturday?


Look, I know I said I'’d go to this boat festival with you,

but the awards are



More important.

I didn'’t say that.

It'’s just that we can go to the festival next year.



So what was your surprise?

Never mind.

Lila, how dare you try to ruin my party?

Excuse moi?

You advertised my party in Nerd Gulch.

I did not. I paid someone to do it.

I wouldn'’t be caught dead in that Geek


You paid someone to sabotage my party?

Hello! Have you hit rock bottom yet?

Excuse me, aren'’t you the same person

who stole my invitations?

Your point?

We'’ll see who has the better party Saturday night.

I have a sure

-fire way

to get everyone to your party instead of Cruella de



Am I invited?


-Can I bring a friend



Don'’t push it.

Okay, three words.

Pay per view.

[doorbell rings]


The awards ceremony doesn'’t start for a couple of hours.

-I'’m not going.

-Why not?

I really thought things would be different this time,

but they'’re not.

-What do you mean?

-It'’s the same old story, Liz.

You think everything in your life

is more important than what'’s going on in mine.

-I do not.

-You didn'’t even ask

if we could skip the boat festival.

You just assumed it'’d be okay.

I mean, this week, it'’s the awards ceremony.

Next week, it'’ll be another guy.

I can'’t be replaced every time

something or someone better comes along.

[Liz] Todd...

I can'’t go through it again, Liz.

I'’m not gonna be second best anymore.

Todd, wait.

Enjoy your award.

That'’s what really matters to you.

But I guess I'’ve known that all along.

I don'’t get it. Things were going so well between us.

I thought Todd would understand how much this award means to me.

Yeah, I mean, he understood

when he missed his final game of the season last year.

And he understood when you forgot your anniversary,

-and then there was the time






Don'’t feel bad, Liz.

You'’ve just got a lot going on in your life

and sometimes you don'’t have time for



My friends?


Tell me the truth.

Am I really as bad as Todd said?

Do you think I made him feel second best?

Not at all.

I'’d say more like third or fourth.

Liz, you look beautiful.

-Thanks, Jess.

-Now leave.

I have to get ready for my party.

In a minute, I'’m almost done.

I can'’t believe you'’re getting another award.

Don'’t you get one like every month?

Jess, this is a big deal for me.

Please, when you win something important

like Best Dressed, we'’ll talk.

Be nice to her. Todd blew her off tonight.

Liz, I'’m sorry.

He basically told me I'’m completely self


-And that'’s a bad thing?

-Of course it is!

And besides, I know it'’s not true.

Then why aren'’t you with Todd tonight?

[guys talking]

[Winston] That'’s why I think opera has more cultural relevance

than, say, ballet.

Wow, Winston, you'’re so much more sensitive

than these other guys.

You know, I'’ll go get us some herbal tea.


Crush him!

Lock '’em in back room! I wanna see his bones break!

Winston, you told me these fights

only lasted a couple of minutes.

It'’s been over an hour!

The people from Teen Girl

are probably on their way right now.

I hope they don'’t block the TV.

No magazine is gonna wanna do a photo spread

with a bunch of guys watching TV.


You ruined my party!


I think it'’s going rather well.

-Hey, what'’s going on?

-Who turned out the lights?

Nobody panic. I know exactly what to do.

[Winston whimpering]

Who'’s whimpering?

Not me.

Do you have a flashlight?

[sighs] No.

But I think there'’s a Glow in the Dark Barbie in the attic.

[Lila] Bon soir, everybody.

Oh, what a shame...

Just when your little party was getting borderline passable.

-What are you here for?


Good news, everyone.

I'’ve ordered the fight at Fowler Manor

on my new big screen TV.

-[boys react enthusiastically]

-You'’re all invited.

The stretch limos are waiting outside....

Don'’t worry, Jessica.

I'’ll send you an autographed copy

of my photo layout in Teen Girl.

[Male Worker] Sorry, lady.

I couldn'’t find your cat on the powerline anywhere.

Oh, silly me, I forgot.

I don'’t have a cat.

In fact, I don'’t even live here.

You can turn the power back on at any time.

[Worker] We'’re clear. Throw the switch.

[Jessica] I can'’t believe you.

You must be from Teen Girl Magazine.

I'’m Lila Fowler. Follow me.

The party'’s this way.

We were just at Fowler Manor.

-But nobody was there yet.


Well, what about the contest?

Better luck next year.

I am so glad you'’re here.

Start taking pictures.

[Nerd laughs] Let'’s party!

What are you doing here?

Get out of my house!

Crank up the tunes!

That'’s perfect.

The magazine will love this.


You'’re not gonna put this in the Fab Fest issue.

Fab Fest?

Please, we wouldn'’t dream of it.

Thank you.

This is going straight into our Geek Fest column.


What are you doing here?

Putting you first in my life.

Why aren'’t you at your award ceremony?

I realized there was somewhere more important for me to be.

Todd, I don'’t have to be there tonight to win the award,

but I do have to be here for you.

Can'’t we find some way to work this out?

How do I know it'’s not gonna be any different

than it'’s always been?

'’Cause I'’m here now.

You'’re right.

Sometimes I get caught up in what I'’m doing,

and I forget about everyone else.

No matter how important they are.

You'’ve always come first in my heart.

Now I need the chance to prove it to you.

So, what do you think?

I think you'’re incredible, Liz.

So are you.

Don'’t we have a boat festival to get to?

We sure do.

Hey, who'’s accepting your award for you?

And my Uncle Angus said

it was the biggest pig Hasko County had ever seen!

Wait, I didn'’t get to give Liz'’s acceptance speech!

♪ I know ♪

♪ This probably sounds absurd ♪

♪ But I know you'’re gonna Fall in love with me ♪

♪ And we'’ll be Living and loving ♪

♪ Kissing and hugging '’Til tomorrow ♪

♪ '’Til tomorrow ♪

♪ And we'’ll be Living and loving ♪

♪ Kissing and hugging ♪

♪ '’Til tomorrow ♪♪

[theme song playing]

♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'’ll see there'’s A beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪♪